Grade 7 Market Day Letter

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Dear Grade 7 Parents

Please take note of the following details for the market day which will be held on the 11th October

- Children should come to school dressed in civvies

- Setup will take place on the field at 07:30am. Tables and gazebos to be brought from home for the
occasion, no parent involvement during setup.
- The school will not provide tablecloths, etc.
- Market Day sales will begin at 08:30am
- Please provide your own extension cords
- Cash boxes and float must be supplied by each group
- As part of our programme to develop business skills, children are encouraged to work
independently of any parent assistance. Therefore parents are requested not to be involved with
the daily operations of the Market Day.
- Parental/Adult supervision may only be provided if there are any heating (electric) or cooking (fire)
is being done.

Each child is required to submit an expense form indicating all expenses as well as their float
contribution. All slips and receipts (any other supporting documentation) to be supplied in a folder
with the expense sheet. Please take note that no expense will be reimbursed if there is no
supporting documentation. Children are to submit their expenses by the 10th October 2019.

After 13:00 the Grade 7’s will be expected to tidy up the field and pack up. Thereafter the groups
will be given reconciliation sheets and moneybags and will have to count the money themselves.
Once this is done the groups will hand in checked money to their respective EMS teacher. Each
group will only be signed off after their money has been handed in. All expenses will be
reimbursed during the EMS lessons.

Please collect the Grade 7’s from the junior school at 14:30.

NB: If a group has made a loss on the day, their reimbursement of expenses will be limited to the
total amount made on the Market Day. Any shortfalls will not be covered by the school. We
encourage them to keep their costs as low as possible and the profits made from the Market Day
will be used towards a gift to De La Salle Holy Cross College Junior School.

The Grade 7 EMS Department

Physical Address - High School: 2-22 Rd. Nr3, Victory Park, 2195 / Junior School: Cnr 13th Street & Braemar Road, Victory Park 2195
Postal Address: P O Box 35687, Northcliff, 2115
Contact Details: High School: Telephone: 011 782 4896 Fax: 011 888 1282 / Junior School: Telephone: 011 782 5217 Fax: 011 782 8489
Web: / PBO No: 13003577

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