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Case Study Evaluation Form


Thank you for your time in evaluating this program. Please completely fill out this form and provide comments as necessary. Indicate your rating of the presentation in the categories below
with the appropriate number, using a scale of 1 to 5 as follows:
5 – Excellent 4 – Very Good 3 – Good 2 – Fair 1 – Poor

I. Professional Style Rating II. Application of Principles Rating III. Analytical Soundness Rating
The presentation was well oriented to the audience Presented in a logical manner with strong/clear
There is effective use of the nursing process.
i.e. Good overview, and outline. identified goals.
There is proof of primary nursing that is patient- The problem was analyzed and examined
The presentation was lively, interesting & creative.
centered care. according to the assessments’ implication.
The audiovisual aids were appropriate, graphics
The case reflected practice that is holistic, Articulated proper nursing diagnosis and is
geared toward topic and presentations were well-
therapeutic and evidence-based in approach. prioritized reasonably.
organized in a clear understandable manner.
The nursing care plan is SMART
The nursing interventions developed appropriately
The speaker spoke clearly with credibility. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic & Time
and are rationalized.
The presenter effectively handled the defense of his The literature sources are relevant and well
Evaluation was clearly expressed.
ideas. supported with reliable and valid up-to-date studies.
The presenter looked & acted professionally.
The conclusions were well stated, summarized
Nursing principles are applied to practice.
and elicited class discussion.
The case study was presented on a timely manner.
Comments: Comments: Comments:

For NE use only:

Overall Rating (Average rating for Professional Style) Overall Rating (Average rating for Application of Principles) Overall Rating (Average rating for Analytical Soundness)

Overall, the case study was presented in a Overall, the presentation was analytically sound
Overall objectives are met.
professional manner. and relevant to the nursing profession.

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