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2015/2016 First Semester Exam

Question 1

a) Give a broad definition of the term conservation tillage

b. Explain the distinct differences between conservation tillage and regular tillage systems

c) Giving reasons identify two regions in Kenya Where you would advocate for
Conservation tillage practices

Question 2

a) What do you understand by the term ‘field efficiency’ for field machines?

b) Describe four factors which affect the field efficiency of field machine

Question 3

a) In the cost of operating a field machine, giving examples, explain the meaning of the
terms ‘fixed costs’ and ‘variable cost’.

b). Describe three types of ownership costs for field machinery

c). Describe two types of operational costs of field machinery

Question 4

a). Define the term ‘materials handling’

b). In the Biosystems Engineering processing industry explain giving examples the
importance of materials handling

c). Describe the following terms and give examples of their applications in materials
handling of Agricultural materials:
Question 5

a). Using a well labeled diagram, write a detailed description of the refrigeration cycle.

b). In the refrigeration cycle, what is the use of the refrigerant?

c). You have been tasked to design a large pack house for a vegetable export company in
Nairobi. In order to retain the high quality of the products during packing, the temperatures
in the pack-house should be maintained between 5-6 ºC. Giving clear reasons, give two
alternative types refrigerants you would recommend for the pack-house cooling systems

Question 6

a) What is renewable energy?

b). briefly describe the components of a hydro-electric power system.

c).What factors would you consider before deciding on an energy resources?

d). Discuss the role of renewable energy sources in the future of Kenya

Question 7

a) Briefly explain the economic importance of the following crops in Kenya: tea, Coffee
and Sugar.

b). Describe briefly the sugar processing process, from sugarcane to sugar.

Question 8

a). describe the hierarchy of safety management in a busy agricultural processing plant.

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