Third Grade Reading Test First Term

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I-Read and complete each sentences with one of these words: (2marks)

Primary – teacher – basket- what's -shell

Miss Hiba is the teacher

1- The apples are in the ----------

2- Laila and Omar go to ------------ school.

3- You can see a ----------- on the sea.

4------------the matter?


II- II-Unscramble the letters to make words.Then match them with

the pictures .The first one is an example (2 marks )

nmoo --------moon---------

chotoathe ------------------------------------

rooler ------------------------------------

dofo -------------------------------------

Compooter ---------------------------------
III. Choose the correct answer:

9- Fadi's mother ( live – lives ) in Damascus.

10- There are twenty ( boy- boys ) in the class room.

11-Maysaa ( don't – doesn't ) like playing tennis .

12-They are drinking ( juice- ice-cream).


V- Look and write the missing letters.( The first one is an example.)( 2marks)

My favourite subject is ……………..

My favourite subject is --------------

This is the ----------------.This is where we ----------

This is the playground .This is where we play --------

VI- Complete the letter about yourself .(2 marks)


My name is ----------------

I live with-----------------

I 've got ------------sisters and -------------

Write soon,

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