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Article 1458 under the contract.

The parties will have these obligations

even without Article 1458.
Effect of absence of price/nonpayment of price.
(1) There can be no sale without a price. (see Art. 1474.) Spouses exchanged their properties for no par shares of a
Technically, the cause in sale is, as to the seller, the buyer’s corporation as a result of which they gained control of the
promise to pay the price, and as to the buyer, the seller’s corporation.
promise to deliver the thing sold. A contract of sale is void Facts: Spouses H & W, stockholders of DT Corporation,
and produces no effect whatsoever where the same is without conveyed to said DT a parcel of land leased to E, in exchange
cause or consideration (Art. for 2,500 shares of stock equivalent to 55% majority in the
1409[3].) in that the purchase price, which appears thereon as corporation. E questioned the transaction on the ground that it
paid, has, in fact, never been paid by the buyer to the seller. was not given the first option to buy the leased property
Such sale is nonexistent and cannot be considered pursuant to
consummated Where the figures referred to by the buyer as the proviso in the lease agreement.
prices are mere estimates given them by the seller of the
condominium units in question, the transaction lacks an Issue: Is the “deed of exchange” a contract of sale which, in
essential requisite for the perfection of the contract of sale. effect, prejudiced E’s right of first refusal over the leased
(2) Non-payment of the purchase price is a resolutory
condition for which the remedy is either rescission or specific Held: No. In effect, DT Corporation is a business conduit of
performance under Article 1191 of the Civil Code. It H and W. What they really did was to invest their properties
constitutes a very good reason to rescind a sale, for it violates and change the nature of their ownership from unincorporated
the very essence of the contract of sale. to incorporated form by organizing DT to take control of their
But the failure to pay the price in full within a fixed period properties and at the same time save on inheritance taxes. The
does not, by itself, dissolve a contract of sale in the absence of deed of exchange cannot be considered a contract of sale.
any agreement that payment on time is essential. or There was no transfer of actual ownership interests by H and
make it null and void for lack of consideration, but results at W to a third party. They merely changed their ownership from
most in default on the part of the vendee for which the vendor one form to another. The ownership remained in the same
may exercise his legal remedies. It is incumbent upon the hands.
partychallenging the recital of a notarized deed of sale that the Hence, E has no basis for its claim of a right of first refusal
vendorhas received the purchase price to prove his claim with under the lease contract. (2) Where transfer of ownership not
clear andconvincing evidence. A notarized document is intended by the parties. —
evidence of high character. (Diaz vs. Court of Appeals, 145 A contract for the sale or purchase of goods/commodity to be
SCRA 346 [1986].) An action to declare a contract void or delivered at a future time, if entered into without the intention
inexistent does not of having any goods/commodity pass from one party to
prescribe. (Art. 1410.) another, but with an understanding that at the appointed time,
the purchaser is merely to receive or pay the difference
Transfer of title to property for a price, between the contract and the market prices, is illegal. Such
essence of sale. contract falls under the definition of what is called “futures”
in which the parties merely gamble on the rise or fall in prices
(1) Obligations to deliver and to pay. — The transfer of title and is declared null and void by law.4
to property or agreement to transfer title for a price actually
paid or promised, not a mere physical transfer of the property, Kinds of contract of sale.
is the essence of sale. But neither is the delivery of the thing
bought nor the payment of the price necessary for the (1) As to presence or absence of conditions. — A sale may
perfection of the contract of sale. Being consensual, it is be either:
perfected by mere consent. (See Art. 1475.) However, where
the seller can no longer deliver the object of the sale to the (a) Absolute. — where the sale is not subject to any condition
buyer because the latter has already acquired title and delivery whatsoever and where title passes to the buyer upon delivery
thereof from the rightful owner, such contract may be deemed of the thing sold. Thus, it has been held that a deed of sale is
to be inoperative and may thus fall, by analogy, under Article absolute in nature although denominated as a “Deed of
1409(5) of the Civil Code: “those which contemplate an Conditional Sale” in the absence of any stipulation that the
impossible service,’’ since delivery of ownership is no longer title to the property sold is reserved in the vendor until full
possible. It is only upon the existence of the contract of sale payment of the purchase price nor a stipulation giving the
that the seller is obligated to transfer ownership to the buyer vendor the right to unilaterally rescind the contract the
and the buyer, to pay the purchase price to the seller. In moment the vendee fails to pay within a fixed period. In such
defining the contract of sale, Article 1458 merely specifies the case, ownership ofthe property sold passes to the vendee upon
obligations of the parties to transferownership and to pay the actual or constructive delivery thereof. (see Art. 1497.)
Payment of the purchase price is not essential to the transfer to sell (or of “exclusive right and privilege to purchase”),
of ownership as long as the property sold has been delivered. where it is stipulated that ownership in the thing shall not pass
Such delivery (see Art. 1497.) operates to divest the vendor of to the purchaser until he has fully paid the price (Art. 1478.),
title to the property which may not be regained or recovered ownership is reserved in the seller and is not to pass until the
until and unless the contract is resolved or rescinded in full payment of
accordance with law or the purchase price. In the absence of such stipulation,
especially where the buyer took possession of the property
(b) Conditional. — where the sale contemplates a upon execution of the contract, indicates that what the parties
contingency (Arts. 1461, 1462, par. 2; Art. 1465.), and in contemplated is a contract of absolute sale.
general, where the contract is subject to certain conditions
(see Art. 1503, par. 1.), usually, in the case of the vendee, the (2) Payment of price. — In the first case, non-payment of the
full payment of the agreed purchase price (Art. 1478and in the price is a negative resolutory condition (see Art. 1179.), and
case of the vendor, the fulfillment of certain warranties, e.g., the remedy of the seller is to exact fulfillment or to rescind the
the timely eviction of squatters on the property sold. In sales contract (see Arts. 1191, 1592.), while in the second case, full
with assumption of mortgage, the assumption of mortgage is a payment is a positive suspensive condition, the failure of
condition to the seller-mortgagor’s consent to the sale so that which is not a breach, casual or serious, of the contract but
without approval by the mortgagee no sale is perfected and simply an event that prevents the obligation of the vendor to
the seller remains the owner and mortgagor of the subject convey title from acquiring binding force Where the seller
property with the right to redeem in the case of foreclosure. promises to execute a deed of absolute sale upon full payment
However, a sale denominated as a “Deed of Conditional of the purchase price, the agreement is a contract to sell.
Sale’’ is still absolute where the contract is devoid of any
proviso that title is reserved or the right to unilaterally rescind (3) Ownership of vendor. — Being contraries, their effect in
is stipulated, e.g., until or unless the price is paid. The law cannot be identical. In the first case, the vendor has lost
delivery of the thing sold does not transfer title until and cannot recover the ownership of the thing sold and
the condition is fulfilled. Where the condition is imposed, delivered, actually or constructively (see Art. 1497.), until and
instead, upon the perfection of the contract the failure of such unless the contract of sale itself is resolved and set aside. In
condition would prevent such perfection or the juridical the second case, however, the title remains in the vendor if the
relation itself from coming into existence. vendee does not comply with the condition precedent of
If the condition is imposed on an obligation of a party (e.g., making payment at the time specified in the contract. There is
ejection by the vendor of squatters within a certain period no actual sale until and unless full payment of the price is and
before delivery of property) not upon the perfection of the a contract of sale is entered into to consummate the sale. If the
contract itself, which is not complied with, the other party vendor should eject the vendee for failure to meet the
may either refuse to proceed or waive said condition. (see Art. condition precedent he is enforcing the contract and not
1545; The stipulation that the “payment of the full rescinding it. Article 1191 5 is not applicable. A contract to
consideration [of a parcel of land] shall be due and payable in sell is commonly entered into so as to protect the seller
five (5) years from the execution of a formal deed of sale’’ is against a buyer who intends
not a condition which affects the efficacy of the contract of to buy a property in installments by withholding ownership
sale. It merely provides the manner by which the full over the property until the buyer effects full payment
consideration is to be computed and the time within which the therefore. A stipulation in a contract providing for automatic
same is to be paid. Similarly, the mere fact that the obligation rescissionupon non-payment of the purchase price within the
of the buyer to pay the balance of the purchase price was stipulated period is valid. (see Art. 1191.) It is in the nature of
made subject to the condition that the seller first deliver the an agreement granting a party the right to rescind a contract
reconstituted title of the house and lot sold does not make the unilaterally in case of breach without need of going to court.
contract a contract to sell for such condition is not
inconsistent with a contract of sale [2000].) ILLUSTRATIVE CASES:
(2) Other kinds. — There are, of course, other kinds of sale 1. Vendor “sells, transfers, and conveys” a land to the vendee
depending on one’s point of view, e.g., as to the nature of the who may sell or assign the land prior to full payment of all
subject matter (real or personal, tangible or intangible), as to installments.
manner of payment of the price (cash or installment), as to its Facts: The dispositive part of a deed entitled “Deed of Sale
validity (valid, rescissible, unenforceable, void), of Real Property” states: “for and in consideration of the sum
of P140,000, payable under the terms and conditions stated in
Contract of sale and contract to sell the foregoing premises, the VENDOR sells, transfers and con-
with reserved title distinguished. 5Art. 1191. The power to rescind obligations is implied in
At this stage, it would be desirable to point out that there are reciprocal ones, in case
distinctions between the two contracts. one of the obligors should not comply with what is incumbent
upon him. The injured party may choose between the
(1) Transfer of title. — In a contract of sale, title passes to fulfillment and the rescission of the
the buyer upon delivery of the thing sold, while in a contract obligation, with the payment of damages in either case. He
may also seek rescission, even after he has chosen fulfillment, 1983 by a corporation which was not a party to the
if the latter should become impossible. contract, with a bank not agreed upon, and was not
The court shall decree the rescission claimed, unless there be irrevocable and unconditional, for it was without recourse and
just cause authorizing the fixing of a period. stipulated certain conditions.
This is understood to be without prejudice to the rights of In his complaint, B, private respondent, prayed for judgment
third persons who have acquired the thing, in accordance with ordering S, petitioner corporation, to comply with the contract
Articles 1385 and 1388 and the Mortgage Law. and to pay damages.
(1124)conveys unto the VENDEE x x x” the property in Issue: Is the transaction between S and B a mere contract to
question as of December 22, 1971, the date of said sell or promise to sell, and not a contract of sale?
document.” In paragraph 5 thereof, it is provided that “should Held: (1) The contract is not one of sale. — “The petitioner
the VENDEE prior to the full payment of all the amounts corporation’s obligation to sell is unequivocally subject to a
aforementioned, decide to sell or to assign part or all of the positive suspensive condition, i.e., the private respondent’s
aforementioned parcel of land, the VENDOR shall be opening, making or indorsing of an irrevocable and
informed inwriting and shall have the option to repurchase the unconditional letter of credit. The former agreed to deliver the
property x x x. Should the VENDOR herein decide to scrap iron only upon payment of the purchase price by means
repurchase and the property is sold or transferred to a third of an irrevocable and unconditional letter of credit. Otherwise
person, the balance of the consideration herein still due to the stated, the contract is not one of sale where the buyer acquired
VENDOR shall constitute automatically a prior lien on the ownership over the property subject to the resolutory
consideration to be paid by the third person to herein condition that the purchase price would be paid after delivery.
VENDEE.” Thus, there was to be no actual sale until the opening, making
Issue: Is the above instrument a contract to sell? or indorsing of the irrevocable and unconditional letter of
Held: credit. Since what
No. (1) Title to land transferred to vendee. — “It is a obtains in the case at bar is a mere promise to sell, the failure
deedof sale in which title to the subject land was transferred of the private respondent to comply with the positive
to the vendee as of the date of the transaction, suspensive condition cannot even be considered a breach —
notwithstanding that the purchase price had not yet been fully casual or serious — but simply an event that prevented the
paid at that time. obligation of petitioner corporation to convey title from
Under the first-cited stipulation, what is deferred is not the acquiring binding force.”
transfer of ownership but the full payment of the purchase (2) The obligation of the petitioner corporation to sell did
price, which is to be made in installments, on the dates not arise. — “Consequently, the obligation of the petitioner
indicated. corporation to sell did not arise; it, therefore, cannot be
Under the second stipulation, it is recognized that the vendee compelled by specific performance to comply with its
may sell the property even ‘prior to full payment of all the prestation. In short, Article 1191 of the Civil Code does not
amounts aforementioned,’ which simply means that although apply; on the contrary, pursuant to Article 1597 of the Civil
the purchase price had not yet been completely paid, the Code, the petitioner corporation may totally rescind, as it did
vendee had already become the owner of the land. As such, he in this case, the contract.’’
could sell the same subject to the right of repurchase reserved Since the refusal of petitioner to deliver the scrap iron was
to the vendor.” founded on the “non-fulfillment by the private respondent of a
suspensive condition,’’ it cannot be held liable for damages.
(2) Right of vendor where land sold by vendee. — “In fact, Romero, J., dissenting:
the contract also provides for the possibility of the vendee
selling the property to a third person, in which case the (1) The contract reached the stage of perfection. —
vendor, if she wishes to repurchase the land, shall have a lien “Evidently, the distinction between a contract to sell and a
on any balance of the consideration to be paid by the third contract of sale is crucial in this case. Article 1458 has this
person to the vendee.” definition: x x x. Article 1475 gives the significance of this
2. The sale of scrap iron is subject to the condition that the mutual undertaking of the parties, thus: x x x. Thus, when the
buyer will open a letter of credit in favor of the seller for parties entered into thecontract entitled “Purchase and Sale of
P250,000.00 on or before May 15, 1983. Scrap Iron” on May 1, 1983, the contract reached the stage of
Facts: In May 1, 1983, B (buyer) and S (seller) entered into a perfection, there being a meeting of the minds upon the object
contract entitled “Purchase and Sale of Scrap Iron” whereby S which is the subject matter of the contract and the price which
bound itself to sell the scrap iron upon the fulfillment by B of is the consideration.
his obligation to make or indorse an irrevocable and Applying Article 1475 from that moment, the parties may
unconditional letter of credit not later than May 15, 1983.On reciprocally demand performance of the obligations
May 17, 1983, B, through his men, started to dig and gather incumbent upon
scrap iron at S’s premises. S cancelled the contract because of them, i.e., delivery by the vendor and payment by the vendee.
B’s alleged non-compliance with the essential preconditions
among which is the opening of the letter of credit. It appeared (2) The seller has placed the goods in the control and
that the opening of the letter of credit was made on May 26, possession of the vendee. — From the time the seller gave
access to the buyer to enter his premises, manifesting no suspensive condition, because in a conditional contract of
objection thereto but even sending 18 or 20 people to start the sale, the first element of consent is present, although it is
operation, he has placed the goods in the control and conditioned upon the happening of a contingent event which
possession of the vendee and delivery is effected. For, may or may not occur. If the suspensive
according to Article 1497, “The thing sold condition is not fulfilled, the perfection of the contract of sale
shall be understood as delivered when it is placed in the is completely abatedHowever, if the suspensive condition is
control and possession of the vendee.” fulfilled, the contract of sale is thereby perfected, such that if
(3) That payment of the price in any form was not yet there had already been previous delivery of the property
effected is immaterial to the transfer of ownership. — subject of the sale to the buyer, ownership thereto
“That payment of the price in any form was not yet effected is automatically transfers to the buyer by operation of law
immaterial to the transfer of the right of ownership. In a without any further act having to be performed by the seller.
contract of sale, the nonpayment of the price is a resolutory In a contract to sell, upon the fulfillment of the suspensive
condition which extinguishes the transaction that, for a time, condition which is the full payment of the purchase price,
existed and discharges the obligations created thereunder. x x ownership will not automatically transfer to the buyer
x. “Consequently, in a contract of sale, after delivery of the although the property may have been previously delivered to
object of the contract has been made, the seller loses him. The prospective seller still has to convey title to the
ownership and cannot recover the same, unless the contract is prospective buyer by entering into a contract of absolute sale
rescinded. But in the contract to sell, the seller retains to consummate the transaction.
ownership and the buyer’s failure to pay cannot even be
considered a breach, whether casual or substantial, but an (2) Sale of subject property to a third person. — It is
event that prevented the seller’s duty to transfer title to the essential to distinguish between a contract to sell and a
object of the contract.” conditional contractof sale specially in cases where the
subject property is sold by theowner not to the party the seller
(4) The transaction is an absolute contract of sale and not contracted with, but to a thirdperson. In a contract to sell,
a contract to sell. — “The phrase in the contract ‘on the there being no previous sale of the property, a third person
following terms and conditions’ is standard form which is not buying such property despite the fulfillment of the suspensive
to be construed as imposing a condition, whether suspensive condition such as the full payment
or resolutory, in the sense of the happening of a future and of the purchase price, for instance, cannot be deemed a buyer
uncertain event upon which an obligation is made to depend. in bad faith and the prospective buyer cannot seek the relief of
There must be a manifest understanding that the agreement is reconveyance of the property. There is no double sale in such
in what may be referred to as “suspended animation” pending case. Title to the property will transfer to the buyer after
compliance registration because there is no defect in the owner-seller’s
with provisions regarding payment. The reservation of title to title per se, but the latter, of course, may be sued for damages
the object of the contract in the seller is one such by the intending buyer.In a conditional contract of sale,
manifestation. however, upon the fulfilment of the suspensive condition, the
Hence, it has been decided in the case of Dignos vs. Court of sale becomes absolute and this will definitely affect the
Appeals (158 SCRA 375 [1988].) that, absent a proviso in the seller’s title thereto. In fact, if there had been previous
contract that the title to the property is reserved in the vendor delivery of the subject property, the seller’s ownership or title
until full payment of the purchase price or a stipulation giving to the property is automatically transferred to the buyer, such
the vendor the right to unilaterally rescind the contract that the seller will no longer have any title to transfer to any
themoment the vendee fails to pay within the fixed period, the third person. Applying Article 1544 of the Civil Code, such
transaction is an absolute contract of sale and not a contract to second buyer of the property who may have had actual or
sell.” constructive knowledge of such defect in the seller’s title, or
at least was charged with the obligation to discover such
Contract to sell and conditional sale defect, cannot be a registrant in good faith. Such second buyer
distinguished. cannot defeat the first buyer’s title. In case a title is issued to
A contract to sell may be defined as a bilateral contract the second buyer, the first 6A prior contract to sell made by a
whereby the prospective seller, while expressly reserving the decedent during his lifetime prevails over a subsequent sale
ownership of the subject property despite delivery thereof to made by an administrator without probate court approval. The
the prospective buyer, binds himself to sell the said property estate is
exclusively to the prospective buyer upon fulfillment of the bound to convey the property upon full payment of the
condition agreed upon, that is, full payment of the purchase consideration buyer may seek reconveyance of the property
price. subject of the sale.

(1) Transfer of title to the buyer. — A contract to sell as Other cases of contract to sell.
defined above may not even be considered as a conditional (1) Where the subject matter is not determinate (Arts. 1458,
contract of sale where the seller may likewise reserve title to 1460.) or the price is not certain (Art. 1458.), the agreement is
the property subject of the sale until the fulfillment of the merely a contract to sell. For purposes of the perfection of a
contract of sale (see Art. 1475.), there certain that the thing itself (winning a prize) will exist, much
is already a price certain where the determination of the price less its quantity and quality.
is left to the judgment of a specified person or persons (see (2) In the first, the contract deals with a future thing,
Art. 1469, par. 1.), and notwithstanding that such while in the second, the contract relates to a thing which
determination has yet to be made. exists or is present — the hope or expectancy.
(2) A sale of future goods (see Art. 1462.) even though the (3) In the first, the sale is subject to the condition that the
contract is in the form of a present sale operates as a contract thing should exist, so that if it does not, there will be no
to sell the goods. contract by reason of the absence of an essential element.
(3) Where the stipulation of the parties is that the deed of sale On the other hand, the second produces effect even though the
and corresponding certificate of sale would be issued only thing does not come into existence because the object of the
after full payment of the purchase price, the contract entered contract is the hope itself, unless it is a vain hope or
into is a contract to sell and not a contract of sale It has been expectancy (like the sale of a falsified sweepstake ticket
held that the act of the vendor of delivering the which can never win).
possession of the property (land) to the vendee
contemporaneous with the contract (deed of sale in a private Presumption in case of doubt.
instrument) was an indication that an absolute contract of sale In case of doubt, the presumption is in favor of emptio rei
was intended bythe parties and not a contract to sell speratae which is more in keeping with the commutative
character of the contract. (see 10 Manresa 29-30.)
Seller ofinterest in a business claims the profits derived by Buyer executed a surety bond in favor of seller to secure
business before the price thereof was fixed by appraisers payment of the balance of purchase price of iron ore, which
designated by the parties in the contract. balance shall be paid out of amount derived from sale by
Facts: S sold to B his interest in a company, the price to be buyer of the iron ore.
ascertained by three (3) appraisers. After six (6) months, the Facts: S embarked upon the exploration and development
appraisers rendered their report at which time S signed a of mining claims belonging to B. Later, they executed a
document whereby he acknowledged receipt of the price document wherein S transferred to B all of S’s rights and
arrived at and relinquished any claim that he had in the interest over the 24,000 tons of iron ore, “more or less” that S
business. Thereport of the appraisers did not contain any had already extracted from the mineral claims in
segregation of the assets of the business from the accumulated consideration of a down payment of P10,000.00, and the
profits. S is now claiming the profits from B from the time of balance of P65,000.00 which will be paid out of the “first
the execution of the sale to the time he acknowledged receipt shipment of iron ore and of the first amount derived from the
of the price on the ground that before the price was fixed by local sale of iron ore made” from said claims, which amount
the appraisers, the contract was not a sale but merely a was secured by a surety bond executed by B in favor of S.
contract to sell. No sale of the approximately 24,000 tons of iron ore had been
Issue: Is this contention of S tenable? made nor had the P65,000.00 been paid.
Held: No. The contract of sale is perfected when the parties Issue: Is the obligation of B to pay the remaining
agree upon the thing sold and upon the price (see Art. 1475.), P65,000.00subordinated to the sale or shipment of the oreas a
it being sufficient for the price to be certain that its condition precedent?
determination be left to the judgment of a specified person. Held: No. A contract of sale is normally commutative and
onerous (see Art. 1458.): not only does each one of the parties
Sale of thing expected and sale of hope assume a correlative obligation (the seller to deliver and
itself distinguished. transfer ownership of the thing sold and the buyer to pay the
price), but such party anticipates performance by the other
Emptio rei speratae (sale of thing expected) is the sale of a from the very start.
thing not yet in existence subject to the condition that the (1) Contingent character of obligation to pay must clearly
thing will exist and on failure of the condition, the contract appear. — Where in a sale, the obligation of one party can be
becomes ineffective and hence, the buyer has no obligation to lawfully subordinated to an uncertain event, so that the other
pay the price. On the understands that he assumes that risk of receiving nothing for
other hand, emptio spei is the sale of the hope itself that the what he gives as in the case of a sale of hopes or expectations
thing will come into existence, where it is agreed that the (emptio spei), it is not in the usual course of business to do so,
buyer will pay the price even if the thing does not eventually hence, the contingent character of the obligation must clearly
exist. appear.
(1) In emptio rei speratae, the future thing is certain as to (2) Surety bond negates such contingent character. — In the
itself but uncertain as to its quantity and quality. Such sale is case at bar, nothing is found in the record to evidence that S
subject tothe condition that the thing will come into existence desired or assumed to run the risk of losing his rights over the
(see Art. 1545,par. 2.), whatever its quantity or quality. In ore without getting paid for it, or that B understood that S
emptio spei (like the sale of a sweepstake ticket), it is not assumed any such risk. This is proven by the fact that S
insisted on a bond by a surety company to guarantee payment from that which was really executed. Its requisites are (a) an
of the P65,000.00; and the fact that B did put up such bond outward declaration of will different from the will of the
indicates that he admitted the definite existence of his parties;
obligation to pay the balance of P65,000.00. (b) the false appearance must have been intended by
mutual agreement; and
(c) the purpose is to deceive third persons.
Article 1468 (The fact that the seller continues to pay realty taxes on the
land sold even after the execution of the contract to sell does
Sale distinguished from lease. not necessarily prove ownership, much less simulation of said
In the lease of things, one of the parties binds himself to give contract.
to another the enjoyment or use of a thing for a price certain The non-payment of the price does not prove simulation; at
and for a period which may be definite or indefinite. (Art. most, it gives the seller the right to sue for collection.
1643.) In otherwords, in a lease, the landlord or lessor Generally, in a contract of sale, payment of the price is a
transfers merely the temporary possession and enjoyment of resolutory condition and the remedy of the seller is to exact
the thing leased. In a sale, the seller transfers ownership of the fulfillment or, in case of a substantial breach, to rescind the
thing sold. contract. The non-payment of the price by the supposed
buyer, a minor, when taken into account together with the
Sale distinguished from dation in payment. many intrinsic defects of the deed of sale, may, however,
Dation in payment (or dacion en pago) is the alienation of show that the price is simulated, making the sale void.
property to the creditor in satisfaction of a debt in money. (see
Art. 1619.) It is governed by the law on sales. (Art. 1245.) As
such the essential elements of a contract of sales, namely,
consent: object certain, and cause or
considerations, must be present.
The distinctions are the following:
(1) In sale, there is no preexisting credit, while in dation in
payment, there is;
(2) In sale, obligations are created, while in dation in
payment,obligations are extinguished;
(3) In sale, the cause is the price paid, from the viewpoint of
the seller, or the thing sold, from the viewpoint of the buyer,
while in dation in payment, the extinguishment of the debt,
from the viewpoint of the debtor, or the object acquired in lieu
of the credit, from the viewpoint of the creditor;11
(4) In sale, there is more freedom in fixing the price than in
dation in payment; and
(5) In sale, the buyer has still to pay the price, while in dation
in payment, the payment is received by the debtor before the
contract is perfected. (see 10 Manresa 16-17.)
11What actually takes place in dation in payment is an
objective novation of the obligation where the thing offered as
an accepted equivalent of the performance of an obligation is
considered as the purchase price. (see Art. 1291[1], Civil

S owes B P10,000.00. To pay his debt, S, with the consent of
B, delivers a specific television set. If the value of the
television set, however, is only P8,000.00, S is still liable for
P2,000.00 unless the parties have considered the conveyance
as full payment.

Article. 1471
(3) Simulation occurs when an apparent contract is a
declaration of a fictitious will deliberately made by
agreement of the parties, in order to produce, for the
purpose of deception, the appearance of a juridical act which
does not exist or is different

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