All - Template Chapter 2 As of June 27 2019

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Research Methodology is a way to find out the result of a given problem on a

specific matter or problem that is also referred as research problem. In Methodology,
researcher uses different criteria for solving/searching the given research problem.
Different sources use different type of methods for solving the problem.

2.1. Sources of Information

 Asian Development Bank

 Philippine Statistics Authority
 Euromonitor International
 BusinessWorld
 Manila Standard
 BusinessMirror
 Reuters
 Rappler
 Forbes
 BBC News
 Pulse
 Food and Drug Administration

2.2. How Information was Obtained and Methods Used to Gather Information\

In this paper, the researcher mostly used Secondary data and some of

Primary Data. Data gathered were analyzed and interpreted in order to formulate

various strategies that can help the company compete with its competitors in the


2.2.1. Strategic Management Model




The strategic management model or strategic planning model, as it is also

known is a tool used by managers to plan and implement business strategies.
Although there are variations of the strategic management model, most are divided
into six stages. In the strategic management used above, it is divided in to seven
stages. The strategic management used by the strategist started from the Research
methodology, and then analysing external and internal factors affecting the
company’s goals and from there the formulation, recommendation and evaluation of
strategies follows. The strategist also included the vision and mission of the company
as the strategies formulated should be aligned with what the company wants to be
and can offer.

2.2.2. Research Method

Table: 2.__
Research Steps Application to Strategic Management Process
1. Defining the research To develop strategies that would help EBCI stay atop
objectives in the beauty industry. Strategies formulated will be
used to maximize strengths and minimize threats of
the company.
2. Planning a research Research methods used are Interviews, Primary and
design Second Data analysis. Suggestions from people who
uses EBCI products were also considered in the
3. Planning a sample (Discuss and write here the person/s interviewed
from the company; other professors or industry
expert interviewed)
4. Collecting the data In collecting the data financial statements and
income statements were also used. A quick trip from
drugstores that sells EBCI products were also done.
5. Analyzing the data In analysing the internal and external factors, articles
about beauty products and the beauty industry in the
net were mostly used. Data gathered are then used
to identify companies opportunities and threats
6. Formulating the The strategies formulated and which were then
conclusions and preparing recommended were forecasted. An estimated time
the report table and budget were given as well as expected
outputs of the results of the activities created through
the formulated strategies.

2.2.3. Interest in Choosing the Company and Person Interviewed

Interest in Choosing the Company

Ever Bilena Cosmetics, Inc. were chosen by the strategist as she knows
someone who works at the company for a long time which made it easier to get the
financial and income statements of the company. Another reason is that the strategist
has been a loyal customer of the brand.

Profile of Person Interviewed: [– 3 quality sentences, in paragraph]

2.3. Major Assumption

There are lot of assumptions created in the formulation of the strategies for the
company. Considering that the beauty industry is rapidly growing, the trends are
somewhat uncertain. However, strategies created are based on current issues involving
beauty standards and products. A large number of beauty influencers were of great help
in creating strategies. Utilizing the popularity of beauty influencers nowadays, the
company may have a strong strategy that can bring them at the top of their game. The
rising of gender sensitivity issues were also greatly considered in order to create a
beauty trend that is friendly to all genders.

2.4. Scope and Delimitation

This study is limited only to Ever Bilena Cosmetics, Inc. (EBCI) and the cosmetic
industry. The strategies formulated in this paper is limited only to the mother brand of
Ever Bilena Cosmetics, Inc. (EBCI) – “Ever Bilena”.

Profile of the Person/s Interviewed: [– 3 quality sentences, in paragraph]

Interviewing is one of the research methods that will be employed in this paper. Part of
the skill to be develop to the business students is the interview skills. The person
interviewed in the chosen business organization must be informed that all data gathered
and analysis will be confidential. So, the strama students must develop a professional
business relationship with the respondent (from the company) in order to maximize the
information to be shared especially in the financial and operations part of the business.
The strama students should mention also if he/she can still consult the respondents in
strategy writing. Part of the analysis is to compare and contrast what the students is
recommending versus the company plans to do or did. Tell the interviewee that a copy
of the strama paper will be given to him/her to personally support his/her career in the
Figure 2._

Photo of the strama student leader or

group representative together with
the company representative.

The strama students must be creative in gathering information with the help of the
person interviewed. Remember that the firms that have the best information generally
make the most accurate assumptions, which can lead to major competitive advantages.

2.4. Scope and Delimitation

The scope of this strategic-management process pertains to organization’s external and

internal conditions and raises issues concerning the firm’s mission, strategies,
objectives, and policies. Most of the information in a business policy case are
established fact, but some information may be opinions, judgments, and beliefs.
Although the actual strategic-management practice in the industry are comprehensive,
the process of the students is limited only up to the information that they obtained. The
strama students must mention or declare here the scope of the research method. The
students must mention the limitations in this research process. Also, by declaring the
scope and limitations, the strama students can defend to the panelist some issues and
questions. For complete literature about scope and limitation, please check pages 390
to 391 of our textbook. [– 5 quality sentences, in paragraph]

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