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Saturday, March 5, 2011

RGV Thought Process


attention:-Everything I do is only for attention

Altruism:-In the name of altruism if anybody preaches self sacrifice he is either the
state or he wants to be the state-ayn rand

AynRand:Not to be guilty of what you want.and freedom of expression and to be clear about
what exactly makes you feel good and percieve that

anger:- By getting angry on the causes of anger within me rather than getting angry on the
person who is causing it.

Anger:-The visible aspect of anger is stupid and weak because it exposes itself and hence alert
the opponent.

Anger:-Anger is too valuable an emotion and I don’t like giving it away. I keep it within me
and use it to study the psychological aspects of why I am feeling the anger. I have realized
that it’s far more worthwhile to study the anger in you and understand what is causing it
rather than wasting it on the subject you are angry with.

Achivers:-Achievers stretch their vision nd imagination til breakng point. Failures go beyond nd
break.most just hate achvrs nd gloat ovr the failed

Achivers:-Achievers take the struggle path as a process nd strugglers treat the path to
achievement as a pain

Achivers:-People who struggle will never achieve and people who achieved wud hav never struggled

advice:- The only advice I will give you is not to ask advice.

advice:-To understand that the onus is on you to get a film and not on someone else to give it
to you

advice:-That is because for us human beings advises are the only property we have so much of
which no matter how many of them we give away we will be still rich.

attitude:-It’s about having a specific personal point of view towards everything.

attitude:-The question isn’t who is going to let me: It’s who is going to stop me?

attitude:-To do that you should want to, on a 24 hours basis, have sex,fuck and make love to

Affairs:-Affairs are between men and women,there jobs are altogether a different matter.

affair:-affair is where the couple work towards each other.

anarchic:-If your not abiding by the moral values or existing systems and you have your take on
it and you are taking about entire system from that definition definetly i am.But still think its

Actions:-Actions come from an idea and reaction comes from its after effect.

atheist:-Because I can go ahead and commit as many sins as I want without getting scared.

atheist:-I believe it takes more faith and persistence to become an atheist

association:-That’s because the majority can only see things by association and not by and for

arrogance:-arrogance is not caring about knowing.

answer:-I only answer what is worth answering.

achivement:-I think there’s no such thing as achievement for the simple reason that as soon as
you achieve it its boring. It’s the run towards it is what is exciting.


Beauty:-beauty depends on individual interpretation.

bother:-I want to reply to anybody who bothers me.

Beauty:-Beauty pleases your senses

beauty:-Something which pleases my senses.

Beauty:-Beauty might be skin deep but anyday I would prefer that to a bottomless soul

Birth-days:-The obsession for birthdays most primarily comes from an intense fear of an
individual that his or her existence might not matter to anybody else. So at least on that one
particular day if an X number of people greet, it will make you feel like a star at least for
that day and then you can wait like a nobody for another year to go by to become a star for yet
another one day.

I consider a greeting for my birthday as a truly ugly reminder that I am getting that much older
and that much more nearer to death and consequently I have that much less time to do whatever I
want to do.

Birthday:-Low self esteem people constantly wanting there identity to put out there.

birthdays:-I hate birthdays weddings and funerals in that order

Belief:-If you have your strong view pint.Opposite reactions will come.If you are believing in
something if someone suddenly comes and says its wrong or threatens your system of belief you
try to defend it.So anyone who threatens our belief you will develop a animosity towards him.

Belief:-Our belief will translate to the people who we believe in.

Belief-system:-Based on that input we will keep developing a personality, and then at some
point of time we tend to close the gates of our mind for new thoughts which is when we start
having convictions and belief systems and from then on we start having a conflict with anyone
who opposes

Belief-System:-The reason he and lots of others would not see logic and understand an analysis
is that if they really got the point of what I am saying it will almost erase their identity and
whatever they have built up till then in their lives and they would be left with a vacant mind
which they cannot afford. So they start defending their beliefs violently shutting off all sanity
and that’s how radicals are born.

boredom:- Boredom is a function of a dead mind. Since my mind is hyper active 24×7. I don’t
ever feel bored. All boredom comes to only those who wait for things to happen to them. Men who
want to make things happen can never ever feel bored.

boredom:-Boredom comes only to those who wait fr things to happen. For the ones who make things
happen the can nvr be boredom

bore:-No. I only bore… many times through my films and sometimes in person.

brains:-No idle brain ever remains idle..it just will be devilishly busy trying to out smart the so
cald active brains

blame:-Because blaming yourself can result in loss of identity especially if you don’t have the
intelligence to understand your failure. Most blame others as they can still hope and they will
be very happy in doing so because they won’t know that their hope is false due to the lack of
their intelligence.

book:-Reading a book is like visiting another person’s world. The more worlds you visit the
more richer you become in your insights.

book:-Both, as books make you understand experiences and experiences make you understand books.

brilliance:-brilliance is the outcome of being intelligent.

begining:-only if you realize the value and understand the meaning of a beginning.

burden:-Maybe you are right but that is also the reason I became what I am.

begining:-Every beginning will have an inbuilt end nd all endings will have multiple


compassion:-a Lot.

comedy:-People get comedy when someone gets tragedy.

clarity:-Only because I have clarity in thoughts I contradict myself.

common sense:-There's nothing common about common sense

children:-I dislike children becos I was once a child nd I know first hand how bad I was

celebrity:-A celebrity is a person who chases fame all his life nd runs out of the back
door once he gets it

celebrities:-The only levellers for celebrities are airports..irrespective of their status they
all hav to walk nd fr mst that's the only walking they do

celebrities:-Celebrities must be having tonnes nd tonnes of love for them to be giving

it away like loose change

Choice:-You are a guy who makes choices to choose from, instead of choosing from available

choice:-Can you comment on “choice is the attribute of the strong”.

I would say that, only when you make choices is when you become strong.

complaing:-Complaining about problems makes nobodys nd solving problems makes somebodies

complain:-The one who works the least is the one who complains the most about getting tired

Creativity:-Creativity is a spontaneous burst of Ideas

creativity:-Anybody who does not let God or society or his parents or his teachers fill his head
with crap is bound to be creative.

conversations:-I am not into “How is the weather” kind of conversations.

cause:-But the people are seeing the effect of them and making judgments on them whereas only I
know the cause of what made that happen.

cult-followings:-In CF you dont know what he is speaking.But because of liking towards him you
decides to follow him.

Character:- I do what i like.

care:-I dont care the other person thoughts but i may care their emotions.

carelessness:-I am not careless.Because i speak frank people may think i am carless.By

understanding that we cannot do anything more by caring where my carelessness comes.

careless:-I became careless only after philosophizing because I realized through it that caring
is what which creates expectations and consequently disappointments.

choclates:-I dont like choclates.

Country:-Like other various countries men who shout mera poland mahaan mera bangla desh mahaan
mera pakistan mahaan let's shout mera bhaarat mahaan

country:-Is Obamas speech great because he praised India or is India great because Obama
praised it?

Country:-would like to see to which country obama wil go nd won't praise that country

country:-Its just that we won't care what he says about other countries like other
countries won't care about what he says about our country

conscience :I believe that our life is nothing but a conflict between wanting to and having to
and in between lies the conscience. So if you get rid of your conscience you can live a life as
pure as that of an animal.

confidence:-confidence is about your belief in it.

consious:-When you tell a girl that you love her that could be coming from your conscious mind

care:-Since I don’t care for anyone who cares for me, I don’t care for anyone who wants to know
if anybody cares for me.

confusion:- confusion is because of your inability in getting the point and if I yet seem to
make sense it could be because of your overall belief in me.

crisis management:-I let the situations handle me first and going by the subsequent situations
they put me in i twist and turn them with respect to my oncoming situations.

copy:-the only thing I do is copy both myself and others again and again and again while
originals like you do nothing but get obsessive about us copiers. Incidentally I like that song
very much and wanted to take it to a different audience.

cult following:-The other kind of fans who stick on to their idols irrespective of their work
are those who strike a self identity with a feeling of belonging to the said celebrity.

cry:-Only weaklings cry! I psyched myself to feel like Superman.

confidence:-Just by being plain arrogant. If you are successful people will call it confidence.

Cheap:-When publicity comes cheap why should I pay for it?

Civilization:-Civilization comes from Commercialization

chance:-Hello, I don’t give chances. I only take chances. Also it primarily depends on good
imagination in whose view and secondly if there is space under the umbrella.

change:- Nobody can teach anyone nor can anyone make anyone think. The change has to come from
within your assumed core value systems and that change will come due to a variety of
experiences you will go through in your life of which my thoughts on this blog could be
just one

change:-everybody wants change but nobody brings it

controversy:-controversy helps to drive the attention where as things work only on merit.

courage:-bear the consequences of the decisions you took

clear:-We are always unclear about being clear


death:-No. But I love life too much.

decision:-If you have identified your goal and do really want to reach it you should start
running immediately and be ready to fall or go out of breath or suffer pain in your legs and
atleast you would reach somewhere. But what you definitely should not do is ponder over what
if you fall, what if you go out of breath or what if you suffer pain in your legs as then you
will reach nowhere.

decision:-U tke a dcsn nd thn life tks anthr dcsn nd thn u tke anthr dcsn on lifes dcsn..thus
cycle of u on top of life nd life on top of u continues

decision:-A good or a bad decision one can only knw aftr the result.so its better to take
decisions nd not think of the result

decision:-the prblm is tht u wil knw whthr its a betr dcsn or worse dcsn only aftr the result

decision:-There's no such thing as a right decision ..we just need to keep on taking decisions
nd hope that some of them will turn out to be right

decision:-My life only belongs to things that I decide because even if life decides some things
for me, I immediately decide something else on top of life’s decisions so that they again
become my decisions. The bottom line is that, I don’t listen to life.

decision:-The most difficult decisions in life are about which bridges to cross nd which
bridges to burn.

decisions:-No one can make decisions right. We can just keep on making them till they turn out

Decision:-Even if you end up nowhere you should have the capability in you to make that nowhere
into a somewhere.

decision:-I said I constantly keep making decisions irrespective of their consequences.

desision:-I wud say not one way but in ur own decision of hw u want to live whch cud be in many ways

Death:-Many people die much before they actually die and only some people keep getting born many
times before they die. The worst lot are the ones who are already dead but still scared of death.

Death:-u close ur eyes nd the world ceases to exist.

death:-I don’t care about the existence of mankind starting from one second after I die.
The world as I know will die after my death.

death:-The best way to die is to marry the one you are living with

death:-Anything which is certain cannot be a tragedy and death is a certainty. It’s life which
is uncertain and hence full of tragedies.

death:-Without death there's no meaning to life

death:-Everyone wants to go to heaven nd nobody wants to die

destiny:-Anything which I can’t control I will call it destiny. But for the same reason that I
can’t control it I don’t waste my time and energy thinking about it.

Destiny:-For me the biggest failures in life are those who cite destiny, luck and chance. Sure
enough the very fact that we are not in control of things is proof enough that there exist
extraneous factors which control us whether they are God, devil, destiny, astrology, planets,
numerology etc etc or whatever else they might be. But the very fact that they are not in our
control itself is proof enough for us not to waste our time and energy on them and instead
concentrate on what is in our control.

dumb:-Its incredible tht no matter what u say nd hw clearly u say people will still hear only
what they want to hear

dumbness:-dumbness is knowing and not understanding

dumbass:A dumbass is a man who never gets it no matter how many more words are used than
necessary as he simply does not have the capacity to get it
Deal:-If they like they watch,If the dont they never watch thats the business deal between maker
and audience.

Day:-A beautiful day depends on what happens to u that day..hw only weather can make it one
beats me

Dare:-Only when u dare to go into a path no ones ever been into do u have a chance of reaching
smewhere no ones ever been into

dare:-Such is life that very few dare to climb the cliff nd the majority wait for them to fall

Doing things:-In reality most people act and do things out of compulsion by others or within
themselves rather than really wanting to do so.

Destination:-There cannot be a final destination ever as life should be constantly travelling

till death. So the moment you reach your cherished destination you have to set your goal on a
new destination.

difficulty:-well difficulty is always in ones own mind

Difficulties:-Difficulties and hardships are a state of mind

devotee:-More than what God is or not, I began to understand how dumb devotees are, and hence I
became an atheist.

doomsday:-Forget 2012. I don’t have time to think about Today. Also I believe that every end is
only a new beginning.

Desire:-Desire is a wish to possess something

defensive:-My tough guy image is just a façade, a defensive mechanism I created for myself to
escape hurt.

Dream:-I live to dream.

Dream:-To realise our dreams the least we need to do is to keep waking up


Effected:-Because i understand human psycholozy I dont get effected by any contraversies

Exposure:-Any amount of exposure to whatever helps subject to a judicious use of your time and

Emotion:-Emotions dominate logic.

I also know that, Sir. All I am saying is that if we can learn to control our emotions through
our logic we can relish our emotions better.

Emotion:-Emotions primarily depend upon your own self worth of your own power. Like for
instance you wont get angry with Dawood Ibrahim as fast as you will get angry with your
servant. Similarly you won’t fall in love with Britney Spears as easily as with a girl who
lives down the street. So emotions largely depend upon power and access.

Emotion:-I am very emotional towards emotions and I act emotions towards emotional people.

Emotion:-A controlled emotion is like a self induced drug. We can use it in the right desired
doses for the right desired effect.

Effect:-If effect gets registred people will talk about it.

Effect:-Effect comes only from twisting.

Experiment:-If Trying new is experiment,repating the same is bigger Experiment.

eyes:-eyes are a window to the mind unless they are of a good actor

education:-There's nothing more uneducated than an educated guess

eccentric:-I am basically a loner both in my thoughts and deeds and I understand that a loner is
many times considered mad by most.

Expectations:-your work will make you feel alive and the others expectations keep killing you.

Experience:- The only thing you need to direct, is the clarity of your own vision and the
ability to communicate it to your cast and crew. Experience has got nothing to do with it.

Experience:-Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want


Family:-I am not a family man.Because of my selfish nature i always think about myself.

Family:-I can't undrstand the concept of going fr a holiday with the family..a holiday in its
best intention shud be to get away frm the family

Fear:-My quest is to understand the core of that instinct so that I can ride on it instead of it
riding me.

Fear:-Belief in God I believe primarily comes out of fear because we have an overwhelming need
to feel safe and we will never truly trust our family or the society or the police or the
Government to protect us. Hence we are compelled to believe in a force which we desperately
want to protect us in every which way and that is where God comes in and in order to feel the
power of God we have no choice but to invent and pit his power against a counter point and thus
evil forces like demons and black magic are invented.

Fear:-I would describe fear as a feeling which comes out of being threatened with either
emotional or physical violence, and it gets magnified especially if it comes from an unknown or
an un-understandable source.If you truly understand the mechanics and the motivations of the
force which is threatening you,you won’t be half as scared.

fear:-Fear comes out of not wanting to lose. It can be of losing life, of losing money, of
losing comfort etc. The secret is to enjoy all of them but never to want to possess them.
The day you can let go of anything of what you think should be yours is the day you can
conquer fear.

fear:-By making a horror film because then you can study fear instead of feeling it.

Fear:-By not valuing anything including your life and taking every moment of your life one at a
time and living it to the fullest.

Fear:-Fear is what you feel when you are alone in the night

Friends:-I improve my friends circle by not letting them come into my circle

friendship:-Probably someone you can rely on for a physical or an emotional support or spend
your free time with. Since I don’t seek support in any which way I don’t have friends with
regard to that and my free time I spend with my vodka and sex so in that context my only 2
true friends are vodka and sex.

Friendship:-Ideal friendship fr me is that others should have me as a friend but I don't want
others as friends

I don't want to have a friend who's in need but when I have a need I want a friend in deed

If a friend is in need I wont be a friend in deed but when I am in need I want a friend indeed

Anyway snce wrld is nt knwn 2 do nythng logical.. to whomever concerned fr whatever reasons I
wish nt jst a day bt a life ful of friendship

Wht cn b special fr one day in the definition of friendship? Do they remember the frst day they
met nd hold hands nd luk into ech othrs eyes

Will friends celebrating friendshipday today will hug nd make love or what?

On this one day friendship increases nd then will go down from tmrw or what?
Never ever had a friend and I never ever felt a need for a friend

Fact:Fact is what happened, Truth is the way it’s perceived and Real is its effect.

facts:-There are no facts, only interpretations

fact:-Your own perception and interpretation.

failure:-The reason for that is, I never take anything as a failure.Others see the effect and I
would analyze the cause and the moment you truly understand the cause your failure will become
your strength and the new found knowledge will lead you to your success.

failure:-When you stop trying to be successful.

failure:-to blame someone else fr our flops is the worst kind of failure

food:-I find thinking and talking about food the most stupidest way of spending your time.

food:-I hate food.I cant stand for it.

fans:-That’s because those types of fans start having an identity in belonging to that star and
the star belonging to them. Hence the star’s failure they will take it as their failure.
They will just be there as long as your work interests or entertains them.

Fans:-Fans are mainly fans of their own fanship rather than the fans of whom they claim to be fans

fan:-Everybody else’s importance is as per their individual contribution to my own personal

gratification. Their work I admire in direct relationship to what it is doing to me and the
day their works cease to add to my life they will disappear from my mind and life but my mind
and life will continue to exist and seek newer pastures.

fans:-Every human being lives for himself and for his own gratification alone.

Feeling:-A feeling can be neither vulgar nor aesthetic. A feeling is a feeling.

feelings:-feelings control us.

Feelings:-The difference between feelings nd thoughts is that we control thoughts nd

feelings control us

Fame:-Money is never paid to talent or work. It’s paid to the names who get people to buy tickets.

fame:-fame is also not directly proportional to greatness.

Fame:-fame is how many more others recognize your name.

Focus:-To do that you should want to, on a 24 hours basis, have sex, fuck and make love to films.

Fucking:-Fucking is an intense experience which borders on a feeling of wanting to conquer or


Flop:-a flop is nothing but a decision going wrong

follow:-I never follow anybody. I just study their behinds.

functions:-I get bored with civil conversations.I cant stand converstions like Hi,hello,
how are you?.So to avoid them i dont go to functions.

Fasination:-fasination is nothing but looking up and following them.


god:-u ar right that god is not partial but going by the things he does he is definitley dumb

god:-We believe tht only God makes everything happen..but whn things go wrong we will blame
every1 except God
god:-Ppl believe that god is the only entity who can make anything happen.yet when things don't
happen they blame evryone else except God

god:-God fearing people are to be more feared than god.

god:-The bottomline truth is that Man created god and god created none

god:-Who ever created something which i cant are gods for me.They are relative gods.

god:-Its incredible that in spite of having 100s nd 1000s of gods we still again want to divide
them into little krishnas big krishnas etc

god:-To al those sending prayers 2 sufferers of 26/11 nd wishing god to be wth them
my question is why the hell dint he stop it in the 1st place?

god:-Yes if it is just believing in God you are not loosing anything. But if you practice what
come along with it and get affected physically, emotionally or intellectually then there is
plenty to lose.

When I was shooting near Tirupati a few of my assistants asked me that they want to go to the
temple. I asked them why they think God has given more to an atheist like me than to devotees
like them. There was no answer. I am sure that there will be answers to this from a variety of
believers but the point here is my assistants don’t know and yet they wanted to give attendance
in the temple. I think that’s because deep inside they were scared God will make a note that
they didn’t come.

Whenever people feel a seeming injustice has been done like somebody unscrupulous becoming more
successful than a God-fearing devotee the believers jump up and for lack of an explanation and
throw in the Karma theory at them.

The Karma theory says that based on what you have done in your past birth you will enjoy or
suffer in this birth.

Let me put this more simply. Let’s say you as a kid have done something wrong and your father
waits for 20 years and then slaps you. That would be stupid because you would have forgotten
what you have done by that time.

In the Karma theory it’s not even 20 years but it’s your next birth where you can’t even know
who you were and what you did in the last birth. (Talk about delayed justice and then we have
the nerve to complain about the delay in our criminal courts).

Belief in God comes from a desperate hope that something or someone out there will protect
you in every which way and also can give you whatever you desire.

You can be distrustful and suspicious of your own Government, the people you work for and your
own friends and family but you cannot afford to be that with God, as then there can be no more
hope left. So we pardon, overlook and ignore God’s injustices as we can’t afford not to do that.
Only people with a tremendous courage, madness, determination, over-confidence, objective
understanding and arrogance like me can afford not to believe in God.

god:-By definition both God and the Devil are beyond any ones control. They are just forces
which can stop me from having what I want. I also believe that one man’s God could be another
man’s devil.

god:-One who believes in God never believes in mankind.

god:-Humans should always strive to become God. Otherwise there is no purpose of remaining

god:-Man who does not spend time with his family is really a God

god:-when I stopped believing in God and started understanding where the idea of God came from.
Once you get God out of your life most of your controlling emotions go out of your life and
from then onwards you can just revel in the purity of your debauchery.

god:-Anyone or anything which has the power to give or take away what I want.
god:-I am not into Gods without muscles and weapons.

god:-If work is worship holidaying is God

god:-I never said I don't believe in God. I just don't care about him

god:-Gods biggest mistake was creating himself

god:-The people who claim that work is worship are usually your employers

God:-More than God forgiving people for what they do, its the people who forgive God inspite of
all the mess he creates

god:-God is dead..nietzsche.,Nietzsche is dead.God..both are dead..rgv

Goal:-The pursuit of any goal is worthwhile if you are not expecting a reward

Goal:-It’s nothing to do with my intensity and my wavelength and its also nothing to do with
time either. You should just look into within yourself find your own wavelength and intensify
it towards a goal you have chosen for yourself

goal:-Thousands of times. In fact ten times today itself. I always have a very short time and
easily attainable goals. One of my goals today was to do 50 pushups.

guilt:-I don’t get affected by it, because guilt is the ultimate programming effect ever thrust
upon us and I de-programmed myself from that disease ever since I got inoculated with a vaccine
of wisdom.

guilt:-guilt is nothing but a residue of a conflict between what you want to do and what you
are not supposed to do.

growth:-he why I am interested in as only asking why, telling why and listening to why, is what
can make any one really grow.

growth:-growth in life is a process of unlearning rather than learning.

genius:-genius is to be able to apply and create.

Good:-Good and bad is individuals perception.

good:-Good's bad to bad nd bad's bad to good but since good's bad is good to bad nd bad's good
is bad to good good is bad nd bad is good

Good:-I dont believe that anybody is bad or good in real life.situations and decisions governs
our life

guts:-Guts, is a personality trait, which comes out of either out of complete understanding or
absolute ignorance


Home:-I stay in home maximum 4 to 5 hours.

honest:-Since our honest atmpts jst drive othr ppl 2 b dishonest wth us we as wel b dishonest 2
other ppls honest attempts at being dishonest wth us

honesty:-Honesty can only be afforded only by those who are dishonest enough to afford it

hate:-Yes. Actually I love being hated and hate being loved because hate keeps me alert and
love makes me complacent.

hate:-To hate someone is as stupid as to love someone.

hate:-I would run from it or jump over it or kill it or in case of not being able to do any of
the above I would prepare for a post-bite scenario but I would never never hate it(snake).That’s
because both love and hate are highly destructive feelings. They are like drugs which will
make you feel high for the moment and then just when you are not looking throw you into a never
ending abyss of complexities.
hate:-hate is fun whereas love is work.

hate:-It’s an emotion which makes you put time, energy and effort towards something which should
be just ignored.If for any reason you need to destroy something you should do it strategically
without your emotions coming in. Battles should never be fought with emotions.

hate:-I don’t ever hate anyone because hatred is a very valuable emotion and I don’t ever waste
it on people I hate.

hate:-I definitely am more interested in people who hate me than the people who like me.
Because from the people who hate me I can learn or unlearn something whereas the people who
like me I take them for granted.

Hate:-But you should not sit on the ground, gaze at him with hateful eyes and wait for him to
fall down, because his falling won’t help you in being elevated. And also you might often be
missing the point that probably people who you think are far more worthless than you, are
actually far more higher than you. That’s the order and course of life, and there is no point
in hating that aspect

hurt:-I never hurt anybody.I always speak about myself.I talk about systems but not about

hurt:-if ever you get hurt by someone or something think about why you are getting hurt rather
than about who or what is causing the hurt. That way you will get to the core source of the
hurt which will enable you to remove it permanently”.

happy:By not having expectations and relishing every moment.

Happiness:-Happiness is in the thought of conquering.

Happiness:-happiness is a mental state

Happiness:-On the other hand a non-programmed happyist like me will zoom out and study the
happiness causing origins, dissect them and apply them for a specific growth in a desired and
highly understood direction.

Human Beings:-As long as you are human beings there are bound to be situations where you can be
tempted.situations comes from pressure.So how much we comprise is depends on power and pressure

Human beings:-Ego fills head greed fills heart lust fills mind jealousy fills eyes hatred fills
body and all togthr makes us wonderfully nice human beings

Home:-I dont have opinion on home not women as home makers.I am against to the concept of
Home and Family.That is my personal thing.I am like that.I am against to the concept of
Home,wife and children.I dont do things like gardening and educating children.

hunger:-Forget cooking. For me even eating is just a necessary evil to get rid of the irritant
called hunger.

hardship:-The opposite is true as only when you don’t feel the hardships can you analyze the
situations and attain wisdom. People who feel hardships just get bitter, frustrated and live in

Hallucination:-Hallucination if found in an individual level is called mental disorder and if

found on mass level is called religion.

Help:-Helping of people is not my cup of tea.I dont believe in working for anybody except myself.

Help:-If we are here to help others what are others here for?

History:-history tells that both guys who read nd write nvr become nd guys who became never had
the time to read or write

I:-I die my own death.

I:-I live for myself.


I:you are your collection of your thoughts which have dervied from various sources dervied from
child hood like things you heard,books you read,things you saw.At some point of time when you
stop listening,reading or watching you are living on your memories.So there is no new input is
coming.So when no new input is coming you tend to take it for granted the existing thing is only
thing and there is nothing else.

ignore:-By being busy enough so as not to have time to listen.

inbetweenists:-They all have such a very clear strong opinion on what I should do and what I
should not be doing but when I ask a question about they themselves, they go blank. They will
also have an opinion on every activity happening in the world and they would defend their
opinion with a seemingly unshakeable conviction. An example of this breed of people you can
also see in the comments section of my blog.

I:-The analysis of 'i' is primarily wrong.I means my thoughts.There is nothing to analyze my

thoughts.We analyze the other thoughts that read,heard and experienced to form our thoughts
which becomes our personality.

I:-The day you start thinking that your idea is you that is when you start taking yourself too
seriously and you will start falling in love with the ‘I’ and start losing track of your thinking
thereby loosing track of the source where the ‘I’ is coming from in the first place.

isolation:-the best way of moving away should be to move towards u ur thoughts nd mst
importantly ur own belief systems.

individual:- vry mch like a highly individualistic film evn a prsn who is highly individualistic
wil b both hated nd loved fr the same reasons.

individuality:-Not to feel guilt,and to be able to tell as long as it is not going to hurt

somebody or harm somebody i want to live the life how i want.

independent:-For all what they scream about wanting to be independant most are content being

independence:-None of us really care about independence as we are too busy struggling fr our
own independance be it at home or at our work place

innocence:-innocence in todays time is plain stupidity.

ignorance:-ignorance cud be becos of both mental nd physical limitations.

ignorance:-If ignorance is dark nd knowledge is light nietzsche said 'Ah that I were dark
nd nightly-how I would suck at the breasts of light'

intelligent:-How intelligent u are sounding completley depends on how intelligent the listener is

intelligence:-intelligence is an ability to understand and analyze the knowledge.

interpretation:-Yes, not only an individuals but every living beings interpretation. You will
want to make love to a beautiful woman and a lion will want to eat her.

individual:-“Like the camel is man. He kneels down and lets himself be well laden with burdens
of commitments and expectations and then he says ‘Yeah! Life is hard to bear!’ But man himself
is hard to bear as all he has to do is to shrug the load and gallop free.”- Friedrich Nietzsche.

On the other hand if for whatever reason you have to carry the load, then you have to learn to
enjoy the process. What you should never do is to crib about the load.

intoxicated mind:intoxicated mind can be used to tell her “I want to have sex with you”

Influence:- Anything which makes a strong enough point to shake up your existing beliefs can
influence you whether it be a book or a film or a person or an event. But it is wrong to
generalize and categorize any of them.

identity:-Lots of nobodies try to become somebodies nd in the process realize that

many somebodies are actually nobodies

identity crisis:- yes nd most nobodies live in their presumed somebodiedness

Identity:-Here’s a piece of unsolicited advice. Don’t care about what others think of you. Your
identity should never be dependent upon others acknowledgements and perceptions of you.

identity crisis:-

It is because they are completely and fully programmed by external forces and their own inner
self gets completely lost and hence their life will be a constant conflict between what they
instinctively want to do and by expectations what they have to do.

Instead of running around in circles trying to break away from the yoke to which they are tied
to they should just calmly walk to the yoke and untie themselves.

ignore:-Love and hate are ignorable emotions and if you make a point of ignoring, then it can’t
be called ignoring.

intensity:-it’s only the intensity which matters. Whether positive or negative, is purely

Idea:-You see with the sense of your sight, you hear with the sense of your hearing, you feel
with the sense of your touch and all these senses are nothing but the functions of your mind
which is nothing but a thought and an idea.

Idea:-I irrespective of losing money will still generate more money because of my ideas

idea:-I am not doing them simultaneously. Any idea will take its own time to mature. It’s the
process which will be on simultaneously.

ideas:-it is far more profitable in every which way for all you concerned out there not to waste
time on knowing or being in awe of ideators and concentrate on their ideas which worked for you

idea:-might not be exactly connected but reminds me of the quote... the best way
to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas :)

Ignorance:-Ignorance is not knowing

impurity:-there's no such thing as an impurity..its just the false notions of purities which
create perceptions of impurities

intellect:-intellect is knowing your ignorance.

intelligence:-There is no need to measure intelligence.

intelligence:-By looking at the degree of success of the end result after its application.

impress:-Because that’s the only way they can feel alive and also feel that they matters in the
scheme of things.

Insanity:-Insanity is the inability of the mind to adjust to reality

I syndrome:-You are an amalgamation of thoughts condensed from various sources/people.

All of us are the same but very few of us realize it and the rest get infected with that
horrible disease called “I”.

Isolation:That’s because the world as I know it is only in my head and in other words I am the
I am a loner in thoughts and not necessarily in company.

Isolation:-If you sit in a room you can become master on anybody.

Independence:-I am only bothered about my Independence and as long as I am Independent I don’t

mind even living in Pakistan.
Intelligence:-Intelligence is the potential to be brilliant.

Intellengence:-thers a dfrnce btwn intelligence nd intellectual..intelligence is when thy get it nd

intellectual is whn thy r too dumb to get it

Intelligence:-Intelligence is simply the ability to self refer to the information available “contextually”
within yourself.

Intelligent:-Being intelligent has its effects in the long run

Ideas:- ideas are never wrong. Only their implementation and execution can be.
It could be a new presentation of an old idea or an old packaging of a new idea.

Idea:-Ideas don’t come out of monies. Monies come into Ideas.

Idea:-It’s a big misconception people have that to make a film you need money. It is your story
idea and your convincing power which will generate money and anything else required.

identity:-For you and me they are important because we measure ourselves from the stand point of
how others perceive us.

inbetweenists:-Only way mst ppl cn feel that thy ar cmng up is by pulng othr ppl dwn nd stil btr
ar othrs who js sit on the grnd nd wait fr othrs to fall

individual:-Its incredible that u can't depend upon for a single thing wth anybody except on

individual:-Its better to be followed than to follow becos its only the followers who can watch
ur back


Judgement day:-as long as judgement is far away I will hurry up nd commit my crimes right now

Judges:-I hate Judges.

judge:-bt snce we get convicted by othrs mny times fr whatever we do we shud just do nothing nd
just keep judging othrs doings .rgv

Judgement:-They say never judge the book by its cover! I think if you have a bad cover the point
of judgment doesn't even exist.

jealous:-That’s because by nature they believe that they should be in the centre of the frame
and they can’t take it when they go out of focus and when the camera of life pans away from them.

Jealousy:-Jealousy or any other emotions of others for that matter are best dealt with by
ignoring them.

Jealousy:-strongest emotion of all in a human being


knowledge:-knowledge is an accumulation of facts.

Knowing:-It’s not about knowing everything but it’s about having a desire to know something you
really want to know about.

knowing:-Truly accepting that we know nothing can be a great step towards truly knowing

knowledge:-Actually knowledge is pain and ignorance is bliss and that’s because with knowledge
you know what you want and when you don’t get it creates pain whereas in ignorance you don’t
know what you want, so even when you don’t get since you don’t know what you are losing you
will be in bliss.
Knowledge:-Knowledge is a threat to the body and ignorance is a threat to the mind.

knowing:-We know what we think we know

Know:-You cant know me more than me.


Love:-man luvs the idea of luvng a woman mre thn hw mch he loves the woman hrslf
nd tht's why he luvs her mre whn she's away thn whn she's wth him

Love:-Women nd men fall in love due to a misunderstanding nd break up once it gets cleared

Love:-For sure u know there's no Luv when smeone claims lots of luv

Love:-Unknowingly a woman creates a man nd knowingly a man desecrates a woman

Love:-Girls want a lot of things from one guy. Conversely, guys want one thing from a lot of

Love:-A mans need for detachment is a womans need for attachment

Love:-I don’t love anyone or anything except myself and what I want to do and yes,
I am supremely damn proud about that.

Love:-Love at least will sometimes give you good sex whereas hate will give you nothing.

Love:In recent days the word love is so abused.

Love:-Love and hate, I think are extremely valuable emotions and should not be wasted. It is
more worthwhile to lean back and study what makes those people tick.

Love:Love lives till marriage

Love:-Love stories ruin relationships as it gives unrealistic expectations 2 men abt women
where as Porn saves them.. ]

Love:-Technically the term is so abused.

logical thinking:-logical thinking can either result in an effective implementation of those

ideas or most often completely fuck them up.

Life:-I cut anyone and anything if it comes in my way of life.

Life:-The balance of life is that the optimist invented the airplane nd the pessimist invented
the parachute

Life:-The point of life is to relish your feelings and money can make a point if and only it
helps you achieve that.

Life:-If u zoom in everything is important and if u zoom out nothing is important..so life is
best lived in block lenses

Life:-the point of life is tht thrs no point to it.so its btr to live it point by point nd point to

Life:-Life is nothing but about filling voids,whether they are physical emotional or intellectual

Life:-The point of life is lifes points which rarely has a point.

Life:-On the road of ur life the highs nd lows are always waiting in the forms of people u pick
up nd drop off along the way

Life:-I dont have personal life.

Learn:-When there is someone up there and he is worth being up there, try to learn from what he
has achieved. But if you think he is not worth it, still try to learn from what he has achieved
and add your own worth to it as it might result in you climbing far higher than him.
Life is neither bout past nor future.its only bout the passion u fl at tht moment nd nt to gve
into it wl amount to u dyng fr tht moment

Life:-Life is nothing but about filling voids,whether they are physical emotional or

Life:-Since life is finite we shud live it infinite

Life:-Life's what happens to us when we are busy planning our life..so there will always be a
gap btwn planning nd happening

Life:-but who wins is the person who kicks life

Life:-Point to point is a straight line but its the curves which make a journey interesting

life:-To think about what next is life and to worry about what will happen next is death

life:-I am truly happy to know that but just remember it’s not about facing life but it’s about
flowing with it. Life, time and destiny do not stop for anybody. It’s up to you to understand
it and use its strength as an addition to your own individual strength.

Life:-The purpose of life is to live life. To feel alive is what truly life is about. Most people
who are alive actually are living dead.

Life:-The only truth of life is that if the lion is not doing it right, it will perish by the
diktats of the survival of the fittest mode.

P.S: If I listened to advisors I would have been still running my video library in Hyderabad.

Life:-That’s because long time back I realized that life is a laugh.

laugh:-Nietzsche said, “Man alone suffers so much that he was compelled to invent laughter”.
Since I don’t suffer at all I don’t feel a need to laugh.

Life:-I live only for my sake and I will never ever ask anyone else to live for my sake.But make
every one live for your sake by conning them into not realizing that

Life:-The only underlying reality of life is Possibility.

Life:-We live all our lives in a conflict between wanting to and having to. Between these two
is guilt and why we feel bad about our guilt is the negative effect of programming.

Life:-Life is nothing but about constantly having a desire to fill voids whether they are
emotional, intellectual or physical and this truth is understood only by hard core politicians,
hard core philosophers and hard core pornographers and hence all 3 of them control the
connections of all our voids.

Life:-The super cruel irony of life is that u always love the one who leaves u and leave the
one who loves u

Life:-Don’t think so much. Life is not that serious.

Learning:-You would be better off unlearning from my learning or at worst learning from my
unlearning. Make no mistake about this, Ratnakar. My flops will teach you more than my hits
as you will understand from them what can go wrong.

Love:-For sure u know there's no Luv when smeone claims lots of luv

Love:-I only love those who contribute to my happiness and I cease to love them when they don’t.
I am the most selfish person I have ever known and I am supremely proud and thrilled about it.

Love:-For your information my mother gave up on me when I was in the 5th standard. And just in
case, if you start off on a psycho analytical trip on that be informed that I hate friends,
mother’s love, dogs, kids and flowers. Friends because I don’t need them, and mother’s love
because I hate being fawned, dogs and kids because they take away attention from me and flowers
because they remind me that keep forgetting to get them for my girl friend. And hello just in
case you are about to hire a battery of psychiatrists realize that the whole above thing is
just half a joke. Just try and figure out which half

Love:sex is the language of love,love is the need to be near and nearness is craved due to
mutual respect

Love:-love is the best currency to buy lust with and the best buy of lust can be only with love.

Love:-Making love is an emotional experience which makes you feel a high about your love and

Lust:-Lust and God are the only two things in life that one can enjoy without getting into
intellectual and emotional complexities.

lust:-On the contrary it’s the feeling of an active mind. A laidback person will be the worst
in bed.

Lust:-Lust is Pure and Truthful and Love is Subjective and cannot be Trusted

Logic:-what can be twisted is only logic

library:-Once I asked Satyendra why libraries waste so much money buying so many loads of books
which nobody reads. He gave me the same answer saying, “even if one person in decades reads one
of those ‘nobody reads’ books and makes something out of it, it is still worthy enough for
lesser people like us to contribute towards that person’s output.

Love:-Celebrities must be having tonnes nd tonnes of love for them to be giving it away like loose

Love:-For your information I am not in love with myself. I just don’t care about being loved by
anybody and that’s where my independence comes from.

Love:-Because they will be too apologetic and guilty about being sexually attracted so they will
call it love and once the sexual desire is satisfied the love will go away as anyway love was
never there in the first place.

Life:-You should live everyone’s life and die your own death.

Life:-The whole of our life we live between a conflict of what we want to do nd what we have to

Life:-Such is the almighty Gods justice that In life u only get what u deserve nd others get what
all they don't deserve

life:-Wht we wnt to do drives us to live in a way we ourselves wnt to live nd what we have
to do forces us to live in a way others want us to live

Life:-Life is a comedy which pretends to be a tragedy and hence its best to live it like a
joker or secound best to take it as a joke

Life:-Such is life that very few dare to climb the cliff nd the majority wait for them to fall

Life:-If you truly believe and understand that you are nothing, but just one more person among
the millions of people out there and also understand that none of them owe you anything, you
will come to terms with the fact that you cannot and should not depend on anybody or anything
and the onus is on you to make it in life.

Life:-I live life on my own terms.I do things exactly what i want.I am willing to suffer the
consequences of those actions.

life:-The point of a curve is that u cannot know the point of a curve nd hence life is
best led straight through the curve

Life:-We all get born in the morning nd die in the night..ystrday is done..tmrw we don't know...
so we shud jst go rt ahead nd jst live today

too late:-There’s no such thing as too late if you truly decide what you really want to do.
Luck:-Whatever it is, since it is not in our control by its very definition why waste time
thinking about it?

Luck:-luck nd destiny by their very meaning ar not in our control..so no point in

thinking nd wasting time on them

Luck:-worst u can do to urself is to think worry nd hope about uncontrollable variables

like luck nd destiny

Loss:-I never ever lost anything because I don’t take anything ever as a loss. Every loss can
be converted into a profit of experience in life and can be invested in the next decision.

lonesomeness:-For them lonesomeness is the plight of the sick one… For me it is the flight from
the sick ones

Learning:-learning for me from prakash raj....Poyindhi enti annadhi kaadhu questionu

pondhedhemundhi annadhi pointu

Like:-I like beautiful girls.

Like:-I like powerful men and sexy women.

Law:-If not for the law many people will kill many people

Lonesomeness:-lonesomeness is the plight of the sick one..for me its the flight from the sick
ones--Friedrich nietzsche

living:-becos if everything is to ur convinience then thers no such thing as living..so the mind
jst continiously plays games

Library:-Once I asked Satyendra why libraries waste so much money buying so many loads of books
which nobody reads. He gave me the same answer saying, “even if one person in decades reads one
of those ‘nobody reads’ books and makes something out of it, it is still worthy enough for
lesser people like us to contribute towards that person’s output.


Mistake:-Making a mistake is a lesser mistake than a mistake making u

mistake:-well I have a habit of both repeating my mistakes nd correcting my mistakes

Mistake:Its amazing that not a single one of us ever learn from anyones mistakes ever

mistake:-Instead of wasting time on feeling the pain I use my time to understand the source of
that mistake and convert it into knowledge for future use.

mistake:-Unless you make mistakes you don’t become wise and unless you continue making mistakes
you won’t become wiser

mistake:-mostly men don’t realize that they have made a mistake.

mistake:-There are no such things as mistakes in life. Everything we do both add and subtract
things from our life depending on various contexts and various times.

mistake:-that’s the main thing I want to do in here for the simple reason that you can learn from
your mistakes and grow, provided that you truly realized the mistakes in your head.

Mistake:-By the time i realized a mistake or i got a result i will be doing another mistake.So
it is a cycle.

Market:-If market doesnot want what you are doing you will be out of business.

Moment:-Exactly the way I do now as I live moment by moment.

Moment:-I am too busy thinking about this moment.

Moment:-I believe that we are born in the morning and die in the night. So thinking beyond the
moment we are living, I think is a futile exercise. Vodka and sex are realities for me, and
films and philosophies are dreams.

mind:Everybody’s thinking pretty much develops because of those same reasons, as the simple
fact is that we are all born with a blank mind.

mind:-u always realize that u have lost ur head only after losing ur head

mind:-Contradicting urself is sign of a progressive state of mind as thr is no point in being

constant at all times

Mind:-mind takes up some azenda to entertain itself when we dont provide a work to it.

mind:-Millions in the wrld nd evry 1 has a mind nd every one of those minds thinks only it is
right nd the other millions of minds are wrong

mind:-In effect in our entire lifetime our mind does nothing but play a game with itself

Marriage:-It is as bad and as avoidable as doing business in partnership.

Marriage:-not all men are fools some stay bachelors

Marriage:-In an affair a couple work hard towards each other nd in a marriage they work hard
for each other.

Marriage:-When slavery and torture were banned so long ago...why is marriage still legal?

Marriage:-Love constructs marriage and marriage destructs love

Marriage:-We love for having sex and we enjoy sex when we love and marriage fucks both love and

Marriage:-Love lives till marriage

Marriage:-Because you already have sex.You take it for granted at best you can live like friends.
But friends also cant be there for too long unless they found some alternatives like having kids
or something and worry about there home work or marriages.

Marriage:-marriage they work against each other.

marriage:-True democracy is about a husband nd wife hating each other equally.

marriage:-Having a wife is part of life but having a wife nd a girl friend on the side is
'The art of life'

Money:-Money is mainly to show off to others.

Money:-Money for me is potential energy and has no meaning unless it is made kinetic.

Money:-Money is the root cause of evil..nd lack of money is evil itself.

Money:-The irony is that people with loads of money don’t know how to spend it and people with
no money can’t stop thinking about how to spend it.

money:-The irony is that people with loads of money don’t know how to spend it and people with
no money can’t stop thinking about how to spend it.

money:-i believe in milking the money rather than moneying the milk

moment:-I live the moment and celebrate its outcome.

moment:-I only believe in the moment I am living in and the moment I want to create next and the
moment which will stop me from creating that.

Mad:-Mad is far better than to be Dumb.

Mad:-If a person thinks against to a majority's wish that can be called as mad by some people
and few may think it something else in a positive way.That difference will be alwas there.
Motivation:-I would say it comes from a fear of being unworthy and yes your observations are
bang on.

miss:-I miss the feeling of missing.

Media:-If media is not there democracy cant survive.

Memory:-I dont remember anything.Not necessary.The point is priorities.

Memory is the (mind) function of priorties.

Manipulator:I am a very big manipulator.I manipulate everyone.the only thing i do is manipulate

all the time.

Mind:-A mind all logic is like a knife all blade..it makes the hand bleed that uses it

multi tasking:-I do better multi tasking than women


needs:-I guess its about our own needs which create our own dependence which necessarily don't
translate to others needs with the same intensity

New Technolozy:-People have an instantaneous resistance to any new technology and always wait
for someone else to try it

Names:-Names and people don’t matter. Ideas and thoughts do.

Name:-Name is an identity of yours for others to call you.

New Year:-Wish al these dumb greetings can make our minds also new..what's the point if v carry
frwrd the same old mind in2 the so cald brand new year


Others:-I think i am little too unqualified to talk about others because i dont have
that understanding(politics)

old:-preferring old to new is a function of new becoming old

Opinion:-Why don’t you just give your great opinions only to people who will listen to you.

Opinion:-Everyone has a mind and every mind has an opinion and every opinion-maker strongly
believes that he is right and the whole world is wrong, not realizing that probably each of all
those other millions of minds will be thinking the same. I think this is the most beautiful part
of life… that each of us creates a world of our own in our heads and when we seriously listen
to another person it’s almost like visiting another world.

obligation:-Depends on my priorities at that moment. I am not obligated to someone who likes me.
I am obligated to whom I like.

old:-Since they are nearing death they won’t want to take a chance.

onself:-I am pretty much immersed in my thinking of how to serve myself and don’t even spend a
minute in thinking of serving anyone or anything else.

ordinary:-I dont like ordinary things.


propose:-I don’t propose. I practice.

Politician:-The only time a politician tells the truth is when he calls another politician a liar

programming:-Man ties himself to a Yoke and then runs around in circles.

The yoke is nothing but the programming set in your mind by your parents, teachers, religion etc.
Just free yourself from that yoke and then you can gallop in any direction you choose to instead
of going on circling the yoke and complaining about the pain in your neck.
Programming:-I believe that we all are constantly programmed to feel a certain emotion, feel
righteous, feel guilty, feel committed, feel grateful etc for a certain intended social and
religious objective. We don’t even question the intention of the objective and blindly respond
to it and due to that constantly get victimized by the negative effects of that programming.
But I believe that if we question and re-question the feelings that are generated in us we can
still follow the set rules of society but without getting fucked in the head.

philosophy:nothing ever happens..u should make it happen

philosophy:-Phlsphy tht cms out of lack of money wl alwys b mre apealng thn one tht cms out of
money..thts rsn majrty wil undrstnd marx btr thn ayn rand

philosophy:Not to think too much and to do what you think.

philosophy:-like everything else philosophy too can be taken in any which way.

programming:-By sincerely trying to understand what the fault in our programming is and where it
lies. All of us pretty much know everything by instinct and from then on the whole process of
acquiring wisdom in life is nothing but unlearning the learning thrust upon us by society,
religion etc. All our lives we just struggle between what we want to do and what we have to do.
The simple solution for this is to do things only what you want to do and not compromise on
that for anybody’s sake and also truly understand why you should not feel guilty about it.

passion:-passion is a measure of the intensity with which you want to possess it.

passion:-if the passion is really intense enough, you won’t feel the pain

Philosophy:-my philosophy is about not feeling guilty to be free and to take pleasure in your

philonthrophy:-I won’t even donate my sweat.

Philosophy:-I am saying that philosophy can be and should be used to mainly psyche others and
sometimes yourself that even your wrong things are also right.

Power:- Without power there can never be a true self satisfaction and power necessarily is not
of a physical kind alone.

Power:-real power especially in a modern democratic world comes only through a philosophical
understanding of prevailing situations. To be happy you need to be in control. To be in control
you need to have power. To gain power you need a specific philosophy.

Philosophy:-If you go deep into anything it will always give you great pleasure.

Philosophy:-Philosophy is about understanding achievement and it does not necessarily make you
You can study a snake’s agility, behaviour and the nature of its poison but you can’t become
the snake.

Philosophy:-Philosophy is a theory and strategy should be your very own individual way of
twisting and turning it to suit your specific practicalities.

Power:-“Real” power is about making the “unreal” real.

Power:-Everyone has the will to Power but few have the Courage to grab it

passion:-By just being truly truthful to your feelings.

plan:-My whole life works only on contingency plans.

pain:-If the pain is physical it cannot be in control of the mind but a mental or an emotional
pain will always be in the realm and the control of our own mind and it only depends on our
understanding power. I always feel passion and never pain. In other words I am too understanding
to ever feel pain.

pain:-cos smart ppl understand pain nd pain understands stupid ppl

purpose:-To forget one’s purpose is the commonest form of stupidity.
Not to stick to just one purpose is uncommon intelligence

persuade:-A wise man can persuade u by opening up your mind and a beautiful woman can persuade
u by shutting down your mind

performance anxiety:-

pain:Yeah, you should understand a fellow beings pain so that you will not put yourself in a
similar stupid situation like him.

Psychology is to con others and philosophy is to con ourselves.

pleasure:-pleasure is in conquering.

power:-A physical, emotional and an intellectual means to achieve your


Power:-Having power doesn't mean u can move everything but it can surely mean that everything
can't move u

Pleasure:-Pleasure is more connected to the physical senses

please:-The only one I want to please is myself.

plan:-Because nothing goes as per plan we should plan for nothing

Past:- I don’t like looking back.

Past:- Crashes happen when u keep looking behind at the road already travelled

positivity:-positivity will help people who are positivley positioned nd cynicism will help
those whose position needs consolation

praise:-That’s because praise and abuse don’t matter in the larger scheme of things whereas the
earlier two add to both my knowledge and thinking

praise:-Both praise and criticism have no meaning unless accompanied by reasons acceptable to the

praise:-Don’t care about what others think of you. Your identity should never be dependent upon
others acknowledgements and perceptions of you.

Philosophy:-I would say that it is an intelligent man’s time pass and a foolish man’s time out.

problem:-Fcd wth a prblm mst ppl dont undrstnd dffrnce btwn wrying nd thnkng..wrying breeds
frustration nd depression whereas thnkng gives solutions

power:-Actually only fools hate power and strength and that is primarily because they fear them
and know deep in their hearts that they are incapable of achieving them.

personality:-Your personality will be developed from various sources based on what you have
impressed from them.The impressed things will stay as part of your personality.

personality:-We are what we are nd we can't be what we aren't nd so we shouldn't be

what we should be nd only then we will be nd also won't be

personality:-There isn't a single moment in our life when we don't think we shud have dealt with
something or the other some other way

personality:-I have a multiple personality order whch is often mistaken as a multiple personality
disorder by people wth a singular personality disorder

Patriots:-I don't know whch is worse...taking ur wife out when u don't want to or to stand up
fr the national anthem

Patriots:-The nearest thing to patriots I see only in film theatres..whether they feel it or
not they fr 2 mints stand up fr the national anthem

quotes:-Its amazing that we listen to hundreds of amazing quotes nd yet amazingly not learn from
a single one of them

quotes:-Ppl always lstn to who's saying it rather than to wht is being said nd hnce in practice
the thousands of wisdom quotes hv no effect on any1

Quotes:-Ppl always lstn to who's saying it rather than to wht is being said nd hnce in practice
the thousands of wisdom quotes hv no effect on any1

Quotes:-base has no meaning if there's no structure on it

quote:-A quotation on quotations is that no quotation can ever quotate

Quote:-Intention nd realisation are two mountain peaks between which there will always be a
very deep valley

quote:-u close ur eyes nd the world ceases to exist


reverse:-I always think in reverse

regret:-To realize that one has been believing in some things wrongly is highly possible but it
takes a lot of courage to admit that to oneself. The immediate examples of this phenomenon
which come to my mind are the career options one chooses, and the person they choose to marry.

regret:-Many many times.(the way you captured a scene)

rich:-A rich man is a guy who won't be afraid to ask the salesman to show something cheaper

risk:-A comment on my blog..most people would rather be certain they remain miserable than risk
being happy

rights:-I am not coming infront of your rights.You also cant come infront of my rights.

Ram:I dont have a single percent of ram inside me there is no need to think about it.

Responsiblities:-Every human being will decide certain paremeters

reality:-reality is a perception.

Religion:-I don’t believe in God, caste, religion and other such things. My feelings and my
thoughts are the beginning and end of everything of me.

Religion:-No, they would have increased because religion kind of makes herds of people and in its
absence everybody will want to be the shepherd. The fact that majority opt to be a part of the
herd gives us shepherds a better shot at living.

religion:-A well laid trap by the spoilsports, constructors and destructors over the ages to make
you feel guilty and fearful all the time and in the process to make you loose out on all the
fun in life.

Relationships:-I never said that I don’t have people in my life. People come into my life only
by my invitation and are sent out when I have had enough of them. I said I don’t have people in
my life on the basis of commitments and relationships as then they will sit on my head and I am
very particular about keeping my head free of emotional burdens.

Relationships:-All needs are relationship oriented nd all relationships are need based

relationships:I am against any kind of committed relationships because relationships create

expectations and expectations create frustrations.

relationships:-They are need-based.All relationships are need based nd hence if u don't have
relationships u won't have needs
Relationships:-Relationships are expectation raisers.

Relationships:-rltnships btwn cpls go wrng on acnt of highly vrying degrees of intensity of

their feelings fr each other at any given time

Relationship:-Its very difficult to say whether we cherish a relationship or we cherish the

person who made the relationship possible

Relationships:-U can't soar like an eagle if u are surrounded with turkeys

Rigid:-Yes and that’s the reason why you can do more things with rubber than iron. Rigid
thoughts break and flexible thoughts conform.

Rigid:-Be rigid when you don’t need to be flexible and be flexible when you can’t be rigid and
use that flexibility to get rigid again.

Right:-What you can get away with is right and what you can’t is wrong. The things which will
affect and influence that is religion, morality, social standards and the law.

Right:-I wont say always i am right.i will do what i think is right.that doesnt mean i am right.
Right is objective.What i think is right is subjective.

Right:-Everybody is wrong nd everybody is right..its jst the result whch mkes the evrybody into a
smebody nd the somebody into an everybody

Reason:If they don’t have a reason and logic, emotions cannot have a validity. I am not talking
about basic emotions which are common to all living beings but I am talking about emotions on a
plane which can enhance your sensory perceptions both physically and intellectually to a very
high degree.

Revenge:-Revenge is an emotion which takes the form of a desire to repay past suffering caused by
others.“Revenge is a dish which tastes best when it is cold”. – a line from the Godfather.

Regreat:-No because the moment I realized I made a mistake I just get busy in making my next

Reality:-by taking decisions on subsequential consequences you can still avoid reality.

realistic:-To achieve anything you need to be brutally realistic”.

Reading:-My development is more from understanding the impact how the reading affected me.

respect:-I don’t care about respect

remember:-I really don’t care about being remembered. I just want to be what I am and I will be
what I want to be.

remember:-I dont remember anything

Rich:-Ideas and feelings are the only true wealth anyone can really possess and on that account
I have always been rich and I will always be, that is at least for myself.

Realistic:-How much realisitic we go it will be that much predictable.Human life will be like


success:-And also once success comes you take it for granted and as a result of that you no
longer feel successful.

Strength:-In my will to be what I am.

sense:-Sense doesn't make sense to nonsense

social responsibility:-I dont believe in social responsibility.why Because i am too busy looking
after my responsibility.

Statement:-I give statements in everything.

speeches:-well no mannar as I am smart enough to realize that no one listens to speeches.

Settlement:-People who constantly want to settle down are the most unsettling people for me

Settle:-I dont want to settle i want keep floating all the time.

self-pity:-Self pity is the ultimate survival mechanism

self-belief:-believing in is about depending nd not caring is about having self belief

Saying:-The meaning of what I say is nothing but what you understand

Sleep:-Every minute you sleep is that much more of death that you experience

Sleep:-I sleep less and live more

sleep:-I sleep about 4,5 hours

Simultaneously:-I never do any two things simultaneously.

Success:-success is as brittle as failure.

Success:Meaningful to whom and with what motivation is the question. In Satyendra’s own words,
“To measure success let’s imagine a case of people walking through a tunnel with an objective
to reach its end. Now depending on who reached the end 1st, 2nd, 3rd, we can measure success.
On the other hand if people are going through different tunnels where their condition of
passages and their individual capacities are different, then how do you measure?”

struggle:-No. That’s because struggle is in your mind. In reality you have to deal with life.
For example, I waited for 5 hours in my beginning days to meet a Producer which could be deemed
as struggle. But in all the 5 hours I was studying the kind of people who came to meet him,
understand the people who are working for him, what his expectations seem to be etc etc, so
that I can prepare for a better pitch.

Suicide:-I love life too much to have an opinion on it. No matter what the compulsion is I
cannot relate to that emotion mostly because by nature I have got a streak in me to challenge
any kind of adversity.

subconscious mind:but the subconscious mind of yours could just be wanting to have sex with her
and not go through the headaches that come with love

selfish:-That’s because he wants to live his life completely on his own terms and that’s an
ultimate act of selfishness in the purest of its forms.

selfish:-As parents see children purely as an extension of themselves it’s actually their own
achievements that they are taking pride in.
I think it’s more selfish to love one’s own children than to love oneself.

Social programming:That’s because you yourself could be sometimes an amazingly enlightened soul
and then some other times you get stuck up in fucked up social programmings.

success:-Success is for others and being successful is for yourself.

Success:-A passion to make a film and an ability to make a producer to believe in your passion
or just to make a film for the fun of it and an ability to con a producer to make him believe
that you are serious. I and lots of directors obviously belong to the latter category

Secreat:-It’s my rush to do as many films as possible before I die and no, I don’t care about
being remembered.

suffer:-They surely enjoy to see others fail because other’s failures can make them feel that
their own failures are successful.

shyness:-Shyness is function of fear of rejection and insecurity but an introvert could also
be because of extreme arrogance.

success:-success has no meaning unless it goes to ones head and also the successful person does
not realise that it has gone to his head till it comes down to his feet.

Success:-Success is something I define as to be able to get up in the morning and do what you
want to do till you sleep. That does not mean that you should want to fly or rule empires.
It could be anything which your capability permits and your intelligence submits.

self respect:-True self respect comes only when you truly understand what you should respect and why.

smart:-smartness is usually short lived.

Shamelessness:-Shamelessness is in the context of having to be morally, religiously and socially


sin:-Nothing is a sin as long as you are not consciously hurting others.

sin:-What your religion, teachers, parents, leaders etc tell you not to do, and most of the time
I don’t care about them, and when I don’t have a choice I commit sins behind their backs. So
either in front or back I am always happy.

Sex:-Sex and Power are the only two things in life which are worthy enough to be wanting to be
achieved and it’s your degree of intelligence which will achieve you degrees of those both.

Sex:-having sex is a necessity like to sneeze or to cough.

Sex:-I consider sex very sacred.I think that is only gift god has given.

sexuality:-sexuality controls your senses or even more correctly makes your senses go berserk.

sense:-Sense appears as non-sense to nonsensical people.

superstition:-That’s because superstition can be done away with but lack of faith can tear up
the very fabric of both you and the society you live in.

Self confidence:-By just clearly understanding and realizing that you are a ‘nobody’ and can
never really achieve anything. Then automatically you will do whatever you feel like doing
without fear of consequences and without expectations and this to others will seem like extreme
self confidence.

Strength:-Strength is your ability.

Struggling:-In the course of an attempt to achieve something, struggling at most will incur
physical effort and maybe sometimes physical pain which cannot be controlled by you.

Suffering:-Suffering is a mental pain you yourself will put yourself through while doing the

Sense:-Sense doesn't make sense to nonsense


terrorist:-a terrorists grtst weapon is surprise nd by definition u cnt b prprd fr a surprise

bcos if u cud thn it cant b cald a surprise

Thoughts:-We are all born with a blank mind and from then on we keep absorbing various thoughts
picked from our parents, our teachers, books, friends, colleagues etc. Our ability to absorb
them will obviously depend on factors like our intelligence, our sensibility, background etc

top:- top is a very relative thing.I never consiously thought to become top or not.

thoughts:-Very few ppl have the capacity to understand thoughts..they only react to results of
the deeds

truth:-the truth is that the more unfair he is that mch more the people believe in him
nd tht says bout the people nd not neccesarily him

truth:-Few see.. some can't see.. most don't want to see

truth:-truth is that we all live by accident and die by intent.

truth:-What's more difficult than to understand a truth is to acknowlege it

truth:-In history there is no such thing as absolute truth.Even if the people is involved.

truth:-Man has no ears fr what he did not experience..if he agrees to something he knows it

truth:-Hurt me with the TRUTH, but.... never comfort me with a LIE

trust:-The least I trust is myself.

think:-You can’t do beyond your ability and can’t think beyond your thought

thinking:-Like I said somewhere on this blog, I believe that we are born in the morning and die
in the night. So thinking beyond the moment we are living, I think is a futile exercise. Vodka
and sex are realities for me, and films and philosophies are dreams.

thrill:-thrill is what you feel when you are rushed down a rollercoaster.

time:-I don’t have the time to think of tomorrow. I take life one minute at a time.

time:-We all get born in the morning nd die in the night..ystrday is done..tmrw we don't know...
so we shud jst go rt ahead nd jst live today

time:-Crashes happen when u keep looking behind at the road already travelled

time:-The busiest ppl hv enf time to do everything nd the people who do nothing are the
ones who constantly complain of tiredness

time:-In the long run everything is a short run

time:-I am more interested in thinking of what will happen in the next one hour.

time:-Time is the only valuble thing in life ..The more u wait for it to come the more it goes

time:No, it’s my fear that I will not have enough time to be able to make all the films I want
to make before I die.

time:-I love this one dialogue from Anil Kapoor’s “Tezaab”… ‘Waqt rehta nahin, nikaalna padta hai’.

time:-Many people ask me why I don’t wear a watch and my answer is “I want to run the time and
I don’t want time to run me”.

time:-If you wish there is time for everything.

time:-By not wearing a watch.(how do you manage)

thinking:-Situations are never difficult. It is the worry you have about how you have to deal
with them which makes it look difficult. I only think and never worry. Thinking creates
solutions and if the solution I thought of does not work I think of another solution and the
cycle goes on. Most people confuse worrying with thinking. I don’t.

Transformation:-Transformation comes partly from experience and mostly from intent.

thought:-The weakness of thought is that by its usage if you look far into the future and forget
the present your memory cells might create a confused state between the past and the present
and that will invariably create both heaven and hell on this earth itself.

thoughts:-That’s because thoughts arise from rational thinking and deeds many times are
triggered by emotions and the result of those deeds will again influence the thoughts and thus
the cycle of contradictions will keep continuing which will appear as their errors and

truth:-The pursuit of truth is not important. The pursuit of that truth is important which will
help you in reaching your goal that is provided you have one.
truth:-Truth is what many don't want to hear nd a lie is what most want to believe

truth:-most of the time telling truth is what puts us in hell and from then on we scream at God
for help

truth:-But an apple is not an apple for a worm inside it because it can’t look at it, and how
do you know how an apple tastes to a worm. Come on, smarty! Answer that!

truth:- Truth is absolute – you just have to arrive at the right evidence with the right
Right as per whom is the question.

truth:-Since there are no absolute truths we have to create our own truths

truth:-Yes. A truth like, to tell a woman “I want to fuck you” is far superior than to tell her
a lie like “I love you”.

trap:-Right from our birth we are taken forward to get into a trap of expectations and
commitments towards our family or society or God or country etc. Fair enough. Many of us have
no choice but to heed them because of our physical or emotional obligations. The only alternative
we have is to make the choice and psyche ourselves to make the best of it but one thing you
should not ever do is to crib or complain or feel frustrated as then the whole point of living
itself is lost.

thinking:-I don’t think from a place. I think from my mind.

I don’t think of anything except myself.

think:I don’t think beyond today.

thoughts:-We control thoughts.

thought:-When someone influences you heavily he stays in your head as a permanent thought. Even
if he as a person is not there, his thoughts will keep motivating you


understand:-We can undrstand anythng only to the point of our undrstndng limits.the rest is
completley subject to others undrstandng of our understandng

understand:-It’s not their business to understand me. It’s my business to make them understand.

uncertain:- I am never ever uncertain. I look at all the pros and cons of a decision I have to
make and then I just make it.

Uncertainty is that one horrendously despicable thing which makes the most valuable thing ever
of our lives called ‘TIME’ go just completely wasted.

Uncertain:-By definition they are not living anyway and hence as good as dead for all practical

unlearning:-the best teaching cmes frm unlearning what teachers have been teaching you

understand:-u shud never follow u shud understand

unlearning:-Since we pretty much know everything by instinct Learning is actually mostly a

process of unlearning

ugliness:-ugliness is in the mind nd beauty is in the eyes


vision:-The difference between vision nd blindness is just a blink

vision:-there's a very thin line between a narrow and a pointed vision

Vulgar:-Vulgar people take great pleasure in finding little faults of great men
value:-The value of any true value is nothing but what you truly feel about its value.

view:-To a wrm mrng on a sun soaked beach or a nice rainy aftrnoon In a hill station I anyday
prefer my stifling office and my sweaty locations

view:-There aren't really tht many dffrnces btwn religions castes nationalities nd races..the
major differences are only btwn haves nd have nots

view:-Its very difficult to know whether a man was created just out of circumstances or the man
himself created the circumstances which made him

view:-Everyone is a foot nd everyone is a door mat but mostly both the foot nd the doormat
don't realize it

view:-The most amazing thing for me is that inspite of my repeated explanations I find so many
on this blog so downright imbecile who don’t seem to even understand the fundamental difference
between humour and seriousness. I truthfully called myself every derogatory name in the
dictionary ranging from a con man to just being plain lucky at various stages of my life on
this blog giving valid reasons and yet they have hundreds of conspiracy theories which arise
from extraordinarily low understanding levels. And if that’s what they really think of me then
I fail to understand why they are still foolish enough to waste time on me and on my blog. Just
wanted to say this because I am truly truly amazed at some of you guys out there. But like
Ayn Rand said, “They will never be able to hear what they don’t want to hear. So however much
you scream it won’t make a difference to them, not because they have deaf ears but because they
have dumb ears”.

view:-A mountain is to a valley as a valley is to a mountain


I wouldn’t be knowing why but it sure is damn Entertaining. The amazing thing for me about Human
Beings is that there are Millions and Millions of them and each and every one of them have their
own mind and each and every one of those minds is convinced that only it itself knows what is
Right and all the other minds are Wrong. That’s from where all the comedy and tragedy and the
drama of Life arise from.

view:-NO. All living beings are born with very individualistic and special attributes. But then
the surroundings and surrounding factors stop them from realizing that for themselves or worse
makes them realize it wrongly. A deer might have a running power, a lion its roar, an eagle
can fly, somebody might have intelligence, someone else beauty or sexuality, someone else nothing
but even nothing can be very special. The secret of succeeding with life and not necessarily in
life as they both are very different as in the former is from your point of view and the latter
from the others point of view is to discover, understand and put your very own individual
attributes to a very best and judicious use without guilt but with a very proper understanding.

Also if you look at it the only true assets you ever really have are time and feelings and both
of them are perishable. So while they are still there you should not make a mistake of wasting
a single second or an iota of them and this purely depends upon your own understanding in
discovering what is special in you which obviously will predominantly come from a mindset which
is uncorrupted by religion, social programming and more dangerously by your own escapist thoughts
of blaming it on destiny and other’s actions.

view:-Knowledge is to know that a snake contains poison; intelligence is to figure out what the
poison contains and how it can kill you. Genius is to create an anti venom. Wisdom is to know
all this but yet not to fuck around with the snake just in case the first three go wrong.

view:-I don’t know what you mean by that. But if you mean as in frank, without fear, confident
and just daring to do whatever and being ready to bear the consequences, beware that the same
me will be described as rude, stupid, overconfident and non-caring etc by others.

So the ‘others’ is the key point here. The decision to be one self is completely related to and
dependant upon standards and expectations set by others.

Many of us just tie ourselves to a yoke and then we keep going in circles trying to break free
from the pain the rope causes not realizing that all you have to do is to take the rope off the
yoke and after that the whole world will be yours or more correctly you will be the world

view:-There is many a slip between an idea, its execution, the realization and an outside
perception of the ideas realization.

view:-No one can ever teach anyone primarily because no one really wants to be taught. Each of
us believe that we know best and hence we dumbly keep doing the same mistakes as what everyone
else has been doing for centuries. We brush off the external suggestions as our internal ego
makes us believe that we already know everything. The outcome of this thinking is what which
makes us blame everything and everyone in the world except ourselves.

view:-Pretty much all of us think and feel the same but the tragedy is that each and every one
of us think that only I think and I feel like this and the others don’t and that’s where our
ego comes in which blocks all inputs to our knowledge and world view thereby either stunting or
retarding us.

Instead of defending our beliefs we should let them free so that they interact and converse with
others beliefs and then they will come back to us and make us bigger in thinking and stronger in

view:-If you look deep enough within you there will be neither a similar guy like you either. The
problem is that the majority of the people view themselves through others and hence become one
of the herd.

view:-Only your own thoughts and your own feelings can affect you and others can only affect you
with their deeds. If you allow yourself to be affected by what others think or feel about you
then you will forever live a life of misery.

Vulgarity:-Vulgarity does not exist except in the mind because anything and everything is there
for a predetermined purpose.


That is because unlike Roark you have to pay your bills, deal with irritants like your family
and the egos of your bosses, bad Governments, Rickshaw strikes, a nagging wife and insufferable

If Roark had to go through all this he would have been worse than Peter Keating. Ayn Rand created
Roark who is designed to live on just self respect where as we lesser mortals need bread and

View:-I utilize every available resource including my own family,include my own self,because what
i want achieve i will use everything


Vulnerability comes from fear of loosing. Fear of loosing comes from an obsession for valuing.
Obsession for Valuing comes from your own personal perception of values. And Perception of
values come from a lack of core understanding and lack of core understanding comes from lack of
decision making in moving on in life. And lack of decision making comes from a fear of result.
And fear of result comes from a desperation for success. And desperation for success comes
from fear of failure. So as long as you don’t value Success you won’t fear Failure and when
you don’t fear failure you will become Invincible.


Mannar, people never listen to answers as they only want to ask questions. If one listens to
answers there will never be a need to ask questions. That’s because for every question there
was always an answer available since time immemorial.


Both praise and criticism don’t matter to me because I already know what I am and what I am not
and I also know the reasons for the same. Most of the time people who both praise or criticize
me, do it for the wrong reasons or for reasons sometimes beyond my conscious control. What does
matter to me are the insights and knowledge pertaining to a particular subject matter that
anybody could give me.


Everyone seems to be very clear about how others should lead their lives but have no idea about
how to lead their own lives.Bang on correct. Also I observed that people who just spend time on
criticizing people who they think to be worthless will themselves be the most absolutely
worthless people for their entire life times.

view:-I like to make things happen rather than letting things happen to me.

view:-When you truly realize that you can never really truly own anything you will not be
desperate to guard it. So truth the way perceived by me is a property that I like to give out
rather than hide. And for those who consider my truth as false they can give out their own
truths thereby making life so very fucking bloody interesting.

view:-Its incredible that we are all such experts on solutions fr others problems nd complete
idiots when it comes to our own

Value:-Value of anything is hw mch u urself value it..A Hussein painting cud be worth lakhs to
others but not even a penny to me

Values:-But the design of nature is such that whole of our lives we are made to both value and
devalue ourselves through others valuation. I understood this truth very early on and I decided
to live and die by my own values.


women:-She is the greatest creation of God as long as she does not nag, does not tell you what to
do and does not expect you to talk after sex.

Women:-I respect and love women.I dont have respect for men because most of them bore me.
women atleast will have beauty.where as mens will have neither beauty nor brains.

women:-no women no pain , know women know pain

women:-Behind evry successful man there's always a woman who alwys tld hm he's wrong nd bhnd
evry successful woman there's a man who hates her guts

women:-A womans silence is even more wonderful

weirdo:-a weirdo will be in his own space whereas an idiot will be in no space

wishes & Will:-Wishes ar like horses whch lightly gallop away into a dreamy sunset nd will is
like an elephant slow nd heavy whch wil make its weight felt

wishes:-No good wishes ever did good for anyones wish

wishes:-I felt wishes and birthdays are boring.

wishes:-Neither any wisher nor any reciever blvs fr a secnd tht anythng grt cn hpn in
thr day cos of ths mst inanest comment evr 'Have a great day'

wishes:-Mrng aftr mrng ppl kp wshng gd mrng inspite of knwng mrng aftr mrng tht wishes wl nvr
evr hv anythng 2 do wth anybodys mrng being gud evr

well-wisher:-if there is one thing I am scared of more than my haters it’s well-wishers and
patronisers like you. That’s because I can so easily fall a victim to your kind of breed as you
guys create a false sense of security. I beg you and plead to you and request you to chill and
see my movies and read my blog if you feel like it or don’t if you don’t feel like.

I don’t need anybody to tell me how good or how bad I am. If you praise me beyond what I think
of my worth is, I will think you are a fool and if you praise me below what I think my worth is
also I will think you are fool. Nobody knows me beyond I, me and myself.

will power:The point of will power is to have the will to take decisions on your life. But yes,
life will take other decisions on your decisions. So you have to counter life’s decisions by
taking decisions on its decisions and thus the circle continues. So as long as I keep on
continuously taking decisions irrespective of their consequences it’s inevitable that I will
always be on top of life. It’s the day that you stop taking decisions which is when life will
come on top of you and crush you under its feet.

Wisdom:when you truly realize that you know nothing there truly can be a high possibility of
you knowing everything

Weastern:-Because they are superior and at best we are late followers and cheap imitators of

Weastern:- But in typical 3rd world 3rd class minds that we hav we will never evr accept that
they ar superior to us

weastern:-It’s one of the blatant examples of our hypocrisy. On one hand we keep claiming
‘Mera Bharat Mahaan’ and at the drop of a hat we want to ape everything from America from
Bollywood, Tollywood, Kollywood to 9/11 attack becoming 7/11, 6/10, 26/12 etc attacks.

Work:-Work is to achieve what you want and hard work is when you don’t enjoy the process.

work:-doing nothing is not everything fr nothing is ever something for nothing

Work:-And I don’t ever get fever because of much work I do.

Work:-Most people can’t differentiate between worrying and thinking, Worrying is negative
energy and makes your mind run in circles breeding depression and frustration whereas thinking
makes you reach a decision and the decision you reach will result in work and if the work does
not result in what you wanted from it, all you have to do is Re-work.

work:-Everyone should work for themseleves and not for others who ever says that i want to work
with you i detest them.

Work:-Wrk is wht v hv 2 do..whn v wnt 2 do v enjoy nd thn it cnt b cld wrk.mjrty ppl cmpln bout
life cos thy r hvng 2 do nd nt wntng to do

work:-Its not the kind of car u ar going in which matters..its about wher u are going nd to do
what is what which matters

work:-Its better to do bad work than to do no work

work:-If doing hard work is the greatest thing on earth I will try mars

work:-Fear nd incentive ar the only 2 thngs whch cn mke people really work..the rest lke
responsibilities commitments etc cme a poor secound

work:-The biggest lie is that hard work pays nd ths is mainly propogated by smart non workers
who live off the stupid hard workers

Work:-My people keep telling me that I work too hard. In reality I never worked in my life.
Work is something I define as what you have to do. But if you want to do it, it becomes a
pleasure and I always did in my life only what I wanted to do. The trap of programming society
puts us in and religion and morality create in us a guilt for whatever we love, and a fear of
rejection and failure and the constant pressure of raising to expectations.

work:-your work will make you feel alive and the others expectations keep killing you.

work:-I never work, let alone work hard. I enjoy everything every moment. Work is something I
define as having to do whereas wanting to do it is to enjoy. The result of your work is never
in your control and whatever is not in my control I don’t waste my time, thoughts and energy on

work:-Instead of being yourself its to pretend to be some one else that gets most work done

Work:-Am not sure about the success bit but you sure will have a very happy life if you love
your work.

work:-The trouble with doing nothing is you can't take a break.

work:-I constantly change my mode of work when ever i feel bored.So that i always do work.

work:-If you constantly keep on working your abilities will increase.

Words:-There’s no such thing as a bad or good word. Any word is used only to capture a feeling
or a thought.
words:-since most people don't understand words its better to remain silent

Words:-Words at best try to explain feelings and feelings can never be truly explained in words

words:-If one doesn't understand silence he won't understand words

wishes:-Wish al these dumb greetings can make our minds also new..what's the point if v carry
frwrd the same old mind in2 the so cald brand new year

wishes:-If god cud gve hapines nd success jst on wishes of dusheraites why the hell
dint he do it befor nd why the hell dint thy wish for it befor

wishes:-If none of the previously wished dusheras did any good for any of us I have no
reason to believe this one will..wish u all any other dushera

World:-So my world is nothing but a collection of my own feelings and thoughts and ideas and it
will be a fallacy for me to think that anybody else can really appreciate them at least in the
way I meant them. At best I can hope for a few others to connect to some of my thoughts in their
own individual ways. This is what I mean when I often say I make films for myself.

World:-as long as you are sure of what your own world is, understand it and how you want to
shape it and live in it, life more or less becomes a fantasy and you can surely have one hell
of a ball, like the way I do.

wealth:-It’s to do with implementing the thinking.

World view:-



You:-You are a collection of your thoughts you have gathered from various sources and


Sunil:-I have never seen Verma having angry or becoming serious or showing arrogance he is very
cool person.He always entertians us with his jokes even it is night 3'o clock or 4.He is not at
all arrogant.He gives complete freedom.

srinivas at 1:00 PM


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