Test Questions

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If the words below are arranged to make a proper sentence, what is the last letter of the
second word?
The correct answer is D.

2. Except for one letter, the letters in the word READ follow one another in opposite order to
that in which they occur in the alphabet. What is the letter?
The correct answer is D.
R, E, and A follow one another in opposite order to that in which they occur in the alphabet, but
D follows A in the order in which they occur in the alphabet.

3. Loren worked 6 hours on Monday, 7 hours on Tuesday, 4 hours on Wednesday, and 5 hours
on Friday. She was about to turn in her attendance card at work when she realised, she forgot to
log her working hours for Thursday. Loren knows that her average working hours per day this
week was 6. How many hours did she work on Thursday?
Use the average to calculate the total number of hours Loren worked this week: 6 hours per day
on average multiplied by 5 working days = 30 hours. Then deduct the hours she has logged to
arrive at the missing hours she worked on Thursday: 30 − (6 + 7 + 4 + 5) = 8 hours.

4. You are the judge in the national Hoop Shooting contest and you have to give scores to the
participating teams based on their performance. The New-York team has seven members, and an
average individual performance score of 15 out of 20. The Los-Angeles team has five members and an
average individual performance score of 12 out of 20. The Boston team has 3 members and an Average
individual performance score of 13 out of 20. Finally, the Las-Vegas team has 3 members and an
average individual performance score of 10 out of 20.
What is the average performance score among the 18 team members?
The correct answer is (B) - 13.

5. There are six printers at "Today's news" newspaper, each printing at the same constant rate.
Working together, the six printers can complete printing tomorrow's newspaper within 12 hours.
If the owner wishes to reduce the printing time to 8 hours, how many additional printers, each
with the same constant rate, will he need to purchase?
The correct answer is 3 additional printers.

6. Uliana is not certain of which pizza to order. She can have the medium or large size pizza,
with thin or thick dough; replace the regular with hot or garlic sauce; add one topping if she'd
like of mushrooms, onions, peppers or pepperoni.
How many different pizzas can Juliana eventually order?
The overall number of combinations equals to a multiplication of the number of options within each
category: 2x2x3x5 = 60

7. 12 | ? | 48 | 75 | 108
The correct answer is 27 because
12, 27, 48 75 108
3*2 3*3 3*4 3*52 3*62
2 2 2
8. The number of freckles on the nose of a 9 year old girl named Kate has been growing at a rate of
100% per year ever since she was 5 years old (at which time she only had 2 freckles). What is the
difference between Kate’s current number of freckles and the average number of freckles she had from
the time she was 5?
The correct answer is (B) - 19.6.

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