Massachusetts Instinute of Technology ESG Physics: It T T

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ESG Physics

8.02 with Kai Spring 2003

Problem Set 5 Solution

Problem 1: 27.8
An electric current is given by the expression
I ( t ) = 100sin (120π t ) (1.1)
where I is in amperes and t is in seconds. What is the total charge carried by the current
from t = 0 to t = s?

Since I = ,
−100  π 
q = ∫ I dt = ∫240
(100 ) sin (120π t ) dt =  cos − cos 0  (1.2)
0 120π  2 
which gives
q = 0.265 C (1.3)

2003 Spring 8.02 with Kai Problem set 5 Solution 1

Problem 2: 27.24
The rod in Figure P27.24 (not drawn to scale) is made of two materials. Both have a
square cross section of 3.00 mm on a side. The first material has a resistivity of
40.0 × 10−3 Ω ⋅ m and is 25.0 cm long, while the second material has a resistivity of
6.00 ×10−3 Ω ⋅ m and is 40.0 cm long. What is the resistance between the ends of the rod?

Applying the formula,
ρ1l1 ρ 2l2 ρ1l1 + ρ 2l2
R= + = (2.1)
A1 A2 d2
Substituting, we have

( 4.00 ×10 −3
Ω ⋅ m ) ( 0.250 m ) + ( 6.00 × 10−3 Ω ⋅ m ) ( 0.400 m )
( 3.00 ×10−3 m )

which gives

R = 378 Ω (2.3)

2003 Spring 8.02 with Kai Problem set 5 Solution 2

Problem 3: 27.53
A high-voltage transmission line with a diameter of 2.00 cm and a length of 200 km
carries a steady current of 1000 A. If the conductor is copper wire with a free charge
density of 8.00 × 1028 electrons/m3 , how long does it take one electron to travel the full
length of the cable?


We find the drift velocity from

I = nqvd A = nqvd π r 2 (3.1)


I 1000 A
vd = = (3.2)
nqπ r (8.00 ×10 m -3 )(1.60 ×10−19 C ) π (10−2 m )
2 28 2

which gives

vd = 2.49 × 10−4 ms -1 (3.3)

For the time that one electron takes to travel the full length of the cable, we have

l 200 × 103 m
t= = = 8.04×108 s (3.4)
v 2.49 × 10−4 ms -1

which is equavalent to 25.5 years.

2003 Spring 8.02 with Kai Problem set 5 Solution 3

Problem 4: 27.66
A resistor is constructed by shaping a material of resistivity ρ into a hollow cylinder of
length L and with inner and outer radii ra and rb , respectively (Fig. P27.66).

In use, the application of a potential difference between the ends of the cylinder produces
a current parallel to the axis.
(a) Find a general expression for the resistance of such a device in terms of
L, ρ , ra and rb .
(b) Obtain a numeraical value for R when L = 4.00 cm, ra = 0.500 cm , rb = 1.20 cm ,
and ρ = 3.50 × 105 Ω ⋅ m
(c) Now suppose that the potential difference is applied between the inner and outer
surfaces so that the resulting current flows radially outward. Find a general
expression for the resistance of the device in terms of L, ρ , ra and rb .
(d) Calculate the value of R, using the parameter values given in part (b).


ρl ρL
R= = (4.1)
A π ( rb2 − ra2 )

(b) Substituting the values given, we have

( 3.50 ×10 Ω ⋅ m ) ( 0.0400 m )

π ( 0.0120 m ) − ( 0.00500 m ) 
2 2
 
which gives
R = 37.4 MΩ (4.3)

dR ρ
Since = , therefore
dl A

2003 Spring 8.02 with Kai Problem set 5 Solution 4

ρ dl ρ dr ρ dr
dR = = = (4.4)
A ( 2π r ) L 2π L r
ρ r dr
2π L ∫r r

which gives
ρ r 
ln  b  (4.6)
2π L  ra 

(d) Substituting that the value given, we have

( 3.50 ×10 Ω ⋅ m ) ln  1.20

 
2π ( 0.0400 m )  0.500 
which gives
R = 1.22 MΩ (4.8)

2003 Spring 8.02 with Kai Problem set 5 Solution 5

Problem 5: 27.70
A material of resistivity ρ is formed into the shape of a truncated cone of altitude h, as
shown in Figure P27.70.

The bottom end has a radius b, and the top end has a radius a. Assuming that the current
is distributed uniformly over any particular cross-section of the cone so that the current
density is not a function of radial position (although it does vary with position along the
axis of the cone), show that the resistance between the two ends is given by the
ρ h 
R=   (5.1)
π  ab 


From the geometry of the longitudinal section of the resistor shown in

the figure, we see that

b−r b−a
= (5.2)
y h

From this, the radius at a distance y from the base is

r = (a − b) +b (5.3)

For a disk-shaped element of volume,

ρ dy
dR = (5.4)
π r2


ρ h dy
π ∫0 
R= 2
y 
( a − b ) h + b 

2003 Spring 8.02 with Kai Problem set 5 Solution 6

Using the integral formula

du 1
∫ ( au + b ) 2
a ( au + b )

We have

ρ h
R= (5.7)
π ab

2003 Spring 8.02 with Kai Problem set 5 Solution 7

Problem 6: 28.6
(a) Find the equivalent resistance between points a and b in Figure P28.6.
(b) Calculate the current in each resistor if a potential difference of 34.0 V is applied
between points a and b.


Rp = = 4.12Ω (1.1)
1 1
7.00 10.0

Rs = R1 + R2 + R3 = 4.00 + 4.12 + 9.00 = 17.1 Ω (1.2)

(b) For the 4.00 Ω and 9.00 Ω resistors, since ∆V = IR , we have

∆V 34.0
I= = = 1.99 A (1.3)
R 17.1

For the 7.00 Ω resistor, we have

I= = 1.17 A (1.4)

For the 10.0 Ω resistor, we have

I= = 0.818 A (1.5)

2003 Spring 8.02 with Kai Problem set 5 Solution 8

Problem 2: 28.16.
Two resistors connected in series have an equivalent resistance of 690 Ω . When they are
connected in parallel, their equivalent resistance is 150 Ω . Find the resistance of each

Denoting the two resistors as x and y,

x + y = 690 (1.6)


1 1 1
= + (1.7)
150 x y

Substituting equation (2.1) to (2.2), we have

1 1
= +
( 690 − x ) + x (1.8)
150 x 690 − x x ( 690 − x )

which gives

x 2 − 690 x + 103,500 = 0 (1.9)

By solving this quadratic equation, we have

x = 470 Ω and y = 220 Ω (1.10)

2003 Spring 8.02 with Kai Problem set 5 Solution 9

Problem 3: 28.17
In Figures 28.4 and 28.5, let R1 = 11.0 Ω , let R2 = 22.0 Ω , and let the battery have a
terminal voltage of 33.0 V.

(a) in the parallel circuit shown in Figure 28.5, which resistor uses more power?
(b) Verify that the sum of the power ( I 2 R ) used by each resistor equals the power
supplied by the battery ( I ∆V ) .
(c) In the series circuit, which resistor uses more power?
(d) Verify that the sum of the power ( I 2 R ) used by each resistor equals the power
supplied by the battery ( P = I ∆V ) .
(e) Which circuit configuration uses more power?

(a) We have

∆V = IR (1.11)


33.0 V=I1 (11.0 Ω ) and 33.0 V = I 2 ( 22.0 Ω ) (1.12)


I1 = 3.00 A and I 2 = 1.50 A (1.13)

Since P = I 2 R , we have

P1 = ( 3.00 A ) (11.0 Ω ) and P2 = (1.50 A ) ( 22.0 Ω )

2 2

which gives

2003 Spring 8.02 with Kai Problem set 5 Solution 10

P1 = 99.0 W and P2 = 49.5 W (1.15)

Therefore, the 11.0- Ω resistor uses more power.

(b) Since P1 + P2 = 148 W , we have

P = I ( ∆V ) = ( 4.50 )( 33.0 ) = 148 W (1.16)

Rs = R1 + R2 = 11.0 + 22.0 = 33.0 Ω (1.17)

Since ∆V = IR ,
V 33.0 Ω
I= = = 1.00 A (1.18)
P 33.0 V

Since P = I 2 R , we have

P1 = (1.00 A ) (11.0 Ω ) and P2 = (1.00 A ) ( 22.0 Ω )

2 2

and you will probably get

P1 = 110 W and P2 = 22.0 W (1.20)

Therefore the 22.0- Ω resistor uses more power.

P1 + P2 = I 2 ( R1 + R2 ) = (1.00 A ) ( 33.0 Ω ) = 33.0 W

P = I ( ∆V ) = (1.00 A )( 33.0 V ) = 33.0 W (1.22)

(e) The parallel configuration uses more power.

2003 Spring 8.02 with Kai Problem set 5 Solution 11

2003 Spring 8.02 with Kai Problem set 5 Solution 12
2003 Spring 8.02 with Kai Problem set 5 Solution 13

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