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Purpose: To recount my history of literacy emphasizing the development of my writing abilities

Thesis: (This is the guiding idea of your narrative. Do you love reading and writing? You’re
good at it or you think you aren’t? Whatever you want to say about yourself as a reader and
writer then support with events and sponsors which are your main ideas).
- Books made me a dreamer, and being a dreamer makes me an enthusiastic writer
- Books broadened my horizons significantly from an early age, so writing comes fairly

Intro Anecdote: For example, any story that gives us a “really good look” at your narrative
When I was in second grade, my father introduced me to The Lord Of The Rings series, I both
understood it and liked it, and it was nice that my teacher appreciated how advanced my
reading level was bc I sure didn’t

Main Ideas: (Your events and sponsors – choose five total to discuss)

Event or sponsor – explain

Possible question: 5 (questions below)
Loads of books in my house all my life shelves full, and usually classics and advanced reads
Event or sponsor – explain
Possible Question: 8 (questions below)
When i was little, my parents did a lot of reading with me, they have also always encouraged it,
no one ever gets in trouble for reading at our house, and when we asked for a book it was
almost always received, never really walked out of bookstores empty handed
Event or sponsor – explain
Possible Question: 15 (questions below)
My dad and elementary teachers
Dad always has positive things to say about reading, introduced me to LotR, where i get my
love of reading
Teachers always expressed their appreciation for my reading levels, always told me how
advanced my reading and comprehension was, i also was a pretty good speller too (not so
much anymore bc my brain moves too fast for my hands I think)
Event or sponsor – explain
Possible Question: 11 (questions below)
I dont know if i can think of one specific time I was proud (never really embarrassed), but I know
in third grade Ms Watson always told me i was wise beyond my years because of my
Everywhere I go I meet adults who are impressed by my communication skills and level of
comprehension with advanced subject matter, I often get mistaken for being older bc of it
Event or sponsor – explain
Possible Question: 13 (questions below)
Bc my reading and communication skills have always been advanced, I find myself on a
different level of maturity than my peers, and all my life I’ve found talking to adults or those older
than me easier than talking to kids my own age
I get along better with peers years older than me, i was the kid who talked to a parent rather
than socialize with kids on the playground
Its always been difficult to communicate Big Ideas to others because they're so Big and usually
my peers don't take interest, but I am comfortable communicating with adults and the few
friends my own age bc I find that if they’re my age and we get along, they’re on my level so to
speak Ex) julia and makayla are both mega bookworms, and they can hold the same standard
of conversation (we use big words)
Side note: i find reading is probably to thank for my excellent communication skills with almost
anyone also

Figure out what we've learned about yourself while looking back
Leave your reader with a final thought
Oh boy who am i that sure is a question
-i think if I hadn't been raised in a household where reading was highly regarded and even
prioritized, I wouldn't have developed strength in my writing capabilities

Basically your paper should answer the questions:
How did I learn to read?​ -my parents began reading to me very young, they also say I began
speaking very early on
​How did I learn to write?​ -I was no stranger to books, I think I had already began writing at the
very least my name before I even entered kindergarten
Who influenced my literacy?​ -my parents were big influencers, both love to read, especially my
dad who I get my “curl up on the couch and read for hours nonstop” from, and later Mrs.
Poleman would read the TreeHouse Series to us, and from there I was hooked, the characters
influenced my reading!
What events influenced my literacy?​ -TreeHouse series, Lord of the Rings influenced my genre
of writing and general direction also use of big words, Bible stories, church was probably the
first intro to reading I had

Other questions I like:

13. With what people do you usually feel most comfortable communicating? What makes you
feel this way?
15. Who has helped shape you as the speaker, reader, or writer that you are today? How?
11. Think of a time you were proud of or embarrassed by your ability to communicate. Why?
Who was
5. What kinds of reading materials were present in your home? In your room? Can you tell us
any stories
about your reading when you were young?
8. Did anyone ever read to you when you were young? What books? Can you tell us any stories
about this?

(3+) Images:

(3+) Audio/Video:
See about Tolkien audio​ -Mark Atherton, Senior Lecturer in English, Regent's Park
College, Oxford, gives the fourth talk in the Tolkien: The Maker of Middle Earth lecture series.
This lecture focuses on Tolkien and old english.​ -Paul
Fairfield is Professor of Philosophy at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario (Canada), the
author of nine sole-authored books, and editor or co-editor of five anthologies​ - As Stephen King
notes....’If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot, and write
a lot. Reading is the creative center of a writer’s life.​ -a fun video on importance of writing

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