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Cecilia Nardulli

Semester 3 POP Cycle

Lesson Plan

Lesson Objective
Students will focus on how minority groups take action against discrimination and social
problems by identifying contradictions of progressivism, combating prejudice and safeguarding
rights, progress towards Civil Rights, how minority groups demanded reform, and influential
figures during this time who contributed to reform.
California State Standard addressed/ TPE addressed
11.2 Students analyze the relationship among the rise of industrialization, largescale rural-to-
urban migration, and massive immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe.
11.2.3 Trace the effect of the Americanization movement.
11.2.9 Understand the effect of political programs and activities of the Progressives.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.11-12.7 Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information

presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, as well as in words) in
order to address a question or solve a problem.)

Instructional Procedures
1. Anticipatory Set
Teacher will recap important events/ historical figures from the lesson series during a brief
image slideshow. Students will have notes out from previous lessons from this unit to use as
a review. Students will participate in a classroom discussion on the various topics learned
over this lesson series.

2. Perceived Objective and Purpose

Students will respond to a reflection prompt asking students to reflect on why learning about
events that impacted minority groups and efforts towards progress be important in their life
today. The purpose of responding to these reflection questions is to evaluate if students
understood/met the learning goals of this lesson series. Students will be required to use
lesson series notes and online resources to help formulate their responses. Students will share
their reflections on to creatively share their writing and images pertaining to the

3. Input
To successfully accomplish today’s activity students will need to participate in today’s
classroom discussion, and walked through how to post a Padlet discussion prompt, respond
to the reflection questions, and create their own discussion post. The lesson is designed to
prepare students to accomplish each of these activities successfully. This lesson encourages
critical thinking, research skills, making connections between content and personal lives.

4. Modeling
I will model the steps to making and using a Padlet to student by presenting the layout of a
Padlet response and the different tools/ resources that can be used using this digital tool.
5. Checking for Understanding
I will check for understanding throughout the lesson during the classroom discussion on the
lesson. I will also monitor student progress and understanding while students work on
responding to the reflection questions and while students create Padlet response post.

6. Guided Practice
I will walk students though a Padlet post by going over in during today’s lesson and showing
them how to briefly create their own post.

7. Independent Practice
Students will then be asked to complete a Padlet in pairs after reflection responses have been

Students will end by reading and commenting on other Padlet discussion posts, students will
share out their reflection responses and share their Padlet with their peers. As a class, we will
engage in classroom discussion on reflection presentations.
*Create a Padlet account: (Use your school email and password, very easy )

*Join my Padlet discussion board.

This is what you will see when you join my Padlet:

Once you are logged in, please click on the

This will pop up:

1. Please add a Title, you can use: The Struggle Against Discrimination or something creative that pertains to
this topic.
2. Then, answer the 3 questions:
• Question 1: How did minority groups take action against discrimination and social problems?
• Question 2: Why would learning about the events that impacted minority groups and efforts towards
progress be important to your life today?
• Question 3: What types of connections could you make from this lesson to events in today's world?

Use your notes from this lesson series AND include additional online sources to support your responses.
Cite resources that you used below your responses.

3. ADD 1-2 images that support what your post. Be creative!

This is what it will look like:

4. Read through the other discussion posts and comment on at least 1 post. When you get a comment on
your post, reply to your peers!

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