How To Make Your FB Ad Clickable?

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How To Make Your FB Ad Clickable?

One of the fundamental aspects of advertising is creativity. When perfectly mixed

together with resourcefulness the outcome would be exponential growth for your business.

Advertising experts have unanimously agreed that many small business owners have
turned into millionaires every month just because of how creatively and effectively they have
made their FB Ads indelible to the minds of their consumers.

Many have also agreed that because of this rapid growth of business owners turning to
Facebook for advertisements, competitions have become stiffer specifically that big brands have
also joined the bandwagon.

So how to do you make your online business stand out amidst all these competitors?
How are you going to make your FB Ads as effective as what professional copywriters are
As the competition escalates, there is the only way of beating the status quo and that is to be as
competitive as ever. So, be like a pro!

Here are some salient features you should know about when creating an effective FB Ad
that is guaranteed to boost your sales just like what professional copywriters are doing with their

1. High-performing Headline​- According to Zephoria Digital Marketing, there are 2.20 billion
monthly active users in Facebook as of the first quarter of 2018 alone and with
this figure, there is no doubt that every entrepreneur is yearning for online

So, what makes a headline high-performing is the clarity it gives to the readers of
what you want to convey. Should you want them to subscribe into something, you
must add an offer for it to be luring. If you want them to sign-up, laid out your
reasons why they should have to. All these should be in your headline.
Remember that it should be a headline that commands attention.

Now, you may ask what the best headline length is. Well, it really depends on
what you want your headline to do. However, according to a research, should
you want your ad to be effective and Google friendly, then you have to make it
less than 60 characters.

2. Body​- Advertising copies are always there to persuade, so have to make sure that it is
serving its purpose immensely. In an FB Ad copy, making it personal is the best
way to go. Aside from narrowing your audience and aiming only audiences, you
want to target keeps the message clear and effective. It means that when you
write your body; write with the customer in mind. Put yourself in their shoes and
contemplate on what you want to know as a customer this will not only keep your
message personal, but it will also be relatable, and understandable.

3. Image- ​As what basic journalism has taught to budding writers, there should always be a
marriage between the images of your story with your headline. This also goes
with your FB Ad copy, ensure that your copy goes with your visual. Choosing a
very compelling photo that helps with your headline is definitely a sure recipe of
an effective FB Ad that persuades the visual thirst of your audiences.

4. CTA (Call to Action)​- Striking and unique CTAs are the in thing with recent FB Ads
circulating online, these days. So, how do you make yours stand out? Well,
CTAs should be appealing and distinctive. It should be a killer CTA with a
purpose of telling someone what they should do. CTAs should be concise and
well-written. When writing CTA, think of the goals and the action you want your
visitor to do after reading your FB Ad or visiting your website.

Now, that you know the salient features of an FB Ad copy should have, it’s now time for
you to try your hand and make one. Be your own writer and use these tips for an effective Ad
copy that persuades and compels.

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