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Maya Calendar

What is your opinion about the Maya calendar?

“The Maya peoples had the possibility of investigating the future. They could
project themselves into the present time period and into other eras. They have
left you some signs, some messages to tell you:

Be careful! At this time you are living an extraordinary period on the planet Earth.
You still have many possibilities. You can go beyond all that can happen that is
destructive or difficult. It is for this reason that we, who have seen your possible
futures, we are telling you, through our calendar: always behave with wisdom,
always behave with a superior consciousness, because if you do not, the
stars will cause you to be in immense torments.

Your planet, this marvelous planet, is totally connected to your solar system, to your
galaxy, to your Universe. The planet Earth is not the only planet. It is connected to all the
spheres and to the sun of your solar system.”

I see the Maya peoples now. They tell me:

“We passionately loved astronomy and astrology. We passionately loved to

project ourselves far from our own time period.

We must also tell you this: we built temples that had space-time gates in them.
We not only had the possibility of projecting ourselves into the future of the Earth,
but also to project ourselves onto other spheres, and we had very privileged
relations with several worlds.”

I see in front of me now what I could consider to be an initiated Maya.

“The Maya of the era in which the calendar was elaborated created an enormous number
of other things that you can discover; they are available to everyone but have not yet been

The Sun door is a treasure. Once you have succeeded in deciphering everything,
you will understand many more things about your impending future.

Before the transition, we will give some codes to sincere researchers so that,
before the deadline, they can have access to certain data that is very important.
Already, some researchers have discovered some keys, but they have not been
able to connect everything that they have found. They have found some clues
but have not been able to associate them to formulate something concrete,
something explicit.

2012 will be a key period, a period that human beings who will be in this
world, will experience based on what they are, either in rapture or in terror.

Those who have not sufficiently evolved, or who lack the possibility to do so, will not
understand the complete change of life, the vibratory change, the change that even you
who are open to a superior consciousness, cannot possibly imagine.

Things will happen very easily. It will be like a shifting of consciousness.

Before this can happen, many things will take place within you. It is for this
reason that we ask you to be very attentive to your own transformation.

When you experience something, whether it be in your body or in your

consciousness, which seems strange to you, just simply say thank you to the
Universe, because at that moment you know that you are really preparing
yourself for the transition. Allow yourself to flow along with this great river of

2012 will not be like you imagine it, and we cannot tell you how it will be
because our channel does not have the ability to understand and to
express what we could tell her.

To conclude, we will simply tell you this: accept everything that happens to you,
accompany your own transformation. What is most important and which we
have often spoken to you about, is to elevate your vibratory frequency as
much as possible, essentially by cutting with your past. If you cling to your
past, you will have such a heavy weight to drag along that you will have difficulty
passing through the gate that leads to a higher dimension.”

I again see the initiated Maya. He says:

“Some of your brothers have desired to return to this world. They have not
incarnated by birth. They have returned by passing through a space-time gate.

In Egypt, there exists a very important space-time gate. Some exist inside the
Mayan temples, but humans (fortunately) have not yet discovered them. They
have not yet discovered the possibility of traveling, not only in time but also in

Once this is permitted for humans, those who are living at that time will be much
wiser. They will no longer have the desire for conquest, the desire for superiority
over those who are weaker. They will have a true desire for fraternity and the
desire to see their galactic brothers again. They will be able to see again all of
their brothers who have lived in this world, whether it is those from Atlantis, or
those who lived on the continent of Mu, as well as other submerged continents of
your planet.

Right now, on Earth, there are once again many people from Atlantis who have
passed through these space-time gates.

Many among you have seen the television serial ‘Stargate’ where certain space-
time gates lead to one planet or another. This is not a falsehood. Those who
created this serial were truly inspired. It is a small part of reality. If you say to
certain human beings that this exists, they will tell you that this is impossible, that
if it existed, they would know about it.

However, you do not even know one-tenth of what goes on in your world, and we
say again, fortunately for you, fortunately for life in this world, whether it be in the
completely luminous sense or in that of the dark light.”

Again, they are showing me these gates, these vortexes. It is something really
extraordinary. I see something like a circle that is very luminous. I approach, but I
know I must not because there could be some problems in my body.

“That gate has the ability to completely de-materialize you and to re-construct
you in the place you have chosen. You can only choose this place based on the
power of your mind. You do not have a button to push. Everything takes place

If I had entered this vortex, I really could have had some problems in my material
body. It would not have been destroyed or de-materialized but even during a
projection of consciousness, I would have felt the effect.

They are saying to me:

“There are some things that you must not do, even during a projection of
consciousness, because afterwards, we would have much work to repair your
mistakes, to totally repair the small or large damage that your experiences may
have generated on your bodies.”

They are also telling me:

“We have greatly developed the subject, but we know that many of you ‘hunger
for more’. We will give them ‘something to eat’ when the time comes…”

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