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My brother Michael used to be … teacher in … village school near …(nije bilo linije za

popuniti) Cambridge. … job was interesting but tiring and not very well-paid. He
spent most of his free time on his hobby – collecting and repairing … antique clocks.
Then he … idea. The (ovde je bila prazna linija,
trebalo je ubaciti clan)CBI (Confederation of British Industry) was … helping people
start up by themselves. Why not go on … training course, apply for … loan and set
up … small business? So he sent in his registration to … school, said good-bye to …
children, and joined the(ovde je bila prazna lija, trebalo je ubaciti clan)
unemployed. He obtained … information from … different sources, took … advice
from … accountant, left … village and(mozda je bila linija za popuniti) learnt all
about … antique trade. Eighteen months later he has his own shop and was earning
about 2.000 pounds … month. “It was … best thing I ever did,” he said.

Nije isto ovako bilo:

… (plave) na tim mjestima je sigurno bila linija

Ova dva clana THE nisu pisala, nego je bila linija

I jos negdje je jedan bod

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