Drink Plenty of Fluids

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AMOUNT: The amount of food we eat must be sufficient, i.e.

neither scarce nor excessive, but must be balanced to meet the

needs of our organism.
QUALITY: The foods that we incorporate throughout the day must be complete in their nutritional composition. In other words,
to maintain health, a healthy diet must be composed of a variety of foods from all groups in adequate amounts and proportions.
ARMONIA: Food groups with the different nutrients they provide must have a ratio of proportions to each other. With all this
arises the concept of proportionality, that is, a food group should not be consumed arbitrarily because it risks placating hunger
but lacking some nutrient.
FITNESS: A diet is healthy when it is fully adapted to the needs of each person according to their tastes, habits, trends, and their
socioeconomic situation. And in turn understand that the purpose of food is to meet all the needs of the organism.
. Drink plenty of fluids
Adults need to drink at least 1.5 litres of fluids a day! And we need more if it's hot or if we do a lot of sport. Moisturizing is
essential to live. Water is obviously a good source of fluids but the variety can be both pleasant and healthy. Other options are
diet drinks but these should not replace the water supply.
Intake too many calories and not getting enough exercise can lead to weight gain. Moderate physical activity helps burn the
excess calories. It is also good for the heart, for the circulatory system, for overall health and well-being. So make physical
activity a daily routine. Use the ladder instead of the elevator (both to go up and down)! Take a walk on your lunch break. Walk
while you're on the phone. ¡

Take lots of fruits and vegetables

Most people don't eat enough of these foods that provide important protective nutrients. Try to eat at least five servings a day.
Try new recipes or see which prepared dishes are available at the supermarket.
Eat moderate portions: reduce, do not remove food
If you eat the right portions of each food, it is easier to eat from all food groups without removing any. If you eat out, you could
share some of your food with a friend. Don't give up the habit of eating with the ones you want.
6. Eat regularly
Skipmeal meals, especially breakfast, can lead to an uncontrolled hunger sensation, often causing an overintake. Snacking can
. help contain hunger, but don't eat too much so as not to replace main meals

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