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3DQuickMold Installation Guide

This new release applies to Solidworks from version 2011 to version 2014, both 32 bit and
64-bit system. XP and Win7 platform are both supported.

1、The new installation is 3DQuickMold.exe, double-click on it to run the installer.

2、Simply follow the installation processes, some pictures as follows.

This installation file is quite big, the whole process will take a few minutes, kindly be
patient to wait until the job is complete.

A flash picture will pop out at the center of the screen to show you the current
3DQuickMold version, as it says, for both 32bit and 64bit OS.

You will soon come to the following step, normally just accept the default folder.

On 64bit system, you can change the default folder \Program Files (x86)\ to \Program Files\

Click on the Finish button to complete the installation.
3、Start SolidWorks, if check the Add-Ins dialog, there is no 3DQuickMold-related
information shown since it is not loaded yet on SolidWorks at moment.

4、3DQuickMold is a self-register application, for the first time, user needs to open DLL
directly. For 32bit OS, simply open 3DQuickMold.dll under the dll-x32 folder.

For 64bit OS, choose 3DQuickMold.dll under dll-x64 to open.
This process will take some time to load and register all DLLs one by one.
While 3DQuickMold.dll is registered for the first time, a warning messages pops out. This
is a normal action, you need to key in the license code.

5、To key in your license code, under Help menu, click About 3DQuickMold…

Key in your code, then OK.

After OK, for the first time to run 3DQuickMold, please answer Yes to restart your
computer when the message box pops out.

6、Take a look at the current Add-Ins dialog.

Make sure all 3DQuickMold related add-ins are unchecked before you restart computer.

You must restart your computer to ensure the registry changes take effect.

7、Start SolidWorks again, by right, the UI should look like below pictures shown.

Command manager named as QM-SurfaceParting for surface parting.

Command manager named as QM-SolidParting for solid parting.

Command manager named as QM-Wizard for all mold design wizards.

Command manager named as QM-Tools for some mold design tools.

Command manager named as QM-Documents for some frequently used working

Similar to SolidWorks commands, they can be easily customized on your UI now.

8、How to remove 3DQuickMold on your computer. (Advanced topic)

First of all, unload 3DQuickMold as normal application on Windows.

Edit your registry, under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->SOFTWARE->SolidWorks, there
are many 3DQuickMold applications under the subkey Addins, select and delete them.

Please do it carefully. Not recommended step for non-professionals.

You’d better to back up the registry before do this operation. Confirm the deleting items
one by one carefully.

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