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5 paragraph essay:
- Review of introductory chapter
- Readings:
o Education and humanities
o Humanities in the digital age
o Allegory of the cave
o Gilgamesh
- Objective:
o Take a theme and apply it with an artistic element.
- Structure of the essay:
o Intro:
 Hook: Something that will capture the reader’s interest. Say something
they don’t know or something that targets their interest. Know your
 Theme: the main subject that ideas explained in the essay will be based off
of. In this case, it’d be the elements in a piece of art that depict your
 Body paragraph topic sentences.
 Transition.
o Body paragraph(s) (descending order):
 Topic sentence
 2-3 examples and illustrations
 Transition
o Conclusion:
 Restate your thesis in paraphrased form, not copying it verbatim.
 State something about your themes that brings a substantial ending to your
ideas. Leave a lasting impression.
Dissonance with the reader:
- The act of abruptly disrupting the flow of an act or story to gather the attention of readers
or an audience.
Education and Humanities:
- Objectification:
o Eliminating one’s personhood to a point where they can be considered nothing
more than a source of a means.
o Example: an employee who works 60 hours a week to make money for their
Allegory of the cave:
- Theme: the nature of enlightenment.

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