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Egg & Spoon race

Number of Players:

What You Need:

Teaspoon; eggs - preferably hard boiled OR golf balls

A race of balance! Arrange all of the children at a start line with 1 egg and a teaspoon each. When you are
ready to start the race, ask them to place the egg onto their spoon and then place the other arm behind their
back. When you say go, the children will race - as fast as they can without the egg rolling out of the spoon - to
the finish line. If the egg falls, that child goes out. Whoever crosses the finish line with their egg still balanced
in their spoon and an arm behind their back wins.

Red Rover, Red Rover

Number of Players:

What You Need:

Lots of children

Divide the children into two equal teams and have each side line up shoulder-to-shoulder and hold hands. The
two teams should be facing each other and about 6 metres apart. The team starting the game selects a player
from the opposing team and chants "Red Rover, Red Rover, send (insert child's name) right over!" Then the
player who is selected will run and try to break through the hands of a section on the other team. A successful
breakthrough means that player gets to choose a player from the opposing team to join his or her team. If that
player fails to break through, he or she now becomes part of the opposing team. The teams take turns until
there is only one person left on the opposing team.

Treasure Hunt
Number of Players:

What You Need:


Think Easter Egg hunt - but this one is relevant year round. Just hide lollies around the yard or a certain room
in the house - using the children's age as a guide to how difficult they are to find. The small boxes or
individually wrapped lollies tend to work best. Small boxes of Smarties are always a winner! Just tell then
children when to start and the games not over until the last lolly is found. TIP: provide each child with a lunch
bag or similar and print their name on it. This will save discussions later on which bag/treasures belong to

Number of Players:

What You Need:

Music; enough chairs for each child

The chairs are set up in two rows back to back (one chair less than the number of players). The music is turned
on, and the players walk around the chairs. When the music stops the players race to sit in the available
chairs. The player left standing is taken out of the game. The players all stand again and a chair is removed.
The music is started and the walk around the chairs begins again. This procedure is continued until only one
person remains. This person is the winner.

Tug of War
Number of Players:

What You Need:

A rope - longer is better

Split the children and adults evenly on either side of the rope. It works best with the smaller/weaker players
towards the middle and the stronger players at the ends. Find a spot on the ground to mark as the middle. The
objective is for one team to pull the other over the mark on the ground. To start, someone yells "GO" and
everyone starts pulling as hard as they can....until one team crumbles and they're all pulled across the line.

Hula Hoopla Game

After splitting into two teams have girls line up in two lines. Have each member of a
team hold hands and tell them not to let go.  Teams then try and get the hula hoop
from one end of the line to the other and then back again without letting go of their
hands.  This birthday party game is silly and fun!

Silly Race Games

Divide girls into 2 groups for these games and have them race by:
Holding balloons Between their knees
Jumping rope singing happy birthday
Balancing an object on head
Holding a balloon between two team members heads
Balancing a small ball on their feet
Skipping backwards
Bouncing a ball
Once they master the forward races, have them do them backwards!

Limbo Game
Two older kids or adults hold a pole or broomstick at child's height. Start the music
and have the children bend backwards and walk under the pole without touching it.
After each round lower the pole an inch or two. If a player touches the pole, they
are out. Game Variation:  Instead of a pole use something from your birthday party
theme: Pirate Limbo - hold a play sword; Fairy Party - hold a magic wand.  

To play this game one person will have to stand in the middle, while the others create a
circle of chairs. Then each choose a chair to sit on. The speaker in the middle will say
something like, "If you're wearing blue move to the right." Players then move to the right.
However, if someone is not wearing blue they stay in there seat, and somebody ends up
sitting on their lap! It ends up being a blast!  Make up a lot of questions beforehand ... here
are some examples:  If you have brown hair move to the right.   If your eyes are blue move
to the left.  If you hate spinach move to the left.  If you think  "_____" (insert boys name) is
cute move to the right.  If you've traveled out of the country move to the left. 

Truth or Dare Game

Truth or dare game - Sit in a circle and ask each other truth questions.  If the person you ask doesn't
want to answer the question then they must do the dare.  We've made a fun list of free clean (rated
G) truth or dare game questions for you to print out for the sleepover.  Free truth and dare game

Have you ever lied for truth in Truth or Dare?  *

What's the stupidest crush you've had?  *
If you won 1,000,000 dollars in the lottery what would you do with the money? *

What is your dream job? *

If you could be a boy for the day, would you and why?
If you only had 1 day to live, what would you do?
What super power would you like to have and why?
What is the strangest dream you ever had?
Worst gift you have ever received?
Name one person in the room you would least like to be stuck with on a desert
island.  Why?
If you could make one person in the room your slave for a day who would it be?
What is the meanest thing you've ever done?
Who was your first crush?
Have you ever cheated to win a game?
Have you ever said something out loud that you your were thinking without
realizing you said it out loud?  What was it?
Have you ever kissed a boy?
Worst birthday party gift you ever got?
What was your most embarrassing moment?
Who is the ugliest guy you've ever dated?
Have you ever had a crush on your friends boyfriend?
Have you ever stolen anything?
Have you ever talked behind the back of someone in the room?
What is one annoying habit of each person in the room?
Have you ever lied to a teacher and what was it about?
Worst grade you ever got on a paper?
Most embarrassing thing anyone has ever said to you?
Have you ever broken anything of someone else's and not told the person?
If you were on a deserted island what two people would you bring and why?
What is the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you at the mall?
Who do you have a crush on?
What do you like the most about everyone in the room?
Have you ever fallen asleep in class?
Have you ever played sick because you didn't want to see a friend?
Do you sneak snacks when your Mom isn't looking?
Do you sleep with a nightlight?
Did you brush your teeth this morning?
If you were a movie star which one would it be?  Act it out.
Are you afraid of the dark?
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal or blankie?
What animal do you want and what would you name it?
What are you going to name your kids when you get married?  How many?
What does your Mom do for you that she would do for a little kid?  (Cut your meat,
tie your shoes, etc.)
Have you ever got the giggles in an inappropriate place?  Where and When?
If you had to choose between _________ and _________ who would you go out
with?  (Fill in blanks with boys names)
What is the funniest thing that has happened to you at school?
What little kids shows do you watch that no one knows about?
Have you ever walked in your sleep?
Who was the last note that you got from and what did it say?  Read it aloud.
Have you ever gotten caught passing notes in class?  Did the teacher read it out
Have you ever slipped and fallen at school?
Have you ever held hands with a boy?
What was your last dream about?
If you had $100.00 what would you do with it?
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
What's the dumbest thing you ever said or did around a boy you liked?
If your friends could change one thing about you what do you think it would be?
If you were an animal which one would you be?  Why?
If you had to go down the street to the end of the block at midnight would you
have to take a friend or could you do it by yourself?
Have you ever played ding-dong-ditch and gotten caught?
Have you ever said something you wish you could take back?  What was it?
What are 3 things about you that no one in the room knows?
Would you go to school in a Minnie Mouse costume for $50.00?
Do you still play dress up?
Who is not your friend now that you wish was still your friend?
Do you still play Barbies?
What is your secret wish?
What was the worst day of your life?
What was the best day of your life?
Have you ever started a rumor about someone?  What was it?
If you could have bought any special gift for a birthday party what would it be?
Dare Ideas
Sit on the lap of the person on your right for the rest of the game! *
Pour a cup of ice cold or hot water on yourself outside *
Stand outside with a sign that says "Honk if I'm Cute!" *
Jump on one leg for 20 seconds with both hands on your head. *
Dance Crazy *
Run around wearing socks on your hands, pants for a shirt and a shirt for pant for
3 minutes. *
Call your crush and sing "I can't help falling in love with you" to him.  *
Stand in you front yard, wave and say 'Hi!' to everyone you see.  *
Call your crush and explain the rules of monopoly to him.*
Try licking your elbow while singing the alphabet *
Wrap yourself up in toilet paper and take a picture.
Prank call your crush and sing .. " I can't help falling in love with you". *
Go outside and check the mailbox.
You must ask the group for permission to use the bathroom for the rest of the
Exchange a clothing item with the person on your right.
Whenever someone says "like" you must say " there you go again" for the next
Dance crazy with no music.
For the duration of the game you must yell out exclamations randomly.
Take the person on your right on a piggy back ride around the room.
Go outside and tell the first person you see that you like/love/hate them.
Have the person on your right do your hair any way they want and you have to
keep it like that for the rest of the game.
Say "hippity hop" after anything you or anyone says for the next 10 minutes.
Circle around each person in the room 5 times each.*
Everything you say for the next 15 minutes must be sung to the tune of "Happy
Dance around the room singing a Hannah Montana song chosen by the person on
your right.
Smell the feet of everyone in the room and rank them from best to worst.
Sing "I love you, you love me" from Barney with all the motions.
Prank call your crush and ask his favorite color.
Skip down the street singing "Mary had a little lamb".
Say the pledge of allegiance in your most un-favorite teachers voice.
Eat a teaspoon of either mustard, soy sauce or hot sauce.
Eat a bite out of a sandwich made from each person choosing one ingredient to put
on the sandwich.
Have the person to the left of you do your makeup ... blindfolded.
Stand on your head for 1 minute.
Find 3 stuffed animals and have a pretend tea party or birthday party.
Make up a new dance and teach it to the group.
Run down the street in your pj's
Ask a neighbor for a roll of toilet paper.
Show everything that is in your purse.
Read the last note you received out loud.
Call Walmart and ask if you can use their dressing room to try on a pair of jeans
you received as a gift.
Have the group paint your fingernails any way they want to.
Whenever anyone says "like" you have to say "honk honk" for the next 30 minutes.
Play "This little piggy went to market" on everyones toes.
Go to the hosts and say "thank you for a lovely time".
Pretend hosts dog (pet) is your crush and ask him out on a date.
Name the seven dwarfs.
Go outside with a sign that says "I'm a Dork".
Prank call your Mom.
Wrap yourself up as a birthday party present.
Chug a soda in 10 seconds.
Mimic your friend and her boyfriend.
Pretend to be the person on your right for 10 minutes.
Eat a mouthful of crackers and then try and whistle.
Pretend that you are underwater for the next 10 minutes.
Take a balloon outside and try and set it free. 
Text everyone you know and say "I rock!"
Call your brother or sister and tell them how great they are.
Do your best ballet dance.
Build a tower out of anything you can find until it is taller then you are.
After everything you say add "Whoa ... I'm good!" for the next 15 minutes.

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