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1. What are the 7 different types of diversity in organizations?

 Age
 Gender
 Race and Ethnicity
 Disability / abilities
 Religion
 Other

2. What are some of the challenges in managing diversity?

 Combating and Managing Discrimination

While a business leader may try to develop a diversity program to build team
spirit and morale, there may be instances where certain employees still have
conflicts. Discrimination not only kills team morale and negatively impacts
performance, but it is a human resource issue that companies need to
address before facing lawsuits. Managing discrimination is challenging. There
may be times where someone claims to be discriminated against by another
employee when no discrimination occurred.

 Personal bias which is consists of bias and prejudice

 Communication
Perceptual, cultural and language barriers need to be overcome for diversity
programs to succeed. Ineffective communication of key objectives results in
confusion, lack of teamwork, and low morale.

 Generational and Age Differences

Each year, new workers are entering the workforce while others are retiring.
This denotes a huge shift in the workforce, often resulting in showcasing key
distinctions between the different generations, as well as different perceptions
among each group.
3. How can top management help in managing diversity in workplaces?

 Provide diversity training.

Sometimes employees behave insensitively towards their colleagues not
because they want to be mean or discriminatory, but simply because they do
not know any better. Providing diversity training to your employees, especially
those in leadership positions, helps people understand and respect the
differences in religion, race, ethnicity, cultural values, gender and thinking
styles. Diversity training helps employees become self-aware which plays a
critical role in helping them understand their own prejudices, stereotypes and
cultural biases. It’s only by appreciating where you currently stand that can
you improve.

 Encourage employees to work in diverse groups

Assure that work teams reflect the diversity of your workplace. Diverse work
teams let employees get to know and value one another as individuals.
Diverse teams also expand the experiences and views of all the workers on
the team and help them recognize the strength of their combined talents and

 View employees as individuals

Avoid both positive and negative stereotypes. Don’t make assumptions about
employees from different groups. Judge successes and failures individually.
Respond promptly and firmly when employees express prejudices or
stereotypes. Remind them of your policies that prohibit discrimination.
Encourage employees to view co-workers as individuals and judge them on
their work, not on personal factors.

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