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Central Board of Film Certification .................................................................................................................................................. 2

Children’s Film Society, India ............................................................................................................................................................ 2

Directorate of Field Publicity ............................................................................................................................................................. 2

Directorate of Advertising & Visual Publicity ..................................................................................................................................... 3

Directorate of Film Festivals .............................................................................................................................................................. 3

Films Division .................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Participation in Film Markets in India and Abroad .............................................................................................................................. 4

Film and Television Institute of India, Pune ........................................................................................................................................ 5

Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute, Kolkata ............................................................................................................................... 6

Indian Institute of Mass Communication ............................................................................................................................................ 7

National Film Archive of India ........................................................................................................................................................... 7

National Film Development Corporation Limited ............................................................................................................................... 7

Press Information Bureau ................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Press Council of India ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9

Photo Division ................................................................................................................................................................................. 11

Publications Division ....................................................................................................................................................................... 11

Employment News/Rozgar Samachar ............................................................................................................................................... 12

Registrar of Newspapers for India .................................................................................................................................................... 12

Research, Reference & Training Division ......................................................................................................................................... 12

Song and Drama Division ................................................................................................................................................................ 13

F.M. Radio (Private) ......................................................................................................................................................................... 13

Electronic Media Monitoring Centre ................................................................................................................................................ 14

International Channel ....................................................................................................................................................................... 14

IEC Activities for Community Radio ................................................................................................................................................ 14

Construction of Soochna Bhawan ..................................................................................................................................................... 15

Economic Analysis of Growth Initiatives (New Scheme) .................................................................................................................. 15

Training for Human Resource Development ..................................................................................................................................... 15

Prasar Bharati - All India Radio ........................................................................................................................................................ 16

Prasar Bharati - Doordarshan ............................................................................................................................................................ 17


Mandate, Goals and Objectives, Policy Framework and Policy Statement

Central Board of Film Certification ................................................................................................................................................ 19

Children’s Film Society, India .......................................................................................................................................................... 19

Directorate of Field Publicity ........................................................................................................................................................... 21

Directorate of Advertising & Visual Publicity ................................................................................................................................... 22

Directorate of Film Festivals ............................................................................................................................................................ 23

Films Division .................................................................................................................................................................................. 23

Participation in Film Markets in India and Abroad ............................................................................................................................ 24

Film and Television Institute of India, Pune ...................................................................................................................................... 25

Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute, Kolkata ............................................................................................................................. 26

Indian Institute of Mass Communication .......................................................................................................................................... 26

National Film Archive of India ......................................................................................................................................................... 29

National Film Development Corporation Limited ............................................................................................................................. 29

Press Information Bureau ................................................................................................................................................................. 30

Press Council of India ...................................................................................................................................................................... 32

Photo Division ................................................................................................................................................................................. 33

Publications Division ....................................................................................................................................................................... 33

Employment News/Rozgar Samachar ............................................................................................................................................... 43

Registrar of Newspapers for India .................................................................................................................................................... 43

Research, Reference & Training Division ......................................................................................................................................... 44

Song and Drama Division ................................................................................................................................................................ 46

F.M. Radio (Private) ......................................................................................................................................................................... 47

Electronic Media Monitoring Centre ................................................................................................................................................ 47

International Channel ....................................................................................................................................................................... 48

IEC Activities for Community Radio ................................................................................................................................................ 48

Construction of Soochna Bhawan ..................................................................................................................................................... 48

Economic Analysis of Growth Initiatives (New Scheme) .................................................................................................................. 48

Training for Human Resource Development ..................................................................................................................................... 49

Prasar Bharati - All India Radio ........................................................................................................................................................ 49

Prasar Bharati - Doordarshan ............................................................................................................................................................ 53


Financial Outlays, Projected Physical Outputs and Projected Outcomes

Central Board of Film Certification ................................................................................................................................................ 55

Children’s Film Society, India .......................................................................................................................................................... 57

Directorate of Field Publicity ........................................................................................................................................................... 58

Directorate of Advertising & Visual Publicity ................................................................................................................................... 61

Directorate of Film Festivals ............................................................................................................................................................ 62

Films Division .................................................................................................................................................................................. 64

Participation in Film Markets in India and Abroad ............................................................................................................................ 65

Film and Television Institute of India, Pune ...................................................................................................................................... 66

Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute, Kolkata ............................................................................................................................. 69

Indian Institute of Mass Communication .......................................................................................................................................... 70

National Film Archive of India ......................................................................................................................................................... 72

National Film Development Corporation Limited ............................................................................................................................. 73

Press Information Bureau ................................................................................................................................................................. 74

Press Council of India ...................................................................................................................................................................... 77

Photo Division ................................................................................................................................................................................. 78

Publications Division ....................................................................................................................................................................... 80

Employment News/Rozgar Samachar ............................................................................................................................................... 82

Registrar of Newspapers for India .................................................................................................................................................... 84

Research, Reference & Training Division ......................................................................................................................................... 86

Song and Drama Division ................................................................................................................................................................ 88

F.M. Radio (Private) ......................................................................................................................................................................... 90

Electronic Media Monitoring Centre ................................................................................................................................................ 91

International Channel ....................................................................................................................................................................... 92

IEC Activities for Community Radio ................................................................................................................................................ 93

Construction of Soochna Bhawan ..................................................................................................................................................... 94

Economic Analysis of Growth Initiatives (New Scheme) .................................................................................................................. 95

Training for Human Resource Development ..................................................................................................................................... 96

Prasar Bharati - All India Radio ........................................................................................................................................................ 97

Prasar Bharati - Doordarshan .......................................................................................................................................................... 104


Reforms, Measures and Policy Initiatives

Central Board of Film Certification ................................................................................................................................................ 112

Children’s Film Society, India ........................................................................................................................................................ 112

Directorate of Field Publicity ......................................................................................................................................................... 112

Directorate of Advertising & Visual Publicity ................................................................................................................................. 112

Directorate of Film Festivals .......................................................................................................................................................... 113

Films Division ................................................................................................................................................................................ 113

Participation in Film Markets in India and Abroad .......................................................................................................................... 114

Film and Television Institute of India, Pune .................................................................................................................................... 114

Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute, Kolkata ........................................................................................................................... 115

Indian Institute of Mass Communication ........................................................................................................................................ 115

National Film Archive of India ....................................................................................................................................................... 115

National Film Development Corporation Limited ........................................................................................................................... 115

Press Information Bureau ............................................................................................................................................................... 116

Press Council of India .................................................................................................................................................................... 117

Photo Division ............................................................................................................................................................................... 117

Publications Division ..................................................................................................................................................................... 118

Employment News/Rozgar Samachar ............................................................................................................................................. 119

Registrar of Newspapers for India .................................................................................................................................................. 120

Research, Reference & Training Division ....................................................................................................................................... 120

Song and Drama Division .............................................................................................................................................................. 120

F.M. Radio (Private) ....................................................................................................................................................................... 121

Electronic Media Monitoring Centre .............................................................................................................................................. 121

International Channel ..................................................................................................................................................................... 121

IEC Activities for Community Radio .............................................................................................................................................. 122

Construction of Soochna Bhawan ................................................................................................................................................... 122

Economic Analysis of Growth Initiatives (New Scheme) ................................................................................................................ 122

Training for Human Resource Development ................................................................................................................................... 123

Prasar Bharati - All India Radio ...................................................................................................................................................... 123

Prasar Bharati - Doordarshan .......................................................................................................................................................... 124


Review of Past Performance

Central Board of Film Certification ................................................................................................................................................ 128

Children’s Film Society, India ........................................................................................................................................................ 130

Directorate of Field Publicity ......................................................................................................................................................... 131

Directorate of Advertising & Visual Publicity ................................................................................................................................. 132

Directorate of Film Festivals .......................................................................................................................................................... 135

Films Division ................................................................................................................................................................................ 137

Participation in Film Markets in India and Abroad .......................................................................................................................... 139

Film and Television Institute of India, Pune .................................................................................................................................... 140

Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute, Kolkata ........................................................................................................................... 141

Indian Institute of Mass Communication ........................................................................................................................................ 142

National Film Archive of India ....................................................................................................................................................... 144

National Film Development Corporation Limited ........................................................................................................................... 146

Press Information Bureau ............................................................................................................................................................... 147

Press Council of India .................................................................................................................................................................... 149

Photo Division ............................................................................................................................................................................... 151

Publications Division ..................................................................................................................................................................... 152

Employment News/Rozgar Samachar ............................................................................................................................................. 156

Registrar of Newspapers for India .................................................................................................................................................. 157

Research, Reference & Training Division ....................................................................................................................................... 162

Song and Drama Division .............................................................................................................................................................. 165

F.M. Radio (Private) ....................................................................................................................................................................... 167

Electronic Media Monitoring Centre .............................................................................................................................................. 168

International Channel ..................................................................................................................................................................... 169

IEC Activities for Community Radio .............................................................................................................................................. 170

Construction of Soochna Bhawan ................................................................................................................................................... 171

Economic Analysis of Growth Initiatives (New Scheme) ................................................................................................................ 172

Training for Human Resource Development ................................................................................................................................... 173

Prasar Bharati - All India Radio ...................................................................................................................................................... 174

Prasar Bharati - Doordarshan .......................................................................................................................................................... 191


Financial Review .......................................................................................................................................................................... 202


Review and Performance of Autonomous Bodies

Children’s Film Society, India ....................................................................................................................................................... 225

Film and Television Institute of India, Pune ................................................................................................................................. 226

Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute, Kolkata ........................................................................................................................ 227

Indian Institute of Mass Communication ...................................................................................................................................... 228

Press Council of India .................................................................................................................................................................... 229

Prasar Bharati - All India Radio ...................................................................................................................................................... 230

Prasar Bharati - Doordarshan .......................................................................................................................................................... 231


The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, through the mass communication media consisting of radio, television, films, press publications,
advertising and traditional modes of dance and drama, plays an effective role in helping the people to have access to flow of information. The
Ministry is involved in catering to the entertainment and intellectual needs of various age groups and focusing attention of the people on issues
of national integration, environmental protection, health care and family welfare, eradication of illiteracy and issues related to women, children
and other weaker sections of society. The Ministry is divided into three wings i.e. the Information Wing, the Broadcasting Wing and the Films
2. The Ministry as per the Allocation of Business Rules, has a wide mandate:
- to create environment and set up policy framework for healthy development of various mass media in the country;
- to keep the people informed about Government’s policies and programmes through the mass media;
- to educate and motivate the people to greater involvement in the various developmental activities and programmes of the Government;
- to liaise with State Governments and their Organisations in the field of information and publicity; and
- to serve as a constant link between the Government and the Press and act as a clearing house of official information and authentic data
pertaining to the Union Government’s plans and programmes.
The Ministry is vested with the responsibility of formulating policy guidelines for efficient dissemination of news and views by the media units.
Although media units enjoy functional autonomy, the Ministry co-ordinates, assists, supervises and monitors the activities of the various units
under its administrative control for efficient operations. The various media units use different programme formats keeping in view the needs of
the target audience.
3. The Ministry is assisted and supported in its activities through 14 Attached and Subordinate Offices, six Autonomous Organizations and
two Public Sector Undertakings. The position in respect of Attached and Subordinate Offices, Autonomous Bodies, Public Sector Undertakings
and various Plan Schemes has been summarized in the following paragraphs :
CBFC certifies films for public exhibition through various Regional Centres. Keeping in view the Right to Information Act, 2005, CBFC
has put all relevant data on the net through their web-site It contains the details of the Budget allocation, salary drawn
by each employee of CBFC including basic pay. It is bilingual as per requirement of the Official Language Act, 1963. Further, as per Ministry’s
instruction, it has been decided to put on the net all procurements above the threshold value of Rs 50,000/- and above.
The monitoring of the physical and financial progress is done regularly. While doing so, each Regional Head is also consulted while allocating
funds to them under different Budget Heads.


The CFSI which was established in May, 1955 under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860. It is an autonomous body under the
administrative control of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India. The society receives Grant-in-Aid for its Plan and
Non-Plan activities. The Childre’s Film Society, India (CFSI) provides value-based entertainment to children and also fulfils their psychological
and educational needs through films.
The Chairperson, who is an eminent film personality heads the Society. The Chairperson is also the head of the Executive Council and
the General Body, members of which are nominated by the Government of India. The Chief Executive Officer, has under him all heads of
Department and handles day-to-day functions : Administration, Production Maketing and Acccounts department. The Headquaters of CFSI is
located at Mumbai with Branch Offices at New Delhi and Chennai.


The main objective of Directorate of Field Publicity (DFP) is to disseminate information about the Government’s policies and schemes among
the masses. The DFP also generates awareness about health, national integration and other social issues among the target groups, mostly in remote
and far away places.
DFP procures equipments such as Multi Media Projectors, Digital Video Disc (DVD) players, Wireless Public Address Systems etc for film
shows and other publicity programmes. It also purchases films and cassettes from Films Division, National Film Development Corporation (NFDC),
Children’s Film Society of India (CFSI) etc. in different languages on various themes for publicity purpose. DFP also procures the latest Computers
and their accessories for 207 Field Publicity Units and Regional Offices all over the country. They are provided with internet facilities to keep
them well connected and provide information immediately as and when required.
The functioning of DFP is monitored on regular basis. Feedback Reports are obtained from all over India to know about the public reaction
to the Government Schemes and Policies. Expenditure statements and Quarterly Performance Reports are periodically called from DFP to monitor

the trend of expenditure. The DFP sends reports about the number of programmes carried out by them during a month using different programme
formats. These reports are examined in relation to targets set for the period.
The website of DFP is updated frequently and all relevant information can be easily accessed by general public.


The Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity is a multi-media advertising Central Agency responsible for publicizing the policies,
programmes and achievements of the Government of India. It executes publicity campaigns through press advertisements, TV commercials.
exhibitions, printed materials and outdoor media on behalf of various Central Government’s ministries, departments, autonomous bodies and public
sector undertakings. To strengthen the publicity programme of the Government and enable DAVP to efficiently discharge its functions, two Plan
Schemes namely (i) Developmental Publicity Programmes: “Conception and Dissemination” (Continuing Scheme) and (ii) “Modernisation of
DAVP” (New Scheme) have been approved during 11th Five Year Plan. To streamline the various aspects of publicity and advertisement in
Government and to bring about further transparency in this regard, the Government has issued new Advertisement Policy for print media and
Audio-Visual policy for advertisement / publicity through electronic media. The Plan Schemes of DAVP are regularly monitored through analysis
of the financial and physical achievements vis-s-vis the targets set out during each Annual Plan.


Three Plan Schemes are being executed through Directorate of Film Festivals (DFF):
(1) Export promotion through film festivals in India and abroad
(2) Addition and alteration to Siri Fort Cultural Complex
(3) Upgradation of Print Unit
The aims and objectives of the Schemes are as follows :
- To promote good Indian Cinema within the country and to provide international exposure to outstanding Indian films.
- To screen films by outstanding International Directors in festivals.
Directorate of Film Festivals was set up to organize International and National film festivals within the country. DFF facilitates India’s
participation in festivals abroad, arranges programmes of foreign films in India and Indian films abroad and holds the National Film Awards
As a vehicle of cultural exchange, DFF promotes international friendship, provides access to new trends in world cinema, generates healthy
competition and helps to improve the standards of Indian films.

DFF handles the following major events:
1. International film festival of India. 2. Selection of Indian panorama 3. National film awards
4. Participation in foreign film festivals 5. Cultural exchange programmes

Films Division was set up with the objectives of producing and distributing documentaries, animation, short and cartoon films required
by the Government of India for public information, education, motivation and for instructional and cultural purposes. Films Division helps Cinema
Exhibitors to fulfil a statutory obligation requiring exhibition of ‘approved films’ under provisions contained in the Cinematograph Act, 1952
and various State Laws. Films Division promotes the growth of documentary film movement in India by getting films produced through
independent producers, participating in national and international film festivals and organising the biennial Mumbai International Film Festival
(MIFF), a competitive film festival for documentary, short and animation films. Films Division has an archive of over 8000 films which are
available to cinema lovers and is a source of reference to all. It has started digitalizing its archival films from celluloid to video format in order
to preserve it for posterity.
Films Division with its Head Office at Mumbai and Regional Production Centres at Bangaluru, Kolkata and New Delhi, has state-of-the-
art pre and post production infrastructure. Its distribution network consists of 10 Branch Offices located across the country to cater to the film
buffs. It also supplies ‘approved’ films to approximately 12,000 cinema theatres to meet the provisions of their licensing under the Cinematograph
Act, 1952.
Films Division is headed by the Chief Producer. The administration side of the Division is headed by the Director (Administration).


Amounts of Rs 1100 lakh and 5200 lakh have been allocated by Planning Commission during 11‘h Five Year Plan in respect of the Schemes
viz. (I) Participation in Foreign Festivals/Markets and (II) Setting up of National Centre of Excellence for Animation, Gaming and Visual Effects
respectively to be implemented by the Main Secretariat.
Rs. 220 lakh has been earmarked for the Plan Scheme “Participation in Film Festivals/Markets in India and abroad” during 2009-10. The
objective of the Scheme is to provide the film makers a platform for marketing their films in overseas markets and promoting India as an investment
and shooting destination. Accordingly the Ministry proposes to participate in Cannes Film Festival, 2009; Annecy Film Festival 2009; European
Film Market 2009 at Berlin; and Film Bazaar on the sidelines of International Film Festival of India 2009 (IFFI), Goa.
A Human Resource study was done for the Plan Scheme “Setting up of National Centre of Excellence for Animation, Gaming and VFX”.
The study recommended the setting up of this National Centre of Excellence. This Ministry had approached Planning Commission to accord

`in principle’ approval for the Scheme. The Planning Commission has requested this Ministry to submit an executable Feasibility Report (FR)
and Detailed Project Report (DPR) for the same. The Ministry is in the process of appointment of a consultant to prepare the FR/DPR.


The basic purpose and objectives of the Plan Outlay was primarily for augmentation and modernisation of the training infrastructure and
training method with a view to increase output of trained manpower developing proper infrastructure, making available facilities to outside
producers and to generate revenue for making the Institute self supporting.
Schemes :
The following two Schemes are being implemented during the Eleventh Five Year plan :
1) Grant-in-Aid to Film and Television Institute of India (FTII), Pune
(i) Machinery and Equipment
(ii) Civil Construction and Electrical Works
(iii) Computerisation and Modernisation of FTII, Pune
(iv) Setting up of community Radio
(v) Setting up of captive TV Channel
(vi) HRD aspects including scholarship and exchange programmes with foreign universities for students.
The intended outcome of the Plan Scheme of Grants-in-aid is to overcome the infrastructural shortages and upgrading the available training
facilities to bring it in line with the best in the Industry. The scheme also aims to give opportunities to students to interact with the films schools
abroad, to exchange film making ideas and to get acquainted with the advanced technology in the international environment.
2) Global Film School
The concept and proposal for the Global Film School is to upgrade the existing infrastructure and curriculum of the FTII, Pune to enable
it to become a globally competitive film school with teaching methodology and technology at par with the best in the world. The Institute would
also like to collaborate with other universities and film-schools in India and abroad. These collaborations will be in the form of exchange
programmes for both students and teachers as well as for students through credit transfers and Joint Degree Programmes.
The exact level of upgradation of introduction of new curriculum is under consideration. It is proposed to prepare a feasibility report by
M/s. EdCIL for the purpose.

Monitoring Mechanism
Under the Scheme ‘Grant-in-Aid to FTII, Pune’, the physical and financial monitoring mechanism is indicated through the degree of
achievement in procurement of equipment, jobs like civil and electrical construction etc., procurement of hardware items/production of software
items, related jobs like licence research, royalty, talent fee etc. as well as related jobs like production of programmes, transfer from films, audience
research, etc. and degree of achievement in identification of exchange/training programme under HRD aspects including scholarship and exchange
programmes with foreign universities for students.
Public Information System
Courses and other academic activities conducted by the FTII are advertised in the Website/ print media to achieve optimum level of
transparency. The procurement of machinery and equipments is also through an advertisement of Public Tender in both the media.


The Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute was set up by the Government of India in 1995 under the Ministry of Information and
Broadcasting and registered under West Bengal Society Registration Act. 1961. The Society consists of eminent personalities connected with
film, television, communication, culture, alumni of the Institute and Ex­Officio Government members. The Institute is governed by a Governing
Council headed by a Chairman, the current Chairman being the renowned Filmmaker, Shri Buddhadeb Dasgupta.
2. The Institute offers three-year Postgraduate Diploma in Direction and Screenplay Writing, Editing, Cinematography and Audiography.
3. The Institute also organizes various short-term courses and undertakes various projects on request of various organizations and
Film industry.
4. The following schemes are being implemented in the Eleventh Five Year Plan under a composite Plan Scheme, namely, Grant-in-aid
to SRFTI, Kolkata in order to upgrade the infrastructure and start new courses.
S.No. Name of the components
1. Department of Animation and Electronic Imaging
2. Department of Production Management in Films and Television
3. Setting-up of Community Radio Station
4. Setting-up of Captive TV Software Production Centre
5. Training and Skill development w.r.t. responsible Film Production
6. Scholarship, Student/ Faculty Exchange Programme
7. Computerization, Modernization with provision for infrastructure including manpower

The working of the Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC) is monitored by the Government from time to time, while releasing
instalments of Grant-in-Aid, during meetings of the Executive Council, Annual General Meetings of the IIMC Society, etc., which inter-alia
includes Government representatives. The physical and financial progress of the year is monitored by the Ministry by examining monthly
expenditure statements and Half Yearly Progress Reports.
IIMC has a website ( which is updated regularly providing information to the public.


In the 11th Plan (2007-2012), National Film Archive of India (NFAI) has the following approved Plan Scheme with a total outlay of
Rs. 30.00 crore-
Acquisition and exhibition of archival films
Progress of NFAI’s Plan Scheme is monitored through monthly/quarterly/half yearly physical and financial progress statements which are
sent to the Ministry regularly. Information about progress of the various activities undertaken by NFAI under various Schemes/Programmes is
also available on NFAI’s website. Control over the performance of the Scheme is maintained within the sanctioned Plan allocation.


National Film Development Corporation, a PSU under this Ministry has been undertaking the following activities:
1) Encouraging new talent by undertaking 100% production of the first feature film of a director;
2) Supporting the development of new film scripts;
3) Co-production of commercially viable good quality films in partnership with Indian and foreign film makers;
4) Facilitation of social security and welfare measures for needy cine artists through Cine Artists Welfare Fund of India (CAWFI)
A budget of Rs.30 crore has been set aside during 11‘h Plan period for film production in various regional languages that require state
developmental funds from government to give them the impetus they need. An annual outlay of Rs. 6.50 crore has been allocated under the Plan
Scheme of “Film Production in various regional languages” during the year 2008-09 and Rs. 6.50 crore during the year 2009-10. Since these
films do not always have a market value to the extent that the cost of investment in a film can be recovered the Corporation’s role in this segment
would necessarily have to be developmental in nature and not guided entirely by motives of profit.

Press Information Bureau is the nodal agency of the Government of India for informing people about its policies, programmes and activities.
As the Government’s main channel of communication with the Media (Electronic and Print), Press Information Bureau puts out information on
Government policies, programmes, activities of the Government and its information policy. It functions upon the basic premise that in a democracy,
the Government has to ensure that its policies and programmes are properly presented and correctly interpreted through Press and other Media
to the people on whose support and goodwill it holds office.
2. The officers of PIB (Hqrs) are attached to the various Ministries/Departments for disseminating information to the media and provide
feedback to their assigned Ministries/Department. They function as media advisers and coordinate the publicity.
3. PIB’s Regional/Branch offices are connected through a computer network. The Bureau also has a homepage on internet and can be accessed
on On this homepage publicity material is made available for national as well as international use. PIB releases are now transmitted
through computers to local newspapers, resident correspondents of important outstation newspapers besides its Regional/Branch offices. Features
and graphics are also released through the PIB network and website.
4. The Bureau provides functional facilities to media representatives. For this purpose, it accredits Indian and Foreign Media representatives,
news cameramen and technicians. Till March, 2009, 1586 correspondents and 474 cameramen are accredited with Bureau’s headquarters besides
152 Technicians and 85 Editors/Media critics. To cater to the needs of Indian and foreign correspondents, the Bureau has a National Press Centre
with modern communication facilities functioning at New Delhi.
5. To convey information to the media, the Bureau employs a variety of means - Press releases and features, Press briefings, Press conferences
and conducted tours.
6. Monitoring of Output of PIB in terms of releases, press conferences, features etc. is immediate and is reflected in the number of stories
published in newspapers. The functioning of PIB is monitored like any other Media Unit under the Ministry of I&B.
The approved outlay during the Annual Plan 2008-09 is Rs. 1628.29 lakh. The expenditure incurred during the year under Plan upto March,
2009 is Rs. 1019.61 lakh. The performance of the Press Information Bureau in financial terms (Plan/Non-Plan) during the year 2008-09 (upto
March, 2009) is as follows :­

(Rs. in lakh)

S. No. Plan Non-Plan Total

1. B.E. 2008-09 1628.29 2236.00 3864.29
2. R.E. 2008-09 1628.29 2962.26 4590.55

3. Actual Expenditure
upto March, 2009 1019.61 2939.44 3959.05
4. B.E. 2009-10 2503.00 3422.00 5925.00


Press Council is the repository of the trust of the Parliament in guiding the press to high standards of its functioning and preservation of its
freedom against any onslaught or threat. It acts as an independent Quasi Judicial Authority with adjudicatory, advisory and regulatory functions.

A brief summary of the activities of the Council in 2008-09 is given below :

1. Quasi-Judicial Functions
726 cases registered, disposal of 581 with another 69 at advance hearing stage.

2. Standards of the Press

Built up code of conduct for the press under Section 13 (2) ( c ) of the Act; reviewed “State of the Press” in 2007-08.

3. Freedom of the Press

Monitored threats to press freedom through suo moto intervention, pronouncements, opinions and adjudications.

4. Advisory Functions
Opinion was rendered inter alia on : “Growth of the Print Media in Liberalized Economy”; “Strengthning of Press Council Mechanism”;
“Strategies for Speedy Economic Development and Empowerment of Women” and “Opinion/Exit Polls during Election Process”.

5. Monitoring Press Functioning

Constant day-to-day monitoring of the press reports. Debates on media matters including “Women and Media” and “Media’s role in the aftermath
of Mumbai attacks”.

Interaction with the Media in various parts of the country to gauge their problems and advise them on their responsibilities.

6. Reform Measures
Review of Press Council Act 1978 – Proposals forwarded to the Central Government.

Financial Outlay
The Council meets its budgetary requirements from the grants sanctioned by the Parliament through the nodal Ministry. A small percentage
of levies collected from the newspapers at the rates prescribed by the government augments it by about 10%. During the year 2008-09, the
Council faced acute budgetary constraints because of which it had to defer/drop several measures that it proposed in discharging of its statutory
functions. The Council hopes to settle the issue in the year 2009-10.

The Press Council of India has diligently discharged the functions ascribed to it by the Parliament through statute and gained confidence
of media and the public as cost effective and quicker alternative to other remedies provided in law. In the international arena also it has gained
the admiration of the Press/Media Council for its ability and unique mechanism whereby despite being largely dependent upon government grants
for its operation, it has remained free of any state intervention in its functioning towards discharge of its statutory obligations.

Targets : 2009-10
1. Phased conversion of Special Reports of the PC since 1965 into electronic format.

2. Creation of data bank of the Orders of the PRAB since 1982.

3. Translation into Hindi of the adjudications rendered in 2008-09.

4. Drawing up of norms under Section 13(2)(b).

5. Completion of the Targets carried over from 08-09.

Photo Division, a media unit, is responsible for visual documentation and preparation of photographs for internal and external publicity
on behalf of the Government of India. Photo division records photographically different aspects of development and historical events thereby
providing a complete photographic documentation for the country. It promotes young talents through photo contests and workshops. The Division
also supplies photographic on payment to the non-publicity organizations and general public through its Pricing Scheme. To keep pace with the
trends in photographic industry, a Plan Scheme ‘National Centre of Photography’ has been taken up for implementation during 11th Five Year
Plan for providing better services, quallity and to meet the present demands of users/clients. Another Plan Scheme Special Drive for North East,
Jammu and Kashmir, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakahadeep has also been taken up as part of special emphasis for the development
of these areas.

The Publications Division is one of the largest publishing houses in the country. The books and journals brought out by the Division
in Hindi, English and other major Indian languages are designed to broaden the understanding of the people of this country.

2. The mandate for the Division is production, sale and distribution of popular books and journals. While doing so, the Division aims to
achieve the following objectives :
(i) Publish books on subjects of national importance, which are otherwise not covered by other publishing houses and make them
available to general public at affordable prices.
(ii) To strengthen and promote the concept and spirit of unity in diversity, communal harmony, national integration etc.
(iii) During 2009-10, the Division aims to publish 20 journals and 100 books. The Publications Division is selling its books and journals
through a network of Sales Emporia located in various parts of the country. To keep pace with the times, Publications Division
proposes to modernise all its sales emporia in a phased manner because sales emporia are in a clumsy condition and present
dilapidated look, may not appeal to the readers. While most of the competitors are selling their books through well maintained
showrooms in premier localities.
(iv) Sales Emporia are located at New Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Lucknow, Chennai, Patna and Thiruvananthapuram. The
sales outlets are at Yojana Office at Bangaluru, Guwahati and Ahmedabad.

(v) Budget Estimates for 2009-10 are Rs. 2414.00 lakh in respect of Non Plan and Rs. 29.00 lakh in respect of Plan.

Employment News is the flagship weekly publication journal of the Publications Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting,
Government of India. The target group of the weekly are the Civil Services aspirants, readers preparing for competitive exams and interviews,
and young people looking for employment opportunities.
The mandate of the weekly is to disseminate information among its users to enable them to choose the best available career.
The weekly carries advertisements for jobs, admission notices, examination notices and results of organizations like Staff Selection
Commission, Union Public Service Commission, etc. It also carries one or two articles under Editorial Segment.
Employment News has also launched an interactive career oriented website under the domain The website
has a page hit of more than 3 lakh per day. The website offers online career counselling, advance information about job vacancies etc.
to its users.


The Registrar of Newspapers for India administers the Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867. Under the statutory function, RNI maintains
statistical records of newspapers/periodicals being published in India, verifies titles for new newspapers; issues Certificates of Registration; verifies
circulation claim of publications, analyses Annual Statements submitted by the publishers and prepares/ compiles an Annual Report on the state
of the Print Media, titled “PRESS IN INDIA”. Under the non-statutory functions, RNI issues eligibility certificates for import of newsprint to
actual users which are registered with RNI. Besides, RNI also issues the Essentiality Certificate for import of printing machinery viz. Newspaper
Page Transmission and Reception, Facsimile System or equipment and Telephoto Transmission and Reception System etc.


The Research Reference and Training Division is a subordinate office of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. The role of this
Division is to assist the Media Units of Ministry of Information and Broadcasting in collection, compilation and preparation of material involving
research into published works etc. Building up of a compendium of knowledge on important subjects and to prepare guidance and background
notes on current and other topics for the use of the Media Units.
The Division does not directly deliver any service to the common people. Physical targets are generally drawn in the shape of annual budget
plans and are being monitored by the Division.
As regards Public Information System, the Website ( of the Division is in the public domain and general public have access to
the activities.

Song and Drama Division was set up in 1954 as a unit of All India Radio and was given the status of an Independent Media Unit in 1956
with the mandate of Development Communication. The objective for setting up the Division was to :
 Create awareness and engender receptivity among general public regarding social, economic and democratic ideals which are conducive
to the progress of the nation.
 Create among the people in border areas a sense of defence preparedness and cultural integrity with the rest of the country.
 Keep the morale high of the Army Jawans posted in isolated forward areas through live entertainment media which includes both urban
theatre forms and folk forms covering all the regions of the country.
The Division is the largest organization in the country using performing arts as a medium of communication. The Division uses a wide
range of art forms such as folk drama, ballets, operas, dance-dramas, traditional recitals and puppetry. The Division also organizes theatrical shows
on national themes such as communal harmony, national integration, secularism, promotion of cultural heritage, health, environment, education,
etc. through Sound and Light Programmes.


Government launched a policy on FM Radio Broadcasting through Private Agencies in 1999 and further expanded in 2005 under phase-
II. The policy made it mandatory to co-locate the transmission facilities at Prasar Bharati (PB) towers wherever available. In case of non-availability
of PB towers, Government was to construct new towers through M/s BECIL for the Private FM Broadcasters. Out of 91 cities identified under
Phase II, 84 cities have PB towers and for the remaining seven cities viz., Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangaluru and Jaipur,
new towers were proposed. M/o I&B under a Plan Scheme, namely “Private FM Radio” proposed to construct new towers in seven cities with
a total cost of Rs. 18.18 crore through M/s BECIL which was approved by the Planning Commission in 2006. The construction cost of the
towers will be recovered from the Private FM Broadcasters through annual rentals as charged by Prasar Bharati in case of PB towers. Subsequently,
Prasar Bharati towers became available in two cities. Meanwhile Government also decided to construct a new tower at Dehradun as no PB tower
exists there and four FM channels have already been identified for allotment. Thus, it is required to construct the new towers in six cities, viz.,
Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Jaipur, Hyderabad and Dehradun. The Plan scheme was approved in 10th Plan for two years in 2005-06 and 2006-
07. Since the ‘in-principle’ approval of Planning Commission was received in January 2006 and the advance was released only in March 2006,
the actual work was started from April 2006. Moreover, due to delay in handing over of site to BECIL, etc. the project could not be completed
by March 2007 as envisaged. Construction of towers at five cities viz. Jaipur, Hyderabad, Chennai, Dehradun and Delhi has already been
completed. Since the construction of towers for 2 cities has been dropped and one tower for Dehradun was included later on, the expected
total cost of the project for the construction of tower in six cities comes to Rs. 13.1124 crore as on date. A sum of Rs. 9.73 crore, as advance,
had been released to M/s BECIL upto March 2009. A sum of Rs. 3.2 crore has been earmarked for 2009-10.

The Electronic Media Monitoring Centre (erstwhile Central Monitoring Service) has been set up with the following objectives:­
(i) To monitor all TV Channels downlinked in India and to check the violation of Programme and Advertisement Codes enshrined in
Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act. 1995 and rules framed there under:­
(ii) To monitor similarly the Private FM Radio Channels; and
(iii) To undertake any work relating to monitoring of content of Broadcasting Sector as assigned by the Government from time to time.
The allocation for the year 2009-2010 is Rs.2.00 crore under Plan and Rs.4.80 crore under Non-Plan.

Emergence of India as a global power has made it imperative that the Indian position and view point on sensitive issues should be voiced
in as many countries as possible and at the earliest possible. The main objective is to air the Indian position globally in the same way as channels
such as Al-Jazeera, BBC, CNN, CCTV etc. do. This will involve introduction of International News and Programming through the existing DD
News Channel with simulcasting on DD India, which has a footprint in a large number of countries.


Radio as a communication medium plays an important role in the nation’s socio-cultural, political and economic development. It is a powerful
communication medium, particularly in India where, in the absence of regular and stable electric supply in rural and far flung areas, people have
to depend on radio to meet their needs of information, education and entertainment. Community radio serves to bring small communities together,
focuses on the common man’s day-to-say concerns and helps in realizing local aspirations. It aims to contribute to the lives of the local community
by creation of content by the people and for the people of that community. It will focus on issues relating to education, health, environment,
agriculture, rural and community development. The contents will be confined to social, cultural and local issues and the format, subject, presentation
and language will reflect and exude the local flavour and fragrance. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting proposes to create awareness amongst
the masses about the policy for establishing and running Community Radio Stations by arranging a number of workshops and seminars in various
parts of the country.

Construction of Soochna Bhawan is one of the major projects of the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting. For want of sizeable
accommodation to house various media units of the Ministry, a decision was taken that the Ministry should construct its own building to accommodate
at one place the offices of different media units (Except DG:AIR & DG:Doordarshan), which are scattered at various places. The Planning Commission
approved the scheme and included it in the 5th Five Year Plan. Accordingly, the Ministry was allotted a piece of land at envelope No. 8 at Lodhi Road
measuring 8364.3 sqm. area in 1981. However, the construction could only be started in 1985. Due to financial constraint, the work is being carried
out in phases. The construction of this building is being taken up by the Civil Construction Wing: All India Radio. Till date Phases I, II, III & IV have
been completed. Under these four phases, only 38% of the area (27,259 Sqm.) has been constructed. Action has been initiated for the construction
of Phase-V of Soochna Bhawan wherein the balance 62% area (45,500 sq. mtr.) will be constructed.


The Entertainment and Media Sector of the economy promises high growth potential during the 11th Five Year Plan 2007-2012. In order
to capture the growth momentum, different Schemes/Programmes are being implemented by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting in
respect of Films, Information and Broadcasting Sectors so as to achieve the defined goals/objectives. This is a new Scheme being implemented
during XI Plan 2007-12 with the following objectives:-
• To develop Management Information System (MIS) in Film, Information and Broadcasting Sectors.
• To study and evaluate the impact of regulatory and development policies in respect of Film, Information and Broadcasting Sectors.


The11th Plan proposal of Ministry of Information and Broadcasting includes a new Scheme “Training for Human Resource Development
in Institutions Located Abroad with In-Service Training for IIS Officers” with an allocation of Rs. 150.00 lakh for the year 2009-10.

All India Radio (AIR), an integral part of Prasar Bharati continues to perform as per the mandate given in the Prasar Bharati Act, 1990. AIR informs,
educates and entertains people through its programmes broadcast from various stations. It keeps the people all over the country informed
about government policies, plans, programme and achievements through the medium of sound broadcasting by a variety of programmes relating to
culture education, science, health and hygiene, social and economic issues important news and current events of topical interest. It presents
diverse points of views to ensure that programmes are balanced and unbiased through its broadcasts, promoting education and national integration

The Direct Budgetary Support for Plan 2009-10 Budget of AIR is Rs. 261.00 crore and allocation under Capital is Rs. 244.00 crore which comprises
mainly for J&K Special Package, North East Special Package and Staff quarters at metros and some XI Plan Schemes. Rs. 17.00 crore have been
allocated under Revenue Misc. and Revenue Software. While Capital Plan Schemes are financed through loan provided by Government, Revenue
Plan Schemes are provided as grants-in aid (Chapter-II)

Various initiatives are taken by All India Radio on the basis of policy decisions related to the further development of the organization as the true
public broadcaster through fulfilment of its obligations. These are executed keeping in view the needs of general public and special target groups
such as welfare of SC/ST, empowerment of women and development of North East region. (Chapter-III).

Physical and financial performance of the Scheme-wise details of the Plan Schemes of Annual plan 2007-08 and 2008-09 are indicated in Chapter-
IV. The approved Annual Plan 2007-08 outlay was Rs.78.95 crore and expenditure was Rs. 64.35 crore. Similarly, total Annual Plan 2008-09 outlay
is Rs.195.00 crore.

Necessary Utilization Certificates (UC) in respect of Grants released in the previous financial year 2006-07 have been furnished by Prasar Bharati
(AIR) in accordance with relevant rules and there is no pending UC. Report of the Government on performance of Prasar Bharati, AIR has been
given in the Chapter-VI.

Monitoring Mechanism
Performance of the Annual Plan Schemes of AIR is watched through the monthly expenditure statement furnished by it at the time of release
of funds to Prasar Bharati. Releases of funds are processed on the basis of progress of expenditure and fulfilment of other conditions as laid
down by the Ministry. Moreover, Half-Yearly Performance Report (HPR) is furnished in the prescribed format of Planning Commission as

Scheme-wise details of financial performance of Prasar Bharati (AIR) are regularly monitored by Plan Coordination Cell, through a monthly
statement. A series of review meetings have been held at the level of Secretary (I&B) to monitor the progress.

Television came to India in September 1959 with the start of an experimental service at Delhi, which was later upgraded to a regular service
in 1965. Doordarshan functioned as part of All India Radio till April 1976, when it was bifurcated and a separate department of Doordarshan
headed by Director General was formed. Doordarshan services were extended to the next city viz. Mumbai only in 1972. In pursuit of growth,
Colour TV & National Networking were introduced in 1982. Since then, Doordarshan has grown tremendously to become one of the leading
TV organizations of the world. Doordarshan is presently operating 31 TV Channels besides free-to-air DTH service and has a terrestrial network
of 66 Studios and 1413 transmitters installed throughout length & breadth of the country. The 31 TV channels are as under :

i. DD 1 - National Channel
ii. DD News - News Channel
iii. DD Bharati - Enrichment Channel
iv. DD Sports - Sports Channel
v. DD Rajya Sabha - Parliament Channel
vi. DD Urdu - Urdu Language Channel
vii. Regional Channels - 11 Nos.

Malayalam (Keralam), Tamil (Podhigai), Oriya, Telugu (Saptagiri), Bengali (Bangla), Kannada (Chandana), Marathi (Sahyadri), Gujarati,
Kashmiri (Kashir), North East, Punjabi

viii. State networks - 12 Nos.

Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Haryana , Uttarakhand, Tripura, Mizoram,

ix. DD India - International Channel

x. Gyan Darshan - Educational Channel

In terrestrial mode, Doordarshan coverage is available to about 92% of the population of the country.

The mandate, Objectives and Policy framework of All India Radio and Doordarshan have been given in Chapter-I.

The Financial Outlays, Projected Physical Outputs and Projected Outcomes for the year 2009-10 in respect of AIR and Doordarshan have been
shown in Chapter-II, which is mainly under J&K, NE Special Package of continuing Schemes and some New Schemes also.

Prasar Bharati has taken up various initiatives on the basis of policy decisions related to the further development of the organization as the true
public broadcaster through fulfilment of its obligations. These are executed keeping in view the needs of general public and special target groups
such as welfare of SC/ST, empowerment of women and development North East region, which is indicated in Chapter-III.

Review of Past Performance i.e. Physical and Financial performance of the Scheme-wise details of the Plan Scheme of Annual plan 2007-08
and 2008-09 are indicated in the chapter-IV. The approved Annual Plan 2007-08 outlay of Prasar Bharati was Rs. 329.87 cr. and expenditure
was Rs. 323.67 crore. Similarly, total Annual Plan 2008-09 outlay was Rs. 475.00 crore and in RE Rs. 466.02 crore has been approved.

Prasar Bharati’s review of Performance as Statutory and Autonomous Body is indicated in Chapter-VI.


Mandate, Goals and Objectives, Policy Framework and Policy Statement


The Central Board of Film Certification has been set up under the Cinematograph Act, 1952 (37 of 1852), for the purpose of certification
of films for public exhibition. The Board has its Headquarters in Mumbai and Regional Offices at Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangaluru,
Thiruvananthapuram, Hyderabad, New Delhi, Cuttack and Guwahati. The functions of the Board are as follows:

i) to certify films for unrestricted public exhibition (U Certificate);

ii) to certify films for public exhibition restricted to adults (persons who have completed their 18th year of age) (A Certificate );
iii) to certify films for unrestricted public exhibition with an endorsement of cautions to the parents or guardian of children below
the age of 12 years (UA Certificate);
iv) to certify films for public exhibitions restricted to members of any profession or any class of persons (S Certificate);
v) to censor films in accordance with the provisions of the Act before certifying them;
vi) to refuse certifications of films in their totality;


The different activities of the CFSI are as follows :

1. Production and Procurement :

CFSI is engaged in the production of feature films, featurettes, animation, short films, puppet films and TV serials in films and video format
for children and young people. The organization also procures exhibition rights of certain foreign films which were received well at International
Film Festivals. Films produced by the Society and those whose rights acquired are dubbed in various Indian languages.

2. Film Festivals :

(a) International Children’s Film Festival -

CFSI organizes competitive International Children’s Film Festival once in every two years. It is accorded “A” category status by the International
Centre of Films for Children and Young People (CIFEJ), an International body affiliated to UNESCO controlling International children’s film
festivals all over the world.

(b) Participation in International Children’s Film Festivals :

CFSI’s films particpate in various International Film Festivals and have won awards. Such participation has helped promote the children’s films
abroad. It is also proposed to conduct National Digital Film Festival every alternate year to the International Children’s Film Festival.

3. Modernisation and Augmentation :

CFSI has computerized its offices and is in the process of upgrading the existing hardware and software.

4. Animation and Film Making Workshop :

CFSI organizes various workshops to demystify the whole process of filmmaking and animation and to educate children about the various
aspects of filmmaking. These include Animation Workshops, Scriptwriting Workshops, Film Appreciation Workshops and Filmmaking

5. Digitalization & Webcasting of CFSI Films

To convert CFSI films into digital format for both general viewing and archival purpose and making CFSI films in digial format (including
produced, dubbed and subtitled) available on the Internet/Web.

6. Exhibiton and Distribution of Films :

(a) Individual Shows :

Many schools and individuals procure films for non-commercial screenings in theatres or in schools through 35 mm / 16 mm projectors on
payment of fixed rentals.

(b) District and State Level Festivals :

This activity is conducted in collaboration with the District Administrations. Various Districts in different states are identified and screening
programmes are chalked out charging nominal admission rates. The school-going children are largely from Government/Municipal School/Zilla
Parishad Schools. From the Financial year 2007-08, it has been decided that children would not be charged any amount for attending the screenings
of CFSI films.

(c) Non-theatrical Free Shows :

In order to reach out to the rural and underprivileged children, CFSI coundcts free shows for the Municial and Tribal Children. Services of
Non-Governmental organizations like Nehru Yuva Kendra Sanghathans and others are utilised for this activity. The expenditure involved in
conducting the free shows is borne by CFSI out of grants-in-aid provided by the Government for the purpose. Under the Scheme, even children
living in remand homes, orphanages etc. are covered.

(d) Shows through Distributors :

CFSI engages distributors/organizers to conduct film shows in theatres and schools. They procure films by paying fixed monthly rentals and
exhibit films in the allotted territory.

(e) Screening of films on Television :

CFSI Films are shown on Doordashan National Network and Regional channels and private channels.

(f) Activities in North East and Jammu and Kashmir :

CFSI promotes films in regional languages including North-Eastern States through production, conduct of workshops and exhibition.


The Directorate of Field Publicity with its 207 Field Publicity Units under the control and supervision of 22 Regional Offices are spread
throughout the country. The aims and objectives focus on creating awareness on the policies, programmes and plans of the Central Government
aimed at uplifting the people at large with emphasis on underprivileged. As such the activities are concentrated in rural, backward, border and
tribal areas of the country. The dissemination of the messages is done through multi-media campaigns, film shows, photo exhibitions, group
discussions and by holding special interactive programmes which include seminar, symposia, rallies, rural sports etc. The emphasis is on intensive
publicity in selected target areas by rotation with special attention on remote, tribal and backward areas. Broadly, the aims and objectives of
the Directorate are:

(i) To project the policies and programmes of the Government by bringing its men and material face to face with the people and to inform
them about the schemes and policies formulated for their benefit.
(ii) To educate people about the fundamental national values of democracy, socialism and secularism and reinforce their faith in such values
through constant personal contacts.
(iii) To establish rapport with the people at the grass root level for their active participation in the developmental activities as also to mobilize
public opinion in favour of implementation of welfare and developmental programmes.
(iv) To gather people’s feed back to the programmes and policies of the Government and their implementation down to the village level.
The Directorate thus works as a two-way channel of communication between the Government and the people.


DAVP is the multi-media advertising agency of the Government of India. It carries policies, programmes and achievements of various
Ministries and Departments to masses through various media. It also caters to the publicity requirements of a number of autonomous bodies and
public sector undertakings. The various media used for taking socially relevant messages to grass-root level are:
(a) Newspaper advertisements,
(b) Electronic Media - Audio/Video Spots, Jingles etc,
(c) Printed literature - booklets, brochures, posters etc,
(d) Outdoor Media - Hoardings, Metro Rail Panels, Bus Panels, Kiosks, Public Utilities, etc.
(e) Photo exhibitions on selected themes in rural and semi-urban areas at crowd points, including melas etc.
(f) Modernization of DAVP - Provision of accessory and software, office infrastructure and necessary training progammes etc.
In a nutshell, DAVP has been working as a catalyst of socio-economic changes and development over the years and is instrumental in creating
awareness among the masses, seeking their participation in developmental activities and eradication of poverty and social evils.
The print media publicity is guided by the Advertisement Policy, Electronic media by an Audio-Visual policy of the Government of India,
issued by Ministry of Information and Broadcasting from time to time.

The Directorate of Film Festivals is vested with the responsibility of promoting good cinema and organizing International Film Festivals
of India (IFFI), promoting Indian films both within the country and abroad, organization of film weeks and the National Film Awards.
The Directorate seeks to promote the best of Indian Cinema within India and abroad and to show the best of foreign cinema in India. The
festivals organized by DFF work as a platform for the like-minded professionals from India and abroad to meet and exchange their views and
The activities of the Directorate are carried out through the Scheme ‘Export promotion through film festival in India and abroad’ which
has the following components:-
(a) International Film Festival of India (IFFI)
(b) Participation of Indian Panorama Films in film festivals in India and abroad.
(c) Selection/striking of prints of Indian Panorama films.
To effectively implement the above Scheme, a new Scheme to provide the Directorate with a technically equipped print unit facilitating
long term storage of prints is also envisaged in the 1lth Five Year Plan.
The Directorate is also responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of Siri Fort Film festival Complex. Improvement of facilities/renovation
of the Complex is undertaken through the Plan scheme - ‘Film Festival Complex- Additions and Alterations’.

Films Division is responsible for the production and distribution of documentaries, animation and short films required by the Government
of India for public information, education, motivation and for instructional and cultural purposes. The Headquarters of the Films Division is at
Mumbai. A sub-unit is located at New Delhi for production of documentary films on subjects sponsored by the Department of Family Welfare,
Ministry of Defence and other Government Undertakings, Organizations. In addition, two regional centres for prodcution of Featurette/Video
films based on rural stories with entertainment elements were set up one each at Bangaluru and Kolkata. Fourteen Chief Cameramen and two
Assistant Cameramen are posted in various state capitals for wide coverage of important national events of special and cultural nature. Distribution
of films is done through a network of ten Branch Offices. Films Division has been organizing the biennial Internation Film Festival in association
with the Government of Maharashtra and other film bodies.

In the 11th Five year Plan, the Scheme “Export and Marketing of Films” has two sub components. One sub component “Participation in
Film markets in India and Abroad” is being implemented by the Film Wing of the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting. The other component
“Export Promotion through Film Festivals in India and Abroad” is being implemented by Directorate of Film Festivals.

Participation in Film Markets in India and Abroad

The component relating to “Participation in Film Markets in India and Abroad” is being undertaken to extend the reach of Indian films
globally. Participation by Indian films in the International Film Markets promotes familiarization with the product and indicates its availability.
It is a necessary step to further boost the export potential in existing markets and to open smaller and non-traditional markets, viz., Latin America,
China and Scandinavian countries, etc. This can be achieved by exhibiting our films in other countries through participation in film markets like
Cannes International Film Festival and Market, Berlin Film Festival and Film Bazaar, i.e. a market event is organized alongside the International
Film Festival of India every year. In addition to the traditional film markets, it is proposed to participate under the Scheme in Animation Film
Festival/Markets, the Children’s Film Market and/or the Documentary Film Sector. The Scheme envisages targeting some of the markets like
ANNECY- Animation Film Festival/Markets in France, the audio-visual content industry market held in October in Cannes, which caters to the
television, film animation, documentary and Children’s Film Sector. The scope of participation in these markets would be decided on a yearly
basis and may differ from year to year.

Setting up of Center for Excellence for Animation, Gaming and Visual Effects
Rapid technological development has pushed growth in the fields of Animation, Gaming and Special Visual Effects. 2D cell animation and
3D CGI animation techniques are used to develop animation contents in television programmes, movies and video games involving extensive
use of animation software progammes. 3D motion capture animation techniques are used in low resolution game, internet characters, special effects,
etc. Similarly, the gaming industry depends upon the latest gaming software for game design, platform design and play characteristics. The Indian
gaming industry is expected to capture opportunities in the mobile and online gaming segments. Animation, Gaming and Visual Effects industry
is both technology and technical/professional manpower intensive. The Indian industry is already facing a paradox. While India’s share in these
industries is currently small, it has a tremendous potential because of global demand and the comparative advantage of India in having a huge
pool of IT professionals.
Visual Effects is a highly skilled activity and increasingly manifest in the Audio-Visual industry. The skill development in Animation and
Gaming Sector has tremendous revenue potential. However, the rapidly increasing Animation, Gaming and Visual Effects Industry is already
facing a severe shortage of trained professionals. Different reports estimate the requirement to be around 10,000 animation professionals at present
as against the availability of only around 3000. Similarly the gaming industry has around 6000 persons while the demand is huge. The projected

growth of the industry would increase the demand and supply gap for skilled manpower exponentially. It is, therefore, imperative that India ensures
enhancement of trained personnel for the Animation, Gaming and Visual Effect Sector. In order to achieve the goal, it has been envisaged that
a specialised training and consultancy institute for the Animation, Gaming and Visual Effect -Sector be set up in public/private partnership to
lay down and implement bench marks in terms of standards of teaching and training in these sectors and provide leadership role to the whole
sector. The Institute would provide research opportunities and also enable further technological initiatives and software development. In long
term perspective, research provides not only for creation of intellectual property but also increasing revenue generation.
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting had appointed M/s PwC to conduct a study on human resources for Setting up of a National
Centre of Excellence for Animation, Gaming and Visual Effects. M/s PwC has submitted its report and has strongly recommended for setting
up of a National Centre of Excellence for Animation, Gaming and Visual Effects. This Ministry has approached Planning Commission for according
‘in principle’ approval. On the advice of Planning Commission this Ministry is in the process of appointment of a consultant for preparing the


The Film and Television Institute of India was set up in 1960, in Pune, as a premier Institute for imparting training in the art and technique
of Film making. Since 1974, it started training Doordarshan employees in Television Production also. The Institute was renamed as Film and
Television Institute of India.
The FTII has been been conducting the following courses :-

1. Post Graduate Diploma in Film and Television - Direction, Cinematography, Audiography and Editing 3 years
2. Post Graduate Diploma in Acting and Art Direction and Production Design 2 years
3. Post Graduate Certificate Courses in Television with specialisation in Direction, Electronic Cinematography, 1 year
Video Editing and Audiography and Television Engineering
4. Certificate Course in Animation and Computer graphics One-and-a-half year
5. Post Graduate Certificate Courses in Feature Film Screenplay Writing. 1 year
FTII also runs various short courses for working professionals and those with related interests.
At present 325 students are enlisted for different courses conducted by the Institute. The huge response to the courses conducted by the
Institute indicates that these courses are in great demand. Many students from this Institute are doing well in the cinema field with the requisite
standard. Their contribution to Indian cinema has become quite visible. Today FTII is considered as a Centre of Excellence not only in India
but also in Asia and Europe. Films made by the students of the Institute are entered in festivals both in India and abroad. There is a huge collection
of diploma films over the years, many of them honoured with National and International Awards. Also, many earlier students of the Institute
have become well-known personalities over the years.

In order to provide trained manpower in various disciplines of Film and TV productions, Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute, Kolkata
was established by the Government of India as an autonomous educational institution under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and
was registered under West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961.
The primary objective of the Institute is to conduct various courses on Film and Television production with an expected annual output of
40 students.
The Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute is the second national level Institute established by the Government of India. The Institute
offers three-year Post Graduate Diploma Courses in Direction and Screenplay Writing, Motion Picture Photography, Editing and Sound Recording
with the intake capacity of ten students in each discipline. The Institute also conducts research and explorative studies in the sociology, culture
and technology of film and television. Curriculum courses include students’ projects like Continuity, Mis-en-scene, Ad-promo, Documentary, Play-
back and Diploma Films etc. In order to complement classroom teaching, various workshops by prominent film personalities are conducted. Regular
screenings of indigenous and foreign films are also done as a mode to provide better exposure to modern trend and technique in filmmaking.
Apart from the basic diploma courses, Institute also organizes various short-term courses and undertakes various projects on demands of
various organizations and the film industry.


Organisational set up and Introduction
The Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC) was set up in response to a need for evolving a methodology and a mechanism to
make efficient and effective use of communication resources as part of country’s overall development strategy. IIMC was set up as, “A Centre
for Advanced Study in Mass Communication” with responsibilities for consultation, training, research and development, particularly in the use
of mass communication in support of national economic and social development.
The Institute made a small beginning on 17 August 1965, as a department of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government
of India, with a small staff including two consultants from UNESCO. Later it was registered as an autonomous organisation under the Societies
Registration Act (XXI) of 1860 on 22 January 1966. The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India constitutes the IIMC
Society and Executive Council every two years.
In the spirit of the directives enunciated in the objectives, the Institute conducts training and teaching programmes, develops a framework
of research and contributes to the creation of an information infrastructure suitable not only for India but for all developing countries. It provides
its expertise and consultancy services to other institutions in the country and collaborates with those abroad.

In the past 43 years the Institute has grown and is today established as a “Centre of Excellence” in the field of communication teaching,
training and research. It provides knowledge and skills to young communicators in a variety of disciplines including print, photography, radio,
television, development communication, communication research, advertising and public relations.
The Institute also provides training, research and consultancy services at the request of departments of Central and State Governments,
Public Sector Undertakings, Universities and other academic bodies and also collaborates with national and international agencies in conducting
training, seminars and workshops as well as in undertaking joint research projects.
Institute’s activities are centered on three central areas such as teaching, training and research. In its endeavor to fulfill these objectives,
it conducts the following Courses:
1. Orientation Course for Officers of the Indian Information Service (Group A);
2. Post-Graduate Diploma Course in Journalism (English) - New Delhi and Dhenkanal (Orissa);
3. Post-Graduate Diploma Course in Journalism (Hindi);
4. Post-Graduate Diploma Course in Advertising and Public Relations;
5. Post-Graduate Diploma Course in Radio and TV Journalism;
6. Post-Graduate Diploma Course in Oriya Journalism; and
7. Diploma Course in Development Journalism.
The course at S.No. 7 which is open to Third World Countries is highly sought after by middle-level working journalists from Africa, Asia
and Latin America. The average intake of participants for this course has been 20-25 per course.
Several leading media professionals have taught in the Institute and many of its trainees/students have made a mark in the profession. A
number of media professionals from several foreign countries particularly of Asia and Africa have also benefited from the‘ Institute’s mid-career
enrichment courses for developing countries.
Indian Information Service Foundation Course
IIMC is the nodal centre for the training of Indian Information Service Officers (IIS). The Institute provides a learning ground for this service
in communication techniques and orients them towards public information systems. The focus of the course is on information policies and strategies.
Short Courses, Workshops, Seminars and Conferences
The Institute has been organising seminars and conferences on various themes of communication with a view to contributing to better
understanding of mass communication issues in the context of India and other developing countries.
The Institute runs regular and short-term academic programmes for personnel of different media units of Ministry of I&B. A number of
specialised short-courses of one week to three-month duration are also conducted to meet the professional training needs of Defence Officials

and also personnel working in various media/publicity organizations of the Central/State Governments and Public Sector. IIMC has successfully
conducted 14 short-term courses during 2008-09.
Admission to Post-Graduate Diploma Courses
IIMC constantly endeavors to enrich the content of its present courses. In order to add value to the present courses being run by the Institute,
detailed interaction is carried out between the faculty and the practitioners/specialists in the fields of print media, electronic media, advertising,
public relations, broadcasting and printing. Based on the inputs received from the industry, the courses are being revamped to provide more practical
inputs and knowledge. Special lectures are taken by specialists/practitioners, drawn from the field.
Academic Programme
On the basis of written Entrance Test for admissions held on 20th May 2008 at eight centres (including New Delhi) in different parts of
the country, a total of 134 students joined Journalism (Hindi/English); 53 students joined Advertising and Public Relations; 35 students took
admission in Radio & TV Journalism and 18 students joined Oriya Journalism at Dhenkanal. All the Post Graduate Diploma Courses commenced
from 28th July 2008 and concluded in April 2009. During the academic year 2008-09 the Institute has implemented (first phase) OBC reservation
quota (9%) for the admission in all its PG Diploma Courses.
Diploma Course in Development Journalism
Continuing the tradition of the Non-Aligned Movement’s efforts and to improve journalistic skills in developing countries as well as to
evolve a Third World perspective, the Institute offers a Diploma Course in Development Journalism. Two such courses are held every year, each
of four months’ duration. The 51St Course in the series (August-November) commenced on 4th August 2008 (with 16 participants) concluded on
30.11.2008. The 52nd Course which started from 12th January, 2009 with 20 participants concluded on 11th May, 2009.
Research and Evaluation Studies
A systematic study of communication has been an integral part of the Institute’s academic pursuits. IIMC has undertaken many research
projects and over the years it has conducted several research studies for a number of national and international organizations, for governmental
and non­governmental bodies.
The following research studies have been undertaken during the year 2008-09:
1. Newspapers in the Age of Internet; current trends-What lies in future? (Sponsored by RR&TD, Ministry of I&B, Govt. of India);
2. Viewership of DD Direct or Doordarshan’s DTH Platform in North­East states (Sponsored by RR&TD, Ministry of I&B, Govt.
of India);
3. Working of Indian News Agencies with respect to use of foreign contents, Utilization of funds received from foreign agencies etc.
(sponsored by RR&TD, Ministry of I&B); and
4. Consultancy for corporate communication solutions to Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO).

IIMC’s Branches
During the 9th Five Year Plan, in order to meet the growing demand for quality education in the field of mass communication and to develop
communication education in remote areas, four places across the country were selected to set up IIMC Centres: Dhenkanal (Orissa), Dimapur
(Nagaland), Kottayam (Kerala) and Jhabua (Madhya Pradesh).
Since 1993, the IIMC branch at Dhenkanal is fully functional and is attracting a large number of students from the eastern region. The
branch has good infrastructure and is conducting two Post-Graduate Diploma Courses in Journalism (English and Oriya).


The need for preserving films as art and historical documents has been recognized all over the world. The task of preserving cinema in
all its varied expressions and forms is best entrusted to a national organization having adequate resources, a permanent set up and the confidence
of the local film industry. Thus, the National Film Archive of India was established as an independent Media Unit under the Ministry of Information
and Broadcasting in February, 1964.
The National Film Archive of India (NFAI) is the outcome of the Government’s realization that films are as valuable as books and other
historical documents and that the country’s film heritage needs to be preserved for posterity.
The primary objective of National Film Archive of India is acquisition and preservation of national cinema and the best of world cinema.
It is also responsible for film classification, documentation and research and encouraging film scholarship and the spread of film culture in
the country.


The National Film Development Corporation Ltd. (NFDC) is the central agency established by the Government of India to promote the
growth of the Indian film industry and to foster excellence in cinema.
2. The films funded/produced by NFDC and the cast and crew associated with their production have won several National and International
awards in the past. NFDC [including the erstwhile Film Finance Corporation (FFC)] has so far produced / co-produced / financed nearly 315
such films. The Indian film industry comprises cinemas in various Indian languages and NFDC has the distinction of being the only production
house which has produced films in 15 different languages and has co-produced more than 17 films with international partners.
3. The Mission of NFDC is to aim at fostering excellence in cinema and to promote Indian culture through films made in various Indian

4. The primary mandate of the Corporation is to promote Indian Cinema and to encourage the emergence of new talent in this field. In
the last few years, this mandate weakened considerably due to heavy losses incurred by the Corporation and consequent erosion of working capital.
NFDC now proposes to renew its commitment to promoting the Cinemas of India through new activities, in addition to its existing work, in
the forthcoming years. A Plan Scheme of film production in various regional languages with an outlay of Rs. 30 crore during the 11th Plan period
has been approved by the Government to assist NFDC to produce films in regional languages in pursuance of its developmental mandate.


Press Information Bureau, is one of the Principal agencies of the Government of India whose main function is to disseminate information
about policies, programmes and achievements of the Government in various fields. The Bureau has at present, a network of eight Regional Offices
at Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, Bhopal, Chandigarh, Guwahati, Lucknow and Hyderabad, 27 Branch offices, 5 Office-cum-Information Centres
and two Information Centres spread all over the country. A considerable number of newspapers, journals and periodicals are being published
from these places and a large number of pressmen visit these offices regularly. Some times PIB arranges press conferences for VVIPS/Ministers/
Secretaries and other senior officials to brief journalists/pressmen about the policies and programmes of the Government of India.
2. Over the years, two very major developments have occurred in the media scene the world over, one, the exponential growth of internet
and two, the advent of 24-hour news channels. These developments have made the communication very fast, transgressed national boundaries
and have brought immediacy to collection and dissemination of news to the people. Therefore, while the traditional media, especially the print
media, remains important, PIB needs to cater to the needs of the emerging media and also make best use of emerging tools to serve the media
and population at large.
3. Since information on all subjects is now readily available through internet and because of greater transparency and accessibility PIB’s
traditional tools of information dissemination need to be made more contemporary and suited to the needs of the modern media. The Bureau
must, therefore, undertake innovative activities to present information in a more interesting and instantly usable way to its clients.
4. PIB is also responsible to provide genuine feedback from the media to the various Government departments to enable the latter to take
necessary corrective actions or to shift focus to new directions.
5. To achieve these targets, following activities/Schemes/Projects have been proposed during the year 2009-10 :-
1. Setting up of National Press Centre at New Delhi : The Bureau proposes to set up a National Press Centre at New Delhi with separate
building of its own to provide media facilities to National and International journalists at one place. The Centre will have state-of-the-art facilities
including conference halls, press lounge, a briefing / conference room, library and other modern equipments. The Expenditure Finance Committee
(EFC) of the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting had approved the proposal for setting up of National Press Centre at a cost of Rs. 35.00
crore in its meeting held on 25.01.2005.
During the year, clearances from various agencies like Forest Deptt, Fire Deptt., DCP Licensing, DUAC and NDMC have been obtained.
No expenditure could be incurred so far as statutory approvals from NDMC, DUAC etc. have been received in November / December, 2008

only. However, as total project cost has now increased due to increased FAR permissible under the approved Design Form, more parking space
is required to be provided and thus leading to cost escalation. Action is being taken to obtain fresh approvals from Ministry/EFC.
During the year 2009-10 Rs. 5.00 crore have been allocated for National Press Centre at New Delhi.
(2) Media Outreach Programme : The aim of this Scheme is to disseminate information about the flagship programmes of the Government
by organising Public Information Campaigns, Media Interactive Sessions, Dissemination of Success Stories and conducting Press Tours. The
Administrative approval to the tune of Rs. 49.00 crore during the 11th Plan was received on 16-11-2007. During the year 2007-08 against an
allocation of Rs. 8.53 crore, Rs. 8.49 crore were utilized for PICs. During the financial year 2008-09 Rs.9.60 crore had been allocated to PIB.
At Final Grant Stage against an allocation of Rs. 9.05 crore, Rs. 8.98 crore has been incurred upto March, 2009.
During the year 2009-10 as per administrative approval, Rs. 9.50 crore have been allocated for this Scheme.
(3) Publicity for Special Events : This Scheme comprises three components which are as under :­
(a) International Film Festival of India - Setting up of Media Centre at the venue of the festival and extension of facilities to journalists
like special accreditation, hospitality arrangements, press conferences, press releases, work room with computers and internet, telephones,
newspapers, stationery, photocopier etc. During the year 2007-08 Rs. 1.00 lakh was allocated as a token provision. As the Scheme was not approved,
the expenditure on IFFI held in Goa during November / December, 2007 was met from Non-Plan. The Scheme was approved on 3-3-2008. As
per administrative approval, Rs. 6.60 lakh was allocated for this Scheme during the year 2008-09 but due to state mourning period some major
events could not be organized. Accordingly in Final Grant 2008-09, only Rs. 1.90 lakh was allocated to PIB. Out of this only an expenditure
of Rs. 1.30 lakh has been incurred.
As per administrative approval, Rs. 7.50 lakh have been allocated for the Annual Plan 2009-2010 for organizing IFFI.
(b) Pravasi Bhartiya Diwas Samaroh - PIB deputes its officers for grant of special accreditation to journalists during Pravasi Bhartiya
Diwas Samaroh and hiring of computers for Media Centre to facilitate journalists. During the year 2007-08 Rs. 1.00 lakh was allocated as a
token provision. As the scheme was approved on 3-3-2008, the expenditure for ‘Pravasi Bhartiya Diwas’ held on 7-9 January, 2008 in New Delhi
was met from Non-Plan. As per administrative approval, Rs. 1.00 lakh was allocated for this scheme in B.E. 2008-09. In Final Grant Stage out
of total allocation of Rs. 85,000/-, Rs. 84,000/- have been incurred on Pravasi Bhartiya Diwas held at Chennai in January, 2009. During the year
2009-2010, Rs. 1.80 lakh have been allocated for Pravasi Bhartiya Diwas to be held during January, 2010.
(c) Media Exchange Programme : The main aim of this Scheme is to recognize the vital role that Media plays in the promotion of better
understanding between countries and democratic values and tolerance in societies. The Scheme also aims to enhance regional cooperation and
strengthen friendly ties with different countries in the fields of information and mass media through greater interaction between media persons.
The components of this Scheme are as under:­
(i) Cultural Exchange Programmes (CEP)
(ii) Joint Working Groups.
(iii) Agreement on cooperation in the field of Information.

During the year, 2007-08, only Rs. 1.00 lakh was allocated as a token provision but as the Scheme was approved on 3-3-2008, no expenditure
could be incurred. During the year 2008-09, Rs. 43.69 lakh was allocated for this Scheme. As implementation of the component ‘Media Exchange
Programme’ depends largely on other countries, CEPs with the countries such as France, Vietnam, Belarus, China, Botswana, Tunisia, Egypt
and Italy are still to be implemented. All the funds were surrendered at Final Grant stage except Rs. 4.40 lakh which was earmarked for NE
Region. This fund of Rs. 4.40 lakh could not be utilized.
As per administrative approval, Rs. 43.49 lakh have been allocated for CEPs during the year 2009-10.
4. Main Press Centre and other Media Centres for Commonwealth Youth Games at Pune. 2008 and Commonwealth Games at Delhi
2010- This is a new Plan Scheme to be implemented as a part of Eleventh Five Year Plan. The administrative approval for this Scheme has been
approved on 3-11-2008 with an approved cost of Rs. 20.00 crore distributed in three financial years 2008-09 to 2010-11. During the year 2008-
09, an amount of Rs. 1.80 crore was allocated to this Bureau in B.E. 2008-09. In Final Grant Stage funds allocated amounting to Rs. 1.20 crore
have been utilized fully on Commonwealth Youth Games, 2008.
During the financial year 2009-10, Rs. 10.00 crore have been allocated for setting up of Media Centres and to initiate preparatory work.
The funds will also be used to generate interest and provide timely and accurate information to spread awareness amongst media about the
Commonwealth Games 2010 to be held in Delhi.


The Press Council of India was first set up in the year 1966 on the recommendations of the First Press Commission. In the discharge of its
twin fold function of preserving the freedom of the press and maintaining and improving the standards of the press, the Council performs a
multi-faceted role. It acts on the one hand as a quasi judicial authority with all powers of the civil court and on the other, in its advisory capacity;
it guides the press as well as the authorities on any matter that may have a bearing on the freedom of the press and on its preservation.

The Press Council is headed by a Chairman who has by convention been a sitting/retired judge of the Supreme Court of India. Besides, the
Council consists of 28 other members, of whom 20 represent the press, five are from the two Houses of Parliament and three represent the
cultural, literary and legal fields and are nominated by the Sahitya Academy, University Grants Commission and the Bar Council of India.

The Council is headed by the revenue collected by it as fee levied on the registered newspapers in the country on the basis of their circulation,
the deficit being made good by way of grant by the central government. Though to some extent the Council is dependent on the government
for finances, yet in so far as functional autonomy is concerned, it has remained completely uninfluenced by any extraneous considerations in
discharge of its function.

The quasi-judicial function of the Council are discharged follow, the mandate and procedure of section 14 & 15 of the Press Council Act and
the advisory and guiding functions are undertaken under various provision of Section 13. In its efforts to promote gender equality and progress

of women, the Council dedicated its Press Day 2008 to “Women & Media” when the country specially benefited from the advice of the Hon’ble
President of India in the media contribution to the cause.

The main function of the Photo Division is to document photographically the developmental programmes undertaken by the Government
and social changes taking place in the country. Photographs are supplied by the Division for internal and external publicity to the Press Information
Bureau for distribution to the Newspapers in India and DAVP for its exhibition and XP Division for Publicity abroad.
Photo Division also supplies photographs on payment to the Central/State Government Departments, Public Sector Undertakings and to
the public under “Pricing Scheme” to cater to their needs. The main function of these photo units are to cover important events in the regions,
to providing photographic publicity material and also to prepare and preserve in its archives.
Keeping in view the recent technological developments, the Division in consultation with the competent authority has decided to recast
its Plan Scheme.

The Publications Division is one of the largest publishing houses in the country. The books and journals brought out by the Division
in Hindi, English and other major Indian languages are designed to broaden the understanding of the people. The publications aim at disseminating
information on the variegated pattern of life and culture of the country including information on the Five Year Plans and progress registered
in different sectors in national economy. The important publications of the Division include the prestigious series of Collected Works of Mahatma
Gandhi, speeches of national leaders and educative and informative books on subjects of national interest and literature for children and
Employment News.

The mandate for the Division is production, sale and distribution of popular books, journals on matters of national importance for internal
as well as external publicity, with a view to imparting to the general public at home and abroad up to date and correct information about India.
While doing so, the Division aims to achieve the following objectives :

(i) Publish books on subjects of national importance, which are otherwise not covered by other publishing houses and make them
available to general public at affordable prices.

(ii) To strengthen and promote the concept and spirit of unity in diversity, communal harmony, national integration etc.

Lists of books published during 2007-08 and 2008-09 are annexed.


A list of books published during 2008-09

Sl. No. Name of Book

Language : Hindi
1. Bharatiya Lok Nritya
2. Nana Saheb Peshwa
3. Mahapurushon Ka Manovinod
4. Bahadurshaha Zafar
5. Safed Bagh
6. Parvatarohan Ka Romanch
7. Isa Ki Laghu Kathayen
8. Bharatiya Swatantrata Andolan Ka Itihas (Part-III) Rep.
9. Kissa Char Darvesh
10. Desh Videsh Ke Tyohar
11. Bodh Dharam Ke 2500 Years
12. P.M. Speeches (Vol.III)
13. Prakash Bharati
14. Soochna Bharati
15. Katha Kalidas Ki
16. Jatak Kathaien
17. Amar Shaheed Bhagat Singh
18. Dayal Singh Majithia
19. Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sachitra Jeevani (Rep.)

20. Upabhokta Sangrakshan
21. Bharatiya Dak Tikiton Ka Itihas
22. Ajeya Krantikari Rajguru
23. Kahaniyan Balidan Ki
24. Lorik Chanda (Rep.)
25. Bharat Ki Sanskritik Ekta (Rep.)
26. Anokhi Duniya Anokhe Log (Rep.)
27. Apni Hindi Sudharen (Rep.)
28. Vigyan Barahmasa
29. Ramdhari Singh ‘Dinkar’
30. Bharat Chodo Andolan (Rep.)
31. Chhattisgarh Ki Lok Kathayen (Rep.)
32. Chhau Nritya Kala
33. Singh (Rep.)
34. Man Jiska Majboot (Rep.)
35. Ashtachhap Ke Kavi Parmanad Das
36. Kahavaton Ki Kahaniyan
37. Ashtachhap Ke Kavi Kumbhan Das
38. Gramin Jiwan Mein Vigyan
39. Bundelkhand Ke Murtishilp
40. Apni Hindi Sawarien
41. Albert Einstien (Delx.)
42. Sanskrit Lokokti Kosh (Rep.)
43. Begum Hazarat Mahal
44. Khel Niyam Aur Prashikshan (Rep.)

45. Jharkhand
46. Ek Pati
47. Bharat Ke Rashtriya Udhyan
48. Bharat-2009
49. Gramin Jivan Mein Vigyan (Rep.)
50. Vigyan Hamare Aaspas (Rep.)
51. Niti Kathaien (Rep.)
52. Saras Kathaien (Rep.)
53. Bal Mahabharat (Part-I) (Rep.)
54. Awala Daan (Rep.)
55. Adiwasi Garh Chhattisgarh (Rep.)
56. Netaji Sampurna Vangmaya (Vol.-11)
57. Paryavaran
58. Tilak Ka Mukadma
59. Jamanalal Bajaj (BMI) Rep.
60. Sant Kabeer (Rep.)
61. Rashtra Mandal Khel
62. Bhoomandalikaran
63. M A Ansari (BMI)
64. Shahidon Ka Parichay (Rep.)
65. Bidhan Chandra Roy (BMI)
66. Bharat Ke Samachar Patra
67. Police Jaanch Main Vigyan

Language : English
1. India in the Space Age
2. Gandhi Ordained in South Africa (Pop) (Deluxe)
3. Vedic Lore
4. Mass Media in India-2008
5. Selected Speeches of PM Vol. IV. (Delx.)
6. Acharya Narendra Dev
7. Khudiram Bose : Revolutionary Extra Ordinaire
8. CWMG (Vol.-4) Rep. Delx.
9. CWMG (Vol.-23) Rep. Delx.
10. Earth in Peril
11. Democracy & Human Development In India
12. Press in India 2006-2007
13. Essays on Indian Economics
14. Dr. Shanti Swaroop Bhatnagar
15. India – Medival History (Rep.)
16. India – Society, Religion & Literature in Ancient & Medieval Period (Rep.)
17. India – 2009 (A Reference Annual)
18. India : Pre Historic & Proto Historic Period (Rep)
19. Why People Protest
20. India : Art & Architecture (Rep.)
21. Report for Vote on Account-(2009-10)
22. Inscriptions of Ashoka (Rep.)
23. Celebrating Seasons
24. India Early History (Rep.)

25. India : Govt. and Economic life in Ancient and - Medieval Period (Rep.)
26. 2500 Years of Buddhism (Rep.)
27. CWMG (Vol.-21) Rep. (Deluxe)
28. CWMG (Vol.-24) Rep. (Deluxe)
29. CWMG (Vol.-25) Rep. (Deluxe)
30. CWMG (Vol.-41) Rep. (Deluxe)
Language : Regional Languages
1. Buddha Gatha (Oriya)
2. Vishwa Ki Shreshtha Lok Kathaien - III (Marathi)
3. Gandhi-A Pictorial Biography (Gujarati)
4. Sectional Catalogue (Bilingual : English & Hindi)
5. Bapu Ke Saath (Rep.) (Telugu)
6. Videshi Yatriyon Ki Nazar Mein Bharat-(Rep) (Tamil)
7. Bahadur Bacche (Rep.) (Telugu)
8. Punjab De Lok Nanch (Punjabi)
9. C.N. Annadurai BMI (Rep.) (Tamil)
10. Srinivas Iyengar BMI (Rep.) (Tamil)
11. Desh-Videsh Ki Kahaniyan (Bengali)
12. Indian Folk Dances (Punjabi)
13. Rochak Itihasik Kahaniyan (Marathi)
14. Rochak Itihasik Kahaniyan (Tamil)
15. Khazeera-e-Ghalib (Urdu)
16. Krantidoot Azimullah Khan (Punjabi)
17. Vishwa Ki Shreshtha Lok Kathaien-Part-II (Oriya)
18. Vishwa Ki Shreshtha Lok Kathaien-Part-IV (Oriya)

A list of publications produced during 2007- 08
Language : ENGLISH
S.No. Name of book
1. Lal Bahadur Shastri (Dlx)
2. United Nations in the Service of the Common Man
3. Speeches of President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam (Vol. I)
4. A Guide to Home Gardening
5. Ancient India
6. The Charkha and The Rose (Rep.)
7. How to Age Gracefully and Be Happy
8. Bharatiya Vigyan Manjusha (Delx) (Rep.)
9. My Book of Human Rights
10. Legends and Folk Tales from and around Asia
11. Selected Speeches : Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh – Vol. III
12. Speeches of Dr. Rajendra Prasad (Vol. III)
13. Indian Classical Dance (Rep.)
14. Sardar Patel (Pictorial) (Rep.)
15. Inspiring Historical Stories (Vol. I)
16. Inspiring Historical Stories (Vol.II)
17. Bhagat Singh – The Eternal Rebel
18. India – 2008
19. 1857 The Uprising
20. Our National Flag (Revised)
21. The Dreaming Kid
22. Creation Stories

23. Catalogue – 2008 (Bilingual : English & Hindi)
24. Delhi in 1857
25. The Bhuj Story (Rep.)
26. The Phantom Tales
27. Sunita Williams
28. Annual Report (M/o I&B) Part – I
29. Annual Report (M/o I&B) Part – II
30. Outcome Budget 2008-09
Language : HINDI
1. Safalta Ka Mantra
2. Bhartiya Swatantrata Andolan Ka Itihas-I
3. Ahilyabai Holkar
4. Bhojpur Ki Lok Sanskriti Evam Paramparain
5. Jharkhand Ki Lok Kathain
6. Bharat Ke Samachar Patra 2005-06
7. Bharatendu Harish Chandra Awards 2004-2005
8. Kahavaton Ki Kahaniyan
9. Vaibav Aur Vairagya
10. Kile Ka Rahasiya
11. Ashtachhap Ke Kavi Soordas
12. Mayamrig
13. Mahan Ganitagya – Aryabhat
14. Bhartiya Swatantrata Andolan Ka Itihas (Part. – IV) (Rep.)
15. Yeh Karvan Hamara
16. 1857 Swatantrata Sangram (Rep.)
17. Uttarakhand Ke Adiwasi (Rep.)

18. Shahid Bachchon Ki Gourav Gatha
19. Thirakate Pankh (Rep.)
20. Ayurveda – Samanya Rog Evam Upchar (Rep.)
21. Kala Pani (Rep.)
22. Veer Kunwar Singh
23. Tatya Tope
24. Udaharan
25. Sangeet Bachchon Ke Liye (Rep.)
26. Bharat Ke Boddh Vihar
27. 1857 Sachitra Jhanki (Rep.)
28. Shaheed Bhagat Singh
29. Bharat – 2008
30. Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi
31. Lok Mein Jal
32. Speeches of PM Vol. II (Dlx)
33. Adivasi Kala (Rep.)
34. Ek Thee Sheena
35. Bhukamp
36. Bhartiye Swatantrata Andolan Ka Itihas-II (Rep)
37. Varshik Report (M/o I&B) Part – I
38. Varshik Report (M/o I&B) Part – II
39. Parinam Budget 2008-09
40. Mahapurushon Ke Prerak Prasang (Rep.)
41. Bharat Ki Virangnayen (Rep.)
42. Desh-Videsh Ke Mahapurush (Rep.)
43. Prachin Bharatiya Abhilekh

44. Sanskritik Sangam Ki Bhumi Uttarakhand
45. Bihar Ki Lok Kathaien (Rep.)
46. Lucknow Ki Dharohar
47. Aacharya Ramchandra Shukla
48. Dalit Devo Bhawa (Rep) (Delx)
49. Babu Jagjivan Ram (BMI) (Rep.)
50. Aaiye Avishkarak Bane (Rep)
51. A Thought for the Day (Bilingual) (Rep.) (Delx)
1. 1857 (Punjabi)
2. 1857 Ki Jang-e-Azadi (Urdu)
3. Great Man Great Deeds (Malayalam)
4. 1857 Revolt (Urdu)
5. R.N. Thakur Ki Bal Kahaniyan (Malayalam)
6. S. Srinivasa Iyenger (BMI) (Tamil)
7. Ramanand Chattopadhyay (BMI) (Bengali)
8. Eminent Broadcasters (Telugu)
9. Nehru – A Pictorial Biography (Oriya)
10. Mother Teresa (Telugu)
11. Guru Nanak Se Guru Granth Sahib Tak (Marathi)
12. Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel (Marathi)
13. Eighteen Fifty Seven (Telugu)
14. Peacock (Tamil)
15. Ravindranath Thakur Ki Bal Kahanian (Oriya)
16. Baital Kathaien (Tamil)
17. Nobel Puruskar Vijeta Mahilayen (Marathi)

18. Gurunanak Se Gurugranth Sahib Tak (Urdu)
19. Sarojini Naidu (BMI) (Bengali)
20. Vishwa Ki Shrestha Lok Kathaien (Part-II) (Malayalam)
21. Satguru Ramsingh Te Kuka Lehar (Punjabi)
22. Vishwa Ki Shrestha Lok Kathaien (Part-IV) (Malayalam)


Employment News, a weekly, is published in English, Hindi and Urdu. It is the flagship publication of the Publications Division, Ministry
of Information and Broadcasting.
The weekly carries advertisement for jobs of Central and State Governments, Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous Bodies, Universities,
Foreign Institutions like Ford Foundation, the British Council, etc. It also carries admission notices for professional courses, examination notices
and results of organizations like UPSC, SSC and other general recruitment bodies and midlevel career promotion opportunities (deputations).
In addition to this, there is also an Editorial segment, which carries one or two main articles.
The target of the weekly are basically the Civil services aspirants, candidates appearing for competitive exams and interviews, young people
on the threshold of taking a decision on careers and professions. The mandate of the weekly is to inform and educate the young people so that
they can make a wise choice in their life and career.
Besides fulfilling its social obligation, Employment News/Rozgar Samachar has been earning substantial profits regularly. The journal, has
the distinction of being among the highest circulated weeklies and is available throughout the country on every Saturday.
The illustrated career weekly of the Government added another feather to its cap by launching an interactive career oriented website under
the domain . The website has been a tremendous success and has been very popular among the youngsters with
the page hit of more than 3 lakh per day. This could be the highest page hit in the Government sector. The online features offered through the
website include career counselling, advance information about job vacancies in Government section and availability of information direct to the
e-mail of the readers.


The Office of the RNI, an attached office of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, came into being with effect from 1st July 1956,
by an Act of Parliament amending the Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867. Its statutory functions under the Act are detailed below: -
i) Maintenance and compilation of a register containing particulars of newspapers/periodicals published in India;

ii) Issuance of Certificates of Registration in respect of Newspapers/Periodicals after verification of availability of Titles as recommended
by District Magistrates concerned.
iii) Ensuring that the Newspapers/Periodicals are published in accordance with the provisions of the Press and Registrations of Books
Act, 1867;
iv) Verification of circulation claims made by the publishers;
v) Preparation and submission to the Government Annual Report containing information and statistics about the Press in India and in
particular, the trends in different categories of newspapers/periodicals.
In addition, RNI has to perform some functions, which are non-statutory in nature.
These are: -
a) Issuance of Eligibility Certificates to enable the newspapers to import newsprint
b) Assessing and certifying the essential requirements of newspaper establishments in regards to printing and allied machineries
and materials.


The role of Research, Reference and Training Division is to assist the Media Units of Ministry of Information and Broadcasting in collection,
compilation and preparation of material involving research into published works, etc., building up of a compendium of knowledge on important
subjects, and to prepare guidance and background notes on current and other topics for the use of the Media Units. Set up in the year 1945
the Division functions as an information-serving unit for the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and various Media Units under it. The
Division studies trends in Mass Communication Media and maintains reference and documentation service on it. It provides background, reference
and research materials for use of the Ministry, its media units and others engaged in mass communication.
The Division compiles two annual reference books, India-A Reference Annual, a compilation on development and progress made by Central
Ministries/Departments, State/Union Territory Administrations and PSUs / Autonomous Bodies during the year, and Mass Media in India, a
comprehensive publication on mass communication in the country. India is simultaneously published in Hindi language under the title-Bharat.
The Research, Reference and Training Division successfully brought out the 53rd edition of Reference Annual, India 2009 in January, 2009.
The Division has a regular service, the Diary of Events brought out every fortnight which focuses on important national and international
events for record and reference. The Division prepares a monthly report of subject-specific Specialty Magazines having a share of FDI and having
been given permission for publication in India. The magazines are monitored as to whether they stick to the stipulations laid down by the

Reference Library
This Division has a well-stocked library with a large collection of documents on various subjects, bound volumes of selected periodicals
and various reports of the Ministries, Committees and Commissions. Its collection includes specialized books on subjects pertaining to journalism,
public relations, advertising and audio-visual media, prominent encyclopedia series, yearbooks and contemporary articles. Besides the senior
officers of I&B, the library facilities are also available to accredited Indian and foreign correspondents. 630 new titles were added to the library
during the year 2008-09 (upto March, 2009) including 299 books in Hindi.

The National Documentation Centre on Mass Communication

The National Documentation Centre on Mass Communication (NDCMC) was created in 1976 as a part of the Division on the
recommendation of an Expert Committee set up by the Ministry, for collecting, interpreting and disseminating information about the events and
trends in Mass Media through its periodical services. The NDCMC documents major news items, articles and other information material available
on mass media/communication. The current activities of the Centre range from collecting and documenting information, to dissemination, not
only for the development of cross-country mass communication but also for participation in the international information flow.
The information collected is maintained and disseminated through services like Current Awareness Service – an annotated index of select
articles on mass media published in newspapers and journals being subscribed by the Centre; Bibliography Service - an annotated subject index
of articles on mass media published during past one year in newspapers and journals being subscribed by the Centre; Bulletin on Films – an
abstract of various developments in the film industry in India; Reference Information Service – background papers on subjects of topical interests
in the field of mass media; Who’s Who in Mass Media - biographies of various media personalities in lime light; Honours Conferred on Mass
Communicators - highlights the various awards announced during the year to mass communicators including the national and international film
awards; and Media Update - it brings to focus major national and international media events for record and reference.
The NDCMC also compiles and edits a reference book Mass Media in India. The Annual contains articles on various aspects of the mass
media, information on the status of media organizations in Central Government, States and Union Territories. Twenty first edition of Mass Media
in India was released during the period. It also includes the general information on print and electronic media. The National Documentation
Centre on Mass Communication (NDCMC) under RRTD has brought out 55 services on various aspects of Mass Media during the year 2008-
09 (till March, 2009).

Highlights of the Year 2008-09

• The Research, Reference and Training Division successfully brought out the 53rd edition of Reference Annual, India 2009 on
6th January, 2009.
• The National Documentation Centre for Mass Communication (NDCMC), a unit of RRTD has brought out 55 services on various aspects
of Mass Media during the year 2008-09 (till March, 2009).
• 21st edition of Mass Media in India was also brought out during the year.

The Division was set up in 1954 as small experimental unit to tap the abundant folk and traditional forms for communication purposes.
The ‘live media’ as it is popularly known now, proved very effective because of its inherent advantage of instantaneous rapport with the masses
and flexibility to incorporate contemporary issues, ideas and methods with conviction. The Division’s scope and size, therefore, was enlarged
to give it greater reach, access and impact in its efforts to communicate at the grassroots level, including inaccessible hilly terrains, desert and
border areas.
The main function of the Division is to create awareness and emotional receptivity among the general public regarding social, economic
and democratic ideals which are conducive to the progress of the nation, creating among the people in border areas a sense of defense preparedness
and cultural integrity with the rest of the country and keeping up the morale of the Army Jawans posted in isolated forward areas through live
entertainment media which includes both urban theatre forms and folk forms covering all the regions of the country.
To achieve its objectives, the Division utilizes a wide range of folk and traditional forms, such as, folk and traditional dramas, ballets, operas,
dance dramas, folk and traditional recitals, puppetry and even the skills of hundreds of magicians with age old tradition. In addition, the Division
utilizes sound and light spectacle with modern techniques and hundreds of artistes for presenting programmes on important national themes such
as Communal Harmony, National Integration, Secularism, promotion of Cultural Heritage, Health, Environment, Education, etc.
By way of utilizing numerous folk and traditional forms available in different parts of the country, the Division on one hand has become
a potent source of revival and sustenance to these forms and on the other hand is able to provide livelihood to thousands of performers by utilizing
their skills in their own languages, idioms and dialects for purposeful communication.
The Division headed by Director functions at three levels with its Headquarter located at Delhi (i) Ten Regional Centres located at Bangaluru,
Bhopal, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Kolkata, Lucknow, Pune, and Ranchi (ii) Seven border Centres located at Darbhanga, Guwahati,
Jammu, Jodhpur, Imphal, Nainital and Shimla (iii) Six Departmental Drama Troupes located at Bhubaneshwar, Delhi, Hyderabad, Patna, Pune
and Srinagar(Jammu).
The various field units of the Division are responsible for preparation, presentation and monitoring of publicity-oriented programmes. Besides
these, the Division has nine troupes (eight at Delhi and one at Chennai) consisting of artistes under the Armed Forces Entertainment Wing (AFEW)
Scheme, which is responsible for providing entertainment to Armed Forces in the far-flung border and isolated areas.

The Ministry of Information & Broadcasting through the mass communication media consisting of radio, television, films, the press
publications, advertising and traditional modes of dance and drama, plays an effective role in helping the people to have access to free flow
of information. The Ministry is involved in catering to the entertainment and intellectual needs of various age groups and focusing attention of
the masses on issues of national integrity, environmental protection, health care, etc. with the help of four wings, i.e. Information Wing, Broadcasting
Wing, Films Wing and Integrated Finance Wing. The Plan Scheme “Private FM Radio” provides infrastructure to the Private FM Broadcasters
which will enable them to locate their transmission facilities in a common place for effective utilization of spectrum.


After transfer of Central Monitoring Service (CMS) to National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO), it was decided to set up Electronic
Media Monitoring Centre (EMMC) to serve the content monitoring requirements of the Government. Keeping in view the mushrooming of private
and foreign TV Channels, a need was felt to monitor the content of TV Channels with reference to violation of Programme and Advertisement
Codes enshrined under the Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act 1995 and Rules framed there under. Moreover, requirement of monitoring
of content of private and foreign TV Channels has increased enormously due to certain events in recent past.

In the era of globalisation, International Channel has to play a very important part for a country, specially in a country like India which
is emerging as a global power. BBC, CNN etc. are very famous International Channels of the world. The main objective is to air the Indian
position globally in the same way as Channels such as Al-Jazeera, BBC, CNN, CCTV etc. do. This will involve introduction of International
News and Programming through the existing DD News Channel with simulcasting on DD India, which has a footprint in a large number of


In December 2006, the Government of India has liberalized the policy for Community Radio and decided to grant permission for setting
up Community Radio Stations to ‘Non-profit’ organizations viz. Civil Society and Voluntary Organizations, State Agricultural Universities, Indian
Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) institutions, Krishi Vigyan Kendras, Registered Societies and Autonomous Bodies and Public Trusts
registered under Societies Act or any other such Act relevant for the purpose in addition to the educational institutions, subject to fulfillment
of the eligibility conditions.


The expenditure incurred on the construction of Soochna Bhawan is met from the Plan Budget made available to this Ministry after
the approval of Planning Commission. The available constructed space has been allotted to various media units such as Civil Construction Wing,
Song & Drama Division, Photo Division, Films Division, Publications Division, Research Reference and Training Division, Press Council of
India, Directorate of Advertising & Visual Publicity (partly) and National Film Development Corporation. After completion of Phase-V of Soochna
Bhawan, the available built up space will be utilized for accommodating the balance media units and the remaining portion, if any will be leased
out to other departments.


The Entertainment and Media Sector of the economy promises high growth potential during the 11th Five Year Plan 2007-2012. In order
to capture the growth momentum, different Schemes/Programmes are being implemented by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting in
respect of Film, Information and Broadcasting Sectors so as to achieve the defined goals/objectives. Action Plan with respect to each Scheme/
Programme will be prepared by the implementing agency indicating targets and achievements in terms of both physical and financial parameters.
The progress of the implementation will also be monitored at the Ministry level. Review of the progress of implementation of these Schemes/
Programmes will be made on half yearly basis and report published for public domain.

The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting is the nodal Ministry for information, broadcasting and film sectors. It is responsible for
laying down the policies relating to the Media. Through its various Media Units, it is responsible for dissemination of information relating to
Government policies and programmes, provide wholesome entertainment and spread awareness through various means of communication,
including electronic media, print media and films. The Media units, autonomous bodies and PSUs of the Ministry assist in the performance
of its role. All the Media Units are manned by officers belonging to Engineering Services, Programming Services, Indian Information Service,
Central Secretariat Service and officers belonging to various other Services, on deputation to the Ministry under the Central Staffing Scheme.

The training is proposed to be conducted at various reputed Institutes/Universities abroad as per the needs of the different Media Units.
The objective is to expose officers to the changing environment-political, economic, social, technological-in which they are called upon to function
as the key persons in mass communication. The officers also need to be sensitized on the imperatives of human resource development essential
for the promotion of growth and effectiveness of the organisation.

After identifying the training needs of various Media Units of this Ministry, it is proposed to impart training to 10-12 officers of this
Ministry and its Media Units every year of the Plan Scheme in Institutions located abroad and also at IIMC by inviting trainers from abroad.
Secondly, the Ministry also proposes to put in place a structured training programme for mid-career training/skill up gradation of IIS officers
under which it is proposed to train 120-140 IIS officers every year. The expenditure involved in this Scheme is only Revenue expenditure.
The training courses will be a judicious mix of short term and long term training programmes depending on the suitability of the course vis
a vis the needs of the Ministry. Officers would also be nominated by the Ministry for selected courses in Organizations/Universities of repute.

The Prasar Bharati (Broadcasting Corporation of India) Act, 1990 providing for the establishment of Broadcasting Corporation for India,
known as Prasar Bharati came into effect on 15.9.97. This Act provides that it shall be the primary duty of the corporation to organize and
conduct public service broadcasting to inform, educate and entertain the public i.e. to discharge the functions which used to be performed by
Akashwani and Doordarshan. The general superintendence, direction and management of the affairs of the Corporation shall vest in the Prasar
Bharati Board which may exercise all such powers and do all such acts and things as may be exercised or done by the Corporation under
this Act.

For the purpose of enabling the Corporation to discharge its functions efficiently, the Act provides that the Central Government may
after due appropriation made by Parliament by law in this behalf, pay to the Corporation in each financial year such sums of money as is considered
necessary by way of equity, grant –in-aid or loan. The Corporation shall have its own Fund and all the receipts of the Corporation shall be
credited to this Fund and all payments by the Corporation shall be made therefrom.

1. Subject to the provisions of this Act, it shall be primary duty of the Corporation to organize and conduct public broadcasting services
to inform, educate and entertain the public and to ensure a balanced development of broadcasting on radio and television.
Explanation – for the removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that the provisions of this section shall be in addition to, and not in derogation
of the provisions of the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885.

2. The Corporation shall, in the discharge of its functions, be guided by the following objectives, namely :
a. upholding the unity and integrity of the country and the values enshrined in the Constitution;
b. safeguarding the citizen’s right to be informed freely, truthfully and objectively on all matters of public interest, national or
international, and presenting a fair and balanced flow of information including contrasting views without advocating any opinion
or ideology of its own;
c. paying special attention in the fields of education and spread of literacy, agriculture, rural development, environment, health
and family welfare and science and technology;
d. providing adequate coverage to the diverse cultures and languages of the regions of the country by broadcasting appropriate
e. providing adequate coverage to sports and games so as to encourage healthy competition and the spirit of sportsmanship;
f. providing appropriate programmes keeping in view the special needs of the youth;
g. informing and stimulating the national consciousness in regard to the status and problems of women and paying special attention
to the upliftment of women;
h. promoting social justice and combating exploitation, inequality and such evils as untouchability and advancing the welfare of
the weaker sections of the society;
i. safeguarding the rights of the working classes and advancing their welfare;
j. serving the rural and weaker sections of the people and those residing in border regions, backward or remote areas;
k. providing suitable programmes keeping in view the special needs of the minorities and tribal communities;
l. taking special steps to protect the interests of children, the blind, the aged, the handicapped and other vulnerable sections of
the people;

m. promoting national integration by broadcasting in a manner that facilitates communication in the languages in India and
facilitating the distribution of regional broadcasting services in every State in the languages of that State;
n. providing comprehensive broadcast coverage through the choice of appropriate technology and the best utilization of the broadcast
frequencies available and ensuring high quality reception;
o. promoting research and development activities in order to ensure that radio and television broadcast technology are constantly
p. expanding broadcasting facilities by establishing additional channels of transmission at various levels.

3. In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions, the Corporation may take such steps as it thinks fit :
a. to ensure that broadcasting is conducted as a public service to provide and produce programmes;
b. to establish a system for the gathering of news for radio and television;
c. to negotiate for purchase of, or otherwise acquire, programmes and rights or privileges in respect of sports and other events,
films, serials, occasions, meetings, functions or incidents of public interest for broadcasting and to establish procedures for
the allocation of such programmes rights or privileges to the services;
d. to establish and maintain a library or libraries of radio, television and other materials;
e. to conduct or commission, from time to time, programmes, audience research, market or technical service, which may be released
to such persons and in such manner and subject to such terms and conditions as the Corporation may think fit;
f. to provide such other services as may be specified by regulations.

4. Nothing in sub-sections (2) and (3) shall prevent the Corporation from managing on behalf of the Central Government and in accordance
with such terms and conditions as may be specified by that Government the broadcasting of External Services and monitoring of broadcasts
made by organizations outside India on the basis of arrangements made for reimbursement of expenses by the Central Government.

5. For the purposes of ensuring that adequate time is made available for the promotion of the objectives set out in this section. The Central
Government shall have the power to determine the maximum limit of broadcast time in respect of the advertisement.

6. The Corporation shall be subject to no civil liability on the ground merely that it failed to comply with any of the provisions of this

7. The Corporation shall have power to determine and levy fees and other service charges for or in respect of the advertisements and such
programmes as may be specified by regulations provided. The fees and other service charges levied and collected under this sub-section
shall not exceed such limits as may be determined by the Central Government, from time to time.

Goals and objectives
All India Radio (AIR), an integral part of Prasar Bharati continues to carry out the mandate as given above. AIR informs, educates and entertains
people through its programmes broadcast from various stations. It keeps the people all over he country informed about Government policies,
plans programmes and achievements through the medium of sound broadcasting by a variety of programmes relating to culture, education science,
health and hygiene, social and economic issues. It also keeps the people in all parts of the country informed of the important news and current
events of topical interest. It presents diverse points of views to ensure that the programmes are balanced and unbiased through its broadcasts.
It promotes education and national integration. It also renders timely assistance to public and Government departments by quick dissemination
of information during natural calamities. It also runs a commercial service (Vividh Bharati), which helps to promote sale of goods and services
through advertisements. Its External Services Division broadcasts programme for overseas listeners. Its News Service Division provides latest
news round the clock. Apart from above, the FM and DTH channel of AIR entertain public through round the clock broadcast of music, songs

Vision statement
AIR has a glorious history in the pre-independence as well as post–independence era. The period since independence has seen substantial growth
in terms of coverage (area wise as well as population wise) through setting up of broadcast centres, auxiliary receiving centres and number
of transmitters including FM transmitters. AIR under Prasar Bharati, therefore, aims to advance further to achieve the goals and objectives in
carrying out the mandate of Prasar Bharati. A lot of new initiatives as farm and home broadcast “Kisan Vani Programmes” from 86 selected
AIR stations, programmes on environment, family welfare, programme on children with special focus on rural children and tiny tots, women
programmes, educational broadcast (IGNOU/NCERT/CIET), programmes on social awareness like HIV/AIDS and other health programmes,
collaboration with IGNOU, National Science Magazine (Vigyan Bharati), Sesame Street programmes through M/o Finance have been taken by
AIR, besides the programmes on music and drama which are regularly broadcast. On the engineering side a lot of initiative through special
package programmes for J&K and North East and Island territories, expansion of FM services, digitalization of production programmes and
transmission facilities, introduction of new technologies etc. have been taken. Various initiatives under News Services Division as well as research
and development activities have also been taken up. The priorities are for proper and timely implementation of all the initiatives.

Television came to India in September 1959 with the start of an experimental service at Delhi, which was later upgraded to a regular
service in 1965. Doordarshan functioned as part of All India Radio till April 1976, when it was bifurcated and a separate department of Doordarshan
headed by Director General was formed. Doordarshan services were extended to the next city viz Mumbai only in 1972. In the pursuit of growth,
color TV and National Networking were introduced in 1982. Since then Doordarshan has made great strides and expanded its network, which
presently comprises 66 studios and 1413 transmitters of various capacities. Today Doordarshan is counted among the leading TV organizations
of the world.

Organizational Setup
O/o Director General, Doordarshan (Head Quarter)
5 Zonal Offices (at Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata and Guwahati)
Doordarshan Kendras - 66 nos. (having TV programme production facility)
TV Relay Centers - 1413 (without production facility)
Doordarshan Maintenance Centers - 129 (controlling LPTs and VLPTs)
Doordarshan Earth Station -37 nos (for up-linking DD Programmes)

List of major Programmes/Schemes

Indian Classics
DD Urdu
DD News
DD Archives
DD India
DD Bharati

Mandate (in respect of various schemes)
Doordarshan as a Public Service Broadcaster was set up with the purpose of transforming our developing society and country by informing
educating and entertaining the masses. Presently Doordarshan has about 31 existing channels which are disseminating information throughout
country and raising awareness of the people in general. It is also addressing the issues specific to different sections of communities which is
the hallmark of our pluralistic society. The mandate of Doordarshan in respect of various Schemes is as under :-

a) To achieve full coverage of uncovered areas. b) To move to digital transmission before 2015 (perhaps 2017). It also involves formulating
policy, investment and regulatory plans for TV to allow them to make full use of emerging technologies. Implementing media solutions of mobile
telephones. All this has to be done while clearly delineating the respective roles of the public and private sectors. In the 11th Plan the uncovered
TV areas in the rest of the country are proposed to be covered by using DTH and by upgrading of LPTs to HPTs. The DTH service is proposed
to be expanded to cover Andaman & Nicobar Islands in the C band and to increase the number of channels to 200. To gradually replace analogue
transmitters with new digitally compatible transmitters. However, analogue and digital transmission will be simulcast till such time as a cut-
off date for analog transmission is reached. This is likely to be an extended exercise lasting over many years, as even today many developed
countries have not achieved full digitalization, just as full penetration of color television in India is still not complete. c) To digitalize, modernizc
and upgrade production facility.


To create quality programming, to fulfill the above objective and to generate focussed programming for women, children, the underprivileged,
special linguistic groups, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes etc. 100% digitalization in terrestrial transmission and production/ modernization
of existing facility.

Policy framework

Regarding switch off date of analog transmission and PPP model for various Scheme including DTH Schemes.

The present population is having TV set which requires only a yagi antenna to view analog transmission while to view from digital transmitters,
a viewer shall require to have a “Digital Set Top Box” (DSTB) and a yagi antenna. The DSTB may cost Rs. 4000/- to 5000/- per T.V. set for
the viewer. Therefore, analog transmission cannot be switched off suddenly.



Ministry of Information & Broadcasting
(Rs. in lakh)
S.No. Name of Scheme / Objective / Outlay 2009-10 Quantifiable Projected Outcomes Processes / Remarks /
Programme Outcome Deliverables / Timelines Risk
Physical Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4(i) 4(ii) 4(iii)
Non- Plan Comple-
Plan Budget mentary
Budget Extra-

1. Establishment of Computerization 50.00 Nil Networking of CBFC It will result in speedy The work
Computerized of entire work of Regional Offices, transmission of data and of comput-
Management System CBFC with the Providing software communication within the erization is
and Upgradation of help of NIC and and development of regional offices, Ministry in progress
Infrastructure in CBFC. providing software packages, and online submission of in all
technical Payment of AMC applications of films by Regional
equipment for contract for applicants. It will reduce Offices.
Regional Offices computers, renovation the time factor and duplication
and Upgradation of office premises and of work. Search Management
of office premises providing DVD/TV/ Module will help to keep the
in CBFC. VCD and other record of old data and easy
technical equipments retrieval of information of
for CBFC. certified films. Pay Roll
Package will help to give
Pay Slip to each employee
and reduce the duplication
of work.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2. Opening of Regional For certifying 85.00 The CBFC Regional Implementation of this Scheme
Offices of the Board films produced Offices at New Delhi, is expected to improve and
at New Delhi, Cuttack under these Cuttack and Guwahati expedite process of
and Guwahati. regions. will be provided with certification of films for public
necessary staff and exhibition at these three
infrastructure. Regional Offices.

3. Monitoring and Conducting Work- 50.00 Workshops/Seminars Implementation of this Scheme Conducted
modernization of shops/Seminars of to be conducted at is expected to improve the Workshops/
certification Process. Board Members/ regular intervals for standards and process of Seminars
Panel Members the Board members certification of films for public of the Board
and carrying out and Advisory Panel exhibition. Members
studies. Members. and Panel

Financial Outlays, Project Physical Outputs and Projected Outcomes for 2009-10
(Rs. in lakh)
Sl. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Projected Processes/ Remarks/
No. Programme Outcome for the 11th Plan 2009-10 Deliverables/ Outcomes Timelines Risk
Physical Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4(i) 4(ii) 4(iii)
Non- Plan Comple-
Plan Budget mentary
Budget Extra
1. Grant-in-Aid to 1) To advance education and 400.00 5 feature films+2 Children’s films 31.03.2010 No risk in
CFSI culture through the medium of short films, 14 are made utilization
films and develop among dubbings, (10 available in both of funds
children an appreciation of films features + 2 short national and are
for healthy entertainment. features) subtitled, 1 international expected.
film to be purchased. standards. The
2) To digitalize CFSI films in complete
digital format for archival All CFSI films (170 archives of CFSI
purpose. (170 hours would be hours including would be
digitalized) produced, dubbed and avilable in
subtitled) are to be digital
3) To make children’s films converted into digital format which
available online. format for both would be easier
archival purpose and to store.
4) To reach out to children all general viewing.
over the country with the help of To webcast CFSI
state and district administration, To webcast CFSI films and to
Nehru Yuva Kendras, NGOs. films in the form of show them on
library and also to CFSI website.
make CFSI films
available on internet. To reach as
many children as
5000 shows are to be possible in
organized benefiting remote areas of
nearly 25 lakh the country.

(Rs. in lakh)
S.No. Name of the Objective / Outcome Outlay 2009-10 Quantifiable Projected Outcomes Process / Timeline Remarks
Scheme/ 4(i) 4(ii) 4(iii) Deliverables/
Programme Non-Plan Plan Comple- Physical Outputs
Budget Budget mentary

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
I Revenue Purpose of the Scheme is to 11 (Eleven) The tour members become The tour will be
(New Scheme) acquaint opinion leaders/ Conducted Tours/Skill the carriers of messages completed during
Supplies and resource persons including Upgradation will be of the Central Government the year after
Material youth from rural areas with organized by the polices and plans. finalizing tour
(i) Conducted the development taking place Regional Offices They become programmes in
Tours/Skill in different states of the instruments in consultation with
Upgradation country. The group also 55.00 convincing the local regions with the
includes social activists, people about various approval of the
NGOs, famers, artisans, welfare schems in competent
school teachers, students etc. operation in their areas. authority.

II Capital To implement the 57 computers would be All the 207 FPUs of this Completion of
(New Scheme) recently introduced Right to procured and 10 Directorate will be tender process,
Machinery and Information Act of the computer training equipped with computers placing of supply
Equipment Government. Every citizen programmes for officers along with the internet order and
Scheme : (ii) who wants any kind and staff at the DFP facility. They will be settlement of bills
Modernisation of information Hqrs, Regional Offices linked with their on receipt of the
& Upgradation regarding Government’s and Field Publicity respective Regional equipment in the
of Software & plans and policies Units will be organized. Offices and DFP units. Subject to
Hardware at will be benefitted or given 36.00 Hqrs directly. About 15 approvals, the
Regional Offices required information through Officers and officials will activity would be
and FPUs. (a) our 22 Regional Offices and be trained in computer completed during
Computerization about 207 Field Publicity operation in each training the year.
of Regional Units under them spread all programme.
Offices/Field over the country.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

(b) Up- To provide mobility to field Would procure 34 M.M. The equipment would be Completion of
gradation of units for publicity of Projectors, 34 DVD used to disseminate tender process,
Audio-Visual programmes and policies of Players, 15 WPA information among people placing of supply
Hardware/ the Government. To provide systems, 04 Digital and educate them on order and
Purchase of Data suitable audio/video Video Cameras, and as social issues. settlement of bills
Projector/DVD equipment to the field units many films as possible on receipt of the
Players/Wrieless for conveying the messages, in from F.D., CFSI, equipment in the
Public Address policies and schemes of NFDC etc. units. Subject to
Systems/Digital government through 58.00 approvals, the
Video Cameras/ films shows, interactive activity would be
Procurement of progammes and completed during
films. special progammes on the year.
selected themes.

Grand Total 149.00


(Rs. in lakh)
S.No. Name of the Objective / Outcome Outlay 2009-10 Quantifiable Projected Outcomes Process / Timeline Remarks
Scheme/ 4(i) 4(ii) 4(iii) Deliverables/
Programme Non-Plan Plan Comple- Physical Outputs
Budget Budget mentary

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Minor Works Construction / repair work 44.00 - - Provision kept for repairs etc. This would help in The works will be
of offices in North of Audio Visual Equipments smooth running/ completed during the
East Region. of DFP would be met out functioning of all year after finalizing
during the year. equipments to be used estimates and
in the publicity obtaining sanction
activities of the DFP at of the competent
the field level. authority.
2. Other Charges The Directorate of Field 74.50 - - Organizing 46,500 Film The Programmes Preparing the
Publicity is engaged in the Shows, 4,968 Special would create awareness Action Plan for
task of publicizing various Programmes among people and organising the
programmes and policies of educate them on social programmes.
of the Government with its issues and Government Conduct of
network of 207 Field policies and schemes. programmes and
Publicity Units under the This in turn would obtaining feedback
control and supervision of 22 assist them to avail of reports. The
Regional Offices through the the benefits of various programmes will
medium of film shows, Government be implemented
interactive programmes and programmes. during the year.
special programmes on
selected themes.

3. Petrol, Oil and As above 176.35 - - To provide Mobility to As above Normal activity
Lubricants field staff for travel to during the course
organize programmes in of the year.
remote, backward and
tribal/ border areas.

4. Domestic As above 158.00 - - As above As above As above


(Rs. in lakh)
S.No. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay 2009-10 Quantifiable Projected Processes/ Remarks/
Programme Outcome Deliverables / Physical Outcomes Timeline Risk
Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Name of the Plan 4(i) 4(ii) 4(iii)
Schemes NonPlan Plan Complementary
Budget Budget Extra Budgetary
1. Developmental 1. Establishment 2425.00 - - Publicity on communal The jobs
Publicity Programme: 2. Exhibition 185.00 30.00 - 650 harmony, National are to be
Conception & 3. Display Classified 3242.00 500.00 - 15560 integration, socio- publicized
Dissemination 4. Radio Spot 200.00 1700.00 - 2182 economic upliftment within the
5. Printed Publicity 240.00 10.00 - 175 through various media; stipulated
6. Distribution 95.00 - - Exhibition, Outdoor timeframe
Expenses publicity, Radio/TV, requirement.
7. Outdoor Publicity 100.00 268.00 - 250 Newspapers and Posters/
brochures will create
awareness, among the
masses and encourage
their participation in
Total (1) 6487.00 2508.00

2. Modernization of 1. Computerization Computerization and

DAVP and digitalization digitalization, Office
2. Office 180.00 Infrastructure and
Infrastructure Human Resource
3. Human Resource Development.

Total (2) 180.00

Total (1 & 2) 6487.00 2688.00


(NON PLAN) (Rs. in lakh)

S.No. Name of the Scheme Objective/Outcome Outlay Quantifiable deliverables/physical Projected outcome Process/time Remarks/
2009-10 outputs intermediate Risk

1 Film Festival under Spreading the rich and 25.00 To organize 15 Film Festivals under Promotion of Indian One year —
Cultural Exchange diverse Indian culture Cultural Exchange Progammes cinema and strengthening
Programmes (CEP) throughout the world and in India and abroad. ties with nations covered
increase the visibility of under CEP.
Indian Cinema abroad.

2. National Film Awards National level recognition 200.00 Conferring National Film Award. To recognize outstanding One year —
for excellence in the field talent and to improve
of cinema. Indian art and culture
resulting in betterment
of Indian cinema.

(Rs. in lakh)

S.No. Name of the Scheme Objective./Outcome Outlay Quantifiable deliverables/ Projected outcome Process/Timeline
2009-10 physical outputs
1 Export Promotion through film This scheme introduced 4.27 (a) To organize an International Promotion of good Indian Will be implemented
festivals in India and abroad in 10th Five Year Plan Film Festival of India cinema by encouraging its during the year.
[Plan Revenue] seeks to promote good (b) Participation of Indian Films export through participation
(a) International Film Festival Indian Cinema by in 35 foreign film festivals in in film festivals.
of India encouraging its export different countries It will also spread the rich
(b) Participation in Foreign through participation in (C) Selection of 26 feature & and diverse Indian culture
Film Festivals film festivals. 21 Non-feature films under throughout the world
(c) Selection of Indian Indian Panorama. through the medium
Panorama films of cinema.
2. Film Festival Complex – Improvement of facilities 3.90 Renovate auditoria to Venue for promotion of As above
Alterations & Additions – and renovation of Siri Fort international standards especially domestic and export
Major Works [Plan Capital] Complex to ensure that in view of Commonwealth potential of Indian films
the facilities in the Games, 2010. to the maximum and to
Complex are of promote the rich and diverse
international standards. Indian culture.
Higher revenues upon
letting on hire the
renovated auditoria/
complexes to other parties.
3. [Capital Section] This new Scheme seeks 0.01 Creation of suitable facility for Enhanced export of good As above
Upgradation of Print Unit in to provide the Directorate long-term storage of prints with Indian cinema through
DFF of Film Festivals with a equipment racks and technical participation of Indian films
technically equipped print facilities like cooling for in Indian and foreign film
unit facilitating long term maintaining the temperature festivals thereby promoting
storage of prints. This is and humidity. rich Indian culture.
also with a view to
effective implementation
of the scheme Export
Promotion through Film
Festivals in India and

(Rs. in lakh)
Sr. Name of Objective/ Financial Physical Outputs/ Projected Processes/ Remarks/Risk
No. Scheme/ Outcome Outlay Outcome Timelines Factors
Quantifiable Deliverables
Programme (B.E. 2009-10)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. International To hold biennial 165.00 Promotion of documentary Organizing MIFF is a biennial films festival in No specifiable
Documentary, International Film film movement in country; the 11th MIFF which application/entries are invited risk factors..
Short and Festival of Documen- during 3-9 from filmmaers across the globe and
Animation tary, Short and Projection of positive image Feb., 2010. on the basis of recommendations of
Film Festival Animation Film in of India across the global the renowned juries, the entrants are
Mumbai. community through dynamic awarded with prizes worth Rs. 28.50
medium of films. lakh. Dr. V. Shantaram Award for the
lifetime achievements in the field of
documentary and short films is also
awarded during the MIFF.

2. Production of To produce documen- 461.00 Production of the documen- Production of Production of the ducumentary films
documentary tary films through tary films towards nation the documen- after finding the producers and
films Outside Producers/ building efforts of the tary films. NGOs who will be assigned the task No risk factors.
NGOs in which social government. of producing the films.
issues and problems
along with their
solutions will be

3. Setting up of To establish a 1250.00 To establish a Museum at To establish Approval of the Scheme and Time overrun is
Museum of permanent museum Films Division, Mumbai the Museum construction activities by NBCC. risk factor as the
Moving for artefacts connected which will depict the history called MOMI progress under the
Images with the film making, of Indian Cinema through at Films Plan Scheme is di-
exhibiting the work of audio-visual presentation and Division, rectly proportion-
noted directors, display of important artefacts Mumbai on ate to the Project
producers, institutions related to the history of the basis of Report prepared
etc. for the benefits of Indian Cinema Project Report by the NBCC and
visitors/fils prepared by awarding of con-
enthusiasts. NBCC. tracts by them.

4. Webcasting & To digitalize all the 50.00 The films in the archives of The 8131 Likely to be completed in the No risk factor
Digitalization films in the archives Films Division are made into films in the current Plan period.
of FD’s Films of Films Division and digital format. While the archives will
upload them on the original films will be be digitalized
internet for easy preserved in their original
access. form, these digital format will
be available for regular use.

Participation in Foreign Film Festivals/Markets and Setting up of
National Centre of Excellence for Animation, Gaming and Visual Effects
(Rs. in lakh)
S. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay 2009-10 Quantifiable Projected Processes/ Remarks/
No. Programme Outcome Deliverables/Physical Outcomes Timeline Risk Factors
4(i) 4(ii) 4(iii) Outputs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Participation in Promoting the export of 220.00 To Participate in Cannes More visibility for Meetings to be held In addition
Foreign Film Indian films and Film Market - May 2009. Indian films in the well in advance of the to the
Festivals/Markets providing a fillip to Organization of Film Global Market and markets by the Ministry deliverables
films as an industry Bazaar/IFFI - Nov.-Dec. boosting the export of with industry represen- quantified in
with the view to 09. To participate in Indian films. tatives to plan the col. 5, there
expanding the market Berlin/Rotterdam Film   participation in each of may be
for Indian films. Festival - Feb 2010. To them. expenditure to
participate in Annecy   support other
Film Festival (Animation industry
sector) - June, 2009. To initiatives to
participate in NAB Show raise their
2009 Las Vegas, USA. visibility.
Publicity of Indian films
through support of Indian
missions abroad.

2 Setting up of To set up a Centre for 100.00 (i) M/s PWC has To proceed on the basis On the receipt of the Since the
National Centre of Excellence in Anima- submitted its report and of Detailed Project Detailed Project Report, Scheme is to
Excellence for tion, Gaming and has strongly recom- Report and obtain the the time and fund be imple-
Animation, Gaming Special Effects under mended for setting up of a approval of the required to set up the mented in the
and Visual Effects public - private national Centre of Competent Authority ‘Centre of Excellence’ Private Public
participation mode to Excellence for Anima- for the new Scheme. would be clear. Partnership
address the problem of tion, Gaming and VFX. mode,
manpower shortage. (ii) Process has been contribution
initiated to appoint a of Private
Consultant for prepara- parties would
tion of FR/DPR. need to be
(iii) Approval of Planning identified.
Commission for the
whole Scheme.

Statement of Outlays and Outcomes/Targets (2009-10) (As per the Outcome Budget 2009-10)
(Rs. in lakh)

S. Name of Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Projected Processes/Timeline Remarks/

No. Scheme/ Outcome 2009-10 Deliverables/Physical Outcomes Risk
Programme Outputs Factors

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(A) Existing Scheme
1 Grant-in-Aid to FTII, Pune
(i) Machinery (i) Augmentation of the 500.00 Setting up an advanced Well-trained students Processes : (1) Receipt of indents from
and Equip- resources and replacement of resource and knowledge in the field of film and user Departments (2) calling for
ment the old/obsolete equipments to centre so as to integrate television. quotations publishing tenders in News
match the current trends and all resources. papers wherever necessary (3) Opening
technological advancement, and scrutiny of quotations/tenders after
both in Film and TV Industry. the specified period. (4) Obtaining
financial sanction (5) Placing supply/
purchase/execution order. (6) Inspection
of material/goods by the user depart-
ment. (7) Report on inspection of goods
for quantity, quality etc./performance of
equipment and other conditions specified
(ii) Introduction of the new in purchase order. Timelines-Discussions
technologies such as High are held in the departmental meetings
Definition TV, Advanced and dates are stipulated in the respective
Computer Animation, Digital action plans for ensuing the half yearly
Film Recording etc. physical and financial targets.

(ii) Civil (iii) Vertical expansion of

Construction some parts of buildings of
Works FTII. Integration of all
resources such as Library, e-
library, Internet, Viewing
Students’ Centre, Discussion
Room for faculty and Video
Conferencing Centre.
(iii) Compute-
risation and

(iv) Setting up of Providing research and Production and relay of
Community training in the areas of radio the programmes and
Radio progamming, audience and maintenance of transmis-
innovation to the students. sion system.

(v) Setting up of To provide a scope for Shooting of programmes

Captive TV students’ research, innova- and telecast thereof.
Channel tion and experiments in the
area of progamming and

(vi) HRD aspects Expansion of the activities Students to interact with

including of FTII beyond its own the films schools outside
scholarship walls. Study of relevant field the country and to
and exchange activities at international exchange film making
programmes level by the faculties as well ideas, to get acquainted
with foreign as students under HRD with the advanced
universities Scheme of exchange technology in the
for students progamme. international environ-
etc. ment. To collaborate with
other Universities and
film schools in India and
abroad to expand its
activities. Training related
periodiclas like Lensight
etc., conducting seminars,
lectures, cultural
programmes and related
aspects, purchase of
books related to HRD and
acquiring of DVDs for

Total : (A) 500.00

(B) New Schemes
(1) Global Film Setting up of Global Film 100.00 Setting up of basic Enhancing the Processes : (1) Signing of MOU with
School School at FTII, Pune so as to infrastructure for the competency of the M/s. Ed ICIL for preparation of DPR.
introduce new courses of the proposed Global Film students of FTII in the (2) In Principle approval of Planning
latest techonology of film School. field of film and Commission (3) Sanction of the
making at par with Interna- media to global Scheme (4) Execution of building
tional Film School. competency level and works through CCW
also to attract students
from other countries.

Total (B) : 100.00

Total : (A+B) 600.00

(Rs. in lakh)
S. Name of Objective/ Approved Quantifiable Deliverables/ Projected Processes/ Remarks/
No. Scheme/ Outcome Outlay for Physical Outputs Outcomes Timeline Risk
Programme 2009-10 Factors

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Development of “a feeder 700.00 Training students in the field of online Value addition to the The activities will The achieve-
Television software base” in Television to meet the needs of the quality of training be carried out ments of the
SRFTI, Kolkata. newly emerging local Television imparted in the institute throughout the year. targets
networks for society and community for improving their scope depend on the
To make off-line training development. of future employment and Construction work utilisation of
ground for the students in excellence in the field. will be undertaken funds by the
the field of Radio. Mass awareness of family welfare, by enganing CCW, CCW and
health, education and various types of Short courses on various AIR. recruitment of
Continuous students/faculty local inerest specific entertainment aspects of filmmaking and faculty.
- exchange with reputed programmes. related streams to develop Procurement of
Film schools abroad with a a critical and technological equipment and
mutual sharing of knowl- Conducting of Student Exchange understanding of recent software will be
edge on emerging trends and Progarmme, Grant of scholarship and trends in filmmaking. done by in-house
technology in film making. Organizing participation in National Purchase depart-
and International Film Festivals. Visit different national and ment.
To infuse the much desired international institutes,
Grant-in- value addition in the training Organizing training progamme on seminars, festivals etc. Recruitment of
Aid to being imparted by the modern technological development in manpower will be
SRFTI Institute to the young the fields of film and TV, Production of Provision for the faculty of done as per the
students in the field of film socially relevant films and Publication the Institute for making Recruitment Rules
and television. of Newsletter. full length fiction films approved by the
and full length documenta- Ministry.
Computerization, Modern- Construction of new Film Studio and ries during the planning
ization and Provision of Film Archive, Construction of new years with student
Infrastructure, with permanent/semi-permanent sets, participation.
provision for Manpower. Procurement of equipments, computers
and software, implementation of ERP Bringing out bi-annual
To set up the Department of and Recruitment of manpower to attain News Letter (TAKE ONE)
Animation and Electronic self sufficiency. highlighting its academic
Imaging and Department of and other activities.
Production Management in Construction of new Academic Block,
Films and TV. Procurement of equipments for Providing trained
production and Recruitment of manpower in the field.

(Rs. in lakh)

S.No. Name of Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable deliverables/ Projected Processes/ Remarks/Risk

Scheme Outcome 2009-10 Physical Outputs outcomes Time Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4(i) 4(ii) 4(iii)
Non- Plan Comple-
Plan Bugdet mentary
Budget Extra-
1. Converting The proposed - 370.00 - During the year 2009-10, The proposed The Educational SFC approval
IIMC into University will the Institute has planned University will Consultants for implement-
International provide (a) 27% following activities: cater to the India Ltd. (Ed. ing the scheme
Media reservation to OBC training and CIL) has been is yet to be
University candidates Creation of Posts and other research needs of appointed by the obtained.
alongwith extant necessary infrastructure, Third World Institute as
general seat and with the approval of Countries in the consulant for
(b) opportunities to Government for imple- area of preparing Project
the participants of menting the scheme; Jounalism/Mass Implementation
Third World Media. It will Report for
Countries also for Renovation works of also provide multi converting IIMC
advanced training Library, Computer labs etc. cultural environ- into International
and research in ment to the Media Univer-
Mass Media related Procurement of audio- students in the sity. Ed. CIL has
issues. This will visual equipment, vehicles, campus and will submitted DPR
also help in computer hardware/ facilitate in in January 2009.
bringing about software and reading and bringing closer The report is
closer ties between reference materials; ties between the being studied by
developing and developed and the Institute.
developed Construction works; developing
countries through (addition to existing countries, and
interactions of library and hostels, making trainee
multi cultural faculty rooms etc.) student suitable
students in the for placement
classrooms/campus Reservation of OBC for globally.
environment. admission in Diploma


S.No. Name of Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable deliverables/ Projected Processes/ Remarks/Risk

Scheme Outcome 2009-10 physical outputs outcomes Timeline Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4(i) 4(ii) 4(iii)
Non- Plan Comple-
Plan Bugdet mentary
Budget Extra-
2. Training, Research studies 500.00 To conduct P.G. Diploma A total number of Admission Conducting of
teaching and and training (net Courses in : 282 students will notice for training
research in courses organized - Journalism (English) at be provided Diploma Courses courses and
grant) *275.00
mass by IIMC, in the New Delhi and Dhenkanal; training in issued in Feb. research
communica- area of journalism/ Journalism (Hindi) at New various diploma 2009. studies in Mass
tion mass communica- Delhi, courses run by Media related
tion are useful to Radio & TV Journalism, IIMC. After Complet- subjects is the
keep pace with the Advertising & Public The Institute will ing admission main objective
socio-economic Relations at New Delhi and also conduct process for of IIMC.
growth in the Oriya Journalism at training courses admission in These aca-
country. Dhenkanal. for IIS officers as various diploma demic activi-
per requirement courses (by July ties are
of the Ministry of 2009), these conducted
I & B. courses will be during each
started by 1st academic year.
August 2009 and
conclude in April

* Indicates anticipated income of the Institute from its own resources (Tuition fee from training courses, consultancy fee, hostel seat rent, sale of application forms
and other miscellaneous receipts.)

(Rs. in lakh)
S. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Projected Processes/ Remarks/
No. Programme Outcome 2009-10 Deliverables/Physical Outcome Timelines Risk
Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4(i) 4(ii) 4(iii)
Non-Plan Plan Comple-
Budget Budget mentary
1. Acquisition and Acquisition of 252.00 400.00 - To acquire 600 films/ Acquisition, Annual basis. To utilize
exhibition of Archival films and DVDs, to digitalize 100 Digitalization of annual
films. dissemination of films and to Digitize films and budget
film culture. ancillary material like dissemination of allocation.
posters, stills etc. film culture.

Total 252.00 400.00 -

(Rs. in lakh)
S. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Financial Outlay Quantifiable Projected Processes/ Remarks/Risk
No. Programme Outcome (BE 2009-10) Deliverables/Physical Outcome Timelines Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Film Production in To promote Indian 650.00 3 films This will increase The films would Response of the
various regional cinema and new viewership of films in be produced in viewer to a film
languages talent in film regional languages and about one year. is highly elastic
making. cinema of India and and is unpredic-
encourage new talent in table.
this area.

2. Equity Participation To enhance the 1.00 - This will make NFDC is being The scheme is
authorized and adequate funds referred to yet to be
paid up capital available to the BRPSE for its approved. Token
base of NFDC to Corporation to pursue revival measure provision of Rs.
make funds its mandate of film and this is likely 0.01 crore has
available to the making effectively. to take some time. been made.
Corporation to Hence time lines
pursue its mandate cannot be
effectively. indicated.

(Rs. in lakh)
S. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Projected Processes/ Remarks/Risk
No. Programme Outcome (2009-10) Deliverables/Physical Outcome Timelines Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Setting up of Construction of National 500.00 Earth work excavation, As 1st Qtr. - Revised approval The targets will be
National Press Media Centre at New foundation work, RCC mentioned of EFC. achieved by the timelines
Centre at New Delhi for PIB offices. work for basements in Col. 5 indicated under col. 7.
Delhi. Ground floor, 1st floor 2nd Qtr. - Earth work excava-
and 2nd floor. tion, Foundation work.

3rd Qtr. - RCC work of


4th Qtr. - RCC work of Ground,

1st Floor and 2nd Floor.

2. Media Outreach To disseminate informa- 950.00 To hold 100 public As 1st Qtr. - 16 PICs, 1 Media The targets will be
Programme tion about the flagship Information Campaigns, mentioned Interactive Session, dissemina- achieved by the timelines
programmes of the 4 Media Interactive in Col. 5 tion of 25 success stories and indicated under col. 7.
Central Government by Sessions, Dissemination conducting 1 press tour.
organising Public of 100 success stories,
Information Campaigns, conduct 10 press tours. 2nd Qtr. - 24 PICs, 1 Media
Media Interactive Interactive Sessions, dissemina-
Sessions, Dissemination tion of 25 success stories and
of Success Stories and conducting 3 press tours.
conducting Press Tours.
3rd Qtr. - 30 PICs, 1 Media
Interactive Session, dissemina-
tion of 25 success stories and
conducting 3 press tours.

4th Qtr. - 30 PICs, 1 Media

Interactive Sessions, dissemina-
tion of 25 success stories and
conducting 3 press tours.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3. Publicity for
Special Events
This scheme
consists of three
components :

(i) International Setting up of Media 7.50 Setting up of Media As 3rd Qtr. - All activities The targets will be
Film Festival Centre at the venue of Centre at the venue of mentioned mentioned in col. 5 will be achieved by the timelines
of India. the festival and extend- the festival and in Col. 5 undertaken during 3rd Quarter as indicated under col. 7.
ing facilities to journalists extending facilities to Film festival is held in Goa
like special accredita- journalists like special during Nov.-Dec. every year.
tion, hospitality accreditation, hospitality
arrangements, press arrangements, press
conferences, press conferences, press
releases work room with releases work room
computers and internet, with computers and
telephones, newspapers, internet, telephones,
stationery, photocopier newspapers, stationery,
etc. photocopier etc.

(ii) Pravasi PIB deputes its officers 1.80 PIB deputes its officers 4rh Qtr. - All activities The targets will be
Bhartiya Diwas for grant of special for grant of special mentioned in col. 5 will be achieved by the timelines
Samaroh. accreditation to accreditation to undertaken during 4th Quarter as indicated under col. 7.
journalists during journalists during Pravasi Bhartiya Diwas Samaroh
Pravasi Bhartiya Diwas Pravasi Bhartiya Diwas is held during January every year.
Samaroh and hiring of Samaroh and hiring of
computers for Media computers for Media
Centre to facilitate Centre to facilitate
journalists. journalists.

(iii) Media Cultural Exchange 43.70 6 Cultural Exchange As 1st Qtr. - 2 CEP - (1 incoming The targets will be
Exchange Programmes and Joint (CEP) Programmes and mentioned and 1 outgoing delegation). achieved by the timelines
Programme working Commission/ 2 Joint Working in Col. 5 2nd Qtr. - 2 CEP - (1 incoming indicated under col. 7.
Agreement in the field Commission/agreement and 1 outgoing delegation)
of information & in the field of
3rd Qtr. - 1 CEP - (1 outgoing
Mass Media. Information &
delegation) and 1 Joint
Mass Media.
working Commission
(incoming delegation).
4th Qtr. - 1 CEP (1 outgoing
delegation) and 1 Joint
working Commission
(outgoing delegation).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4. Main Press Centre Setting up of Press 1000.00 To generate interest and As Setting up of Press Centres and The targets will be
and other Media Centres and Media provide accurate mentioned Media Centre and initiation of achieved by the timelines
Centres for Centre and extension of information to spread in Col. 5 preparatory work for setting up indicated under col. 7.
Commonwealth facilities to journalists awareness amongst of Media Centre and to generate
Games 2010 at like special accreditation, media about the interest and provide accurate
Delhi and hospitality arrangements, Commonwealth Games information to spread awareness
Commonwealth press conferences, press 2010 which will be amongst media about the
Youth Games releases, work room held in Delhi. Commonwealth Games 2010
2008 at Pune. with computers and which will be held in Delhi.
internet, telephones,
newspapers, stationery,
photocopier etc.

Total 2503.00

(Rs. in lakh)
Sr. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Projected Processes/ Remarks/
No. Programme Outcome 2009-10 Deliverables/ Outcomes Timelines Risk
Physical Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4(i) 4(ii) 4(iii)
Non- Plan Complementary
Plan Budget Extra Budgetary
Budget Resources

1. The Council is Preserving the freedom of 350.00 N.A. The Council Since the functions As stated in Col-5 It depends No risk is
not dealing with the Press and maintaining because collects levy of fee of the Press on involved in
any Scheme as it and improving the no from Registered Council are of fulfilling disposal of
is quasi judicial standards of Newspapers pro- New papers/ quasi-judicial of the complaint
body and News agencies of posal periodicals and nature and it require- cases.
India. for Plan News agencies regulates the press ments by
Budget under Section 16 with ethical the litigants
is made of the Press standards, physical and
Council Act 1978 outputs and the completion
and earns interest results cannot be of inquiry
on funds deposits. quantified. perfor-
In the year 2009- mance by
10 Council aims the Council
to collect Rs. 39.11
lakh as levy fee &
other receipts to
complement the
grant received by
the Government
of India


NON-PLAN (Rs. in lakh)

S. Name of Scheme/Progamme Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Deliverables/ Projected Processes/ Remarks/
No. Outcome 2009-10 Physical Outputs Outcome Timelines Risk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Documentation, publicity and Archiving and 335.00 Continuous Photo documentations Creating these - -
cross referencing, Publicity of will be the visual report of the documentations
dissemination of Govt. Political, financial changes of the period to be would help the
development programmes and social recorded for posterity. These are country to
through visual images changes. supposed to be most valuable access the true
document to be used time & again history and
as required. through cross

S. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Deliverables/ Projected Processes/ Remarks/
No. Progamme Outcome 2009-10 Physical Outputs Outcome Timelines Risk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. National Centre of a) Engagement of Rs. 15.00 lakh a) To streamline photo archives a) A proper One Year -
Photography Librarian, Library for on-line usage through official photo library
a) Outsourcing support Assistant, I.T. Experts website of the Division. helps users to
b) Outsourcing of images & (Programmers, Data b) To enrich photo archives with a retrieve images
Digital management Entry Operator) variety of images of national easily.
c) Provision of Temperature b) Procurement of Rs. 15.00 lakh importance. b) Quality:
control unit images from outside, c) To preserve the images pictures will be
d)Provision of reference Digital Management of available/stored in Digital format. made available
material of international the existing images and d) Library has a very important to the masses.
level acquiring of books/ role to co-relate the materials of c) To preserve
racks etc. the archive and this professional the visuals of
c) Installation of air Rs. 25.00 lakh support will help provide historic
conditioners & internationally accepted material. importance.
dehumidifier in digital d) Help in
Photo library & special Quality
security system. production.
d) Acquiring of Books & Rs. 10.00 lakh
related study material for
setting up a reference
library on digital
photography for national
Centre of Photography.

2. Extensive photo coverage Identification & Rs. 5.00 lakh Special Drive of N.E. and J&K To highlight the One Year -
in Digital Mode under execution of etc. At least two developmental areas of
Special Drive for North documentation of the activities would be covered. development
East, J&K, A&N Islands identified development which are
Lakshadweep projects, Life & unexposed
environment in North so far.
Eastern states, Jammu &
Kashmir, Andaman &
Nicobar Islands and

Total Rs. Rs. 70.00 lakh

(Rs. in lakh)
Sr. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Deliverables/ Projected Processes/ Remarks/
No. Programme Outcome 2009-10 Physical Outputs Outcomes Timelines Risk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4(i) 4(ii) 4(iii)
Non- Plan Comple-
Plan Budget mentary
Budget Extra
1. - Bringing out - 2414.00 - Bringing out :- The Division aims to Annual Basis -
Journals & 20 Journals and 100 Books. achieve the following
Books 150 Book Exhibitions/ outcomes:-
Fairs will be organised at
Delhi and outside Delhi. (i) Publish books on
subject of national
importance, which are
otherwise not covered by
other publishing houses
and make them available
to general public at
affordable price.

(ii) To strengthen and

promote the concept and
spirit of unity in
diversity, communal
harmony, national
integration etc.

(Rs. in lakh)
Sr. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Projected Processes/ Remarks/
No. Programme Outcome 2009-10 Deliverables/ Outcomes Time Limits Risk
Physical Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4(i) 4(ii) 4(iii)
Non- Plan Comple-
Plan Budget mentary
Budget Extra
1. Modernisation of Modernisation of two Sales - 29.00 - Two Sales Renovation of SEs Annual Basis -
Publications Emporia and purchase Emporium to be with full automated
Division mobile book van for Sales renovated and one operations in terms
Emporia mobile book van to of linguistics and
be purchased. inventory
management and
deployment of
sales promotion

(Rs. in lakh)
S. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Projected Processes/ Remarks/
No. Programme Outcome 2009-10 Deliverables/ Outcomes Timelines Risk
Physical Outputs (Annual Basis) Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4(i) 4(ii)
Non-Plan Complementary
Budget Extra Budget-
ary Resources

1. Employment Publication of 2859.00 Bringing out 52 By publishing Employment News, Annual basis -
News Rozgar Employment weekly issues of the Unit aims to achieve the
Samachar News/ Employment following outcomes :
Samachar News/Rozgar
Samachar in (i) Give information on vacancies of
English, Hindi Central and State Government, PSUs
and Urdu. admission notices/examination notices
and results of examination conducted
by UPSC, SSC, Nationalised Banks,
Railway Recruitment Board and
recognized Universities and Institutes.

(ii) Disseminating information on the

employment prospects by giving a
series of articles on self
entrepreneurship and career in various
emerging and conventional fields.

(iii) Through the website of

Employment News, information about
job vacancies in Government sector is
being disseminatd. Advanced value
added services such as online career
counselling and information direct to
e-mail of readers are provided through
the website.

(Rs. in lakh)
S. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Deliverables/ Projected Processes/ Remarks/
No. Progamme Outcome 2009-10 Physical Outputs Outcomes Timelines Risk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4(i) 4(ii)
Plan Comple-
Budget mentary
1. Modernization of To computer- 6.00 - (a) Renovation of sections. (a) Renovation of Annual basis Work of
Employment ize and (b) Purchase of 1 computer Circulation Section. renovation/
News modernize the and printer (b) Provision of state-of- acquisition of
Office of (c)Acquisition of software. the-art technology software shall
Employment (d) Training of staff comprising computers be carried out
News to (5 officials) and software in Cir. without
provide best (e) Purchase of 1 AC Sections. disturbing the
service to the (f) Maintenance of (c) Training of manpower existing works
Government Automated system by to run this software. and ensuring a
Ministries/ outsourcing of services. smooth
Departments transition to
for publica- fully
tion of their automated
advertise- working
ments. atmosphere.


NON - PLAN (Rs. in lakh)

S. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Deliverables/ Projected Processes/ Remarks/
No. Programme Outcome 2009-10 Physical Outputs Outcomes Timelines Risk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4(i) 4(ii)
Non-Plan Complementary
Budget Extra Budgetary

1. Salary, OTA, To perform 391.00 - Title verification* These activities would As per N.A.
Medical various ensure the effective prescribed time
Expenses, activities of this Registration cases* implementation of the limits
Domestic Office viz. title provisions contained in
Travelling clearance, Issue No Newspaper the Press and Registra-
Expenses, Office of Registration Certificates* tion of Books Act, 1867.
Expenses, Certificates, Further, the media
Publications. Eligibility Eligibility Certificates to be scenario and its impact
Certificate for issued to the publications can be assessed. On the
import of for import of printing basis of certificates
newsprint, machinery* issued by RNI after
Essentiality assessing the circulation
Certificate for Essentiality certificates to claims. Government
import of be issued to the publica- advertisements will be
printing tions for import of printing released by DAVP to
machinery on machinery* these publications. This
concessional will be helpful to spread
duties, Circulation checks claims* the Government policies
Publication of and progammes through
Press In India, print media.
an annual
report on
growth of Print
Media etc.

*Depending upon the application/requests received from the publishers.


PLAN SCHEMES (Rs. in lakh)

S. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Projected Processes/ Remarks/
No. Progamme Outcome 2009-10 Deliverables/ Outcomes Time Limits Risk
Physical Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4(i) 4(ii)
Plan Comple-
Budget mentary
1. Strengthening To provide prompt, efficient 17.00 - The Regional The end user i.e. the As per the N.A.
of RNI and transparent service to Offices of RNI at public who deals norms fixed in
the newspapers and ensure Guwahati and with RNI would be the citizen
effective implementation of Bhopal would be immensely charter.
the Press and Registration made functional. benefited as they
of Books Act and evolve can approach the
and enforce a strict Regional Offices on
circulation check, it is all matters relating
proposed to open two new to title verification,
Regional Offices at registration of titles,
Guwahati in North Eastern verifcation of
Region and Bhopal in circulation claims
Central Region during 11th etc. without visiting
Plan Period 2007-12. RNI’s Headquarter
at New Delhi.

(Rs. in lakh)
Sr. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Projected Processes/ Remarks/
No. Programme Outcome 2009-10 Deliverables/Physical Outcomes Timelines Risk
Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4(i) 4(ii) 4(iii)
Non-Plan Plan Comple-
Budget Budget mentary
NON-PLAN 200.00 - -

1. A) Bringing out Collection, interpretation and No specific budget. - - Under this Scheme the All the As per No
Documentation dissemination of information The expenditure division has targeted to physical periodicity specific
Services relating about the events and trends in met generally from bring out 56 documentation outputs risk
to diverse aspects Mass Media through its office Expenses services during 2009-10 outlined in
of mass media periodical services (Rs. 0.28) (Details given in Chapter-1) Col.5

b) Compilation Mass Media in India serves as -do- - - To bring out ‘Mass Media As in As per -do-
and editing of a valuable source of in India–22nd edition Column 5 periodicity
Mass Media in information for media of Annual
India – An practitioners, media policy
Annual makers, teachers and students
Publication of journalism

c) Compilation To serve as a valuable source -do- - - To bring out ‘India-A -do- -do-
of ‘India-A of information on diverse Reference Annual–2010’
Reference aspects of the country, its
Annual’ geography and demography
features, polity, economy,
society and culture.

d) Preparation of To keep the Ministry and its -do- - - Under this Scheme the All the As per
Diary of Events a Media Units abreast of day-to- office targeted to bring out physical out- the
fortnightly day important National and 24 fortnightly ‘Diary of puts outlined schedule
service International developments Events’ in Col.5

Sr. Name of Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Projected Processes/ Remarks/
No. Scheme/ Outcome 2009-10 Deliverables/ Outcomes Timelines Risk
Programme Physical Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4(i) 4(ii) 4(iii)
Non- Plan Comple-
Plan Budget mentary
Budget Extra
PLAN - 118.00 -
1. Research To conduct research, get feedback and public - 20.00 - During 2009-10 the 3rd year All the It is a new Scheme Many -do-
Unit – opinion on specific media related issues that of this Scheme under XI physical things depend upon the
Research in would help in policy formulation and Five Year Plan it is targeted outputs outside institutions,
Mass Media implementation by the M/I&B and its media to undertake one research outlined research students and
units at national and regional levels. project on the topics/ in Col.5 eminent personalities.
subjects of national regional Hence, a close monitoring
and local importance needs to be ensured.
- 8.00 -
2. A) Reference The proposed National Media Library under During the year 2009-10 All the
-do- -do-
Unit – Up this Scheme would serve as a Central Media the Division has made an physical
gradation of Reference Library. Besides serving the M/ action plan to purchase outputs
Library I&B and its media units, this library would 500 books/ outlined
also be accessible to senior media e-books – periodicals and in Col.5
personalities, research scholars and eminent AMC for the IT equipment
personalities. The Scheme also envisages purchased in the
linking this National Media Library with preceding year.
world Libraries and important libraries
within India and converting this Library into
a virtual Library in the fourth and fifth years
of the Plan Scheme under XI Five Year Plan.

3. Reference To remind media to fulfill its social - 90.00 - Under this Scheme the All the -do- -do-
Unit – commitment. To harness the power of media Division has projected to physical
National for public good. To promote public and institute 14 National outputs
Media private partnership, Media, to help Media Awards one each in outlined
Awards government in its social welfare Hindi and English in in Col.5
responsibility. To promote a model seven categories in Print
journalistic character called for emulation. Media.
To work for consensus on issues of national
importance. To persuade Private Media for
an effective role and involvement by allotting
time slots for Public Service Broadcasting.

PLAN (Rs. in lakh)
S.No. Name of the Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Projected Processes/ Remarks/
Scheme/Programme Outcome 2009-10 Deliverables/ Outcomes in Timelines Risk
Physical Outputs Programme Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4(i) 4(ii) 4(iii)
Non- Plan Comple-
Plan Bugdet mentary
Budget Extra-
1. Live Art and Culture for Rural India Publicity - 450.00 - 5980 progammes 5980 progammes 2009-10

Component wise break-up

(a) ICT activities in Hilly/Tribal/ -do- - 245.00 - 4000 4000 2009-10

Desert/Sensitive & Border areas/
impact assessment

(b) Activities in identified 75 districts -do- - 42.00 - 840 840 2009-10

c) Publicity on Common Minimum -do- - 37.00 - 570 570 2009-10


(d) Special activities in J&K and -do- - 46.00 - 520 520 2009-10
North East

(e) Presentation of theatrical shows on - 50.00 - 50 50 2009-10

national/social themes

f) Modernization of S&DD - 05.00 - - - 2009-10

(g) Research Development & Training - 21.00 - - - 2009-10

(h) Impact assessment by IIMC - 04.00 - - - 2009-10

Programmes to be presented out of

Non-Plan Funds

2. PSS(Non-Plan) Programmes by/ 300 - - 6000 progammes 6000 progammes 2009-10

nelled artists

3. MS(Non-Plan) 31 - - 460 progammes 460 progammes 2009-10




1. (a) 59800 man days of employment would be generated Message/information will reach 29,90,000 people.

2. (a) 40000 man days of employment would be generated Message/information will reach 20,00,000 people.

(b) 8400 man days of employment would be generated Message/information will reach 4,20,000 people.

(c) 5700 man days of employment would be generated Message/information will reach 28,5000 people.

(d) 5200 man days of employment would be generated Message/information will reach 2,60,000 people.

(e) 10,000 man days of employment would be generated Message/information will reach 1,50,000 people.

(f) Quality of the programmes will improve manifold.

M/s Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Ltd. (BECIL) is executing the project ‘Private FM Radio’ for the establishment of FM tower in 6 cities
on behalf of this Ministry. The fund for the project is provided by this Ministry.

(Rs. in lakh)
S.No. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Deliverables/ Projected Processes/ Remarks/Risk
Programme Outcome 2009-10 Physical Outputs Outcomes Timelines Factors

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4(i) 4(ii) 4(iii)
Non- Plan Comple-
Plan Bugdet mentary
Budget Extra-
1. Private FM Radio Erection of new - 320.00 - Erection of five towers in Out of six towers, - For Kolkata
(Setting up of new transmission Delhi, Chennai, Jaipur, five have been tower
towers in 6 cities towers for co- Hyderabad and Dehradun is completed and alternative site
namely, Delhi, location of complete. For erection of tower rental of is being
Chennai, Jaipur, transmission tower in Kolkata: alternative Rs.231.71 lakh has searched as in
Hyderabad, equipments for site is being searched. A sum been charged by the original site
Kolkata and the private FM of Rs. 8.63 crore have been BECIL in 2008-09. work could not
Dehradun.) Broadcasters. released as on 31.3.2007. Rs. be started due to
1.00 crore had been released obstructions
during 2007-08, in 2008-09 from local
Rs. 10.00 lakh had been people.
released. The balance of
about Rs. 3.40 crore remains
to be released to BECIL.
However, a provision of Rs.
3.20 crore only has been
made in BE 2009-10.

(Rs. in lakh)
S. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Projected Processes/ Remarks/
No. Programme Outcome 2009-10 Deliverables/ Outcomes Timelines Risk
Physical Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4(i) 4(ii) 4(iii)
Non- Plan Comple-
Plan Budget mentary
Budget Extra
1. Setting Up of Content monitoring of 480.00 200.00 - Since it is a Monitoring of 100 Monitoring of Project has come
Electronic Media private/foreign TV monitoring facility, TV Channels 100 TV into existence
Monitoring Channels to ensure the yield cannot be (24x7) has started Channels has and is engaged
Centre (EMMC) compliance with quantified. and enhancement of started w.e.f. in content
Programme and Advertising Physical output : its capacity to 300 9.06.08 and its monitoring of
Codes prescribed in Cable The facility has TV Channels is capacity is about 150 TV
Television Networks come into likely to be being Channels (24x7).
(Regulations) Act 1995 and operation and completed by the enhanced to It is undergoing
rules framed there under. started monitoring end of 2009-10. 300 TV capacity
of 100 TV However, capacity Channels and enhancement
Channels w.e.f. 9th augmentation upto will be ready and will be
June 2008. 150 channels has for commis- commissioned
been achieved sioning during during 2009-10.
during 2008-2009. 2009-10.
Plan allocation will
be utilized for


Financial Outlays, Projected Physical Outputs and Projected Outcomes

As the scheme is in the initial stage, a provision of Rs. 1.00 crore has been kept in the Budget for the year 2009-10 for the purpose.

(Rs. in lakh)
Sr. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Projected Processes/ Remarks/
No. Programme Outcome 2009-10 Deliverables/ Outcomes Timelines Risk
Physical Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4(i) 4(ii) 4(iii)
Non- Plan Comple-
Plan Budget mentary
Budget Extra
1. International The main objective is to air - 100.00 - This will involve To voice the Indian Proposal is -
Channel the Indian position globally introduction of position and view point on at the
in the same way as International News sensitive issues in as many formula-
channels such as and Programming countries as possible and tion stage.
Al-Jazeera, BBC, through the at the earliest possible.
CNN, CCTV etc. existing DD News
Channel with
simulcasting on
DD India, which
has a footprint in a
large number of

IEC Activities for Community Radio
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting proposes to create awareness amongst the masses about the policy for establishing and running
community radios. For this purpose it has been decided to organize a number of workshops and seminars etc. in various parts of the country to
provide information, educate the Civil Society and Voluntary Organizations to develop communication skills for establishing and running the Com-
munity Radio Stations. In addition, capacity building of the existing Community Radio Operators is equally essential. The Outcome Budget (2009-
10) of the scheme “IEC activities for Community Radio” is as under :

(Rs. in lakh)

S. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Projected Processes/ Remarks/

No. Programme Outcome 2009-10 Deliverables/ Outcomes Timelines Risk
Physical Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4(i) 4(ii) 4(iii)
Non- Plan Comple-
Plan Budget mentary
Budget Extra
- -
1. IEC activities for Grant of permission for 80.00 Create awareness Community Organizing -
Community Community Radio amongst the development Workshops/
Radio Broadcasting. NGOs/CSOs about through education, consultations
the policy and health and environ- and Publicity
capacity building ment awareness, in various
of existing cultural and social parts of the
Community Radio homogeneity of the country.
Station operators. society.

(Rs. in lakh)
Sr. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Projected Processes/ Remarks/
No. Programme Outcome 2009-10 Deliverables/ Outcomes Timelines Risk
Physical Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4(i) 4(ii) 4(iii)
Non- Plan Comple-
Plan Budget mentary
Budget Extra
1. Construction of 1. Start of Civil works - 1000.00 - 1. Electrical Electrical works : As per 1st call of
Phase-V of Development 1. Lifts flow chart the tender
Soochna Bhawan. 2. Electrical development works 2. Sub station has been
works 3. DG Sets cancelled.
2. Start of civil Being
works Civil Works : re-invited
after PQ
1. Excavation of
2. Pile work
3. Basement
4. Start of superstructure

(Rs. in lakh)
S. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Projected Processes/ Remarks/
No. Programme Outcome 2009-10 Deliverables/ Outcomes Timelines Risk
Physical Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4(i) 4(ii) 4(iii)
Non- Plan Comple-
Plan Budget mentary
Budget Extra
- -
1. Economic - To develop Management 50.00 - MIS (i) It will add to the
Analysis of Information System (MIS) Development existing knowledge base
Growth in Film, Information and about the Media and
Initiatives Broadcasting Sector; - Studies to be Entertainment Sector - its
conducted functioning, its constraints
- To study and evaluate the to development, its
impact of regulatory and contribution to growth etc.
development policies in
respect of Film, Information (ii) It will help strengthen
and Broadcasting Sector; policy making at Ministry

(iii) Dissemination of
information for public


The projected Annual Plan outlay for the year 2009-10 for this Scheme is Rs. 150.00 lakh. Being specific for training of officers of the Ministry, this
Scheme has no specific component on i) Gender Budget, ii) SC/ST budget and iii) Budget for North-East. However, participation of women, SC/ST
officers and North-Eastern representation etc. are kept in mind while nominating officers of training courses.

(Rs. in lakh)

S. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Projected Processes/ Remarks/Risk

No. Programme Outcome (2009-10) Deliverables/Physical Outcome Timelines Factors
Plan Outputs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. ‘Training for 1. Human Resource Development in respect 150.00 During 2009-10, the Skill up Will be spread No specific risk
Human Resource of officers of the Ministry by enhancing their 3rd year of this gradation / throughout the is envisaged.
Development in working skills. Scheme under XI improvement year as per the
Institutions Five Year Plan it is of 150-200 Calendar of
Located Abroad 2. To train officers of the Ministry in institutions targeted to give officers various
with In-Service located abroad in different fields relating to training to 10-12 which will institutions/
Training for IIS various aspects of the Media/Administration. officers of this improve the organizations.
Officers’ Ministry and its effectiveness
3. To impart a global outlook and an Media Units, in of the
international perspective through participation in Institutions located organization.
various training programmes being conducted by abroad and also at
institutions abroad, such as BBC, Thomson IIMC by inviting
Foundation, UK, Radio Netherlands, Harvard trainers from abroad.
University and various other reputed institutes Secondly, the
etc. Ministry also
proposes to put in
4. To put in place a structured programme for place a structured
in-service Training of IIS Officers to ensure their training programme
continuous career development and also to for mid-career
prepare them to meet the future functional training/skill up-
challenges of various media units. gradation of IIS
officers under which
it is proposed to
train 60-80 IIS
officers during
the year.

(Rs. in lakh)
S.N. Name of Scheme/ Objective / Outlay 2009-10 Quantifiable Deliverables/ Processes/Timeliness Remarks/ Risk
Programme Outcome (Plan Budget) Physical Outputs (Qrly Targets) factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A Continuing Schemes   11360.00      
  Capital   11060.00      
  Revenue 300.00
1 J&K special package For expansion of radio 400.00 Schemes of J&K Package Q1- UPS (7 Nos.) are Seamless transmission
coverage in J&K State. Phase-I had been completed. expected to be procured. in J&K border areas.
J&K Package Phase-II- DG For DG Sets 1 MVA Provision of additio-
Sets of 62.5 KVA (6 Nos.) (3 Nos.) & DG Sets 500 nal DG sets & UPSs
& 15 KVA (9 Nos.) KVA (2 Nos.)- SITC at existing AIR
  Capital 400.00
procured. For UPS (7 Nos.) order is expected to be stations in J&K will
tenders are under technical placed. strengthen the captive
evaluation. For DG Sets 1 power supply and
Revenue Q4- DG Sets 1 MVA
MVA (3 Nos.) & DG Sets ensure continuity of
(3 Nos.) & DG Sets 500
500 KVA (2 Nos.) NIT has broadcast during
KVA (2 Nos.)-
been floated for awarding power supply failures
Expected to be received
work on SITC (Supply, and during emergency
and installed.
Installation, Testing and or natural calamity.
Commissioning) basis.

2 North-East Special To boost radio coverage 1. 19 new FM Stations- 1. 19 new FM It will strengthen &
Package in North- East Region. Acquisition of sites, stations-11 sites taken improve coverage in
construction of fencing & over and 3 Sites are to North East Region
  Capital 4000.00 building and procurement of be handed over by including border
FM Trs. Order for FM Trs. State Govts. Demand areas.
placed. for cost is awaited
  Revenue 300.00 for 1 site.
Four sites are being
identified. Q 1-
Construction of fencing
of sites already

(Rs. in lakh)
S.N. Name of Scheme/ Objective / Outlay 2009-10 Quantifiable Deliverables/ Processes/Timeliness Remarks/ Risk
Programme Outcome (Plan Budget) Physical Outputs (Qrly Targets) factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Sanction of Estimates
for building works. FM
Trs are expected to be
received. Q2- Civil
works for building
expected to be awarded
for sites taken over.
2. Silchar-5 KW FM Tr. - 2. Silchar-5 KW FM
Procurement & Installation Tr.- Q1- Order for Tr.
of Tr.. Tenders are under is expected to be
technical evaluation placed, Q3- Receipt of
Transmitter and start of
installation, Q4-
Completion of
3. Gangtok-10 KW FM 3 Gangtok-10 KW FM
Tr.- Procurement and Tr. - Q2- Receipt of Tr.
installation of Tr. Advance and start of installation
AT for Tr. placed. Delivery Q3- Completion of
period by July.09. Installation.
4.Chinsura –1000 KW 4. Chinsura- –1000
MW Tr.- Completion of KW MW Tr.- Q1-
Civil Works , procurement Completion of Civil
of Tr. and installation. works and start of
Advance AT for Tr. placed. departmental works,
Q3- Receipt of Tr. and
start of installation
Q4- Completion of
5. DSNG/MSS Terminals- 5. DSNG/MSS
Procurement of equipment. Terminals - Q1- Order
Commercial bids were for DSNG systems &
opened for DSNG systems. receipt of MSS
However, the firm refused to terminals Q4- Receipt
extend the validation of offer & deployment of
and tenders are being again DSNG systems Eqpt.

(Rs. in lakh)
S.N. Name of Scheme/ Objective / Outlay 2009-10 Quantifiable Deliverables/ Processes/Timeliness Remarks/ Risk
Programme Outcome (Plan Budget) Physical Outputs (Qrly Targets) factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
called. Regarding MSS
Terminals order has been
6. Studio Transmitter 6. Studio Transmitter
Programme links for Silchar Programme links for
& Gangtok-Tenders are under Silchar & Gangtok -
technical evaluation. Q1- Order is expected
to be placed, Q4- Eqpt.
is expected to be
delivered & installed.
7. 100 Watt FM Relay 7. 100 Watt FM Relay
Centres in remote locations Centres.- Q1.
(100 places)- Completion of Installation of Trs. is
installation. Installation has expected to be
been completed at 16 places completed.
and is in progress at 17
places. Tenders approved for
installation at 24 places.

3 Expansion of MW Upgradation of 5.00 1 KW MW Tr. at Dungarpur Station is expected to Upgradation of

services transmitters to installed & performance be operationalised. transmitters to
strengthen the primary measurements are in progress. strengthen the primary
coverage area. coverage area.

4 Expansion of FM To expand FM 4200.00 10 KW FM Trs.- 41 Nos. 10 KW FM Trs.41 After implementing

services coverage which has Receipt & installation of Trs. Nos.- Q2- Receipt & the ongoing schemes,
gained popularity due Advance AT placed and start of installation of FM coverage is
to its superior quality. delivery period is by July,09. Trs. Q4- Completion of expected to increase.

5 Digitalisation of To enhance the 275.00 1. Digital Consoles - 1. Digital Consoles - Induction of digital
production facilities technical quality of Procurement proposal Q1-Order expected to eqpt. like digital
content is under process. be placed. Q3- Part consoles, digital
Delivery Expected, uplinks/downlinks
Q4- Delivery of has improved
balance Equipment programme quality.

(Rs. in lakh)
S.N. Name of Scheme/ Objective / Outlay 2009-10 Quantifiable Deliverables/ Processes/Timeliness Remarks/ Risk
Programme Outcome (Plan Budget) Physical Outputs (Qrly Targets) factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6 Automation of Studio 2180.00 1. Captive Earth Station 1. Captive Earth Digital uplink
Facilities & Miscl. (Uplink) at Silchar - Station (Uplink) at stations &
Schemes Procurement and Silchar- Q1- Order is Computerized work
installation of equipment. expected to be placed. stations have
Tenders are under technical Q3- Equipment is improved quality of
evaluation. expected to be received programmes
& installed produced
2. Procurement of Hard
2. Procurement of Hard Disc Based Systems at
Disc Based Systems at 48 48 stations (SITC of
stations (SITC of High End High End Servers)- Q1
Servers) Order is expected to be
placed. Q3- Part supply
expected. Q4- Balance
delivery expected to be
3. CD Players-110
3. Procurement of CD Nos.- Q1- Order
Players-110 Nos.- Tenders expected to be placed.
are under technical Q3- Delivery expected
evaluation to be completed.
4. Hand Held
4. Hand held Recorders- Recorders-255 Nos.-
255 Nos.- Tenders are under Q1- Order expected to
technical evaluation be placed. Q3-
Delivery expected to
be completed.
5. Rajkot-1000 KW
5. Rajkot-1000 KW MW MW Tr.- Q1-
Tr.- Completion of civil Completion of Civil Old Transmitter
works & procurement of works and start of being replaced by
transmitter & Mast. departmental works, state-of-the-art
Advance AT for Tr. placed. Q3- Receipt of Tr. and digital Tr. which is
Delivery period is by Oct.09 start of installation Q4- more energy
Completion of efficient

(Rs. in lakh)
S.N. Name of Scheme/ Objective / Outlay 2009-10 Quantifiable Deliverables/ Processes/Timeliness Remarks/ Risk
Programme Outcome (Plan Budget) Physical Outputs (Qrly Targets) factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6. Permanent studio at Leh 6.Permanent studio at Induction of digital
& Tawang- (Limited working Leh & Tawang- eqpt. like digital
season). - Installation in (Limited working consoles, digital
progress and will be season) - Q1- uplinks/downlinks
completed in next working Completion of will improve
season after April,09 . Installation. programme quality.
7. Permanent studio at 7. Permanent studio
Jaipur - Completion of at Jaipur - Q1- Start
installation of equipment. of installation. Q4-
Building work is complete. Completion of

8. ISDN Codecs- 66 Sets 8. ISDN Codecs- 66

Purchase proposal is under Sets - Q2- Equipment is
process expected to be received.

7 Accomodation for To construct S/Q at Delhi- Construction of Ph-I Delhi- Q4- Welfare activity. AIR
Staff (Metro S/Q) Metro centres for is near completion and Ph-II Construction likely to share of Rs. 30.00
Prasar bharati staff. work awarded. be completed. crore has been spent.
For Doordarshan share
of Rs. 65.00 crores of
this schemes, outlay in
2009-10 has to be
made by Doordarshan.
Mumbai- Construction of Mumbai- Q1- Tender
quarters.Local body action to award work is
approval received for two expected to be
blocks. completed. Q4- Work
Chennai- Local body is is expected to continue.
expected to clear the Chennai- Q1- Tender
building plans by March,09, action to award work is
Kolkata- Local body expected to be
approval of building plans is completed. Q4- Work
pending for want of mutation is expected to continue.
of land by KMC.

(Rs. in lakh)
S.N. Name of Scheme/ Objective / Outlay 2009-10 Quantifiable Deliverables/ Processes/Timeliness Remarks/ Risk
Programme Outcome (Plan Budget) Physical Outputs (Qrly Targets) factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Kolkata- Q1 Local body
clearance is expected to
be received. Q2- Tender
action to be taken for
award of work.

B New Schemes 14740.00

1 Digitalization of SW DRM Tr. for 2800.00 1. Procurement of 6 nos. of Q1- Tenders are
transmitters, studios, nationwise coverage in 10 KW MW DRM Trs. expected to be opened
connectivity & DTH digital mode. FM approved by SFC for and taken up for
Channel expansion, studio replacement of old MW Technical Evaluation.
digitalization & Mobile Trs. NIT issued. Q3- Order is expected to
connectivity be placed.
2. C-Band Terminals- 2. C-Band Terminals- 44
44Nos. - Technical Nos. Q1- Order
evaluation of tenders expected to be placed.
completed. Q4- Equipment expected
to be received.
Q1- Technical
3. Procurement of Digital Evaluation of tenders to
Stereo links for Studio - be completed.
Transmitter connectivity –
Q2- Commercial bids to
Tenders to be opened and
be opened and purchase
taken up for technical
proposal to be
Equipment expected to
be supplied.

2 Strengthening of Digitalization of SW 300.00 Procurement of Eqpt. for Q1-Order for equipment DRM Service on these
External Services by transmitters conversion of 250 KW SW is expected to be placed. External Services Trs.
Digitalization Trs. two each at Delhi and Q3- Work is expected to will be available to
Aligarh to DRM Mode- be completed. targetted listeners.
Tender enquiry issued to M/s
Falcon and Quotation from
the firm has been received.

(Rs. in lakh)
S.N. Name of Scheme/ Objective / Outlay 2009-10 Quantifiable Deliverables/ Processes/Timeliness Remarks/ Risk
Programme Outcome (Plan Budget) Physical Outputs (Qrly Targets) factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3 E-Governance, Improvement of Infra- 100.00 SFC/EFC proposals are Q4-Hostel
training,security, addl. Structure under submission /approval accommodation at
office accomodation, Srinagar is expected to
staff quarters etc. be completed.
4 New Technology & Multi Media 140.00 SFC/EFC proposals are
Science & Technology broadcasting in under submission /approval
satellite & terrestrial
mode, Web casting/
Podcasting etc..
5 Software Acquisition 1400.00 EFC proposals submitted to
Prasar Bharati.

6 J&K Special Plan The Scheme envisages 10000.00 This Scheme includes This Scheme is at Under the Scheme, the
Phase-III improvement of FM & setting up of three FM/TV nascent stage and the areas uncovered by
TV coverage in J&K High Power transmitter quarterly target cannot normal telecast and the
Capital border areas. proposed at existing AIR be quantified at people in those areas
Revenue and DD Centres. In addition this stage. are the target group.
to this, Low Power
Transmitters have also been
proposed in uncovered

C Total AIR 26100.00

Financial Break-up of total outlay 2009-10 (DBS) :
1st Quarter 10%
2nd Quarter 20%
3rd Quarter 30%
4th Quarter 40%

(Rs. in lakh)
Statement of Outlay & Outcomes/Target (2009-10)
Sr. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Projected Processes/ Remarks/
No. Programme Outcome 2009-10 Deliverables/ Outcomes Timelines Risk
Physical Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Capital Revenue Total


1. J & K Special Improvement of 509.00 3000.00 3509.00 300 Mtr.Tower at Increase in TV coverage in Completion -Nil-
Plan Ph.-I & Doordarshan Transmission Amritsar. trans border areas. of Tower
Ph.-II (Capital) Coverage in J&K. First at Amritsar
phase of J&K Special in 2009-10
Package has been
implemented, except for the Commissioning of To provide DD-I & Completion
tower work at Amritsar DD-I & DD-News DD-News signals in trans of HPTs at
which is under progress. HPTs at Amritsar border areas Amritsar in
This has resulted in with Antenna 2009-10
substantial improvement in mounted on 300
coverage area and technical mt. Tower
quality of Doordarshan
transmission in J&K. In
phase-II of J&K Plan
emphasis has been given
for improvement of content.

2. Digitalisation & Enhancement of technical 2000.00 0.00 2000.00 Modernization of Partial outcome. To be
Modernisation of quality of programmes. studio centers, completed
production centralized in phases
facilities recording, editing by 2009-
(Studio/OB) and play-back at 10.

Sr. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Projected Processes/ Remarks/
No. Programme Outcome 2009-10 Deliverables/ Outcomes Timelines Risk
Physical Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Capital Revenue Total
all major
Kendras - 17 nos.
Augmentation of
OB facilities and
faster news
delivery system.

3. North East Strengthening of 1095.00 3400.00 4495.00 Completion of Increase in TV coverage & Completion
Special Package Doordarshan coverage in tower (150 mtr) technical quality of of tower in
Ph.-II (Capital) North East and A&N works at terrestrial transmission. 2009-10.
region. A special package Kokrajhar.
(Ph.-II) for expansion &
improvement of Commission of To provide TV signal. To be
Doordarshan services in 10kw HPT with completed
NE region & Island Antenna on 150 in 2009-10.
territories of Andaman & mtr. Tower at
Nicobar and Lakshadweep Kokrajhar
has been approved by the
Government in May, 06 at a
cost of Rs. 256.85 crores
(hardware – 134.3,
software – 122.55).

4. DTH The objective of this 0.00 0.00 All works DTH service is already in
scheme is to provide TV completed. place.
coverge to the areas
hitherto uncovered by
terrestrial transmission.
DTH at present has
capacity of 50 TV channels.

5. HDTV HDTV is a technology that 1200.00 1200.00 Field production The Pilot Scheme will Supply &
offers numerous advantages van for HDTV provide the facility for Commiss-
in terms of excellent image production - 1 no. production in HDTV ioning of
quality and wide screen format. equipment
image. The wide screen in 2009-10.

Sr. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Projected Processes/ Remarks/
No. Programme Outcome 2009-10 Deliverables/ Outcomes Timelines Risk
Physical Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Capital Revenue Total
image provides powerful
viewing experience. This
makes this technology
superior and gives pictures
similar to 35 mm films.
HDTV also provides
realistic digital surround
sound. A pilot project for
HDTV field production unit
is under implementation.

6. Other spill over X 8675.00 8675.00

Plan approved

a) Accomodation Provision of housing Construction of Construction of staff Completion

for staff, facility for staff. staff quarters at quarters in metro of staff
augmentation of Augmentation of Metro centers (4 places) & non-metro quarter at
infrastructure and infrastructure/strengthening Delhi, Mumbai, locations (11 locations) Patna,
security. of security at various Kolkata and and infrastructure/ security Sambalpur
stations. Chennai. work to be in progress - and
Construction of Partial Outcome. Bangalore
staff quarters at in 2009-10.
non-metro Construction
locations of staff
(11 places). quarter at
Schemes of Chandigarh
augmentation of to be in
infrastructure and progress.
security of DDK at  
various locations -
Partial Outcome

Sr. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Projected Processes/ Remarks/
No. Programme Outcome 2009-10 Deliverables/ Outcomes Timelines Risk
Physical Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Capital Revenue Total
b) Other Schemes

i) Studio related To provide opportunity to Studio set up - Improvement of quality in Completion

Scheme the local talent by 7 nos. - Partial production at studios in of studio
providing studio centers Out come the network. project at
and augmentation of Chandigarh
production facility (addl.),
(addl.) &
Leh in

ii) Transmitter Improvement in terrestrial Automode LPTs & Improvement of quality in HPT
related Scheme coverage HPTs (partial terrestrial transmission Mehboob
outcome) and coverage area. Nagar to be
in progress.
B ila sp u r,
nam to be
in 2009-10.
ment &
of 93 nos.
tion of
RCC cum
Steel tower
at Dwarika
to be in

Sr. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Projected Processes/ Remarks/
No. Programme Outcome 2009-10 Deliverables/ Outcomes Timelines Risk
Physical Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Capital Revenue Total
iii) Satellite Enhancement of signal Supply of DSNGs - Enhancement in news Establish-
related Schemes quality and saving in space 4 nos. Supply of gathering capabilities. ment of
segment capacity. VSAT system. V-sat
Enhancement in news Supply of misc. network.
gathering capabilities. earth station Establish-
equipment. - ment
Partial Outcome maintenance
work shop.

New Schemes

7. Digitalisation of 100.00 100.00

aug. and Repl. of

a) Digitalization Digitalisation of terrestrial Procurement of Start process of Will be Scheme

of Transmitter transmission. equipment for digitalisation of terrestrial completed yet to be
DTTs partial transmission - Partial in 11th approved.
outcome Outcome. Plan in

b) Modernisation, Modernisation, aug. and Repl. of 10 HPTs, Improvement in coverage Will be Scheme
augmentation and repl. of transmitter 60 nos. of LPTs by and quality of terestrial completed yet to be
replacement of equipment which have automode LPTs, transmission - Partial in 11th approved.
transmitters served its useful life and new analog Outcome. Plan in
equipments due to technological transmitter at phases.
compulsion. border and
strategic places - 5
nos. - Partial
c) Disaster Disaster management and Schemes to be Partial Outcomes. To be taken Scheme
management, emergency requirements framed up in yet to be
emergency phases in approved.
requirement 11th Plan.

Sr. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Projected Processes/ Remarks/
No. Programme Outcome 2009-10 Deliverables/ Outcomes Timelines Risk
Physical Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Capital Revenue Total
8. Studio 100.00 100.00
digitalisation :
Replacement of

a) Digitalization Full digitalisation of Partial to full Full digitalisation of To be Scheme

of Studio production, post digitalisation of production facility - taken up in yet to be
production, editing and studios at smaller Partial Outcome. phases in approved.
archiving facilities. Kendras and full 11th Plan.
digitalisation at
8 Kendras -
Partial Outcome.

b) Digitalization, Modernisation, aug. and Aug. of Enhancement in technical To be Scheme

augmentation repl. of production related Production, Post quality - Partial Outcome taken up in yet to be
and replacement equipment with its digital Production, audio, phases in approved.
of studio counter part which have lighting and power 11th Plan.
equipments served its useful life and supply at all major
due to technological and smaller
compulsion. Kendras- 66
locations along
with new studios
|at 5 locations -
Partial Outcome

c) E-Governance, Implementation of e-Governance, Efficient system of To be Scheme

IT related introduction of implementation of delivery - Partial taken up in yet to be
Schemes e-governance in the nework IT Based work Outcome phases in approved.
flow management 11th Plan.
system and studio
operation - Partial

Sr. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Projected Processes/ Remarks/
No. Programme Outcome 2009-10 Deliverables/Physical Outcomes Timelines Risk
Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Capital Revenue Total
d) R&D and Aug. of training and R&D Aug of training and Partial Outcome To be Scheme
Training facilities in the network. R&D facilities.advance taken up in yet to be
level technical institute phases in approved.
at one location, STIT at 11 th Plan.
Guwahati for NE
regions - Partial

9. DTH: 500.00 500.00

Replacement of

a) DTH Increase of channels in Hybrid Model of DTH Partial outcome To be Scheme

DTH platform from 50 to with 50 FTA and 144 taken up in yet to be
198 with hybrid model Pay Channels, 4 HDTV phases in approved.
(free to air channels and Channels and 50 Radio 11th Plan.
paid channels) Channels with PPP
Models - Partial

b) Digitalization, Modernisation, aug. and Upgradation of earth Partial outcome To be EFC

augmentation repl. of satellite broadcast stations-10 nos.; expan- taken up in completed
and replacement related equipment with its sion of VSAT hub, phases in
of satellite digital counterpart which provision of 50 VSAT 11th Plan.
broadcast have served its useful life terminals, new DSNGs-
equipments and due to technological 9 nos.; new earth
compulsion. Aug. of News stations - 5 nos along
Gathering Facility with the replacement of
old DSNGs - 6 nos and
other misc. Equipments
- Partial Outcome.

Sr. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Quantifiable Projected Processes/ Remarks/
No. Programme Outcome 2009-10 Deliverables/Physical Outcomes Timelines Risk
Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Capital Revenue Total
10. HDTV HDTV production, post 1600.00 1600.00 HDTV Production, Partial outcome To be EFC
production facility and Post Production and taken up in completed
transmission. Field Production phases in
Facility at 2 locations, 11th Plan.
HDTV Transmitters at
4 locations and HDTV
Uplinks Facility at
1 Metro Center -
Partial Outcome

11. Staff Quarters, Provision of housing 500.00 500.00 DMC buildings - 17 Partial outcome To be EFC
other misc. works facility for staff. locations, LPT taken up in completed
Augmentation of building - 14 locations, phases in
infrastructure / staff quarter - 14 11th Plan.
strengthening of security at locations, guest houses
various stations. - 34 locations, zonal
office building at
Guwahati and tower at
DD Bhawan and misc.
infrastructure and
security related works -
Partial Outcome

12. Software 2421.00

(Normal & Misc.)
Total of
16279.00 8821.00 25100.00
13400.00 13400.00
Games, 2010
ITPO 1100.00 1100.00
Total of
14500.00 14500.00


Reforms, Measures and Policy Initiatives


As far as transparency is concerned, all the information relating to organization structure, guidelines of film certification, enforcement details,
certification procedure are put on the website. Information regarding PIO/APIO and all employees’ personal details uploaded on the website under
RTI ACT-2005. Citizens’ Charter, Enquiries, Complaints and Public Opinion Poll is put on the website so that any public can express the questions
relating to the certification process or any personal grievances to the CBFC.


A requisition has been made by CFSI to the Government of Maharashtra for the support of the latter for allocation of land in Film Complex
to be used for the benefit of children’s cinema. The aim of CFSI is to construct a modern Children Film Complex of national importance, which
would house all aspects of filmmaking including an animation and puppet studio, production of quality films so as to create a treasures chest
which would be enjoyed by Indian children far and wide. The Complex will also ensure that a children’s film archive is established in its premises.


The Directorate is in the process of restructuring and revamping its structure to improve the efficiency by rationalization of manpower. The
emphasis is also to target DFP’s activities in the tribal, border, remote and backward areas, which are not properly covered by the Electronic
Media. In this process, DFP has already closed/merged its 61 Field Publicity Units, located in State capitals and big cities and shifted the staff
to other deficient units so as to make these units fully operational.


The Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity is a centralized advertising agency of the Government of India for spreading out the
programmes / schemes relating to socio-economic upliftment of the society and messages of national integration, anti- terrorism, communal

harmony, health related issues to the masses spread all over the country through exhibitions, newspapers, TV channels, radio, outdoor publicity
formats and printed publicity materials etc. Government has issued new Advertisement Policy for the print media and also Audio-Visual Policy
with regard to advertisement/publicity through electronic media to streamline the various aspects of publicity and advertisement. These have
brought about further transparency in this regard. DAVP is the nodal agency to inform the people about the policies, programmes and achievements
of the various Ministries and Department of Government and motivate them to participate in developmental activities through various media with
public-private partnership. To achieve these goals, DAVP is adopting latest updated technology, advertising techniques, computer literacy and
effective use of IT in communication, administration and management. These steps are more interactive not only to help in better dissemination
of the intended message but also better absorption of the message which helps in translating it into action by the intended audience. To implement
these Schemes effectively DAVP is also working on new Scheme “Modernization of DAVP” which has been included in the 11th five year Plan.
Under the Scheme `Modernization of DAVP, in the Annual Plan 2007-08 and 2008-09, Directorate has upgraded the efficiency and skills by
providing necessary infrastructure and required training for the employees which will help for the better implementation of Schemes and will
be very helpful to deliver the messages to the intended beneficiaries.


Apart from the International Film Festival of India, 2009 and the 55th National Film Awards Ceremony, DFF would be organizing, besides
other Film Festivals, a Film Festival of Indian films in Russia.
DFF would be undertaking its regular activities regarding Participation in Film Festivals across the world throughout the year.

Production of the documentary films through outside producers/NGOs has been taken up for reflecting the social issues and problems along
with their solutions and also towards nation building efforts of the Government.
It has also been decided to establish a Museum of Moving Images at Films Division, Mumbai which will depict the history of Indian Cinema
through audio-visual presentation and display of important artefacts, the work of noted directors, producers, institutions etc. for the benefits of
visitors/film enthusiasts. The Museum of Moving Images will not only provide a store-house of information to the layman but it will also help
film makers, film students, enthusiasts and critics to know and evaluate the development of cinema as a medium of artistic expression both in
the country as well as in all parts of the world.

Film Sector, though largely in private sector, is a vibrant Cultural Industry in India. In terms of number, India occupies the number one
position in the world, producing highest number of films. However, in terms of revenue realisation, the share of Indian film in world market
is negligible. Advancement in technology has become the key driver to growth in film industry in all spheres of film making - production,
distribution, exhibition and marketing.
Participation in Film Markets in India and Abroad
With the objective of promoting and increasing the visibility of Indian films to the world, we have been participating in major International
Film Festivals/Markets. Indian pavilion in CANNES Film Festival/Market is being organized in association with Associated Chambers of
Commerce and .Industries (ASSOCHAM). Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, in association with Chambers of Indian Industries (CII),
participated in the European Film Market, 2009 at Berlin.
Setting up of National Centre of Excellence for Animation, Gaming and Visual Effects
On the basis of the human resource study conducted by M/s PwC, the Government is considering to set up a National Centre of Excellence
for Animation, Gaming and Visual Effects in Public-Private Partnership (PPP) mode. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has approached
Planning Commission for ‘in principle’ approval for the whole Scheme. Planning Commission has advised this Ministry to prepare an Executable
Feasibility Report/Detailed Project Report (DPR). This Ministry is in the process of appointing a consultant for preparing the FR/DPR.


Being the premier Institute imparting training in the Art and technique of film­making, the policy of the Government of India is to provide
the financial support through Grant-in-Aid for its existence, upgradation of the training facilities and training environment. Accordingly, Grant-
in-Aid is being released by the Government of India under Plan and Non-Plan Schemes. The expenditure is being incurred with a sole object
of replacement of old equipments and upgradation of training facilities.
Films made by Diploma students is regularly entered in various National/ International Film Festivals in order to give exposure to students’
work in Indian and abroad. During the year, the Institute participated in various film festivals/events.

To usher in mechanism for greater transparency, the Institute maintains a Grievance cell and publishes a Citizen’s Charter, which is available
on the website of the Institute.


The major interface IIMC had with the public is the admissions to its various diploma courses. The Institute issues the admission notice
well in time, in almost all the major important newspapers of the country. The Institute’s website ( is in the public domain and general
public have access to its activities. With a view to develop an effective instructional tool and discharge its social responsibilities, Institute’s
Community Radio Station broadcasts community related programmes (at 96.9 MHz). “Apna Radio” has tied up with several NGOs, Government
Departments and Social services organizations. Transmission from Community Radio has been increased from two hours to four hours and efforts
are being made to further increase it to six hours from the academic year 2009-10.


Among the SAARC countries, only India has a full-fledged Film Archive with temperature and humidity-controlled film vaults with a storage
capacity of 1,20,000 cans. NFAI has the expertise in acquiring and preserving the cinematic material and also has qualified and experienced
technicians. The facilities available in the Archive conform to international standards. It is a member of the International Federation of Film Archives
(FIAF) since 1969.


It has been decided to provide Government support to NFDC during the 11th Plan period for film production in regional languages.
2. NFDC proposes to step into co-production domain and provide seed capital for potential international and domestic co-productions. The
funds for this would be met from IEBR of the company.
3. NFDC has embarked export strategy and participation in foreign film and television markets with the following objectives:
I. Export of Indian films for overseas distribution across different channels of exhibition;
II. Identifying partners for international co-productions;
III. Promotion of NFDC’s services as a Line Producer;

IV. Promotion of India as a shooting destination;
V. Import of foreign films for Indian markets;
VI. Undertaking commissioned productions for overseas clients in film production and animation.
4. NFDC in its endeavor to broaden the range of scripts available to the industry and in order to enhance the quality, range, and ambition
of Indian film projects, has aimed at assisting a specific number of Indian writers each year in developing scripts which in turn would help in
creating high quality marketable products targeting the domestic and international markets.
5. Since NFDC has been reporting losses for the last few years, it has been decided to refer to the Board for Reconstruction of Public Sector
Enterprises (BRPSE) for examination and for revival of NFDC.
6. Government has approved a proposal of NFDC for introducing Voluntary Retirement Scheme to rationalise the manpower of the
Corporation to make it a clean and efficient organisation.


Press Information Bureau, is the nodal agency of the Government of India for informing people about its policies, programmes and activities.
The Bureau provides functional facilities to media representatives. As part of the Government’s efforts to reach out to the common man, PIB
is organizing nationwide Public Information Campaigns (PICs). The main purpose of the PICs is to create awareness and disseminate information
about the Flagship Programmes of the Government like National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA), National Rural Health Mission,
Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan, Jawahar Lal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission, Right to Information Act, Prime Minister’s New 15 Point Programme
for Welfare of Minorities, Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme, Welfare of Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest
Dwellers, etc.
This Bureau proposes to set up National Press Centre at New Delhi where the land has already been allotted to PIB to provide media facilities
to National and International journalists at one place. EFC has already approved the project and NBCC has been engaged as the implementing
agency. The approvals from NDMC/DUAC etc. was obtained in Nov./Dec. 2008. However, due to increase in project cost, fresh approval of
EFC is to be obtained.
Apart from that International Film Festival of India, Pravasi Bhartiya Diwas has also become the part of Plan Scheme during I lth Plan. These
are prestigious events of the Government of India to showcase the composite culture and also to disseminate information. Therefore PIB has
been doing media facilitation for both these activities.
PIB also plays a vital role in the promotion of better understanding between countries and in enhancing regional cooperation through greater
interaction between media persons and for dissemination of information about each other by organising Cultural Exchange Programmes and Joint
working Commission/Agreement in the field of Information and Mass Media.

The Press Council being quasi judicial body and regulating the press with ethical standards has taken the reform measures and policy initiatives
to promote its activities as detailed below :

1. Reform Measures
The proposal for amendment to Press Council Act is under active discussion with Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.

2. Policy Measures :
(a) Guidance on HIV/AIDS Reporting
(b) Terror attack Reporting
(c) Election Reporting
(d) Court Reporting
(e) Press Access to information

3. Transparency :
1. Implementation of RTI Act, 2005.
2. Putting of adjudications and other measure/action on website.
3. Putting levy collection arrears on website.
4. Norms of journalistic conduct on website.

The primary function of the Photo Division is to document photographically the growth and development as well as the political, economical
and social changes in the country and to provide visuals (still) to the various Government organizations. In order to make a platform for the
cross- referencing, the images would be put into its website so as to allow the picture hunters, researchers, any organizations or agencies to access
the available images from the archives of Photo Division. A special initiative has been taken for visual documentation of the development activities
in the North-East Region and the isolated places like Jammu & Kashmir, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep under the Plan Scheme.

Initiatives have been taken to make the Digital Library System more effective and creating a system to preserve the Digital images for a longer
period, procure quality images of historic importance so as to enrich the Digital Library and to do extensive photo coverage of those areas, which
have made developments but their visual records are not available.


The policy initiatives taken in the Administrative, Editorial, Business, Production and Yojana Wings of Publications Division are given below :

Process of modernization and computerization of Headquarters and Field Offices was initiated.

a. The procedure for sanction and purchase of goods and services required by the Division was streamlined and made in order
as per the regulations of GFR.
b. Regular contacts were initiated with Field Offices to get feedback on Administrative issues and sort out the problems, if any.
c. The quality of paper, printing, etc. of publications improved substantially.
d. Panel of typesetters, designers etc. were formulated to improve quality of publication.
e. The procedure for selection of books for publishing was further streamlined to bring out quality products. The designs of book
covers were overhauled with artists being encouraged to source ideas from the internet.
f. Vigorous efforts were made to improve the profile of Publications Division and its books and journals by high profile book
launches, advertising, book reviews and participation in important exhibitions and book fairs.
g. The rate card of advertisements for Yojana, Kurukshetra, Aajkal, Bal Bharati and other magazines was revised in keeping with
the market. The rate card for INDIA 2009 and BHARAT 2009 was also revised upwards.

i) Total Revenue and Net Surplus
Employment News has earned total revenue of Rs.5143.73 lakh in 2007-08 as compared to Rs.4453.97 lakh during the year 2006-07. The
net surplus after taking out the expenditure for 2007-08 increased to Rs.2790.24 lakh as compared to Rs.2026.13 lakh during the year
ii) Revenue
The Employment News continued to maintain its ‘Numero Uno’ position in the job market and managed to achieve higher advertisement
revenue during the year. Advertisement revenue increased from Rs.3034.81 lakh in 2006-07 to Rs.3295.22 lakh in 2007-08. Despite constraints
of shortage of staff, the weekly is likely to earn a net surplus of more than Rs. 2500 lakh during the current financial year.
iii) Average Number of pages
Average number of pages being printed in Employment News has steadily increased from 39.55 pages in the year 2000-01 to 50.61 pages
in the year 2005-06. This increased further to 58.46 pages in the year 2007-08 and this year the average number of pages per issue is likely
to be at 55 pages.
iv) Network Extension
Employment News largely depends upon its network for reaching out to its readers. Direct subscription facility is also available to readers
to ensure coverage in remote areas. Employment News expanded its dealers’ base during FY 2008-09 by calling applications through open
vi) Interactive Website
The foremost success of Employment News has been the “launch of interactive website under the domain “”
which is attracting a page hit of more than 3 lakh per day making it one of the highest in the government sector. The interactive features such
as online career counselling, information about govt. job vacancies directly to e-mail of readers and latest search engine facility have been provided
through the website.

Over the years, Print Media has enlarged its horizon to a great extent beyond the ambit of the Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867.
Accordingly, the Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867 and the rules made there under are being reviewed with a view to making the Act
relevant in the present scenario of the Print Media. With a view to providing prompt, efficient and transparent service to the newspapers and
ensuring effective implementation of the Press and Registration of Books Act and evolving and enforcing a strict circulation check, two new
Regional Offices at Guwahati in North Eastern Region and Bhopal in Central Region are being opened during 11th Plan Period 2007-12. With
the new advertisement policy in force with effect from 1.6.2006, the work of circulation verification has been restricted to checking the circulation
of big category of newspapers whose circulation is 75000 and above per publishing day only which are referred to by DAVP as well as requests
received from the individual publications in RNI. The Circulation check is carried out by RNI through Chartered Accountants empanelled
with it.


This Research, Reference and Training Division has two new policy initiatives in the area of its substantive function for inclusion in Eleventh
Five Year Plan. The initiatives are aimed at harnessing the power of the media in public welfare and promote journalism of high ideals.

The schemes, namely, Media Awards is the examples of public private partnership for the common good of masses.

To upgrade the library to a virtual library is an initiative of building a monumental institution that would serve as a repository of source material
and information to support researcher and policy makers.


The Division was set up in 1954 as small experimental unit to tap the abundant folk and traditional forms for communication purposes.
The ‘live media’ as it is popularly known now, proved very effective because of its inherent advantage of instantaneous rapport with the masses
and flexibility to incorporate contemporary issues, ideas and methods with conviction. The Division’s scope and size, therefore, was enlarged
to give it greater reach, access and impact in its efforts to communicate at the grassroots level, including inaccessible hilly terrains, desert and
border areas.
To achieve its objectives, the Division utilizes a wide range of folk and traditional forms, such as, folk and traditional dramas, ballets, operas,
dance dramas, folk and traditional recitals, puppetry and even the skills of hundreds of magicians with age old tradition. In addition, the Division
utilizes sound and light spectacle with modern techniques and hundreds of artistes for presenting programmes on important national themes such
as communal harmony, national integration, secularism, promotion of cultural heritage, health, environment, education, etc.

In order to ensure greater transparency, it is proposed to undertake computerization.With a view to improving the quality of programmes,
S&DD proposes to undertake Research and Development and Impact assessment study.


Private FM Radio was opened up by the Government of India in 1999 through the FM Phase I Policy. Keeping in view the large-scale
default during the Phase I and after taking into the recommendations of TRAI and other relevant factors a new policy of expansion of FM Radio
broadcasting service through private agencies (Phase II) was approved on 30th June 2005 and was notified on 13.7.2005. The implementation
of Phase II private FM radio broadcasting is in full swing. A total 337 channels were put on bidding for phase II of private FM radio out of
which 280 channels were successfully bid. After scrutiny, letters of intent (LOI) were sent to different companies for operation of 245 FM channels.
At present, 248 channels are in operation including 21 channels operationalised in Phase-I.


An SFC (RCE) of Plan Scheme with the total cost of Rs 19.65 crore to set up EMMC was approved in 2007-08. The total requirement
during 11th Plan is Rs 16.75 crore, which includes project cost of Rs 11.65 crore and provision of Rs 2.00 crore per annum for Annual Maintenance
and upgradation etc. During the Annual Plan 2008-09, Rs 5.50 crore has been released to Project Executing Agency namely Broadcast Engineering
Consultants India Ltd (BECIL), a PSU under this Ministry. The project has come into existence with effect from 9th June 2008 and is monitoring
100 TV Channels (24X7). This has already been enhanced to 150 channels during 2008-09. Its monitoring capacity is being enhanced to 300
TV channels during 2009-10. EMMC is in its infancy but has proved to be meaningful tool to monitor the contents of TV channels in recent
past, as is envisaged in the objectives of its setting up.


As per rough estimates, expenditure is of the order of Rs. 100 crore. Prasar Bharati has been directed to prepare a scheme for the purpose.

In December 2002, the Government of India approved a policy for the grant of licenses for setting up of Community Radio Stations (CRS)
to well established educational institutions including IITs/IIMs. Applications were received from 104 institutions. Letters of Intent have been issued
to 63 eligible institutions and 45 have signed License Agreement. At present 41 CRS are operational in various parts of the country.
The matter has been reconsidered by the Government after receiving recommendations from TRAI, the Consultative Committee of MPs
as well as the recommendations of the workshop organised in May 2004 and the Government has in December 2006 decided to broad base the
policy by bringing ‘Non-profit’ organisations like civil society and voluntary organisations etc under its ambit in order to allow greater participation
by the civil society on issues relating to development and social change.


During the year 2006 a proposal for the construction of phase-V of Soochna Bhawan was sent to the Policy Planning Cell of this Ministry
for inclusion in the 11th Five Year Plan (2007-12). After obtaining consent from the Planning Commission, Expenditure Finance Committee Meeting
was held on 12.3.2008 for the construction of Phase-V of Soochna Bhawan. The EFC approved the project limiting the cost to Rs. 74.60 crores with
a condition that there should not be cost overrun.

Planning Commission had allocated budget during the Annual Plan Year 2007-08, 2008-09 & 2009-10 as per their details given below :

S.No. Name of Project Allocated Budget Annual Plan

1. Construction of Phase-V Rs. 1.00 crore 2007-08

of Soochna Bhawan

2. -do- Rs. 3.53 crore 2008-09

3. -do- Rs.10.00 crore 2009-10


The Scheme provides for undertaking policy related studies in Media Sector. These studies will greatly help understanding the dynamics
of development in this Sector to initiate appropriate policy reforms.

With a view to bringing more officers under the training programme, it is also proposed to hire trainers from institutes located abroad and
impart training to officers in subjects that are relevant to the functioning of various media units under this Ministry. The experience gained by
the Officers through various training programmes attended by them can contribute in a long way in efficient functioning of the media units where
the officers are working.

All India Radio has a vast reserve of resource in the form of its infrastructure, human resource and technical expertise in the area of broadcasting and
related fields. Over the years, starting with a modest beginning of 500 W Medium Wave transmitter, it has grown into a major broadcasting
organization having 374 Radio transmitters covering 91.82% area and 99.16% population respectively. In addition, 21 Radio Channels on free to
Air DTH platform of DD Direct Plus are also providing coverage to almost entire country.

The infrastructure, primarily, includes land, building, tower, transmitters, studios, the Satellite Earth Stations, Archiving facility, Staff Training
Institute (Technical), Research and Development etc. In order to tap the potential, AIR resources was set up as an independent center in May 2001
for earning revenue from the vast infrastructure.

AIR resources are generating/can generate revenue through Public Private Participation (PPP) during the next 10 to 15 years, through following
Schemes :

1. Sharing of Prasar Bharati (PB) infrastructure such as Tower (STL Towers, self-supporting SW towers, and integrated TV/FM towers),
building and land with Private Broadcasters, Mobile service providers/IGNOU, on license fee basis. At present PB is sharing its infrastructure
with private FM Broadcasters under the private FM Phase-I and Phase-II Schemes of Ministry of I&B tower for mounting their antenna and
open and covered space for installations of their transmitter and other ancillary equipment. In future we may explore possibility for further
extensive sharing even by strengthening of our infrastructure, if required through PPP.
2. In addition, operation and maintenance service can also be provided to private FM Broadcasters having their equipment installed in Prasar
Bharati premises. For this purpose AIR/DD stations would need to be permitted to outsource manpower as there is already a shortage of
manpower. PB may also take up the installation and commissioning of Studios and Transmitters of Private Broadcasters.
3. Prasar Bharati is already taking up work of installation and commissioning of FM transmitters of IGNOU for their Gyanvani Channel which
are co-sited with AIR/DD set up. Operation and maintenance of IGNOU transmitters is also being done by AIR/DD station. For future
IGNOU transmitters also Prasar Bharati Plan to take up the above work.

4. At present spare time of AIR Studios and transmitters is being given on rent to IGNOU where ever there is such requirement and it is
possible to spare the same in future also. PB can rent these facilities to education Institutions/Universities and other outside Agencies on
competitive rates, within existing transmission hours.
5. PB is entering into an agreement with telecom service for providing value added services such as IVRS and SMS based service to the
listeners. By providing these popular services AIR may earn substantial revenue by sharing the revenue earned by the telecom service
providers. Doordarshan is already providing value added services from Delhi and plans to extend it in other cities also.
6. Air time of MW/FM/SW Broadcast transmitter in AIR network can be provided to educational/agricultural institutes on rental basis.
7. PB can provide Turnkey solutions for establishing 50/100-watt FM Community Radio Stations to Universities/Colleges/Residential schools.
8. PB can provide on-site and institutional training in various disciplines of broadcasting at various AIR/DD centers. Some of the centers are
already taking up the activity, which can be further extended.
9. PB can also generate revenue through Data Audio Channel (DARC) service.

New Initiatives

DTH service “DD Direct Plus”

Doordarshan had launched Ku band transmission (free-to-air DTH “DD Direct Plus”) in December, 2004 with a bouquet of 33 TV Channels.
The main objective of this service was to provide TV coverage to the areas hitherto uncovered by terrestrial transmission. With the launch of
this service, multi-channel TV coverage has become available in the entire country (except A&N Islands). Capacity of DTH platform was later
increased for transmission of 50 TV channels and has been further increased for transmission of 59 channels by improving spectrum efficiency
during 2008-09.

Mobile TV (DVB-H Transmission)

Doordarshan started Mobile TV service (DVB-H transmission) in Delhi in May, 2007, as a pilot project, with a bouquet of 8 TV channels. The
transmitter deployed is of 5KW power operating on ch#26 in UHF band, which is installed in Akashwani Bhawan, Parliament Street, New Delhi.
The signal can be received on DVB-H enabled mobile phones within a range of about 10-12 Kms from the transmitter location. Number of
TV channels in DVB-H bouquet has been increased from 8 to 16 using statistical multiplexing, wef 1st August, 2008. Sixteen DD channels included
in the DVB-H bouquet are as under :

DD National DD News DD Sports DD Bharati
DD Bangla DD Urdu DD Punjabi DD India
DD Chandana DD Gujarati DD Malayalam DD Podhigai
DD Oriya DD Sahyadri DD Saptagiri DD North East

Special package for NE states & Island territories (Phase II)

Following projects, as part of the Special Package approved in May 2006, have since been implemented :

NE states
• Provision of 25000 DTH sets alongwith TV sets in NE states
• HPT, Kokrajhar (interim set up)
• DSNG unit (1) at DDK, Guwahati

Island territories
• HPTs (DD1 & DD News) at Port Blair
• O.B. Van at DDK, Port Blair
• LPT projects – 2 and VLPT projects – 17 in A&N Islands
• VLPT projects - 13 in Lakshadweep

Following projects as part of the above package are under implementation & are generally expected to be completed by around end of 2008-

NE states
i. Upgradation of the Earth Station at Guwahati (for 2 NE channels)
ii. Augmentation of OB and post production facility at DDKs
iii. DSNG units – 3

Permanent HPT set up at Kokrajhar (Assam) is expected to be completed during 2009.

Andaman & Nicobar Islands
i. VLPT projects – 4
ii. Provision of DSNG & additional equipment at Port Blair Studio
iii. DTH service in C band
iv. Provision of 1000 DTH receive units & TV sets

Lakshadweep islands
VLPT projects – 2

Special Package (Phase II) for improvement of DD & AIR services in J&K
Special Package (Phase II) for improvement of DD & AIR services in J&K was approved in September, 2007. Major component of Doordarshan
is for the Software Schemes. Hardware Schemes implemented / under implementation are as under :
• 10000 DTH sets & TV sets have been handed over to the Nodal Officers appointed by the State Government.
• Action for procurement of UPS (40) is in progress.
• Earth station at Jammu has been upgraded to 3+1 configuration utilizing available equipment in the network, as an interim measure.
Action for procurement of new equipment for Earth Station at Jammu is in progress.

TV coverage of “Commonwealth Youth Games 2008”

Third Commonwealth Youth Games were held at Pune during 12th – 18th October, 2008. 1300 athletes from 71 nations / territories from
Commonwealth fraternity countries participated in the various sporting events : Athletics, Badminton, Tennis, Table Tennis, Shooting, Wrestling,
Boxing, Swimming & Weightlifting. Doordarshan as Host Broadcaster covered all the above events besides opening & closing ceremonies. For
this, 12 multi-camera OB Vans and 4 DSNGs were deployed.

A fully equipped IBC (International Broadcast Centre) was established at the Balewadi Sports Complex, Pune where feeds from all nine venues
besides Beauty Shots were received through OFC network. The IBC also had Logging & Archiving division where all feeds were recorded through
server. A Grandstand was established at the IBC in order to transmit all games live / deferred live round the clock on DD Sports, DD National
& DD Sahyadri channels. One hour daily report with English commentary for international audience and half-an-hour India Specific highlights
were generated through Highlight Generation facility available at IBC.

Doordarshan has been laying emphasis on training of its staff especially in view of fast developments taking place in broadcast technology.
During 2008-09 (April 2008 - November 2008), 981 engineering officers have been provided training at the various training institutes and by
equipment manufacturers. Break up details are as under :
ST I (T) Delhi - 516
RSTI (T) Bhubaneshwar - 183
RST I (T) Shillong - 14
RSTI (T) Malad - 66
Equipment Manufacturers - 172
IIT Kanpur (Short term) - 30

International activities

Technical papers
Doordarshan has been regularly contributing Technical Papers to Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU)’s General Assembly, an annual event.
For ABU General Assembly 2007 held at Tehran (Iran), nine Technical Papers were submitted by Doordarshan and out of these, one paper “Diverse
Delivery Platforms : Delight or Dilemma” was later published by ABU in their journal “Technical Review”. For ABU General Assembly 2008,
Doordarshan have submitted eight Technical Papers.

Technical Experts to other countries

Doordarshan has been providing technical experts to other countries from time-to-time through Technical Advisory Service (TAS) mission of
ABU. In July, 2008, a Doordarshan expert conducted a TAS mission to Voice of Vietnam on setting up a new TV channel. Earlier in November,
07, a Doordarshan expert conducted a TAS mission for Fiji TV on maintenance of VTRs and cameras. In addition, a Doordarshan expert provided
consultancy service to Vietnam TV for video archival management system in October-November, 07 on the recommendation of ABU. Services
of Doordarshan experts have been highly appreciated by ABU.

Targets for 2009–10

Major projects targetted to be completed in 2009–10 are as under :
(1) Three Studios : Leh (pmt. set up), Jammu (Addl. Studio) and Chandigarh (Addl. Studio)
(2) New HPT at Bilaspur
(3) HPTs (pmt set up) at Amritsar (DD 1 & News), Cannanore, Kumbakonam and Kokrajhar
(4) Automode LPTs – 93
(5) HDTV pilot project at Delhi

(Rupees in lakh)
Sl. Name of Scheme Eleventh Plan Appro Actual Physical Targets Physical Achievements % Reasons for
No. Approved ved Expenditure shortfall
Outlay Outlay upto

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Establishment of 350.00 58.00 13.99 Networking of CBFC Networking of CBFC regional - The work of
Computerised regional offices. offices of Chennai, Hyderabad, computerisation is in
Management System Establishing of internet / Kolkata, Thiruvananthapuram, progress.
and Upgradation of intranet facility to various Bangaluru, Guwahati has been
Infrastructure in regional offices in CBFC. established with necessary
CBFC Carrying of UAT of installation of networking
Chairperson’s module. equipments. UAT on
Feedback on registration Chairperson’s module has been
and certification module, completed. Data entry on search
data entry of search management module for various
management, purchase of regional offices is in progress.
technical equipments and Data entry in pay roll packages is
upgradation of in progress. Purchased laptop,
infrastructure of office TV, VCD.
premises in CBFC.

2. Opening of Regional 400.00 56.00 NIL Creation of posts for these The three posts of Regional - The scheme has not
Offices of the Board offices and providing Officer and three posts of LDCs yet been approved by
at New Delhi, necessary infrastructure. have been approved for New SFC
Cuttack and Delhi, Cuttack and Guwahati
Guwahati. regional offices each.

3. Monitoring and 500.00 86.00 59.77 Carrying out the studies, The following Workshops/ 60 Workshops /
Modernisation of Conducting the workshops, Seminars Conducted. Seminars conducted
Certification Process seminars of Board a) Workshop help on 13.5.08 at
Members and Panel Gangtok.
Members at regular b) Workshop held on

intervals for the Board 14.6.08 at Kodaikanal.
members/Advisory panel c) Board Meeting-cum-workshop
members. One Workshop held on 7.7.08 at Kolkata.
at each regional office and d) Workshop held on 11.8.08 at
All India Panel workshop New Delhi.
for uniformity in all e) Board Meeting-cum-workshop
regional offices. held on 5.9.08 at Delhi.
f) Workshop-Cum-seminar held
on 19. 9.08 at Bengaluru
g) Workshop held on 6.12.08 at
New Delhi,
h) Board meeting-cum-workshop
held on 26.12.08 at New Delhi.

TOTAl 1250.00 200.00 73.76



Achievements 2007-08 Targets 2008-09 Achievements upto 31.3.2009


a) Production Nil 5 Feature + 2 short films 4 Feature and 1 short film

b) Dubbing 3 Films 14 Films 6 Films completed

c) Subtitling 29 Prints of Feature and 10 Films As per requirement

Short Films Subtitled

d) Purchase - 3 Films Nil

e) Print Cost - - 17 prints in 35mm of newly completed

films have been prepared


a) Digitalisation 67 hours of CFSI films digitalized - -

b) Webcasting Updation/periodicity maintained Maintenance of CFSI website -


Exhibition of 6589 shows were organized Organization of 5000 shows 12,957 shows organized covering
Films in covering audience (more covering more than 25 lakh nearly 35 lakh child audience
Municipal than 32 lakh) child children


007-2008 2008-09
Target Achievement Target Achievement
(upto Feb. 09.)
TOUR DAYS : 33816 21300 33816 23512
FILMS SHOWS : 60924 36814 60924 34060
SPECIAL 7380 11823 7380 10502
In the Annual Plan 2007-08, only two Plan Schemes were approved for implementation viz (i) Conducted Tours/ Skill Upgradation and
(ii) Modernisation & Upgradation of Hardware & Software at Regional Offices (ROs) and Field Publicity Units (FPUs). These schemes involve
an outlay of Rs. 44.34 lakh (Revised Estimates).
Under the Scheme Conducted Tours/ Skill Upgradation, only 2 (two) conducted tours were organized as the SFC approval from Ministry
was received in the last quarter of the year 2007-08. Under the second Scheme Modernisation & Upgradation of Hardware & Software at ROs
and FPUs, - 33 computers alongwith its accessories and 3 laptops were procured for Regional Offices and Headquarters.

Financial performance of the Directorate is as follows: (Rupees in lakh)

2007-2008 2008-09
Targets Achievements Targets Achievements
PLAN 12.00 44.34 40.48 200.00 200.00 180.77

NON- 2599.10 2617.00 2399.10 2625.00 3314.28 3239.86


TOTAL 2611.10 2661.34 2439.58 2825.00 3514.28 3420.63

(Rs. in lakh)
Budget Estimates 2007-2008 Revised Estimates 2007-08 Actual Expenditure 2007-2008
Plan Non-Plan Total Plan Non-Plan Total Plan Non-Plan Total
2601.00 6139.25 8740.25 1841.19 3433.30 5274.49 1826.35 3263.56 5089.91

During the Annual Plan 2007-08 approved outlay reduced to Rs. 1841.19 lakh at the stage of RE.

Physical and Financial Achievements:
Annual Plan 2007-08 was formulated with one ongoing scheme i.e. Developmental Publicity Programme : Conception and Dissemination
having Rs.2601.00 lakh as approved outlay which was reduced to Rs. 1841.19 lakh at the stage of Revised Estimates. A sum of Rs. 1826.35 lakh
has been incurred upto March 2008 with 99.20 % achievement in terms of financial target. The Plan Scheme was implemented through the media
of Outdoor Publicity, Printed Publicity, exhibition, Display and Classified Advertising, and Dissemination of Information on Electronic Media.
Physical Achievements
Exhibition :
During the Annual Plan 2007-08, the prestigious exhibitions were set all over the country, such as Azadi Express, Resurgent India,
1857 Kranti Yatra, AIDS Awareness.
Display Advertising:
Advertisements are released on Sanjhi Shahadat, Sanjhi Virasat and National Rural Employment Guarantee Act.
Audio Visual:
Production of spots on Freedom Struggle, Production of spots in connection with Independence Day and spot of Gandhi Jayanthi are made.

Printed Publicity:
20,000 copies of booklets are printed in Hindi and English on completion of three years by UPA Government entitled “Report to
the People”.
Outdoor Publicity:
1495 bus panels including 195 bus panels in North Eastern Region, 100 Metro rail panels, 07 Metro rail Display Boards, 09 Public
Utilities are displayed on 60 years of Independence.
Modernization of DAVP :
Under the Scheme Modernization, Conference Hall has been upgraded and hardware and software installed for the digital library of
Exhibition Wing.

Targets and achievements during 2007-08 are given below:
Sl.No. Particulars Targets Achievements
1 Exhibition 650 680
2 Display/ClassifiedAdvertising 25435 15956
3 Advertising on Radio/TV@ 5940 1817
4 Printed Publicity* 205 173
5 Outdoor Publicity 250 289
@ This includes radio spots/sponsored radio programmes and video spots, prepared in all languages. These were disseminated through 55258
broadcasts and 73756 telecasts.
* Jobs consisting of 395 items in various languages.
(II) Targets and Achievements for the year 2008-09
Budget Allocation
( lakh)
Plan Non-Plan Total
* 2176.00 5260.00 7436.00
* Approved outlay has been increased upto Rs 4818.00 lakh (Rs. 4651.00 lakh for Developmental Publicity programme and Rs.
167.00 lakh for Modernization of DAVP)

ANNUAL PLAN 2008-09:
Annual Plan 2008-09 has been formulated with Two Schemes (i) Developmental Publicity Programmes; Conception and Dissemination
(ongoing Scheme) having approved outlay of Rs. 1909.00 lakh, which was enhanced upto Rs. 4651.00 lakh. (ii) “Modernisation of DAVP” which
is new Scheme included in the 11th Five Year Plan having a revised outlay of Rs. 167.00 lakh total expenditure incurred upto 31.03.2009 to the
tune of Rs. 4819.00 lakh as Rs. 1.00 lakh provided as an additional at the stage of Final Grants i.e. amount of token supplementary.
Scheme: Developmental Publicity Programme: Conception and Dissemination
Exhibition: During the Annual Plan 2008-09, following prestigious exhibitions set up all over the country such as Azadi Express, 1857
Kranti Yatra, Aids Awareness and Healthy Mother Healthy Child.
Display Advertising: Advertisements are released on Bharat Nirman.
Audio Visual: Production of spots and telecast/ broadcast on Bharat Nirman.
Outdoor Publicity: Campaign on “Bharat Nirman” is displayed through outdoor publicity format like hoardings, bus panels, kiosks bus -q-
shelters and public utilities.
Printed Publicity: Prestigious booklets are printed on Bharat Nirman.
Scheme: Modernization of DAVP
Office Expenses :
Under the Scheme Modernization, necessary hardware and software procured for online billing systems for both streams - Press
Advertisement and Audio Visual. Computer training provided to 140 employees of the Directorate under the component Human Resource
Sl.No. Particulars Targets(2008-09) Achievements(2008-09)
1 Exhibition 650 599
2 Display/Classified Advertising 18000 13029
3 Advertising on Radio/TV 3000 3253
4 Printed Publicity* 137 166
5 Outdoor Publicity 250 482
@ This includes radio spots/ sponsored radio programmes and video spots prepared in all languages. These were disseminated through
104506 Broadcasts and 123287 telecasts.
* Jobs consisting of 550 items in various languages.


Review of Physical Performance 2007-08 and 2008-09 under Plan head

Sl. Name of the Scheme Targets for Achievements Reasons Targets for Achievements Review of Physical
No. 2007-08 2007-08 for 2008-09 2008-09 Performance
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. (i) Export Promotion 01 01 Nil 01 01 Achieved
through film festivals
in India and abroad -
includes International
Film Festival of India

(ii) Participation in 45 45 Nil 45 51 Achieved

Foreign Film Festivals

(iii) Indian Panorama 01 01 Nil 01 01 Achieved

2. Film Festival Complex Urgent Works in Work completed Nil Addition and Funds released. Works under progress
- Additions and Siri Fort Auditoria Alteration in the
Alterations Complex espe-
cially in view of
Games, 2010.

3. Upgradation of Print Digitalization of Nil ‘In principle’ Digitalization of ‘In principle’ approval Token amount of Rs. 1.00
Unit films approval from films from Planning Commis- lakh has been kept for this
Planning sion is yet to be received. Scheme.
Commission was
not received

Review of Physical Performance 2007-08 and 2008-09 under Non - Plan head
Sl. Name of Scheme Targets for Achievements Reasons Targets for Achievements Review of Physical
No. 2007-08 2007-08 for 2008-09 2008-09 Performance
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Film Festivals under 12 13 - 12 12 Targets achieved
Cultural Exchange

2. National Film Awards 1 1 Nil 1 1 Targets achieved



1. The Performance of Films Division in respect of Production of Documentaries (including News Magazines) is given below.

Achievements Targets Achievements

2007-08 2008-09 2008-09
April, 2008 to March, 2009

(I) In-House Production 11 ** 15

(A) Non-Plan
(i) News Magazines for Theatrical/Non-Theatrical Release
(ii) Documentaries - Theatrical Release 27 26 16
(iii) Documentaries Non-Theatrical Release 21 10 15
(iv) Instructional Teaching and Training Films - - 3
(II) Outside Production through Outside Producers 7 - 3
Total 66 36 52
Production of Films financed by other Ministries 1 - 4
Production of Films on direct payment basis through Outside Producers 1 - 5
Total 68 36 61

** No target was fixed for production of Non-Plan (Documentaries) by outside Producers. Number of films depends on the availability of funds.

2. The Films Division undertakes theatrical and non-theatrical distribution of documentaries and news magazines. Theatrical distribution
is done through cinema houses in India, which are required to exhibit approved films (not exceeding 609 metres i.e. 2001 feet) under the
compulsory exhibition Scheme.
The details are given below.

No. of Prints and Cassettes Achievements Targets Achievements up to

2007-08 2008-09 31/03/2009
Theatrical Release 13676 14000 7917
Non-Theatrical Release 91 - 121
Beta (Colour) - 5 -
DVD (Colour) 17 - 143
VCDs (Colour) 5174 5500 5278

3. The number of cinema houses supplied with approved films released by the Films Division every week is as under :
2006-07 8410
2007-08 8038
2008-09 7917

4. For theatrical distribution, Films Division releases one news magazine or one documentary film alternatively every week treating the
whole country as one circuit. 263 prints were prepared every week for theatrical distribution during the year 2008-09.

5. The details of participation in various National and International Film Festivals are as follows :
Number of Festivals Number of Films entered
State Film Festivals 0 0
National Film Festivals 06 24
International Film Festivals 04 06
Total 10 30

In the Film Wing there are two Main Secretariat Plan Schemes viz. (i) Participation in Foreign Festivals/Markets (ii) Setting up of a Centre
of Excellence for Animation, Gaming and Visual Effects. The objectives and the performance during 2008-09 of the above mentioned two Schemes
are as follows:
(i) Participation in Film Markets in India and Abroad
The Scheme was approved by SFC in 2007. The purpose of participating in film markets is to increase the visibility of the Indian film
industry, film related information technology as well as to use the opportunities to engage in actual trading. It was the endeavour of the Government
to avail every opportunity to promote the Indian film industry including organization of the Film Bazaar in India.
The physical targets have been achieved. Similarly, the consistent and increasing growth of the industry itself and increasing participation
of Indian film makers in markets abroad are indicative of the benefits. The funds allocated to the above mentioned Scheme during 2007-08 and
2008-09 are as follows:
(Rs. in lakh)

Year Budget Estimates Revised Estimates Actuals

2007-08 220 00 220 00 167.00
2008-09 220.00 220.00 172.66

(ii) Setting up a Centre of Excellence for Animation, Gaming and Visual Effects
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting had appointed M/s PwC to conduct a study on human resources for Setting up of a National
Centre of Excellence for Animation, Gaming and Visual Effects. M/s PwC has submitted its report and has strongly recommended for
setting up of a National Centre of Excellence for Animation, Gaming and Visual Effects. This Ministry has approached Planning
Commission for according ‘in principle’ approval. On the advice of Planning Commission this Ministry is in the process of appointment
of a consultant for preparing the FR/DPR. The funds allocated to the above mentioned Scheme during 2007-08 and 2008-09 are as
(Rs. in lakh)

Year Budget Estimates Revised Estimates Actuals

2007-08 10.00 10.00 2.35
2008-09 100.00 50.00 17.63


During the year 2008-09, 145 students enrolled for different courses of the Institute as per details given below:

Sl.No. Name of Course No. of Students

I. Three year Post-Graduate Diploma Course in Film and Television 50
2. One year Post-Graduate Certificate Course in Television 34
3. Two year Post-Graduate Diploma in Acting 22
4. One year Post-Graduate Certificate Course in Feature FilmScreenplay Writing 12
5. Two year Post-Graduate Diploma -in Art Direction and Production Design 13
6. One and half year Certificate Course in Animation and Computer Graphics 14
Total 145

During the year 2008-09, 12 Twelve short courses under TV Wing have also been completed by end of November, 2008.
Procurement of machinery and equipments and spares for equipments required for Film and TV courses has been achieved upto the
optimum level.

During the year 2008-09 Plan funds worth Rs.800.00 Iakh in SBG 2008-09 and Rs. 775.00 lakh in RE 2008-09 were allocated for
execution of two major Schemes (1) Grant-in-Aid to FTII, Pune (2) Global Film School. An amount of Rs. 544 lakh was spent during the
year. The Final Grant was fixed at Rs.554.00 lakh.

Non Plan
During the year 2008, 40 students have enrolled for the three year P.G. Diploma course of the Institute (10 in each area of specialization) for
the Academic Session 2008-11. The present strength of students including the continuing batches is 112.

Plan Schemes
The performance in respect of the different Plan Schemes during 2008-09 is given below :

S.No. Name of the Plan Scheme Physical Performance during 2008-09

1. Creation of new Academic 1. Basic plan for construction prepared; civil construction work undertaken by the CCW (Civil)
Department : Production 2. Process for recruitment of manpower as approved by the Ministry has been initiated
Management in Films and Television

2. Creation of new Academic 1. Basic plan for construction prepared; civil construction work undertaken by the CCW (Civil)
Department : Animation and 2. Process for recruitment of manpower as approved by the Ministry has been initiated
Electronic Imaging

3. Computerization and Modernization 1. Some Hi-tech equipments purchased and installed.

2. Solution Design for implementation of ERP using e-business suit completed, next phase of implementation initiated.
3. Process for recruitment of manpower as approved by the Ministry has been initiated
4. Deptt. of Architecture, Jadavpur University assigned to prepare the Design and Plan for new Film Studio and Film Archive.

4. HRD Aspects, Scholarship/Student 1. SRFTI Editing Department students visited Zelig Film School, Italy in April 2008.
Exchange Programme/Internship 2. Zelig Film School students visited SRFTI in June 2008.
3. 11 students of SRFTI have been awarded merit scholarships.

5. Training and Skill Development 1. Three films produced by SRFTI with faculties as the executive producers. The films are based on socially irrelevant themes.
2. Some faculties of the Institute attended seminars/workshops relating to films and televisions, organized by various
3. Director of the Institute participated in the CILECT (international organization of film schools) General Assembly and
Congress at Beijing in November 2008.

6. Setting up of a Community Radio 1. Equipments procured from BECIL and installed.

Station (CRS) at SRFTI 2. Broadcasting licenses obtained.
3. CRS inaugurated successfully on 24 May 2008 and launched the broadcasting at the frequency 90.4 M.Hz.
4. Broadcasting progammes on regular basis since May 2008.

7. Setting up of Captive TV Channel 1. Equipments procured from BECIL.



S.No. Name of the Scheme/ 2007-08 2008-09


Training/Teaching Targets Achievements Reasons for Targets Achievements Reasons for

and Research in Mass variations variations
Indian Institute of
Mass Communication

1. Converting IIMC into Submission of During the year only ‘In principle’ - Preparation of concept After a series of ‘In principle’
International Media proposals for preliminary work for approval of paper, project proposals for Discussions held approval of
University setting up of implementation of the Planning converting IIMC into with the Ed. CIL Planning
Media University scheme was initiated. Commission for International Media revised Terms of Commission
for approval of implementing University; Reference were received, SFC
-Creation of faculty and
SFC/EFC; - Submitted proposals the scheme got finalized and approval for
other posts at appropriate
for approval of SFC. could not be levels; with the approval implementing the
Submission of obtained; - Identification of location of Ministry of scheme is yet to
proposals for Matter placed for for construction of I&B the Institute be received.
creation discussion before the New posts buildings and to obtain appointed Ed.
of posts at Executive Council and under the clearance of various CIL (Educational
appropriate AGM meetings and as scheme can be agencies; Consultants India
levels; decided in the EC created after - To carry out necessary Ltd.) as
Meeting the Task Force approval of renovation works; Consultant for
Preparation of held a brain storming authorities. - Preparation of plans for preparing Project
plan for setting session under the setting of computer lab; Implementation
- Finalization of teaching aid
up of computer Chairpersonship of A number of Report for
equipment with the help of
lab, expansion of IIMC Society; Non-Plan technical committees and converting IIMC
Library and faculty and tendering/placing orders after into International
Printing Press As per directions of other posts in obtaining approval of Media
and procurement Task Force it was the Institute authorities; University. Ed.
of reading and decided to appoint an were vacant and - Preparation of plan for CIL has
reference appropriate consultant these were library expansion and its submitted the
material. for developing a advertised submission for approval of draft report and
roadmap for during February authorities and the same is being
implementing the 2008. - Furnishing of class- examined.
scheme. rooms/faculty rooms.

Achievements and Targets of the Courses
S.No. Name of the 2007-08 2008-09

Targets Achievements Reasons for Targets Achievements Reasons for

variations variations

Training/ To conduct PG A total of 221 Training To conduct PG A total of 240 students are During the
Teaching and Diploma Courses in : students courses Diploma Courses in: undergoing training in year the
Research in i) Journalism (Hindi) (including 14 organized as 1) Journalism (Hindi) various diploma courses Institute
Mass (40) NRI) were per plan. (40) being run during current implemented
Communication 2) Journalism (English) trained in Due to 2) Journalism academic year. first phase
(40) various diploma vacant (English) (40) First Development (9%) OBC
Indian Institute 3) Journalism (Oriya) courses faculty 3) Journalism (Oriya) Journalism course (with 16 reservation
of Mass (15) conducted by positions (15) participants) commenced in quota for
Communication. 4) Advertising & the Institute and other 4) Advertising & August 2008 and next admission in
Public Relations (45) during the supporting Public Relations (40) course (with 23 participants) its Diploma
5) Radio & TV academic year. staff half 5) Radio & TV ended on 11.5.2009. courses.
Journalism (30) Two courses in yearly Journalism (40) A total of 14 short-term Hence, there
6) two courses in Development journals 6) two courses in training courses have been was 18
Development Journalism coudl not be Development conducted during current percent
Journalism (with 20-25 (with 41 brought out. Journalism (with 40 financial year (with 241 increase in
participants in each participants) participants) participants). Some more the number
cousre). conducted. Short-term training such courses proposed to of students
Short-term training A total of 19+2* courses/Workshops be conducted before 31 admitted in
courses/Workshops for short-term for in-service March 2009. these
in-service personnel of training courses personnel of Central/ During the year four courses.
Central/State were conducted State Government sponsored research studies
Government (including during the (including Defense have been undertaken. The Short-term
Defence personnel) academic year personnel (330 to 450)). Instutute also submitted training
(350 to 400); In service (with 282+44* In-service courses for reports of earlier courses and
courses for IIS Officers number of IIS Officers (as per completed studies. research
(as per requirement of participants) requirement of Lab journals have been studies are
Government). Three sponsored Government). brought out by students. being
To conduct research research studies To conduct research Published (backlog issues) couducted as
studies on various were undertaken studies on various one issue each of per targets.
aspects of mass during the year. aspects of mass “Communicator” (in
communication. Lab journals communication and English) and “Sanchar
To bring out half - brought out by bring out half -yearly Madhyam” (in Hindi).
yearly journals and students. journals and lab
students’ lab journals. journals of students.

Note : Figures in brackets under the heading ‘Targets’ indicate the number of students admitted/to be admitted and number of studies tec. * at branch.

Sl. Name of Scheme/ Physical Targets Physical Physical Targets Physical Reasons for
No. Progamme 2007-08 Achievements 2007-08 2008-09 Achievements shortfall if any
Upto 31.03.2009

1. Continuing Scheme To acquire 600 Films/ Acquired 872 Films/ To acquire 600 Acquired 805 Digitization of
DVDs/VHS. DVDs/VHS. Films/VHS/DVDs Films/VHS/DVDs films could not be
Acquisition and exhibition and digitize 80 films and Digitized completed due to
of Archival films. and to carry out 1,42,352 ancillary delay in receipt of
restoration of 16 film material like delegation of
films. posters, stills etc. powers to
Director, NFAI.

2. New Scheme To complete the building. Building was - - -

Construction of Phase-II
building for NFAI at Pune.


PLAN SCHEMES (Rs. in crore)

Sl. Name of Scheme Actual Expenditure Actual Expenditure S.B.G. Final Actual
No. 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 grant Expenditure
2008-09 2008-09

1. Continuing Scheme 0.7967 0.90 3.00 1.7710 1.7621

Acquisition and exhibition

of Archival films.

2. New Scheme 6.47 - - - -

Construction of Phase-II
building for NFAI at Pune.

Total 7.2667 0.90 3.00 1.7710 1.7621


As against SBG of Rs. 164 lakh for the year 2008-09, the Final Grant was Rs. 244.37 lakh and the actual expenditure was Rs. 243.72 lakh
due to implementation of 6th CPC recommendations and increase in electricity charges.


Plan Schemes
The performance in respect of the Plan Scheme during 2008-09 is given below:
(Rs. in lakh)
Sl. No. Name of the Scheme Approved Outlay for 2008-09 Achievments for 2008-09

Financial Physical Financial Physical

1 Film Production in 6.50 5 films 6.50 5 films

various regional

Total 6.50 5 films 6.50 5 films

ANNUAL PLAN 2007-2008
1. Plan & Non-Plan Performance during the year 2008-09.
2. Plan & Non-Plan Performance during the year 2007-08.
Plan Expenditure statement for the period upto 31 March, 2008 (Rs. in lakh)
Sl. Name of Scheme Scheme outlay Grant in aid/ Actual Reasons for Shortfall
No. loan released Expenditure (if any)
SBG 2007-08 RE 2007-08 by Govt. upto 31-3-08
1 2 3 4 5 8

1. Setting up of National Press 1000.00 82.00 - 82.00 Pending approval of building plans by NDMC/
Centre at New Delhi. CPWD, no expenditure could be incurred on
setting up of NPC. However, as per direction
of Ministry vide I.D. Note No. 25/47/98 - Press
dated 25-7-2007 funds to the extent of Rs.
82.00 lakh were allocated to PIB Chandigarh
for Media Centre at Jammu.


2. Media Outreach Programme 9.00 858.00 - 849.00 Minor Savings. Funds had almost been utilized.
3. Publicity for Special Events-
This scheme comprises
Due to non-receipt of ‘in principle’ approval
following 4 sub-schemes :-
expenditure for IFFI held during Nov.-Dec.,
(a) International Film Festival of 1.00 - - Nil 2007 and Pravasi Bhartiya Diwas held during
India (token provision) Jan., 2008, was met from Non-Plan. Therefore
no funds were asked at Final Grant Stage.
(b) Pravasi Bhartiya Diwas 1.00 - - Nil
Administrative approval for this scheme was
Samaroh. (token provision)
received on 3-3-2008. However for the annual
(c) Media Management and 1.00 As budget was sought sepa- - Nil Plan 2007-08, only Rs. 2.00 lakh were
Facilitation Proposal for (token provision) rately for publicity of Com- allocated as a token provision.
Commonwealth Games 2010 monwealth Games 2010, the -
component ‘Commonwealth
Games 2010’ was dropped -
from the Plan scheme ‘Public-
ity for Special Events’.
(d) Media Exchange Programme 1.00 (token provision) 2.00 Nil
Total 1013.00 942.00 - 931.00
ANNUAL PLAN 2008-2009

Plan Expenditure statement for the month ending March, 2009 (Rs. in lakh)
Sl. Name of Scheme Scheme outlay Actual North East Expditure Reasons for Shortfall
No. Expenditure Region Outlay incurred upto (if any)
SBG RE upto 31-03-09 2008-09 31-03-2009

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. Setting up of National Press Centre at 437.00 437.00 Nil building at New

As the building As the building
Delhi is for No expenditure could be incurred as statutory
New Delhi at New
the Delhi
benefit is atcountry,
of entire New Delhi
no is approvals from NDMC, DUAC etc. have
for thehave
funds benefit
for the benefit
for NEof been received in Nov./Dec., 2008 only.
entire, entire country, However, as the total project cost has now
no funds have no funds have increased, action is being taken to obtain
been earmarked been earmarked fresh approval from Ministry/EFC.
for NE Region. for NE Region.

2. Media Outreach Programme 960.00 960.00 897.84 96.00 96.00 Expenditure position is satisfactory.

3. Publicity for Special Events.

This scheme comprises following
three components Due to state mourning period some major
events could not be organized and therefore
(i) International Film Festival of India 7.00 7.00 1.30 Nil Nil only Rs. 1.30 lakh have been utilized.

(ii) Pravasi Bhartiya Diwas 1.00 1.00 0.84 Nil Nil Minor shortfall

(iii) Media Exchange Programme 44.00 44.00 - 4.40 Nil Implementation of this component depends
largely on other countries.

4. Main Press Centre and other Media 180.00 180.00 119.63 No funds earmarkedNo to funds
NE Region No shortfall
Centres for Commonwealth Youth as the games
earmarked to held/will be held toat NE
Games 2008 at Pune and Common- PuneRegion
NE and Delhi
as Region as the
wealth Games 2010 at Delhi the games held/ games held/will
will be held at be held at Pune
Pune and Delhi and Delhi

Total 1629.00 1629.00 1019.61 100.40 96.00


Review of Past performance

The objective of the Press Council that the functions are of quasi judicial nature and it regulates the press with ethical standards. Thus quantifying
it with the targets set in terms of physical and the results achieved is not plausible. The only quantifiable activity is the quasi judicial activity.
The Complaints received and disposed off during the period 2008-09/2009-10 has been reflected in the statement attached. Further, the debates
organised in various parts of the country throughout the year and as a part of National Press Day celebrations, study the social impact and
accountability of the press not only from ethical view point but also to educate the youth of the journalistic fraternity to understand these values
and ethics which would pave way for the journalists committed to the good of the society/country/mankind. The National Press Day, this year
was dedicated to “Women and Media”, and was appropriately observed at the centre as well as State/District levels. In pursuance of Order of
Hon’ble Court of Juvenile, Thiruvananthapuram in a writ petition No. CMP 52/2008, the Council in consultation with the representatives of
UNAIDS and activists in the field draw up fresh guidelines over those drawn up in 1993 on HIV/AIDS coverage by the Media. The Council
proposes wide dissemination of these guidelines with translation in other languages to facilitate better understanding of the issue in State by
regional and local media.

The 2005 edition of “Norms of Journalistic Conduct” has also been updated and the new edition will be brought out shortly.

In its advisory capacity the Council provided the government and other authorities with its view on :
1. Reference from Government regarding Draft Cabinet Note on the amendments to the certain provisions of the Industrial Dispute Act,
2. Minutes of the meeting of Consultative Committee of MPs attached to the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting on 2.6.2008 regarding
“Growth of the Print Media in Liberalized Economy”.
3. Reference from the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs, Government of India regarding Guidelines on caution against overseas
employment advertisements.
4. Indian–EU Negotiations for the Bilateral Trade and Investment Agreement regarding sections pertaining to broadcast and telecast.
5. Reference regarding implementation of the provisions of UN Conventions on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
6. Amendment to the Press Council Act, 1978 and Rules and Regulations made thereunder.
7. Reference regarding opinion/exit polls conducted by the Media.

The Council took suo-moto cognizance of incidents of attack on the Press in the States of Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka
and Tamil Nadu. The Chairman of the Council wrote to the Chief Ministers of respective states stressing the need of urgent action to ensure
that journalists were able to discharge their duties fearlessly.

Statement of Cases
S.No. Particulars 2007-08 2008-09

1. Cases pending 665 759

2. Cases filed 678 726

3. Cases adjudicated by Council 129 138

4. Cases decided by Chairman 455 443

5. Cases pending as on 31.3.2008 759 904*

* In 31 cases hearing has been concluded and adjudication is pending and 38 cases are at advance stages of hearing.

Status of targets set out for 2008-09

1. Computerization of Provident Fund record of the employees - Achieved

2. Arrear list of levy defaulters to be put on the website in phased manner. Largely achieved – three states remaining
3. Computerization of Library Accession Record - Achieved
4. “Standardisation of Media Education” - Underway
5. Preparation of index of adjudications rendered by the Council since its inception in 1965 in complaints by the Press - Achieved
6. Preparation of index of adjudications rendered by the Council since its inception in 1965 in complaints by the Press - Achieved
7. Preparation of index of Orders of Press and Registration Appellate Board under Section 8C of Press & Registration of Books Act -
8. Generating debates and discussions on media matters, through seminars, workshops and lectures - Achieved
9. Drawing up compendium of principles laid down in adjudication/pronouncement concerning freedom of the press - Underway
10. Encouraging e-communication - Satisfactory progress
11. Computerization of service records of the personnel of PCI - Underway
12. Updating of Norms of Journalistic Conduct till 07-08 - Achieved

Targets & Performance 2007-08
(Rs. in lakh)
Budget Estimates Sanctioned Budget Grant Actual Expenditure

Plan Non-Plan Total Plan Non-Plan Total Plan Non-Plan Total

2.00 233.10 235.10 55.00 232.00 287.00 48.00 219.75 267.75

TARGETS & PERFORMANCE (2008-09) (Rs. in lakh)

Plan Non-Plan Total

Sanctioned Budget Grant 55.00 243.00 298.00

Revised Estimates 55.00 276.30 331.30

Final Grant 51.00 284.20 335.20

Actual Expenditure 50.28 283.81 335.01


FINANCIAL (Rs. in lakh)

Actual Expenditure 2007-08 Actual Expenditure 2008-09

Plan Non Plan Total Plan Non-Plan Total

67.21 1424.44 1491.65 30.00 1926.77 1978.25


2007-08 2008-09

Targets Achievements Targets Achievements

Journals 20 20 20 20

Books 120 108 120 116

India 2009 and Bharat 2009 on NET

More than 2600 pages of India 2009 and Bharat 2009 – Reference Annual have been digitised in e-PDF format on the website of Publications
Division under the domain name
Tie-up with other Government departments
The Division is in the process of exploring the possibility of tie-ups with Postal Department for the purpose of increasing its network so that
books/journals brought out by Publications Division could be sold to masses.
Public-Private Partnership
Public-Private Partnership is being encouraged by involving leading booksellers/publishers for selling our books. Works relating to manuscripts,
proof reading, translation etc. are being outsourced in view of the manpower restraints. Automation will lead to greater transparency in the entire
process and information will be available at the click of the mouse. All the tender enquiries are being put up on the internet through our website

The Division has organised/participated in the Book Exhibitions/Fairs as mentioned below from April, 2008
to March, 2009 :

Sl. No. Occasion Held in Undertaken by Unit Period

1. Display Book Exhibition on the
occasion of 3rd Civil Service Day Vigyan Bhawan, N.D. Hqrs. 21.4.2008
2. Nainital Book Fair Nainital SE, Lucknow 20.6.2008 to 25.6.2008
3. Neyveli Book Fair Neyveli SE, Chennai 5.7.2008 to 14.7.2008
4. Book Exhibition Bangaluru SE, Bangaluru 25.07.2008
5. 2nd Kovai Book Fair Coimbatore SE, Chennai 4.8.2008 to 24.8.2008
6. Display Book Exhibition on the
occasion of Book Release function Shastri Bhavan, ND Hqrs 25.8.2008
7. 14th Delhi Book Fair Pragati Maidan,ND Hqrs 30.8.2008 to 7.9.2008
8. National Book Fair-2008 Lucknow SE, Lucknow 19.9.2008 to 28.9.2008
9. Book Exhibition Jamia Milia Islamia,ND SE, Old Sectt. 29.10.2008 to4.11.2008
10. Independent Book Exhibition Pune SE, Mumbai 1.11.2008 to10.11.2008
11. Faizabad Book Fair Faizabad SE, Lucknow 6.11.2008 to 9.11.2008
12. Allahabad Book Fair Allahabad SE, Lucknow 7.11.2008 to 16.11.2008
13. Bhubaneswar Book Fair Bhubaneswar SE, Kolkata 7.11.2008 to 18.11.2008
(Silver Jubilee Year)
14. National Book Fair Jaipur Hqrs 8.11.2008 to 16.11.2008
15. National Book Fair Patna SE, Patna 8.11.2008 to 16.11.2008
16. Book Exhibition Zakir Hussain college SE, Old Sectt. 11.11.2008 to 12.11.2008
17. 12th Kochi International Book Fair Kochi SE, TVM 5.12.2008 to 14.12.2008
18. 10th North East Book Fair Guwahati SE, Guwahati 10.12.2008 to 21.12.2008
19. 22nd Hyderabad Book Fair Hyderabad SE, Hyderabad 18.12.2008 to 28.12.2008
20. Independent Book Exhibition Bengaluru SE, Hyderabad 18.12.2008 to 23.12.2008

21. Guwahati Book Fair Guwahati SE, Kolkata 31.12.2008 to 11.1.2009
22. Jamshedpur Book Fair Jamshedpur SE, Patna 27.12.2008 to 4.1.2008
23. Vijayawada Book Fair Vijayawada SE, Hyderabad 1.1.2009 to 11.1.2009
24. Urdu Book Fair Kolkata SE, Kolkata 11.1.2009 to 20.1.2009
25. Display Book Exhibition on the
occasion of Bhartendu Harishchandra
Award and Release of India/Bharat-2009 Shastri Bhavan, ND Hqrs 6.1.2009
26. Kolkata Book Fair, 2009 Kolkata SE, Kolkata 27.01.2009 to 07.02.2009
27. Independent Book Exhibition Goa SE, Mumbai 21.03.2009 to 30.03.2009
28. Unnao Book Fair Unnao SE, Lucknow 24.03.2009 to 29.03.2009

In addition to this, Division has also organized the following Book Exhibitions on the occassion of PIC Campaigns from April, 2008
to March, 2009 :

1. Book Exhibition on the occassion

of PIC Campaign Sitapur Distt(UP) SE, Lucknow 5.4.2008 to 9.4.2008
2. Book Exhibition on the occassion
of PIC campaign Songadh, Tapi Distt, Guj. SE, Ahmedabad 26.4.2008 to 30.4.2008
3. Book Exhibition on the occassion
of PIC campaign Mulabagal, Kolar Distt SE, Bangalore 19.7.2008 to 23.7.2008
4. Book Exhibition on the occassion
of PIC campaign Gajewal, Medak Distt (AP) SE, Hyderabad 7.9.2008 to 11.9.2008
5. Book Exhibition on the occassion
of PIC Campaign Gorakhpur SE, Lucknow 22.09.2008 to 26.9.2008
6. Book Exhibition on the occassion
of PIC Campaign Sangli (Maharashstra) SE, Mumbai 10.12.2008 to12.12.2008
7. Book Exhibition on the occassion
of PIC campaign Dapoli, (Maharashtra) SE, Mumbai 14.12.2008 to 15.12.2008
8. Book Exhibition on the occassion
of PIC Campaign Aurangabad SE, Patna 16.12.2008 to 20.12.2008

9. Book Exhibition on the occassion
of PIC Campaign Unnao SE, Lucknow 7.2.2009 to 12.2.2009
10. Book Exhibition on the occassion
of PIC Campaign Banda (UP) SE, Lucknow 17.2.2009 to 21.2.2009

The Division organised insitu Book Exhibitions on important national events as mentioned below till March, 2009 :

1. World Book Day Book Exhibition 21.4.2008 to 30.4.2008

2. Summer Book Exhibition 16.6.2008 to 27.6.2008
3. Independence Day Book Exhibition 11.8.2008 to 22.8.2008
4. Teachers Day Book Exhibition 29.8.2008 to 10.9.2008
5. Hindi Pakhwara Book Exhibition 15.9.2008 to 26.9.2008
6. Gandhi Jayanti Book Exhibition 29.9.2008 to 10.10.2008
7. National Book Week Book Exhibition 10.11.2008 to 21.11.2008
8. Christmas & New Year Book Exhibition 24.12.2008 to 9.1.2009
9. Republic Day Book Exhibition 23.1.2009 to 4.2.2009
10. Consumer’s Right Day Book Exhibition 11.3.2009 to 23.3.2009

The Division is also organizing Sales Promotion Tours for receiving bulk orders from State Governments like Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh,
Chhatisgarh, Madhya Pradesh etc. and bulk purchases under Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation Scheme, Kolkata across the country.

The Division has organised All India Business Managers & Yojana Editors Conference on 15th to 16th September 2008 at Hqrs.

The Division earned total revenue (excluding Employment News) of Rs. 594.00 lakh upto March, 2009 through sales of books, journals and


The performance during 2007-08 was extremely satisfactory as Employment News managed higher advertis ement revenue and
higher net surplus as compared to previous years. The trend continued during the current financial year 2008-09 and the total
revenue of Rs. 5765.86 lakh has been accounted against the targeted revenue of Rs. 4600 lakh.

(Rs. in lakh)


Budget Estimates[BE]] 2007-08 2.00 247.70 249.70

Revised Estimates[RE] 2007-08 5.88 224.00 229.88

Actual Expenditure 2007-08 4.59 218.94 223.53

Budget Estimates[BE] 2008-09 20.00 234.00 254.00

Revised Estimates[RE] 2008-09 15.00 289.00 304.00

Actual Expenditure 2008-09 14.69 292.78 307.47


Sl. PROGRAMME / ACTIVITY 2007-08 2008-09

Upto March 2009
1. Title Clearance (Processing of 22000 22227 22000 21087

2. De-Blocking of Titles ** * 10719 ** * 10343

3. Registration 3000 5405 3000 4969

(4389 Fresh (4141-Fresh
1016-Revised) 828-Revised)

4. Circulation Check Claims ** * 03 ** * 14

Sl. 2007-08 2008-09
Upto March2009

5. No. of Essentiality Certificates ** * 07 ** * 02

issued for import of

6. No. of Newspaper Certificates ** * 11 ** * 13

issued under F.C.R.A., 1976.

7. No. of Eligibility Certificates ** * 793 ** * 775

issued to the publishers for
import of newsprint.

8. No. of applications cleared under ** * 173 ** * 309


9. Annual Report of RNI (Press in 2006-07 2006-07 Report 2007-08 2007-08
India) Report Report Report


Budget Estimates 2007-08 : Rs. 2.00 lakh

Revised Estimates : Rs. 5.88 lakh

Plan Performance for 2007-08 : Rs. 4.59 lakh

Plan Outlay for 2008-09

Sanctioned Budget Grant for 2008-09 : Rs. 20.00 lakh

Revised Estimates for 2008-09 : Rs. 15.00 lakh
Plan Performance for 2008-09 : Rs. 14.69 lakh
Budget Estimates for 2009-10 : Rs. 17.00 lakh
Name of the Scheme in 11th Plan : Strengthening of RNI
Total Plan Outlay : Rs. 88.06 lakh

11th Plan Scheme : Strengthening of RNI

During 2007-08, a Scheme of Strengthening of RNI has been included in the approved 11th, Plan with a total Outlay of Rs. 88.06 lakh.
This Scheme envisages setting up of two new Regional Offices of RNI, one at Guwahati and the other at Bhopal. A provision of Rs. 2.00 lakh
has been approved in the SBG and Rs. 5.88 lakh in Revised Estimates in the Annual Plan 2007-08 for implementing the scheme, during the
4th Quarter of the financial year. A provision of Rs. 20.00 lakh has been approved in SBG. and Rs. 15.00 lakh in Revised Estimates and Final
Grant for the Annual Plan 2008-09 and out of this, a sum of Rs. 14.69 lakh has been incurred as expenditure upto 31.03.2009.
It is felt that setting up of Regional Offices at Guwahati in North Eastern Region and Bhopal in Central Region respectively will facilitate
aspiring publishers of newspapers of both the regions. The number of publishers applying for titles, Registration, Eligibility Certificate for newsprint
and printing machinery etc. will benefit, once the Scheme is fully implemented. Publishers from these regions approaching RNI Head Quarters
for various enquiries would be able to get all the details from these new Regional Offices and their applications etc. will be routed to Head Office
by these new Regional Offices.

A provision of Rs.15.00 lakh has been projected for the year 2008-09 in Revised Estimates as against the SBG of Rs. 20.00 lakh. A sum
of Rs.14.69 lakh has been incurred upto 31.03.2009 in the financial year of 2008-09. Office accommodation for housing the Regional Office
of RNI at Bhopal has been finalised and Regional Office, RNI, Bhopal has also taken over the possession of the building.

Apart from the computerized processing of title verification and registration, all the verified titles are put on the RNI’s website http// and they can be downloaded by the applicants. With the introduction of this facility, any person/prospective publisher can access
the existing title database, thereby making it easier to select available titles of his/her choice. The data is available State/Language-wise.
Radio Frequency Link has been installed under the 10th Plan Scheme by National Informatics Centre Service Incorporated (NICSI) which is
working satisfactorily.

Review of Press and Registration of Books Act

The Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867 and the Rules under are being reviewed with a view to make the Act relevant in the current
media scenario.

Office of RNI organized a Hindi Fortnight during 14-28 September wherein different competitions were held to promote the use of Hindi
in Official work. The 8th edition of ‘Panjiyan Bharati’, a half-yearly house-magazine dedicated to the Official Language is ready to be brought
out in January 2009. This Office has also bagged the 5th prize for Panjiyan Bharati from the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting this year.
One Assistant Director (Official Language) and two translators are posted in this Office to provide the necessary assistance in translation,
implementation and monitoring of the Official Language Policy of the Government of India.


A Public Grievances Cell is functioning in this Office. Deputy Press Registrar of this Office has been designated as head of the internal
grievance redressal machinery of this Office.


RNI has extended its outreach in the North-Eastern States as well as in the Central Region by undertaking a special initiative to synergise
its functions by opening a new Regional Offices of RNI at Guwahati during the year 2007-08 and Bhopal during the year 2008-09 under the
11th Plan Scheme of Strengthening of RNI. So far, the work relating to North Eastern Region and Central Region were looked after by our Regional
Offices of RNI at Kolkata and PIB Offices located in the North Eastern and Central Regions. The new Regional Offices of RNI at
Guwahati and Bhopal will cater to the need of Publishers of newspapers/periodicals and general public of North Eastern and Central
Regions respectively.

(Rs. in lakh)
S. No. Activity Actual for Budget Estimates Revised Estimates
Classification 2007-08 2008-09 2008-09
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Plan Non- Total Plan Non- Total Plan Non- Total
Plan Plan Plan
1. Research Reference 14.94 128.19 143.13 100.00 128.00 228.00 23.00 162.56 185.56
& Documentation
& Training
14.94 128.19 143.13 100.00 128.00 228.00 23.00 162.56 185.56

2007-08 Reason for Variation 2008-09 Reason for variation
Name of Scheme Target Achieve- Target Achieve-
ment ment (Upto
March 2009)
Collection, 59 45 One post of 59 55 Posts of CDO/
interpretation and Documentation Resultant vacancy
dissemination Officer remained of DO were
information about vacant not filled.
the events and
trends in Mass
Media through its
periodical services.

Compile and edit 1 - Shortage of Staff 1 1 N.A.

of Mass Media
in India–An
Annual Publication

Compilation and 1 1 N.A. 1 1 N.A.
Editing of ‘‘India–A
Reference Annual”
Prepares Diary of 24 18 Shortage of Staff 24 24 N.A.
Events a
fortnightly service

2007-08 2008-09 Reason for variation
Name of Scheme Target Achieve- Target Achieve-
ment ment (Upto
March 2009)
1. Research Unit 20 Nil Release of 1 Funds limitation
– Research in 20 Research Papers
Mass Media
2. A) Reference i) Purchase of Procured 4 To purchase Purchased Shortage of space for
Unit – Furniture for Readers/ computers, 50 book racks, 630 books library
Upgradation of Equipment. 1 server, 4 1000 books/e-books, and procured
Library ii) Purchase of 5 printers, 1 periodicals and e-NRS report
Computers, 5 photocopy/ AMC for the IT
Software, 2 printers, multifunction equipment
2 telephones, wireless device with purchased in the
intercom system, UPS etc preceding year
1 fax machine, 1 along with
colour photocopier, no. of
1 projector, 50 book - books.
racks, 1000 books/
e-books &
periodicals etc.
2. B) Reference Constitution of Nil Constitution of
Nil The scheme could not
Unit - National National Media Award National Media be finalized
Media Awards Committee and Jury, Award Committee and
Selection for awards, Jury, Selection for
Designing/Casting/ awards, Designing/
Fabrication of Casting /Fabrication of
Memento and Memento and Award
Award Function Function

There are nearly 10,000 folk and traditional artistes including departmental troupes, empanelled artistes and Private Registered parties working
with the Division on a fairly regular basis. Perhaps Song and Drama Division is one of the model Government organizations which has tremendous
flexibility to enhance its areas of operation as well as quantum of activity without increasing non-plan expenditure creating permanent long term
liability. Only about 8% of the Division’s working strength is on the regular rolls of the Division. In addition it is an undisputed fact that the
traditional Media or live Media is the most cost effective medium for IEC activities, given its reach, impact and flexibility.
The Division headed by Director functions at three levels with its Headquarter located at Delhi viz. (i) Ten Regional Centres located at
Bangalore, Bhopal, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Kolkata, Lucknow, Pune and Ranchi (ii) Seven Border Centres headed by Asstt.
Directors located at Darbhanga, Guwahati, Jammu, Jodhpur, Imphal, Nainital and Shimla (iii) Six Departmental Drama Troupes headed by
Managers located at Bhubaneshwar, Delhi, Hyderabad, Patna, Pune and Srinagar (Jammu).

Physical achievement during 2008-09

The Division continued to render services during 2008-09 for motivational campaigns relating to National and socio-economic themes. The
focus of multi media publicity has been on themes such as National Integration, Communal Harmony, Freedom Struggle, Rural Developmental
Themes, Prime Minister’s new 15 point programme, Right to Information, health and family welfare themes including prevention of AIDS and
other themes like cleanliness, blindness control, civil defence, anti tobacco, blood donation, publicity on women and child development issues,
Dengue and Chikengunea, Bird Flue, etc.
Special publicity campaigns in the 76 identified districts on anti-terrorism, national integration and communal harmony were also the
remarkable activities during 2008-09. Special publicity on Common Minimum Programme all over India especially in NE and J&K was undertaken
under Plan components, special publicity on CMP and special activities in NE and J&K. In addition, all fairs, festivals and anniversaries like
Republic Day, World Population Day, Independence Day, Gandhi Jayanti, Children’s Day, Qami Ekta Week, Teachers Day, India International
Trade Fair were all provided full coverage. Since Song and Drama Division caters to publicity requirements of client departments, the annual
targets fixed may always vary depending on the requirements of the clients.

Physical Targets and achievements during 2007-08 are given below:-
Sl. No. Particulars Targets Progs. Achievements Progs. Remarks
(A) Activities undertaken out of M/o I&B’s Fund
1. Non Plan 5100 6616
2. Plan 5242 6054
(B) Activities undertaken out of Funds of
other Ministries/Departments
3. H&FW Recd. Funds i.r.o.
i) For Trade Fair, New Delhi 136 179 (ii) during Jan.-Mar, 08
ii) Others - 1755
4. Iodine Salt 1472 2308 Recd. Funds after Dec., 07
5. NACO (including Red Ribbon Express Prog.) 2198 3475 -
6. Women & Child Development 213 213 -
7. Rural Development 840 651 Recd. Funds after Dec., 07

Physical Targets and achievements during 2008-09 are given below:

Sl. No. Particulars Targets Progs. Achievements Progs.
(A) Activities undertaken out of M/o I&B’s Fund
1. Non Plan 5100 6243
2. Plan 5362 7373
(B) Activities undertaken out of Funds of other Ministries/Departments
3. H&FW 170 170
4. Women & Child Development 110 150
5. Iodised Salt 1400 1970
6. NACO Red Ribbon Express 1428 1515
7. NFSM 3489 3852
8. Others - 495


The project was started in April 2006. The status of the project as on January 2008 is given below :
Sr. No. Site Name Status Target set for Expected Schedule
Foundation Tower Completion of Tower of Completion
1. Jaipur Completed Completed March, 2007 Completed in February 2007
2. Hyderabad Completed Completed March, 2007 Completed in October 2007
3. Delhi Completed Completed March, 2007 Completed in October 2007
4. Chennai Completed Completed March, 2007 Completed in October 2007
5. Kolkata Foundation work initiated Fabrication in Progress March, 2007 March 2009*
6. Dehradun Not yet taken up March, 2009 March 2009
* The work could not be started as it is obstructed by local people.

The expenditure incurred towards this project in six cities is as under :

Sr. No. Name of the City Approved Cost Cost Already Incurred
1. Jaipur Rs. 166.12 lakh
2. Hyderabad Rs. 166.12 lakh
3. Chennai Rs. 220.83 lakh
4. New Delhi Rs. 439.05 lakh Rs. 913.83 lakh
5. Kolkata Rs. 220.83 lakh
6. Dehradun Rs. 98.29 lakh
Rs. 1311.24 lakh Rs. 913.83 lakh

The progress of the project has been reviewed monthly, quartely, half yearly and annually by this Ministry.


The project could not be implemented during 10th Plan period due to certain unavoidable constraints, which include denial of permission
to install antennae and other instruments on the roof top of allotted space at Pushpa Bhawan by CPWD. Now the project has been commissioned
on 9.6.2008 at 14-B, Ring Road, IP Estate, New Delhi. It has started monitoring of 100 TV Channels 24X7. There was a target to enhance the
monitoring capacity of EMMC to 300 TV Channels from then existing 100 Channels. The target could not be achieved 100%. However, this
capacity has already been increased to 150 Channels during 2008-09. The process of augmentation to 300 TV Channels is on and will be ready
during 2009-10 for commissioning. The delay in achieving the target was mainly due to space constraint, since the requisite space was not made
available by Prasar Bharati.


Not applicable as the scheme is at the formulation stage.

As a part of the IEC activities for Community Radio, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting in association with Commonwealth
Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA), New Delhi is organizing a number of workshops/consultations etc. in various parts of the country.
The first such consultation was organized at Lucknow w.e.f 28-30 November 2007 and the second consultation was held at Kolkata on 24 and
25 March 2008. A Capacity Building workshop for Managers of functional Community Radio Stations was organized at IIC, New Delhi on
13 February 2008.
Seven consultations/workshops have been organized during 2008-09 as per the details given below:

Consultation States Venue Month and Year

3rd Regional Consultation South Zone Sri Manakula Engineering College, Puducherry. 1st and 2nd July 2008.

4th Regional Consultation West Zone Vidya Pratisthan Institute of Technology, 8 and 9 September 2008

5th Regional Consultation Gujarat, Rajasthan Sardar Patel Institute of Public Administration, 24 and 25
Ahmedabad, Gujarat November 2008.

6th Regional Consultation All NE States Krishna Kanta Handique State Open University, 28 and 29 January 2009.

7th Regional Consultation Haryana, Punjab, M.S. Panwar Institute of Communication and 13 and 14 March 2009
Himachal Pradesh, Management, Solan, Himanchal Pradesh
Chandigarh (UT)

8th Regional Consultation Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur, 24 and 25 March 2009
Madhya Pradesh Chhattisgarh

2nd Capacity Building All States Anna University, Chennai 10 and 11 February 2009
Training Programme
Under the Scheme IEC Activities for Community Radio, an advertisement was published through DAVP in various newspapers in English,
Hindi and vernacular languages inviting applications for setting up Community Radio Stations and highlighting eligibility criteria in brief, status
and how to apply.

Funds to the tune of Rs. 1.00 crore and Rs. 1,76,20,000/- were released to CCW:AIR for construction of Phase-V of Soochna Bhawan
during the Annual Plan Year 2007-08 & 2008-09 respectively. For the current financial year (2009-10), an amount of Rs. 10.00 crore has been
earmarked for the construction of Phase-V of Soochna Bhawan.

The following studies have been undertaken:
1. Annual Plan 2007-08
“Impact and Penetration of Mass Media in North East and J&K region”: Report was submitted by Indian Institute of Mass
Communication (IIMC).
2. Annual Plan 2008-09
“Cross Media Ownership in India”: Draft report was submitted by Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad (ASCI).
3. Evaluation study of two ongoing Schemes of Film Wing, namely; (i) ‘Export Promotion through Film Festivals’ by Directorate of Film
Festivals (DFF) and (ii) ‘Participation in Film Markets in India and Abroad’ by Main Sectt. Draft report is to be submitted by Indian Institute
of Public Administration (IIPA) during 2009­10.


Outcome/Targets in the Outcome Budget 2008-09

(Rs. in lakh)

Sl. No. Name of Scheme Outlay Physical Output Projected Outcome Remarks/Risk Factor

1. ‘Training for Human Rs. 19.00 lakh for Training of 60 officers Human Resources Development skill 4 Officers nominated for
Resource Development in the year 2008-09 upgradation/improvement of officers training to AIM, Manila.
Institutions located 18 Officers nominated
abroad with In-Service for training organized by
Training for IIS Officers’ NPC at Goa and Port
Blair. 3 Art of Living
courses organized for
around 70 Officers

(Rs. in lakh)
S.No. Name of Scheme/ Objective / Outlay 2007-08 Expenditure Quantifiable Deliverables/ Processes/Timeliness Remarks/Risk
Programme Outcome (Plan Budget) 2007-08 Physical Outputs (Present Status) Factors

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A Continuing 7487.00 6435.00

Capital 5922.00 5023.00
Revenue 1565.00 1412.00
1 J&K special For expansion of 400.00 3.26 All schemes in the Hostel Renovation at Improved coverage in
package radio coverage in package completed except Kargil has been J&K border areas.
J&K State. hostel renovation at Kargil completed.
Capital 85.00 32.00
& other minor pending
Revenue 315.00 294.00 works and Revenue
provision for
operationalisation of ready
2 North-East Special To boost radio 2500.00 320.00 1. 19 new FM Stations- 1. 19 new FM stations- Phase-II of Special
Package coverage in North- Acquisition of sites & 4 sites have been NE package was
East Region. procurement of FM Trs. handed over and 5 sites sanctioned by Govt.
Capital 2250.00 202.00
are to be handed over in last week of May,
Revenue 250.00 118.00 by State Governments. 06. It will improve
Payment is being made coverage &strengthen
for two sites & demand AIR facilities in the
for cost is awaited for North East Region.
3 sites. For five other
stations sites are being
Drawings for building
have been finalized for
4 taken over sites &
estimates for building

(Rs. in lakh)

S.No. Name of Scheme/ Objective / Outlay 2007-08 Expenditure Quantifiable Deliverables/ Processes/Timeliness Remarks/Risk
Programme Outcome (Plan Budget) 2007-08 Physical Outputs (Present Status) Factors

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

are under submission by

Civil Construction Wing.
Purchase proposal for
FM Trs. has been
processed and is awaiting
2. Chinsura – 1000 KW 2. Chinsura – 1000 KW
MW Tr. MW Tr.
Award & completion of Estimate for civil works
Civil Work and Order for has been sanctioned in
Tr. & Repair of Mast. Dec.07 and tender action
taken up to award the
Purchase proposal for Tr.
has been processed and
is awaiting sanction.
3. DSNG/MSS Terminals- 3. DSNG/MSS
Procurement of equipment
Commercial bids have
been opened and
Purchase proposal is
under process for

4. 100 Watt FM Relay 4. 100 Watt FM Relay

Centres in remote Centres
locations (100 places) A tentative list of 100
Site & accommodation to places has been finalized.
locate the Trs. to be State Governments have
finalized with the help of been approached for
State Govt. & procurement suitable location, power
of Trs. supply etc. for installing
the Trs.

(Rs. in lakh)

S.No. Name of Scheme/ Objective / Outlay 2007-08 Expenditure Quantifiable Deliverables/ Processes/Timeliness Remarks/Risk
Programme Outcome (Plan Budget) 2007-08 Physical Outputs (Present Status) Factors

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Order for Trs. has been

placed. One prototype
Transmitter is under
trial service.
3 Expansion of MW Upgradation of 187.00 41.00 Najibabad 200 KW MW Najibabad 200 KW Coverage in the
services transmitters to Tr. -Building completed. MWTr. - adjoining districts of
strengthen the Tr. installed & testing is in Commissioning of Tr. is Uttarakhand will
primary coverage     progress. in progress. increase.
    Dharmanagar- Building Dharmanagar - Dharmanagar station
    Technical area ready. Tr. Installation of Tr. is will improve
    complete. Staff sanction
installation in progress. coverage in Tripura.
awaited for O&M staff.
Kota- 20 KW MW Tr. –
Provision for pending civil Kota- commissioned 20 KW MW Tr. at
work & balance payments Kota & New Station
Dungarpur- Tr.
for equipment. at Dungarpur will
Building is complete
strengthen coverage
Dungarpur- Building of and installation &
in the area & fulfill
technical area is nearing testing of Tr. is nearing
people’s aspiration.
completion. completion.
Old Transmitters
Delhi & Raipur-100 KW  
being replaced by
MW Tr.- Provision for
state of the art
balance payments.
  digital Trs.which are
more efficient & use
less power.

4 Expansion of FM To expand FM 900.00 1472.00 Completion of 5 KW FM Tr. (Oras): After implementing

services coverage which has Installation of following Tr. has been installed & the ongoing schemes,
gained popularity     projects: FM coverage is
is under testing.
  due to its superior 5 KW FM Trs.- 2Nos. expected to increase.
    However, sanction for
quality. (Oras & Longtherai) O&M staff is awaited
  from the Government.

(Rs. in lakh)

S.No. Name of Scheme/ Objective / Outlay 2007-08 Expenditure Quantifiable Deliverables/ Processes/Timeliness Remarks/Risk
Programme Outcome (Plan Budget) 2007-08 Physical Outputs (Present Status) Factors

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

  5 KW FM Tr.-  
(Longtherai) - Progress
of work has been
  hampered due to law &  
order problem in the
area. Most of the works
in the Technical area of
building are complete &
installation of equipment
is being taken up.
Presently an interim set
up with 1 KW FM Tr. is
proposed to be pending
procurement of 5 KW
FM Tr. However,
sanction for O&M staff
is awaited from the

10 KW FM Trs.- 28 10 KW FM Trs.:
Nos. The firm on whom order
was placed did not
deposit Performance
Guarantee & the order
was cancelled. Fresh
tenders were called.
Technical Evaluation of
tenders is complete and
Commercial bids have
been opened. Purchase
proposal is now under
process for sanction for
placing order.
20 KW FM Trs.- 6 Nos. 20 KW FM Trs.: Trs.
have since been installed.

(Rs. in lakh)

S.No. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay 2007-08 Expenditure Quantifiable Deliverables/ Processes/Timeliness Remarks/Risk
Programme Outcome (Plan Budget) 2007-08 Physical Outputs (Present Status) Factors

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

5 Digitalization of To enhance the 1500.00 46.00 1. Digital Consoles Induction of digital

production technical quality of Tenders are under eqpt. like digital
facilities content. Technical Evaluation consoles, digital
  uplinks/downlinks has
improved programme
6 Automation of Introduction of 2212.00 1.Procurement of - 564 1. Procurement of - Portable MSS
Studio & new technology   Computerised Hard disc 564 Computerized terminals are mobile
  Hard disc based
Transmission like internet, digital based systems & Satellite uplink
  systems & Portable
Facilities & Other broadcasting, etc.   Portable MSS terminals, stations and can be
misc. schemes   etc. MSS terminals, etc. quickly deployed for
    Computer Equipments direct coverage of
    are being supplied. important events/
Eqpt. for MSS news from the spot.
    Terminals supplied.
    Testing is in progress.

    2. Rajkot-1000 KW MW 2. Rajkot-1000 KW
Tr.- Progress of civil work MW Tr.-
& procurement order of
Civil works are in
transmitter & Mast
progress. ·
Purchase proposal for
Tr. has been processed
and is awaiting

  Order for a new Mast

Order for repair of 3
existing Masts also
placed & DP is Oct.08.

3 Permanent studio at 3. Permanent studio Induction of digital

Leh & Tawang- (Limited at Leh & Tawang- eqpt. like digital
working season). (Limited working consoles, digital

(Rs. in lakh)

S.No. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay 2007-08 Expenditure Quantifiable Deliverables/ Processes/Timeliness Remarks/Risk
Programme Outcome (Plan Budget) 2007-08 Physical Outputs (Present Status) Factors

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Civil work in technical Installation taken up and Digital uplinks/
area complete. will be completed in downlinks
coming working season has improved
after April,08. programme quality.
4. Permanent studio at 4. Permanent studio at
Jaipur & Mysore- Jaipur & Mysore- Computerized work
stations have
Completion of building Mysore-Civil works in
improved quality of
work & installation of Technical area are
programme produced
equipment. complete & installation
is being taken up.
Jaipur-Civil works are  
in progress.
5. Captive Earth 5. Captive Earth
Stations at Varanasi, Stations at Varanasi,
Rohtak, Leh, Rohtak, Leh,
Aurangabad & Silchar. Aurangabad & Silchar.-
Leh commissioned &
Installation is complete
at other places and
NOCC clearance is

7 Accomodation for To construct S/Q at 1000.00 1018.00 Delhi-Construction in  

Staff (Metro S/Q) Metro centres for progress. Kolkata- Local Welfare activity
Prasar bharati staff. body yet to clear the
proposal. Chennai- do  
Mumbai- do
8 Revenue For operation & 1000.00 1000.00
maintenance of
projects completed
during the plan

(Rs. in lakh)

S.No. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay 2007-08 Expenditure Quantifiable Deliverables/ Processes/Timeliness Remarks/Risk
Programme Outcome (Plan Budget) 2007-08 Physical Outputs (Present Status) Factors

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

B XI Plan Schemes Draft proposal 408.00 -  

submitted for
approval of Govt.
1 Digitalization of 400.00 - SW DRM Tr. for Procurement of 6 nos. of
transmitters, nationwide coverage in 10 KW MW DRM Trs.
studios,   digital mode. FM approved by SFC for
connectivity & Expansion, Studio Replacement of old MW
DTH Channel digitalization & Mobile Trs.
Connectivity. Specifications are being
finalized for issue of
2 Strengthening of 1.00 - Replacement of old Trs. & Procurement of Eqpt. for
External Services and provision of new Trs conversion of 250 KW
by Digital for Tibetan-border Service. SW Trs. two each at
Delhi Aligarh to DRM
Mode. Has been
approved by SFC.
6.00 - SFC/EFC proposals are
3 E-Governance, Improvement of Infra-
training,security, structure under submission/
Addl. Office approval
Staff Quarters etc.
SFC/EFC proposals are
4 New Technology & 1.00 - Multi Media Service,
Science & Webcasting/Podcasting under submission/
Technology approval
5 Establishment &
M&E including
charged exp.
C Total AIR 7895.00 6435.00
  Capital 6330.00 5023.00
  Revenue 1565.00 1412.00

(Rs. in lakh)

S.No. Name of Scheme/ Objective / Outlay 2008-09 Expenditure Quantifiable Processes/ Achievements (Status as Remarks
Programme Outcome (Plan Budget) 2008-09 Deliverables/Physical Timeliness on 31.03.2009)
Outputs w.r.t Col (6)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

A Continuing 11818.00   5496.00

  Capital 11135.00 5300.00
  Revenue 683.00 196.00
1 J&K special For expansion of   Phase-I schemes Q2-Completion Hostel Renovation at Provision of
package radio coverage in completed except of Hostel Kargil has been additional DG
J&K State. hostel renovation at Renovation at completed. sets & UPS at
241.00 32.00 Kargil & other Kargil. existing AIR
J&K Package Phase-II-
  minor pending stations in
Q1- Tenders DG Sets of 62.5 KVA (6
works. Under Phase- J&K will
were expected to Nos.) & 15 KVA (9
II DG sets & UPS strengthen the
be finalized for Nos.) procured. For UPS
approved for Captive power
placing the order. (7 Nos.) tenders are
existing stations in supply and
Q3- Start of under technical
J&K will be ensure
delivery of evaluation. For DG Sets
procured. continuity of
equipment, Q4- 1 MVA (3 Nos.) & DG
Completion of Sets 500 KVA (2 Nos.)
during power
installation & Tenders received for
supply failures
testing of Eqpt. taking up work on SITC
and during
Revenue basis are under technical
153.00   emergency or
380.00   calamity.
2 North-East Special To boost radio  3903.00 1138.00  1. 19 new FM 1. 19 new FM 1. 19 new FM stations- Phase-II of
Package coverage in Stations-Acquisition stations-4 sites 10 sites taken over Special NE
North- East of sites & had already been including 6 sites taken package was
  Capital over during the current
Region. 3600.00 1095.00 procurement of FM taken over. 5 sanctioned by
  Revenue  Trs. Sites were to be year. At 3 places transfer Govt. in last
303.00 43.00 handed over by of land to AIR has been week of
State Govts. notified. Payment for May,06. It will

(Rs. in lakh)

S.No. Name of Scheme/ Objective / Outlay 2008-09 Expenditure Quantifiable Processes/ Achievements (Status as Remarks
Programme Outcome (Plan Budget) 2008-09 Deliverables/Physical Timeliness on 31.03.2009)
Outputs w.r.t Col (6)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    Payment was one site made and for improve
being made for one site demand is under coverage
two sites & process. Demand for one &strengthen
      demand for cost site at Ukhrul is awaited. AIR facilities
was awaited for Details of 3 sites at in the North
3 Sites. For Cherrapunjee ( in lieu of East Region
  five other Dawki, Zunehboto and
stations sites Anini) are awaited.
  were being Construction of security
identified. Q1- fencing at Udayapur and
Order for FM Nutan Bazar is in
Trs was progress. Estimate for  
expected to be security fencing also
placed, Q4- sanctioned for sites at
Civil work were Tuipang, Kolasib,
expected to be Goalpara, Khonsa,
awarded for sites Champhai, Bomdila,
taken over. Daporijo, Lumding and
Changlang. • Estimate
for building at Kolasib
has been sanctioned and
is under process for
Daporijo, Changlang,
Goalpara, Udaypur and
Tuipang. Order for FM
Trs. has been placed.
Pre-dispatch inspection
of Trs. completed. Trs.
under dispatch.
2. Silchar-5 KW 2. Silchar-5 KW 2. Silchar-5 KW FM  
FM Tr. - FM Tr.- Q1- Tr.- Civil Works are  
Completion of Civil Start of Civil complete. Order for 5
Works & Installation Works. Tr. KW FM transmitter at  
    of Tr. Order for 5 expected to be Silchar had to be
KW Tr. placed in delivered, Q3- cancelled as the firm

(Rs. in lakh)

S.No. Name of Scheme/ Objective / Outlay 2008-09 Expenditure Quantifiable Processes/ Achievements (Status as Remarks
Programme Outcome (Plan Budget) 2008-09 Deliverables/Physical Timeliness on 31.03.2009)
Outputs w.r.t Col (6)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Completion of failed to offer complete

Civil Works & Tr. for inspection. It is
start of now being procured
installation of alongwith four other 5
Tr., Q4- KW FM Trs., tenders
Completion of for which are under
installation. commercial evaluation.
3 Gangtok-10 KW 3 Gangtok-10 3 Gangtok-10 KW FM
FM Tr. - Award & KW FM Tr. - Tr. - Civil works are
completion of Civil Award & complete. Order for Tr.
Works and completion of has been placed and
procurement of Tr. Civil Works and delivery period is due
procurement of by July,09.
4.Chinsura – 1000 4. Chinsura- – 4. Chinsura- 1000 KW
KW MW Tr.- 1000 KW MW MW Tr.- Civil works
Award & completion Tr.- Q1- Award are in progress. Order
of Civil Works , of Civil works, for Tr. has been placed
procurement of Tr. Q4-Completion and delivery period is
and Repair of Mast. of Civil Works due by Oct.09.
Tr. purchase & receipt of Tr. Meanwhile the order has
proposal is awaiting been challenged in court
sanction. Order is and is sub-judice.
expected to be
placed shortly.
Terminals- Terminals - Terminals -
Procurement of Q1- Order for Commercial bids were
equipment. Purchase equipment , opened for DSNG
proposal is under Q4- Receipt & systems. However, the
process. deployment of firm refused to extend
Eqpt. the validation of offer,
therefore fresh tenders
were called. For MSS

(Rs. in lakh)

S.No. Name of Scheme/ Objective / Outlay 2008-09 Expenditure Quantifiable Processes/ Achievements (Status as Remarks
Programme Outcome (Plan Budget) 2008-09 Deliverables/Physical Timeliness on 31.03.2009)
Outputs w.r.t Col (6)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

terminals , order has

been placed. However
the Firm has intimated a
change in model number
of equipment quoted
which is not acceptable.
It is being examined by
Legal Cell for
cancellation of order.
6. Studio 6. Studio 6. Studio Transmitter
Transmitter Transmitter Programme links for
Programme links Programme Silchar & Gangtok -
for Silchar & links for Tenders are under
Gangtok-NIT Silchar & technical evaluation.
floated Gangtok - Q1-
Order is
expected to be
placed, Q4-
Eqpt. is
expected to be
7. 100 Watt FM 7. 100 Watt 7. 100 Watt FM Relay
Relay FM Relay Centres.- State
remote locations Centres.- Government’s are being
(100 places)- Site Installation is pursued for suitable
& accommodation proposed at 55 locations, power supply
to Locate the Trs. existing AIR/TV etc. for installing the
to be finalised with sites and for Transmitters. Installation
the help of State remaining 45 has been completed at
Govt. & installation places suitable 41 places and is in
of Trs. Order locations, power progress at 9 places.
placed for Trs. supply etc. is to Tenders awarded for
be provided by installation at 12 places.
the State Govts.
Q1. Delivery of

(Rs. in lakh)

S.No. Name of Scheme/ Objective / Outlay 2008-09 Expenditure Quantifiable Processes/ Achievements (Status as Remarks
Programme Outcome (Plan Budget) 2008-09 Deliverables/Physical Timeliness on 31.03.2009)
Outputs w.r.t Col (6)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

  Trs. expected to  
be completed.
Q4- Installation
of Trs. Expected
to be completed.

3 Expansion of MW Upgradation of 8.00 53.00 Pending payments Installation of 1 1 KW MW Tr.

services transmitters to for 1 KW MW Tr. KW MW Tr. at Dungarpur installed &
strengthen the Dungarpur & 20 Dungarpur is performance
primary KW MW Tr. at near completion. measurements are in
coverage area. Kota 20 KW MW Tr. progress. Staff sanction
at Kota awaited. 20 KW MW
commissioned Tr. at Kota
during 2007-08. commissioned during
4 Expansion of FM To expand FM 3903.00 1926.00 10 KW FM Trs.- 10 KW FM Trs. 10 KW FM Trs. 36 After
services coverage which 36 Nos-Receipt & 36 Nos. Q4- Nos.: Order for Trs. implementing
has gained installation of Trs. Receipt & placed and delivery the ongoing
popularity due Purchase proposal installation of period is due by schemes, FM
to its superior (for 41 10 KW FM Trs. July,09. coverage is
quality. Tr.) was under expected to
process. increase.

5 Digitalization of To enhance the 130.00 379.00 1. Procurement of 1. Digital 1. Digital Consoles - Induction of
production technical quality Digital Consoles- Consoles - Q1- After technical digital eqpt.
facilities of content (74 Recording & 91 Order expected evaluation, no tender like digital
Transmission to be placed. found technically consoles ,
  Q3- Part digital uplinks/
consoles) acceptable. Fresh
  Delivery tenders called. downlinks has
Expected, Q4- improved
  Delivery of programme
  balance quality.

(Rs. in lakh)

S.No. Name of Scheme/ Objective / Outlay 2008-09 Expenditure Quantifiable Processes/ Achievements (Status as Remarks
Programme Outcome (Plan Budget) 2008-09 Deliverables/Physical Timeliness on 31.03.2009)
Outputs w.r.t Col (6)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
6 Automation of   2602.00 1173.00 1. Captive Earth 1. Captive 1. Captive Earth Digital uplink
Studio Facilities & Station at Silchar.- Earth Station Stations at Silchar.- stations &
Miscl. Schemes NIT floated at Silchar.- Q1- No tender found Computerized
      Order is technically acceptable. work stations
expected to be Fresh tenders being have improved
placed. Q3- called. quality of
    Equipment is programme
expected to be produced
    received &
2. Procurement of 2. Procurement 2. Procurement of
Equipment like: of Equipment: Equipment: 1.  
Professional Audio like Professional Professional Audio
Cards & Servers for Audio Cards & Cards & Servers for 564
564 Hard Disc Work Servers for 564 Hard Disc Work Stations
Stations.- Purchase Hard Disc Work procured.
order is expected to Stations.- Q2-
be placed shortly. Part supply
expected. Q3-
Balance delivery
expected to be
3. CD Players-110 3. CD Players- 3. CD Players-110
Nos.NIT issued. 110 Nos.- Q2- Nos.- Purchase proposal
Order expected is under sanction with
to be placed. Finance wing.
Q4- Delivery
expected to be

4. Hand held 4. Hand Held 4. Hand Held

Recorders-255 Recorders-255 Recorders-255 Nos
Nos.- NIT issued. Nos —Q1- Order placed for
Order expected equipment and expected.
to be placed.

(Rs. in lakh)

S.No. Name of Scheme/ Objective / Outlay 2008-09 Expenditure Quantifiable Processes/ Achievements (Status as Remarks
Programme Outcome (Plan Budget) 2008-09 Deliverables/Physical Timeliness on 31.03.2009)
Outputs w.r.t Col (6)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Q4- Delivery to be delivered by 3rd

expected to be Quarter of 2009-10.
5. Rajkot-1000 KW 5. Rajkot-1000 5. Rajkot-1000 KW Old Transmitter
MW Tr.- KW MW Tr.- MW Tr.- Q2- Order being replaced
Completion of civil Q2- Completion for Tr. has been placed. by state of the
works & of civil works Delivery period is by art digital Tr.
procurement of except Oct.09. civil which is more
transmitter & Mast. modifications in modifications in efficient.
Order for a new Technical area Technical area will be
Mast placed.DP- which will be done after receipt of
July,08.Order for done after Tr.. Erection of new
repair of 3 existing receipt of Tr.. Mast and Repair of 3
Masts also placed . Erection of new Existing Masts is in
Purchase proposal Mast is expected progress and likely to
for Tr. is awaiting to be completed. be completed by
sanction. Order is Q3- Repair of 3 June,09.
expected to be Existing Masts is
placed shortly. expected to be
completed. Q4-
Transmitter is
expected to be
6. Permanent 6. Permanent 6. Permanent studio at Induction of
studio at Leh & studio at Leh & Leh & Tawang- digital eqpt.
Tawang- (Limited Tawang- (Limited working like digital
working season). - (Limited season) - Installation at consoles ,
Civil work in working season) Leh is complete except digital uplinks/
technical area - Q1-Start of heating plants which downlinks has
complete. Installation, Q3- are near completion.At improved
Completion of Tawang installation is programme
installation. in progress and will be quality.
completed in next
working season after  
April, 09.

(Rs. in lakh)

S.No. Name of Scheme/ Objective / Outlay 2008-09 Expenditure Quantifiable Processes/ Achievements (Status as Remarks
Programme Outcome (Plan Budget) 2008-09 Deliverables/Physical Timeliness on 31.03.2009)
Outputs w.r.t Col (6)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

7. Permanent 7. Permanent 7. Permanent studio at  

studio at Jaipur - studio at Jaipur Jaipur - Delay in civil
Completion of - Q1- Start of works which are now
installation of installation. Q4- complete and
equipment. Building Completion of installation is in
is nearing installation. progress. Installation
completion. will be completed
during 2009-10.
8. ISDN Codecs- 66 8. ISDN 8. ISDN Codecs- 66
Sets Purchase Codecs- 66 Sets Sets -Purchase order
proposal is under - Q3- Equipment issued. Delivery in four
process. is expected to months after opening of
be received. L/C which is under

7 Accomodation for To construct S/Q 651.00 642.00 Delhi- Phase-I Delhi-Q1- Delhi-Phase-I complete Welfare
Staff (Metro S/Q) at Metro centres Construction in Phase-I except development activity
  progress. Construction works. Phase-II Work
for Prasar
Bharati staff. likely to be awarded.
Mumbai, Chennai Mumbai, Mumbai- Local body
& Kolkata- Local Chennai,Kolkata- approval received for
body approval is Q1- Tender two blocks. Foundation
awaited. action to award work is in
work is progress.Chennai-
  expected to be CMDA has demanded
completed if additional payment of
local body Rs. 1.47 crores for
clearance is Infrastructure &
received. Amenity charges for
issuing clearance of
plans. Since AIR land at
Guindy is a Govt. land,
the matter is being
pursued with CMDA to

(Rs. in lakh)

S.No. Name of Scheme/ Objective / Outlay 2008-09 Expenditure Quantifiable Processes/ Achievements (Status as Remarks
Programme Outcome (Plan Budget) 2008-09 Deliverables/Physical Timeliness on 31.03.2009)
Outputs w.r.t Col (6)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    get it waived off.

Ministry in this regard
has also written to
CMDA vide F. No.
212/184/ 2008- B(D)
dated 07/10/2008. Local
body is being pursued to
clear the building plans.
Kolkata- Local body
approval of building
plans is pending for
want of mutation of land
by KMC. Land
withdrawn by KMDA
unilaterally. Case is
subjudice in Kolkata
High Court. Further
action will be taken
B New Schemes 7682.00   147.00
1 Digitalization of To provide 6388.00 0.00 1.Procurement of 6 1. Q3- Tenders Tenders opened in
transmitters, digital quality nos. of 10 KW expected to be Nov.08 and are under
studios,     Technical Evaluation.
signal to the MW DRM Trs. opened and
connectivity & entire nation. approved by SFC taken up for
DTH Channel FM Expansion, for Replacement of Technical
Studio old MW Mobile Evaluation. Q4-
digitalization & Trs. Specifications Order xpected
Connectivity are being finalized to be processed.
for issue of NIT
2. C-Band 2. C-Band 2. C-Band Terminals-
Terminals- 44 Nos. Terminals- 44 44 Nos. Price bid
- NIT floated for Nos. Q1- Order opened and purchase
44 Nos. expected to be proposal is under
placed. Q4- process.

(Rs. in lakh)

S.No. Name of Scheme/ Objective / Outlay 2008-09 Expenditure Quantifiable Processes/ Achievements (Status as Remarks
Programme Outcome (Plan Budget) 2008-09 Deliverables/Physical Timeliness on 31.03.2009)
Outputs w.r.t Col (6)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

expected to be
2 Strengthening of Digitalization of 474.00 0.00 Procurement of Q1- Tender Tender enquiry issued to DRM Service
External Services SW transmitters Eqpt. for conversion Enquiry to be M/s Falcon the on these
by Digital of 250 KW SW Trs. issued to M/s representative of original External
two each at Delhi, Thales the manufacturer and Services Trs.
Aligarh to DRM original Quotation from the firm will be
Mode. manufacturer.Q4- has been received. Order available to
Order is is under sanction with targetted
expected to be Finance wing. listeners.

3 E-Governance, Improvement of 130.00 0.00 SFC/EFC proposals The Scheme of

training,security, Infrastructure are under Webcasting &
Addl. Office submission /approval Podcasting has been
Accomodation, completed.
Staff Quarters etc.
4 New Technology Multi Media 196.00 147.00 SFC/EFC proposals
& Science & broadcasting in are under
Technology Satellite & submission /approval
Mode, Web
Podcasting etc.
5 Software 494.00 0.00 EFC proposals
Acquisition submitted to Prasar
C Total AIR 19500.00 5643.00

Name of Approved Expenditure Physical Targets Achievements Remarks
scheme Outlay (Rs. cr.) (till 31.03.2008)

1 (a) J&K 20.00 3.90 HPTs (DD1 & Kashir channel - pmt. 1 Pmt. HPTs (DDI & Kashir ch.) at Kupwara
Special set up) - 1 commissioned
(Phase-I) HPTs (DD1 & DD News - pmt. set up) - 1 HPTs at Amritsar in interim set up operational at old site.
Building for pmt. set up at new site completed.
Foundation of 300M tower completed & erection in
progress (40 M height attained).

1 (b) J&K Scheme sanctioned in September, 07

2. Special 25.00 43.73 i) Studio (aug.) - 1 1 OB van provided at DDK Port Blair. Procurement of
package auxilliary equipment in
for NE ii) HPTs (DD1 & DD News) - 1 1 DDI & DD news HPTs at Port Blair commissioned.
States &
Island iii) HPT (DD1) - 1 (in set up) 1 Int. HPT at Kokrajhar commissioned.
iv) VLPTs (New) - 20 6 10 additional transmitters commissioned in 2008-09.
Installation of 2 transmitters are in progress. Site for 2
VLPTs to be provided by local adminstration.

5 8 additional transmitters upgraded in 2008-09. Upgrd. of

v) VLPTs (upgdn.) - 15 one transmitter in progress. Site for one transmitter to be
provided by local adminstration.

vi) DTH sets & TV sets - 25000 for NE All 25,000 DTH sets 1000 DTH units & TV sets procured for A&N Islands.
States along with TV sets
1000 for A&N Islands handed over to Nodal
officers appointed by
State Govt. of NE States.

vii) Earth Station (upgdn. for 2 NE Order for Earth Station placed in 2008-09.

viii) 10 channel uplink (C-band) for DTH Order for Earth station placed in 2008-09. Installation
service in A&N Islands - 1 works in progress.

3. Normal 306.64 159.97 I. Studio Proiects

i) Studio (pmt. set up) - 1 1 Pmt. Studio project at Gorakhpur completed.

ii) Additional Studios - 2 Additional Studio at one location (Panaji) completed and
commissioned in 2008-09. Building construction at
second location (Jammu) nearing completion.

II. HPT Projects

i) New HPTs - 4 3 3 HPTs at Bikaner, Dharamshala & Saharsa (int.)

commissioned in 2007-08. Remaining one HPT
(at Chattarpur) commissioned in 2008-09

ii) HPTs (permanent set up) - 7 2 Two pmt. HPTs at Jalgaon & Balurghat commissioned in
2007-08. Two pmt. HPTs at Vadodra & Kharagpur
commissioned in 2008-09. Tower works at remaining
three places at Cannanore, Kumbakonam & Barmer in

iii) Replacement of old HPTs - 2 1 DD News HPT at Chennai replaced in 2007-08 and DD1
HPT at Chennai replaced in 2008-09

III. LPT/VLPT Projects

Automation of LPTs - 108 7 Installation of 4 LPTs completed in 2008-09 and

installation of 3 LPTs in progress.
43 LPTs (UHF) on order are to be supplied. Order for 50
LPTs to be placed.

IV. DTH Receive units

HP - 20000 6926 Remaining 13074 DTH sets handed over to HP Govt. in


Statement of Outlay & Outcomes/Targets (2008-09)
(Rs. in lakh)
Sr. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Expenditure Quantifiable Projected Process/ Remarks/
No. Programme Outcome 2008-09 (2008-09) Deliverables/ Outcomes Timeliness Risk
Physical Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


1(a). J&K Special Improvement of 1599.00 1745.00 Upgradation of Increase in TV HPTs at Amritsar in -Nil-
Plan Ph.-I & Doordarshan Transmission Earth Station at coverage in trans interim set up
Ph.-II (Capital) Coverage in J&K. First Jammu. UPS for border more areas. operational at old site.
phase of J&K Spl. Package HPTs and LPTs-40 Building for pmt set
has been implemented, nos. DTH Sets and Increase in the up at new site
except the tower work at TV sets for J&K - number of fresh and completed.
Amritsar which is under 10000 nos., 300 quality software Foundation of 300M
progress. This has resulted Mtr. Tower at programmes on the tower completed &
in substantial improvement Amritsar, Channels. erection in progress
in coverage area and Commissioning of   (40 M height
technical quality of DD-I & DD-News attained). Earth
Doordarshan transmission HPTs at Amritsar station upgraded in
in J&K. In phase-II of J&K with Antenna int. set up, by utilising
Plan emphasis has been mounted on 300 available equipment
given for improvement of mt. Tower. in the network
content. (achieved).
Tenders for pmt.
Earth Station set up
received and
technically evaluated,
commercial bid
opened and further
action in progress.
Order for 39
UPS placed

Sr. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Expenditure Quantifiable Projected Process/ Remarks/
No. Programme Outcome 2008-09 (2008-09) Deliverables/ Outcomes Timeliness Risk
Physical Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(achievements -16).
Action for order for
one UPS in process.
10000 nos. DTH and
TV sets handed over
to Nodal officers of
J&K Govt.

(b) J&K Spl. Production/Commissioning 2000.00* 3031.00 In-house Utilization during the -Nil-
Package of programmes for 24 hours (*RE was production/ Financial Year as per  
(Revenue) Kashir Channel & Regional Rs. 62.47 commissioned the allocation.  
Service of DDK Srinagar, crore) programmes of    
Jammu & Leh. 1904 episodes.  
2. Digitalisation & Enhancement of technical 4081.00 3308.00 Modernization of Partial outcome  
Modernisation of quality of programmes. studio centers,  
production centralized  
facilities recording, editing  
(Studio/OB) and play-back at  
all major  
Kendras; - 17 nos.  
augmentation of
OB facilities and
faster news
delivery system.

3. North East Strengthening of 1500.00 1615.00 i) VLPTs Increase in TV Installation of 2

Special Package Doordarshan coverage in (New) - 14 coverage & technical transmitters is in
Ph.-II (Capital) North East and A&N ii) VLPTs quality of terrestrial progress. Alternative
region. A special package (upgdn.) - 10 transmission. site for one VLPT to
(Ph.-II) for expansion & iii) Earth C-Band DTH for be finalized.
improvement of Station (upgdn. A&N Island. DTH Upgradation of one
Doordarshan services in NE for 2 NE channels) receive system in transmitter in
region & Island territories iv) 10 channel NE States. progress. Order for
of Andaman & Nicobar and uplink (C-band) Earth Station
Lakshadweep has been for DTH (upgradation for 2 NE

Sr. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Expenditure Quantifiable Projected Process/ Remarks/
No. Programme Outcome 2008-09 (2008-09) Deliverables/ Outcomes Timeliness Risk
Physical Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

approved by the service in A&N Channels placed.

Government in May, Islands. Installation of 10
06 at a cost of Rs. 256.85 Channel uplink
crore (hardware – 134.3, (C band) for DTH
software – 122.55). service in A&N
Islands completed
Achievements VLPTs
Achievements VLPTs

N.E. Spl. Production/Commissioning 1353.00* 3032.00 In-house Increase in the Utilization during the
Package of programmes for 24 hours (*RE was production/ number of fresh and Financial Year as per
(Revenue) North-East Channel & for Rs. 31.20 commissioned quality software the allocation.
the Kendras of the crore) programmes of programmes on the
North-East. 6742 episodes. Channels.

4. DTH The objective of this 0.00 616.00 All works DTH service is 20000 Nos. DTH sets
Scheme is to provide TV completed. already in place. handed over to the
coverage to the areas Nodal officers
hitherto uncovered by appointed by
terrestrial transmission. State Govt.
DTH at present has
capacity of 50 TV

5. HDTV HDTV is a technology that 71.00 0.00 Field production The Pilot Scheme Order for HDTV OB
offers numerous advantages van for HDTV will provide the van placed.
in terms of excellent image production - 1 no. facility for  
quality and wide screen   production in HDTV
image. The wide screen format.
image provides powerful  
viewing experience. This
makes this technology
superior and gives pictures
similar to 35 mm films.

Sr. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Expenditure Quantifiable Projected Process/ Remarks/
No. Programme Outcome 2008-09 (2008-09) Deliverables/ Outcomes Timeliness Risk
Physical Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

HDTV also provides

realistic digital surround
sound. A pilot project for
HDTV field production unit
is under implementation.
6. Other spill over 4886.00 8403.00
X Plan approved

a) Accommoda- Provision of housing Construction of Construction of staff Construction of staff

tion for Staff, facility for Staff. staff quarters at quarters in metro qtrs in progress.
augmentation of Augmentation of Metro centers (4 places) & non  
infrastructure and infrastructure / Delhi, Mumbai, metro locations
security strengthening of security at Kolkata and (11 locations) and
various stations. Chennai. infrastructure/
  Construction of security work to be
staff quarters at in progress - Partial
non-metro Outcome.
(11 places).
Schemes of
augmentation of
infrastructure and
security of DDK at
various locations -
Partial Outcome.
b) Other Schemes

i) Studio related To provide opportunity to Studio set up - 7 Improvement of Project completed and
Scheme the local talent by nos. - Partial Out quality in production commissioned at one
providing studio centers come at studios in the location (Panaji).
and aug. of production network. Building works
facility completed at second
location (Jammu).
Achieved additional

Sr. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Expenditure Quantifiable Projected Process/ Remarks/
No. Programme Outcome 2008-09 (2008-09) Deliverables/ Outcomes Timeliness Risk
Physical Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
ii) Transmitter Improvement in terrestrial Automode LPTs & Improvement of Completed
related Scheme coverage HPTs (partial quality in terrestrial at Chattarpur
outcome) transmission and (achieved). Pmt. HPT
coverage area. set up at Vadodara
and Kharagpur
completed and
(achieved). Tower at
Saharsa erected to full
height. Tower work in
progress at remaining
3 locations viz.
Cannanore and
Barmer. Completed
DD1 HPT at Chennai
(achieved). Supply
and installation of
remaining 42 LPTs
(UHF) in progress.
Order for 50 LPTs to
be placed. Achieved
automode LPTs.-8.

iii) Satellite Enhancement of signal Supply of DSNGs - Enhancement in

Related Schemes quality and saving in space 4 nos. Supply of news gathering
segment capacity. VSAT system. capabilities.
Enhancement in news Supply of misc.  
gathering capabilities. earth station  
  equipment. -
Partial Outcome

Sr. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Expenditure Quantifiable Projected Process/ Remarks/
No. Programme Outcome 2008-09 (2008-09) Deliverables/ Outcomes Timeliness Risk
Physical Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

New Schemes

7. Digitalization of 2444.00 0.00 

Aug. and Repl.
of Transmitter

a) Digitalization Digitalization of terrestrial Procurement of Start process of Will be completed in Scheme

of Transmitter transmission. equipment for digitalization of 11 th Plan in phases. yet to be
DTTs Partial terrestrial approved.
outcome transmission -
Partial Outcome.

b) Modernisation, Modernisation, Aug. and Repl. of 10 HPTs, Improvement in Will be completed in Scheme
Augmentation and replacement of transmitter 60 nos. of LPTs by coverage and quality 11th Plan in phases. yet to be
replacement of equipment which have automode LPTs, of terrestrial approved.
Transmitters served its useful life and new analog transmission -
Equipments. due to technological transmitter at Partial Outcome.
compulsion. border and
strategic places - 5
nos. -Partial

8. c) Disaster Disaster management and Schemes to be Partial Outcomes. To be taken up in Scheme

management, emergency requirements framed   phases in 11th Plan. yet to be
emergency       approved.

9. Studio 2416.00 0.00

digitalization :
Replacement of

Sr. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Expenditure Quantifiable Projected Process/ Remarks/
No. Programme Outcome 2008-09 (2008-09) Deliverables/ Outcomes Timeliness Risk
Physical Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a) Digitalization Full digitalization of Partial to full Full digitalization of To be taken up in Scheme
of Studio production, post digitalization of production facility - phases in 11th Plan. yet to be
production, editing and studios at smaller Partial Outcome. approved.
archiving facilities. Kendras and full
digitalization at 8
Kendras - Partial

b) Digitalization, Modernisation, Aug. and Aug. of production, Enhancement in To be taken up in Scheme

Augmentation repl. of production related post production, technical quality - phases in 11th Plan. yet to be
and replacement equipment with its digital audio, lighting and Partial Outcome approved.
of studio counterpart which have power supply at all
equipments served its useful life and major and smaller
due to technological Kendras-
compulsion. 66 locations
along with new
at 5 locations -
Partial Outcome.

c) E-Governance, Implementation of e-Governance, Efficient system of To be taken up in Scheme

IT related Introduction of implementation of delivery - Partial phases in 11th Plan. yet to be
Schemes e-governance in the nework IT based work flow Outcome approved.
system and studio
operation- Partial

d) R&D and Aug. of training and R&D Aug. of training Partial Outcome To be taken up in Scheme
Training facilities in the network. and R&D   phases in 11th Plan. yet to be
  facilities, advance   approved.
level technical  
institute at one
location, STIT at
Guwahati for NE
regions- Partial

Sr. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Expenditure Quantifiable Projected Process/ Remarks/
No. Programme Outcome 2008-09 (2008-09) Deliverables/ Outcomes Timeliness Risk
Physical Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10. DTH: 1426.00 417.00

Replacement of

a) DTH Increase of channels in 417.00  Hybrid Model of Partial outcome To be taken up in Scheme
DTH platform from 50 to DTH with 50 FTA phases in 11th Plan. yet to be
198 with hybrid model and 144 Pay approved.
(free to air channels and Channels,4 HDTV
paid channels) Channels and 50
Radio Channels
with PPP Models -
Partial Outcome

b) Digitalization, Modernisation, Aug. and Upgradation of Partial outcome To be taken up in Sanction

Augmentation repl. of satellite broadcast earth stations - 10 phases in 11th Plan. issued.
and Replacement related equipment with its nos. expansion of
of Satellite digital counterpart which VSAT hub, prov
Broadcast have served its useful life 50 VSAT
Equipments and due to technological terminals, new
compulsion. Aug. of News DSNGs - 9 nos.
Gathering Facility new earth stations
- 5 nos. along with
the replacement of
old DSNGs -6 nos.
and other misc.
equipments -
Partial Outcome.

Sr. Name of Scheme/ Objective/ Outlay Expenditure Quantifiable Projected Process/ Remarks/
No. Programme Outcome 2008-09 (2008-09) Deliverables/ Outcomes Timeliness Risk
Physical Outputs Factors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

11. HDTV HDTV production, 951.00 0.00 HDTV Production, Partial outcome To be taken up in EFC
post production Post Production And phases in 11th Plan. completed
facility and Field Production
transmission. Facility at 2 locations,
HDTV Transmitters at
4 locations And
HDTV Uplinks
Facility at 1 Metro
Centre - Partial

12. Staff Quarters, other Provision of housing 43.00 0.00 DMC buildings- 17 Partial outcome To be taken up in Sanction
misc. Works facility for staff. locations, LPT phases in 11th Plan. issued.
Augmentation of building - 14
infrastructure / locations, staff quarter
strengthening of - 14 locations, guest
security at various houses - 34 locations,
stations. zonal office building
at Guwahati and
tower C at DD
Bhawan and misc.
infrastructure and
security related works
- Partial Outcome

Arbitration Charges 10.00

Total of Doordarshan 19417.00 16114.00
Software Acquisition/ 5230.00 0.00
Production (Revenue)
Total Revenue 8583.00 6063.00
Grand Total 28000.00 22177.00
(Capital + Revenue)
Commonwealth 9771.00 785.00

(Rs. in thousand)

Name of Media Units/Activity B.E. 2006-2007 R.E. 2006-2007 Actuals 2006-2007

Plan Non Plan Total Plan Non-Plan Total Plan Non Plan Total
Revenue Section
Major Head- ‘2251' -Secretariat Social Services
1. Main Sectt. (including PAO) 17000 174300 191300 16000 182804 198804 15296 175525 190821
Major Head -’2205' - Art & Culture Certification of
Cinematographic films for public exhibition
2. Central Board of Film Certification 18600 27600 46200 18600 28500 47100 11351 26531 37882
3. Film Certification Appellate Tribunal 0 1200 1200 0 908 908 0 525 525

Total Major Head ‘2205’ 18600 28800 47400 18600 29408 48008 11351 27056 38407
Major Head - ‘2220’ - Information, Films & Publicity
4. Films Division 21000 256400 277400 80600 225010 305610 69964 220714 290678
5. Directorate of Film Festivals 35300 47400 82700 21800 45240 67040 14365 44116 58481
6. National Film Archive of India 7300 14000 21300 7300 14330 21630 7967 14459 22426
7. Grants-in-aid to Satyajit Ray F.&T.I.., Kolkata 27900 48500 76400 27900 49039 76939 22075 48159 70234
8. Grants-in-aid to Children’s Film Society of India (CFSI) 52130 1500 53630 34600 4000 38600 24450 3000 27450
9. Grants-in-aid to Film &
Television Institute of India, Pune 3000 68200 71200 3000 67236 70236 2732 67236 69968
10. Grants-in-aid to Film Societies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11. Electronic Media Monitoring Centre 58500 30000 88500 20000 200 20200 0 0 0
12. Research, Reference & Training Division 2500 8900 11400 2500 10395 12895 1869 10053 11922
13. Grants-in-aid to IIMC 3980 40000 43980 2800 37600 40400 2650 36321 38971
14. Directorate of Advertising & Visual Publicity 23300 592500 615800 228900 593175 822075 13448 582137 595585
15. Press Information Bureau 7196 216947 224143 7196 320198 327394 8030 292613 300643
16. Grants-in-aid to Press Council of India 0 23153 23153 0 23050 23050 0 21428 21428
17. Subsidy in lieu of Interest on loan to PTI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

(Rs. in thousand)

Name of Media Units/Activity B.E. 2006-2007 R.E. 2006-2007 Actuals 2006-2007

Plan Non Plan Total Plan Non-Plan Total Plan Non Plan Total
18. Payment for Pro. & Spl. Services 0 100 100 0 100 100 0 0 0
19. Transfer to Journalists Welfare Fund 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20. Directorate of Field Publicity 900 270100 271000 1139 262595 263734 1137 250614 251751
22. Song and Drama Division 72500 123600 196100 61250 131915 193165 74815 128825 203640
22. Publications Division 0 130700 130700 0 134670 134670 0 133474 133474
23. Employment News 0 291700 291700 0 280220 280220 0 242732 242732
24. Registrar of Newspapers for India 0 24800 24800 0 22560 22560 0 20699 20699
25. Photo Division 7500 27100 34600 10500 21875 32375 9559 21792 31351
26. Contribution to International programme for the
Development of Communication 0 1400 1400 0 1400 1400 0 1326 1326
27. Contribution to Asia Pacific Institute for
Broadcasting Development 0 2000 2000 0 1380 1380 0 1350 1350

Total: Major Head ‘2220’ 323006 2219000 2542006 509485 2246188 2755673 253061 2141048 2394109
Total: Major Head 2251, 2205 and 2220 358606 2422100 2780706 544085 2458400 3002485 279708 2343629 2623337

(Rs. in thousand)

Name of Media Units/Activity B.E. 2006-2007 R.E. 2006-2007 Actuals 2006-2007

Plan Non Plan Total Plan Non-Plan Total Plan Non Plan Total

Broadcasting (Major Head - 2221)

Sound Broadcasting (Sub Major Head)
Direction and Administration (Minor Head)
Salaries 100 100 200 100 100 200 0 0 0
Television (Sub Major Head)
Salaries 100 100 200 100 100 200 0 0 0
General (Sub Major Head)
Prasar Bharati (Minor Head)
Grants-in-aid 2981900 9358400 12340300 2505727 9392100 11897827 2555000 8685900 11240900
Total - Broadcasting 2982100 9358600 12340700 2505927 9392300 11898227 2555000 8685900 11240900
North Eastern Area, other expenditure scheme for the
benefit of North Eastern Region & Sikkim
Lump Sum Provision (Major Head - 2552) 464600 0 464600 464777 0 464777 0 0 0
Total - Revenue Section 3805306 11780700 15586006 3514789 11850700 15365489 2834708 11029529 13864237

(Rs. in thousand)

Name of Media Units B.E. 2006-2007 R.E. 2006-2007 Actuals 2006-2007

Plan Non Plan Total Plan Non-Plan Total Plan Non Plan Total
Capital Section
1. Acquisition of Equipment for Films Division 10000 0 10000 12700 0 12700 8201 0 8201
2. Acquisition of Equipment for Press Information Bureau 4500 0 4500 4500 0 4500 0
3. Acquisition of Equipment for Directorate of
Field Publicity 8300 0 8300 8900 0 8900 7948 0 7948
4. Acquisition of Equipment for Song and Drama Division 2500 0 2500 2500 0 2500 0 0 0
5. Acquisition of Equipment for Photo Division 5000 0 5000 5000 0 5000 4982 0 4982
6. Acquisition of Equipment for Main Sectt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7. Acquisition of Equipment for Indian Institute of
Mass Communication 9370 0 9370 8200 0 8200 7582 0 7582
8. Acquisition of Equipment for Satyajit Ray Film and
Television 51500 0 51500 51500 0 51500 51500 0 51500
Institute, Kolkata 0 0
9. Acquisition of Equipment for Film and
Television Institute, Pune 20511 0 20511 20511 0 20511 20511 0 20511
10. Acquisition of Equipment for CBFC 6913 0 6913 5000 0 5000 74 0 74
11. Upgradation of Print Unit in DFF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12. Electronic Media Monitoring Centre
B] Buildings
13. Multi storeyed building for Films Division -
Major Works 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14. Setting up Museum of Moving Images (FD)
Major Works 70000 0 70000 25000 0 25000 5935 0 5935
15. Construction of Nitrate Vaults/Staff Quarters for NFAI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16. Construction of Phase II Building for NFAI Complex 40000 0 40000 64700 0 64700 64700 0 64700
17. Film Festival Complex - Additions and alterations -
Major Works 31800 0 31800 21000 0 21000 20966 0 20966
18. Setting up of Film & Television Institutte at Kolkata -
Acquisition of Land & Construction of Building 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19. Soochna Bhavan building - Major Works 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20. Construction of office & Residential Accommodation
for Field Publicity - Major Works

(Rs. in thousand)
Name of Media Units B.E. 2006-2007 R.E. 2006-2007 Actuals 2006-2007

Plan Non Plan Total Plan Non-Plan Total Plan Non Plan Total
21. Setting up of National Press Centre and
Mini Media Centre for PIB 100000 0 100000 45000 0 45000 687 0 687
22. Construction of Building for Press Council of India 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
23. Building & Housing project of IIMC 2500 0 2500 2500 0 2500 2500 0 2500
24. Building & Towers for Private FM Radio Stations 100000 0 100000 41500 0 41500 6300 0 6300
25. Setting up of Institute of Mass Media (FD) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
26. Electronic Media Monitoring Centre 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Engineering Consultants (India) Ltd. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total - Capital Section Major Head ‘4220’ 462894 0 462894 318511 0 318511 201886 0 201886

Loans for Information & Publicity (Major Head - 6220)

Films (Sub Major Head)
Loans to Public Sector and undertakings
(Minor Head)
National Film Development Corporation
Loans and Advances 0 0 0 0 0 0 150000 0 150000
Loans for Broadcasting (Major Head - 6221)
Loans to public Sector and Other Undertakings
Prasar Bharati
Loans and Advances 457100 0 457100 411100 0 411100 400200 0 400200
Capital outlay on North East Areas other expenditure
Project/Scheme for benefit of North Eastern Region
and Sikkim (Major Head - 4552)
Lump Sum provision 654700 0 654700 505600 0 505600 0 0 0
Capital outlay on North East Areas other expenditure
Project/Scheme for benefit of North Eastern Region
and Sikkim (Major Head - 4552)
Lump Sum provision 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total - Capital Section 1574694 0 1574694 1235211 0 1235211 752086 0 752086
Total - Demand No. 58 5380000 11780700 17160700 4750000 11850700 16600700 3586794 11029529 14616323

(Rs. in thousand)

Name of Media Units/Activity B.E. 2007-2008 R.E. 2007-2008 Actuals 2007-2008

Plan Non Plan Total Plan Non-Plan Total Plan Non Plan Total
Revenue Section
Major Head-’2251' -Secretariat Social Services
1. Main Sectt. (including PAO) 33600 187570 221170 25900 204900 230800 17980 194920 212900
Major Head -’2205' - Art & Culture Certification of
Cinematographic films for public exhibition
2. Central Board of Film Certification 15000 29700 44700 6100 34970 41070 3015 32682 35697
3. Film Certification Appellate Tribunal 0 1200 1200 0 1200 1200 0 818 818

Total Major Head ‘2205’ 15000 30900 45900 6100 36170 42270 3015 33500 36515

Major Head - ‘2220’ - Information, Films & Publicity

4. Films Division 46200 235260 281460 51300 265100 316400 67710 258706 326416
5. Directorate of Film Festivals 38200 49320 87520 32200 65565 97765 22105 52204 74309
6. National Film Archive of India 10100 14940 25040 10100 16405 26505 8992 15692 24684
7. Grants-in-aid to Satyajit Ray F.&T.I.., Kolkata 77700 50735 128435 37700 60030 97730 37700 60030 97730
8. Grants-in-aid to Children’s Film Society of India (CFSI) 27100 4200 31300 27100 8400 35500 26398 8400 34798
9. Grants-in-aid to Film &
Television Institute of India, Pune 62100 70515 132615 62100 82500 144600 61282 82500 143782
10. Grants-in-aid to Film Societies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11. Electronic Media Monitoring Centre 29000 30000 59000 0 30000 30000 0 0 0
12. Research, Reference & Training Division 200 10395 10595 1960 12800 14760 1494 12819 14313
13. Grants-in-aid to IIMC 1000 39500 40500 100 45000 45100 0 44982 44982
14. Directorate of Advertising & Visual Publicity 234100 613925 848025 158119 343330 501449 182635 326356 508991
15. Press Information Bureau 1210 227015 228225 86000 223700 309700 84378 208447 292825
16. Grants-in-aid to Press Council of India 0 23700 23700 0 25500 25500 0 23682 23682
17. Subsidy in lieu of Interest on loan to PTI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

(Rs. in thousand)

Name of Media Units/Activity B.E. 2007-2008 R.E. 2007-2008 Actuals 2007-2008

Plan Non Plan Total Plan Non-Plan Total Plan Non Plan Total
18. Payment for Pro. & Spl. Services 0 100 100 0 200 200 0 0 0
19. Transfer to Journalists Welfare Fund 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20. Directorate of Field Publicity 100 259910 260010 1000 261700 262700 753 239910 240663
22. Song and Drama Division 35600 145415 181015 35600 151200 186800 39583 148655 188238
22. Publications Division 400 134720 135120 8120 143200 151320 6721 142444 149165
23. Employment News 100 281700 281800 700 236700 237400 246 235329 235575
24. Registrar of Newspapers for India 200 24770 24970 588 22400 22988 459 21894 22353
25. Photo Division 200 23310 23510 5500 23200 28700 4800 21975 26775
26. Contribution to International programme for the 0 1400 1400 0 1400 1400 0 1195 1195
Development of Communication
27. Contribution to Asia Pacific Institute for
Broadcasting Development 0 2000 2000 0 2000 2000 0 1291 1291

Total: Major Head ‘2220’ 563510 2242830 2806340 518187 2020330 2538517 545256 1906511 2451767
Total: Major Head 2251, 2205 and 2220 612110 2461300 3073410 550187 2261400 2811587 566251 2134931 2701182

(Rs. in thousand)

Name of Media Units/Activity B.E. 2007-2008 R.E. 2007-2008 Actuals 2007-2008

Plan Non Plan Total Plan Non-Plan Total Plan Non Plan Total

Broadcasting (Major Head - 2221)

Sound Broadcasting (Sub Major Head)
Direction and Administration (Minor Head)
Salaries 100 100 200 100 100 200 0 0 0
Television (Sub Major Head)
Salaries 100 100 200 100 100 200 0 0 0
General (Sub Major Head)
Prasar Bharati (Minor Head)
Grants-in-aid 1031300 9607600 10638900 1031300 9839100 10870400 1191300 9741400 10932700
Total - Broadcasting 1031500 9607800 10639300 1031500 9839300 10870800 1191300 9741400 10932700
North Eastern Area other expenditure
scheme for the benefit of North Eastern Region
& Sikkim
Lump Sum Provision (Major Head - 2552) 205190 0 205190 190190 0 190190 0 0 0
Total - Revenue Section 1848800 12069100 13917900 1771877 12100700 13872577 1757551 11876331 13633882

(Rs. in thousand)

Name of Media Units B.E. 2007-2008 R.E. 2007-2008 Actuals 2007-2008

Plan Non - Plan Total Plan Non -Plan Total Plan Non - Plan Total

Capital Section
1. Acquisition of Equipment for Films Division 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2. Acquisition of Equipment for Press Information Bureau 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3. Acquisition of Equipment for Directorate of
Field Publicity 1100 0 1100 3434 0 3434 3295 0 3295
4. Acquisition of Equipment for Song and Drama Division 400 0 400 400 0 400 317 0 317
5. Acquisition of Equipment for Photo Division 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6. Acquisition of Equipment for Main Sectt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7. Acquisition of Equipment for Indian Institute of
Mass Communication 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8. Acquisition of Equipment for Satyajit Ray Film and
Television Institute, Kolkata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9. Acquisition of Equipment for Film and
Television Institute, Pune 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10. Acquisition of Equipment for CBFC 5100 0 5100 5100 0 5100 1692 0 1692
11. Upgradation of Print Unit in DFF 100 0 100 100 0 100 0 0 0
12. Electronic Media Monitoring Centre 0 0 0 28000 0 28000 28000 0 28000
B] Buildings
13. Multi storeyed building for Films Division -
Major Works 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14. Setting up of Museum of Moving Images (FD)
Major Works 50000 0 50000 10100 0 10100 10100 0 10100
15. Construction of Nitrate Vaults/Staff Quarters for NFAI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16. Construction of Phase II Building for NFAI Complex 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17. Film Festival Complex - Additions and alterations -
Major Works 34000 0 34000 34000 0 34000 33985 0 33985
18. Setting up of Film & Television Institute at Kolkata -
Acquisition of Land & Construction of Building 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19. Soochna Bhawan Building - Major Works 20000 0 20000 19389 0 19389 19389 0 19389
20. Construction of Office & Residential Accommodation
for Field Publicity - Major Works 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

(Rs. in thousand)

Name of Media Units B.E. 2007-2008 R.E. 2007-2008 Actuals 2007-2008

Plan Non - Plan Total Plan Non -Plan Total Plan Non - Plan Total

21. Setting up of National Press Centre and Mini Media

Centre for PIB 100000 0 100000 8200 0 8200 8199 0 8199
22. Construction of Building for Press Council of India 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
23. Building & Housing project of IIMC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
24. Building & Towers for Private FM Radio Stations 10000 0 10000 10000 0 10000 10000 0 10000
25. Setting up of Institute of Mass Media (FD) 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 0
26. Electronic Media Monitoring Centre 0 0 0 1000 0 1000 1000 0 1000
Engineering Consultants (India) Ltd. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total - Capital Section Major Head ‘4220’ 220800 0 220800 119723 0 119723 115977 0 115977
Loans for Information & Publicity (Major Head - 6220)
Films (Sub Major Head)
Loans to Public Sector and undertakings
(Minor Head)
National Film Development Corporation
Loans and Advances 31000 0 31000 1000 0 1000 0 0 0
Loans for Broadcasting (Major Head - 6221)
Loans to public Sector and Other Undertakings
Prasar Bharati
Loans and Advances 2174400 0 2174400 1667400 0 1667400 2107400 0 2107400
Capital outlay on North East Areas other expenditure
Project/Scheme for benefit of North Eastern Region
and Sikkim (Major Head - 4552)
Lump Sum provision 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Capital outlay on North East Areas other expenditure
Project/Scheme for benefit of North Eastern Region
and Sikkim (Major Head - 6552)
Lump Sum provision 475000 0 475000 440000 0 440000 0 0 0
Total - Capital Section 2901200 0 2901200 2228123 0 2228123 2223377 0 2223377
Total - Demand No. 58 4750000 12069100 16819100 4000000 12100700 16100700 3980928 11876331 15857259

(Rs. in thousand)

Name of Media Units/Activity B.E. 2008-2009 R.E. 2008-2009 Actuals 2008-09

Plan Non - Plan Total Plan Non -Plan Total Plan Non - Plan Total
Revenue Section
Major Head-’2251' -Secretariat Social Services
1. Main Sectt. (including PAO) 115700 213500 329200 100800 290750 391550 91514 283307 374821
Major Head -’2205' - Art & Culture Certification of
Cinematographic films for public exhibition
2. Central Board of Film Certification 14200 31200 45400 5500 46600 52100 5977 45344 51321
3. Film Certification Appellate Tribunal 0 1200 1200 0 1500 1500 0 1381 1381

Total Major Head ‘2205’ 14200 32400 46600 5500 48100 53600 5977 46725 52702

Major Head - ‘2220’ - Information, Films & Publicity

4. Films Division 110000 249700 359700 110000 302150 412150 59488 303740 363228
5. Directorate of Film Festivals 40000 65765 105765 40000 65445 105445 32119 69929 102048
6. National Film Archive of India 30000 16400 46400 30000 22450 52450 17623 24372 41995
7. Grants-in-aid to Satyajit Ray F.&T.I.., Kolkata 80000 50735 130735 80000 52580 132580 40000 52100 92100
8. Grants-in-aid to Children’s Film Society of India (CFSI) 40000 8400 48400 40000 9700 49700 40000 9700 49700
9. Grants-in-aid to Film & Television Institute of India, Pune 80000 77500 157500 56900 93267 150167 54400 93267 147667
10. Grants-in-aid to Film Societies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11. Electronic Media Monitoring Centre 0 30000 30000 0 30000 30000 0 6240 6240
12. Research, Reference & Training Division 10000 12800 22800 2300 16256 18556 1483 16498 17981
13. Grants-in-aid to IIMC 10000 39500 49500 100 47994 48094 0 46030 46030
14. Directorate of Advertising & Visual Publicity 217600 526000 743600 481800 533100 1014900 481734 707470 1189204
15. Press Information Bureau 109089 223600 332689 109089 296226 405315 101776 291795 393571
16. Grants-in-aid to Press Council of India 0 26300 26300 0 31604 31604 0 31604 31604
17. Subsidy in lieu of Interest on loan to PTI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
18. Payment for Pro. & Spl. Services 0 200 200 0 100 100 0 0 0

(Rs. in thousand)

Name of Media Units/Activity B.E. 2008-2009 R.E. 2008-2009 Actuals 2008-09

Plan Non - Plan Total Plan Non -Plan Total Plan Non - Plan Total

19. Transfer to Journalists Welfare Fund 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

20. Directorate of Field Publicity 4900 262500 267400 4900 331428 336328 4129 323987 328116
21. Song and Drama Division 35600 155400 191000 35600 193850 229450 32833 186271 219104
22. Publications Division 4300 140500 144800 4300 198630 202930 2997 192676 195673
23. Employment News 600 281900 282500 600 255715 256315 519 242028 242547
24. Registrar of Newspapers for India 2000 23400 25400 1500 28900 30400 1469 29278 30747
25. Photo Division 5500 24300 29800 5500 27630 33130 5028 28381 33409
26. Contribution to International programme for 0 1400 1400 0 1400 1400 0 1550 1550
the Development of Communication
27. Contribution to Asia Pacific Institute for
Broadcasting Development 0 2000 2000 0 2000 2000 0 1560 1560

Total: Major Head ‘2220’ 779589 2218300 2997889 1002589 2540425 3543014 875598 2658454 3534052
Total: Major Head 2251, 2205 and 2220 909489 2464200 3373689 1108889 2879275 3988164 973089 2988486 3961575

(Rs. in thousand)

Name of Media Units/Activity B.E. 2008-2009 R.E. 2008-2009 Actuals 2008-09

Plan Non - Plan Total Plan Non -Plan Total Plan Non - Plan Total

Broadcasting (Major Head - 2221)

Sound Broadcasting (Sub Major Head)
Direction and Administration (Minor Head)
Salaries 100 100 200 100 100 200 0 0 0
Television (Sub Major Head)
Salaries 100 100 200 100 100 200 0 0 0
General (Sub Major Head)
Prasar Bharati (Minor Head)
Grants-in-aid 1787371 9636300 11423671 1325471 11371225 12696696 759600 11429800 12189400
Total - Broadcasting 1787571 9636500 11424071 1325671 11371425 12697096 759600 11429800 12189400
North Eastern Area other expenditure scheme for the
benefit of North Eastern Region & Sikkim
Lump Sum Provision (Major Head - 2552) 179640 0 179640 336040 0 336040 0 0 0
Total - Revenue Section 2876700 12100700 14977400 2770600 14250700 17021300 1732689 14418286 16150975

(Rs. in thousand)

Name of Media Units B.E. 2008-2009 R.E. 2008-2009 Actuals 2008-09

Plan Non - Plan Total Plan Non -Plan Total Plan Non - Plan Total
Capital Section
1. Acquisition of Equipment for Films Division 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2. Acquisition of Equipment for Press Information Bureau 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3. Acquisition of Equipment for Directorate of
Field Publicity 15100 0 15100 15100 0 15100 13948 0 13948
4. Acquisition of Equipment for Song and Drama Division 400 0 400 400 0 400 204 0 204
5. Acquisition of Equipment for Photo Division 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6. Acquisition of Equipment for Main Sectt. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7. Acquisition of Equipment for Indian Institute of
Mass Communication 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8. Acquisition of Equipment for Satyajit Ray Film and
Television Institute, Kolkata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9. Acquisition of Equipment for Film and
Television Institute, Pune 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10. Acquisition of Equipment for CBFC 5800 0 5800 4000 0 4000 1399 0 1399
11. Upgradation of Print Unit in DFF 3000 0 3000 100 0 100 0 0 0
12. Electronic Media Monitoring Centre - Machinery
& Equipment 71000 0 71000 71000 0 71000 55000 0 55000
13. Acquisition of Equipments for Publications Division 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14.. Acquisition of Equipments for Employment News 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
B] Buildings
15. Multi storeyed building for Films Division -
Major Works 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16. Setting up Museum of Moving Images (FD)
Major Works 50000 0 50000 2000 0 2000 1752 0 1752
17. Construction of Nitrate Vaults/Staff Quarters for NFAI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
18. Construction of Phase II Building for NFAI Complex 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19. Film Festival Complex - Additions and alterations -
Major Works 40000 0 40000 40000 0 40000 39805 0 39805
20. Setting up of Film & Television Institute at Kolkata -
Acquisition of Land & Construction of Building 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
21. Soochna Bhawan building - Major Works 35300 0 35300 35300 0 35300 17620 0 17620

(Rs. in thousand)

Name of Media Units B.E. 2008-2009 R.E. 2008-2009 Actuals 2008-09

Plan Non - Plan Total Plan Non -Plan Total Plan Non - Plan Total
22. Construction of office & Residential Accommodation
for Field Publicity - Major Works 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
23. Setting up of National Press Centre and
Mini Media Centre for PIB 43700 0 43700 43700 0 43700 0 0 0
24. Construction of Building for Press Council of India 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
25. Building & Housing project of IIMC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
26. Building & Towers for Private FM Radio Stations 1000 0 1000 1000 0 1000 1000 0 1000
27. Setting up of Institute of Mass Media (FD) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
28. Electronic Media Monitoring Centre - Major Works 4000 0 4000 4000 0 4000 0 0 0
National Film Development Corporation 80000 0 80000 100 0 100 0 0 0
Total - Capital Section Major Head ‘4220’ 349300 0 349300 216700 0 216700 130728 0 130728
Loans for Information & Publicity (Major Head - 6220)
Films (Sub Major Head)
Loans to Public Sector and undertakings
(Minor Head)
National Film Development Corporation
Loans and Advances 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Loans for Broadcasting (Major Head - 6221)
Loans to public Sector and Other Undertakings
Prasar Bharati
Loans and Advances 3264000 0 3264000 2616600 0 2616600 2383100 0 2383100
Capital outlay on North East Areas other expenditure
Project/Scheme for benefit of North Eastern Region
and Sikkim (Major Head - 4552)
Acquisition of Equipment for Directorate of Field Publicity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Capital outlay on North East Areas other expenditure
Project/Scheme for benefit of North Eastern Region
and Sikkim (Major Head - 6552)
Prasar Bharati 510000 0 510000 396100 0 396100 0 0 0
Total - Capital Section 4123300 0 4123300 3229400 0 3229400 2513828 0 2513828
Total - Demand No. 59 7000000 12100700 19100700 6000000 14250700 20250700 4246517 14418286 18664803

(Rs. in thousand)
Name of Media Units/Activity B.E. 2009-2010
Plan Non-Plan Total
Revenue Section
Major Head-‘2251’-Secretariat Social Services
1. Main Sectt. (including PAO) 135000 394900 529900
Major Head-‘2205’-Art & Culture Certification of
Cinematographic films for public exhibition
2. Central Board of Film Certification 13500 56000 69500
3. Film Certification Appellate Tribunal 0 2000 2000
Total Major Head-‘2205’ 13500 58000 71500
Major Head-‘2220’-Information, Films & Publicity
4. Films Division 63000 378900 441900
5. Directorate of Film Festivals 42700 75700 118400
6. National Film Archive of India 40000 25200 65200
7. Grants-in-aid to Satyajit Ray F.&T.I.., Kolkata 70000 60000 130000
8. Grants-in-aid to Children’s Film Society of India (CFSI) 40000 11200 51200
9. Grants-in-aid to Film & Television Institute of India, Pune 60000 95000 155000
10. Grants-in-aid to Film Societies 0 0 0
11. Electronic Media Monitoring Centre 0 48000 48000
12. Research, Reference & Training Division 11800 20000 31800
13. Grants-in-aid to IIMC 7000 50000 57000
14. Directorate of Advertising & Visual Publicity 268800 648700 917500
15. Press Information Bureau 190300 342200 532500
16. Grants-in-aid to Press Council of India 0 35000 35000
17. Subsidy in lieu of Interest on loan to PTI 0 0 0
18. Payment for Pro. & Spl. Services 0 100 100
19. Transfer to Journalists Welfare Fund 0 0 0
20. Directorate of Field Publicity 4900 412700 417600
21. Song and Drama Division 40000 200200 240200
22. Publications Division 1900 241400 243300
23. Employment News 500 285900 286400
24. Registrar of Newspapers for India 1700 39100 40800
25. Photo Division 7000 33500 40500
26. Contribution to International programme for the Development of Communication 0 1400 1400
27. Contribution to Asia Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development 0 2000 2000
Total: Major Head-‘2220’ 849600 3006200 3855800
Total: Major Head 2251, 2205 and 2220 998100 3459100 4457200

(Rs. in thousand)
Name of Media Units/Activity B.E. 2009-2010
Plan Non-Plan Total
Broadcasting (Major Head - 2221)
Sound Broadcasting (Sub Major Head)
Direction and Administration (Minor Head)
Salaries 100 100 200
Television (Sub Major Head)
Salaries 100 100 200
General (Sub Major Head)
Prasar Bharati (Minor Head)
Grants-in-aid 2131900 14221400 16353300
Total - Broadcasting 2132100 14221600 16353700
North Eastern Area other expenditure scheme for the
benefit of North Eastern Region & Sikkim
Lump Sum Provision (Major Head - 2552) 389700 0 389700
Total - Revenue Section 3519900 17680700 21200600

(Rs. in thousand)
Name of Media Units B.E. 2009-2010
Plan Non-Plan Total
A. Capital Section
1. Acquisition of Equipment for Films Division 0 0 0
2. Acquisition of Equipment for Press Information Bureau 0 0 0
3. Acquisition of Equipment for Directorate of Field Publicity 8500 0 8500
4. Acquisition of Equipment for Song and Drama Division 500 0 500
5. Acquisition of Equipment for Photo Division 0 0 0
6. Acquisition of Equipment for Main Sectt. 0 0 0
7. Acquisition of Equipment for Indian Institute of Mass Communication 10000 0 10000
8. Acquisition of Equipment for Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute, Kolkata 0 0 0
9. Acquisition of Equipment for Film and Television Institute, Pune 0 0 0
10. Acquisition of Equipment for CBFC 5000 0 5000
11. Upgradation of Print Unit in DFF 100 0 100
12. Electronic Media Monitoring Centre - Machinery & Equipment 18000 0 18000
13. Acquisition of Equipments for Publications Division 1000 0 1000
14. Acquisition of Equipments for Employment News 100 0 100
B. Buildings
15. Multi storeyed building for Films Division - Major Works 0 0 0
16. Setting up Museum of Moving Images (FD) Major Works 125000 0 125000
17. Construction of Nitrate Vaults/Staff Quarters for NFAI 0 0 0
18. Construction of Phase II Building for NFAI Complex 0 0 0
19. Film Festival Complex - Additions and alterations - Major Works 39000 0 39000
20. Setting up of Film & Television Institutte at Kolkata -
Acquisition of Land & Construction of Building 0 0 0
21. Soochna Bhawan Building - Major Works 100000 0 100000
22. Construction of Office & Residential Accommodation for Field Publicity - Major Works 0 0 0
23. Setting up of National Press Centre and Mini Media Centre for PIB 50000 0 50000
24. Construction of Building for Press Council of India 0 0
25. Building & Housing project of IIMC 20000 0 20000
26. Building & Towers for Private FM Radio Stations 32000 0 32000
27. Setting up of Institute of Mass Media (FD) 0 0 0
28. Electronic Media Monitoring Centre - Major Works 2000 0 2000
National Film Development Corporation 100 0 100
Total - Capital Section Major Head ‘4220’ 411300 0 411300

(Rs. in thousand)
Name of Media Units B.E. 2009-2010
Plan Non-Plan Total

Loans for Information & Publicity (Major Head - 6220)

Films (Sub Major Head)
Loans to Public Sector and undertakings
(Minor Head)
National Film Development Corporation
Loans and Advances 0 0 0
Loans for Broadcasting (Major Head - 6221)
Loans to public Sector and Other Undertakings
Prasar Bharati
Loans and Advances 3558400 0 3558400
Capital outlay on North East Areas, other expenditure
Project/Scheme for benefit of North Eastern Region
and Sikkim (Major Head - 4552)
Acquisition of Equipment for Directorate of Field Publicity 900 0 900
Capital outlay on North East Areas, other expenditure
Project/Scheme for benefit of North Eastern Region
and Sikkim (Major Head - 6552)
Prasar Bharati 509500 0 509500
Total - Capital Section 4480100 0 4480100
Total - Demand No. 59 8000000 17680700 25680700

Object-head wise classification
(Rs. in thousand)

Description Budget Revised Actuals Budget Revised Actuals Budget Revised Actuals Budget
Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2006-2007 2006-2007 2006-2007 2007-2008 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010
Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan
Revenue Section
Voted 580 942690 610 946331 410 896984 1850 966179 470 965531 247 927023 1200 977181 700 1423481 0 1403383 3450 1798750
Charged 0 0 0 0 0
Wages 0 6405 0 7000 0 6379 0 7185 0 27043 0 5784 384 26529 0 26419 0 8168 340 36210
O.T.A. 0 8250 0 7865 0 7472 300 8230 100 8411 50 7601 20 8406 0 7588 0 6770 70 8565
Medical Expenses 20 26525 20 26235 12 19224 150 28575 5 27943 0 19956 300 27160 0 25549 0 19663 300 29495
Domestic Travel Exp. 7775 40276 3725 42730 4436 38761 5520 43260 4345 45868 3609 41532 5699 47238 2699 43411 1688 40701 6500 48980
Foreign Travel Exp. 3500 4725 2000 5000 1105 6192 3400 5250 3200 7250 2118 5129 3950 8000 3950 7200 178 7017 10200 7550
Office Expenses 38421 140630 39491 147560 31235 142108 8970 140880 26523 171463 25673 160307 59476 172908 42680 170723 42881 169620 59840 192240
Rent,Rates & Taxes
Voted 1650 35627 300 36053 1122 31531 1600 35191 1600 34791 1435 24327 1600 35933 1600 29838 1047 26487 1600 30830
Charged 0 300 0 300 0 100 0 300 0 300 0 0 0 300 0 300 0 0 0 300
Publications 0 23600 0 29620 0 34383 0 28900 0 39650 0 38929 0 34450 0 41105 0 41225 0 36750
Bank Cash
Transaction Tax 0 295 0 433 0 148 0 440 0 213 0 105 0 160 0 20 0 56 0 10
Other Administrative
Exp. 5500 9000 4850 8800 1919 9654 1790 8850 3930 11992 2901 12431 21860 12340 21860 11796 14063 10744 114700 15170
Supplies & Materials 14200 287050 10139 250850 9593 246076 7245 254300 9345 213700 7610 219301 11900 259060 11900 233214 5497 223749 12600 261400
P.O.L. 0 14750 0 15250 0 15427 400 16300 600 17040 749 15196 0 17840 0 16060 0 14956 900 18455
Advertising & Publicity 23300 535845 228900 634250 13448 598771 235070 553100 238779 278600 261791 277652 277300 462800 551500 421515 554674 596594 336450 497520
Minor Works 0 68310 0 47600 0 54647 49500 0 55012 0 47252 0 52312 0 59927 0 63454 0 74190
Professional Services 47950 20899 47950 28350 59330 26880 35600 40460 24925 47795 28778 47543 117800 47225 101100 51980 100244 50758 128300 56330
Grants-in-aid 3070910 9540293 2576027 9573565 2606907 8862409 1199200 9796790 1158300 10061060 1316680 9961359 1997371 9839265 1502471 11606875 894000 11662866 2308900 14473105
Contributions 0 3400 0 2780 0 2676 0 3400 0 3400 0 2486 0 3400 0 3400 0 3110 0 3400
Subsidies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lumpsum Provision 464600 1200 464777 908 0 525 205190 1200 190190 1200 0 818 179640 1200 336040 1500 0 1381 389700 2000
Other Charges 68400 40630 116000 39020 105191 29182 105030 38810 101180 67738 105384 47867 189300 53993 189300 51929 118290 51582 140650 57530
Inter Account Transfer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Information &
Technology 0 0 0 0 0 0 8485 12000 8385 14700 526 13733 8900 13000 4800 16870 127 16002 5400 31920
Central Monitoring
Services 58500 30000 20000 200 0 0 29000 30000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 3805306 11780700 3514789 11850700 2834708 11029529 1848800 12069100 1771877 12100700 1757551 11876331 2876700 12100700 2770600 14250700 1732689 14418286 3519900 17680700

(Rs. in thousand)

Description Budget Revised Actuals Budget Revised Actuals Budget Revised Actuals Budget
Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2006-2007 2006-2007 2006-2007 2007-2008 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010
Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan

Capital Section
Machinery &
Equipment 118594 0 118811 0 100798 0 6700 0 37034 0 33304 0 95300 0 90600 0 70551 0 43200 0
Major Works 344300 0 199700 0 101088 0 214100 0 82689 0 82673 0 174000 0 126000 0 60177 0 368000 0
Investments 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80000 0 100 0 0 0 100 0
Loan & Advances 0 0 0 0 150000 0 31000 0 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Loans to Prasar Bharati 457100 0 411100 0 400200 0 2174400 0 1667400 0 2107400 0 3264000 0 2616600 0 2383100 0 3558400 0
for the benefit of North 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 510000 0 396100 0 0 0 510400 0
East & Sikkim 654700 0 505600 0 0 0 475000 0 440000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1574694 0 1235211 0 752086 0 2901200 0 2228123 0 2223377 0 4123300 0 3229400 0 2513828 0 4480100 0

Grand Total 5380000 11780700 4750000 11850700 3586794 11029529 4750000 12069100 4000000 12100700 3980928 11876331 7000000 12100700 6000000 14250700 4246517 14418286 8000000 17680700

Autonomous Institutions-wise Classification
(Rs. in thousand)

Description Budget Revised Actuals Budget Revised Actuals Budget Revised Actuals Budget
Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2006-2007 2006-2007 2006-2007 2007-2008 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010
Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan

Film Society 52130 1500 34600 4000 24450 3000 27100 4200 27100 8400 26398 8400 40000 8400 40000 9700 40000 9700 40000 11200

Film &
Institute (R) 3000 68200 3000 67236 2732 67236 62100 70515 62100 82500 61282 82500 80000 77500 56900 93267 54400 93267 60000 95000

of India, Pune (C) 20511 0 20511 0 20511 0 0 0 0 0

Satyajit Ray Film

& Television (R) 27900 48500 27900 49039 22075 48159 77700 50735 37700 60030 37700 60030 80000 50735 80000 52580 40000 52100 70000 60000

Institute, Kolkata (C) 51500 0 51500 0 51500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Indian Institute
of Mass (R) 3980 40000 2800 37600 2650 36321 1000 39500 100 45000 0 44982 10000 39500 100 47994 0 46030 7000 50000
Communication (C) 9370 0 8200 0 7582 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10000 0

(C) 2500 0 2500 0 2500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20000 0

Press Council
of India 0 23153 0 23050 0 21428 0 23700 0 25500 0 23682 0 26300 0 31604 0 31604 0 35000

Prasar Bharati 2981900 9358400 2505727 9392100 2555000 8685900 1031300 9607600 1031300 9839100 1191300 9741400 1787571 9636500 1325671 11371225 759600 11429800 2131900 14221400

(Rs. in lakh)

Name Grants released during Unspent Balance (if any)

2006-2007 2007-2008 2006-2007 2007-2008
Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan Plan Non-Plan

Children’s Film Society 244.51 30.00 263.98 84.00 2.02 Nil 20.00 Nil

Film & Television

Institute of India, Pune 232.44 672.36 620.00 825.00 7.18 Nil 13.71 Nil

Satyajit Ray Film &

Television Institute, Kolkata 739.66 481.59 377.00 600.30 125.93 19.47 90.55 67.53

Indian Institute of Mass

Communication 127.31 363.21 Nil 423.89 2.70 25.93 Nil 10.09

Press Council of India Nil 214.00 Nil 236.00 Nil 0.18 Nil 0.31

Prasar Bharati 25550.00 87818.00 11913.00 97414.00 2703.00** Nil Nil Nil

*This amount has been refunded by Prasar Bharati through cheque no. 050415, dated 28.12.2007 and the same has been deposited to PAO.




The broad physical and financial performance achieved by CFSI has already been given in the Chapter IV and V. As reported therein, the
performance of the Organization is found to be satisfactory and the Government is in agreement with the report submitted by CFSI.


The working of the Institute is monitored by the Government from time-to-time, while releasing instalment of Grants-in-aid and also during
meetings of the Governing Council. The broad physical and financial performance of the Institute is given in Chapter-IV. As reported therein, the
performance of the organisation is found to bhe satisfactory.

The working of the Institute is monitored by the Government from time to time, while releasing instalment of Grants-in-aid, during meetings
of the Governing Council, Standing Finance Committee etc., which inter-alia include Government’s representatives. In the light of the Annual
Report and Audited Statement of Accounts of the Institute, its performance has been found to be on the whole satisfactory.

A Committee under the Chairmanship of Shri R. K. Mishra had reviewed the performance of IIMC in 1996. In 2003, a Committee was
constituted to review the performance of the Institute which however, could not give any report despite meetings on several occasions. In the 11th
Plan, there is a proposal to convert IIMC into International Media University. To draw the road-map for achieving this goal, the Institute appointed
Ed. CIL (Education Consultant of India Ltd.) as Consultants. Ed. CIL has since submitted DPR (Detailed Project Report) for converting IIMC into
International Media University. The study conducted by Ed. CIL meets the purpose of review of IIMC and the DPR is being examined by the


Press Council of India is a statutory autonomous body. During deliberations on the ERC Recommendations in the Ministry it was felt that
keeping in mind the nature of Press Council of India, which is a self regulatory body of the Press, such a review would neither be appropriate nor is
another ‘Peer Body’ available to review it. The above decision was also conveyed to Ministry of Finance while communicating this Ministry’s
response on the ERC’s Report on autonomous institutions of this Ministry.

The performance of the Press Council is however directly reviewed by the Parliament though the Annual Report laid before it.


The Prasar Bharati (Broadcasting Corporation of India) is the Public Service Broadcaster in the country, with All India Radio and Doordarshan
as its two constituents. It came into existence on 23rd November, 1997 with a mandate to organize and conduct public broadcasting services to
inform, educate and entertain the public and to ensure a balanced development of broadcasting in the country.

The broad physical and financial performance achieved by All India Radio during the year 2007-08 and 2008-09 has been already given in
the Chapter-IV. As reported therein, the performance of the organization is found to be satisfactory and the Government is in agreement with the
report submitted by All India Radio.


The Prasar Bharati (Broadcasting Corporation of India) is the Public service broadcaster in the country, with All India Radio and Doordarshn
as its two constituents. It came into existence on 23 November, 1997 with a mandate to organize and conduct public broadcasting services to inform,
educate and entertain the public and to ensure a balanced development of broadcasting in the country.

The broad physical and financial performance achieved by Doordarshan and All India Radio during the year 2007-08 and 2008-09 have
been already given in the chapter IV. As reported therein, the performance of the organization is found to be satisfactory and the Government is in
agreement with the report submitted by Doordarshan.


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