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~ SOLUTIONS MANUAL INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING and SCIENCE SECOND EDITION GILBERT M. MASTERS SOLUTIONS MANUAL ki INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING and SCIENCE SECOND EDITION GILBERT Le EUS Dept of Civil and Envir ring, Stanford University & Zz PRENTICE HALL, Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 Executive Editor: Bill Stenquist Editorial Assistant: Meg Weist Production Editor: Shea Oakley Special Projects Manager: Barbara A. Murray Supplement Cover Manager: Pau! Gourkan Manufacturing Buyer: Julia Meehan (© 1998 by Prentice-Hall, Inc. ‘Simon & Schuster / A Viacom Company Upper Saddle River, NI 07458. All rights reserved, No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. Printed in the United States of America 0987654321 ISBN 0-13-8850b4-1 Prentice-Hall International (UK) Limited, London Prentice-Hall of Australia Ply. Limited, Sydney Prentice-Hall Canada, Inc, Toronto Prentice-Hall Hispancamericana, S.A., Mexico Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi Prentice-Hall of Japan, Inc, Tokyo jon & Schuster Asia Pte. Ltd. Singapore Editora Prentice-Hall do Brasil, Ltda, Rio de Janeiro SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER 1 SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER 2 SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER 3 SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER 4 SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER 5 SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER 6 SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER 7 SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER 8 SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER 9 CONTENTS 1d 24 34 41 5.1 6.1 74 8.1 94 SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER 1 1.1 Ozone at 0.08 ppm; mg/m? = 2emxmol wt, 273.15 Pam) j 24.414 T(K) * tatm C2 0.08 x (3 x 16) . mg/m? (at 25°C, | atm) = SEAS am) = 92.414 = 0.157 mg/m? = 157 pughm \ b. In Denver, at 15°C and 0.82 atm: 0.08 x (3 x 16) 273.15 0.82 3 3 = 008 XB X16), __273-15__ , 0:82 _ 6.133 mgm? = 22.414 (273.15+15) mem’ = 133 pam mg/m: T 1.2 Exhaust at 1% CO, 25°C, 1 atm: 1%CO = —LPALCO_ _ 10%parts CO _ 1.16 ppm 100 parts air 10°parts air 3 _ lxlO* x (12+16) 27315, g/m? = = 11,445 mg/m? nee Raia * @73.15+25) ~ 1S mem 1.3. 400 wg/m3 of $02 at 25°C, 1 atm: 24.465 x SO,(mg/m*) _ 24.465 x 0.400 mol wt “2+ 2x16) YES, exceeds the air quality standard of 0.14 ppm. ppm = .15 ppm 1.4 Motoreycle emitting 20 g/mi of CO: 0.087 m? a. V=20gCO!mixS mix ME x 24.465 L/mol x L Bg 10°L 9m*CO 1.087 m* CO 10° m’ air Vm’ air V =9666 m3 b. 9 ppm CO: m polluted ___ 9666 m? 2 12 i mile Smix1609mimi Page 1.1 1.5 Air density with 79% N2 and 21% O2: Be 1 mol N Bs. ___ 0 = 987 g N,/m’ ai mol 22.414x10°m Ny SNiim at 0.79 m? Tm air 32g ImolNs 309 g0,/m sir mol ~ 22.414x10°m? Ny 021m 1m? air Total = 987 +300 = 1287 gm} = 1.287 kg/m3 1.6 Mixing 10 MGD, 3.0 mg/L, with 5 MGD, 10.0 mg/L: a. 1OMGD x3.0 mg/L + 5 MGD x 10.0 mg/L = (10+5)MGDxC mg/L C=80/ 15 = 533 mg/L Ly AS 522 - cs6ibidey b. 533 BS x 15x 10°22 x 3.785 pe L day gal * 10%mg * “kg 1.7 500 ppm 25 m3 /s, 400 ppm -— gf F2@ Orem 5 m3/s, 2000 ppm 4 2 2, 7 Upstream of take-out: C= 25m°/s x400mg/l. + Sm 1s x 2000 mak _ 667 mofL, (5+ Syms Drinking water @ 500 ppm: 500 mg/L x(Q + FQ) m7/s= 667 mg/LxQm*/s 5001+ F)=667 = 0333 (that is, 1/3 pure water) Page 1.2 50 mes—= CW nb > > — 55 m/s,c= {5 mB /s, 100 mg/t, K=0.25/d Input = Output + Decay , where decay =KCV 0.25/ day ma g/L) x 10’m? Ba held x 3600 oe * © (BL * 10° Sm3/s x 100 mg/L = 55 m3/s x C (mg/L) + 500 2 596 mg/L BS mel 1MGD Gn? q see E> K= 0.30/d Lake 1: Input = Output + KCV 1 MGD x 20 mg/L-= 1 MGD x Cj + 03/day x SMG x Cy 20 = 8.0 mg/L. Tes 0ome" 500 = 55C + 28.9C 1.9 Lake 2: 1 MGD x 8.0 mg/L = 1 MGDx C2 +03/d x3 MG x C2 80 4.2 iL T+o5 ~*?™# 1.10 0.1 m3/s C <10mo/L 30 mg/L. ——> K=0.2/d Input = Output + KCV 5, . O.2day s i ).1 m* g/L = 0. Soe |x 10 Lx V 0.1 m/s x30 mg/L 01 msxi0mp. + (=-O2—). mg/l m Poa10. — 86,400 m? 231x 10 Page 1.3 eit oe 60 kg/s CO Input rate = Output rate 60 kg/s x 106 mg/kg = 20 x 103 m x 250 m x2 m/s x (CO) mg/m3 co 1.12 100 km 4m/s Ca? 100 ken J} ken 10 kg/s, K=0.2/hr Input rate = Output rate + KCV Input rate = 10 kg/s x 109 pg/kg = 10x 109 g/s Output rate = 100x 103 mx 103 mx 4 mvs x C (g/m) =4 x 108 C pg/s Decay rate = O/T x © (gfm3) x 105 m x 105m x 108 m= 5.5.x 108 C pels 3600 s/he 10 x 10° 3 = =! it 4x 10° + 5.55x 16° 105 nom s 1.13 = 1.20) Ce" OaRV (1.20) S = 10x 109 pg/s Q =I misx 105m x 103 m=1 x 108m3/s (new value at 1 m/s wind) 0.2/hr KV = ———_ 103 m= 5.55 3) So60 ai * 1PM 109 mx m= 5.55x 108 m3/s 10 x 10° pig/s (x10 + 5.55x10 m/s = 15.26 pgm? C(t) =[C, -C_Jexp[-(K+Q/ V)t] + CL (1.29) Thr 10m C(2hr)=[10.5- 1s26up/m? leo (22 + torn rs 3600 ct, 15.26u9/m? = 123 pg/m> Page 1.4 | 100 m3/d ; 10 mg/L. | a. Input rate = Output rate (conservative) 100 m3/dx 10 mg/L = 100 m3/dxC C= 10 mg/L b. Change input concentration suddenly to 100 mg/L, Ces = 100 mg/L, C (7day: C(t) =[C, -C. Jexp[-(K +Q/V)t] + CL (1.29) C(7hr)=[10-100 naltten|{o- wails) 7 4 +£100mg/L = 498 mg/L 1.15 100 m3/d 10 mg/L a. Input rate = Output rate + KCV 100 m3/d x 10 mg/L = 100 m3/d x C mg/L + 0.20/d x C mg/L x 1200 m3 now K=0.20/day 100 x 10 100 + 0.20 x 1200 94 mg/L b. Change input suddenly to 100 mg/L, C(7 days) =? s 100 m7/d x 100 mg/L. C= =——— eee =" Q+KV 100m°/d + 0.20/d x 1200 m’ C(t) =[C, -C_]exp[-(K +Q/ V)t] + CL 0.20 100 m°/d (7 d) = [2.94 — 29.2 = T .- C(7 d) =[2.94 294 mete A eat) a] + 29.4mg/L = 258mg Page 15 1.16 300 Btu/ft2-hr — 19pm ~~ Ti+aT 4x8" 1 gpm Ti. n= 50% Rate of energy absorbed = Rate of change of stored energy 0.50 x 300 Btu z x4 Bf Font RATERS H 0.50 x 300 x32 _ “1x 8.34x 60 tl e a a 1.17 itt i 2 tt a LOE x 1S wksx 5e— x 1000 ft" x 624 = x 10508 =81.9% 10°Btu/season Cover saves: z x89 x 16 Ex S100 =$546/ yi season “10° Bu 0 YES a $500 cover does pay for itself in less than one season. Page 1.6 1.18 fuel: 3000 Mt — DQ TZ, crecrciry: 1000 Mie waste heat: 2000 MWt 2006, ak ——= 100 m/s a, Rate of heat added to cooling water = rate of change of stored energy = m c AT. Jj 2000 x 10° W x we Is + (kg te = (Me x10°C $8) cass s Ww 2000 x 10° “4184 x 10 = 47.8x 10'kg/s x 10°m/kg = 47.8 m'/s nuclearplantcooling water _ 47.8m*/s coal plant cooling water (Ex 1.10) 40.6 m°/s .IT7 (= 18% more) b. River temperature rises by AT as it receives 2000 MWtof heat: __ cooling water heat gain rate _ 2000 x 108 J/s 7=48°C AT. = = rate) 100 m?/s x 4184 /kg-°C x 10° kg/m* 1.19 Moisture condensing releases latent heat = SmL x 1 gimL x 2.5KJ/g= 12.51) Sensible heating = mc AT = 0.354 kg x 4.18 ki/kg-©C x AT = 12.5 J 125 AT=————"— = 0354 x 4.18 84°C 1.20 Energy needed to vaporize 1 kg of water at 15°C (Table 1.4) = 2465 kJ To raise | kg 3000 m require: 98N 15 x kg N-m 3000 mx I kg x = 29,4003 = 29.41) Energy to vaporize water _ 2465 ki km 294k 83:1 Page 1.7 1.21 Condensation of 1 Ib of water releases 1060 Btu (Table 1.4) 1.22 1.23 1.24 Bu Potential energy of 1 Ib at 5000 ft = 5000 ft x 1 Ib x 7aIEe =6.43 Btu Potential energy _ 6.43 BU _ 9 96 0.06% Latentheat 1060 Btu 4 asyy Wastehest stack 85% 36% eff cooling 600 MWe Satay Heat input = Heat to cooling water = 0.85 x (1667 - 600) MW = 907 MWt Lis, _ kg KW * 2465s "10° kg = 037 m'Is Evaporation rate = 907 x 10° KW x Waterheaterjacket: 25 t2 70 °F room R-5 to RIS 40 - 70°F) °F/ Btu 2sit Heat loss before = AST = ( R Shr-ft =350 Btwhr 25 ft*(140-70°F) 15hr- Heat loss after = = H7Buwhr Btu . Bu kWh, br cday Savi = (350-117) — x ——x24—— 365— = 599 kWhr’} ravings = ( Vr “3412 Baa Gay °° yr Dts worth 599 kWh/yr x 0.08 $/kWhr = $47.92 lyr 60-watt incandescents vs 15-watt CFL: Energy savings = (60 - 15 watts) x 9 khr = 405 kWh per CFL Carbon savings = 405 kWh x 280 gC/kWh = 113,400 gC = 113.4 kg C $02 savings = 405 kWh x 2.8 g SO/kWh = 1134 g S02 = 1.134 kg SO2 Particulate savings = 405 kWh x 0.14 g/kWh = 56.7 g particulate matter Page 1.8 1.25 75-watt incandescents vs 18-watt CFL: a. Electricity savings = (75 - 18 watts) x 10 khr = 570 kWh per CFL S70kWh 3412 Btu b. Heat lant saved = 28CO2 +10 H20 +6 N2 mol wt of TNT = 7x12 + 5x1 + 3x14 + 6x16 = 227 g/mol 100 gTNT , 2imolO, , 3280. 227 g/mol 4molTNT ~~ mol 2.3 40.00 gC 6.67 gH <= =3 = =6 LH Taemot 24 IC Terr = 0% C:H:O= : 1 socould be CH20 (mol wt = 30, too low) could be C2H402 (mol wt = 60 g/mol) YES 2.4 mol wt of glucose (CeH 1206) = 6x12 + 12x1 + 6x16 = 180 g/mol Us slucose/t _ 9.9555 mol/L = 0.0555M 180 g/mol 2.8 mol wtof ethyl alcohol (CH3CH2OH) = 2x12 + 6x1 + 1x16 = 46 g/mol 0.43 Lalcohol 790g 1 Lwhiskey x Lwhiskey ~ Lalcohol = 738 mol/L Pg 2.1 2.6 a, percentage chlorine: 35.45 x3, - A = 0.774 = TA CFC-IN(CCLP): Cl =75 3335.45 + 19 ci = 254522 __ 0.586 = 58.6% FC~12 (CCI oe Cass 12 + 2x35.45 + 2x19 35.45 - SC): Ch =—— 2 = 0410 = 41.0% HCFC-22 (CHECD: Cl = 797 3545 + 2x19” ° b. HCFC-22 substituting for CFC-11: Ti4g-410g Ti4g .47 = 47% reduction 2.7 Combustion of petroleum: 4C2H3 + 1102 > 8CO2z + 6H20 3.x 107 kiiyr a. world energy, oil equivalents = Brio ike =6.98x10'*kg oil at27 g/mol = 6.98x 107 kg x = x Pe =2s8u0" mol oil CO, emissions = 2.58 x 10 mot oil x 220s , 42CO. ae 2 moloil * molCO, » 10 =2.27x10"* kg CO; b. From example 23, if all U.S. energy came from methane: 41x10" kg CO,/yr from methane p 13 _4.1x10" kg COp/yr from methane _ 3,49)” kt/yr = 1.5x10” kg CO 2 x 10° bilyrof energy from methane x3x107 ki/yr = 15x10" 8.00, comparing that with the CO released if all petroleum, yields 2.27x10" kg CO,/yrif bum oil 227x107 kg COS en = 1: i ai i in10" FeO, iyrif bum CH, 1.51 that is, 51% more CO, if bum oil Pg 2.2 2.8 a. propane: C3Hg_ +502 > 3CO2_ + 4H20 2.9 (103:8) (0) 3(-393.5)_—{-241.8) (g) net 4(-28538) (I) gross net: AH® = 4x(-241.8) + 3(-393.5) - (-103.8) = -2043.9 kJ/mol gross: AH® = 4x(-285.8) + 3(-393.5) - (-103.8) = -2219.9 kJ/mol b. n-butane: C4Hio + 13/2 02. > 4CO2_ + 5H20 (-124.7) (0) 4(-393.5) 5(-241.8) (g) net ‘5(-285.8) (I) gross net; AHO = 5x(-241.8) + 4(-393.5) - (-124.7) = -2658.3 ki/mol gross: AH© = 5x(-285.8) + 4(-393.5) - (-124.7) = -2878.3 Ki/mol c. isobutane: CaHjq + 13/202 > 4CO2_ + SH20 (131.6) ) 4(-393.5) 5{-241.8) (g) net '5(-2858) (I) gross net: AH® = 5x(-241.8) + 4(-393.5) - (-131.6) = -2651.4 ki/mol gross: AH® = Sx(-285.8) + 4(-393.5) - (-131.6) = -2871.4 ki/mol 4. ethanol (I): CzHsOH +302 > 2C02 + 3120 (2778) Oy 2(-393.5) 3(-241.8) (g) net 3(-2858) (I) gross net: AH© = 3x(-241.8) + 2(-393.5) - (-277.6) = -1234.8 kJ/mol gross: AH© = 3x(-285.8) + 2(-393.5) - (-277.6) = -1366.8 kJ/mol e. methanol (I): CH30H +3/2 02 > C02 +_2H20 (238.6) (0) (393.5) 2(-241.8) (g) net 2(-2858) (I) gross net: AH© = 2x(-241.8) + (-393.5) - (-238.6) = -638.5 kJ/mol gross: AH° = 2x(-285.8) + (-393.5) - (-238.6) = -726.5 kJ/mol ethanol (I): C2H50H +302 - 2CO2 + 3H20 (AH®) (0) 2(-393.5) _3(-285.8) (1) gross 3(-285.8) + 2(-393.5) - AH® =-1370 ki/mol AHO = -274.4 ki/mol Pg23 2.10 propane: C3Hg_ +502 » 3CO2_ + 4120 (103.8) (0) —-3(-393-5)_4(-285.8) (I) gross gross: AH® = 4x(-2858) + 3(-393.5) - (103.8) = 2219.9 KI/mol 22199 Be x 1000 g = 50,452 KI nol 44g 2.41 a. methanol (I): CH3OH +3202 > C02 + 2H20 (-238.6) (©) (393.5) 2(-285.8) (1) gross gross: AH® = 2x(-285.8) + (-398.5) - (-238.6) = -726.5 Ki/mol KL. mol | 10008 Ib Bu HHV = 5— x -—— 7 — 537 Btu/gal HV = 726.5 X39 * 321 O gal © 1.055 eae b. ethanol (I): CzH5OH | +302 > 2CO2 + 3120 C776) oy 2393.5) 3(-2858) (I) gross gross: AH® = 3x(-2858) + 2(-393.5) - (-277.6) = -1366.8 Ki/mol nny «136524 ky J, wy 10008 , gglo , Bu He * 221d > gal * 10550 = 84,492 Btu/gal c. propane: C3Hg_ +502 + 3C02_ + 4H20 (103.8) (0) —-3(-393.5) 4(-285.8) (I) gross gross: AH® = 4x(-285.8) + 3(-393.5) - (-103.8) = -2219.9 kI/mol HHV = 2219 oe x MO, 10008 4 pth , Bae 4g * 221 * gal 1.055K = 89,123 Btu/gal 2.12 a, methanol (I): CH30H + +3/202 > ~CO2 + 2H20 (238.6) (0) (393.5) 2(-241.8) (I) net net: AH® = 2x(-241.8) + (-393.5) - (-238.6) = -638.5 Kimol LHV = east x x BO, 10008 5 7lb , Bi _ 57, sg Biw/gal 32g * 221 ~° gal © 1055) b. ethanol (I): C2HsOH +302 > 2CO2 + 3H20 (277.6) (0) 2(-393.5) 3(-241.8) (I) net net: AHO = 3x(-241.8) + 2(-393.5) - (-277.6) = -1234.8 ki/mol ay «123405 2 mol, 1000g ¢,lb , Bu x 6.6: * O21 > °gal * 1.055 = 76,332 Btulgal Pg 2.4 c. propane: C3H#g_ +502 > 3CO2_ + 4H20 (103.8) (0) 3(-393.5)4(-241.8) (1) net net: AH® = 4x(-241.8) + 3(-393.5) - (-103.8) = -2043.9 ki/mol Luv =2043.9-AL , Mol, 10008 4B , Bu mol 44g) 221d gal” 1.055 kJ =82,057 Bu/gal 2.13 03 + hv > Q2 + OF (142.9) ©) (438) AH® = 438 - 142.9= 295.1 kJ/mol (endothermic) L.19 x 10 KJ- m/mol aS (2.12) 1,19 x 10 kJ- m/mol 295.1 ki/mol ).403x10m = 0.403 1m 2.14. NO2 + NO +0 (33.9) (90.4) (247.5) (enthalpies from Table 2.2) AH® = 90.4 +247.5-33.9= 304 ki/mol (endothermic) 1.19 x 10 kJ- m/mol ‘AH’ (2.12) x 10° kJ-m/mol 304 ki/mol 39x10%m = 0391m 2.18 HCl > Ht +cCr mol 36.45 g HCI = 6.8587 x 10“mol/L = pH = - log [H*] =- log [ 6.8587 x 10-4] =3.16 Pg 2s g mol 7 mg 2 o a =310° = — = 17x10 VL 16 [oH ]=3l0" $F x one * 178 x10 mol 107 7 H]= = 5.66 x 10 mol/L (H] 17x10" xqorme pH = = log [H*] = - log [ 5.66 x 10-7 ] = 6.25 17 pH = -log(H*]=8.5 [Ht] = 3.16 x 10-9 moV/L oot p= == 3.16 mol/L [ox [H"] | 3.16x10 mol 18 a. CH3COOH+ 202 > 2CO2 + 2H20 Acetic acid mol wt = 2x12 +4x1 + 2x16 =60 g/mol b. CoHSOH +302 — 2CO2 +3H20 ethanol mol wt= 46 g/mol ‘ThOD ego Ect, 2 ,_mol_ mol, 32802 1000 m8 _ 69. 6mg/L L “100mg “46 geth moleth “molO, c. C6H1206 + 602 > 6CO2 + 6H20 sucrose mol wt = 180 g/mol qrop =soMeSi, 8, molsue ,SmalOs 3280: , 1000 ms 53 sma. L *1000mg i80gsuc molsuc molO, Pg 2.6 2.19 HOCL @ Ht + OC K=29x108 RTCA) cto" oar 729"! ¢-_—[Hocy tt {HOcI]+[oa"] = foci] 4 29x10" 29x10" “ep ‘to pH=6: 1 pH = 10: f= 55 p= 0.0034 14230 10" 2.20 HoS «> H+ + HS- K =0.86x 107 (las) 0.86x107 [HS] 1 1 O86x107 |, 086x107 ee a pH=8 f=——1__,=0.104 0.86x10™ 10" 1+. 2.21 AIPO4 @ AIS+ + PO43-; Ksp = 10-22 = [AB+] [PO4?-}; [ai3+] = (POg3-] 2. [PO43-]= 10-1 mol/L PO43- concentration = 10-11 mol/L x 95 g/mol x 1000 mg/g = 9.5 x 10-7 mg/L. i } | mol wt PO43- = 31+ 4x16= 95 g/mol i Pg 2.7 2. y iy 22 Oz is 21% of air, so at sea level (1 atm), PO2=0.21 x 1 atm =0.21 atm At15°C, KH =0.0015236 forO2 (Table 2.4) [02] = KH Pg =0.0015236 mol/L-atm x 0.21 atm = 0.00031996 mol/L. dissolved oxygen = 3.1996 x 10°4 mol/L x 32 g/mol x 1000 mg/g = 10.2 mg/L. = L1Sx 104H= 1 1.15 x 104 x 2000 = 0.77 atm At2 km elevation, P [02] = KH Pg = 0.0015236 mol/L-atm x 0.21 x 0.77 atm = 0.002464 mol/L dissolved oxygen = 2.464 x 104 mol/L x 32 g/mol x 1000 mg/g = 7.9 mg/L PCo2 =2atm and Ky =0.033363 mol/L-atm at25°C (Table 2.4) [cO2} (or, in g/L. = 0.066676 mol/L x 44 g/mol =2.9 g/L) " Ky Pg = 0.033363 mol/L-atm x 2 atm = 0.066676 mol/L. O02 + H20 = Ht + HCO3- H*]HCO, =4¢ 7 {c0,] ATx107 mol/L and [H+] = [HCO3"] + [OH"] (2.43) and [H+] [OH"] = Kw = 10-14 (2.19) % (w']=[uco; +f = Ry [H#]2 = Ky [CO2] + 10-14 = 4.47x10°7 x 0.066676 + 10-14 [H+] = 0.000173 mol/L pH =- log (0.000173) = 3.76 2.25 @275ppm: (CO2] = Ky Pg = 0.033363 mol/L-atm x 275x10-6 atm 1.17 x 10° mol/L, using (2.46): [H+]? = Ky [CO2 (aq)] + 10-14 (Ht}2 = 4.47 x 10-7 x 9.17 x 106 + 10°14 = 4.11 x 10°12 [H+] = 20x 10°6 pH = - log [H*] =- log (2.0.x 10°6) = 5.69 @ 600 ppm: [C02] = 0.033363 mol/L-atm x 600x10°6 atm = 2.0 x10°5 moVL. using (2.46): [Ht]? = 4.47 x 10-7 x2.0 x 10°5 + 10-14 = 8.95 x 10-12 [H+] = 299x106 pH " - log [H+] = - log (2.99 x 10°) = 5.52 " 2.26 Begin by writing the full set of equations that must be satisfied: (HJHCo,] _ (co) * = 447x107 mol/L, (237) ey =K,=4.68x10"' mol/L, (2.38) [ca**[CO,*] =K,,=4.57x107 mol/L (239) [H*]+2[ca*]=[Hc0,"]+2[co,""]+[oH"] =[HC0,]+[OH"] charge balance [CO2(aq)] = KH Pg = 0.033363 mol/L-atm x 360x10°6 atm = 1.2 x 10-Smol/L. Solve for the concentration of Ca2* using (2.37), (2.38), and (2.39): Ket] KAT HCO, ] ~ K,K,[CO,] [co from the charge balance: [H+] = [HCO3"] + [OH] - 2 [Ca2+] Pg29 wre tke so [H'] = Keo.) 10" 2ST KK,[CO,] 4.47x107x1.2x107 +10 — {eT [1] =537x10°°-3.6a10H"] 4.47x107 x4.68x10"''x1.2x10 or (H*}3 + 2.75 x 10-14 [H+]? = 1.47 x 10°25 Imagine pH>7 forexample: [H+] < 10-7 then 2.75 x 10-14 (H¥]? < 2.75x10°28 which is negligible compared to 1.47 x 10-25 so we will ignore the [H+] term... then (H+]3 = 1.47x 1025 so [H+] =5.27 x 109 pH =-log (5.27 x 10-9) = 227 a. CoHg HOH HW ian c Gee A i HOH ha b. CH3CHCICH3 H cl H Hcl oH lot Hicic:¢:H = -H-C-C-C-H Bo AG riod cae HHH ©. CH30H H H wee 1 H:C:0:H H-C-OH 4 h Pg 2.10 2.28 a. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3 aN “A 2.29 a. CH3CHCHCH3 H | -C= o-=z H- -H xn-O-= -Cc I H 2.30 a. dichloromethane cl I H-c-Cl I H d. trichlorofluoromethane cl i F-C-CI I cl g. tetrachloroethene (PCE) cl cl Iot C=C 1 I | ci Cl b. CH3CH2CHCH2 ANE 4 ZZ b. CH3CHCICH2CH3 cc. CH3CH20H HCl HOH HoH badd tot H-C-C-C-C-H H-C-C-OH relo tot HH HH HoH b. trichloromethane c. 1,1-dichloroethylene cl clH H rt H-c-Cl C=C 1 rot cl cl H e. 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane f. o-dichlorobenzene cl cl cl 11 1 H-C-C-H ac rot cic h. dichlorofluoromethane Cc i F-C-H I cl Pg 2.11 231 YX > + By a =262, b=86 =x = B+ VY a=32, b=16 2.32 64g > 32g > 16g > 8g > 4g > 22 > Ie clapseddays: 60 120 © 180 240 300-360 days Pg 2.12 SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER 3 3.1 [billion in 1850 growing to 4 billion in 1975: a. by doubling time: 1 billion — 2 billion — 4 billion means 2 doublings in 1975 - 1850 = 125 years. 125 yrs = 12 Y8 _- 62.5 yrsidoubling ** J doublings nie a) 1(%) == =L.I%/ yr az y b. by formula: 1 (N) 14 altel S| =in{ 2 |= 0.011 = 1.197 r (| s(t) ae 3.2. Tuition from $1500 to $20,000 in 1995 - 1962 = 33 yrs: 0785 = 7.85%! yr b. In 25 yrs: N=N,e" = 20,000 e°°**** = $142,317/ yr 3.3. Smillion people 10,000 yrs ago leading to 1 billion in 1850: 1.00053 = 0.053% (today's rate 30 x faster) increasing at that rate from 1850 to 2000, the population would be Nanya tO? emer. Land = (land/food) x (food/keal) x (keal/person) x (population ) @-1% @05% @01% @15% r=-1.0+05+0.1+15= 1.1%lyr growth in land required a, doubling time for land needed = T, = —= = b. (=) -(2) emrn935{ 22) that is, 47% less land Food resis food Jeno food )eo Pg. 3.1 3.5. Carbon emissions = (Population) x (Energy/person) x (Carbon/energy) @15% @15% @1% to double the current rate of carbon emissions, at r= 15+ 15+ 1=4%/yr T L{N 1 — |=—SInQ2) =173- t () oo ) 3 yrs b. in 1733 yrs, the per capita energy demand will have increased by (Energy person), s 235 <005*733 1.997 (up by = 30%) (Energy! Person) ous ¢. by then, total energy demand would have increased by Energy = (Energy/person) x (population) @1.5% @15% — (thatis, total growth @ 3%/ys) (Enersy )erranee _ 9 SERENA =o! ee (Enerey oye . aes 3.6 Starting with 5x10® tonnes Clyr @ 4%lyr and total atmospheric C = 700x109 tonnes a. Using (3.16), the time to emit 700 x 109 tonnes would be t 14( esau 2a = oy 0.04 5x10” T b. To double atmospheric C given that half of the emissions remain in the ‘atmosphere would require total emissions of 700 x 2 = 1400 billion tonnes: 0.04x1400x10° axon ‘) eae 3.7 Carbon(kg/yr) = Population x Energy (itlye) Carbon( ks) person Energy(kJ) 06% = @0.5% @.03% Total = 0.8% = 0.008 ‘a. First, find the carbon emission rate in 1990: Co = 250x108 people x 320x106 kJ/person x 15x10°6 kgC/kJ = 1.2.x 1012 kgC if this grows at 0.8% for 2020 - 1990 = 30 yrs, emissions will be C= Cie" = 12x10" kgC/ yr e992 1.525 x. 10'* kgClyr = 1.525 GtClyr b. During those 30 years, the total emitted will be (3.15): _Poygn _y) = LZ GICIYE povons 30 _ 1) = Q= o(e 1) po0siye (e' 1) = 40.7 GC c. Total energy demand in 2020 will be: Energy = (Energy/person) x (population) @r @05% @0.6% total growth rate r= 1.1% = 0.011 Energy (1990) = 320 x 106 (ki/yr/person) x 250 x 106 people = 8 x 1016 Ki/yr Energy (2020) =8 x 1016 ki/yr e0-011 x 30 = 11.1 x 1016 kilyr d. Per capita emissions of carbon in 2020 will be: Clperson(1990) = (Energy ki/yr/person) x (Carbon/energy kgC/kJ) = 320x106 ki/yr/person x 15x10-SkgC/k3 = 4800 kgC/yr/person growing at r= 0.5% - 0.3% = 0.2%lyr = 0.002/yr €(2020) = C(1990) eft = 4800 kgC/yr/person €0.002/yr x 30yr 1x10 kgClyr 3.8 Current usage 2 million tons Cr/yr; reserves 800 million tons of chromium; r=2.6%/yr 1 0.026x800x10* a uf moe i} 93.6 yrs If resources are Sx reserves, the time to use them up would be x5x800xI0" 2x1 5 Jerse yrs Note multiplying reserves x 5 only increases the lifetime by a factor of 1.6. 3.9 Gaussian peaking at 6x current rate of 2 million tons/yr; resource of 4 billion tons: Q. ___ 4000x10* tons P,J2m 6x 2x10° tons/yrV20 =133 yrs (from 3.18) To reach the maximum production rate, use (3.20): =133V2In6 = 251.7 = 252 yrs Pg. 33 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 To consume about 80% of the resource corresponds to + 1.30: 180% = 2x 13.6 =2x 13 x 133 =346 yrs ‘At current rates Po it would take 100 yrs to add Q tons of CFC to the already existing Qtons. That is, 100 Po=Q or 2-100 ‘Then using (3.16), the time required to add those Q tons and double CFCs is T Jif 2 41)=—Lin(o.caxio0 + 1)=549 yrs 1 \Py 02 Bismuth half life is 4.85 days so using (3.8) the corresponding reaction rate K is M2 go, a BB - HB? 20.143 day K Tp 485d ‘After 7 days the initial 10 g is reduced to N=N,e“ = 10ge 68g Reaction rate K = 0.2/day, so from (3.8) the half-life is wind 2 a K © 02d 3.466 days The fraction remaining after 5 days is ea No = e%?'4* 5 - 0,368 that is, about 37% of the sewage remains e Using the logistic curve (3.26) starting with No=63 billion in 2000, growing at Ro=0.015/yr to a maximum of K=1033 billion, first find growth rate t Ro N, - No K r= To reach 9 billion, we need first to find t* the time when size is K/2=5.15 billion: 1 103 = -1}=-11.7 i } so ai ) 11.7 yrs before 2000 (that is, 1988) We can use (3.27) to find when will it reach 9 billion: Pg. 3.4 3.14 3.15 tet tn S-1}=-117- a 8.4 yrs (that is 2038) t 0.0386 which is quite similar to Figure 3.20. Similar to Problem 3.13 but starting with 3.65 billion in 1970 and 2.0% growth: R002, r= (-§) = 5) = 0.03098 K 103 to find when N = 10.3/2 = 5.15 billion: 19.4 yrs (19.4 + 1970 = 1989) ecataanl 0.03098 Projected out to 1995 (25 yrs later) using Eq. 3.22: 103 [eT = 5.6 billion (actual was 5.7) Ite) When No=100 the doubling time eqn lets us find the growth rate Ro: In2_In2 Ry = = = 0.693/ yr o T™ 1 With no growth constraints use (3.26), 0.693, TALI yr a. Max sustainable yield when population is half the carrying capacity N = 2000/2 = 1000 fish using (3.29) the maximum yield is: ‘LL x 2000 4 b. If the pond is kept at 1500 fish (instead of the optimum 1000), yield (3.21) is max yield = x 355 fishlyr yield =n 711 x 1500 (1 -150% oq) = 267 fish/yr Pg. 3.5 3.16 3.17 3.18 Begin by finding the early growth rate r from (3.26) 0.693 Ro = R71 =O71/ yr K 4000 Yield is given by (3.21), now with non-optimal N=3000 fish: yield =n -%) =0.71 x3000(I -3000/ 99) = 533 fish/yr ‘This is less than the maximum sustainable yield of 710 fish found in Example 3.9. [At present, yield = dN/dt = 2000/yr; K= 10,000 fish; N= 4000; and we want maximize yield. From (3.21) a a = 0.8333 re 5) ames = 08 K 10,000 To maximize sustainable yield, the population should be allowed to grow to K/2 = 5000 fish, at which point the yield would be: . 000 max yield = & 28855310, 000 — 2085 fish/yr India; N=762 million; b=34/1000; d=13/1000; infant mort.=118 per 1000 live births: 34 births = 762x10°x —— = 25.9 mill a. births = 762x10°x 755 = 25.9 million / yr 118 deaths infant deaths = 25.9x10° births x ~———— inven HRS * 1000 births = 3.06million/yr total deaths = 762x10° x = = 9.91 million deaths/yr fraction of deaths that are infants = 2S. 0.309 31% 10 6 10 deaths a = 25.9x10° births x —————— = 0.26: i x10® births x Too preps = 0. 26mnillion'yr "avoidable deaths" = 3.06 - 0.26 M = 2.8 million/yr ¢. annual increase =N(b-4) = razx10( 24-3) =16 millionyr b. infant deaths @- 1000 ~ 1000 Pg. 3.6 3.19 India: N=931 million; b=29/1000; d=13/1000; infant mort.=74 per 1000 live births: ig 29 . births = 931x10° i a. births = 931x10°x =27.0 million /yr ‘74.deaths infe = 27.0x10" bit erat infant deaths = 27.0x10* births x oe .0 million/yr 9 total deaths = 931x10° x ——~ = 8.38 million deaths/yr lea i ly 20 fraction of deaths that are infants = —— = 0.239 ~ 24% 838 10 deaths 1000 births b. infant deaths @—O_ = 27.0x10° births x =0.27million/yr 1000 "avoidable deaths” = 2.0 - 0.27 M = 1.73 million/yr . annual increase =N(b-a) 931010 22-2. |= 186 mitionyr Notice even though birth rates are down, population is growing faster than it did in 1985 (Problem 3.18). 3.20. Replacement level fertility starting att=0: 80-74 1M 2m 3M 3M as-49 1 2m 3M. 3M 3M 0-24 3M 3M 3M 3M -0 eM t=25 @M t=50 9M t=75 OM 3.21 Same as Prob. 3.20 at beginning, but TFR=4 for 25yrs, and 20% death at 50: Soa le TFRes 1.6M (2M x 0.8) eae eu 2 childr 3M a children ones) per person} 6M (Mx 2) cs Omen t=25 106M 50-74 2.4M (3M x 0.8) 4.8M (6M x 0.8) 25-49 6M 6M 0-24 6M (3M x 2) 6M (3M x 2) t-50 134M 75 168M 3.22 Since r=3.5%, the doubling time is Td = 70/r = 70/3. 20 yrs. So in 20 years the population will have doubled from 290,000 to 580,000. The bottom of the pyramid must be the amount that will make the total equal to 580,000: Pg. 3.7 80,000 40-59 10,000 20-59 80,000 200,000 0-19 200,000 7 t=0 280,000 t220 “$80,000, So the bottom of the pyramid must have 580,000 - (80,000+200,000) = 300,000 people. Fo person in th is, TFR = 3.0. 3.23 Sample calculations for 1990: ages 0-9 in 1990 = PQ(1990) = b10P10(1980) + 620P20(1980) = 0.25 x 224M + 0.25 x 182 M= 101.5M ages 10-19: P,,(1990) = pyssoyBe =235M x 0.957 = 224.9 similarly, P20(1990) 224 x 0.987 = 221.1M P30(1990) = 182 x 0.980 = 178.4M 3.24 Usinga spreadsheet makes it straightforward: 119.5M 878M S7.0M 26.6 M 76M TOTAL =10243M 200,000 people to have had 300,000 births means on average each 1¢ 0-19 category had 1.5 children, or each woman had 3.0 children. That Problem 3.24: China Age Structure with 1-child family: I i { Tee | Fraction [Births perPopulation PopulationPopulation Population? opulation| Population| interval |Survivingl Person | 1980 | 1990 | 2000 {2010 | 2020 | 2030 0-9 0.957, 0 235|_101.50|_111.50| 79.78) _50.64| 45.42 To-15 | 0.987[ 0.25 224) 224.90| _97.14| 106.70, __76.35| 48.47 20-291 0.98[ 0.25 7182/_221.09] 221.97] 95.87) 105.31| 75.35 30-391 0.964 0 724 178.36| 216.67| 217.53, _93.96| 103.21 40-49] 0.924 0 951 119.54] _171.94| 208.87] 209.70| _90.57| 50-591 0.826 0 69, 87.78| _110.45|_158.87| 192.99| 193.76| 60 - 69 | 0.633 0) 421 56.99 72.51] 91.23] 131.23] 159.41 70-79 | 0.316) © 24{ 26.59] 36.08] 45.90|__§7.75| 83.07 gO - 0! 0! 6] 7.58) 8.40] 11.40) _14.50|__18.25 (oral TOOT! 1024.32] 1046.64) 1016.15] 932.43] 817.51 Pg. 3.8 3.25 Now delay births by one 10-yr interval: Problem 3.25: China Age Structure with 1-child family, delayed births: | [ L 7ep__| Fraction Births perPopulation PopulationPopulation PopulationPopulation Population| Interval |Surviving| Person | 1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2010 _{ 2020 |" 2030. 0-9 | 0.957 Of __235} _76.50| 99.86] 109.66] _72.45| 41.28 70-19 | 0.987) 0|22a{ 224.90| 73.21, 95.571 104.94| 69.33, 20-29} 0.98) 0.25 7182; 221.09| 221.97| 72.26) 94.33] 103.58 | 30-39{ 0.964] 0.25 124{ _178.36| _216.67| 217.53, 70.81] 92.441 [40-49 | 0.924 0 95/_119.54| 171.94[ 208.871 209.70] 68.26] 50-591 0.826 0 69\ 87.78) 110.45| 158.87) _192.99| 193.76 60-69] 0.633 0 42| 56.99 72.51] 91.23] 131.23] 159.41 70-791 0.316 0 241 26.59] 36.08] 45.90] 57.75| 83.07 s0- | 0 0 6i__7.58| 8.40] 11.40] 14.50] 18.25) froTaL Toor 999.32) 1011.09{ 1011.29) 948.711 629.39) ‘The peak in Prob. 3.24 was 1047 million; with delayed births the peak drops to 1011 million. 3.26 Using the more realistic 2-child per family birth rates giv Problem 3.26: China Age Structure with 2-child family: T I T T Population Population) Population| [2010 | 2020 [2030 235, 182.00 221.97| 171.91] 208.83 2241 224.90| ~211,58) _212.43| _164.52| Taz) 221.09] 221.97) 171.91) 208.83] 209.67 124 _178.36| 216.67| 217.53| 168.47| 204.65 95|_119.54[ 171.94] 208.87] 209.70] 162.41 69! .45| 158.87| 192.99] 193.76 42) 56.99] 72.51] 91.23] _131.23| 159.41 70-79 | 0.316) 24] ~26.59| 36.08] 45.90] 57.75| 83.07 go- | 0 6.7.58] 8.40] 11.40] __14.50|__18.25 FroTAL | (1001, 1704-821 123.271 1339.26) 1367.81] 1404.57) \ 4 iBirths _perPopulation Popul Person 1980 1990 | [Age | Fraci Interval {Survi 0-9 0.957 30-39 | 0.964) 40-49} 0.9241 50- 59| 0.826) 60 - 691 0.633 lololojololo|-=!o}o} Pe. 3.9 SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER 4 44.1. From the slope of the figure, potency = 0.001/0.1(mg/kg-s) = 0.01 (mg/kg-)T 10°*mg/m? x 20 m*/d cDl= : 70 kg .000285 mg/kg -d 9x10 Risk = CDI x Potency = 0.000285 mg/kg -d x 0.01 (mg/kg-4)"! 4.2 0.2 ppb of PCB: 0.2810" mg/L x 2L /d x350 dlyt x30 YF _ 9 350107 mg/kg -d . CDI = * 70 kg x 365 diyr x 70 yr b. Risk = CDI x Potency = 2.35x10-6 mg/kg-d x 7.7 (mg/kg-d)"l = 181 x 106 10° people x 18.1x10* cancer/person - life 70 yrilife c. Extra cancers/yr = 26 cancerlyr 193 de i! 6 d. Expected cancerrate = —_— x 10° people = 1930 deaths/yr adding 0.26 cancers per year would not be detectable. 4.3 Ratdata: o D z e[* 30 |® 470 1.33x10~ mg/kg- d, and using the definition of CDI: _ Omg/L) x2Lid 1 @ 70 kg = 1.333x10“mg/kg—d, solving for C C(mg/L) = DWEL = 70 x 1.333x10-4/ 2 = 4.67 x 10-3 mg/L = Sug Risk = CDIxPotency = 10° = 2E/48001 mall Potency 70 kg so, Potency = Se =3.5x10"(mg/kg—4)" Pg. 4.2 4.8. dioxin standard = 3x10°8 mg/L. using EPA suggested exposure factors (Table 4.10): 6 py = Bel dx 3x10 mg/L x 350892 X3OYF 5 519" ng kg a 70 kg x 365 diyr x 70 yr Risk = CDI x Potency = 3.5x10-10 mg/kg-d x 1.56x105 (mg/kg-d)"! = 5.5x10°5 4.9 Tetrachloroethylene standard = 0.005. mg/L Ri CDI x Potency = 2d x 0.005 mg/L x350 diyr x 30¥F 5 1410°%(mg/ kg A)! =3.0x10" 70 kg x 365 d/yt x 70 yr ° 4.10 Radiation potency = I cancer death per $000 person-rems: a. I cancer death Cancer = —Lcancer death. 260x10° people x 0.130 remyr = 4.2x10°deaths /yr ‘8000 person -rems b. Risk = 4mrem/flight x N flights x ue =10% 8000 rems x 10° mrem/ rem *x 8x10 n= 1OTR 8x10" > cross country flights 4 (agrees with Table 43) 4.11 | cancer death Denver risk =0.12 rem/yr x 70 yr x = 1.05x107 | a ems . cancer death Sea level risk =0.04 rem/yr x 70 yr x = 0.35x107 NOYES 8000 ems * b. Denver deaths due to cosmic radiation exposure: i 0.12 rem/person- yr x 0.5x10F people x | death _ ‘8000 people - rems 5 =8deaths/yr | Expected = 0.5x10° people x 965 annual cancer deaths cc. Incremental risk =10~ = (0.12 remn/yr - 0.04 rem/yr) x N yr x cs | 8000 rem 1 8000x10~* 0.08, =O.lyr (Table 43 suggests 2 months) Pg. 43 L death d. 260x10* people x 0.040 rem/yr x 3000 person. tems 1300 deaths/y r 4.12 Radon exposure of 1.5 piC/L equivalent to 400 mrem/yr (0.4 rem/yt): a. O4rem/yrx Peat x 260x10“people = 13,000 cancer deaths/yr Tcancer x yt 8000 person -rem 3.5x10" cancer /lifetime 4.13 For75 million people exposed to 0.4 rem of radiation: =3750 Leancer extra cancer deaths = 0.4 rem x x 75x10° peopl * 3000 person rems Las b. normal cancer deaths = 0.22 x 75x10° people =16.5x16° 4.14 Living within 5 miles of a reactor for 50 yrs--what mrenvyr exposure gives a 10°6 risk: I cancer death 8000 rem XIOM soyes x 10% = x = 2000x107 _ 0,16x10 rem/ yr = 0.16 mrem/yr 4.18 Concentrations yielding acceptable risks: a. benzene, oral, 10°5 risk, potency = 2.9x10-2 (mg/kg-d)"! Risk = CDI x Potency 2L/d.x C mg/L x350dlyrx30yr | 2.9x107 70 kg x 365 dlyr x 70 yr mg/kg -d 8 5 10x 70x365X70_ «905 mob 2x 350 x 30 x 2.9x10" b. trichloroethylene in air, risk 10°, inhalation potency 13x10-2: 10° = 20 m?/dx C mg/m® x 350 d/yr x 30 yr x 1.3x10* 70 kg x 365 d/yr x 70 yr mgkg-d 10x 70 x 365x 70 ane = OE KD, =6.6x1 20 x350x30x 13x10" “COO mem ¢. benzene in air, risk 10°5, potency 2.9x10°2: Pg. 4.4 20 m?/d x C mg/m? x 350 d/yr x 30 yr x 2.9x107 70 kg x 365 diyr x70 yr mgkg-d 10° x 70 x 365 x 70 * 20x 350 x 30 x 29x10" 10° 2.9x107 mg/m? d. vinyl chloride in water, risk 104, potency 2.3: _2L/d x C mg/L x350dlyrx30 yr, 2:3 70 kg x 365 d/yr x 70 yr mglkg-d _10* x 70x365x70 ¢ = 100870 36570 5 9,107 mg/L C= "35350 x30%23 7 x10 mel 107 4.16 Trichloroethylene in an industrial facility; risk 10-4: Risk =CDI x Potency _20m?/d x C mg/m? x 250 d/yr x 25 yr x 1.3x107 ~ 70 kg x 365 diyr x 70 yr mg/kg -d 107 x 70 x 365x 70 20 x 250 x 25x 13x10 10° ).11 mg/m? To convert to ppm, we need the molecular weight of C2CI3H, which is, 2x12 + 3x35.5 +1 = 131.5 g/mol. From (1.8): _ 24.465xC(mg/m®) _ 24.465 x 0.11 mol wt B15 ppm = 0.02 ppm 4.17 Benzene in fish = C (mg/L) in river x BCF (L/kg); From Table 4.12, BCF = 5.2 Like Risk = CDI x Potency — Cmg/L x 5.2 Likg x 0.054 kg/d x 350 d/yr x30 yr 2.9x107 70 kg x 365 dlyr x 70 yr mglkg-d 10 x 70x 365 x70 — — 10" x 708365270 ___ 9.91 mg/L. 520.054 x 350 x30 x29n107 = 0071 eH 10° 4.18 DDT in fish = C (mg/L) x BCF (U/kg); from Table 4.12, BCF = 54,000 Likg Risk = CDI x Potency .020 mg/L x 54,000 Likg x0.002 kg/d _ 0.34 70 kg mg/kg-d Risk = =0.01 4.19 Hazard index = Sum of the hazard quotients: Ps. 4.5 2 mg/L of 1,1,|-trichloroethane; RED = 0.035 mg/kg-d ADD = LUEx2 MEL «604 mgkg-d 50 kg ADD _ _0.04 mg/kg -d HQ = AGB. O0emeie-t 114 RID 0.035 mg/kg—d 0.04 mg/L of tetrachloroethylene; R{D = 0.010 mg/kg-d 1 Lid x 0.04 mg/L, HQ = ADD * el ok “RID (0.010 mg/kg-d 0.1 mg/L of 1,1-dichloroethylene; RAD = 0.009 mg/kg-d 1L/dx0.1 mg/L, uo = 20. 70k ~ RID 0.009 mg/kg-d. Hazard Index = 1.14 + 0.08 + 0. .44, cause for concern. 4.20 1.0 giday of heptachlor leaking into a 30,000 m3 pond; K=0.35/day: a. Input rate = Output rate + Decay rate = KCV (1.18) 1.0 giday = 0.35/day x C(mg/L) x 103 g/mg x 30,000 m3 x 103 Lim3 10 c=——_ 30,000x0.35 =0.95x10*mg/ L b. 70-kg person, drinking 2 Liday for 5 years: Risk =CDI x potency _ 2 Lid x 0.95x10mg/L x 5 yrs 4 ~ 70 kg x 70 yrs mg/kg -d =0.66x10% =0.7x10° 4.21 0.03 mg of BaP per cigarette, 20 cigarettes/day for 40 years, potency 6.11 (mg/kg-d)-! 0 cigid x 0.03 mg/cig x 40 yrs 70 kg x 70 yrs cDI = 0.0049 mg/kg -d Risk = CDIx potency = 0.0049 mg/kg -d x 6.11 (mg/kg - 4) = 0.03 Pg. 4.6 4.22 Sidestream smoke, 6x10~4 mg/m3 while breathing 0.83 m3/hr, 10°6 risk, BaP potency 6.11 (mg/kg-d)-! 6x10" mg/cig - m? x 0.83 m’ xN cigs 2.8x10~'°N mg/kg - ool 770 kg x 70 yrs x 365 dlyr " mglkg-d Risk = CDI xPotency = 10° =28x10“°N(mg/kg~ a) x —O-11_ melkg-d 1 28x10"? x 6.11 = 584 cigarettes At eight cigarettes per day smoked in this poor fellow’s presence: 584 ci Scigdd = 73 days 4.23 Infiltration of 120 m3/hr, 0.1 mg BaPicigarette, | cigarette per hour: a. Find the steady-state concentration Input rate = Output rate 1 cig/hr x 0.1 mgfcig = 120 m3/hr x C mg/m3 C =0.1/120 = 0.00083 mg/m3 b. living fora year with a smoker: 0.00085 8x 20 x eae xs x365 day CDI = Sa =L.1xl0“mg /kg—-d Risk = CDI x Potency = 1.1x10-6 mg/kg-d x 6.11 (mg/kg-d)"! = 7x10°6 4.24 260 million people, 2L/day, 360d/yr, 30yr, find risk and incremental cancers for, a. trichloroethylene at 0.005 mg/L: Risk = CDI x Potency Risk = 2/4%0.005 mg/L x360 dlyrx30yr 11x10? _ 6 6g 70 kg x 365 diyr x 70 yr mg/kg -d Acancer = 260810 people x 6.6x10""cancer / perso Scanceyr Oysilifetime b. benzene at 0.005 mg/L: Pg. 4.7 ick — 2L/d x 0.005 mg/L x 360 dlyrx30 yr 2.9x107 Risk = 2/4 0.005 mg/L x 360 diyrx30yr , 2.9810" _ 1 75,194 is TOkgx365d/yrx70yr * ma/kg- * 260x10" people x 1.75x10"*cancer / person Acancer = cae =6Scancerlyr c. arsenic at 0.05 mg/L: 4 2d x 0.05 mg/L x360d/yrx30yr_ 1.75 5 Risk = 228% 0.08 moh £360 Uyex30yr, 175 _ = osxi0 is FOkgx365d/yrx70yr mukg-d 5 5 ti cancer = 260X10 people x 105%10 “cancer personlile 5695 canceriye 7Oyellifetime 4. carbon tetrachloride at 0.005 mg/L: sek = 2L/A x 0.005 mg/L x360dyrx30yr 0.13 " Risk = 248 X 0.005 mall x 360 tyr x30 yr, 0-13 __ 7 9x10 is 70 kg x 365 d/yr x 70 yr mykg-d ‘cancer = 26010" people x 7.9x10"‘cancer/ person —life _ 55 se 70 yrlifetime e. vinyl chloride at 0.002 mg/L: 2Lid x 0.002 mg/L x 360 d/yrx30 yr 2.3 _ sgriges Risk 70 kg x 365 d/yr x 70 yr mglke-d Acancer = 260x10" people x 5.6x10"*cancer / person life _ ang canceriye f. PCBs at 0.0005 mg/L: 70 kg x 365-d/yr x 70 yr eT cancer = 260X10 people x 4.6x10/‘caner/ person— lift 179 sanceiy 70 yrlifetime 4.25 Formaldehyde at 50 11g/m3 with potency 1.3x10°5 cancer per ig? Risk = 50 p.g/m3 x 1.3x105 cancer per ig/m3 = 6.5x10-4 4.26 Groundwater with 10 ppb TCE vs. surface water with 50 ppb chloroform: 211d x 0.010 mg/L x 360 dlyrx 30 yr. 1Ixl =13x10° 70 kg x 365 dlyr x 70 yr mgkg * Pg. 48 2Lid x 0.050 mg/L x 360 diyrx 30 yr _6.1x10" 70 kg x 365 diyt x 70 yr mgkg-d Chloroform risk = =3.7x10% Stick with the groundwater. 4.27 70 kg man, 0.1 mg/m tetrachloroethylene. 1 m3/hr, Shr/d, 5 d/wk, 50 wk/yr, 30 yrs, 0.9 absorption, potency 2x10°3 (mg/kg-d)"!, risk: O.1mg/m? x 1 m°/hr x Shr/d x Sd/wk x SOwk/yr x 30 yr x 0.90 = 3 _ oe 70 kg x 365 diyr x 70 yr Ox10"'mg/ kg—d Risk =CDI x potency = 3.0x10'mg/kg -d x—28107_ = 610° forthe 7okg man potency = 3. BI kg d xe 8 : » , T0kg 7 Risk for the 50- kg woman = 6x10° x = “8 =8.4x10 S0kg 4.28 Potency 03 (mg/kg-d)"! 1g ' removal S\ 0.1, mg/L 100 mi T mph 100 mi time downstream = 100m! __ 4.16674 T mi/hr x 24 hriday ays Cyooni =Coe™* =0.1mg/L x &°"* * "7 0.066mg/ L 0.066mg/ Lx 2L/d x 360d/yr x 30yr y = 2.066mg/ L x 2L/d x 360d/yr x 30yr _ 4, ol TOkg x 365d/yr x T0yr 000796 Risk = 0.000796 mg/kg -d x 030 Lp axt0* mglkg-d 4.29 One-hitmodel: P(d) =1~exp[-(q, + 4,4)] = 1 ~exp[-(0.01209 + 0.001852x¢)] Multistage model: P(d) =1~exp[-(qo +ad +436 + ad? +4.0")] = I~ exp[-(0.02077 +1.101x10*@? +1.276x10"'4*)] Dose actual one-hit multistage (pm) tumors Ps. 49 OT 125 0.03 0.216 0.044 250 0.23 0.378 0.215 500 0.88 0.608 0.888 1 2 0.0138 0.0206 Problem 4.29 Model Predictions and Actual tumors 1.0 | muliftage | 0.8 | {| | | 06 | 04 t {| 02 actual ( 0” 100 200 300 400 500 600 ppm 4.30 10 million people, 10-4 risk, Tumors/animal 0.0 x 1 fe eancen rates) 100 prople 2 10"“eaneer/ person — fe =143 cancerlyr ye i @10°5 risk, there would be 1.4 cancers, saving 14.3-1.4= 12.9 cancer/yr /yr~ 10” peopl cost per cancer = S1/¥t=person x 10" people _ § 77 mit0n /eancer avoided 12.9 cancers avoided Pg. 4.10 SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER 5 5.1 Ina standard BOD test: 5.3 5.4 5.5 ‘a. stoppered to prevent reaeration b. black to prevent photosynthesis ©, to keep final DO above zero d. toassure adequate microbial population e. would take too long BODS = 200 mg/L; 90% efficient removal; initial DO DO, -Do, a. BOD, 1 ~0.9)x200mg /L =20mg/L mg/L, 20mg/L P =0.36 (36% of the 300 mL is wastewater) Volume of treated wastewater = 0.36 x 300mL = 108mL b. 50% treated wastewater (P=0.50): DO, = DO, ~ Px BOD, = 9.2 ~0.50x20 = -0.8mg/L. but DO cannot be negative, so DOF = 0. BOD,= =40mg/L 5 To have at least a 2.0 mg/L drop in DO during the test: pgp = DOL=DO« _ 2.0mg/L = BOD, 230mg/L which corresponds to a volume of wastewater = 0.0087 x 300 mL = 2.6 mL (min) To have final DO at least 2.0 mg/L means: 8.0-2.0mg/L 230mg /L. P, = 0.026 which means max waste volume = 0.026 x 300 mL =7.8 mL, ‘The BOD for treated and untreated waste is. DO, DO, _6.0-2.0mg/L '5/300mg/L_ Untreated BOD, = =240mg/L Pg. 5.1 % BOD removal From the graph: a, Ultimate BOD, Lo = 40 mg/L b. BODs =40- 15=25 mg/L ¢. Remaining BOD after 5 days=L5=15mg/L BODs5 = 200 mg/L and Lo =300 mg/L 200mg/ L = 300mg/ L{1 ~~) 1 (uy d. k=-=In] | = c is 5.9 a. Performance of the treatment plant: ow 10 AL treated BOD 5 % removal = b. Sample 2 at end of test: DO, =D0,-Px BOD,=92-—Lx210= 48mg /L but DO cant be negative, so DOr= 0 mg/L. ¢. DOF>2.0, so: max Vol treated wastewater = 0.05 x 300 mL = 15 mL, Seeded waste: 30, DO} = 9.2, DO¢= 2.0 mg/L. Blank: 9.2, Br=8.0 mg/L, Using (5.8) gives, (D0,-D0,) 9.2-20-(9.2-80) = = g/L BOD, TE 18img Using (5.8) gives, B,X1-P) 3.55 — 2.40 — (8.75-8.53)(1- } = 855-240 ~(8.75-8.53)\1- Ao) (t= Zo) =59.5mg/L 1/10 BOD5=150mg/L at 20°C, k=0.23/day: a. Tofind ultimate BOD, rearrange (5.12): BOD, __150mg/L. = = = =219.5mg/ Ly Tee" 219.5mg/L b. To find k at 15°C, use (5.15): k =k, po" k,5=0.23 x (1.047)"79 =0.183 /day Ps. 53 c. At 15°C, BOD, = L,(1-e*) =219.5(1-e*"**) = 131.Smg/L 5.13 BODSat 20°C = 210 mg/L and Lo =350 mg/L, find BODS at 25°C: L=Le" (350-210) =350e* L, (140 In| —— | =0.1832/ day (35) ¥ To find k at 25°C, use (5.15), 1.1832 x (1.047)°*"? = 0.231/ day =k, p; ‘Then, BOD ,(25°C)=L,(1- e“*) =350(1 -e?*"*) = 239.5mg/L 5.14 Plots of BODt+1 vs BOD; along with the line representing BODt+]=BODr are shown. Finding Lo has considerable room for error. Waste 1 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 a eee © 0 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 BODt —_Lo=270mg/L Boptet Pg. 5.4 Bopt+t 5.15 0 30 CoO TI 250 + 200 150 + t 100 2 so4 i oo 0 sO 100 150 200 250 300 Boot Lo=220mg/L Waste 3 300 [ 250 200 150 Bopt+i 100 50 ye if | | T 0+ SO 100 150 200 250 300 BODt Lo=190mg/L Show BODt+| = a BOD + b.that is, that itis linear: BOD,,, = L,(I-e*"*") = L,(1-eMe"*) now add and subtract e* BOD,.) = Lo(I-eMe"t +e") =Lfe*(I-e#) 41 -e# BOD,,, =e*L,(1-e™) +L,(1-e"*) = e"“BOD, +L,(1-e™*) BOD,,,=aBOD,+b wherea =e", andb =L,(1-e™) Pg. 5.5 5.16 BOD5=I80mg/L, k=0.22/day, TKN=30mg/L: EOD eae cle ee)" b. NBOD = 4.57xTKN = 4.57x30mg/L =137mg/L a. CBOD =L, = 270mg/L c. BODemaining = (270 + 137) - 180 = 227 mg/L. 5.17 C6H1506N +6 02 — 6 CO2 + 6 H20 + NH3 mol wt algae = 6x12 + 15+ 6x16 + 14 = 197 g/mol a. 6 moles of O2 (6x2x16=192 g) oxidizes I mole (197 g) of algae 0 mgalgae 19280, L 197galgae carbonaceous ThOD = 9.715 mg/L. b, Nitrogenous portion: NH3 +202 — NO3-+H*+H0 1 mole NH3 (17g) needs 2 moles 02 (64g) so, 10mg algae , 17mg NH, 64mg O; L 197mgalgae "17mg NH, NBOD = .25mg/L, Total theoretical oxygen demand =9.75 +3.25= 13.0 mg/L 5.18 2CH2(NH2)COOH +3 02 > 4CO2 +2 H20 +2.NH3 mol wt glycine = 2x12 + 5x1 + Ix1442x16=75 g/mol 3molO; _,_32g0,/mol_, 200mg glycine . CBOD = = 128mg/L * 2mol glycine * 75g glycine/mol L 78mg b. Nitrogenous portion: NH3 +202 -» NO3° + Ht +20 Npop = 20103, 2mol NH, _32g/molO,__, 200mg 96 asoeyp L mol NH, * Imol glycine * 75e/mol glyci ¢. Total theoretical oxygen demand = 128+ 171 = 299 mg/L 5.19 CgH1203N2 +802 — 8CO2 +3 H20+2NH3 mol wt casein = 8x12 + 12x1 + 3x16 + 2x14= 184 g/mol Pg. 56 SmolO, | _32g0,/mol__, 200mg casein 184g casein/mol L a. CBOD = ‘mol casein b. Nitrogenous portion: NH3 +202 — NO3" + H* + H20 2mol 0. 2mol NH, _32g/molO, 200mg casein Imol NH, * Imolcasein » 184g/mol casein 5 NBOD = 139mg/L c. Total BOD = 278 + 139 = 417 mg/L 4. BOD, = CBOD(1-e™)=278(I-e°***) = 198mg/L 5.20 C5H702N + 502 > 5CO2+2H20 + NH3 mol wt cells = 5x12 + 7x1 + 2x16 + 14= 113 g/mol Smo! 32g 0, /mol .. CBOD = ———-. & BOD = cells *113gcells‘mol x Igcells =1.416g0, b. Nitrogenous portion: NH3 +202 > NO3- + H+ + H20 mol NH, _32g/ mol O, Imolcells” 113g/mol cells, x Igcells =0.566g 0, ¢. Total BOD = 1.416 + 0.566 = 1.98 g 02 per g cells §.21 kd = 0.22/d Lr=3 mg/L =: Lw = 40 mg/L = 10 m/s N\\ v2 Tnars a, just downstreat 3 2 bya Qebat Qiks m/s xdOmglh + 10m"/sx3MEM og dmg /L FQ, 10+ Im/s b. at 10,000 m downstream: distance __10,000m___hr_ day _ speed “Tin 79f- ~* 56008" aan = C5784 im? 6.46078 * 57% 5.6mg/ L Pg. 5.7 DOr = &mg/L DOw=4 mg/L 1506, Q = 10 m3/s —\\ Qw= 1 m3/s —DOsat=10.08mg/L a. just downstream: 4.0mg/L x 1 m?/s+8mg/Lx 10m?/s po 1410 m°/s 7.64mg/L From Table 5.11, DOsat = 10.08 mg/L Initial deficit Do = DOsat - DO = 10.08 - 7.64 = 2.44 mg/L Kglo k,-k, al BOD. Doubling Lo will therefore double the deficit at every point. 5.23 Notice when D, =O then D = (e -e™) thatis, the deficit is proportional tothe i Before: maximum deficit Dmax = DOsat - DOmin = 10.0 - 6.0 = mg/L After: maximum deficit Dmax = 2x 4mg/L=8 mg/L now DOmin = DOsat - Dmax = 10.0 - 8.0 = 2.0 mg/L 5.24 DO (mg/L) As in Prob. 5.23, deficit is proportional to BOD: original Dmax = 10.0 - 3.0 = 7.0 mg/L desired Dmax = 10.0 - 5.0 = 5.0 mg/L desired Da. 5.0mg/L =071 orignal gy 7-0mg/L Therefore, need to remove 1.0 - 0.71 = 0.29 = 29% of initial BOD. Pg. 58 5.25 mg/L B00 remaining rate of reaeration xort —= 5.26 a. Long after treatment plant breaks down, deficit is doubled since the BOD is doubled. 9 before breakdown DO (mg/L) Song after breakdown 0123456 +t (days) —— b. Only 4 days after the breakdown, the first 4-days beond the outfall have been affected, beyond that, the DO is same as before the breakdown: before breakdown oe = 4 days after breakdown 0123456 t (days) DO (mg/L) 5.27. a. The minimum DO of 3.0 mg/L means the maximum deficit (before fixing it) is Dmax = 10-3 =7 mg/L. For healthy conditions, we want DOmin to be 5 mg/L so that means we want Dmax(new) = 10- 5=5 mg/L. Dasewe ___5:Omg/L Dene 10.0-3.0mg/L. 71, Ps. 59 so, we need to remove 29% of the BOD. Since a primary treatment plant removes about 35% of the BOD (Chapter 6), it should do the job. b. Using (5.31) we can find the c1 il time and distance downstream: - u(t:)- cao (Sh)=23t as distance = 60 mifday x 2.31 days = 138.6 miles c. What ultimate BOD to assure 5 mg/L (Eqn. 5.27): Kako (eset) 139 miles d (miles) —— k, 1 (2 tn] & |= —— tof k,) 0.90-030/4 "\03 assuming x= vt: distance = 48.0 miles/day x 1.83 days = 87.9 miles = kebo -e¥) 31d x 500 mgll-(asues_ (09 - O3yd oon )= 9.6 mg/L. DOmin = DOsat - Dmax = 10.0 - 9.6 = 0.4 mg/L c. when Do =0, Dis proportional to Lo: D, D, therefore, need to remove 1.0 - 0.52 = 48% of the BOD. 5.29 Now the river has an initial deficit that is not 0, so we can’t use the simple proportionality between Lo and Dmnax- 1.69 days _Dolk.= #4 1s, ost _ 2009-03) KyLy 090-030/4 "(03 03x50 critical distance = 48 mifday x 1.69 days =81.2 miles b. Dygy = eet (ee) + Dye k,-k, O3/d x 50.0 mg/L -assicr_ ¢-090160) assis = 2314x500 met 7 . = 10.03 mg/ 05 03ya (e e ') + 2.0e 10.03 mg/L. DOmin = 10.0 - 10.03 <0 anaerobic, -. DOmin=0 5.30 DOr = 7.6 mg/L. m igre OO Bm Qr = 250 cfs \\ Que 37 cls uel2ft/s DOsat=8.5 mg/L kr=0.76/d kd=0.61/d a. initial conditions: 85mg/L Initial deficit = D, = 8.5mg/L-6.85mg/L = 1.65mg/L 3Tefs x 28mg/L + 250ef5 x3.6mglL _ 6 a59 1 Initial BOD = L, = aso cfs. b. critical point: 1 fn ore 0.76-061/4 "(0.61 critical distance = x, =1 ft hi ft 25 x3600 x24 x5280 = x1.05day = 20.7miles s br d mi ¢. minimum DO: = tele (gna Kk, -k, . 618 x 675 maf annss (0.76 - 061d *)+Dye™ a 20) 41659-8780 DOmin = DOsat - Dmax = 8.5 - 2.85 = 5.6 mg/L. . 10 miles downstream: 10mi x 5280ft/mi 1.2ft/s x 3600s/he x 24he/d Kyby (eo e+ Dye = 0.5ldays 0.61x6.75 Beery *) +1.65¢ = 2.6mg/L Do=8: 9 mg/L, $5.31 DOr = 6.0 mg/L Lr = 7.0 mg/L DOw = 1.0 mg/L =: Lw = 6.40 mg/L Qr = 0.90 m3/s Y)\ — Qw = 0.30 m3/s = 0.65 m/s DOsat = 8.0 mg/L kr = 0.37/d kd = 0.20/d Initial conditions: 0.3m?*/s x 1.0mg/L + 0.9m*/s x 6mg/L Do > 03 + 0.9m/s = 4.75mg/L .0 - 4.75 = Initial deficit Do = 25 mg/L 0.3nt /s x 6.4mg/L + 0.9m*/s x 7.0mg/L Initial BOD = L, é 03 + 0.9m'/s = 6.85mg/L Pg. 5.12 Critical time: em] ) L i 937{, _3:25037 0.20! ) = 0.582 days “0937-02014 "| 0.20x6.85 Maximum deficit: Kebo (¢ Daas = K,-ky 0.20/d x 6.85 mg/L. (ero200 (0.37 - 0.20)d -arras) 3,59 0070 DOmin = 8.0 -3.3 = 4.7 mg/L 5.32 =: 03 m/s NY tow 10.9 malt DOsat (300C) = 7.6 mg/L D0 = 7.6- 6.3 = 1.3 mg/L Need to adjust for 30°C temperature (instead of 20°C): from (5.15), k,30°C) = k, (20°C)(1.047)°°* = 0.20/ d x (1.047)'? =0317/ day from page 201, k,(30°C) = k, (20°C 1.024)°°? = O.41/d x (1.024) =0.520/day critical time, t, .05 days 1 nl 9.50f, _1310520-031)] 0520-0317/4 "(03171 0317x109 032 136005 x244x2.05iay = 53,050m s F (for comparison, at 20°C, xe=69,300m) critical distance = x, maximum deficit, kL, yt, “ mkt Dag = Ale ew ed _ os 109 (sae a eS) 1 36°90205.2 3. 5mg/L Pg. 5.13 DOmin = DOsat(300C) - Dmax = 7.6 - 3.5= 4.1 mg/L (for comparison, at 200C it was 6.0 mg/L) 5.33 kd = 0,20/4 Lo = 20 mg/L — DOsat = 9.0 mg/L \\ D0= 6.0ma/L u=025 m/s H=3m a. Finding kr using (5.24): 0375/4 Dolk,-k b. critical time, In| shh ~Palis= tl] ky K,Ly 1 0375{, _3.0(0375— 020) = ti sf, —3.0(0:375= 0.20) |) _ 9 79 g, 0375-02074 of 02 0:20%20 a ¢. minimum DO, Dass =e )+Dye® (€-220279 697820) 306-9782 6 1mg/L )375-0.20 DOmin = 9.0 - 6.1 = 2.9 mg/L 4, What percent removal needed to get DOmin = 5.0 mg/L. est = 203 © 0.66, so must remove 1.00 - 0.66 = 034 =34% 5.34 Algae represented by C106H2630110N16P, mol wt = 106x12 +263x1 + 110x16 + 16x14 + 31 =3550 g/mol Pg. 5.14 106x12 3550 268 3550 = 0.3583 =358.3mg .0741 = 74.1mg | 16x110 ° a, perl g of algae: 3550 16x14 0.4958 = 495:8mg N= =0.0631 = 63.1mg 3550 31 = = = 0.0087 =8.7mg 3550 b. with 0.10 mg N and 0.04 mg of P available, 0.10 mgN ,- 1000mgalgae Nalows: 2:10 maN , 00Omgatsee — | 6mg/ Lal allows ae amt” home! Lalgse Pallows: ar STEMS = 46mg! Lalgse So, Nis limiting nutrient. c. mass of algae can be 1.6 mgalgae/L. ds calkey by 504, fA cutting P by 50%, would allow P to make 2.3 mg/L of algae, but Nis stil limiting. So, the mass of algae is still 1.6 mg/L. 5.35 Given 60mg N and 10mg P per 1000 mg algae. At 0.12 mgNIL and 0.03 mgP/L, available: | | 0.12 mgN _ 1000mgalgae | 0.12 mgN , 1000mg algae _ > Omg algae /L | ace cOaGN img algae 0.05 mgP , 1000mgalg2e _ 5 Ong algae /L LL * 10.0 mgP Nitrogen is the limiting nutrient. a. To control algal production to 1.0 mg/L means N needs to be reduced to 0.06 mgNIL, a 50% reduction. b. To control algal production by reducing P requires 0.01 mgP/L, a 66.6% reduction. Pg. 5.15 | | | | | ee 10 g/m P roms _y 04m /s — 204nP/s pe 100x108 m2 from (5.35), the phosphorus input allows a concentration of phosphorus of: QC, +8 _ 0.4m?/s x 10gP/m? c= one =0.077g/ m? = 0.077mg/L 20.4m*/s + To keep phosphorus at less than 0.010 mg/L, Source want __C want _ 0.010mg/L. 7 = 0.13 Sourcehave Chave 0.077mg/L. Need to reduce the phosphorus input by I - 0.13 = 0.87 = 87% void volume _ (30—35)cm? ——_— 030 total volume. ‘50cm? 5.37 a. porosity = b. solids density = 202, = 2 86¢/em? 35cm’ 5.38 Gravel aquifer, Table 5.12, porosity = 25%, specific yield = 22%: yield = specific yield x volume = 0.22 x 10,000 m2 x 1.0 m = 2200 m3 200m? 200m? = 0.88 = 88% porosityxvolume — 0.25x10,000m"xim fraction removed = Pg. 5.16 5.39 3 HB = 100.3m #2, use as datum 0.2m above datum mabove datum = 0.1m above datum head # 34 (100,100) 10.1m (0.1m) Beam (20 (0.2m) (0.0m) Halfway between #1 and #2 head is 0.1m. Draw equipotential between #3 and that point. From geometry, a= wan(22) = 63.43" 50 Ah 0. Braden = T 0sin AT" 5.41 From Prob. 5.39, grad = 0.00115, hydraulic conductivity K = 1000m/d, porosity = 0.23 a. Darcy velocity = v= «2 1000m/d x 0.00115 = 1.15 m/day Pg. 5.17 Darcy velocity _1.15m/day =5.0m/ da} porosity 023 a b, avg. linear velocity 300m 4 with retardation factor of 2: t 5.42 5m 100m dh Q= KAS = 7.032 x(10m x 750m)x = 262.5m? /day lay 5.43 v'=1.0m/day, grad = 0.0005, porosity 7 = 0.20 Darcy velocity = v=K x grad vn _ LOm/day x 0.20 grad. 0.0005 =400m/day 5.44 Seppe nee 7 | Tone of prion Pg. 5.18 g=Kacta Kone a de Az2arB 5.45 Q=1000m3/d f-0.1m y “ore - ; ‘ on T In(1 1000m? /d In(2 x SCA) _ 10001 8107%.) rs 6mrd x(he-h*) (9.8 -93°)m 5.46 , $000m3/d Pg. 5.19 =22.6m/d “2nB(h,—h) 230[(H-03)—(H -3.0)}m* 5.47 jh ir ar a Q (24) ani $ Jost =-20Bnfrar= 2n0 5) =n7B(R* 1,7) ° i Ns Qt= 2 1B (RA 1w?) zn B(R*-5,") Q 5.48 From Prob. 5.46: B=30m, Q=5000m3/d, R=15m, rw=0.2m, 1=0.30. 0.30x 30m(1: mn’ = L.27days 5000m?/d QED. 5.49 Show d=Ql(2Bvm) y stagnation point Segravon pow a expanded view Q/j_e ¥ 2Bv ( ~ £) 0) from expanded view, Pg. 5.20 H-se =f] 2BvI Ed 2Bvr (2) = tan 5 = 6for small values of 5 Therefore, forsmall 5, y= a (2) Q =o, thats, x = .ED. so daa + thats x= -aR 8 5.50 0.1m3 TCE plume, B=10m, 2000m x250m , grad=0.001, K=0.001mv/s, h=0.4: a. Canit dissolve? Using the specific gravity given in Table 5.15, the concentration C of TCE in the plume (if it could all dissolve) would be 0.1m? x 1.47 kg/L x 10°L/m® x 10°mg/ kg _1.47x10°mg Eo = 0.073mg/L -2000m x 250m x 10m x 0.40 x 10°L/ m’ 2x10°L Since the solubility (Table 5.15) is 1100 mg/L, YES it could all dissolve. b. Try asingle well: dh v= KG = 0.00im/s x 0.001=1x10%m/s Q= 250 x 2Bv = 250m x2 x 10m x 1x10"°m/s= 0,00Sm°/s this exceeds the maximum pumping rate, which is given as 0.003 m3/s, Pg. 5.21 Try 2 wells: Q=250m x 10m x 1x10°*m /s = 0.0025m?/s < 0,003m?/s so, 2 wells will work. . spacing for minimum pumping rate: 0.0025m?/s By mxl0mx 10°m/s = 79.6 =80m apart spacing = 5.51 Show width of capture zone for n wells is nQ/(2Bv). m(-280) ‘As shown in the figure, when x = 0, call the y value of the capture zone curve y90. For x =0, and y = y90, and n wells, all n of the 6; are n/2, so rue apelt- a(S +See ape aC) sei)“ ‘The width of the capture zone along the y-axis is just 2x yo9 = Qu/(2Bv) QED. Eqn. 5.61: Pg. 5.22 5.52 B=20m,h =030, K = 10-4mis, grad = 0.0015 starting with (5.60), 2f,.9).2[,A)_22 a 2-2] Zi =) 8BV SByy _ : x 20m x 1x10“m/s x 0.0015 x (1094)m =0.0004m’/s Q 5.53 Im of asand-gravel aquifer, 20L of tetrachloroethylene, 20% of solubility, a. From Table 5.12 the porosity is estimated at 0.20, from Table 5.15 the solubility is given as 150 mg/L. Since the amount dissolved is only 20% of its solubility: dissolved pere = 0.20 x 150 mg/L x 1 m3 x 103L/m3 x 0.20 = 6000 mg = 6g b. To find remaining tetrachloroethylene, use the sp. gr. from Table 5.15 of 1.63, total mass = 20 L x 1.63 kg/L x 103 g/kg = 32,600g undissolved mass = 32,600 - 6 = 32,594 g (almost all not dissolved) ¢. gradient = 0.001, porosity = 0.20, K(dl | average linear velocity 4%) Hones torr =2.05 =2.1m/day ; d. using a 1 m2 cross section for our cubic meter of aquifer gives, and the 6 g/m3 contaminant concentration, gives, aquifer flow rate = 2.05 m/d x 1 m2 = 2.05 m3/d | contaminant removal rate = 2.05 m3/d x 6 g/m3 = 123 g/day toremove the total 32,600 g would take: t= 32,0008 ___73 years T23gday x 36Sdaylys Pg. 5.23, SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER 6 6.1 Hardnessin meq/L: 150mg/L. ~ 20.05mg/ meq 60mg/L T2.15mg/ meq Total hardness = 7.5+ 4.9 = 12.4meq/L =7.Smeq/L Mg** = meq /L, Hardness as CaCO3: Hardness =12.4782 x 50 ME25CACOs - 672mg / Las CaCO, L meq Table 6.5 would classify this as very hard water. 6.2 pH=9, [H*] =107P = 1x10 mol /L (iis) 2107 mol, 1 1O'me , meq L Img x10" mg/L as CaCO, = 1x10“meq /L 1o"'* _ 107* i 10 [orr]= =10° 3 x90 SO 0.5mg/Las CaCO, 6.3 First, ignoring the contribution of H* and OH" , with pH=10.5, 39.0mg/L of and 24.5 mg/L of HCO3", a _ (12+3x16) 0.0. 2 meq Omg/L _ 50mg of CaCO, =65mg/ Las CaCO, meq Pg. 6.1 1412 +3x16) _ 6) 9M HCO, 1 meq (Hco,)= _24.Smg/L_ , SOmg of CACO: _ 291mg /Las CaCO, 1.0mg/meq meq Ignoring H+ and OH", alkalinity = (HCO3") + (CO32-) = 20.1 + 65,0 = 85.1 mg/L as CaCO3 b. Including H* and OH", pH=10.5, [H*] =107' =3.16x107'mol /L (H)= 16x10 mol x18 10°mg imeg x SomgCaCOy L mol g mg, ‘meq = 1.5«10%mg/Las CaCO, pH=105, [OH']}= 225 =3.16x10-%mol /L. 10° (one) =21eomal , 7 meq. , SOmgCaC0, ‘mol Timg ‘meq 58 mg/L as CaCO, alkalinity =(HCO3") + (C032) + (OH) - (H*) = 20.1 + 65.0 + 158- 1.5x106 = 100.9 mg/L as CaCO3 6.4 a.alkalinity =(HCO37) + (C032) + (OH) - (H*), but pH near neutral so (H+), (OH"), and (CO32>) are negligible, Lesmg/L_ 50mg of CaCO, = 135.2mg/. 61.0mg/meq eal 52mg /Las CaCO, (HCO, alkalinity = 135.2 mg/L as CaCO3 b. hardness = (Ca2+) + (Mg?+) |, Sms of CaCO: meq 348mg/Las CaCO, ¢, total dissolved solids (TDS): TDS = 90 +30 +72 +6 + 120 +225 + 165 = 708 mg/L Pg. 62 ee § 6.5 Questionable CI- ons ms! me/mec Ca2+ 90 20.0 45 Mg2+ 30 12.2 2.46 Nat 72 23.0 3.13 Kt 6 39.1 0.15 Total = 10.24 cr (ch) 355 (Cry355 S042 225 48.0 4.69 HCO3- 165 61.0 2.70 Total = 7.39 + (CIY/35.5 tobalance, 10.24 = 7.39 + (CIV35.5 C= 101 mg/L _ so there probably was an error. 6.6 Water analysis: loi msfl. mg/me eal. asCaCO3 Catt 95 20.0 4.75 237.5 Mg2+ 26. 12.2 213 106.6 Nat 15 23.0 0.65 32.6 HCO3- 160 61.0 2.63 131.1 so4z 135 48.0 281 140.6 cr B 35.5 2.06 102.8 a. total hardness (TH) = (Ca2+) + (Mg2+) = 237.5 + 106.6 = 344.1 mg/L as CaCO3 b. carbonate hardness (CH) = (HCO3-) = 131-1 mg/L as CaCO3 | ¢. noncarbonate hardness (NCH) = 344.1 - 131.1 = 213 mg/L as CaCO3 4. alkalinity = (HCO3") = 131.1 mg/L as CaCO3 (since pH near neutral) e. TDS =95 +26 + 15+ 160+ 135+ 73 = 504 mg/L Pg. 63 [$y —___ 1 cH nox > 237.5 344.1 3767 we a Ho; | soe cl ° 1314 2717 374.5 mg/L 2s CaCO3 6.7 Wateranalysis: I mo mein: m e/ CaCO3 Cad 40.0 20.0 2.0 100.0 Mg2+ 10.0 12.2 0.82 41.0 Nat Xx? 23.0 Y? Z? Kt 7.0 39.1 0.18 9.0 HCO3" 110.0 61.0 18 90.2 $042 67.2 48.0 14 70.0 cr 1035.5 031 15.5 a, Equivalents balance to find Na concentration: 100 +41 +Z+9=90.2+70+4 155 Z=25.7 mg/L as CaCO3, or, 2etms/ Las CaCOs 53.9 me/meq = 11.8mg/L ‘SOmeg/meq b. TH = (Ca2+) + (Mg2+) = 100.0 + 41.0 = 141 mg/L as CaCO3 [<< rH ——___ > 2 2 | z 2 Pa 166.7 175.7 HCO $042- J cr .? 902 160.2 175.7 mg/L as CaCO3 6.8 Simple salt balance: 5x106 Lid x 1500 mg/L = 3x106 Lid x 75 mg/L + 2x106 Lid x C mg/L 5x1500 ~3x75 c 2 }638mg/L, 6.9 Primary clarifier, overflow rate 32m3/m2-day. 2.4m am 2 flow rate _ 2000m?/ day — 390m) jm? — day Overflow rate ‘area ‘4m x Lm 2000 4x32 5.6m volume _ 2.4m x 4m x 15.6m x 24hr/day flow rate 2000m*/ day Detention time = 1.8 hr 6.10 2mgd, 800g/d-ft2, DT>2 hr, depth>11 ft, circular, a. ¢ —_ > ee i aeatel flow rate = 2x10" gal /d. ‘overflow rate 800gal /d—ft” [4x25008 % Detention time constraint: pr ome «ee 0.2244D(hr) 2 2hr jow rate 10° gal /d 2x0 gal /d xT ead 2 D> 8.9ft 0.2244 Minimum depth constraint says depth must be at least 11 ft (more than the detention time constraint). Therefore depth D= 11 ft. Ps. 6.5 SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER 7 pm x mol wt 24.465 7.1 From (1.8), mg/m” (at 1 atm and 25°C) 5000ppm x (12+ 2x16) 3 3 5000ppm x (12+ 216) _ go99mojm? = 9000mg/ a. CO,mg/ m aames| 8992mg/m ? = 900mg / m 24.465 x3.6 mg/m? _ b. HCHO ppm = Gas 2+ 16) = 2.94ppm c. NO mg/m? = 2522 X(144 16) _ 50 -7mng/m? 24.465 7.2 70% efficient scrubber, find S emission rate: t 600/0.38=1579 MWe 600 MWe | 0.38 | 9000 Btu/lb coal 1% S 600.000kWe 3412Bu Ib coal 0.01 1b S Input = ——————— x = x ——__. x = = 5986 Ib ‘S/ht ae 038 —kWhr *9000Bw “ Ibcoal . 70% efficient, says release 0.3 x 5986 IbS/hr = 1796 Ib S/hr ~1800 IbS/hr 7.3 Ifall Sconverted to SO2 and now using a 90% efficient scrubber: 5986 IbS , (32+2x16) Ib SO, br 32 IbS SO, =0.1x 1197 Ib SO, / hr = 1200 Ib SO, /br 7.4 70% scrubber, 0.6 lb S$O2/106 Btu in, find % S allowable: Xlbs$ 03 lbsS out 2IbsSO, _Ibcoal__ 0.6 IbSO, Ibscoal* IlbSin ~ 1bS 15,000Bu 10°Btu x = 15000808 «9. 015= 1.5% S fuel 03x2x10' XIbs$ 03 lbs Sout 2lbsSO, _Ibcoal__ 0.6 IbSO, * ibscoal* TlbSin * IbS 9,000Bu = 0.009= 0.9% $ fuel Pg. 7.1 19 7.10 RO *+0, > HO, © +R'CHO (7.19) for R'CHO to be HCHO, R' must be H so that RO © +0, HO, ¢+HCHO forthe reaction tobalance , R = CH, which says RH in (7.16) must be CH, (methane) RH = propene = CH2=CH-CH3 =C3H6 so, R= C3H5, so the sequence of reactions (7.16) to (7.19) are: C\H, + OH» > C\H,* +H,0 C,H, * +0; > C,H,O, G,H,O, # +NO — C,H,O++NO, C,H,O + +0, > HO, ¢ +C,H,CHO ‘The end product is acrolein, CH2CHCHO. U.S. Power plants: . se 10% ib Btu i heat input = 685x10"tons x 2000— x 10,000—~ = 1.37x10'°Btu ton 1b output _ 1400x10°kWh x 3412Btw/kWh_ input 1.37x10°Btu efficiency = = 0349 =35% AUNSPS of 0.03 Ib particulates per 106 Btu input, emissions would have been: aes, 0.03 Ib 16) « 1000g Lt, missions = 28 __ 1 37x10'%Bt 8 =1.87x10"'g emissions = T0eBtuheatinput © 2.2 1b be Forcomparison, issions at NSPS _ LB7x10"8 _ 4 4g - 45% actualemissions — 0.39x10"* Derivation for the dry adiabatic Lapse rate: dQ=dU+dW where dU = C,dtanddW = PdV dQ=C,dt+ Pav (1) ideal gas law says PV = nRT so, d(PV) = PaV + VdP = nRT or, PV =nRT-VdP plugged into (1) gives: Pg. 73 SS dQ= CT + nRdT - VaP Q oP Q_ -v® C,+nR @ at constant pressure : oc sane ra ° putting that into (2) gives, or, dQ=C,dT-VaP which is (7.35) 7.13 Plotting the data, extending from groundlevel to crossing with ambient profile at the adiabatic lapse rate, and extending from the stack height gives: “n° Lt CT Petry $00 Tr aa) ; aa t 400 f of SSS 5 CPSs 14°15 «16 17 «18-19 20 Temperature (C) a) mixing depth (projecting from 20°C at Om at slope -1°/100m) = 400 m b) plume rise (projecting from 219C at 100m) = 500m 7.14 Projection from the ground at 22°C crosses ambient at 500m. Need the windspeed at 250 m (halfway up) using (7.43) and Table 7.7 for Class C, (ye Ventilation coeff = 500m x 7.6m/s = 3.8x103 m2/s Pg. 7.4 As 7.16 7.47 Below the knee, the plume is fanning which suggests a stable atmosphere, which could be profile (a), (b) or (d). Above the knee, the plume is looping, which suggests superadiabatic, which is d. Projecting the dry adiabatic lapse rate, and the dew point lapse rate, gives: 4000 3000 4 g $ 2000 = 1000 ° ° Temperature (C) a, crossover point is where clouds begin to form (saturated air) = 2000m. b. at3 km, the temperature would be 10° - (6°/km x 1km)=4 °C. ¢. falling from 3km at 49C and increasing 10°C per km, reaches 4+3x10=340C A 20,marticle blown to 8000 m, settling velocity, 2 ym)? ‘o/ m? 2 y= FPS _ (20x10 m)?x 1.5x10%g/ m’ x9.80M/s* _ 9 19.45 187 18 x 0.01 72g/m-s . 80001 Time to reach the ground = —————" ____ = 4.87days (0.019m//s x 3600s/hr x 24hir/d horizontal distance = 4:87 days x 10 m/s x 3600s/hr x 24hr/d x 10°3km/m = 4200 km Residence time for 10 1m particle, unit density, at 100m: Epg _ (10x10~m)*x 10%g/ m? x 9.80m/F 189 18x 0.0172g/m-s settling velocity = v = 0.00317m/s Pg. 7.5 7.419 7.21 1000m ————— ___ = 87.6hrs 0.00317m/s x 3600s/hi residence time Settling velocity and Reynolds numbers: pg _ (1x10%m)?x 10%g/m? x 9.80m/s- ae 187 18 x 0.0172gim-s oz Re = fat 1,29x10" g/m? x tsi x 3.1710 als =24x10% b. 10 um: oe Coste igi x 2SOWIE 83 2010° m/s Re =f dy _1.29x10"g/ m tosis STO ns =2.4x107 pe eta oe Re= dv _1.29x10° g/ m* x 20x10%m x 0.0127m/s 0.02 7 0.0172 mis H=50m, overcast so Class D, A at 1.2km, B at 1.4km. a. Fig 7.50, Class D, H=50m, max concentration at Lkm. Since concentration is decreasing past 1 km, the higher levei of pollution will be at site "A". b. Clear sky, wind < Sm/s: Class is now A,B or C. At 50m, Class A,B, or C, Fig 7.50 shows us that the maximum point moves closer to the stack, c. It will still be house at site "A." Bonfire, 20g/s CO, wind 2 m/s, H=6m, distance = 400m: Table 7.8, clear night, stability classification = F } (7.46) 20x10%yg/s ce exp] - |= 2x10", ° Jim 7 2misxi5m x 7m 10’ g/m! = 21mg! m b. At the maximum point, Fig. 7.50 Pg. 7.6 Coy Q 2 2 Co {Se = 20x10?mg/s , 3.8810" 3g aomg/ m un Q Janae 2m/s m } =3.8x107/m* 7.22 H=100m, Q=1.2g/s, up=4m/s, ua=3+ m/s, C<365p.9/m3. “The more unstable the atmosphere, the higher the peak downwind concentration (see Fig. 7.49). From Table 78, with wind > 3nvs, B is the most unstable so it leads to the worst concentration: Coy 5 pat From Fig. 7.50, Xmax=0.7 km; [“OH} = 15x10 /m -$ Cope Q( Su) =365x10%g/s= 2x SHO tN Jn mis* mm 43365410" _ gpg 13x10" Maximum powerplant size = 97 g/sx soMw 12¢/s 7.23 Atmospheric conditions, stack height, and groundlevel concentration restrictions same as Prob. 7.22 so that: Emissions Q~= 97 g/s 061bSO, _1Btuin _3412Btout Ihr 10°g OTg/s= 20802, x Rw 10°Buin 0.35 Btu out kWh 3600s 2.2 Ib Pag, = S71O'x035x3600x2.2 oe = 131,000KW =130MW ‘ 0.6x3412x1000_ 7.24 H=100m, ua=4 m/s, Q=809/s, clear summer day so Class B: First, find the windspeed at the effective stack height using (7.43) and Table 7.7: 7 os H 100 , 4) S ami a) = 5.65m/s a. at2km: Gy = 290m, 62 =234m c(x,0)= 2 onl - HU0,o, 10" ue! e 80x10" pg/s a = 77 5.65mis x290m x 234m” 2x234 b. At the maximum point, 0.7 km (Fig. 7.50), Cu, $2 a = 1.5x10° /m* ( Q 1. = Q Su) om SG). c. Atx=2km, y=0.1km: suai xe 2 7.25. For class C, notice from (7.44) and (7.45) with Table 7.9 ac_Q do, uk multiply through by 679 and cancel lots of terms to get, (= b. substituting the newly found value for oz, ° or 0,= a4 = 0.707H Pg. 78 ¢. using oy =k oz _0.117Q__0.117Q me“ uko,” —uk(0.707H) u) (varies as inverse of H2) 7.26 Sudbury stack: 130°C} 20 m/s —m 10°C ' —~ 8b8ms 15.2m™ | 36m Using (7.49) for bouyancy flux parameter ost bie Ysa02s(1 = 228) =3370m*/s? 2 s "1304273 and distance downwind to final plume rise xf given on page 420 (with F>55), xX, = 120F°* = 120x(3370)"* =3092 for stability classification C, use (7.51) for plume rise, Ab= LOFP x, Uy 5x(3370) "(3092)" 635m plume rise H = effective stack height = h + Ah = 380 + 635 = 1015m 7.27 Repeat P7.26 with a stable, isothermal atmosphere: F = 3370 m4/s3 from Prob. 7.26, but for isothermal atmosphere, need the stability parameter, S £(40 , 00 i /m = a 98m/s*_ (9. 9.01K/ m) =3.46x107/8° 4(% ! Go+ 275K “ }O1K/ m) =3.46x10"/s which is used in (7.48) for plume rise under these conditions, 'P 6 F 3370m*/s* Ah=26— | =2.6| ——————_ = (5) Ste Ps. 7.9 278m H= effective stack height = h + Ah = 380 + 278 = 657 m (notice the atmospheric stability lowered effective stack height vs Prob. 7.26) 7.28 Cloudy summer day, stability classification C (Table 7.8), 120°C 4 10 m/s —» 6.0°C — Sms am >| 100m Using (7.49) for bouyancy flux parameter =984 2(22) x0 2x{1-S#7B.) asm 2 s 120 +273, F= ws and distance downwind to final plume rise xf given on page 420 (with F<55), x, = 50F = 50x(28.4)™ = 406 for stability classification C, use (7.51) for plume rise, Ah Dy 0 (496) crea ESOS AYE HOST = 54m plume ise H = effective stack height = h + Ah = 100 + 54= 154m. 7.29 Power plant, find groundlevel pollution 16 km away. Need first find H. > class E 63005/s soz, IE Sass 13.5 mvs lapse rate=5°C/km 145°C 4 18°C 100m 12.5 200 MW ° 16k First, find bouyancy flux parameter (7.49), 3sBx(1- 528) s\) 1454273 9.8% x(2.5m s plume rise for stable (Class E) atmosphere needs S from (7.50), Pg. 7.10 7.30 3(4t, 98m/s*_(_S s-2(44001K/m |= = 5.xl07/s? 4 +0.01K a) asr20Kk +0.01K/ m |= 5.1xl0~/s plume rise is given by (7.48), 1” ayo | (WP ah=24—+-| =2 —25Im*ts"_ | = 121m as Sm/s x 5.1x10°/s" so the effective height is H= 100m + 121m=221 m Concentration downwind at 16km: (Table 7.10) oy = 602m, o2 = 95m ctx,0)=—2 ox HUoo, ___300x10°ug/s 75 mis x602m x 95m. ‘Cuy) _ 20x10°ug/s| Soe = 4xi0 ~Smis Using Fig. 7.50 gives, "AY (St+}-ouota 0.25km, Cag, = 4x10° x 6x10°%= 240pg/ m* “Cc (e+) = 5.8x10%at 0.55km, Cyy, =4x10° x 58x10" = 230g! m? - (% 4 }- 2.Ax10™at 3.7km, Cpa = 4x10° x 2.4x10°= 96ug/ m Pg. 7-11 0.25 0.55 x (km) 37 7.31 H=50m, 100m, 200m; Class C, 20 g/s: = 2{Cuy) _ 2080" s(n) ger Stu cm Bf Q J. Sm/s ( Q Jeseof Q Using Fig. 7.50, @50m: Cmax = 4x106 x 5.7x10-5 = 228 pgm @100m: Cmax = 4x106 x 1.5x10°5 = 60 pg/m3 @200m: Cmax = 4x106 x 3.4x106 = 14 ng/m3 CH) 1 ‘C(H) Do they drop as (1/H)?,, that is expectation = cloom)_6 , testthem: Tomy wag 7025 0.23 not bad! C(200m) expect =0.061 again, not bad. (Sm) 7.32 Paper mill emitting H2S, 1km away want 0.1 x odor threshold: soos) > ieee 0.01 mg/m3 <1 km ———_>" Class B, at 1 km, (Table 7.10) oy = 156m, o2= 110m # C(.0)= 2 ool # | Pe 2 Pg. 7.12 1.33 40g/s zu mis x156m x 110m Mfsa00 _ a ru 156 x 110 x 0.01x10° or, 1 =[24.200 w(22))" so, at each end of the wind speed range we can find the height needed: ps Hy= [24200 In (2) =265m 0.01x10" g/m? = rearranging: says to be conservative use H=265m Husio= [24200 w(22)] © =220m If the town extends beyond 1 km, from Fig 7.50 at H=265, Class B, Xmax =1.8km Therefore, with the peak occurring beyond the 1 km house, the concentration will rise for buildings located > 1km away. YES Stack under an inversion: atx=XL 6z= 0.47 (L-H) = 0.47 (100 - 45) = 26 m for class C, 67 = 26m at x=0.4km (Table 7.10), therefore XL = 0.4 km, and also from Table 7.10, Gy = 46m. eae) = _150x10'mg/s__ “75 mls x 46m x 26m atx = XL: CK.) == atx=2XL: oy = 85m (Table 7.10), 150x10°mg/s (2X,,0)= =1.4mg/m’ Cex, Freak * Fix Smisx8Smx 100m ™ 7.34 Stack under an inversion layer: 80 g/s aa 4 - -~ : L=250m Om — ‘ | ’ ams 3 ca? XL x=4km_ We need the stability classification: clear summer day, 4nv/s, Table 7.8 says Class B. atx=XL_ 67 =0.47 (L-H) = 0.47 (250 - 50) = a. From Table 7.10, at oz = 94m Class B, XL ~0.9km. Since our point of interest is at 4 km, we are well past the point at which reflections first occur so we can use (7.52). ‘We need oy at 4km, which is given in Table 7.10 as 539m: 80x10% yg/s Te uG,L J x Smis x 539m x 250m b. Without the inversion layer, at 4km 6z = 498m, Gy = 539m so, C(4km,0)= = 47g!) 0° Q 80x10%yg/s 50° 5 0)= =—_ ings __. + |= 194g C(4km.0) om x Smls x 539m x 498m "| 2x49" g/m 7.35 Agricultural bum 0.39/s-m 4 u=3m/s 400m ay Clear fall afternoon, winds 3 m/s, so stability class "C" (Table 7.8), and Gz = 26m (Table 7.10). Using (7.54), 2x300mg/m—s 0. -2x300mg/m—s_ Cl04km)= = aa Yim x3mis x 26m 3.0mg/m* Pg. 7.14 7.36 A freeway modelled asa line source: veer gf 1.5 g/mi Te2m/s 200m —eLT Clear summer, 2 m/s, Table 7.8 suggests Class A or A-B. At0.2 km, Gz = 29m for Class A; z= 20m for Class B. What should we use? Since somewhere between Class A and Class B, but closer to A, let's use Gz = 26m: To find the linear emission rate: 4 =10,000 “etic, he 15g mi ft hr * 3600s” mi — vehicle *5280% “0.3048m = 2.58x10%g/m-—s = 2.58mg/m-—s Then, using (7.54), 2x2.58mg/m V2 x 2mis x 26m 0.04mg/m* 7.37 Box model, 250,000 vehicles between 4 and 6pm, driving 40km ea, emitting 4g/km CO. 40km_4gCO_ 1 ___hr 1 6 > =250,000veh. — 4.6x10°gCO/ m* ae veh ech km * hrs © 3600s *1SxB0xIO%m™ OO BN b. Using (7.58) with t= 2hrs x 3600s/hr =7200s, L we ce) Se ) = 46x10“ g/m’s x 15,000m _g-280187208:1800) = ,002¢/m? =2mg osaie alsa (1-e ')=0.002g/m? =2mg/m’ €. With no wind, go back to (7.55) and solve the differential equation: ac eee ww = g LW LW 4, ac= 4a Cae c= so, C= Sit 4.6x10~ 3 2 600 =H = ARH “g0O/m Sx hrs x 36008 - 0,0022gC0 /m? = 2.2mg/ m? im Pg. 7.15 7.38 Box model, 105 m on a side, H=1200m, u=4m/s, SO2=20ke/s, steady state: 4m/s. Cine i 120m 105m 7 105m 20k g/s input rate = output rate i x 10'mx 1200mxC(49/3) 20x10” 3 7 =417) Faoxiz00 THE! 7.39. Assume steady-state conditions were achieved by Spm Friday so that C(0)=41.7 g/m. With qs = 0, and Cin = 0, (7.57 gives us C(t) = Coe". a. At midnight, t=Thrs x 3600s/hr = 2.52x104 s C(t) = C(O)e*" = 41.7ug/ m? so 2800600" 15 2ug/m? b. Starting up again at 8am on Monday, by Spm (9hrs later): first check to see concentration left from Friday at Spm (63 hrs earlier): CC) = C(O)e"" = 41.7ugl m? ete OEM = O05 ugIm? =O so we can ignore that and let C(0) = 0 at Sam Monday. First find the emissions per unitarea, emission rate _ 20kg/sx 10° g/kg 2 emission rate _ 20kg/8x 10°U8/KS _ > o19/ m? Toma 10m 7H Then use (7.57) with Cin ct) 50 -e"") _ 2.0yg/ m*-sx 105m, imi. ohr x sone) = 3 “4m/s x 1200m (1-e = 30-248! mi Pg. 7.16 7.40 Steady-state conditions from Prob 7.38, wind drops to 2 m/s, 2hrs later: From Prob. 7.38, emission rate qs = 2.0 .glm?-s, and C= 41.7u.g/m3. Using (7.57), cW= se =e 4 C(Oe* K1O%m (mie x sx noon) fons x ne sonnei = Tare f0dm (I~ * ze = 473 wgim> 7.41 Modified Prob. 7.38, now incoming air has 5 j.g/m and there are 10 g/m? already there at Sam. Find the concentration at noon: m/s NN CinaSug/m3 i 120m 105m A 105m 2ug/me-s +6, me") + CMe 2.0ug/ mi 4m/sx 1200m +102" pease arty (ahr) = ( (asthe 2600 fa) C(4hr = noon) = 26.1 rg/m3. 7.42 Now using conditions of Prob 7.38, but for a nonconservative pollutant with K=0.23/hr: Rate into box = Rate out of box + Rate of decay =uWHC+KCV Thr +( xd xa0%m x 1'mx 1200m J 20x109 = 4.8x108 C + 7.6x108 C C = 16pg/m3 Pg. 7.17 a 7.43. Starting with (7.61) and using the special conditions of this tracer-gas study; that is, a conservative tracer (K=0), no tracer in the air leaking into the room (Ca=0), and the tracer source tumed off at t=0 (S=0) gives the exponential decay of tracer as: Clt)= Ce In[C(t)] = In(C,) — It which is of the form y=mx +b, where y =InC, m=I, and b=InCo time (hr) Inc 0 10.0 2.303 0.5 8.0 2.079 1.0 6.0 1.792 Ls 5.0 1.609 2.0 33 1.194 Inc ° 1 2 3 time (hr) (21-13) _ =0. 20-05 703 From the graph, the slope is about: slope = Thus, the infiltration rate is about 0.53 air changes per hour. 7.44 Infiltration 0.Sach, 500m3 volume, 200 m? floor space, radon 0.6pCi/m2s: Using (7.60) with K=7.6x10°3/hr (Table 7.15), 1700pCi/m? =1.7pCi /L T+K (0.5/hr+7.6x107 /hr)x- a Pg. 7.18 o.6pcvm? s K=7.6x10° 3/hr 7.45 Just have half as much ground-floor area to let radon in, so: (%) fe 6pCi/m?s x 1008 om?) fo = Thr = 850pCi/ m* = 0.85pCi/ L THK (0.5/hr+7.6x10° /hr)x 7.46 Using exposure factors from Table 4.10 and potency from Prob. 4.10 and 4.12, L-TPCIIL x 360° x30y¢ Exposure = See atone 7 OTRPCH average over 315 seney = 400mrem /yt Potency = spCi/ L 400mrem/yr, Leancerdeath , FEM roye 0.0017 = 0.2% Risk =0.72, t 1 S PCH Lx Ge * 8000 rem “10° mrem 7.47 300m3 house, 0.2ach, oven+2bumers 6pm to 7pm, find CO 7pm and and 10pm. For these circumstances, (7.62) is appropriate: s 1 cw)=S(- (=F (I-e*) the source strength, S is 6—7pm: oven + 2 bumers, 1900mg/hr+ 2x1840mg/hr = 5580mghr solving for C after 1 hr: 5580mg/hr _2aitchange 399M hr ac C(1hr,7pm) = 0. (1-62) = 16:8mg/ m? Now tum off the burners and watch CO coast down until 10pm, 3hrs later: C(3hrs,10pm) = C(0,7pm)e™™ = 16.8e%?""* "= 9.3mg/m? 7.48 1=0.39ach, V=27m%, after I-hr NO = 4.7ppm; find source strength, S: first convert NO in ppm to mg/m3 using (1.8) and assuming T=25°C, ppmxmolwt _ 4.7 x (l4+16) =5.76mg/m? (24.465, 24.465 mg/m? = a, Source strength, rearrange (7.62) acm mg tye _ 0395-3277 15.16 ey (ery b. I-hr after turning off the heater, =188mgNO /hr C=C,e" =4.7ppm xe’ .2ppmNO- c. ina house with 0.2 ach, 300m3, 8 + 2A eal es img! m? x 244653 «> 69pm 02% x300. r 7.49 100MW coal plant, 33.3% efficient, CF=0.70, a. electricity generated per year, Energy = 100,000kW x 24hr/day x 365 day/yr x 0.70 = 613x10°KWh /yr b. heat input = 613x10°KWh /yrout x SEW, 341260 = 6.28x10'*Btu/ yr 1kWh, out kWh ¢. Shut it down and sell the allowances, SO, saved by shutting down =628x10°S x ee 1883 tons/yr 19a3 {288 , Lallowance $1500 = $2.85million/yr yr ton allowance Pg. 7.20 SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER 8 8.1 From (8.1), ("Yolen Xo) wie, S"O[%) = ey Oa ‘The negative sign means the sample corresponds to.a warmer climate. 8.2 From the equation given for the ice core, T(°C)=15 5°O(Y{,,)+20.4 = 1.Sx(-35) +20.4 = -32.1°C notice, by the way, that since this sample is for glacial ice, not ocean water or sediment, the negative sign on 5"O(9.,) means colder temperatures. 8.3. Theflatearth! 1370W/m2 E sits T*A =O T'(20 R’) 4 1370W /m =331.5K - 273.1=58.4°C | 2xS.67K10" W/mK 8.4 The basic relationship is S=—>, using data for Earth from Table 8.2 lets us find k: k=S d? = 1370W /m? x (150x10°km x 10°m/ km) =3.083x10°°W 3.083x10°5W_ = = 9168 W) * (58x10%km x 10°m/ km) = b, The effective temperature (8.7) of Mercury would be: [scary -[ zene 0.06) [2s 61x10 W/m K* steswint(t-008) =441K (168°C) Pg. 8.1 8.5 8.6 c. Peak wavelength: A, = x" T(K) 441 Solar flux variation of +3.3%, gives a range of S Smax = 1370 (140.033) = 1415.2 W/m2 Smin = 1370 (1 -0.033) = 1324.8 W/m2 [a sea). [estszwem—o3y (= oan . Tmax BETO Wiark’ | ~2562K CITC) /, 24 -o3n¥ ae oY = [ezine 30] _ 4x5.67x10 W/m K* 52K (-21"C) a difference of about 4°C. A nuclear war: INCOMING 342 w/m2 REFLECTED ee RADIATED TO SPACE, X sore ty { sss amvosevee | 237 t + CONVECTION, REECTED EVAPORATION = 0 EARTH RADIATED 2 240 wém2 a. Surface temperature, oT,’ = 240W/m? 240W/ | T.=|— | = 255K I8°C) . cE 57x10 W/mK 80 b. X, atmosphere to space: balance incoming from space = outgoing to space 342 =69+X X=273 Wim? c. Y, absorbed by earth: incoming solar has to go somewhere, Pg. 82 8.7 8.8 342 = 69+ 257+ Y Y = 16 Wim2 4. Z, radiation from atmosphere to surface: balance earth's surface radiation, Y+Z=240=16+Z Z=224 Wim? A 2-layer atmosphere: won | | wh 24 + 3504 T2 168 sole a. atthe surface: 168 +Z=24 +78 +390 Z=324 Wim b. extraterrestrial: 342 = 107+ 40+ W W= 195 Wim? c. lower atmosphere: Y +24+ 78 4350+ 195=2x324 Y=1 Wim? d. incoming: 342 = 107+X+1+168 X = 66 Wim? . temperatures T | and T2, from : 95W/ “* ° oT = W=195 |S =242K (31°C) 2 vs ee) = 275K (2°C) Hydrologiccycle: T8W/ m? x5.1x10"m? x Us s600 S24 Bases evaporation = ad T -5.1x10'¢m? ‘2AG6SKI / kg x 10° kg/m? x 10°S/ KI averaged over the globe, with area 5.1x1014 m2 is very close to 1 m of annual precipitation. Pg. 83 8.9 8.10 8.11 Greenhouse enhanced earth: 342 oo | 11 | yy TTT a 67 24 78 x ) CCF 1K a. incoming energy: 342 = 100+67+W W=175 Wim2 b. find Z from radiation to space: 342 = 100+30+Z Z=212 Wim2 c. to find X, need the energy radiated by a 291 K surface: surface radiated = 0 T* = 5.67x10°° W/m? -K* x (291K)' = 406.6W/ m? sothat, 406.6= X + 30 X =376.6 Wim2 d. can find Y several ways; at the surface, or in the atmosphere, W+Y =406.6+24+78 = 175+Y Y = 333.6 Wim? or, 674244 78+X=Y+Z 67+24+78+3766 =Y+212 (Y =333.6) 137 Wim? Solar constant S = 1370, increase by 0.1%, AS = 0.001 x 1370 ‘The change in forcing is per unit area of earth, change in radiation hitting earth surface area of earth 137W/m* x xR’ Eu sow AF Climate sensitivity of 0.55, AT=24F = 0.55x 0343 = 0.19°C Changing the albedo from 0:31 to 0.30 changes radiative forcing by (031 - 0.30) x 342 W/m? =3.42 Wim2 Total AF=3.42 + 4.0=7.42 Wim? and AT=2 AF = 55 x 7.42 = 4.1 0C Pg. 8.4 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 a. C3HF7 isan HFC (no Cl), 317 -90=227, HFC-227 b. C2H3FCl2 isanHCFC, 231-90=141, HCFC-141 c. C2F4Clg isa CFC, 204-90=114, CFC-114 d. CF3Br isa Halon, H-1301 a, HCFC-225, 225+90=315 (3C, IH, SF), 8sites-(1+5)=2Cl, -. C3HF5Cl2 b. HFC-32, 32+90= 122 (IC, 2H, 2F), 4 sites, 0 Cl, <. CH2F2 c. H-1301, (IC, 3F, OCI, 1Br) +. CF3Br d. CFC-114, 114+ 90 = 204 (2C, OH, 4F), 6 sites -4=2 Cl, 2. CoF4Cl2 Radiative forcing for N20, Ce Ua- Ifit reaches 417 ppb, added forcing would be: AF = k,(VE - JC,) = 0.133(V417 - W311) =037W/m* arn -4) ony = 0.133 | ‘Combined radiative forcings (ignoring the complication mentioned in Prob. 8.19): 63 pda _ g 5 1(358) _ ; a. AFog: =63 In i =63 (3) = 1.558 Wim’ (CO. AFeu, =0.031( (CH, ~ Y{CH,),) = 0.031(T714 ~ V700) = 0.463 Wim? AF yo = 0:133{ NO — Y(N,O),) = 0.133 V3TT —/275) = 0.140W /m* | AF cgi; = 0.22{(CFC- 11) - (CFC 11).] =0.22(0.268-0) = 0.059 W/ m™ | AF o¢q12 = 0.28{(CFC - 12) - (CFC-12),]=0.28(0.503 -0)= 0.141 W/m? | Combined forcing = 1.558 + 0.463 + 0.140 + 0.059 + 0.141 = 2.36 W/m2 Pg. 8.5 b. From 1992 to 2100: AF co; = 6.3 In: pCO) 63 In| (2) =435 Wim? {(c02),]- Fey, =0.031( JCA, ~ y(CH,),) = 0.081 V3616 - JT7T4) = 0.581W/m* AF io = 0.133 YNZO ~ (NO), = 0.133(/417 - 511) =0.370W/ m* AFepery = 0-22(CFC~ 11) - (CFC 11),] =0.22(0.040—0.268) = -0.050 W/ m? AF cgeiz = 0-28{(CFC - 12) - (CFC -12),] = 0.28(0.207 — 0.503) = ~0.083 W/m? Combined forcing = 4.35 + 0.581 + 0.370 - 0.050 - 0.083 = 5.17 W/m2 ec AF=63 w( 22) + 0.03 1(V3616 - V700) + 0.133 J417 - 275, + 0.22x0.040 + 0.28x0.207 = 7.53 Wim2 (alternatively: AF = 2.36 + 5.17 = 7.53 Wim?) 8.16 From Prob. 8.15, AF=63 (22) + 0.031(V3616 - ¥700) + 0.133( J417 - V275) + 0.220.040 + 0.28x0.207 = 7.53 Wim? ATs = 2 AF = 0.57 °C(Wim2) x 7.53 Wim? = 4.3 OC 8.17 From Prob. 8.15 22) + 0.031(V3616 - J700) + 0.133( 417 - V275 + 0.22x0.040 + 0.28x0.207 = 7.53 Wim2 and from (8.32), =278 e278 '%3=919ppm Pg. 86 8.18 8.19 8.20 From (8.34) AT. 20°C 0 a fl 437 437 °° ena) b. Forcing by CO2 alone (8.30): AF =63 (22) =3.70W/m* :. Total forcing: AF = 6sn( 22) = 4.85W/ m* non-CO3 forcing AF = 4.85 - 3.70 = 1.15 W/m2 4d. Equilibrium temperature change, AT,, CO, 2.0°C so) a = ATs jp] Or | 20°C ||, (600) _ 9 in2 of 2] Ind “(Se ai AFeo _ 3.70 - hing ): =——=0.76=7E e, Warming by COz: = ==" = 0.16 = 76% Overlapping absorption bands correction factor: M=3616 == Mo= 1714. N=417 No=311 £(My,No) =0.47in[1+2.01x10(MyNo)"”* +53 1x10" Mg(MoNo)! £(Mg,No) =0.47In{ 1+ 2.01x107°(1714x311)°”* +53 x10°x1714(1714x31 1)'*7] = 0.159 f(M,N,)= o.47in{t +2.01x10 (3616x311) °”* + 5.31x1075x3616(3616x3 11)" *]= 0.256 AF ey, = 0.036( CH, — y(CH,), )- £(M,N,)+f(My.No) = 0.036(V3616 - J1714) - 0.256 + 0.159 =0.577 = 0.58 (this result is virtually the same as obtained in Example 8.6) Ke rl-e rom (636, owr = A. “-*) AFco, J Reo, (t)dt aire ower, 196 a. 630. 5 Pg. 8.7 8.21 8.23 =e b. GWPiop = 1630 ae) B.1 afi ea) 6c. GWPio) = 1630 = 495 years gas _rate(10%kg) _GWP _GWPxrate fraction 20 C02 44,700 1 44,700 0.65 20 CHg = 320 56 17,920 0.26 20° N20 22 280 6.160 0.09 100 COz 44700 I 44,700 0.77 100 CH4 320 21 6,720 0.11 100 N20 2 310 6,820 0.12 500 CO 44700 1 44,700 0.88 500. CH4 320 6.5 2,080 0.04 500 N20 2 170 3,740 0.07 The actual ATrealized is estimated to be about 0.6°C, which is 75% of the equilibrium AT ATrealized = 0.6°C = 0.75 ATequilibrium 80, ATequilibrium = 0.6/0.75 = 0.8°C but, ATequilibrium= % AFactual = 0.57 x AF actual = 0.8 08 =1.40W/ m* that is, AFactual 0s7 The direct forcing is 2.45 W/m2 , so aerosols etc are 2.45 - 1.40 = 1.05 W/m2 Energy sources and carbon intensity: Coal 25% @ 24.2 gC/MI Oil 45% @ 19.7 gC/MI Gas 20% @ 13.8 gC/MJ Other 10% @ 0 a. avg C intensity = 0.25x24.2 + 0.45x 19.7 + 0.20x13.8 + 0.10x0 = 17.68 gC/MI b. Coal replaced by non-carbon emitting sources: avg C intensity = 0.25x0 + 0.45x 19.7 + 0.20x13.8 + 0.10x0 = 11.63 gC/MJ Pg. 88 ¢. modeled as an exponential growth function, C=Ce" 1 Cc 1 anes ee t tn E} i In| 8.24 Outof oil and gas, demand = 2x330EJ/yr, 28%coal, 60% syn gas/oil@44gC/MJ, = 0.0042 = -0.42%/ yr a. carbon emission rate: avg carbon intensity = 0.28 x 25.8 + 0.60 x 44 + 0.12 x0 = 33.6 gC/MJ veciong 2X 330810" MJ. 33.68 _GiC Emissions = “0 * MI “ToC = 22.2GtC/yr b. growth from 6.0 GtClyr to 22.2 GtClyr in 100 yrs, A -wu(%) =0.013=13%/ yr | ¢. amount remaining with 50% airborne fraction, use (3.15): a Palen =) = SOIL ores 1) = 199964C total emitted = 0.01308 amount remaining in atmosphere = 0.50 x 1239 = 619 GtC d. amount in atmosphere in 100 yrs = 750 + 619 = 1369 GtC 1369GtC (CO.)= S73GtCi ppmeo, = 646ppm ¢. equilibrium temperature increase, with AT2x=3°C, in2 "| (O,),) 1 8.25 Repeat of Prob. 8.24, but now conservation scenario: a. carbon emission rate: avg carbon intensity = 0.20 x 25.8 + 0.30 x 153 + 0.10 x20 = 11.75 gC/MJ per 330x10°J MJ 1L-75¢C__GtC Emissions = ag gC 3.88G1C/yr | Ps. 89 Se a b. growth from 6.0 GtClyr to 3.88 GtCiyr in 100 yrs, re wr) = -0.0044 = -0.44% /yr ¢. amount remaining with 50% airborne fraction, use (3.15): total emitted = = Byer -1)= S.OGIC/ yt (_-anoseyen 1) = ag3GtC =0.0044 amount remaining in atmosphere = 0.50 x 483 = 242 GtC 4. amount in atmosphere in 100 yrs = 750 + 242= 992. GtC 992GtC (2) = F73GICI ppmCO, = 468ppm - equilibrium temperature increase, with AT2=3°C, sof Sy]-B(S) © n2, 118°C 8.26 Doit by scenario: “ 1.0+03-2.0-0.7 1.4%lyr .0GtC/ ef =1) = $006 yr, Sonia (e208 ]) = 268G1C ( )= 750GtC + QxAF 750+ 268x0.4GtC = 404 273. 12GtC/ ppmCO, — 2.12GtC/ ppmco, “PPM AT, co. 3 404 Ate 3g 4) aT=T2 uf | in? (2) C3 1 of (7596 4) (0.014) +1]=never!! 6.0 Pg. 8.10 (B) r= 15+ 15-0.2+0.4=3.2%lyr “= )= ) = 25061 + QxAF 2!" 2.12GtC/ ppmCO. -4-(2)- 2.05°C J in2 "356 vetlel | gt fae r P, 0.032 6.0 6.0GIC/ yr 0.032 (e277 91) = 1574G1C 750 +1574x0.5GtC 2.12GtC/ppmCO AT= AT. | CO: In2 | (CO,),. (© r=14+10- 10-0: = 12%lyr _6.0G1C/ yr 0.012 750GIC + QxAF (er yrs 70 yr 1) = 658G1C (79%) | age a we 012 6.0 8.27 Using LHV carbon intensities from Table 89, the four options are: osMy delivered ee ABBOSE 14 sac/ms 100MJ {7 ~0.95 soul 1) pulse 136090 7OMJ delivered a ABEOE n9.790/m 100M In <0.70 2) conv gas eat, 1380gC heat pump 105MJ del ~ 35MJ 3)heat pump 100MJ 509 pp ‘725ppm + Jeo Ym, 24209C {1 -0.35 >| power plant coP=3 24209C F70 trom enviro. 35MJ 4)resistance (2420g¢ 35MJ 100MJ 7 24209C 35 power plant =69.1gC/MJ Pg. 8.11 '=23.00C/M, TOSEy 7 2308C/MI TO Ne e the tremendous range: 14.5 to 69.1 gC/MJ, almost 5:1 ! 8.28 Propane-fired water heater: = 3812gC/ mal 10H ag se acy ny 8 Fe COI Tmol ™ ME b. delivering heat at 85% efficiency to hot water, A asm n [> _—_ 16369¢ =19.39C/M 100 M_, |-0.85 asm) 397M 16369C c. savings vs 34.0 gC/MJ with an electric water heater: propane 19.3 electric 34.0 .57 so there is a 43% savings 8.29 Using (3.18) to find 6 , and (3.20) to find tm , then plotting (3.17) gives, 25.8gC _GtC__ 10'*MJ a = eee, a, Q. =200,000E) x= *ToC* 5160GtC Q 5160GtC PV2n 22GtC/ yar P, 22G1Clyr 2 in| == | =93.57yr fo = ne YP | Sogcerys | 1508 then put these into P= P, xe 2 = 98.57yr [Ginf [2000007 25.8 5160] Pm 22 34 38 [Pm/Po 3.67, 5.67 3.67, sigma L 93.57 60.55) 35.49} fem 750.84| 12.77 75.60} delta time 10) ear iP 19901 6.00} 6.00) 6.00} 2000) 7.09 8.05 70.51 Pg. 8.12 Prob. 8.29 Solution 60 50 40 30 20 10 Emission rate (GtC/yr) 0 1900 2000 2100 2200 «2300-2400 Year 258gC GC 10"MI ss cocec 8.30 =200,000EJ Ey 2 w “10"3C* EF Aco, 160GIC x 0.73 x (C02 = 1776 + 280 = 2056 ppm 3 (2056 Te. ata 72 (SS ) 86°C 2x12gCimol 10°kJ 8.31 a. CoHy: 10'S = 15.568C/ & He! [329 ktimot ™ My | S68C/MI | 3x12gCimol 10K _ 659, by: FORBES = 16.22gC/M) 50 4 a. assuming a 100% capacity factor (plant operates all of the time), SOMW. IMJ/s 3600s A 2 SOM MTs 3600s | 5760hr. 7 emissions 935% aw he 08x 10*tonneC/ yr tax = 1.08x10*tonneC / yr x: = $2.16million /yr tom b. carbon sequestering, LO8x10°tonneC /yr _10°kg =21,600a¢ ‘S000KgC/yr -acre * tonne res ¢. biomass instead of tax, 32. YI Forestry cost = S2:!6x10°/yr _ 100/yr per acre 21,600acres 8.33 Leaky landfill, 10 tonnes CHa per year: a. 20-yr GWP for methane = 56, 10 tonnes CH,/yrx 56 = 560 tonnes CO ,(equivalent ) b. burning the methane, CH4 +202 + CO2 + 220 I mol CO, | (12+ 2x16)tonneCO, /mol 10tonneCH, CO,emitted = seme’ “nol CH, * (2-+4xi)tonneCH,/ mol * yr 7.5 tonne CO,/ yr equivalent CO? savings = 560 - 27.5 = 532.5 tonne CO2 12 tonneC 532.5% a/yrx tonnes asC: $32.5tonneCO,/ yrx ZOE 145.2tonneC / yr saved d. carbon tax saved = 145.2 tonneC/yr x $20/tonneC = $2900/ yr e, same thing, 532.5 tonne CO2 saved x $5.45/tonneCO2 = $2900/yr Pg. 8.14 8.34 Gasoline C7H15 , 6.15 Ibs/gal, fully combusted, 6.1SIb gas (7x12 =84) Ibs C l. i es gal“ ixl2-+15x1=99) Ib gas = 5.22 IbsC/gal _ 40,000miles 5.22 Ibs C = = 17,394 Ibs ill be Tamils! gal gal 1 sC that will be released b. 4000 Ib car, 10,000 mi/yr, 17,394 lbsC , 10, 000mi c = 4348 Ibs Ci 40,000mi "yr = Cyr carbon__ 4848 Ibs Clyr _ 4 vehicle wt. 4000 Ib the car emits slightly more carbon per year than it weighs! 2IbsC S15 gal 2000 Ibs C . carbon tax = $0.039/ gal =3.9¢/ gal 4. new car @40mpg, for 40,000 miles: 40,000mi 5.22 IbsC Creduction = 17,394 lbsC - = 12,174 Ibs C saved 40mi/gal gal ¢. trading in the clunker for the 40 mpg vehicle would save tax savings = 12,174 IbsC x —S!5__ - $91 perear Be 2000 Ibsc °°" that is, those C offsets would save the utility $91, which they could spend to get the clunker off the road. 8.35 Electrics vs gasoline powered cars: 22 Ibs Cigal_ 10002 a issions na 40 milesigal “2.2 Ibs = 59.3gC/ mi b. with the very efficient natural-gas-fired power plant, 8000KI_13.8gC MI kWh . 13.8sC Wh oo ag Wh MS “10% Si 22 18C/ mi electric emissions = ¢. with the typical old coal plant, Pg. 8.15 IkWheatin _,_IkI/s_ 3600 030kW electric out kWheatin hr 12,000k) , 24¢C | MI_ kWh kWh” MI coal plant heat rate = electric emissions = So, carbon can be saved with electric cars when efficient natural-gas power plants are assumed, but for the typical old coal plant, very litte if any savings accrue. 8.36 NO, +hv-+>NO+0 J. = 219x1O~KI-m/ mol _ 1.19x10~ ms AH°KS/ mol 306 =388x10°m = 388nm 8.37 O,+hv30+0 LI9K10~KJ-m/ mol _ 1.19x10~ » = Sxl KS -a/ mot =240: =240. AHS /mot 495 10m =240nm Bg. 8.16 SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER 9 9.1 A30yd3 packer truck, 750 Ib/yd3, 100’ between stops, Smph, 1 min to load 200 Ib. ft) mi br 60min | . time = 100-2 x Tt, be, SOmi | I mnin = 1.227 min’ sto} me 108 Stop © 5280%t Smi hr P Ib stop Stop * 1-227 min loading = 200: =163 Ib/stop aigep tb min hr =30yd"x750—>: timetofll =30y¢'X7505 To EN an = 23hrs customers _ 30yd" x 750 b/yd" x 4homes/stOP _ 4504 omnes, truckload truckload 200 Ib/stop loads . Sday: truckoad day week 150 customers ‘customers = =4500customers i 9.2 Routetiming, 20min SS route disposal —<+—— | site 15min 15min a. time not on route = 20min + 3x20min + 2x15min + 15min + 40min=165min/day | ‘garage to fill a truck takes: 4ydcurb customer stoy 15min min y Sop, temin _g7 5s 25yd* truck x —3———_ x oye truck Xin truck “O.2yd°curb © dcustomer * stop oad two loads per day-takes: [2 loads x 187.522 + 165min(uavl,breaks)} Ht = 9.0hrs/day oad Omin 4 ydcurb customer = 500cust Sdn wack “02yPoun Jcustomers /load b. Customers = 25yd* truck x 500 customers , 2 loads , Sdays truckoad day week # customers =5000customers ‘ Oe Say , S2VKS «65 00 /yr hr day hr day) wk yr Pg. 9.1 pt Si if 2 e a S001 sas =$97,500/ yr os y trucks ($98,800 + $97,500)/yr ‘5000 customers Customer cost = $39.26/ yr 9.3 To avoid overtime pay, working 8 hrs per day and needing 16Smin to make the runs back and forth to the disposal site, breaks, etc (see Prob. 9.2), collection time = 8hr x 60min/hr - 165min =315 min/day stop deustomers | Sday e x— = 4200customers 15min” stop” week notice the annual cost of service per customer is now S40/hrx8hr/dxSd/wkx52wk/yr+$97,500)/4200=$43/yr 9.4 So, with &-hr days a smaller truck can be used. Asin 9.3, collection time = 8hr x 60min/hr - 165min =315 min/day with 2 truckloads per day, 315m « day “TSmin™ stop customers customers = 840customers/ day ‘0r 420 customers per truckload. At 2 loads per day and 5 days per week, that would give 4200 customers once a week service. Truck size needed is therefore, 420customers 0.2yd?at curb _ yd? in truck truck size =~ ckload customer *4yd ateurd YS costing, trucks $10,000 , $3500/ yd? 500! yd oi ya = $83,500/ yr ye ye Sday S2wks ay) = $83,200/ p= $88.2001 yr yy resulting in: Customer cost = (983.200 + $83.500/¥" _ 559 69) yr 4200 customers (compared with $39.26 per customer in Prob. 9.2) Pg. 9.2 9.5 Comparing two truck sizes, a. customers for each truck: (A) 27m3 truck: 4m’curb_ customer A micurb_, customer _ 4s Train truck *0.25m’eurb “320ustomers/load 27m* truck x 4 32 customers , 21oads 5889S «559. ctomers(27m3) truckoad day week # customers = (B) 15m3 truck: 4m'curb___customer SuStomer = 240 customers /load Tam'in truck © 0.25mveurb ~~ customers ‘Toa 15m’ truck x- 240 customers , 3 londs , Sdays = 3) iruckoad* day * week: 2000eustomers (153) # customers b. hours per day for the crew: (A) 27m3 truck: customers, O.4min__ 2 loads 432. =, i Toad “customer * day Ea) . h (346min + 160min)x—"— =8,43hrs/ day 60min (B) 15m3 truck: rap customers, Amin 3 loads _ a6 ni Toad "customer ™ day (28min +215min)x—"\— = 838hrs/ day 60min . cost per customer: (A) 27m3 truck: 8.43] Ea) br, Say, 22K 4 §120,000/ yr = $207,672/ yr (27m3) hr day wk yr $207,672/ yr = $48.07/ 73: WB20customers 807" 27m") cost per customer = (B) 15m3 truck: Pg. 93 $40 8.38hr Sday | S2wk +$70,000/ yr = $157,152/ easy Raw cea s yr=) yr _ SIS7IS2/ yr _ 3 cost per customer = <7 = $43.65/ yr (15m3) The 15m3 truck results in a lower cost of customer service. 9.6 A $150,000 truck, 2gal/mi, $1.50/gal, 10,000mi/yr, $20k/yr maintenance: ed at 12%, 8-yrs, CRF(Bys.12%) [oamisouar |: 0.201/ yr amortization = $150,000 x 0.20L/yr = $30,195/yr 10,000mi , 2gal $1.50 ye mi = $30,000/yr fuel = total truck cost = $30,195 + 30,000 + 20,000 (maint) = $80,195/yr 2 52! S25__ 2people 40hr | S2wk =$104,000/ hhr-person* truck * wk ye " b. labor = ©. cost = er eed = $70.84/ tonne 9.7. Reworking Examples 9.1 - 9.3, using: a. I-run per day, Shr - (gar to route) ~route to dump) - (time at dump) - (dump to gar) - (breaks) time left to collect = 8 - 0.4 - 0.4- 0.2 - 0.25- 1 = 5.75 hrs which allows N stops per day (1 load per day), 5.75hr/d x 3600s/hr > _ = 34 5stops/ load GOs/stop x I load/day an truck volume needed is, 0.25m? /stop x 345 stops/load 3.5 mPeurb/méin truck "+4 with economics, Ps. 9.4 labor = $62,400/yr as before, truck = $10,000 + 4000x24.64 = $108,570/yr serving 345 stops/load x I load/day x 5 days/wk = 1725 customers $108,570 + 62,400/yr _ $170,970 = $99.11/ yr per customer T72Scustomers 1 725cust fuse =0.25—™ xs2%8 x20 £x1725hom es x "= 2691 tonne/ yr rel 25 —B__ 52 WK 19988, = house-wk yr rote us 1 cos ing = S170:970/ 9" _ $65.55) tonne (all agrees with Table 99) 2691 tonne/yr b. 3-runs per day: 8hr - (gar to route) -(route to dumpx5) - (time at dumpx3) - (dump to gar) - (breaks) time left to collect = 8 - 0.4 - 0.4x5 - 0.2x3 - 0.25 75 hrs which allows N stops per day (1 load per day), 3.75hr/d x 3600s/hr = 75stops/load 60s/stop x 3 load/day tops "eae truck volume needed is, 0.25m? /stop x75 stops/load 3.5 m'curb/mvin truck with economics, labor = $62,400/yr as before, truck = $10,000 + 4000x5.36= $31,428/yr serving 75 stops/load x 3 load/day x 5 days/wk = 1125 customers $31,428-+62,400/ yr _ $93,828 = $83.40/ 112Scustomers 1125cust . eee m? kg tonne fuse = 0.: 2 — 120) 1S refuse =0.25: house wk x52: ei ‘x112Shom es x 1000kg 1755 tonne /yr ; 93,828/ cos tin; samen, $53.46/tonne (all agrees with Table 9.9) 1755 tonne/yr 9.8 200 tonnes/d, 5d/wk, $3million, $100,000/yr, trucks $120,000, 20 tonne/trip, $80k/yr, 4 trip/day, 5 d/wk, 10%, 10yr amortization, (1 | a+) -1 $3million x 0.16275/yr + $100,000/yr = $588,236/yr Station costs: crrttoyi0%)=| [2 1O{1+ 0.10) $100 9401") sears tonnes _ day tohandle: 20 sa - 52, 000omes/ yr 7 $588,236/ yr hich i = SBI yr which is 0st= SootenneeT yr 7 S1131/ tonne Truck costs: depreciation = $120,000xCRF(10yr,10%) = $120,000x0.16275/ yr = $19,530/yr driver + maintenance + depreciation = $80,000 + 19,530 = $99,530/yr tonnes, trip day 55 Wk tip day wk yr tohaul 20; 10, 800tonnes / truck — yr $99,530/ yr 20,800tonne / yr $4.79 Itonne for atotal of $4.79 + $11.31 = $16.10 per tonne 9.9 a. Cost of direct haul to the disposal site, $40 + 30 t = 40 + 30x 1.5 = $85/tonne b. transfer station 0.3 hr from collection route, $40 + 30 t] = 40 + 30x0.3 = $49/tonne to get to the transfer station for the transfer station, $10 + 10 t2 = 10 + 10( - 0.3 hr) = $22/ tonne total cost = $49 + 22 = $71/tonne c. minimum distance from the transfer station to the disposal site, direct haul $ = $ to transfer station + $ for transfer station $40 + $30/hr 1.Shr = ($40 +30 t]) + $10 + 10(1.5- ty) 85=40 +10 +15+30t1 - 10t] =65+20t) Ps. 9.6 tr= br 2=15-1=05hr that is, the transfer station must be at least 0.5 hrs away from the disposal site. 9.10 At 50% recycling rate, a 16g can has 8g of new aluminum and g of recycled aluminum. Using data from Table 9.12, Jk new aluminum = 8g x 235,000 x75; =1880K) g kJ 412K) recycledaluminum = 8g x 5150 it 8 total energy required = 1880 + 41.2 = 1921 kJ/can for the aluminum From Table 9.13, energy/can = 1921 kJ + 421 +4 + 955+ 9g recycled x 2 = 3303 J 2 perliter, — energ: 9.11 Heavier cans from yesteryear, 0.0205 kg/can, and at 25% recycling rate, says new aluminum per can is 0.75 x 20.Sg/ean = 15375 g, and the recycled amount is 20.5-15375=5.125 g. new aluminum = 15375g x 235000 2x4 =3613K5 2107 J_&k recycled aluminum = 5.125g x 5150 ie 26.4k5 8 total energy for aluminum =3613 + 26 = 3639 kl/can From Example 9.5, primary energy for aluminum today is about 1443 kI/can 1443kJ/ can | | | Sea0KT can 7 0396 so the savings isa bit over 60% ! i Pg. 9.7 9.12 U.S. using 1:6x106 tonnes/yr Al, 63% recycling rate, a. Primary energy for aluminum, kg 2 new aluminum = 0.37 x 1.6x16 tonne x 1000 Tne. * 235,000 2 139.1x10'*k} ‘one 2 kg tonne recycledaluminum = 0.63 x 1.6x10 tonne x 1000 x 5150 2 =5.2x10"kI Total primary energy for aluminum = (139.1 + 5.2)x1012 = 1443 x 1012 ky b. With no recycling, KE «235,000 = 376x10!"ks tonne ke all new aluminum = 1.6x10° tonne x 1000- cc. COz emissions (Table 9.12) 1) With recycling: tonneCO,, new aluminum = 0.37 x 1.6x10'tonneAl x 13.1 .75x10" tonneCO 5 tonneAl “ recycled Al = 0.63 x 1.6x10*tonneAl x 0.48¢20COs _ 9.48¢10"tonneCO, tonneAL = Total = (7.75 + 0.48)x108 = 8.23x106 tonne CO2 /yr | 2) Without recycling: tonneCO. tonneAl new aluminum = 1.6x 10° tonneAl x 13-1. 10.96x10° tonneCO ,/yr CO2 reduction with recycling = (20.96 - 8.23)x10® tonne = 12.7 x10 tonne CO2/yr 9.13 3 million tonnes/yr of Al, 35% recovery rate, i a. COz emissions: new Al = 0.65 x 3.0x10°tonneAl x 13.122082CO2 _ 25.54x10°tonneCO ,/ yr tonneAL ~ tonneCO. tonneAl 0.35 x 3.0x10'tonneAl x 0.48: recycled Al 0.50x10°tonneCO, /yr Total = (25.54 + 0.50)x10 = 26 x106 tonne COz/yr Pg. 98 a b. Primary energy for the aluminum: new Al = 0.65 x 3.0x10°tonneAl x 235,000 x1000 “ 3 ne recycled Al = 0.35 x 3.0x10°tonneAl x 5150 ~ x1000—*S_ = 5.4x10!7kJ/ yr kg tonne = 458x10"*kI/yr Total energy = (458 + 5.4)x1012 ki/yr = 463 x 10!2 kifyr 9.14 Newsprint, 5.97% moisture, HHV=18540kI/kg, 6.1% H. Starting with 1 kg of as received waste, ‘energy vaporizing moisture = 0.0597kgH,O x 2440 = 145.6kJ Ikg as received: dry weight = 1 - 0.0597 = 0.9403 kg hydrogen in the dry waste = 0.061 x 0.9403 = 0.0574 kg 9kgH,O kgH energy as H becomes H20 = 0.0574kgH x «2440 = 1259.6kJ total energy lost in water vapor = 145.6 + 1259.6 = 1405 ki/kg LHV = HHV - 1405 = 18,540 1,405 9.15 Corrugated boxes, 5.2% moisture, HHV=16,380kI/kg, 5.7%H in dried material, = 17,135 kik Using (9.8) Q, = 2440(W +9H) W = 0.052 kgH2O/kg waste, H=(1 - 0.052) x 0.057 = 0.054 kgH/kgwaste Q = 24401 (0.052 +9x0.054) #842 -1313 kel kg ke LHV = HHV - Q = 16,380 - 1313 = 15,067 ki/kg 9.16 2L PET bottle, 54g, 14% H, HHV = 43,500kI/kg, KS gKBHLO,9 4 KeH S4gPET = 2440 . a kgH,O *” kg ~° 4 Eger “10°g/ kg kJ___ S4gPET /bottle kg LHV = HHV - Qr =| 43,500 S4gPET (bottle 16g KI) _ HEV - QL ( ae 2) 2183kI /bottle Pg. 9.9 9.17 Energy estimates based on HHV = 339(C) + 1440(H) - 139(0) + 105(S) a. corrugated boxes: based on dry weight, HHV(dry) = 339x43.73 + 1440x5.70 - 139x44.93 + 105x0.21 = 16,809 Ki/kg "as received" there are (1-0.052) = 0.948kg dry material / kg of "as received” HHV as received = 0.948 kg(dry) x 16,809 kJ/kg(dry) = 15,935 kJ/kg b. junk mail: HHV(dry) = 339x37.87 + 1440x5.41 - 139x42.74 + 105x0.09 = 14,697 kikg HHV(as received) = (1 - 0.0456)x14,697 = 14,027 ki/kg c. mixed garbage: HHV (dry) = 339x44.99 + 1440x6.43 - 139x28.76 + 105x0.52 = 20,568 i/kg HHV(as received) = (1 - 0.72)x20,568 = 5759 kJ/kg. 4. lawn grass: HHV (dry) = 339x46.18 + 1440x5.96 - 139136.43 + 105x0.42 = 19,218 Ki/kg HHV(as received) = (1 - 0.7524)x19,218 = 4758 kJ/kg, e, demolition softwood: HHV(dry) = 339x51.0 + 1440x6.2 - 139x41.8 + 105x0.1 = 20,417 ki/kg HHV(as received) = (1 - 0.077)x20,417 = 18,845 ki/kg. f. tires: HHV(dry) = 339x79.1 + 1440x6.8 - 139x5.9 + 10Sx1.5 = 35,944 k/kg HHV(as received) = (1 - 0.0102)x35,944 = 35,578 ike g. polystyrene: HHV(dry) = 339x87.10 + 1440x8.45 - 139x3.96 + 105x0.02 = 41,147 k/kg HHV(as received) = (1 - 0.002)x41,147 = 41,064 ki/kg Pg. 9.10 9.18 Draw the chemical structures: a. 1,23,4,7,8-hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin ce a cl C 7 er a cl b. 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-heptochlorodibenzo-p-dioxin a cl ca oy 0 a ce a enzo-p-dioxin a a cook og, a ci oT cl a ci pentachlorodibenzofuran ec 0. cr ci 7 6 cl a S-hexachlorodibenzofuran cl cl ci cal 9.19 U.S. 129million tons, 800 Ib/yd3, cell 10ft, 1 lifyr, 80% is MSW, 1000 people: 20001 yd? 278 ton Voss = 129x10° — .T1x10°F? wesw = 129x100 x X00 * ya 1x10"? /yr @80% per cell, 8.7Ix10°R/ yr aa] Viana ceo = 10.9x10°ft? /yr 10.9x10°Rt"/yr acre =», A = 24,987 ~ 25,000acres / moni —*25,S60R7 = 741987™ 25:000acres/ yr population of the U.S. is around 260 million, so the area per 1000 people is 24,987acres/ yr = ees YT __ 0.096 = 0. : ‘Asn 8 325-006 thousand people 7 0.096% 0-1 are!1000 people - yr 9.20 50,000 people, 40,000 tons/yr, 22% recovery, 1000 Ib/yd3, 10ft lift, 80%MSW: a, ton 2000 | ft landfill ee? Veran = 40,000 522 x(1 - 0.22) OE = 2.1K 10°F yr = ye Mon sore msw 10% 2.Lx10°R/ yr a acre = 2.11 0°f*/ ————— = 4.§ / 10 a wlO%R7 yr xz SBacre / yr b. to complete the landfill will ake: 40 = x2 lifts ti ining = =16: ime remainin8 = 4 93 acrelyr Syne 9.21 By increasing its recovery rate to 40 percent, ton 2000 Ib yd? 27ft?__ ft? landfill oe Vy, = 40,000 — x(1 — 0.40) RX mene = 1 ‘ft? / ae ye Ton “T0001 * ya “Ogon gw = LO2XOR yr 2x 10°F? / yi oa A SRR HEARIOR yr x 40 SSS x 2 tints time remaining = =21.5yrs (added 5 more years vs P9.20) 3.72 acrelyr Pg, 9.12 Lawn trimmings, 620g moisture, 330 g decomposible organics represented by C12.76H21.2809.26N0.54 1 mol of trimmings = 1212.76 + 1x21.28 + 16x9.26 + 14x0.54 = 330.2 g/mol that is, 1 kg of as received trimmings has 330g of decomposible organics (1 mole) using (9.9) gives C12.76H21.2809.26N0.54 +n H2O > mCH4 +s CO2 +d NH3 where m= (4x12.76 + 21.28 - 2x9.26 -3x0.54)8 = 6.5225 30, 6.5225 moles of methane are produced per mole of dry trimmings, which is the same as 6.5225 moles of methane produced per kg of "as received’ trimmings. a Vou 0.146m'CH, /kg molCH,, 6.5225 molCH kg “as receive: 890KI b. CH, energy = = 5805k/ kg 9.23. 1 kg of food wastes has 720g of water and 280 g of dry CaHbOcNd aC 45% 0.45 x 280 = 126g H 6.4% 0.064x280 = 17.923 0 28.8% 0.288x280 = 80.64g N 33% 0.033x280= 9.24g Total = 233.8g/mol C: 12g/molxamol= 126g, so a= 126/12. = 10.5 mol H: 1 g/mol xb mol =17.92g, so b= 17.92/1 7.92 mol O: 16g/mol x c mol = 80.64, so c= 80.64/16 = 5.04 mol N: 14g/mol xd mol=9.24g, so d=9.24/14 = 0.66 mol ‘The chemical formula for dry food wastes: C10,5H17.9205.04N0.66 b. chemical reaction: C10.5H17.9205.04N0.66 +n H20 > m CH4 +s CO2 +d NH3 where n = (4x10.5 -17.92 -2x5.04 +3x0.66)/4 = m = (4x10.5 + 17.92 - 2x5.04 - 3x0.66)/8 = 5.9825 (4x10.5 - 17.92 + 2x5.04 + 3x0.66)/8 = d=0.66 3.995, S175 C10.5H17.9205.04N0.66 + 3.995 H20 —> 5.9825 CH4 + 4.5175 CO2 + 0.66 NH3 5.9825molesCH, ce. CH, = (5:9825+4.5175+0.66)moles gas = 0.536 = 53.6% 0.0224m°CH, __5.9825molCH, | Vous = 4 Ven molCH , :g "as received’ 0.134m'CH, /kg 5.9825 molCH, | 890kI CH, enetay = ined = 5324kJ/ kg "as received” mol Pg. 9.14

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