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For Diagnostic Use and Intern Observation

Pediatric Developmental Center

Child's Name:

Date Volunteer Name:

Super-vising Psychologist

E Responds to o\\'n name?

I Consistent eye contact?
I Attentive to requests?
I Communication (r,erbal or nonverbal):)
E Communicates r,r,'hen in need of heip?
I Iniitates (behai'iors or facial expressions)?
I Repetitive behaviors (ex. hand flapping)?
IRestricted interest in parlicular objects or activities?
I Negatively reacts to excessive stimr-ilation'l
I Engages iu pretend play'/
E Understands basic sociai cues?
E DifhcultvJ9 rvith decision-makine?
I Diftlculty solr,ing problems'l
I Learns f}om r,vatching othels'l
[I Plays r,r,ith other children']
I Disruptive or ag-eressir.,e behaviors'?

I asily distractible'l
E Dift-rculty sitting still (ex. fidgets)?
I Non-purposefuI rr-rnning?
I Sr"rstained fbcus and effoft during a task?
I Quiet during prelened activities?
I Difficulty waiting their turn during social play?
I Interrupts or intr-r.rdes others?
Language Sample:

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