Bad Impacts of Using Social Media

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Bad Impacts of Social Media

The development of technology nowdays has led people to the modernization. It is

known from the greatest thing, a communication network, that invented which is called the

Internet. In today’s world, Internet is developed broadly as a result of modernism, and it

creates interactive computer-mediated technologies which connect people across the world

called social media. There are 3 billions people or 40 percents of the world’s population use

social media. Among all of the Internet users, teenegers rank higher. The statictical result

shows that almost 2 billions of populations are the active users of social media, and they are

teenagers. They post status, videos, and photos to keep interacting and connecting with

others. However, there is some evidence that using social media has bad impacts.

Interaction on social media causes youth to lose social skills. Because of the

development of today’s social media, many of them are passionated. They like to interact and

connect with people there, rather than having social interaction. According to Heidi McBain,

social media becomes an obsession and youth starts to forget what is important in life. It can

be seen from how often a family out to dinner and everyone is on their mobile devices. The

importance of face-to-face interactions starts to get lost, and they start to lose or never learn

social skills. Another, Lesley Vos also supports the statement. She claims that due to keeping

interacting with people in social media, they fail to buid offline effective communication.

Constitution of social interaction breaks, literacy collapse, and the importance of face-to-face

contacts dimishes as the negative results of social media.

In addition, social media leads to poor sleep. Numerous studies show that increased

social media use has a significant association with poor quality with young people. Stephanie

claims that being addicted to social media affects their quality sleep. They keep scrolling up

and down their hands on the phone. it leads to poor sleep. Another, Psychology lecturer, Dr.
Michael Breus, also states that young people who text and use social media are more likely to

have trouble falling asleep and have more swings during the day. Due to poor sleep, they

cannot perform well in daily live.

In other cases, social media leads to cyberbullying. People around the world are faced

with bullying in general, and it is one one of the leading causes in suicides. Studies on

bullying statistics state that over half of adolescents and young people are faced with

cyberbullying. Of that huge percentage that are cyberbullied. They insult and humiliate each

other. As a result, there are about 4.400 cases of individuals that commit suicide because of

cyberbulling in social media.

It is evident that the arguments againts bad effects of social media are valid. Social

leads young people to lack social skills. They interact with people in social media so much

rather than having social interaction. In addition, it affects sleep quality and inteferes their

daily activities because of poor sleep. Moreover, cyberbullying as a result of social media can

lead to commite suicide. From all the right reasons above, I am convinced that the use of

social media should be more considered for young people.

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