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MOMENTS SHEARS and REACTIONS FOR CONTINUOUS HIGHWAY BRIDGES. MOMENTS SHEARS and REACTIONS FOR CONTINUOUS HIGHWAY BRIDGES AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION 101 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017 Foreword ENGINEERING considerations frequently lead to the adoption of con- tinuous structures as the most efficient solution of a design problem, but analysis of such structures often becomes considerably more time-consuming than that of simple structures. This is particularly true in the case of highway bridge spans of lengths such that TRUCK rather than LANE live loading governs the design. The tables contained herein were prepared to assist the designer of continuous beams and girders in general, and continuous highway beam bridges in particular, by reducing the time required for analysis. Preface to the Second Revised Printing Although this booklet was first printed in 1959, it still provides useful information, especially for checking the results of computer-aided analysis. ‘The text was re vised to refer to the provisions of the 1983 AASHTO Specification. The example of a cover-plated beam was removed. Continuous beams can now be designed with- out cover plates in accordance with the 1986 AASHTO Guide Specification for Al- ternateLoad Factor Design Procedures for Steel Beam Bridges Using Braced Compact Sections. June 1986 American Institute of Steel Construction Copyright 1959, 1966 and 1988 American Institute of Steel Construction, Ine. Continuous Highway Bridge Tables IN Tables 2.0 to 4.7, inclusive, maximum moments, shears and reactions are given for the 456 continuous highway bridge spans shown in Table 1. The span lengths included encompass the full range of beam and usual plate girder bridges. All of the 8 and 4 span structures are symmetri- cal about their center line, Interior spans are equal to or greater than the corresponding exterior spans, the ratio of interior to exterior span length, being designated as N, Intervals between successive span lengths and values of N are small enough to permit linear inter- polation without signifiéant error. Design Load The moments, shears and reactions tabulated are those produced by one lane of AASHO HS20-44 live loading. They correspond to the values given for simple spans on page 273 of the 1961 AASHO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. Values are determined by standard TRUCK loading (one HLS truck) except those below the heavy horizontal lines in some columns, which are governed by stand- ard LANE loading. ‘That proportion of the moments, shears and re- aetions given in Tables 2.0 to 4.7 for which individual beams and their supports are to be designed, is governed by the provisions of the 1961 AASHO Spe- cification, Sect. 1.3.1. For the proportioning of mo- ments, the applicable fraction given in paragraph (b) of that section will govern. Note that these frac- tions apply to WHEEL loads rather than AXLE loads; henee, the values listed in Tables 2.0 to 4.7 should be multiplied by one-half of the given fraction. To compute reactions, and shears at reaction points, pursuant with the provisions of paragraph tu (a), for longitudinal beams when TRUCK loading governs, multiply the values given in Tables 2.0 to 4.7 by one-half the applicable fraction given in para- graph (b) and add, for the effect of the axle load ad- Jacent to the support, the value P, computed as follows When S, the average longitudinal beam spacing in feet, is less than 6 ft., 4 * P = 162-5 -Q) When S is greater than 6 ft., 10 5 P= 168-5 -Q Q being the applicable fraction as given in 1.3.1 (b) and P being expressed in kips. Impact coefficients I, II, I, IV and V are computed from the formula given in Sect. 1.2.12 of the 1961 AASHO Specification. The computed live load moments, shears and reactions are multiplied by the appropriate coefficients (indicated at the bottom of the columns in Tables 2.0 to 4.7 to which they apply) to obtain the allowance for impact loading. Coefficients for computing moments, shears and reactions produced by uniform dead load », distrib- uted over the entire length of the structure, are given at the foot of Tables 2.0 to 4.7, Note that the value for L to be used in computing dead load values in all cases is that for the shorter spans. All values given in Tables 2.0 to 4.7 were deter- mined on the basis of a constant moment of inertia throughout the entire length of the structure “TDisegard this erm when computed Ps waste. Foreword ENGINEERING considerations frequently lead to the adoption of con- tinuous structures as the most efficient solution of a design problem, but analysis of such structures often becomes considerably more time-consuming than that of simple structures. This is particularly true in the case of highway bridge spans of lengths such that TRUCK rather than LANE live loading governs the design. The tables contained herein were prepared to assist the designer of continuous beams and girders in general, and continuous highway beam bridges in particular, by reducing the time required for analysis. Preface to the Second Revised Printing Although this booklet was first printed in 1959, it still provides useful information, especially for checking the results of computer-aided analysis. ‘The text was re~ vised to refer to the provisions of the 1983 AASHTO Specification. The example of a cover-plated beam was removed. Continuous beams can now be designed with- out cover plates in accordance with the 1985 AASHTO Guide Specification for Al- ternate Load Factor Design Procedures for Steel Beam Bridges Using Braced Compact Sections. June 1986 American Institute of Steel Construction Copyright 1958, 1906 and 1988 American Institute of Steel Construction, Ine 2 CONTINUOUS HIGHWAY BRIDGE TABLES TABLE SHOWING SPAN LENGTHS USED AS BASIS FOR IMPACT COEFFICIENTS. (See 1961 AASHO Specification, Sect. 1.2. 12) + Indieates that the “length” is the computed average of adjacent loaded spans ble Moment of Inertia Effect of Vat In highway spans, when the total negative moment fat the interior supports of continuous beams is greater than the total positive moment, maximum economy may sometimes be achieved by adding par- tial length cover plates to the rolled beam to assist in resisting the negative moment. On longer spans, where splices will be required anyway, the use of heavier rolled shapes in the region of interior sup- ports may prove desirable. An increase in moment of inertia in the vicinity of the interior supports pro- duces an increase in the maximum negative moments and interior reactions. For a uniformly loaded continuous beam of two equal spans, cover plated for one-fourth of the span length each side of the interior support to produce a 50% increase in moment of inertia, the increase in negative moment is approximately 5%. But this is not a linear relationship and the increase in negative moment rapidly becomes more pronounced for greater increases in moment of inertia. However, the need for a moment of inertia increase larger than 50% is not commonly encountered in highway continuous beam design. On this basis it will be found that the tables can be used directly, with negligible error, for all beams of relatively constant moment of inertia, They also will be useful in arriving at a “first approximation” in designs where greater variation in moment of inertia are encountered. CONTINUOUS HIGHWAY BRIDGE TABLES 3 Illustrative Problem » 1 Design longitudinal beams supporting conerete deck, spaced 6'-6" o.c. and continuous over two 57’ spans. Dead load 750 Ibs. per lin. ft; live load HS20. Also determine support reactions, = 118 (See AASHO Spee., Seet. 1.3.1. (b) ) Refer to Table 2.0 Live load moment per beam = tabular value x Q/2. Live load reaction per beam = tabular value x Q/2, plus 16 (@ ~ 32 ~ 1.18) = tabular value x 0.59 plus 4.5* For moments, and reaction at exterior supports, impact coefficient I = M55 = 0.275 For reaction at interior supports, impact coefficient IV = 0.209 14+ 125 ~ ‘Max. positive moment My = 0.0708 x 0.15 x 57? = 171" For 60’ span, M; = 645.5 x 0.59 = 381 Fore een ee cee ees Difference = 48 For 57’ span, My = 988+ 2 x43 = 955 M, = 0275 x 355 =_98 Mr = 624 (*) 624" x 12 18 ksi 93 WF 1st (S = 446.8 in.) Req'd $ = = 416 in? Max. negative moment Mp = 0.125 x 0.75 x 57? = 805" For 60’ span, Mz = 495.8 x 0.59 = 293 For 55’ span, M, = 432.5 x 0.59 = 255 Difference = “88 For 57’ span, My = 255+2 x38 © = 270 M: 0.275 x 270 = 4 Mr = 89" pas pont the tyes ot na tM nea Req'd $ = 433 in? Max. Reactions ALA, Rp = 0.375 x 0.75 x 57 = 16.1" Ry = O59ST.1+EX12)+4.5" = 38.5 Ry = 0.275 X 38.5 106 Ra = 65.2" AtB, Ro = 1.25 X 0.75 x 57 = 53.4 Rz = 0.59(700+EXx4.0)]+4.5* = 46.7 Ry, = 0.209 x 46.7 98 Ra = 109.9" Mlustrative Problem #2 Design longitudinal beams supporting concrete deck, spaced 6'-6" 0.c. and continuous over 3 spans. (75' + 90° + 75" = 240°) Dead load 900 Ibs. per lin ft; live load HS20 loading. Live load per beam: 0.59. x (H-S) loading. 90 N=w-12 Refer to Table No. 3.2 Max. positive moments For 75' span, Mp = 0.0715 x 0.9 X 75? = 362" My, = 868.5 X 0.59 = 512 M, = 512 x 0.250 128 1002" Req'd $ = 668 in? For 90" span, Mp = 0.0582 x 0.9 x 75? = 295” Mz = 848.7 x 0.59 501 My = 501 x 0.233 = 17 a3" Req'd $ = 609 in? Max. negative moment Mp = 0.1218 x 0.9 x 75 = 617" Mz = 766.1 x 0.59 = 452 My, = 452 x 0.241 = 109 78" Req'd S = 785 int Try 36 WF 230 at supports (S = 885.5 ino J = 14,990 in.*) 36 WF 194 elsewhere (S = 663.6 in.*; J = 12,100 in.*) 4 CONTINUOUS HIGHWAY BRIDGE TABLES Referring to the moments computed above on the basis of a constant moment of inertia, the 36 WF 194 would appear to be overstressed about 1 per cent by the positive moment in the 75 ft. span, However, use of the stiffer 36 WF 230 over the supports will reduce this moment by more than the necessary amount. Mlustrative Problem #3 Locate intermediate piers for 4-span continuous 360° beam bridge so as to require only one size of rolled beam (with cover plates at interior supports). Beams 6.6" 0.¢. support conerete deck. Live load HS15 dead load 800 Ibs. per lin, ft. of beam, Live load moments per beam = 0.75 x 0.59 x tabular values, = 0.443 x tabular values, N= 1.25 (= 00; N= 1007 m= 78 00 878 x 12 18 Req'd S = = 585 in? Use 36 WF 182 (S = 621.2 in.) At Support B When N = 1.25, My = 1226 + 01828 9.8 x gor = 654 Mm, = M8491 x 9.443 = 402 My = 0283 x 402 = _9 1150" Add about 5%; say Mr = 1210" Req'd S = 807 int 2cov. Pls. 10 X 54 36 WF 182 Neg. mom. over less than }4 of span L:—(over less than 20’) Req'd theoretical length of cov. pl. less than 807 — 621 | 44, , oT X 20, say 4.8 Ys = 828 in Req'd theoretical length in 100’ span = 4.5N, say 5.5" At Support C _ 01187 + 0.1448 Mo $ x08 x 80° = 675" mt, = BOE 1001 y o.448 = 432 M, = PALO y agp ted i203” Add about 5%; say Mr = 1265" Req'd S = 843 int 2cov. Pls. 10 x xt 7 36 WF 182 behees Regq’d theoretical length of covers pls. each side of pier C = 82 Jess than S88 = 821 967, say 6.5" Economy Through Continuity While it would require many more than three ex- amples to obtain an accurate picture of the econo- mies made possible through the use of continuous beam bridges the following tabulation is a step in this direction. Comparisons are between the solu- tions given for the foregoing illustrative examples and solutions using a similar number of equal simple spans. CONTINUOUS HIGH WAY BRIDGE TABLES [ Prob. #1-114’ Crossing | Prob. #2-240’ Crossing | Prob. #3-360° Crossing Deseription | “Continuous [2-1 Simpl Continuous [3-80 Simple} Continuous [i-90" Simple Spans Spans Spans Spans Spans Spans 33 WF 141 | 86 WF 170] 36 WF 194 &| 36 WF 280 | 36 WF 190 | 36 WF 280 36 WF 230 + cov. Pls. Wane ae a} beams-Ibs. 16070 | 19,380 | 48,040 | 67,200 | 68,520 | 100,800 Wat. saving due to continuity 11% 7% 32% Req'd No. of shoes 3 4 4 6 5 8 Req'd No. of dams 2 4 2 6 2 8 Req'd No. of field splices L ° 2 ° 3 0 Problems Involving Sp. ecial Loading; Influence Line Coefficients FoR the solution of problems involving loading patterns other than those normally specified for highway bridges, Tables A2.0 to A4.7 will be found helpful. Symmetrical two, three and four-span structures having the same short-to-long span length ratios as those included in Tables 2.0 to 4.7 are covered by these tables, the numbering of which is identical with that of the former, with the prefix A added. Given in these tables are coefficients by means of which the moment (positive or negative) at any interior support or at any tenth point along all spans, produced by a unit load P placed at the same or any other tenth point in the spans, can be computed. In order to list all possible values of these coefficients a horizontal tabulation is given opposite all support and tenth points for all spans. However, due to the symmetry of the struc- tures, all moment values can be tabulated in a lesser number of vertical columns. Values given along any one horizontal line are ordinates to the bending moment diagram produced by a unit load placed at the load point, shown at the left of the table, opposite which they are tabulated, considering the length of the shorter span as equal to unity and that of the longer spans as equal to N. ‘Taken vertically, the values in any one column are ordinates to the’ influence line for the point under which they are tabulated Values shown in the heavily outlined frames are the largest possible at the point on the continuous beam under which they are tabulated and are pro- duced when the load P is placed at this point. Hence, these values are ordinates to an envelope of the maximum positive moments produced by a single moving concentrated load 6 CONTINUOUS HIGHWAY BRIDGE TABLES ‘The lowest line in Tables A2.0 to A4.7, designated "Total Area,” gives ordinates to the moment dia- gram produced by a load, uniformly distributed along the entire structure and having a value of unity per unit of shorter span length. The two lines imme- diately above give, respectively, the largest positive and negative moments produced by partial distri- bution of the unit uniform load w. Also included in Tables A2.0 to A4.7 are influence coefficients for all reactions, and shears adjacent to these reactions ‘The following rules for use of these tables are summarized: 1. Reactions and Shears Due to Concentrated Load—Multiply the tabulated coefficient by the weight of the concentrated load. 2, Reactions and Shears Due to Uniform Load—Multiply the tabulated coefficient by the produet of the weight per unit length of the uniform load and the length of the SHORTER span, 3. Moments Due to Concentrated Load—Mul- tiply the tabulated moment coefficient by the produet of the weight of the concen- trated load and the length of the SHORTER span. 4, Moments Due to Uniform Load—Multiply the tabulated moment area coefficient by the product of the weight per unit length of the uniform load and the square of the length of the SHORTER span. Special Load Points In addition to those given at the tenth points of each span, moment and reaction coefficients are listed in Tables 2S, 3S and 4S for certain special load. points. ‘Two of these points, which occur between the four-tenths and five-tenths points of the shorter spans, locate, respectively, the maximum positive moments in that span produced by a single concen- trated load and by partial uniform loading. The maximum moment produced by the single concen- trated load occurs at the special point nearer the exterior support. ‘Another special point is located in all cases in the shorter span, 0.5774 L from the exterior support. A load at this point produces the maximum negative moment at the first interior support due to a con- centrated load in the shorter span Other special points include those in the longer spans at which a concentrated load will produce the maximum negative moment at the interior supports. One such point falls between the three-tenths and four-tenths points of the longer span for the three- span and four-span structures. A load at this point yields the maximum moment value at the first in- terior support produced by a concentrated load placed anywhere in the longer spans. It also pro- duces the maximum negative exterior reaction and the maximum negative moment at all points in un- loaded shorter spans. The maximum negative mo- ment at the second interior support of four-span structures is produced by a load near the six-tenths point of the longer spans. ‘A special point, which applies to the three- and four-span structures only, occurs less than one-tenth of the span length from the first interior support. Itis one at which a single concentrated load will pro- duce the largest reaction at this support. For two equal spans and for the second interior support of four-span structures the maximum interior reaction will occur with the concentrated load directly over the interior support, ‘These special points are tabulated for the purpose of locating precisely the peaks of the various in- fluence lines, to facilitate the positioning of loads for absolute maximum effect and to minimize the possibility of introducing excessive errors in inter- polating the table due to truncation of the peaks. CONTINUOUS HIGHWAY BRIDGE TABLES 7 llustrative Problem #4 Investigate stresses in 75'-90'-75' continuous bridge designed in Problem #2 using earth moving truck loading shown below. 2s, is 5 8 3) 3] LE z > = 25 Consider moments produced by one moving truck with impact and also trucks standing in more than one span, without impact. Refer to Table A3.2 Max. positive moments Spon 1 Spon 2 75! spans loaded as per sketch" 2 ta at Pi = Pa = Gay X Bt = 4 Pr = Py = Py = Py = 25 20 Fe = 027 ‘Truck in Span 1: Infl. Coeff. Load M./L When x = 0.3L, with P; @O.17L, Span 1, 0.1069 xX 4" = 0.43 Ps @ 0.30L, Span 1, 0.1899 x 25 Py @0.S5TL, Span 1, 0.1009 x 25 When 2 = 0.42, with P; @O27L, Span 1, 0.1376 x P:@ 0A0L, Span 1, 0.2070 x 25 Ps @ 0.67L, Span 1, 0.0961 x {ntSpan ta prodeed when the When z = 0.5L, with P, @ O87L, Span 1, 0.1461 x 44 P:@ 0.50L, Span 1, 0.2040 x 25 Ps @ 0.7L, Span 1, 0.0771 X 25 Truck in Span 3: Infl. Coef. Load When 2 = 0.4Lt, with P,@0.07L, Span 8, 0.0082 x 4* = 0.01" Ps @ 0.20L, Span 3, 0.0077 X 25 = 0.19 Pe @OATL, Span 3, 0.0101 X 25 = 0.25 P.@OlTL, Span 8, 0.0068 x 4* = 0.03" Ps @0.30L, Span 8, 0.0096 x 25 P.@ 0STL, Span 3, 0.0098 x 25 P.@0.27L, Span 3, 0.0091 x 4% = 0.04" Ps@0.40L, Span 8, 0.0103 xX 25 = 0.26 P.@ 0.7L, Span 3, 0.0078 X 25 = 0.20 0.50" @ P,@ OTL, Span, 0.0101 x 4* = 0.048 Ps@ 0.50L, Span 8, 0.0100 X 25 = 0.25 P.@ OTL, Span 8, 0.0058 X 25 = 0.15 4g ‘Maximum positive moment in Span 1 produced with. P; at 0.4 point of Span 1 and P, between 0.3 and 0.4 points of Span 3. Span 1 Span 2 Span 3 90" span loaded as per sketeh. Bam Mts Py = Py = 258 3% = 022 Inft. Coef. Load M./L When 2! = 0.4L’, with P,@ 0.291’, 0.1259 x 44 = 0,504 P:@OA0L', 0.1933 x 25 = 4.83 Ps @ 0.62L', 0.0946 X 25 = 2.37 710" 4 Potion of ck in Spun 3, producing lrg postive momenta Span 1 fare ora psa Span 8 CONTINUOUS HIGHWAY BRIDGE TABLES When x’ = 0.5L’, with P,@O39L', 0.1426 x 4° = 0.574 Ps @ 0.50L’, 0.2036 x 25 Ps @O.72L’, 0.0909 x 25 When z' = 0.6L’, with Pi @OASL’, 0.1394 x 4 P:@ 0.60L’, 0.1933 X 25 = 4.83 Ps @ O.82L', 0.0692 x 25 = 1.73 For trucks standing in Spans 1 and 3, no impact: M, L = 813 +0.50 = 8.63 For 1 moving truck in Span 2, including impact: M, L = 7.98 X 1.283 = 9.78" For 1 moving truck in Span 1, including impact MeL = 813 X 125 = 10.16 Critical Muss = 10.16 x 75 = 762" Mp (See Prob. #2) 294 1056"" _ 1056 x 12 fm 6685 = 19.1 ksi Max. negative moment A complete investigation would disclose that the negative moments at the interior supports, produced by a truck in Span 2, are not significantly different regardless of the orientation of this truck. Such is not the case in considering the effect of a second truck in one of the shorter spans. The negative moment at support B would have its maximum value only if a truck placed in Span 1 were headed towards the right. This same maximum value, of course, would be produced at support C with a truck in Span 3 headed towards the left. M Lat C, due to truck in Span 2, when: Pi @0.291/, 0.0599 x 4 = 0.24" P1@OA0L', 0.0818 x 25 = 2.05 Ps @ 0.62L', 0.1027 x 25 = 2.57 436" P, @ 0.39L', 0.0798 x 4* = 0.32" P,@0.50L’, 0.0964 x 25 = 2.41 P,@O.72L', 0.0966 x 25 = 2.42 515 @ P,@OA9L', 0.0949 x 4* = 0.38 P1@0.60L', 0.1034 x 25 = 2.59 Ps @ 0.82L', 0.0768 x 25 = 1.92 439° M/ Lat C, due to truek in Span 8, when: P,@O07L, 0.0294 x 4* = 0.12 P:@0.20L, 0.0707 x 25 = LIT P,@OATL, 0.0927 x 25 = 2.32 42 P,@OlIL, 0.0621 x 4* = 0.25" P:@0.30L, 0.0877 x 25 = 2.19 P:G@OSTL, 0.084 x 25 = 214 458" @ 0.88" 2.36 179 448° P,@O27L, 0.0826 x 4¢ = P,@040L, 0.0943 x 25 P:@0.67L, 0.0717 x 25 For 1 moving truck, including impact: Misr = 1.241 x 5.154 x 75! = 479” For 2 standing trucks, no impact: My = (4.58 + 5.15") 75’ = 730" (governs) Mp (See Prob. #2) = 618" 1348" 1348 x 12 i f= “S355 = 19-4 ksi ‘Shear at field splice 18’ from supports in Span 2 With P, @ 0.20L, Vac = 0.8360 x 25* = 20.9 P, @ 042, 0.5944 x 25 = 14.9 P,@058L, = 0.4646 x 4 = L.Lshear D.L. shear = 0.9*/" ‘e = 1) = Total shear = Comment: In the above calculations influence coefficients were obtained by interpolation, placing the loads at the nearest one-hundredth of span length. While no general conclusion can be drawn, it is interesting te note that, in the given example, any error resulting from rounding off actual load positions to the nearest tenth of the span, in order to avoid interpolation, would not have exceeded 3 per cent for live load alone nor 2 per cent for live plus impact plus dead load. 2 Continuous Spans 3 Continuous Spans AASHO HS20-44 loading. 4 Continuous Spans 2 Continuous Spans 3 Continuous Spans 4 Continuous Spans Influence coefficients Two-span continuous beam. ferret eee A L 8 mf Total Length Symmetrical four-span continuous beam. Tete Lath nna nora salsa © fom foe fom foe fom foe fom foe Pow fe faw foe fom foe fm wo_[iao | 30.0) wo0 | aoa] via] ora wa] oe) m0] ae.0| 25.0] 0] o6.0| waa) see | al aa zo [vo | 35.0, 8.0| 20. 06.7 | a1, 0.2 | m4] 226] 2.21 0.0 | 2.0] a.0] 260] 0. | aoa] a5. wo [reo] 40.0) a0] oa] ue] seal ce] aal asa] ee7| as.0 ao.e] «0.2 | 20.4] 20.6 w [we] 6.0) 60] aa] wa] wale] i) s00 32.5 [6.0] 54.0 | 24.9] 28.4 | o0.] 90.8 100 | 200 | 50.0) 50.0] 47.6] 52.4] 45.3] 94.5] 42.5] 56.9] 41.7) 98.9 | 40.0] 60.0 | 98.9] 61.5 | 69.0) 7.0 nio_| 220 | 33.0] 59.0 | s2.4| 97.6 | 30.0] 60.0| 47.0] 2.2 4.2 | 44.0] 66.0 | 42.3) 67.7 | 69.3) 40.7 0 | a0 | eo.0feo.0| of a0] sa] a | m2] or roo fas.o[ 2.0] a 73.8 | Tel ae v0 favo] 5.05.0] wa ee] seal vo] sea) 73.5, 2.0] 78.0 | 90.0) 00.0 | wi.9) a8 140 _| 280] 70.0] 70.0 | 66.7| 73.3 | 63.61 76.4 | 60.9] 79.1 81.7 | 56.0] 84.0 | 53.8 86.2 | 68.1) 51.9 150 | 200] 75.0) 75.0] nal re.6] nal a0] 0.2] ace | o2.9| er. [0.0] 90.0] 97.7) 2a | ora] 00.0 160 | 320 | 0.0] 80.0 | 76.2 83.8 | 72.7\ 97.3 | 69.6] 90.4| 66.7) 93.3 | 64.0] 96.0 | 61.5| 96.5 | 100.7] 59.5 vio [ao] 5.0) 08.0] 1.0) 0x.0] v7.21 v2.7 | 73.0] oe. | 70.8 ov | on.oliea.0 | eealioi.e [vor] w3.0 iso [360 | 90.0] 90.0 | 85.7, 94.3 | 1.8) 98.2 | 78.s[101.7| 75.0/105.0 | 72,0/108.0 | 69.2/120,8 | 113.3| 68.7 190 | 380 [25.01 a5.0.| 90.5] 99.5 | 06.4/i0a.0 | w2.eliore | 0.2/0.0 | 76.fu0,0 | 72.)n06,0 | 110.4] 70.4 ‘200 | 400 | 100.0/100.0 | 95.2|104.8 | 90.9/100.2 | #7.0|113.0 | 03,3 /116,7 | 60.0]120,0 | 76.9] 125.1 | 125.9] 74.1 210 | 420 | 105.0/108.0 | 100.0)110.0 | 95.5/114.5 | 91.3[118.7 | 67.5)122.5 126.0 | 80.8/129.2 | 132.2| 77.8 220 [10 | 10.01100.0 | 108.8]118.2 | v00,0)120,0 | o8.7fiz.a | .7 ian.a | ae.ofise.o | ee.e)iaa.e | 14.3] 21.3 220_| veo [i5.0[118.0 | s00.s]120.8 | v01.3)128,5 | 100.0]a0.0.| s,e)i34.2 | oa.ohiae.0 | wsafians [wea] 88.2 240 | wo | 120.0)120,0 | un4,3)125.7 | 109.2/190.9 | 104.3]195.7 | 100,0 (140.0 | o6.0li44.0 | 92.a[147.7 | 101.1] 08.9 Symmetrical three-span continuous beam. fraser eeeaeerre eraser adeeb seca eee Cie eed Total Length wee wea mA efm fe fm] efm fe fm] eff fm Pe fue fp [Tino] aarol 0-0 [a7 “ars Go| seal a] wa, aa] aa) a Seal 55.1 3s | wo) eof as}ae| aatsne| wel sia] 7) 55.0] m0) 979 wi] 0 150 [20.0 9.0] awa so. | as.) 06.3] asc) oo | wipae| seal ere ol o8 wo { oo.of .0[ sol oe] soa) ors] sal vo.0 [| sas mr] salar wel a7 193 | 65.0] 65.0 | 62,9] 69.2 | 60.9, 73.1 | 58.1] 76.8 | 57.3] 3 | 55.7] 63.6 52.7) 89.6 zo | ro. 0.0] ora] 1 | 5.6) 10.0 | 3.0] 02.7 | ore] ees | eo. 00 26.8] 96.8 [225 | 25.0] 7.0] 72.6| 79.6 | 70.3, o4.4 | 68.2) 08,6] 06.21 0.6 | o1.a 96.4 60.4) 103.4 20 | wo. 0.0] ral asa | 70.01 00.0 | 7.7] 01.8 | ros! oe | en e[icas e.atno.3 | 25 | es. «5.0 oo | v0.7] 0.6 | 71.shioos | .0]i05.0[ 72.00. slur 270 90.0) 90.0] 7.1] 95.8 | s4.4/s01.3 | si.e)106. | 79.41111.2 | 7.1/1.7 73,0) 120.1 ans [05.0] 95.0 | o1.o]102.2 | s9.1f105.0 | 6.4[nie.s | ea.siuir.a | sialvee.a 77.0/130.9 300 [ i0-0]00.0 | “96.8|108.5 | 93.s)112.5 | 90.9 118.2 | aa.2 125.5 | a7 sil 315 _| 105.0) 105.0 | i01.6/111.8 | 9@.4/tie.1 | 95.5/128.1 | 92.6/129.7 | 90.0/135.0 a5.1/ 148.7 200 n0.o)n0.0 | voe.alav.a | vs.1)u9.8 [seo.o]is0.0 [orale [av afne elise 343_[iis.ofiis.o | 1in-s)r2e.a | to7.e 129.4 | 104.5|195.9 | 100.o/142.1 | 96.6[147.0 | 93.0[159,9 | 09.2/158.5 a60_[ v2e.of:20.0 | ns.afzt [ e.shas.o [on alue.e | wos. ee [voz shina [wo-ohen-0 [malian 8 TABLE 2.0 Two-span continuous beam. Constant moment of inertia. AASHO HS20-44 loading. ott Nt snow | Meypesetion oye Mement Impact meee ‘Span : ata | ote | otc inAB | ote miw x atx 30.0 | 46.4[ 63.1 | 46.4 231.4] -193 -300].270| 19.3 35.0 | 49.5| 65.3 | 49.5 290.9| -229. '300].256] 12.7] 22.3 40.0 | 52.0] 66.8 | 52.0 358.2] -266. -300|.244] 16.1] 23.9 45.0 | 54.1] 67.8 | 54.1 429.1) -317 294].233] 18.2| 26.8] 50.0 | 55.7| 68.6 | 55.7 500.7) -373 286 |.222| 20.3] 29.7 35.0 | s7.a[ 70.0 | 57.2 572.9] ~432 27a|.213| 22.4] 32.6 60.0 | 58.3| 74.0 | 58.9 645.5] -495 ‘270|.20a| 24.5| 35.5 65.0 | 59.3] 78.0 | 59.9 718.5] -963 263 |.196| 26.6] 38.4 70.0 | 60.2| 82.0 | 60.2 791.6) ~694 256|.189| 28.7| 41-3 75.0 | 61.0| 86.0 | 61.0 865.0) ~709 250.182] 30.8| 44.2 80,0 | 61.6| 90.0 | 61.6 938.6] -789 24a |.175| 33.0] 47.0] 35.0 | 62.2] 94.0 | 62.2 1012.3] 872. 238 |.169) 49.9) 90.0 | 62.8] 98.0 | 62.8 1086.0] -959. 233|.164 37.3] 52.7 95.0 | 63.2|102.0 | 63.2 159.9105 227.159] 39.4] 55.6| 100.0 | 63.7|106.0 | 63.7 1233.9) 1146: 222.154] 41.5 58.5) 105.0 | 64.1 [110.0 | 64.1 1307.9 1245) 217 |.149| 43.7] 62.3) 110.0 | 64.4|114.0 | 64.4 1382,0f1349 ais|.143| 45.8] 64.2 us.o | 64.7[118.0 | 64.7 1456.1 1456. 208|.141| 48.0| 67.0 120.0 | 65.0122.0 | 65.0 1sa0.3[1567 204.137] 50.1] 69.9 riw fo ' " 3750|1.2500| .3750 0703} -1.1280| | 6250 xwe| xa | xa x2] x? a TABLE 2.1 Two-span continuous beam. Constant moment of inertia, AASHO HS20-44 loading. ratte Leal OaeEEINL ELE 1.1 won| eatin | oem 140 66.7 | 59.7] 82.1 | 60.6 | -64.9| 66.0 | 750.9| -637.7) 831.7].261 |.256 |.252 |.189| 27.5| 43.4 Load xwh] x wh] x wi] x el] x wh] x wi2] x wl? | x WL? PuEeat [a] TABLE 2.2 Two-span continuous beam. Constant moment of inertia. AASHO HS20-44 loadii A L aa mS oe bin “ae ota ore | ote | nat nat | aoe vfafmfwf x | « wo ars [avs] eae | ane [81.3] son | 200.7] ~108 7] 250-4] 300] 200] 200] 270] a7 aio zo [ave [7o[ 65.7 | s.0 | -83.9| 58.3 | 257.8] -256.1] 525.4] 200 |.300|.s00|.28a| u1.5| 23.0 eo [26 [0.6] o7 2 | 0.0 | -s6.7| 60.5 | s19.7| -272.6) 400.7] 200|.000|.290|.24a] 19.4| 26.2 90 [00.0 | 52-7] 60.2 | os.2 | -s6.8] 2.1 | v0.3) 920.2) 477.2| 200.204 |. 287.200] 16.7] 20.5 roo [48.5 [54.8] 69.0 | s0.0 | 60.4] 60.4 | o4s.1| 00.0] 54-4] 209| 206] 276] 222| 10.6| 92.2 io [50.0 | s6.0[ 70-4] 58.1 | -21.7] 64.4 | 812.0] ~490.1) 602.1] a8] ave| 270] 213] 20.8] 35.9 a0 [54.5 [97.2] 74.8 | 20.2 | -22.6| 68.2 | s7e.s| -s01.7| rio.a|.278| 270] 260] 204] 22.4] 29.0 ro [50-1 [s0.a] 70-5 | 60.1 | -29.6] 68.0 | o4s.1] -srs.a] 756.2] 270| 260] 288] 196] 24.4] «2.2 40 | o36 [50.3] 62.5 | o1.0 | -64.4] 66.4 | 719.1] -e46.2|o57.a]. 26s 256]. |] 26.0] «6.4 wo | 66-2 [o0.1] 66.5 | 61.7 | -68.0| 66.0 | 780.8] ~r20.a| e46.a].200|,280].24a| 10a] 26.3] 48.8 reo [72-7 [60.8] 00.6] e2.s | -#5.8| 67.2 | e40.7| -e04.ahoas.o|.2s0|, 2a], 200| 195] 20.3] 51.7 70 [77.3 [ers] o4.6 | 62.0 | -06.0| 67.6 | s16.7| -2e0.2hu0s.s|.247| 208| 200] 169] 90.2] 54.0 reo [8-8 | 62.0] 96.6 | 65.4 | 08.4] 67.0 | e048] -o76.41100.0|. 202220]. 22a asa] 24.2] 58.0 10 | 86-4 | 62.sfi0r.7 | 63.8 | 08.7] 68.2 fiosa.o|-ior7fzes.1 | 207 | 227219159] 28.2 «1.2 200 [90.9 | 63.0fi0e.7 | 64.2 | -07.0| 60-4 fuaat.a|-1i60.afse26|. 232 | 22a|.21a asa] 20.2] 64.9 aio [95.5 [ea.afiz0.7 | e4.6 [67.9] 70.5 fxrs0.6|-1270.ohez2.2|227|217|.200 | x49] 40.2] 67.4 220 | 100-0 | 63.6fita.7 | 64.9 | -e7.0] 12.7 [iase.o|-r976.2fisoa.6| 200.218 |.208|.148| 42.1 70.6 250 [104.5 [64.2 06.8 | 69.2 | -s9.5] 14.8 [is26.s|-aass.ofise.2| 2 |.206| 200.10] «4.1 70.7 240 [100.1] o4.5]iz2.6 | 65.5 | -1.7] 16.0 [ioes.o[-iss0.heso.0].a1¢| 204| 18 [197] 46.2] 76.0 wer fete tw ts fw fe fo Tw be aaso)i.ae4a].«708 | e550 |.1202 | oses | -.2550 | 2108 3480]. ra82 Loe xowh| x wh | x wh | x wh | x wh] x wl2) x wl? |x wi? aL i xL 1.2 TABLE 2.3 Two-span continuous beam. Constant moment of inertia. AASHO HS20-44 loading. so Hea c A Total Length Bow N=1.3 t ta a Kip..ft. Diet Pt, HTT ota | ote | ote mas) ors Ch lu lm fw] x | oo | 26.1 | 42] @.8 | a0. 151.5] -206.2] 269.6]. 300] 200] 00] 270 9.2] are 70 | 30.4 | 47.2] 66.1 | 1.4 | -50.0 243.1] 248.4] 941.0] 200|.200].200].286| 11,0] 23.0 80 | 34.8 | 49.6] 67-6 | sa.7 | -85.7| 62.2 | 296.7] -292.5| «18.a| 200 |. 200].208| 24a] 12.8] 27.9 90 | 30.1 | 52.0] 68.7 | 55.6 | -87.9| 62.7 | 257.1] -242.0] 497.5| 200 |. 266], 20a|,209] 16.0] 30.6 x00 | 43.8 | $3.9] 69.4 | 57.2 | -89.6| 63.0 | «20.4| -209.1| 977.1} 207 |.208].275| 229] 17-8] 34.0 110 | 47-8 [ 35.4] 70.9 | se. | -01.0| 64.9 | 404.2] -a48.1| 057.2] 280 | 278|.207| 21a] 19.7] 37.3 120 | 82.2 | 56.7] 75.0 | 39.5 | -e2.2| 65.6 | s48.6] -s14.1| 797.2| 282] 270].200] 204] 22.5] 40.6 150 | 98.5 [57.8] 78.0 | 60.5 | -63.0| 66.2 | 619.2] -s04.2| o18.s|.275 | 263],200| 196] 29.4] 43.9 140 | 60.9 [58.6] 63.1 | 1.0 | -69.6| 66.8 | 678.1| 050.6] a00.5|. 260 |.256| 248 189] 25.a| 47.2 150 | 65.2 [0.7] 67.1 | 62.0 | -64.5| 67.2 | 743.9 -797.2| 900.7] 269 |.250].238| 182] 27 2| 50.5 160 | 69.6 | 60.4] 91.2 | 2.6 | 65.0] 67.6 | 00n.| -e20.0lios2.:| 257 | 244 250],.175] 29.1] 50.8 v7 | 73.0 | 61a] 95.2 | 0.1 | 05.5] 67.9 | er4.o| -907.0)1143.6] 281 | 208], 226] 169] 31.0] 57.0 180 | 76.9 | 61.7] 99.9 | 69.6 | -65.9| 68.2 | 999.0] -o90.1]1005.2] 246 [208.221 | 164] 32.9] 0.9 190 | 2.6 | ¢2.2[103.4 | 64.0 | -66.3| 68.4 [1005.|-1099.s)ia08.a|.2ai |. 227|.218].159) 34.8] 63.6 200 | 87.0 [62.2 ]io7.a | 64.4 | -66.6| 69.6 |1071.0|-1199.1)1388.6].236 | 222]. 210 154] 26.7| 66.9 zo | 91.9 | 63.1]iirs | 64.8 | -66.9] 71.8 [1106.9|-1206.9)1470.5].201 |.217| 205 | 149] 98.6| 70.1 220 | 95.7 | 63.5[t15.5 | 65.1 | 07.2] 74.0 [1202.7|-1404.9)1652.| 227 | 215 |.201| 145] 40.5] 79.4 230 | 100.0 | ¢3.efiie.6 | 65.4 | -69.1| 76.2 [x26e.7|-1s17.1hess.a|.222 208] 296] 14} 42.4| 76.7 240 [104.3 | ¢4.2fias.6 | 65.7 | -71-0] 76. [1394.7]-1699.6hi716.2|.218 | 208]. 192] 197] 44.3] 60.0 Impect tlw fm fa fm fo fw fw Deed s262h 4574 | 8168] -.6794 7897 .osa2 [2727 | 303 32697637 Load xewL| x wl | xl] x wh | x wh] x wi?! x wh? | x wL2| x Be TABLE 2.4 Two-span continuous beam. Constant moment of inertia. AASHO HS20-44 loading. At 8 NU c Total Length ena | S87 “et cithtite [bar Cash ate | otc nar} ore fit} |u| mw] x | oe 60 25.0 | 43.5] 64.4] 49-0] -49.7| 56.8 | 180.2] -220.1] 280.2|.300|.300|.300|.270] 8.8] 22.5] 70 [20.2 | 46.4] 66.6] 51.9] -s2.4| 50.7 | 220.6] 264.4 955.1] 200| 300]. 00256] 20.5] 24.7 80 33.3 | 49.1] 68.1) 54.2] -54.7| 61.7 | 280.9] -315.3| 435.0].300|.300|.291|.244] 12.3] 28.2 90 37.5 | 51.4] 69.2| 56.0] -57.0} 63.2 | 336.4] -368.6] 516.0] .300|.294|.282].233] 15.4] 31.7 100 41.7 | 53.3] 69.9] 57.5 | -58.8| 64.4 | 397.3) -420.8| 597.7|.300|.286|.273].222] 17.1| 35.1 no | 48.8 [4.0] 71.5] 58-6 -o0.a| 68.0 | «58.8| -a72.1] 670.0]. 209],276| 204|. 219] 1.0] 98.6 120. | 20.0 [56.2] 75.6] 9.6] -e1.8| 66.0 | s20.7| ~s25.6| 162.5]. 266]. 270]. 256.204 20.7| «2.0 130 [54.2 [57.4] 70.7] 60.7 | -e2.4] 66.6 | 509.0] -207.6] a4s.«[.270],260| 200|.106| 22.8] 45.4 rao [58.3 | 58.4] e0.a] 61.5 | -00.0] 67.1 | 4.5] -070.| 020.8] 279 |. 206]. 242] 200] 24.0] «8.0 150 | 62.8 | 69.2] 67.0] 62.2 | -00.9| 67.5 | 708.4] -754.sfor.a| 267 |. 280]. 205|. 16a] 26.1] s2.9 160 | 66.7 | 60.0] 92.0] 62.6 -04.5| e7.8 | 27.9| -e30.o|1005.3) 201.244] 200|.175] 28.0] 99.7 v0 | 10.6 [60.7] 96.1] 63.3 | -65.1] 66.1 | ese.4] -028.l17e.9]255|.208],229| 160] 20.0| 50.1 150 | 75.0 | 61.8] 200.2] 69.0] 08.5] 68.4 | o07.s]-u000.4]1260.6| 250] 250|.217|.16s] 31.6] 62.5 190 | 79.2 | 61.9] 104.2] 64.2 -+s.0] 68.6 | os0.o|-tn20.4[1346.4| 248 | 227|.212|.189] 00.4] 68.0 200 | 89.8 | e2.4| 108.0] 64.6] 6.0] 70.0 [10a4.]-20.2]i430.2| 240] 222|.207|. 189] 08.0] 69.0 mio [7.5 | 62.6] 122.4] 65.0| -66.6| 79.0 |sos7.s]-1320.3]i14.2| 235 |.217]. 202] x49] o7.1| 72.6 220 | 01.7 | 63.2] 216.5] 65.2 | -o6.9| 75.2 [x191.a|-x44o.afie06.1].291|.219|.107].145| 98.0] 76.0 230 | 96.8 | 68.6] 120.6| 69.6 | -68.6] 77.6 frais.ol-s60s.e[16s2.1|.226|.208|.199].143| 40.5] 79.4 240 | 100.0 | 65.9] 124.7] 68.8 -70.5] 10.1 fiars.s|-167s.2[i76e.2| 222] 204| 180] 127] 42.6] 02.6 mor fs fwfwls fm fo fw fm 3osth 5343 _sor].00s0 | aee | .oses -.xes0 | .asr2 080 e380 xwe]x wh | x wi] ew |x wl |x w2] x wi? | x wi? xL| xu TABLE 2.5 Two-span continuous beam. Constant moment of ertia. AASHO HS20-44 loading. a A L Bree tieeatc Total Length Total Length - atA | otB | atc in AP | ote rfutm}w] x | oe 60 | 24.0 | 42.9] 65.0 49.4 |-48.9 | 57.5 | 169.7] -209-4f '300].300].300|-270 8.4] 23.2] 70 | 28.0 | 45.6| 67.2 | 52.3 |-s1.7 | 60.3] 216.9] -280.4 '300|.300/.299] 256 10.1] 25.5] 80 | 32.0 | 48.4] 68.7 | 54.5 [-s9.7 | 62.2 | 266.2] -a36.9) '300].300].289] 244] 11.7] 29.1| 90 | 36.0 | 50.7] 69.6 | 56.3 |-s6.1 | 63.7] a16.7] -309, '300].204].279| 233] 13.5] 2.7] roo | 40.0 | 52.7] 70.4 | 57.8 |-58.0 | 64.7 375.9] -448 '300].286]-270|-222] 16-5] 36.3] no | 44.0 | 54.3] 72.2] 59.0 |[-s9.6 | 65.6] 435.3) -502.1| 296.278] .262|.213| 18.2| 39.8] 120 | 48.0 | 55.7| 76.4] 60.1 |-60.8 | 66.3] 494-6) -s55. 289|.270|.254|.204 19.9] 43.3] iso | 52.0 | 56.9] 80.5 | 61.0 |-61.8 | 66.9 | 554.9] -e12 282|.263|.246| 196 21.7| 46.9] uo | 56.0 | 57.9] 84.6 | 61.7 [-62.7 | 67.3] 615.2] -601 276 |.256] .239]-189] 23.4] 50.4] 150 | 60.0 | 58.8] 88.8 | 62.4 [-63.4 | 67.7 | 675.6) -74 270|.250|.233|-182| 25.2] 53.9] 160 | 64.0 | 59.6] 92.9 | 62.0 |-64.1 | 68.1 | 736.5] -861.7 265 |.244| 226/175] 26.9] 57.4] 170 | 68.0 | 60.3] 97.0 | 63.5 |-64.6 | 68.4] 797-4) -959. 259|.238| 220] 169 28.7] 60.9] 180 | 72.0 | 60.9]101.2 | 64.0 [-65.1 | 68.6 | 858.4] -1050. 254|.233|.215] 164] 30.4] 64.4] igo | 76.0 | 61.5/105.3 | 64.4 [-65.5 | 69.6 | 919.5| -1150.9]1982.2| 249.227] 209] 159] 32.2] 68.0] 200 | 80.0 | 62.0/109.4 | 64.8 |-65.9 | 71.9 | 980.7|-1256.9 244.222] .204| 154] 34.0] 71.5 210 | 84.0 | 62.5/113.6 | 65.1 |-06.2 | 74.2 | 1042.0] -1366. 239| 217.199] 149 35.7] 75.0 220 | 88.0 | 62.9[117.7 | 65.4 [-66.5 | 76.5 [1103.3] -1480 235|.213].195| 143| 37.5] 78.5 230 | 92,0 | 63.a[121.8 | 65.7 [-68.3 | 78.7 | 1164.7] -1509 230|.208].190] 141] 39.3] 82.0 240 | 96.0] 63.7]126.0 | 66,0 [-70.2 | 81.0 [1226.1] -1722 226|.204].186] .137| 41.1] 85.5 Impoct ofw tm too jm fo " u Dead 2813 1.6146 | .¢o42]-.7188|.8958 | .0396|-.2188 | 1825, 2813] . 8958] Load xwb{xwt | x wt [x wt |x ob |x wt2] x wi? | x oL? xL| xb TABLE 2.6 Two-span continuous beam. Constant moment of inertia. AASHO HS20-44 loading. oa eum vee DistF, he ee ora | ore | ore ast ione fine] |u| m | wf x 60 | 25.1 | 42.2| 65.6 | 49.8| -40.1| 58.1 | 159.0| 246.0] 298.9|.300|.900| 300] .270] 10.4] 23.8] 70 | 26.8 | 45.0] 67.5 | 52.6 | -s1.1| 60.8 | 208.2] -207.4] o79.6|.000|.200|.297|.256] 9.6] 25.2 0 | 30.6 [7.7] 69.2 | 54.6 | -09.2] 2.7 | 202.0] -257.s] 469.0].200] 200] 207|.204] 12.2] 29.0 v0 [ 34.6 [0.1] 70.4 | 50,6 | -0s.2] 64.0 001.1] -n1e.2|o40,0]. 200] 204] 277]. 203] 12.0] 09.6 100 [36.8 [ 2.1[ 71.4 | 50.1 | -s7.a] 6.1 | 200.4] 170.7] e20.0]. 200] 206]. 200],222| 15.9] 97.9 rao | 42.3] 53.7) 79.0 ] 69.3 | -s8.9| @8.0 | 19.0] -590.o] ni9.2[.200| 278].250|. 219) 17.5| 40.9 v0 [46.2 | 85.2] 77.2 | 60.3 | -80.2] 66.0 | 470.0] -s0e.6] a06.0|.202],270| 201 |.204| 19.2] «4.6 x0 [50.0 | s6.a] ata [61.2 | -01.2] o7.1 | 628.0| ov2.a|.ave|.200| 20a|.n06| 20.0] a0.a rao [53.8 | 97.4] os. [1.0 [ -02.3] 67.6 | s08.a{ -r20.0] 070.0 200], as] 207] 100] 22.6] 51.0 150 [ 57.7 | 38.4] 00.7 | 62.0 | -02.9| 67.0 | 045.4] -705.shioe5.0] 274], as0| 200]. 19a] 24.2] 59.4 160 [61.8 | 59.2[ 99.0 | 69.2 | 00.6] 8.8 | 704.0] -ees.7:160.0| 208],20a|.a04] a75| 95.9] 50.2 io [ 65-4 | 59.0] 06.1 [63.7 | -es.2| 66.5 | r62.9| -000.shh210.2) 26a] 208| 210|.x60] 27.6] 62.7 10 [ 69.2 | 60.6 [102.3 [4.1 | -ea.7| 6.0 | e21.0|-2070.sha27.o|.as7| 200] 2ia|.x64] 29.3] 66.9 10 | 73.1 | 61.2fi06.« [4.5 | -a8.a] 70.6 | a80.o[-ares.ohveve.o|.asa| 207] aor |. so] a1 1| 09.0 200 | 16.9 | o1.7]n10.6 | 64.0 | -es.s] 72.0 | 040.0[ 1202 ais02.«|.248| 222 |.20a],54| 22.0] 79.9 mio [80.6 | 62.2[ire.a [68.2 | -e5.0] 75.9 | 999.2|-1400.0]1s00.o].a40|.a17|.ag7|] 94.8] 77.1 20 | e4.6 | 62.6 [110.0 | 68.5 | -08.a] 17.6 [1080,s|-1sa4.0)uer7.e|.av9| 219] 199]. 145| 36.2| 00.7 200 | 96.5 | 63.0[r25.2 [65.8 | ~68.2| a0.0 [1117.6|-1646.6]1765.2|.204| 200.196] .01| 37.0[ 64.9 240 | 02.9 [ .ahia7.3 [66.2 | -70.0| a2.3 [xir7.a|-rrr9.slaseo|220|.204|.a9]-107] 99.0 7.9 teers ete || Deed 2ssfs.00ei] aso] 74s] 0501 | 002s | 2480 | 2002 2ssd, 9801 TABLE 2.7 Two-span continuous beam. Constant moment of inertia. AASHO HS20-44 loading. oe 8 Meee Totol Length c — Distr, = oral ore fore finan | inte fits | ove mee] vl nl] w] x % a] o@-2 | soa] cara] 50.0 | 154.7] -200l s0s.2]-s00|300] 300] 270) 20.0] 24.4 70 ‘5[ 66.5 52.0] -30.4] oi,2[ 1949] -a1eo[ 300.0] 00] a00| 26| 256] 9.2 26.0 = 47-0] 10.1 | 95.1] -s2.e| 05.0 299.7] -a77.of 25.6] 000 [200290] 244) 20.0 30.7 % 19.4] 71.8 | 06.0] -21.a) 04.4 | 206.5] ~a00. sa.0]-000|.204 [275 | 209) 22.4] 94.8 i00 sics| 12.4] o6.a] -s6.5] 6.4 [ sav -196. 648.0] 00] 256| 06] 200] 15.9 [ 38.2 [a2] io wsiz[ 78] 69.5] -s0.a] 6.2 | soa a] -e57.| 706.4] 00.278] 207213] 16.9 | 12.0 120 54-6] 70.1 | 60.5] -s0.2) 60.8 | 7.0] -e1e.o 4.3] 290 270 |.200[ 204] 18.5] 45.7 130 ss.o[ «2.3 | 61.4] -e0.e] 67.3 | sos.o[ -e74. na.4].290|.200|202[ 196] 20.1 49.4 0 31.0] «6.5 | 62.1] -ei.6| 67.8] 260.3] -r21ahooo.a| 203] 206 [205 x00] 21.8 3.2 150 sz.o] 00.8 | 62.7] -62.4] 66.1 | 616. -e1e.ohow«| 277] 250|.206| x62| 25.4| 56.0 160 ss.a] 96.0 63.3] -62.1] 68.4] e75.o| 11 ohare.a| an | 24a] 2n1| x75] 25.0| 0.6 0 39.5 09.2 | o3.0| -os.r| 08.7 | 730-1000. eh2ee.0] 206 208 | 215|.160| 26.7| 4.3 180 0.00.8 | o4.3| -64-2[ o0.1 | 767 s|-1sa.shass.1 a: [200 [210] 164| 28.3 8.0 180 so.s[ier.7 | ot.7| -64.7| 71.8 | o4.|-a2t8.shave.e| as | 227|20¢| 160] 30.0] 1.1 200 aica[isn.e | 65.0[ -¢8.1) 7.0 | oon -x001.ohen0.0| am | 220190 ase] 31.6] 15.4 210 e1.a)ine.2 | 65.4 | -08.o] 76.3 [9.1] a44s.ohas.x a7 |2i7|.104| 149] 93.3] 70. 220 o2.3)ia0.4 | 65.7] -60.a| 70.7 [sos.s[-s009.shiniz.2} az [219 [190] 145] 94.9] 02.8 230 e2.1]i24.0 | 65.0] -68.2] 01.1 [rors.s[-xe90.sheos.5] 226 | 208 | 188 [141] 96.6] 36.5 a0 ¢2.ifi2e.8 | 66.7] -70.0| 49.5 [x13.a[-1e27.ohen0.8| 204 | 200 1m [x37] 6.2 | 0.2 ee ee zaca}. 704s] .c600|-.r78]s.oxze| case [-.2zar | zara zzasfiono xwh[xwh [x wy |x wl [x wh [x wl2| x wi2 | x wt? xL/ xb TABLE 3.0 ‘Symmetrical three-span continuous beam. Constant moment of inertia. AASHO HS20-44 loading. N=1.0 asec bier ety@ eeeceneilane® ona | ete [Mt ection | Hoe. sher Mex. Moment cimeest Distort “at feign , x 6 : ota! otB mee) ote Ie lc fm fw] x | 90 | 90.0] 46.2) 62.9 228.1] -164.4] 179.6] 300] 300] 300] .270| 10.6 | 14.0 105 286. | 291.6] .900| .300| 300] .256| 12.6 | 16.0 120 352 2| 285.9] .300| .900] 300] .244| 16.0 | 18.5 135 422 2342.1] 294) .294| 204) 233] 18.0 | 21.0 50 | 492 399.7] .286| 286|. 286] .222| 20.1 | 23.8 165 564. 498.2] .278|.278| .278| .213| 22.2 | 26.0 180 | 60.0] 58.1 635. 317.5].270 .270| .270| .204| 24.2 | 26.5 | 195 9 701 917.3|.263, .263) .263) 196] 26.3 | 31.0 210 73.8 779. 637.6] 256 .256].256] .189| 26.4 [33.5 [225 83.6 852. 698.2] .250) .250].250] .182| 30.5 | 36.0 240 87.4] -66.6| 64.8 | 924. 759.2] 244] 244] .244] .175] 92.6 | 38.5 255 91.3 | -67.0| 65.3] 997 820.3] .238| .238|.238| 169] 94.8 | 41.0 270 9.1 | -67.4| 65.7 | 1070 81.7).293 164] 36.9 | 43.5 285 90.0| -67.7) 66.1 | 1143.4) 943.2| .227 159] 39.0 | 46.0 ‘300 | 100.0] 63.6 | 102.8| -67.9| 66.4 | 1216 1004.9] .222|.222|.222[ .154[ 41.1 | 48.5 315 | 105,0| 64.0 | 106.6] -68.2| 66.7 | 1289 1066.8] 217).217|.217) .149| 43.3 | 81.0 330__| 110.0] 64.3 | 110.5 [ 09.4] 67.1 | 1362 118.7].213.213 |. 219) .145] 45.4 | 53.5 345 115.0] 64.6 | 114.3 | -71.4| 68.9 | 1436 1190.7] .208| .208|.208) .141| 47.5 | 56.0 360 120.0} 64.9 | 118.2] -73.4| 70.8 | 1509 1252.8] 204) .204 | .204| .137] 49.6 [58 5 Impact 1 v 1 m ' " m | Dead 4000|1.1000| -.6000] .s000] 0800 |-.1000 | .o2s0 | |.4000 | 5000} toad xa] x ot | wif x wil x wt [a wh? [x wi? | | au leita TABLE 3.1 Symmetrical three-span continuous beam. Constant moment of inertia. AASHO HS20-44 loading. Alege eedB een gree ei CeaaiD) Tel Length Max. Reaction | Max. Shear Max. Moment Impact Tovar | Exter.| Kips, coud Distt. Length | SPan Fr a ota | otB epee |i whx! 90 29.0] 45.7] 62.2[ -52.0) 51.1] 219.1) -185.2| 195.6] .300|.300/.300] .26] 10.3) 14.5 103 | 33.9] 48.8] 64.6 250.4] .300| .300| 300] .255] 12.2| 17.1 120 | 38.7] 51.4| 66.2| -s8.3 308.0] 300] .300] .298] 242] 15.6) 19.8 135 | 43.5] 59.4] 67.3] -60.2 367.4] 297) .293) 269] .291 150 | 48.4] 55.2] 68.2| -61.7 428.0| 288) 264) 281) 221] 19.5) 25.1 165 | 53.2] 56.6] 68.6] -62.0/ 1.0] 44.3) ~a11.0| 490.7|.261|.a76] 272) 211] a1.6| 27.8 ve0_| 58.1] 57.8] 72.5] -e9.e| 62.9] o14.o. -472.1) 552.0] 270] 260.260). 20a] 20.6] 90.4 195 | 62.9] 58.9] 76.3] -64.6| 63.5] 684.3, -536.1| 614.9|.266| 262|.257|. 194] 25.6) 33.1 210 | 67.7| 59.8) 80.2] -65.3| 64.2] 754.7| -609.9| 678.3] 259) .255.251) .187| 27.7/ 95.8 aes | 72.6{ 0.6) e4.1| -65.8) 64.9] 025.3) 741.9| 253] .248|.244| 180] 29.7] 38 4 240| 77.4| 61.2) 87.9] -66.9| 65.4] 696.1 805.9 258.174 1 255 | 82.3] 61.9] 91.8] -66.7| 65.8 967.0, -890.1| 470.1) ,241) .297/.292] 168 7 270_| 7.1] 62.4] 95.7 66.2] 1038.3] -013.2| o94.s].256) 231 | 226). 169| 4 2ss_| 91.0[ 62.9] 99.5 66.6| 1109.2] -999.9| 999.1].250| 226 .221|.157| 38.0) 49.1 300 | 96.6] 63.4] 103.4 66,| 1180.5) -1090.5]2063.8|.228|.221|.216|.152| 40.0] 91.7 ais] 101.6] 69.8] 107, 3| -67.0) 67.2 1201.5] 1164.9 [1128.6] 2|.216|.211|. al 42.1| 544 330 | 106.5] 64.1[ 111.2 | 68.5] 1923.1] -1283.1/1193.6].216|.211|.207|.143] 44.2] 57.1 345 | 111.3| 64.5| 115.0 70.4] 1994.5] -1988..1 [1258.6] 212] 207 |.202|. 139] 46.2] 69.7 360 | 116.1] 64.8] 118.9 72.3| 1466.0] -1490.9|1323.7| 207] .202 198) .136| 48.3| 62.4 Impact Teen eet nave ane Dead 3900 | 1.1600] -.6100| 5500] 0761, |-.1100 |.o413, 3900 | 5500 Loa xw| x wt) x wo] x wh] x wL?] x wi? |x wi? Bo ixb TABLE 3.2 Symmetrical three-span continuous beam. Constant moment of inertia. AASHO HS20-44 loading. N=1.2 Ali 8 om ¢ 1? Mar. Reaction | Mex. Shear Mor, Moment Impact Totol | Exter.| Kips. Kips. Kipitte Coefficient Dist.-Ft. Length | Span faincl | ] Ft inas |" in AB in BC ota | ote ct oe C : of et |e AE] cf min |e | Tara) 82.0 @ 200-0] son] oo} 200] 208) 10.0) is 54.8 | 65.5 7] 267.1) .300) .300|.300| .254| 11.8 | 18.2 2) 390.5] .298| .292| 285, .230| 17.0| 23.9 299) 26.7 Q 3 4) 928.2| 300] 300) 204) 241] 19.1] 21.0 0 0 261.1) 61.2 ol 454.0| 291] .283| .276 .219| 19 68.1) 69.9 0 -62 4) 62.4 6|_518.5| 283, 275) 268) 9] -69.4) 63.3 1, 583.7) .276, .268) .260 ° | 64.2) 64.1 5| 649.4] 269) 260) 252! 9 8 -64.9| 64.8 8, 715.5] 262.254] .245) .186 | 26.9 | 37.9 7| -65.5| 65.4 0| 782.0| .256| .247/ 239.179 | 28.9 | 40.7 .6| -66.0| 65.9| 968.5) -766.1) 848.7].250| .241| .233| 172 |.30.9| 43.5 «| oes | -e6| 66. [ oer) meet) ne. 0423s azn aes 3 4| 62.2 4] -66.8| 66.7 | 1007.0) -932.0| 982.9| 290] .230) 221, 161 2 af 62.7 3] -67.1| 67.0 | 1076.4) -1020. a) 1050.2 234) .224) 216) .156 0 300 | 99.6] 63.2 | 104.2] or a | 67a | 114s | 1113.5) 1117.7] .229, 219.211] 151 8 ais_| 98.4] 63.6 | 108.1] -67-6] 67.9 | 1215.4 -1210.1] 1188.3|.224) .214) 206] 146, 6 330 | 103.1] 63.9 | 12 | 219) .210| .201 a 6 o 345 | 107-8| 64.3 | 115.9] -70.1/ 71.9 5 8 360 | 112 -72.0/ 73.9 zi) 201/192 | | | Impoct a eet ete a | | | Deod 3782 | 1.2218] -.6218| 6000] | 3782) .6000 toed eb} xwt] ox wt) x ub xb[ xk TABLE 3.3 Symmetrical three-span continuous beam. Constant moment of inertia. AASHO HS20-44 loading. pa Total Length NU 1.3 Mar. Reaction Max. Moment Impact Total | Exter. Kips. Kip.-ft. Coefficient tenth | erath =a ay otA | otB te ee | ef lm la sors stata atv | aaa 202.3] -192.4) 229.1) 00] 200] 200].266| 9.7363 105 | 3i.s| 47.8 | 64.8 255.8] -228.3| 283.7| .300| .300| .300|.252 | 11.5| 19.3 wo | 36.4] 90.4 | 66.4 311.5) -264.0| 346.9].300| 300] 290.240 | 14.7 22.2 135 | 40.9] 52.6 | 67.5 376.0) -a15.1) 411.8].900| 201] 261 228 | 16.6] 25.2 1s0_| 45.5[ 54.4 | 68.3] ~60.6) 61.9 | 441.3] -370.9| 478.0] 299) .262) .272/.218| 18.5] 28.1 1ss_| 50.0] 55.9 | 69.5] -61.9) 63.0 | 507.3] -429.4| 545.0] 286] .274] 263.208 | 20.4] 31.1 [aso | 54.5] 57.2 | 73.5] -02.9! 03.9 | o70.0 8| 278) .266|.255 | 200 | 22. | 34.0 195_| 59.2] 8.2 | 77.4| -63.8! 64.6 1|.272| 259] 248 |.192 | 24.3 37.0 210 2 | ral -64.5) 05.3 | 265] 252], 241.184 | 26.2 | 99.9 225 ° 1] 65.8 | 774.5| -706.2_ 918.8|.259|.240].234|.177 | 28.2 | 42,9 240 1 aat.o| ~785.6| 88.1|.259| 240] 226 171 | 90.1 | 45.8 255 4 | 99.3 909.4) -868.9| 957.6|.247|.234).222|.165 | 92.1 | 48.8 70 notes rial seats] sara | baa |taaa esis solo a 285 5 | 101.2] -66.8] 67.3 [1045.81 -1047.6|1097.2| 297) 203 |.211 |.154 | 36.0 | 54.7 "300 9 | 105.2| -67.1] 67.6 [1112.6 -1142.9) 167.2|.292) .a18 206 |.150 [38 | 37.7 a son Pore ena na aia a [a i 330 8 | 113.1[-e7.7| 71.3 |r248_4| -1946.0| 1907.5]. 222 63.6 a4 1 | 117.0] -69.6] 73.4 |raie.«|-1450.4) 1977.8 |.218 66.5 360 4 | a2i.o| -71.5| 75.4 |isea.s|-1564.9] 1448.2 | 214 69.5 Impact ' w 1 m i uw oy | | t - Dead 3645 [1.2855 6355 |.6500 [0654 | -.1395 | 0758 3645 |. 6500 Load xwh | x wb xwh| x wh | x wi?| x wi? |x wi? xL [xb TABLE 3.4 Symmetrical three-span continuous beam. Constant moment of inertia. AASHO HS20-44 loading. N=14 Ataris SH reat gee eetTLEREGED: Total Length Max. Mom Impact tt. Coefficient eee ota | ott wo | ma] wa) eno 30.9[ 47.3) 65.1 wi x] x 265] 9.4] 17.2 25i| 11.1] 20.2 ~270.6) 364.1| 238] 13-0) 23.3 -323.2] 431.5] [227] 16.2] 26-4 “360.0} 500.1 ni7| 18.0) 29.5 aio 869.5] -288).279] 250) 207] 10.8] 32.6 06.3 68.7 (asa) ara) 35.6 -s6.3] 0.3 i90| 23.6) 38.7 Z| sea) eo.a) Sea) os 7] oss.a] ~a8 8) Ta 1s] 6p a8 25 | 68.21 59.7) 86.1| -64.7| 66.2| 750.7| -726.6| ase.s| .262].245| .230|.170| 27.5| 44.9 70 | 0.8} 90.2) 05.3 66.6 a08,4] #244) a56|.238) 225/170] 20.4] 48.0 285 | aia | 94.2] 05.71 67.0 aoa_a| 996.3] 260].295) 217,164 ana] 1 70 ait | 98.2] -66.2 67.3 284.6 1068.4) 246|.227).212 156] 33.2| 54.2 an oz.3 | 102.2] -46.5| 67.6] 101s] 1070.0 fao.c| 200] 22a] 20e]-ass|[er-a 300 | 8.9] 62.7 | 106.2] 66.81 68-5] 1080.1|-1177.s f2i2.o} 23«| 217] 2011 4e fp a7.o[ 60.8 ais | 82.4 69.2 120.2] -67.1) 70.6) 1147.0|-i2s0.2 2es.3).230| 212]-195'-144 99.9 | 69.4 330 97.1) 63.6 | 114.2 -67.5] po | 345 | 101.5] 69.9 | 118.2] 69.4] 74.9[ 1279.7|-1498.2 1430.5] 221 |.203| 187 |.136 | 42. ° 9 72.7| 1213.3[-1387.1 1357.9] 225 |.207| .192 |.140 | 40.9 8 7 360 | 105.9 64.3 | 122.2] -71.2| 77.0] a946.2|-1613.5 [1503.2] 217 |.198| 188 |.132 | «4 7 | 72. Impact fea) ewes ere oma aea of Deod -3490 | 1.3510] -.6510|.7000] 0609 |-.1510 |.o940 3490 |.7000 Load xw | ox wb | ox wb) x wl x wi?) x wi2| x WI xb |x TABLE 3.5 Symmetrical three-span continuous beam. Constant moment of inertia. AASHO HS20-44 loading. Alt 8 mm Cu 0 Total Length Mor. pesto iment, Dist fe lea Wes te Peel are (ere emia ives (ex se) axe 186.8) -201,3| 246.6]. 300] 300, 300|.264 178 237.4) -238.3| 312.2).300| .300| .294/ .250 ai| 4[ 60.1[ 269.9) -289.7| 380.1]..00) .298] .283) 237 3 138 | 38.6] s1.8| 68) -s7.7| 61.7] 348.2) -a39.9/ 449.8] 300] .280| .278| 226 3 10 | 42.9] 50.6] 08.0} 50.4] 60.0] 410.3] -900,9) 520.6]. 25e| 200] 204|.215 a 165 | 47.1] 65.2[ 70.7] -60.8| 64.0] 473.1) -439.0| s02.a| 290] 272) .258]| 206 ° 180 | 51.4] 56.5 . 74.8] -62.0| 64.8] 596.3) -521.2] 664.6|.283] 264) 247/197 2 395 | 55.7| 57.6 | 78.9[ -62.9| 65.5] 599.9) -992.9) 737.4| .277| 257) .240|.189 4 zio | 60.0| 58.6 | 82.9] -63.7| 66.1] 663.7) -668.9| 810.7| 270 | 182 6 228 | 64.3| 59.5| 67.0] -64.4| 66.5| 727.7| -749.2| o84.a| 264) 241 .226|.175 8 240 | 68.8] 60.2 | a1-i] ~-6a.8| 6.8] 701-0] -e04.0| os8.a] 20a] 207] 210] 109 : 255 | 72.9| 60.9| 95.1] -65.4| 67.3] 856.3| -923.0|1032.1).253| .231, .213|.163, 2 270 | 77.1] 61.5| 99.2] -65.9| 67.6| 920,8/-1016.4|1106.4| .247| .226| .208 |.157 5 285 | 81.4| 62.0 | 103.3] -66.2| 67.9| 985.4]-1114.1|1180.7|.242| .220| .202 |.152 7 300 | 85.7| 62.5 107.3 -66.6| 69.6] 1050.1|-1216.2[izss.2].237| 215 a7 2 315 | 90.0| 63.0 | 111.4] -66.9| 71.9| 1114.8|-1922.7 1329.8] 23] 211 143 1 330 | 94.3| 63.4 | 115.9] -67.9) 74.1| 1179.6|-1493.4 1404.5] 228 206 139 3 345 | 98.6] 63.7 | 119.5] -69.2) 76.3] 1244.s|-1548.c [1479.0| 224] .201| 183 |.195 3 360 | 102.9] 64.1 | 129.0] 11.1) 70.5] 1909.4|-1660.0)3554.2| 239) 197). 179/01 7 Impact riwta fmf | m | Dea 3917 |1-4163]-.6683].7500| 0550 |-.1682 ].1130, T7500 Lead xwL | x wh xwh| x we[ x w?| x WL? x WL? | TABLE 3.6 Symmetrical three-span continuous beam. Constant moment of inertia. AASHO HS20-44 loading. eee age ace Taal teegih Mox. Reaction | Max. Shear Impact Total Kips. ips. Coefficient Length ota] ore | 2B ul ml wl x 20 | 25.0| 43.5 | oo] -a0.5 300) 300] 263] aa] 18.6 105 | 29.2/ 46.3 | 66.0] -si.6 -300| 201.249) 10.5] 22.0 x0 | 39.3[ 49.1 | 67.5] -54.7 297| .260|.296| 12.2) 25.3 135__ | 37.5[ 51.3 | 68.6] -57.1 28s| .270| 22] 15.3| 28.6 150__| 41.7[ 53.2 | 69.9] -58.9 27a) .261|.214| 17.3) 32.0 fase caia| ecsi earl an ~zri]252] 205 18.9] 25.9] 1a0_| 50.0| 56.2 | 75.5] -1.5 263) .244|.196| 20.7| 38.6 195 | s4.2| 57.3 | 79.6] -62.5 -256| .236].168| 22.5| 42.0 210 | sa.a| 58.3 | 03.8| -69.a .249| 229].181| 24.3| 49.9 225 62.5] 59.2 87.9] -64.0) 242 | 222 174] 26.1/ 48.6 [ 240 | 66.2] 60.0| 92.0] -e1.6 296| .216|.168| 27.9| 51.8 255_| 70.8| 60.7 | 96.1] -65.1 220) .210],162| 29.7] 96.3 270 | 75.0| 61.3 | 100.3] -65.6 225) 204.156] 31.6] 58.6 205 | 79.2| 61.8 | 104.4] -66.0 219|.199 |.151| 33.4] 62.0 300 | 83.3| 62.3 | 108.5| -66.3 214|.194 |.146| 35.2| 65.9 315 87.5| 62.8 | 112.6| -66.6 209 | 189 |.142| 37.0] 68.6 330__| 91.7| 63.2 | 116.8] -67.3 205 |.184 [.138| 38.9| 72.0 345__| 95.8] 63.6 | 120.9| -69.2 200/180 |-134] 40.7] 75.9 360 | 100.0] 69.9 | 125.0] -71.0 196 |.175 [.130| 42.5] 78.6 Impect rlw fo of | | Dead {3126 j..a874 |-.¢874| 8000 .1e74 | .1926 2126 | 8000 Load xwL |x wb xwL | x wh x wi?) x wi? xL [xb A ‘ TABLE 3.7 Symmetrical three-span continuous beam. Constant moment of inertia. AASHO HS20-44 loading. 8 © ‘ a NU o ro |e | “OE he | mn ota | otB ' " nl) Ww x x Ce '300| -300]-300| .262] 8.5 |19.3 105 | 28.4] 45.8 | 6s 2 5 300] .300|.289| .248| 10.2 | 22.8 120 32.4) 48.6 68. 2 3 300} .296|.278|.235| 11.9 | 26.2 135 | _36.5| B 7 6 300| .278|.267| .224| 14.9 | 29.7 [iso | 40.5) 52.8 | 69 é 8 300] 25a| 213] 16.7 [29.1 16s | te Sad |e. | 64-8 6 295 249| 204] 18.4 [36.5 180) 48.6 55.8 | 76.3] -61.1 65.5 9 ‘4|.288| .262/ 241] 198] 20.2 [40.0 195 | 52.9[ 87.0 | 80.4] -62.1) 66.1 6 2| 281) .255| 253) .187| 21.9 [43.4 210 | 56.8] 58.0 84.6] -62.9| 66.6 3 3| 275) .248| 226] .180| 23.7 [46.9 235) 80.8 388 | -63.6| oT.) o8.6 3 269) 241/219] 73] 25.4 [50.9 240 | 64.9] 59.7 | 93.0] -64.3| 67.5 2 6-263] .235| .213| .167| 27.2 [59.8 255 | 68.9] 60.4 | 97.2] -64.8] 67.8 4 5] 258] .229/ 206] 161] 29.0 [57.2 270 | 73.0 61.0 | 101.4] 65.9) 68.1 2 | 253] .224| 201) -158] 30.8 | 60.7 285, 77.0} 61.6 | 105.6] -65.7| 69.9] 930.7/-1191.9 1252.9] .247| .218| .195] .150| 32.6 | 64.1 300 | a1.i| 62.1 | 109.8] -65.0| 72.2] 992.4|-1901.9|1991.3].243) .213| 190] 45] 94.9 [67.6 318 | 85.1] 62.6 | 113.9] -66.4) 74.5 | 1054.3/-1416.5 1409.7].238| .208) 185) .141] 36.1 [71.0 330 | 89.2] 63.0 | 118.1] -e73) 76.8] i1i6.2|-1595.9 aae.5].299] 20a] 181] 137] 37.8 [74.4 345 | 93.2] 63.4 | 122.3] -69.2 1 1178.2]-1660.0 /1567.0] 229] 199] 176) 133] 39.7 [77.9 360 | 97.3] 63.7 | 126.5] -71.1) 81.4 | 1240.2|-1798.8 [1645.7] 225] .195| 172] 199] 41.8 [aio Impact rjwo ' n fa Dead 2918 /1.5582|-.7082| .8500 |.0426 1530, 2818] . 8500] Lead xwh | x WL x vj x oL| x wi? x Ww? xL) xb TABLE 4.0 Symmetrical four-span continuous beam. Constant moment of inertia. AASHO HS20-44 loading. ie NU NL Tora tengih N on = x] 120 | 26.1 | 4.7] 1-9] o2-a| -a8.a] 2,5|-32-2] 160.9] -16s.4] 210.6) -109.5] 300] 300] 300] 270 [288] 9.2 [18.5 140 30.4 | 46.9| 64.3) 64.1] -52.9| 55.8|-85 4] 239.5) -218,6| 268.4] -229.0| 900| .300] 900] .256 | 245] 11.0 [21.4 100 | 30-1 [sua] —e7.a| -a0.a| oo.ol sno] asa.of tooo] on1-a| 207-6] soo] anal anal aso [ani[as.e [ara oo | a.8 [ost] eno] eval 0-9 ora}-vnaf aa.a] aa. aue 6-2 Lo) 377 foo.0 20 | ae.a | se.a 723) 74. ~on.a| 6.0 -e0.2| so0.0| -a0.7| a6 a[ -ais 5} 9] 27 209[ 208 ma] 21-4 [o5.6| ae_[ae.s [era] veal tool 09.3] oxal-en.of inal 0.7] eo. ou of ras] ae [ana] w.3 [ans a0 | 0.8 [sea] wo] esa] -e.0| o0]-e.3] ora] aon] ned sq ane Lar] 98 [ena ‘300 | 68.2 [0.5] asa] -4.7) 65.6|-0s.| 701.3] -o7a.a| Ta2.0| 77-0] 263] 250 sal isa [170] 77.0 [aad aav_[ ee [eal ara] aia] as. oe 0/48] r7] e85] o9.7 019] a ae] aml as aa] see ew EE J cA de 360 | 74.3 | 61.8] 98.4] 00.4] -00.3] 60-0|-06.0| 004.0] -o10.7| 03.9] ‘46 2 221] 68 [182] 32.6 [22.7 ae[ ze [onal ena} wa -soa] eta|-o0 of 7] 97 ios ony of a zr| [ar] ses |s5 7 eo [a [eal eal eral seal ral-ar afin sf ane ate -ao| al alr al a [oe 420 91,3 | 63.0) 107.0) 111.6] -67.1) 68.5]-68.8/1119.4 |-1182.8) 1186.4) 231] .217| .205] .149 138] 38.3 61.3 ‘#0 | 95.7 | 63.4] 110.6[ 115.9] -67.4| 70.6|-70.6]1164.4|-1281.1] 1254.1] 227 | 213] .201] .145 |.194| 40.2 | 64.2, 460 | 100.0 | 63.8) 114.7 119.7] -68.1| 72.6|-72.9|1249.5 |-1383.2| 1321.9) 222] .208| .196| .142 |.130| 42.0 [67.0 ae [aoe [otal ane] aa] -a.0] 40f-09fioe oof aut|aoe 7x3 aoe] 08 t Sean fowls woe] ase —so] onl asad crs, [ang ers Load x) xwk | ewe] cw | x1) x wl 2) x wt a xb] xb Qs eee ee TABLE 4.4 Symmetrical four-span continuous beam. Constant moment of inertia. AASHO HS20-44 loading. Bom ¢ om 2 Toral tengih N= eimeete “— Impact to GAP] re] SPE wt] 3] vel) ] | w| v[ eye v0 | 2.0 faa] aa] ofa | soa[-woe] are] -ine3] nod 300| a00) 00] 270] 286] @a fiat 140 | 28.2 | 46.2] 64.8] 68.0] ~81.0| o6.5] 05.9] 226.2] -201.1] 279.4 300| 0] 200] 2se) 242] 10.8 [22.2 reo | 20.3 | 49.9] 66.2) o0.s| -o00] se.e|-s0.2| 276.6) -256.2| o.0 300| 30291 |.244] 229] 12.2 [25.0 ao | 37-8 | 81.2] 7.4] @7-¢| ~a7.3| 60.6)-e0.0] 990.0) -309.5] «05.9 300) 294 2a2].22a) 217 [18.2 [28.0 200 | a7 [89.0] ana 4 0:6 | -286.6) «na 300| 289-279]. 229]_207| 17.0 [31.0] mo | ase [sa] o8.9 Gf 481.1] -4i3.6) 837.6 280) 27a| 264] 1a) 197 |is.6 [9.9 Ho | 50.0 [s6.0 723 3 sii -474.4| 604-536. 206) .270)206|.204|.100| 20.6 [36.0 260_| 542 | 57.2) 76.2] 3 575.5 | -s39.1] 672.1 | 279] 265] -248| 196| 181 | 22.4 | 39.8] za | 58.3 | 58.2) 00.2 9 | 635.1 7 140.1 | 273] .256| 242) 189] 173 | 24.1 | 42.9 300 | 2.8 | si) 0 3 [687.0 | -e90.2) aoe.«| -772.4].267|250|.295| 182] 167] 5.9 [48.0 s20_| 66.7 | 59.6] 67.8 0 | 759.0 | 876.9] -860.0| .261) .244| .229) 175] .160 | 27.7 [48.7 x40 | 70.6 | 60.5) 01.5] 07.2| -08.3| 66.8 -06.4| 621.2) -800.7| 045.7) -962.1].255| 298) 220] 169] 155 29.5 [51.7 360 | 78.0 | 61.2] 96.5] 101-4| -65.7) 67.1|-66.8| 689.6 | -920.7|1014.7| -1048.a] 250] 239] .217]. 164) .149 | 91.4 | 54.6] aa0 | 78.2 | 61.7] 99.4] 105.6] -66,1) 7-«[-67.1] 040.0 -1008.|1083.«| 149.9] .245|.207|.219|.159| 144 | 30.2 | 97.6 00 | es.2 | 62-2) 100.2] 100-0} -e6.8| e7-7)-e7-9 hove.» fanoo.s/iuss.1)-1255.0| 200] 222] 207].asa_ 140] 35.0 | 60.6| 20] 07.5 | 02.7] 107.1] 114.0) -66.0| e9.2'-10.0 hors.a paiss.2)s222.s] 1065.0] 295| 217) 202[.149] 198 | 96.6 | o9.5 440 | 01.7 | 63.1) 110.9] 118.1] -07.0) 71.4 /-72.1 frso.0 [1295.7 1292.0] -14s0.s].251|.215] .197| 148] 191 [36.6 | 66.5 4c0 | 5.6 | 3.5] 114.0] 122.3] ~o7-4| 13.0]-74.2 hice [rae a[iaei.s|-1sen9|.2n6| 20809). 1aal.a27 [40.5 [69.4 [eso [ico-o-[ea.o[ aue.7[aze sf -e2] 76.8700 fase. fio. s[ian.a|-1aa.a| 22) 20460] 7] 120 [2a [72.4] Impact tfwfwto mfr fou fom] om | Beet | 3564[i-a2es i eaoi cece |os00[- 720-0631 |-.2448| -o8es| -.1727 3904] 080] Load xewifx wl [x |x wt |x wt] x wf x wi4 x ot?) x wi?) x wt? xii xb TABLE 4.5 ‘Symmetrical four-span continuous beam. Constant moment of inertia. AASHO HS20-44 loading. 4 fom Ne Ton eosin Tet = impect th cs b wa | or] are Je] ulopypeye dL | 00) #0) aa] wa 2e0 200] 300) 79] Bee] 8a] To wo | ao] ese] o4.9| o5.a 200}. 00| 255) s6|.220| 0.0] 22. wo | a2.0) 2) ees) eet 200] a0 aen|aal azo va.7f 29-4 tw [a0] w0.8] ora] ort 2 200]. 94)278| 20/218] 14.0) 28 200 | w.0 | s4[ one] on 7] 309.8 a 200-98) 270].222| 204] 1.4 319 mo wo] i[ oa] 2 af e.9 3 296.77 ae2|aia) ans va.a 35. 20 | ae.0] 55.5) 725] 718 ae 22.9] -s50.2| 200] 27) ase| ane ae] 10.8] 8.1 200 | 2.0] 67] 04] 8 af 545.01 -546.8) Gon! nas.) an]. 2n9| 208] .avaf au.8| a. 00 | $6.0] o.7 0.3] oe 1 605.3) -i6.s| 761.6) 737.6] ate|.25e|a9|99) ani} aa.2| 44.9 300 | 60.0] 58.6) 84.1] 90.4 1] 665.0) -690.1| 831.5, -804.4|.270|.250 .293/.182 164] 24.9| 47.2] nao | eno] 9.4] e8.0] 94.7 1 724.9) 76-1) 60.7) -a96.0| as|.244|.anlara|asa| 26.7) 0.9 ao | sa.o] soa) 819) o9.0 af ves.) [5 a_oe oe 7 oni a ea a rf oad ie re ee 3 sews [arf ef a ita ae re [sic ea ve ai Br ods ura or _oor[ ao san Ese [er 500 E oa ta aa ele fo fom reve Aree | 3619} s140 | 4330 Influence coefficients — Two continuous spans. L = Length of SHORTER spans; length of LONGER spans = NL. OREN alata >s 7 «[s[s[ale>s[e [aye ts [aps [saya pee |e [ots [ae [os [ia [oe | nes [ve on [oa vans [ema] eon| aa |—oas|ona ooo a] 0 2 [0 [ores [isis [hase | oes | ore2 | 0558 | 0295 | 00s |-.0185 |- o«se |--osea |--o34a|-.0305 | - oze2|—c2ia|-0i75|-0iai|-o0e7|-.oova] 0 = [Ae fone [ar [asm ame] anteater [oes ear 11a |—st concn |ozo|—s- one] “0 F [5 [re [ons [ono [vance] ava] ao [ons [eno onto err] ono] |---| 0 [of ova [ozs foe [ast [sea arene oa. ooa [ores] eoe|-ets oer] -oae|-cns|-oner|—rns- wr| “0 7 | 0 [onus | 0438 | “0657 | “0675 | “1004 | “ais | 1532] ors |- o0s0|- oni: [0730 |- 0649 —o56e | o4¥7 | - 0408] - 0325 |-.o243|— o162|- on8i| 0 $0 [wm [nae [iat co [oor [oe [oo cso] -coes e001 [oo] o1s| ons one ans| 0 2 [0 [own [one [mm nr os [as [oe eee cae|-ons| ora] neo] az] oraz] ost] oe] i] o_o 2 |e Four ome eam [ua ote [on ona -eas[-en|=anes]-ona| ores] area] aso] anil ovr] ono] ove] 00] 0 A [o-Foae [cst [ore ome Foe ea oo 00 in vasr Fons] eo] -teo| nae] areal 17] en] on] oe] 0 [5 [e Foeas ote Fann [os [oe rae Feo oe asos]=uzar 030] en] op] sea] zoe] 00] 12] ese] orm] 0 3 [2 To Feo cn aan oat [ose ogo oro om of 110s. ero] eso] 100] neo 240] 100] tn] on] 0 7] f-ome [or Eon [eas Four [os oes fers|oou|oss|--oet| ons] ass] owe] 359] wo]_2zs veil os] 0 2 {fom ora ove ons ona [oof o1n Fen cus|oas|-oas] ors] own st ome aneol oni[ ss] ow] 0 [race [0 [ome ste oe | ona one] on eee| ees] | @ [ors aa ees aie] vate as ar as ey mare [0-0 one et [ores sor |aa0 [ena] oo [near |=omsf=wer oof] rotarce[@-[ ms | on | omnes | ava cao eas oxo|-oes|-uso|-oe7 [ons oc] oma] aana|iiee| ior] aba] veal TABLE A2.2 Spon 1 Spon 2 Ra | Re | Re | Van | Vex | Voc | Veo a [revs | aia [oes] erns|— an] ‘2 [see] asco] cose] s64]— 200] 2 | e240] ee) =a = [4 [esse sto ose] eae re B [Cs [eves sses[- orto] ss) — oa = @ [a [ozs ona real oes] veo] 167 06> @ Ef © | eve nse ovo] ose anon] v0 nil @ [0 oma oar 2 [0 foe nm sous oa] eal viel wel on 2 2 | 0 fois vam] ane onel_orsal ose] ral one 0 [ra fo foi ose zaxa[ aoa] asts|_aare| oil onal co A fo foewe on Tene zal aan teal oma] oreo = [os [ce Foner oe. tuss{ aee|se] ase] tom] ia] en] —@ F [oe [oe Fcosol co] sil eal ae[aoer] as] en cael Tf aoes| ons dom[ ans) sasio[aere[ aoa] ama] oud] @ Bf ef eae Cs x | 0 fos. nae oa] os] on nil ase a7] 0 Pane [a conmrl ror weal aval ane] ee] el em] 0 Tare] e027 00s nna] cai} =-089| oa] “0 Taorane| 0 | ovr as Tins as aaa) aia| aol re] ono TABLE A2.7 Laaeseres 1234se7e9 Spon Spon 2 A ° 8 re c roa aieasir "| ma | Re | Re | var | van | Yee | Ves a 2 3 if its 2 7 2 2 a 2 3 ea ifs iG 7 2 o ave | area) tae a] “0 [ on one Fares [=a] 0 [sare na] 0 [= nied erase zero zz rae orcad Influence coefficients — Two continuous spans. L = Length of SHORTER spans; length of LONGER spans = NL. en [e[u [ele [> oat a sa ad sean fe [sel [oo] 8 af ° os le ‘aa [a] 2} oi ona c [5a [oo fore couro oa ape oon ae 5 tp oe ot a= a oss) = co 1 | aod 60 as] oo] os 08 ACE 264] oo] =e aa 2 | eral ane coo] ono ona oe = [a [sed one 199) i) oad = oma E [5 [cod ras 3280] 1250 — vaso] -o2sal 5 | 257 a0 1 aaa = 7 | 200 ove “ig0]_si90|=0a9| =o PE) aso] 80] =n - 0 [ania saan [of ae Xd [| of e fone so S20] 00] 00) 0] 2 |e eo 520]- 60 0309) om | oo eso a eC [AF tne iso] 360] 0540) 050] Fac) 000-500) 0780) oe] 5G ae a0) aso] =- e160]. oan] 7 fe _sn0 729-7480] 071) 077d [nz 09 1600 = 990] 0800) 084d 2 [-s9| ono 20] 20) 299] 3 [doa wre 2 | ona - sa 260 3 [coe =a a) [ef else save [5 [esol=ste ase 5 Hf ane [ea — oa oni EEC 080 Ave 00-00 os Teetaree | 42.00 2000 Influence coefficients — Three continuous spans. L = Length of EXTERIOR spans; length of interior spans = NL. Tena want tran STAT 2ST ea aa sa ae a [om] re] ene] os] cara] ena) a= onal ao on -o5 o-[-orst[ 1s] 12s] 004] oss] oson! ease) err] - ase 11-05 © | 00| sano eos] vent si! oma] onl oe Fore eee 6 on © [eve] owl aia) ter on] ae! one] Fase) nb oma on 2 [oa soe] oss) ae} is] ian] sia! ona|= soa =e an «| os) once] 35) 1044-—Tama] vee] _o70|- ox) coz cao. B| © | -o12s| 0255) 079) 0506) 0632] .o7sal ass] on] . -.06s| - .0272] .ovae| [ao [ows] ous) use) can) cae) ean ono ana cos tte] ef ef eo] of | «| «| « of ° rife naa =v =e =a =e =a | aie) oa [apo aoa oa = ens] ~osna| ase as areal ea] _en aa] ens rof —o0 afe ~ owe ~ 050 == 77s ow ores] 120] owns oa [ato ~ oe = 059 == 7 one onif-oan one na] 09] a ose sfe =o = ase cee ets|-ormf- toe) ca] -or)—so] and ora fe eos] oras]- cor] onal ose] ons Tam nal 7/2 cow ~ ove ~ oso) on] o_o] ose] 21 758 ee) = owen =a at os] om ood our] are] on oor ect = oon = =a 8c = 04 ovals on ou elo] of ef ef ef of of of «| ef of o| of of oj of of of of of o “i @ | ean] oor aie aa woe ao] oi] oval onl os oo esi] = roe = ove = ont = oa oa ee ee [a [| ooze! osif cor) nis} oil —oisd ao! awe oil on] cna 01] elo o-oo onl ont 5 ste crs] oo] oon 09) ca) cio) oa] ors} on [3 |e [core] cose] css] wos) ora) oxi rae! ve oes] nea] -oons) aor] on] ove] ~ os = one-one -ona]= on - e ‘| © [om] oot ans] ose aos] oor]! 01a] nef oil on on = cost] =ana]=oii]= a] o-oo = orn a [oor] oia| cat! 00s] os] oot] ool 05 05 on oo aeons] =n oon = ous [9 ef ef e{eo{o{ of e| of of | of o[ «| «| «| o| o| of o| of » CR [=a a5 oa =oasi= ans] olor non = oua- aoa oe @[ -eseo|ss0| oan] oral ero] esl onsl=onl-oef-ra0o--ose ora] ovr] exe] ones TABLE A3.1 Spon 1 Spon 2 3 A 8 ¢ ° = [=[*[S]e[eafele [os] sin oP PEPE El a g ella g g czas] 2800] esta] a0) -oue7| _e2aa] eran] eae] ooze [sz 00-00] --oeza]-.osz8|~ Lone] = asa 300] 160] 2600] _ 200) .3900[- e100] 5500|-.s500] 00] 300 Influence coefficients — Three continuous spans. L= Length of EXTERIOR spans; length of interior spans |--oa14]- 0320] -. 0244-0158] [oss 0432-0086 |-.on18| ° [ly [ef a[els[e] = 2 eels TABLE A3.2 Spon 2 tk a 2 2 x 5 4 ee 2 2 a af ‘ou0i| 0401 3 [cove] san] -7315|-.2685) osm1| 0621 A [ac 7g ‘ivo)- se2i] oar] ome 5 [ose s000|=sooo ota] _09ee 5 [ons s420|- 6190) 1004) 1004 7 ‘maa) oa * 0833) oan 2 500) 0508 e pam a 420] osm 2 ror] 3] ‘arn aaa a oe] 3057 = ai |= a a (ats) Gaas|- ons |= ons] ans = 5178 7 ‘183] -one3|- orni|-.o71n| a670|- 6390 2 123] -a128 | 27-75 x ‘ee 006 = 124-9757 Tai = ene oo) ~ ooo) ara = Te Influence coefficients — Three continuous spans. = Length of EXTERIOR spans; length of interior spans = NL. cons Sel ot a aear aa Se beeper ee z rPaTapsey soaps Te [en] res] co] ons | eo] corde F [oo Paral se] aes] aan oo S [eee arf aoe sea] ran or = Cae peer on ase] ae ee Pepe Ten aase[ eae] oor] 160 ox 01 =| [a [2 [esol ein] velar] ead on [oo [eie| i] oe ons] ra| ad cert eo 0 [arf ef oial eal nel oae ooo] or E cord er ou [| own ont] em en E “ord eee To ent one =o sa Fo [ono -o ro SE] e [ronal ae 7 3 aT ons) em |-ooe Taso & Fo |-ot07|- ons] cna “0876 [ool ca Fo me se 51a ora an |e foo ar ser clef [ele ; } A [ © | 0011] 0023 | -o03e = 0041 S| [ov ae oe ror F[o [ewes] or a [A © | 0026) 0051] 0077] 0083] ES] e [een] cs] oe oof i ai Le fetus er non a [omelet |e = a [ef cn ate cio on [ef ese TABLE A3.3 Spon 1 Spon 2 Span 3 i Per q par t Par D weAcTIONS/F SHEARS We We * oy o o o o o o 7 iwi] oa on cone cu Fj 2803] -.0875] 0126] 128 |- 0128] [3]- 428i] -.08i8) 0182) ona] [AI stl sur] or] ora aa BS] aie) ree) sae one eno) o28q] ‘S| 3005) 0256 |- 025 I | ast os casa om [| asso ord = Influence coefficients — Three continuous spans. L = Length of EXTERIOR spans; length of interior spans = NL. MOMENTS TA 2 a i ? ST apataTey yp) papas = Ty 2 cari is) 012! one = oem) a6 = viet = one - 2 ci) ssa) can” 0180 casa a ‘ato os 00 aa 0a = cud -/4 Tein” 110 uet_oie = onl arene os - ot 01 = 078 ip aa aoe — oa 4 Taal a5 «00 rl 4a] este _on7zoaor oni sor 2 om 0244 cone_oe7 om we 08-0467], 2000 ola = a= ona 0017 = 0404 ~ ua f= 0809) sag = be on) eal 0 08s 0038, (0105-0198 - 067 ~ aint = oan == : (isn) cosa) ane) 1964 inva) 0059 oe) alee] —aiee oes] = ote = 040-004 =, 0404-404 = 0432 = 06a) .1676 nse] 0548) 0612, 00490842] -054e| 0058] 0528] 1st TABLE A3.4 0 J" Spon 3 FT spon 1 Spon 2 Por 4 o [=[*[s]*[e)>|+[6|=[~ le[s|e [ele ele) | tea|_ane] 7 oui) aie] ons 95) «a = 044,267 yr - 0202} 228 ef e[ ofrol oj} «| of of o |ao pa | arlene nf rl onl ae [rests | 0 esi0] 7 Influence coefficients — Three continuous spans. L = Length of EXTERIOR spans; length of interior spans = NL. MOMENTEIAL a eR] WRT] fo coc oo] = vail as west] oc) oree{ oat] cost| | 10] a1 oa a awa a FE SSS ea eee 062s] o7aa fone solo Saxo =-aas7|= osia|= cae? | 04m ‘0133] 0161] o7ma]- ane] : a css] oie 00] ‘ovao] oe] = TABLE A3.5 baa4so79% 123456789 323450789 ° on m3 Tsp re I a] at Eee ae esa) pepe ye eee elaine -Son|-an ef eae Ears[ ae a ae oil na -o736| o0a|- s008| oes] oon = sel eta teed of ele) Bae « ‘ais, 009) 702! oma] 0n19_ona nae 276 =e = TP [e[efelalelel=] > [=] e]= [ef oes 0280) 2406 Tae | ae Tae Influence coefficients — Three continuous spans. L = Length of EXTERIOR spans; length of interior spans = NL. = vpalarsT ars] sy, stay oe Te { lnk elon neal ase = 0268 - aia = ovr = 00 ose 01 ‘orea] ora] onie 050] ovat! 0292) 016s] 0074 a] - 259] eset ri eo ~ ou wats anal osm) alse = Toss) nia) ea] onal a ee ee ae alo alia ole Gers | o[ ena] ove] us| ena ove-con oo Soe ne ute “sia one) -orft TABLE A3.6 Span Spon 2 Spon 3 A sa 8 fe c Po ee ee > ws ee z mete tele te] 13] senor ora = [al ee iG eee z See (3] ‘o620| 0620] - 0233 - 0293 2 ea “Y | -onsr] seo] -.o0a] ona] -oasr| = aaes] omer) ca99|— on12/— 109 it isa) si) ooo) aa) * Ta ‘ra -ial_1506) 1528 ‘en0|- 9320, 0764 0764 2 Sn aso. |=] wie 2 esl 053 |= nol = aaa a a /tasa] isa] 0251 06) .ou16!-, 3184 z|3 6448] a20a] 0243] 0205) '=-085i) .5797/-, 4203] ita ast) Sane} azo] —02z0|~- 0503050] _atva = 50g 2 “aaea) ere 006s) 08s) 017a]-ovra] .1210|- a7 ease san] on] om] | ee me 7 | [le wesw sisl vst ceel tomlin Influence coefficients — Three continuous spans. L= Length of EXTERIOR spans; length of interior spans = NL. * qo oe eo ot eo o © ° o ° oy] ° ° ° o o @ [coat] wns sor] esol enol or] ose] nr] ons one x77] ve - J- 637] - osa3| - elel=[ = [ele le[e lula [elele]> | sows oino_ ove wa] onal ono] ovale _osee— 025 Se AY 0 [=-onos)~ can] = 136-66] Esto at =r 0 = Eber co; of e| of ele of ol | [a [foam oan oes oo? | wea oor Bf cos] ara ifs Ee Soran oa rate Toast —ooae| aoe odes] si on 0188 0180{~ 0i77| coe] oto of ef{ of of «| of of « of of of o| o| | « Seaerfie] Sasol rowlea Senin leer era] erate [3 [ona on] ons] oer] ona] oon] our =a] ozs ose] ane] 1906] 88 em TABLE A3.7 on} Spon a3 ee Se ! ee ! Cd Be | Re | Re | Re ta | Mea | Moc | Yes | Yew | Yee a ozai| z a 3 oan s[ 7 its oo im owe 7 on z rt + oa ir +h 3k a [4b af 4| (a 2 af [a (0982) 962 [| iene aed 3 | -e2si|=-orse| 901] 2266] 02st] 0251) -.0s67|-. 0867) 7734] - 2266] a is iG 7 a 2 Fae ane Influence coefficients — Three continuous spans. L= Length of EXTERIOR spans; length of interior spans = NL. OETA 2] 3] 4] 5] 4] 7[ a] 9 sls iond = nd ova] 1659 Tease! = 04d —o516)~ aia) = 79 = 034 a= 0185 = 216 - 7 ara] 03a] [=o =o. ots) 017] efo] of oe) oe!) o| of o| o| «| | of o[ oJ] of of ee} of « = sol oat set Sal a a]o Toaee = oa ao a= oas7 = 20a) [eo Tae aan oval) Be iat se ie ee Hp [=a sata os wei} ware) wana) aioe] oa zo woo] ba ‘Bios orz8] visa are] 09 at ceo] 5 oiaa) ors ei] ez Zale ooo ne aaai) cir) o205| calor EB isfo 039 cs] 0201] 024] om alo caso} oie] oo} on he aaa] —wvee| avi] a fepe 7 oe isto ova 0059) aoa] 00] | zal efo of of of of oj] of af o Fett aree [0 ca] ori ose ono -os- ove| 0272] 0s] oes] a4] otal oof te te fw | ve | me eeleleelel- hele ee Er [3 | e206] 1230) aaeo) i [S| e201 |= 1205) 07] [2| er Fave edo era ecee at ‘ihren seo] sve oar] Influence coefficients — Four continuous spans. L= Length of EXTERIOR spans; length of interior spans = NL. a Toe = : shat z T ar cet air eles i ear semper we eed ole ee eA] ea owe ga et] ist] eT el of o| o ol ° of efef ol, of of o| o of eo; of of o | © [ests] : i] & [snr onal aff [eo oa ae] asf a Se ie ne ooo ore areas SL Sa oan ar aoe ae ff so asa oe wr af on iG Fase ofa a s |--0«8s |- 0585 Foss | o740|-.o8aa - 0925] 7 aaa foes Ta 7 aa oth = 3 Sef ie Een ‘aas] wort] wove] -co22] 0087] 0038 03a] o0aa) oneal aosi] eus0] 0008 | o020|—00r4 § 8 A 2 [=|] se [eae] f= UY [ = 000s [006 000 | [ove on 000 | oe) ova 2] e | - 000s] -,o010)- 001s [0041 oe CC [3 |e = e008] oona|- 018 x) iz ar | Eo | 008 oon mr [ess cy Tost can a Eo | = e007 oora | oazo ac a5 ‘rve] 207 | oan | 0 | 000] 0012 oor [08 oo ise] ons] ai T | © | -000s)-oni0 0015 won a0) one] aisi| ir a] [2003 | 07 oo cy ae ‘080 010s] ei ra] 0 | =.0002 |= 0004 F 000s ‘oo14|=-aoie]- sone] cono]- 0002] ooo] —oore “aot | 0085] oes Taree [© [0000] oraa)> 0267 | anne | ove ose Foca fa [ons] - 0103050 | oso] os 000 es Terataree] a [oar] este] os os] sof oo | 00 Fae) TABLE A4.3 Spon 1 Spon 2 Spon’ 3 ” Pe } 5 Ps iF Spon 4 | fie | te fim | ne fue |e | tee | tee | tee | tee | tae | te rete pepe te pele leletelete lo 3s] aa0e|= ora] oats] ooo] ease] seed] 05 Tio] 0049] oo 20. sse2|-,one1| 02] - oo] ~sa0a|-.«70i| ermal orta|-oat]o2io| -o0e0| ove] iia = 5069 0i|_onsi|--o234|- 02340087] 0087 2160|--rsa ozo) ona] nz ~ canal -ooe] oe ou |--on|- on ows |--026 | 023 SP COCCECCRGROROOSCOeG | erea ara ona] 2602 PEEP EE EP Er => ==] =-190]=.1461]-1129 i arae[i. sues] a7) a5 rao] tana] oar] 7] oneal ana |= rao] vara] onal essa] 93] - 407] -enae|- 367] i i i i Influence coefficients — Four continuous spans. L = Length of EXTERIOR spans; length of interior spans = NL. taefasfeat| sia aaa aye ~ Bf Feu = wera ~ 1005 1190) z ale 0799 onte)- 040 — sro) & [sto 'nea | oaso ont tora fie =e ra = onze - on - aa @ | soa |= 05a —oo27| oro) Tat can ont ~ oan fo =a 0 — ee FT =o ou =o = ono Fara =o ed ~~ ann Fun =o ed = oun an Fone cas on od =o asain = =o oon d= or elo of e[ ef of «| o alo ore 0023] cos .0050| 0064 ovr] 08: cree ale ‘oore] -ao4e] one] 000s] cinq nso] —oisa) oire - Be orai| Gore] cor] 0106] 019d 1s] —o1v0] cae 3 [ate a & [ste 179] aise] -oza9 0 isa] _avva ces Te ims] aves | oie ale ‘oom7| 0102] ont tafe Boas) 0058 | oH Gone] vocal cave] once =a] nei] ree ane ~oasi]=oesi]- tesa 0382] cose] o5ze] 07s] once] or] .onng - 0103 -onarfar27 TABLE A4.4 ACTIONS? oo aff te [me [te Lae | te foe [re |e [ree |tee [te [mele | -orre| sez —onse) 0070) 0017) .erve an oon 16] 2820|— 0502) 012’ 0034 on 20 d [-. | ‘ua| ove] oes =n 021 | et | 0m sical“ in =e one |e | oon a aa aa = aN = aos one | 1949) 9242|-.0753) 0213 008i] 1348]-.965i| 086i | .0s0i|-.o182|-o162| .0081 | .oosi dea] = 4 ooo} oca= aera | one = one-one e000 000 9989) 87a) -.0244) 0089 ova ‘313 -.0687| 018s | 0386 -.0080[ 008 39) 97-057] ons To = To i) 0600) 202] 88a sar] aiso| -o1e4|-.115¢) 027] sor =-oso7) 16s -.0017| 067? ae) ons) ara = 0707 oFr aes, 05970897 -.0170 F017 aes f if o [ 9 = ra tae] 0170) 0170 |- 0897 080i! aa0 a4 [aise] isa) —a190'= 0507] arr oT ove i004) aio se) | -ouer = amen] Sra = waa a0 Fay ‘nak -0658| 3607 |= 7a | Tass ‘on = 0408} —1556'= a2 108 016s fons) oeer = sain 08 oxo, wee eles =[e [ole el eel =] - [2]e [se] ea fee 3 a f-eo[s soni sao] vai] ai, oase] TT] oes] ase 1294) .1306 = 234-117] aa77|— er4a|- 0607-2054 = 9 ase) asi]. szse] asf _asee|—e4er| st00]- 2201) 7201 Influence coefficients — Four continuous spans. L = Length of EXTERIOR span length of interior spans = NL. MOMENTS FL fo ant T * ra yatatats[ela[sls[e [alata le[s[s[a[alaye 1 © [cowal oan) oes) sie) ae] onl a or [eas eer orn aes] nn] se 20 | “orse{ tere] 1275/1033] -o70i| -osea] 0207] _006e!. 0206 | [-.0099|-.0046| 0007) 0060] 0113 3 fo) owa| ian aoa] sea ia| ales o1s|- o_o con-rr|-ve-coue 0] cue B [fo [one] onar)sass| ere] as. oo] er -cre] one Foi ool ois] orf ea alee Stl os canna] one o1f oe [aor ova on |= on asa Tose |= 08 asa] cis] [ [-exv6|— ozo ‘as |-100 a an E ‘mn =-tnia|> sis) ns aa FE a5 aie) or] ans] eee o [ela slel alae] n wana] -ooan} 0ose| 0078) oda) old oTail ~ovsat ove e138 |- o2r7|- 05] osee|-.0682|- os ~ 069|~ 108) casa] -ovea| ote] -0ssr] -evs0] cai] sa o4ss|= ‘oir 010 [2 [-o[- ono) on! oni) oie) cis) oied onion om 3 T 108) 0148) ois) o2i8 0255] 020i] .cazal oa6q 0206 4 cua) 0150) oie? asi] 0374 its ved) 39] ee] -om08 coe] ore] ani] one] Beto cone) os7| ote cai} on 7 coss| cous! one] oid ors _ovze)_oxsl nz ae or = coel-ovi]- ae] on] oe ool - oof 0r9 a ext! ssl sora] ood oma] oval oad on ei = cao oa] =e] =n o-oo 9 eis! cns|ssel ond eo] ons on] onal ae oon -cis]~ ara] —ooel- ovata ose! oa ca | oe ape cots [ato cows = 00 tafe tate 3 [s]o 5 te a fe ato = ] SH fo te fee |e | [ve | ve [me | ve vee | ee |e |e apiete tee te pele fe [ele fe lee Aes] sve -on29] ose] on] ees|= vaio] ase] oie) --cs0|- ono |r| oon 2 tsa] ara -o1sa] oie] onal 752|- aa) case] o3se|-cose|-oone ove] ona Pe ee 8 ee [| ae | a asa ca | esses ois) 031s |-coer|- one] 030) ono ir “elelelele | 0s [on 0 2 fits) en 060 (a ase [aa Case) as eae) [-ssr | s0s2 nip -a7) a9as one | 3652 hee 0664 7267 — 7239 [7 8 1 Va rosso | ase 59 = 0559 9s 505 | wie = orn] ame] ins oneal our roar | nse ase “2 | anos = nme] oune| ase ots] 00s) e308 | oom nm sees | aso | ose [2] caseeaee] ames] ase owen one tose vara) aa/- ner} oceans a [4 ‘rass| .5062 }.1137] 0375) .0375|-.1083 |- 1083 .607s]-.a9a5 | 1is7| 1137) Be se an el ear, er 340] is 96] 744 | 19s] oma) cae Tea] oie anss] 0140) 0100 elslele]=[e |e] =e [= Face [soi fsaa|i eres sine] oo] am] ove] aio] om ares [ocisee | asi ve | asf aaee) 19a] as -a00e | ese Ee I TT Influence coefficients — Four continuous spans. L = Length of EXTERIOR spans; length of interior spans = NL. afatats| +> ai ais [etal Sao ta lomo al ‘1089 .1569| 2118] 648) .1177| 0707] 0236 -.0234|-.o70q - 835] - oon aera [an 0279) 0410 0888) 0688] 0807] 097] cuzdl 010d oer col ous 040 | --0188|~ 0232-0910] -, 0967) 0465] -,0542| 285] = ooo 0807 = o83e|-. ore - ons ios ~ 0734-08] 102 ara = on = 023, — 0740 oar lt ‘ons aise) 01s, .caaa_catal _oaia) oan (0122) 0163) -c204) 024s) 020] 0227] 03a ‘13, 0151) 0109] 0227, 2641 020d _o300 aus! 006e 0075) 0090, 105) 0120 0135 oof ~ one] ~ 0018 ~abze|=-oon|- 009] - oad = 0003 ave = 00-9014 - 0017-02-02] - 002 — 000 Tie PT] ee are TT TL ones roa —oeas] aa] Oe, —BaPOY ATTY Tare] © | =ovai]o3ai] Gen = ase = ons] ose = 1uz7]~ saad — 1554] 25] ono|,oaze|- 4a [oat] - ocaa]= 070] ~ 0853 19[-.osu -o1oe] 076] so99| -iner] coro] 0835] Feteiaree | © | 0277] -oesel 0830) coon] cova) ovei]~o1ea| oses 1105 TABLE A4.6 1aa4se7e9 12a4se749 123454789 123458709 Son Peon 2 Spon 3 Spen REACTIONS? od ie ce ee ee fae oan : {oss ae oo | ont eee Er ars | oe eee Er] er orf ow < [eben aes tel mart os 58 E S[cem[ one eee "Va [aise] 7445 | ose] |-.0178 |-.0178 | 0067 | 0067 T | 22st] aaa ore |--0166 |-.o16e | 0062 | 0082 ns) sel ona oe [on ssa) oer ee Fr aaah nee 13 [se i is Sa psoas [aap Ta Influence coefficients — Four continuous spans. L = Length of EXTERIOR spans; length of interior spans = NL. 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