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STEP 1: My Chosen Approach:

● General:​ ​Better sexual education programs in which more things are discussed
including; consent, rape and the consequenes in depth.
● Specific Organization:​ ​FLASH curriculum.

STEP 2: Research
● Where did is come from? Where is it used now?
- The FLASH curriculum came from Seattle, Washington.
- Most of FLASH offices are in Washington state, but in different cities in
- Many people, including teachers and others are able to adapt the curriculum
and use it with students all over.
- FLASH is available for elementary, middle, high school and special education
● What is FLASH’s Vision?
- “FLASH is a widely used comprehensive sexual health education curriculum
developed by Public Health Seattle–King County and designed to prevent
teen pregnancy, STDs, and sexual violence. FLASH is available for elementary,
middle, high school and special education classrooms.”
- Values time to go over each lesson.
- Supporting young people to make healthy choices.
- Sexual violence prevention lessons in elementary, middle and high school.
● What makes FLASH unique?
- “It is a comprehensive science-based sexual health education curriculum
designed to prevent pregnancy, STDs and sexual violence. It is designed to be
used in school classrooms, as a part of a health unit, although it can be
successfully implemented in a variety of environments. It does not require
training, and provides substantial teacher support so that it can be
immediately implemented by any school that is ready. It includes a strong
family involvement component, creating opportunities for families to talk
with their children about important sexual health topics. It is an inclusive
curriculum, including examples and activities that will resonate with youth
from a variety of geographical regions, racial identities and sexual
orientations. It is highly interactive and is respectful of students with a
variety of sexual experiences.”
● What are some lessons they incorporate? Why?
- “Abstain from sex, Use condoms and birth control when they do have sex,
Confirm consent before engaging in sexual activite, Communicate with their
family about sexual health, Make decisions that minimize risk to their sexual
health, Seek medical care in order to take care of their reproductive health.”
- Elementary School Lessons: Introduction, Family, Self-Esteem, Gender Roles,
Friendship, Decision Making, Sexual Exploitation, Puberty Reproductive
system, Pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, Review and resources.
- Lessons for Middle school and High school as well.
● How helpful and effective is this program?
- FLASH is a high quality program and it has been used all over Washington
and downloaded and taught in other schools all over the country.
- It is very popular.
- “As part of a multi-year study being conducted in the South and Midwest,
more than 90 percent of students surveyed say they will use the skills they
learned in class in their real lives, and more than 90 percent would
recommend FLASH to a friend.”
- ‘“Students like FLASH a lot, and they find it personally impactful. While we
might expect that in King County, where we have a lot of history with FLASH,
it’s great news that students in rural areas and in the South and Midwest say
their health-related behaviors will change because of FLASH,’ said Patty
Hayes, Director of Public Health—Seattle & King County.”
● I love how you are able to access this online and many teachers can incorporate it
into the curriculum.
● FLASH incorporates sexual violence and consent and what they are.
● It is popular and highly recommended.
● It is unique and different from many programs.
● If each teacher went through each lesson it would go deep and it would take time
and I think that is important
● There is also training available for teachers online.
● Since a lot of the program is online, teachers and others may not be teaching all of
the lessons and miss important things.
● It discusses abstinence a majority of the lessons and sometimes that can be
● Should spend more time teaching about consent and how to not rape.
● Costs money to use program and some people may ot want to spend the money.
● It is only physically in Washington.
● Could incorporate more lessons on Gender identity.


● I like how the program has many lessons, I would like every school to have this,
starting with my community.
● I like how it begins early, around the 5th and 6th grade. I would like middle schools
and highschools to have similar lessons.
● I like how long it can take. I think it should be more than a week or less that schools
spend on sex-ed.
● I want to use some of the same general ideas, but I want to change some of the
curriculum by adding and taking things out to create w whole new curriculum.

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