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D ecide. Transform. Sustain.

How the Beasting, Feasting and Fasting Formula
Can Transform Your Body with Spectacular,
Sudden and Sustainable Results

Hey, Chris Krüger here.

Welcome to the 6-Pack Secret!

I created this resource so that you could experience the sudden, spectacular and
sustainable results that everyone wants.

I am driven to share this information with as many people as possible for four simple reasons:

1. This is the fastest, easiest way I know to finally achieve the body you’ve always wanted
along with boundless energy, mental clarity, and the confidence that comes with having
the lean, ripped body of a bad-ass Marine (or any type of fit body you’re looking for.)

2. This process is fun and it soon it becomes effortless when you implement this into your
daily routine in the way I’m about to share.

3. The amount of misinformation out there in the health and fitness field is just mind-
boggling. Honestly, it makes me angry because I know the answer is just around the
corner for so many people … if they only knew. Too many people are doing things
the hard way and experiencing ENDLESS FRUSTRATION — it’s just not necessary! Or,
even worse, they’re guaranteeing their own failure by engaging in practices that flat
out won’t work … or might work for a short while but always end up in frustration and
disappointment because the results just don’t last. I see this time and time again, and I’ve
made it my mission to tell you what DOES work for lasting results.

4. This is a proven formula that has worked over and over again. I’ve done it, my successful
clients have done it, and now you can, too.

Okay, so by now you’ve probably seen the PDF chart that summarizes what my Beasting,
Feasting & Fasting Formula is all about.

But let’s drill down a little deeper. This report is meant to help you understand what this
is all about, along with how and why it works so well.

My goal with this report is that by the time you finish reading this, you will have
everything you need to begin your own BFF journey to effortless abs.

So let’s get started …


I discovered Beasting, Feasting and Fasting a few years ago after turning 30.

Now here’s the embarrassing part …

… at that point I had already become quite well-known on fitness YouTuber with millions
of views. I knew exactly how to drop the amount of pounds I wanted to shed, and I knew
precisely what was necessary to do it.

(And it was a formula you’re probably quite familiar with, but more on that in a second.)

But here’s what happened …

I didn’t want to do it!

I thought, “Man, this is just going to be too hard. Knowing what I have to do, knowing
what I’m in for, I had “massive motivation,” getting in shape for my wedding, but I had

What I was dreading, of course, was doing it The Old Way, you know, playing the calorie
game: eating six small meals a day of boneless, skinless, tasteless chicken breast and
with some brown rice and broccoli on the side and doing grueling workouts to create
(unsustainable) calorie deficits.

You know the drill:

- Cut back calories

- Budget everything out
- Summon monk-like discipline
- Eat tiny, bland, unsatisfying “meals” that you couldn’t really look
forward to in the first place

And then, as if that’s not bad enough, here’s what you begin experiencing after a
couple weeks of this:

- Immense cravings
- Ravenous hunger
- Injuries and illness
- Sagging testosterone levels that make life seem hard and frustrating 4 Copyright 2018. All Right Reserved.

If you have gone through this yourself, then you know exactly what I’m talking about.

I know that a LOT of you have gone this route! Virtually every diet and exercise program
out there is just a re-brand of this “tried and true” formula.

You know what? It will actually “work” … at least kinda, for a little while.

I mean, think about it …

… if the old way worked so well …

… if it was actually possible to win the calorie game in the long-term …

… then why was I having to lose a few pounds again for the wedding in the first place?

I should have already been shredded, right?

If something works, it should KEEP working. Otherwise, what’s the point, Otherwise,
what's the point?

I saw a really good example of this recently online …

… it was an archived series of blog posts written by a guy who runs a very popular
health and fitness site. (I’m not going to name him here because this is not personal. In
fact, I salute his journey and give him credit for what he was able to do. My heart goes
out to everyone who suffers unnecessarily.)

Anyway, here’s what happened: A few years ago he decided to run an experiment on
himself. He wanted to see if he could get a six-pack in six weeks.

And guess what, he did it. But he was absolutely, 100% miserable. He said he would
never do it again.

Here are some of the things he wrote about his experience:

"I felt hungry and sad when I went to bed."

"The final week, I could barely sleep at all … as if even my body wasn’t supporting
"me anymore."

"I was tired and grouchy"

"I will never do this again. It sucked!!" 5 Copyright 2018. All Right Reserved.

And remember, this is for someone who actually met his goal!

What happened was, at the end of the six weeks, he did a victory photo shoot, and then
proceeded over the next several weeks to smash things like 7-Eleven Big Bite hot dogs
and sit on the couch at 9 p.m. with a bowl of guac and chips.

Goodbye six-pack. Hello extra pounds. And gone forever was the desire to ever try again.

Reading all this made me a little sad. This is the classic and inevitable result of doing it
the old way, which you could summarize as the following:

a. restrict your calories, and …

b. work out like crazy to burn more calories, in an effort to …

c. create a calorie deficit to meet your weight loss goal.

So back to my wedding story to tell you what really works …

Like I said, I couldn't muster the motivation to spend all the time in the gym I had done
before, plus deny myself the food I loved to eat. And believe me, I knew how awesome it
is to be shredded. And I certainly knew my wedding pictures would last a lifetime.

But the fact was, I just couldn't do it with the hormones I had at age 30. At age 22 it
would have been no problem. But 30 was a whole different ball game.

I was forced to find a new and better way.

The first thing I started doing was researching how to naturally optimize my hormones.

I had seen with my own eyes what hormones had done for big league ballplayers I
had idolized in my youth. They’d take PED’s to increase the testosterone and growth
hormone levels in their blood, but they also exposed themselves to harmful side effects
when their hormones were taken radically out of balance and the resulting long-term
damage to their endocrine (hormone) system … and, of course, being tarnished with
the fact that they cheated the rules of the American pastime.

Instead of just “taking something” which is at best a short-term fix, I was determined to
find a way to start optimizing my hormones naturally so that everything would stay in
balance and I could feel like my 22 year-old self again.

Guess what, it worked … 6 Copyright 2018. All Right Reserved.

… only even better than expected! At age 35 I feel even better than I ever did was I was 22.

That’s what I want to share with you. Here’s what happened …

My research led me first to fasting as a simple, easy, and painless way to increase my
growth hormone and testosterone.

Then I started looking into specific foods and exercises that could optimize my
hormones even further. I learned a lot more about ghrelin, insulin, leptin, serotonin
cortisol, insulin and a host of other hormones that could be naturally optimized with
simple daily practices.

Eventually I created a synergistic process that I call the Beasting, Feasting & Fasting Formula.

So what is it?

I think the best way to tell you about this is to answer the most common questions I
receive about it.

I actually did an interview recently about all this, and I’d like to give you the transcript
because it does a great job of explaining what this process is all about and why you can
expect such great results from it.

So let’s go … 7 Copyright 2018. All Right Reserved.


Beasting, Feasting, and Fasting is a simple daily practice that optimizes your hormones
for results that are surprisingly quick and, best of all, sustainable for the long term
without a lot of effort.

So let me break those down …

Beasting is doing 10 to 35 minutes of exercise that is appropriate for your experience

and fitness level. In my KrugerBody University we have programs that take as few as 10
minutes per day, that you can do at home without any equipment. Beasting depletes
your energy reserves (the glycogen stored in your liver and muscles) and appropriately
damages your lean tissue so that it can grow back stronger.

Feasting is eating delicious real food without calorie restriction or portion control
whatsoever. Feasting in the way I teach you naturally shuts off your hunger and
results in spontaneous calorie reduction. This is because your body is receiving all the
nourishment it craves and starts pumping your lean body hormone, leptin. Feasting
also provides the raw material to replenish your energy reserves (the glycogen in your
muscles and liver) and repairs your lean tissue.

Fasting is the actually the easiest part. Does that surprise you? It shouldn’t. It's simply
not eating until you repeat the first two steps. Most people assume that fasting will be
difficult because all they know is riding the "blood sugar roller coaster" of ravenous
hunger and crashing energy. But through Beasting, Feasting, and Fasting every day you'll
quickly be able to fast effortlessly with unlimited smooth "no crash" energy because
your body is finally breaking down your stored body for fuel. Fasting saves time because
obviously you're not preparing, eating, or cleaning up after nearly as many meals or
snacks). It also makes you more productive with better mental focus and clarity. Plus,
fasting has been shown to have an amazing array of health benefits, including cancer
prevention as dysfunctional cells are killed off and recycled before they become

Once you commit to this simple process, your BFF skills will improve every day. You’ll feel
better and expand your comfort zone on a daily basis. 8 Copyright 2018. All Right Reserved.


CHRIS: Because once you make Beasting, Feasting and Fasting your normal routine,
you'll be able to achieve and sustain your results effortlessly. This is because you are
optimizing your hormones. These hormones are the master switches that control
hunger, appetite, mood, satiety, body fat, lean muscle mass, stress, and even confidence.
Traditional diets fail because they expect you to create an energy deficit by restricting
your calories and doing arduous cardio.

That approach actually slows down your metabolism, disrupts your hormones, and
increases your biological drive to eat. Once your drive to eat overcomes your willpower
for calorie restriction you're screwed! You binge again and gain all the weight back — and
then some — because now you have a slower metabolism and disrupted hormones.

Almost everyone has tried six or seven of these diets all with the same results: short-term
success followed by long-term failure that washes out the results you achieved from all
your initial hard work and deprivation.

See, it’s the deprivation that's the problem. If you want lasting results than you need
to flip the master switches (your hormones), and you do that by showing your body
that you're in a state of abundance: Abundant opportunities for appropriate exercise,
abundant nourishment, and then fasting until you repeat the first two steps. Eating six
or seven times per day, like most Americans do whether or not they’re on a diet, signals
scarcity and desperation, not abundance. 9 Copyright 2018. All Right Reserved.


CHRIS: Because I discovered that fasting is the easiest and most effective way to
optimize your hormones. Because here’s what happens when you don't eat right away:
You don't pump insulin.

Insulin IS your fat storage hormone. When you trigger insulin, you're toggling OFF growth
hormone, testosterone and your body fat destroyer hormone (hormone sensitive lipase).
So what I found was, if I could just not eat for a bit longer than what I had been doing,
then my body would naturally pump more testosterone, and I would feel better as a

But then I had this epiphany, that hey, hunger doesn’t mean eat anyway! It means hunt.

That meant I had to do the exercise first … before eating.

This is a big problem many people face. They hear about fasting and its benefits. And
they try to do the fasting part first. But if you do fasting first, all you end up is really

Did you know that a 23-hour fast depletes as much sugar as running a half marathon?
So I personally get a half marathon of sugar depletion, diabetes prevention, etc, of fasting
every day. And it's effortless. It is so easy. It’s certainly preferable to running 13.1 miles
every day.

It's not until you get your hormones going in the right direction — through Beasting and
Feasting — that Fasting becomes effortless. So the step that everyone assumes should
be the hardest part is actually the easiest.

There’s nothing easier than not eating when you’re not hungry. There’s literally nothing to
do. You’re free to think about and do other things. Fasting sets you FREE to be productive
and efficient (and lean, strong and confident in your body and your abilities). It’s easy
when you do everything in the right order and make it a daily routine.

CHRIS: A lot of people say to me, “Chris, I tried fasting. It was so hard. I made it 15 hours
and I was dying.” And my response always is, “Don't start there!”

Here’s what I mean.

For a lot of people, right off the bat, they've been riding the blood sugar roller coaster
because they’re eating the wrong things and they’re eating them seven times per day. I’m
serious — the average American now eat seven times per day. You think that might be
part of the problem with our bulging waistlines? And look, if you’re still riding the blood
sugar roller coaster, then, yes, fasting would be the hard part.

That’s why we don't start with the “hard part.” We start with the easy part. So when
you Beast, Feast and Fast in the right order, you get out of that awful feedback cycle,
that viscous cycle of survival mechanism. You're no longer riding the blood sugar roller
coaster, you're no longer hungry all the time. You no longer feel like crap. You no longer
need a nap in the afternoon because you’re blood sugar is crashing.

I want you to start with what's easy, Beasting. Working out 10 to 35 minutes a day. And
then you're going to do the next step, Feasting. You're going to nourish your body and
then you're going to fast. So every step in the cycle makes the next two steps easier.

CHRIS: When you feast on the right foods — then everything becomes easy. You simply
can't eat snack foods, candy bars, and junk and expect an optimal hormonal state.

But when you truly feast and nourish your body — and I'm not talking about unsatisfying
low-fat, high fiber, so-called “health food.” I'm talking about steak and eggs and salmon.
And healthy plant foods. I’m talking about squash, sweet potatoes, fruits and vegetables.
The most delicious, nourishing real food you can imagine.

And what is real food? It's food with no ingredients, pure and simple. If you hand me a
pastry or a candy bar, I know it’s fake food. There are no “pastry plants” or candy bar
farms. Fake foods are made of cheap grains like flour and high fructose corn syrup. They
throttle your hormones and always leaving you feeling lousy … not always right away,
but definitely 30 to 90 minutes later.

Real food has zero ingredients. An egg is an egg. An apple is an apple. Beef is beef. Fish is

You get the idea. In other words, ZERO ingredients, whole foods only.

And when you eat real foods, guess what? You don’t have to worry about portion control
or useless hacks like serving your meals on small blue plates. You just throw out all the
processed, preservative-filled crap and feast on as much real food as you want.


CHRIS: Sure. So before my wedding, you would look at me and you wouldn't think, “This
guy's out of shape.” I was just softer than I wanted to be. I had like a soft 4-pack or something.
I was up to around 15% to 18% body fat.

So you could think, “Well, that's a reasonably fit guy. That guy's all right.” But it wasn't where
I wanted to be. And when I did things the old way, it always felt like so much work to be get
under 10% body fat. It was always so much work to have the hard 6-pack or the 8-pack.

But as soon as I put it together that “hunger means hunt,” something changed. The results
came fast and were incredible. So before, I had very little motivation to go to the gym. So
the first thing I noticed was that I now had tons of DRIVE to go to the gym. I mean, I always
had pretty good motivation, but I couldn't switch from being motivated to being driven. Big
difference. I just began doing my practices every day, because they became ingrained and
effortless. They’re just a routine now.

And this might sound a little weird, but my senses came alive like never before. Colors
seemed more vivid. And I became so much more passionate about everything. I knew
this was from pumping testosterone. I could feel it. Everything felt better. I got effortlessly
stronger, effortlessly leaner. I had more sex drive. And I simply lost any desire to eat six small
meals a day.

So instead I just began eating one big FEAST that I absolutely loved. That I could look forward
to, that nourished my body in a real way. That stopped my hunger cold and made me not
even want to think about food until the same time the next day.

I wasn’t chasing hunger pangs all day, because I was ALWAYS burning off my body fat. I was
using that body fat for energy. That's the biggest thing, is that your body fat should be a
source of fuel. You should be so lean that you're using your body fat like a checking account.
I have my big feast and a little body fat comes back on, and the next day that body fat just
burns right off … and then some.

Unfortunately, most of us have our energy systems backwards. We're constantly accumulating
more body fat and we never end up using it for energy. Instead we spend our days spiking
our blood sugar with constant feedings (the highway to the hell of diabetes) and our bodies
are desperately trying to crash the blood-sugar with insulin because elevated blood sugar is
toxic. That’s the blood sugar roller coaster in a nutshell, and it’s all because we’re never in a
hormonal state that actually allows for the breakdown of our body fat. So instead we just
keep getting fatter and closer to diabetes. My Beasting, Feasting and Fasting formula makes
everything better, immediately. I’m talking about focus, attention, creativity, sex drive,
productivity, everything.

Imagine some of the bodybuilder guys you see on YouTube, most of them prepping their
42 meals for the week. That’s absolutely insane! I only eat six or seven meals per week, and
they're awesome meals. And I enjoy the heck out of them. Beasting, Feasting and Fasting
gives me total freedom. If I feel like eating a quart of ice cream on the weekend, guess what?
I just do it. Because now I'm using my fat at the checking account. And my abs stay super
sharp 365 days per year. 14 Copyright 2018. All Right Reserved.


CHRIS: I do! I want to share this with the world. I actually have a note taped to my
bathroom mirror that says, “My mission in life is spreading the practice of Beasting,
Feasting and Fasting so that everyone can enjoy true health and effortless fitness.”

It’s my firm belief that Beasting, Feasting and Fasting is your destiny. That it is engineered
into our DNA that we shall beast and feast and fast to enjoy perfect health. Doing it the
other way obviously doesn't work. And the sad thing is that so many people have been
told the wrong thing to do. They experience the pain and frustration of constant yo-yo
dieting and then they blame themselves.

I can’t tell you how many times someone has told me, “Man, I lost 20 pounds in a month
and I was looking really good, but the next month I gained 25 pounds. And now I feel like
a failure.”

The tragedy is, people go through this six or seven times! They've tried every diet. And
every time it ends up with a net gain of a few pounds. So they eventually quit trying and
they think that “this whole health and fitness thing is just not for me.” Can you imagine?
I hate to extrapolate that out, but you have to wonder how many of them will end up in
the doctor's office someday with some bad news and and a prescription slip for pills that
won’t solve the problem, but just treat the symptoms.

That’s unfortunate … and so unnecessary. I’m out to change all that. The prescription for
everyone is my Beasting, Feasting and Fasting formula.

CHRIS: My clients have seen incredible side benefits. They see immediate improvements to
their metabolism and their body composition They always see visible results in less than two
week and they simply FEEL so much better. They report incredibly enhanced mental focus.
They become more productive. Their skin conditions clear up. Their eczema, acne — all that
stuff starts going away.

Joint pain, too. Often times what their doctor thought was incurable arthritis, and the need to
be on Humera for the rest of their lives, suddenly goes away. Now I’m not making any medical
claims; I’m simply relating to you what I have seen in my clients.

And the other thing is anxiety and depression. It’s not exactly breaking news that exercise is
good for your anxiety or depression. Optimizing your hormones isn’t just for your body, it’s for
your brain too.

Bottom line is that when you put all the steps together, when you Beast and Feast and
Fast, it's a total game changer.

CHRIS: It’s this: That they think it's hard. It’s just not. And even if it DID take some effort to
get started… Do you have any idea what it’s worth to feel lean, strong, and confident every
day? I don’t care how much money someone has, there's no person in the world that I would
want to trade shoes with, because I feel so good. You simply can’t put a price tag on waking
up refreshed and empowered in the way I do, having absolutely no joint pain, how my body
looks and feels. And it is so easy, that’s the thing. I know I keep saying that, and I realize
people will be skeptical, but it’s really true.

C l ick h e re to se e t h e

K R U G E R B O D Y. C O M
D ecide. Transform. Sustain.

K R U G E R B O D Y. C O M


KrügerBody does not provide any medical advice. You should consult with your own physician before beginning any diet or exercise program. Our program and
services are not a substitute for professional medical and nutritional advice. If you have or believe you have any adverse medical condition, you should consult with
a physician in order to obtain a diagnosis and treatment.

Except as set forth below, KrügerBody does not guarantee that you will obtain any particular results from using our program or services.

The level of participation in all elements of the program (including diet and exercise) is at your complete discretion. You agree that you assume all risks from utilizing
the KrügerBody program and services, including the risks of physical or emotional injury or death. You further agree to release and hold harmless KrügerBody from
and against all lawsuits, claims, suits, or actions that arise out of or relate to your use of or participation in the program or services of KrügerBody.

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