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Chapter 10 Assignment

Abnormal Psychology
• Assignment Length: two pages with proper use of APA formatting, including cover page,
reference list and in-text citations if needed (abstract not required).
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders lists about every possible mental
diagnosis a human being can have. Some clinicians resist the notion of labeling anyone with a
mental illness. Most people recognize clusters of characteristics or behaviors that seem odd or
different from the norm. Being different doesn’t necessarily qualify one for a mental diagnosis,
because being different isn’t necessarily bad. For a diagnosis to be applied a person usually has
to be substantially impaired in a number of functions that negatively affect their quality of life.
These diagnostic issues are all around us…in the media, literature, or even next door. (Yikes)
But, a little bit of knowledge can be very dangerous, and these categories need to be handled
carefully and with respect. Human beings have a tendency to label because we seem to like
things neat and tidy; in some category…it’s a control thing.
Your book discusses three major categories of mental disorders, including Anxiety Disorders,
Mood Disorders, and Schizophrenic Disorders. Write a paper on a character from film,
literature, or a historical figure that manifests symptoms of one of these disorders.
1) Discuss the symptoms and how they are represented in the character.
2) How did this disorder impact the individual and those closest to them?
3) Were there any attempts at interventions and did they work?
4) Considering the diagnosis, was the person handled with dignity?

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