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Tarea B1 Parte II_desarrollo


Topic of the task: Writing

Instruction: Write a 100-word descriptive paragraph about a restaurant you recommend or

a place where you usually have coffee or go to drink.

I want to recomend a place where you can drink coffee or eat something. This place is a
restaurant called "La Hacienda", it is located at the corner of avenue Sucre and Miguel
Oviedo, and is next to "La Esquina del Coco". La Esquina del Coco is a place where there
is an old coco palmer, that survived an earthquake in 1868. For that reason this place is
historical and tradicional in Ibarra city. This restaurant is decorated as a farm an has a
wooden structure.

The design has been inspired by rural elements with the use of natural materials. This place
has the concept of slow food that means you can eat food slowly and paying attention,
valuing quality and taking into account the origin of raw materials and how this food has
been cooked.

In this place you can try sandwichs, pizzas, salads, desserts, natural juices, coffee and more.
You can visit and enjoy this place with your family and your friends.

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