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Observation and analysis

Child’s/Children’s Name/s: Reem

Date: 2/09/2019

What is the context? (Who is present, what are they doing, what happened prior to this etc.)

The children had just finished morning tea, Reem and An went to the baby care corner
to play.

What did the child/children do? (Write a detailed observation, and/or include a photograph and/or a
sample -e.g. writing or drawing - and how the child created the sample or what they were doing in the photograph)

Reem and An were in the baby centre corner when Reem told An we have two babies
and An responded back to Reem saying “Mum, we have two babies”. They picked them
up from the corner and kept the babies in a stroller and moved round the room. They
picked the babies each cuddled them and kept them in sleeping cot. Reem told An to get
their bottles while she continued to rock the baby in the cradle. As she was rocking the
babies An told her Reem she wanted to watch a movie and she told her to go ahead that
she would watch her sisters. She continuously rocked the cradle until An walked up to
her and said she was through with the movie. Reem told her it was time to go to the
saloon and they both left with a stroller each and visited the saloon.

They both moved to the beauty corner and Reem sat down while Ty acted as the
hairdresser. She began to style Reem’s hair with Reem asking her how long it will take to
finish her hair. Reem turned to the stylist at her left to gist with her then told Ty the baby
must be crying because she is hungry. An suggested giving her some water which Ty
passed to Reem to enable her to feed the baby. “She is also cold” Reem said I need to
put on her jacket. She picked a jacket and dressed the baby up. I need to go Reem said
to the hairdresser with the hairdresser responding five more minutes and I will be
finished. She was handed a mirror by Ty looked to admire herself, said thank you to the
hairdresser and let us go home to An.

What learning/ development/dispositions/relationships/interactions did I observe? How

does what is happening in this observation link to the Learning Outcomes in the Early Years Learning Framework?

Reem is confident, enthusiastic, cooperative and creative, she was able to transform the
play into real life situations and involves her peers in it. She is using words from real life
in her play hence developing her literacy. She is able to transfer her knowledge from
daily life into her play while including her peers. Reem enjoys engaging in pretend play,
her involvement in dramatic play shows that she uses play to imagine and explore ideas
and this can be linked to EYLF outcome 4 that children are confident and involved
learner. Reem engage and contribute to shared play experience and show that children
learn to interact in relation to others with care, empathy and respect as linked to EYLF
outcome 1 that children have a strong sense of identity. EYLF outcome 3 that Children
have a strong sense of wellbeing when Reem increasingly co-operated and work
collaboratively with her friends in the dramatic play Children become strong in their
social and emotional wellbeing. EYLF outcome 5 that children are effective
communicator when Reem engaged in conversation with her friends, responding to them
in conversation and expression on her face when she played in the baby centre corner
and when playing with the lego structure on the mat as she spoke to both An and Al
showing that children interact verbally and non-verbally with others in a range of

What can I do to extend the child’s learning or development and/or to promote positive
dispositions and/or build positive relationships and promote interactions?

Reem engaged in cooperative play as she engaged in dramatic play with other children, I
will create role play opportunities for her to transfer her knowledge from home to her
play. I will scaffold her funds of knowledge on real life situations and engage in
intentional teaching to extend it to other key learning areas.

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