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As age old adage goes like Innovations are driven by needs and necessity is the mother of invention.

In today’s fast changing customer requirements holding on to customers is getting difficult by the day. Onboarding new customers is
getting more cost intensive. Customer Stickiness is the key to survive and grow.

HNIs/Premier Banking customers, are the main source of profit for Banks; therefore, attracting and keeping such people by providing the
best service has become the main focus of banks.

PROJECT BLUE EYED BOY is an automated system for Scheduling Appointments and Identification & Triggering alert when a High Net
Worth customer visits the Branch and/or using our Digital Platform like Internet/Mobile Banking etc.

Our Project Blue Eyed Boy System is an effective service method for improving service quality for customers.

As age old adage goes like Innovations are driven by needs and necessity is the mother of invention.

In today’s fast changing customer requirements holding on to customers is getting difficult by the day. Onboarding new customers is
getting more cost intensive. Customer Stickiness is the key to survive and grow.

Especially customers which are categorized as High Net worth Customers.

High Net Worth customer is defined as someone with more than 1 million US $ as liquid assets. What is more interesting to note is that
growth of HNI in India is faster than any other country in the world. Stats are tabled below:
This opens up a very critical windows for Banks and Financial Institutions. If Banks can cater to the HNIs and Ultra HNIs, the impact
could be a game changer.

But the challenges are many:

1. HNIs are very service conscious class

2. Peer Banks are strategizing to acquire or take over their accounts
3. HNIs requirements are changing rapidly

Hence acquiring and maintaining HNI accounts is highly imperative.

Most importantly HNIs provide Bank:

1. Low cost deposits

2. Healthy advances
3. Opportunity to Cross Sell
4. Opportunity to Up Sell
5. Window to HNI peer group

HNIs/Premier Banking customers, are the main source of profit for Banks; therefore, attracting and keeping such people by providing the
best service has become the main focus of banks.

Banks have been introducing many kinds of high quality professional services to existing customers. Major Banks have a lot of
experience in how to effectively market products, but the practice of identifying and welcoming important customers still remains in a
basic stage of passive waiting. Being able to identify such customers at the earliest possible time and thus providing more personalized
services has become an important aspect for effective marketing and services.

Our Project Blue Eyed Boy System is an effective service method for improving service quality for customers.

All Customers in general and HNIs in particular hate to wait. Long lines and inefficient service can leave them frustrated, and they may
not return. We propose to develop an internet-based mobile application, to enable registered customers schedule appointments with the
bank for different services offered.

The bank manager/employee would know about customers’ visit, in advance and he would know the purpose of visit of the customer and
he/she would stay prepared for the appointment. The bank manager would know the customer flow rate for each service, in advance and
so bank staff allocation can be optimized. The Customer can also provide his feedback through this application.

The system also can capture and analyze the faces of people in real-time as they approach the lounge in the branch without needing to
stop to look at the camera. This is a very nonintrusive approach for the bank to identify them. Based on the customer identification, the
system automatically identifies and greets customers by their preferred name through SMS or Social Media. The Branch Manager also
gets the alert simultaneously, so that the customer can be offered for example their preferred drinks and magazines, understand their
previous visit records, to promptly deliver services, giving the customer a more personalized and pleasant experience. Such personalized
service will improve the customer’s loyalty to the bank and lead to more potential business

The above Architecture basically deploys image processing related technology. Wherein image validation against a set of HNI images will
trigger alert to Branch Manager on an HNI customer visiting the Branch.

Furthermore, we will also have integration with Internet Banking, Mobile Banking wherein geo location of the customer on real time shall
be accessed by Bank and once the location matches our Branch coordinates immediate message will be triggered for Branch Managers.

Wherever Onsite ATMs or Synd Digi Lounges are co-located with Branches, any transaction by HNIs will trigger a notification to Branch
Manager for undertaking necessary readiness.

This project can also work as a feed for the current ambitious project planned for mind mapping all SyndicateBank customers leveraging
Big Data, Analytics and Machine Learning based platform. This solution will complement the current retail products campaigns.

Facial Recognition Module:

A face recognition system usually consists of the following four modules consisting of four parts: face detection, face alignment,
facial feature extraction, and face classification. Face_recognition 1.2.3 API functions are used for the same.

Face Detection provides information about the location and scale of each detected face from the web camera. In face alignment, facial
components, such as eyes, nose, and mouth, and facial outline are located, and thereby the input face image is normalized in geometry
and photometry. In feature extraction, features useful for distinguishing between different persons are extracted from the normalized
face. In face classification, the extracted feature vector of the input face is matched against those of enrolled faces in the database,
outputting the identity of the face when a match is found with a sufficient confidence or as an unknown face.

For face classification, the Euclidean distance classifier is used. The Euclidean distance classifier calculates the minimum distance
between the test image and image to be recognized from the database. If the distance is small, we say the images are similar and we
can decide which the most similar image in the database is. In simpler words, the Euclidean distance between the image projection and
known projections is calculated; the face image is then classified as one of these faces with minimum Euclidean distance. The SMS API is
then used for triggering an automatic welcome message to the recognized customer.
Appointment Booking Module for customer:

Using this module, Customer can book an appointment with the bank, by providing the appointment details and can provide feedback,
after the successful completion of an appointment. Thus, they can communicate their inconveniences to the bank. The application will
also have geo tagging capabilities if the customer permits the same, which can be used for triggering alerts to branch manager when the
HNI customer uses any of the of the bank products. The solution prototype will be provided as a Web Application for online submission
and later Mobile App will be provided for the offline event.

Appointment Management Module for Manager and others:

Using this module, the Bank employee can only view the appointments. The bank manager will be the Administrator and can know the
customer flow rate and can assign the appropriate skilled employees based on the scheduled appointment for the customer. The Bank
Manager also can push customer centric messages based on the past history of the customer.


Business and Customer Centricity is most pivotal aspect of this proposed project. Apart from directly impacting the Bank
profitability, it adds high value in the following parameters:

Improves Service Quality

The customer gets a guaranteed service time and when a VIP enters a branch office, his name and banking information are immediately
retrieved through the intelligent face recognition system. The account manager is notified ahead of time to prepare the required

Improves Customer Loyalty

The customers can enjoy the same high quality service no matter which branch office he goes to by using the system to help the bank
prepare in advance, which can improve customer loyalty and longevity.

Improves Competitiveness

By deploying the system to improve the customer experience, it can help promote bank brand awareness, increase the bank’s
reputation, and improve its competitiveness.


The system can be expanded to use the same for various other applications like it can be linked with the customer social profiling system
and more personalized and effective serve can be provided.

Providing more personalized and pleasing experience for the customer by using face recognition feature
Waiting time of a customer gets reduced as customer books his appointments prior to his visit
Customers can express their grievances through their mobile
A bank employee would know the purpose of customer’s visit and can serve them in a better way.
A bank employee would know his/her schedule of the day and can plan their day better.
Staff utilization can be optimized to lower the operating costs of the bank/branch, by utilizing staff according to the customer flow
Geo-tagging can be used for sending personalized messages to the customer

Future Development:
The solution can be integrated with existing mobile banking and internet banking applications and Customer social profiling module can
be added so that the customer can be provided a more personalized service.

As Whatsapp API is presently in limited public preview, due to cost constraints, we couldn’t make use of it. In future the Whatsapp API
may be used instead of the SMS API.
As banks face increasing pressure to stay profitable, understanding customer needs and preferences becomes a critical success factor.
Data mining and predictive analytics can be applied on customers past history, to extract actionable intelligent customer insights to
better understand, predict and give customers what they want. Consumers today want to bank anywhere, anytime with the convenience
of using their smartphones and iPads at their fingertips. As we move toward a cashless society, the future of banking will be shaped by
how the customer analytics are used to gain new customer insights and effectively segment them. This can be added as an additional
module to serve the customer better during the scheduled appointments.

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