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Hello everyone,

I want to tell you about the electric car. We've heard a lot of news about electric
cars over the last few years, but what makes electric cars so important and what
distinguishes it from other cars? We can start by saying that these tools work with
electricity as different from other cars that work with petroleum or derivatives of
petroleum. As we all know, petroleum, which is the energy source of the cars, is
running out of time and it takes millions of years to regenerate. However,
electricity can be produced from the inexhaustible energy sources like wind and
sun energy sources.

Another feature that distinguishes electric vehicles from other vehicles is that
these cars are environmentally friendly. Oil-powered cars produce some harmful
gases like carbon monoxide which can cause contamination of air and
eventually people have to struggle with many diseases. However, electric cars
do not form such gas substances that threaten nature. Engineers have already
started working on these electric cars and have produced samples. Who knows,
maybe these cars in the future will replace the old cars already and will offer
many benefits to humanity.

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