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Alejandra Villar

PID: 6051899

Video Question: McDonald’s Taps Ethic Subcultures for Ongoing growth

1. What other ethnic subculture segments should be considered as an important segment for

McDonald's? What marketing plans and activities will attract these segments?

- McDonald's goal in the video focuses on the subcultures of Hispanics, Asians, and,

African-Americans, which they ignored to think about the new age or new generation

of every subculture mentioned. I would like to mention one example in Malaysia,

where McDonald has focused on local culture, customs, people's religion, and they

carry out many family activities showing their good value, which draws attention to

local customers. I believe that McDonald’s should attempt to draw this fragments in

every single subculture mentioned (Hispanic, Asian, African Americans) as part as

promoting the brand for new ages, since it has been demonstrated to be valuable by

the experiences of transporting customers satisfaction and expansion. Therefore, the

purpose of the marketing plans or segment activities is to pay close attention to the

needs and motivations of various customers in the marketplace, by considering the

array of the benefits that they are seeking with a fast food chain like McDonald’s.

2. How difficult is it for McDonald's to position its products toward one segment without

negatively affecting another segment?

- For McDonalds it is not difficult to position a new product and have a negative view

on another. Why? Well because they use their knowledge of the particular subculture

to figure out how to advance the item they as of now have or figure out how to build

offers, promotions, etc. of that particular item. In addition, McDonald’s uses an

adaptation strategy for new products in local markets, which they take the new

product and modify it in order to fit local tastes. However, as a company, they have to

be aware of inappropriate or risks for the ethnic fragments in order to not receive the

negativity of the old vs the new product. Hence, McDonalds must do a background

check, plan, research, etc. to ensure that this new product can be promoted and be

effective for customers.

3. What is your opinion about the video?

- Overall, I believe this video was informative, due to the fact that it showed how

McDonalds work as a company, with different group of people in a specific area, also

how they handle their targets and apply their market strategies. Moreover, in the

video is illustrated how they fulfill different cultures and ethnicities. However, I felt

that information was missing, like how they accomplish their success for every

subculture, and a specific product, etc. I would’ve like for this video to have more

content on their marketing plan, or more details on how McDonalds reaches their

success for a product in a different culture or country. Finally, McDonalds want to

create loyalty and to increase their brand consciousness around their customers,

which they have done a good job.

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