Tp014-Section 08900 Aluminium Curtain Wall

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A. This Section specifies

s the requirements necessary too design, suppply and instaall the unitizeed
gllazed aluminiuum curtain waall systems as shown in the Architecturall drawings.


A. This Section shhall be used inn conjunctionn with, but nott necessarily limited
l to, thee other relevannt
sppecifications, the Drawingss, and the Conntract Documeents to establish the total reequirements foor
gllazed curtain walls.

N: Using this Section witho
out including the above-lissted items will result in om
mission of basiic

C Inn the event off conflict regarrding glazed ccurtain wall reequirements between
b this Section
S and an
other documennt, the more stringent reequirement sh hall apply unnless otherwise specificallly
innstructed by thhe SO in writiing.


A. The work in this Sectionn shall includee all accessoriies, ironmongery, parapet caappings, end cappings,
c sofffit
trims, reveal liningss, jamb linings, sill capping
gs, fire stop annd the like, whhich may not be
b expressly inndicated on thhe
drawinngs, but whicch are necesssary to provid de a total glaazed aluminiuum curtain waall systems package,
p whicch
interfaaces in a comp
plete manner with
w the adjaccent building ssurfaces.

B. The propoosed glazed alluminium curttain wall systeems shall incllude all requirred sealant syystems, (sealannt
for intterfaces between curtain wall
w and archittectural precaast panel and other
o buildingg surfaces to be installed by
the cuurtain wall conntractor) fixing systems, annchorage systeems, and framiing systems. The
T Contractoor shall providde
all addditional structtural support systems, which are requireed for the prooposed curtainn wall systemms that may no ot
expliccitly show on the
t drawing.

C. The Contrractor shall noote that the strructural colum

mns and beam ms of the build ding superstruccture, provideed
under a separate co ontract, are coonstructed with h or without the
t provision for cast-in coomponents forr the anchoragge
ms of the propposed glazed aluminium cuurtain wall syystems. Any cast-in c anchorrage componeents, which arre
requirred, shall be prrovided by annd placed in poosition by the Contractor, reeady for castinng of concretee. Provide sho
drawinngs of proposed anchorage systems.

D. The contraactor shall ennsure that thee surface of thhe cladding system
s is flatt, even, clear and free from
scratches. There must
m be colourr uniformity in the aluminiium cladding finishes. Thee contractor shhall ensure thhe
wings are achieved for the cladding
c system m:

1. Watter Tight System

The panels
p shall be
b designed, fabricated an nd constructed to achieve a watertightt cladding syystem. Groovees
betweeen panels shaall be properlyy sealed with approved seaalant and wateer must be coompletely draiin off from thhe

Chea R
Residence Project
1 / 16 Februuary 2017
ON 08900
for Tender
2. Lateral Loading
The cladding panels shall be able to withstand the wind pressure. The cladding panel shall not fail or deform

3. Thermal Movement / Structural Movement

The cladding shall be constructed to allow for even or uneven expansion and contraction of all components. Any
changes in climatic condition and temperature shall not cause failure in fasteners, opening of jointing, buckling,
tearing, noise of any kind.

The Glazed Aluminium Curtain Wall System shall consist of special aluminium extruded sections, double-glazing
at vision panels and single glazing at spandrel panels. At spandrel area, the back panel shall be powder coating
finished galvanized steel sheet reinforcing a layer of 50mm thick rock-wool insulation, capable of 2 hour fire
rating. Between the structural slab or beam, a 2 hour fire-stop is required.


A. Glass shall comply with the requirements of BS 952. Hermetically sealed double glazing units shall
comply with BS 5713. Glass shall be free from specks, air bubbles, wanes, air holes, scratches and other defects.
Glass shall also comply with the requirements of SS 341: 1989 (UDC 698.3:666.15:620.178.7) “Specification for
Safety Glazing Materials for Use in Buildings (Human Impact Considerations)” and its amendments. Glass shall
be delivered in proper containers, and shall be marked with manufacturer’s name, guarantee, type of glass,
thickness of glass, weight of glass, and expansion rate. Samples of all types of glass offered for consideration shall
comply with the specified requirements. Samples shall be submitted to the SO for approval prior to placing order.

B. The contractor shall ensure that the roll distortion of the glass is parallel to the horizontal axis.

C. The curtain wall system shall comply with SS 381: 1996 (ICS 91.060.10) “Materials And Performance
Tests For Aluminium Curtain Walls” and its amendments. The works shall be designed to accommodate the
concrete tolerance allowable. The maximum tolerances of finished structural member shall not exceed that
specified in BS 8110 and /or BS 5606. Fire resistance of 2 hours in accordance with regulation 132 of the fire code
for spandrel panels in the curtain walling between storey and between vertical compartment walls shall be
provided. The installation works shall conform to the following erection tolerances:

1. Total deviation and /or alignment in any direction for vertical members shall be:
3mm maximum in a height of 4m and 7mm maximum in a 14m run.

2. Total deviation and /or alignment in any direction for horizontal members shall be:
3mm maximum in a length of 7mm.

D. The Aluminium curtain wall system shall comply with the Authority requirements in force in Singapore
and shall guarantee durability with particular attention to the following critical factors:

- Effects of atmospheric corrosion typical to the areas.

- Avoid contact between dissimilar metals to avoid electrolytic corrosion.

E. Notwithstanding the acceptance of design recommendations (from the Contractor) by the SO, the
Contractor shall be fully and solely responsible for the adequacy of all the related works


A. Provide a ten (10) years warranty under the provisions of Conditions of Contract.

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SECTION 08900 Rev. A
B. The Contractor and the Specialist Sub-Contractor shall jointly provide a ten (10) year warranty for the
completed works on its performance against any defects and failure as a curtain wall system, in particular to its
weather tightness, and its prevention of corrosion.

C. The Contractor shall obtain a guarantee from the glass manufacturer to deliver and install without charge
replacement units for any glass that has developed any deterioration of coated surface. The guarantee shall cover a
period of ten (10) years from the date of issuance of Practical Completion Certificate by the SO for the Works,
which the Contract Works are part of. The guarantee shall also cover all the replacement units for the balance of
the guarantee period applicable to the original unit.

D. The Contractor and Powder Coating Specialist Sub-Contractor must guarantee the powder coating finish
is permanent for a period not less than ten (10) years.


A. The Contractor shall be responsible for timely ordering, scheduling, delivery, receiving, protection and
installation of all materials necessary for completion of the works on site.

B. The Contractor shall be responsible for all carriage freight, insurance, damage, breakage, duties, customs,
clearance, etc.

C. All glass delivered to site shall be accompanied with an authentic certificate of origin issued by the
Manufacturer. The type, quality, thickness or weight of the glass shall be clearly marked on the packages.

D. Glass shall be stored in packed cases bearing the manufacturer’s name and/or trade mark and kept in a
clean, cool dry area. Cases shall be opened on delivery, and periodically, to inspect glass for possible damage.

E. Intermediate protection shall be used between glazing to ensure flow of cool circulating air, especially for
double glazed units.

F. Protect pre-finished aluminium surfaces. Do not use adhesive papers or sprayed coatings, which bond
when exposed to sunlight or weather.
G. The Contractor shall replace any defective, damaged or broken glass at his own expense and shall leave it
clean and perfect on completion.

H. Glass shall be protected from staining, particularly iridescence, and etching. Mullion/ transom details
shall be designed with edge drips to prevent stains/etching. Should the Contractor require welding works, heavy
screens are to be used to keep splatter off glass.

I. The storing, handling, and installation of tempered safety glass shall comply with SS 341: 1989 (UDC
698.3:666.15:620.178.7) and its amendments.

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SECTION 08900 Rev. A

A. Provide the following with the bid:

1. Preliminary Shop Drawings
2. Product Data
3. Proposed Work Programme
4. Method Statement

A. Preliminary Shop Drawings: The Contractor shall submit with his bid design recommendations
with preliminary shop drawings showing fabrication and installation of the works including relevant
information and physical properties of the selected elements.

Notwithstanding the acceptance of the design recommendations by the SO, the Contractor shall
remain solely responsible for the adequacy of all the works and shall make good any damages
arising from any inadequate design or provision.

B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawing for fabrication and installation of glazed aluminium
curtain wall units and accessories. Include schedules, plans, elevations and details of sections and
connections to adjoining work. Indicate materials, finishes, fasteners, joints, trims, and other
information to determine compliance with specified requirements.

Shop drawings shall give all pertinent information of construction method proposed, together
with all required dimensions for proper fitting and connection with other work and materials,
together with all special conditions as may be required to complete the installation.

Indicate system and component dimensions, framed opening requirements and tolerances,
anchorage and fasteners, anticipated deflection under load, affected related work, and field
welding required. Include components within assembly, weep drainage network, and expansion
and contraction joint locations and details. Submit preliminary data with the tender bid.

After preliminary submission, all shop drawings shall be computer generated, on Autocad
format files.

Shop drawings, product data, and samples shall be submitted to the SO for review and approval,
before ordering materials and commencing fabrication.

C. Product Data: Submit manufacturer’s specifications including finishes and materials; certified
test data, where applicable; and installation instructions; for required products. Provide framing member
structural and physical characteristics, dimensional limitations, special installation requirements.
Provide data on components within assembly, anchorage and fasteners, glass and infill, sealant systems
and drainage systems. Data sheets shall fully describe properties of materials, processes and finishes.

D. Proposed Work Programme: The Contractor shall prepare and submit a detailed programme of
all phases of the work, including but not limited to the design, submissions, testing, ordering,
fabrication, transportation, installation and after care, for the completion of the whole works to the SO
following award. Submit a preliminary work programme with the bid.

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SECTION 08900 Rev. A
E. Method Statement for Site Installation and Quality Control: The Contractor shall prepare and
submit a detailed step by step method statement for approval. Submit a preliminary method statement
with the bid. The method statement shall include:

1. Setting out.
2. Transportation of glass and framing.
3. Structural surface preparation if necessary.
4. Installation of fixings, such as drilling, installation of shims, angle, plate, anchors and bolts,
inclusive of testing (pull out test) of anchor.
5. Installation of glass and framing.
6. Method of replacement of damaged units, framing, etc, if necessary.

A. Samples: The Contractor shall submit the following to the SO for approval.

1. Samples of specified glass types.

2. Samples of edge and corner details of glazing materials.
3. Samples of pre-finished aluminium surfaces
4. Samples of support frame systems.
5. Samples of fixing and anchoring systems.
6. Samples of gasket and sealant systems.
7. Submit samples not less than 300 x 300mm in size illustrating finishes and materials.

A. Certificates: Submit manufacturer’s certification, and other independent certification where

applicable, that products meet or exceed specified requirements.

B. Test Reports: Submit substantiating engineering data, test results of previous tests by
independent laboratory of the systems, which purport to meet performance criteria, and other supportive

C. Manufacturers’ Instructions: Indicate special installation procedures.

D. Professional Engineer’s Certificate: The design, fabrication and installation of the glazed
aluminium curtain wall systems shall be certified by the Contractor’s Professional Engineer as safe,
capable of resisting wind pressure and in compliance with the regulations and requirements of the

E. As-Built Drawings: During construction, the Contractor shall keep accurate records of the
contract works, “as-built”, on Autocad format construction drawings and details. This information shall
be supplied to the SO on Autocad format files, and shall form the basis of an “as-built” record of the
construction of the building.

F. Prior to issuance of the Practical Completion Certificate, the Contractor shall hand over to the
SO transparencies and Autocad format files of all as-built drawings, all Professional Engineer’s
certificates, and all other documents related to the Contract work, which will be required for the
application for Temporary Occupation Permit.

G. The Contractor shall submit, on request, certified test data from a testing authority, approved by
the SO to show the minimum Sound Transmission Loss values of all curtain wall installations.
Acoustical Test shall be performed in accordance with British Standard BS 2750 or ASTM E90. Test
results shall be reported as one-third active Sound Transmission Loss values in DB from 100Hz to
3150Hz inclusive.

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SECTION 08900 Rev. A

A. Coordinate work under provisions of Conditions of Contract.

B. Coordinate work with installation of structural works, masonry works, waterproofing and
roofing works, door installations, and other cladding systems works.


A. The Contractor shall install mock-ups of the typical curtain wall systems in conjunction with the
other systems as and when directed by the SO for his review and approval. These mock-ups are to
ensure proper installation and coordination. Once accepted these mock-ups will be used as acceptance
yardsticks for all production units.

B. Vision Mock-up: The contractor shall provide a mock-up that allows the backing panels at the
spandrel to be interchangeable so as to ensure that externally the glazing at the vision panels matched
the glazing at the spandrel area.

C. Provide mock-ups of system components as part of the exterior wall mock-ups. Assemble to
illustrate component assembly including glazing materials, weep drainage system, sheet backing panels
at spandrel, fire rated components, fire stop systems, attachments, anchors, gasket system and perimeter
sealant. The SO shall determined size of the mock-ups.

D. Samples of components, fixtures, etc., shall, where required, be submitted to the SO for review
and approval before commencement of work.

E. The Contractor shall replace or modify such mock-ups and samples if deemed necessary by the
SO, and such final mock-ups and samples shall be used as the basis of installation work.
However, any agreement by the SO to such mock-ups and samples does not exonerate the
Contractor from any responsibility under the Contract’s terms and conditions.

F. Delays caused by late installation of mock-ups or submission of samples, or delays caused by

modifications of mock-ups / samples due to repeated errors, will under no circumstances be
construed as reasons for extension of the Contract Period.

G. If the Contractor requires early review and approval of any mock-up / sample to avoid delay in
the delivery or installation of the works, he shall advise the SO to such effect when submitting

H. The Contractor shall be responsible for any cost arising out of errors / omissions in samples and


A. Performance Test

1. When ordered by the SO, performance in wind loading, a testing laboratory approved by the SO
shall classify air infiltration and water penetration. The Contractor shall fabricate and erect test units of
sizes and configurations acceptable to the SO for testing.

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SECTION 08900 Rev. A
2. Test shall be conducted by the approved laboratory on full sized samples in accordance with the
method of test specified by B.S. 5368 Parts 1-3 or equivalent in the presence of the SO and all expenses
shall be borne by the contractor.

3. If the test unit fails to meet the performance requirements of this specification during testing, the
Contractor shall make the necessary corrections to the test unit and shall have the test unit re-tested until
it passes the tests. The Contractor shall pay the cost of corrections to the test unit, and of re-testing.

4. In addition to the performance tests as required in S.S. 212: 1979, the following additional tests
are to be carried out by an authorised testing laboratory.

a) Roller (bearing device)

: Accelerated test of minimum 15,000 operation.

b) Friction hinge aluminium alloy or stainless steel

: Accelerated test of minimum 15,000 operation.

c) Surface treatment
: Under copper accelerated acetic acid salt spray (CASS) test for 8 hours
to achieve a rating of 8.

A. Water-tightness Test for Aluminium Work

The contractor shall conduct a water-tightness test on all window installations, in the presence of
the SO, especially for curtain wall or fixed panel installations, to ensure water-tightness and
adequate silicone sealants applied at all joints, before removal of scaffolding.

B. P.E. (Civil) Certification for Tempered Glass Panels

The contractor shall provide a P.E. certification for all glazing / tempered glass installations to
curtain wall or Fire Access Panels or fixed glass panels below 1m aluminium sills or full height
glass panels, to comply with the lateral loads in Table 4 of the Fourth Schedule of Regulation 5
of the Building Control Regulations Chapter 29,1990 edition and amendments.

C. Testing by independent testing laboratory or review of data by the SO shall not avoid or reduce
the Contractor’s responsibility for performance of the work, nor relieve the Contractor of his
responsibility to verify for himself that the work conforms to the intent of the Contract Documents.


The entire curtain wall systems shall be designed, constructed and installed so that all metal parts are
electrically continuous. Sampling tests shall be carried out on site to verify the electrical continuity.

The Contractor shall provide earthing boss “ears” and “saddles” for aluminium tape as specified in Section
05582 Metal Cladding; Bonding of Cladding to Lightning Protection System.

The Contractor shall engage an Electrical Professional Engineer to check and to issue certification to SO
as verification that the bonding of the curtain wall to lightning protection system is in compliance with the
regulations and requirements of the Authorities.

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SECTION 08900 Rev. A


A. Any manufacturer that can comply with the requirements stated herein.


1. KSG
2. Viracon
3. Saint Gobain
4. Pilkington
5. Asahi Glass

Products of manufacturer’s other than the above-listed will be considered for acceptance provided they
meet the specified criteria and that the substitution requests are made in accordance with the Conditions of


A. Aluminium:

1. All aluminium works shall be constructed of fully heat treated aluminium alloy No. HE 9WP to comply with BS
3987 and or other approved standards.

2. Wrought aluminium alloys shall comply with BS 1474 for extruded sections, bars and round tube; with BS
1474 for drawn tube; and with BS 1470 for plate, sheet and strip.

3. Aluminium sections for all units unless otherwise specified or shown in the drawings shall be hollow and
special profile extruded sections. External panel units shall have all coupling members loaded internally where
necessary or required by means of hot-dip galvanized steel bars to provide adequate strength to withstand a wind
load of 24 lb per sq. ft. and wind velocity of 65 mph.

B. Glass:

1. All safety glass shall be of the best quality of approved manufacturer, free from air blemishes or flaws of any
description and shall be full weight and thickness as specified. Safety glass shall be either heat strengthened,
tempered or laminated glass. Tempered glass shall be tested by an approved heat-soak method. Glass thickness
shall be designed to suit the application and to withstand all design loading.

1. The reflective glass shall have the following properties:

- Reflection shall not exceed the maximum allowable by Authorities.

- Reflective agent shall be part of the glass (not an add-on reflective sheet).
- Reflective agent shall be evenly distributed.
- Reflective agent must enhance the colour of the glass.

2. All tempered glass shall be factory-supplied in the panel size required. It must not be cut or worked on site.
Tempered glass shall bear the tempered logo by the glass manufacturer.

3. All clear annealed/ float glass is to be from an approved manufacturer, complying with B.S. 952 and of the best
qualities, free from bubbles, smoke wanes, air holes and other defects. Float glass shall be of “Selected Glazing

4. Glazing compound shall not be used without the approval of the SO and if used it shall be of the non-setting
type specially made for tropical use in aluminium frame.

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SECTION 08900 Rev. A
5. All glass shall be right angled at corners, cut clean with light edge arise or factory polished.

6. Edges shall not be nipped, shelled or damaged in anyway, or exposed to prolonged contact with water.

7. All glass shall be free from marks, scratches, abrasions, pitting, stains, rainbow effect, iridescence and other

8. All glass shall be accurately cut to fit frames with necessary clearance and shall be set to give full bedding for
the entire width of frame

9. The thickness of the glass proposed by the Contractor shall withstand the wind loading as specified.

C. Double Glazing Unit Reflective Glass:

External (sigle coat Low_E glass/ tempered glass 8mm thick

for fire access) :
Refshine high performance reflective glass
subjected to SO’s approval of sample
Air Space (vacuum) 12mm
Internal (Clear annealed glass/ tempered glass for 8mm thick
fire access)
Body / Coating beige
Visible Light:
Transmittance (%) 63
Reflectance (%) - out 11
Reflectance (%) - in 12
Solar Radiation:
Transmittance (%) 33
Reflectance (%) 36
Absorption (%) -
U Value (Kcal/m2hC) - summer 1.59
Shading coefficient 0.42

D. Spandrel Panels

1. The spandrel panels consist of 8mm thick single glazed reflective float glass on the external with a 1.2mm thick
galvanized steel backing sheet.

2. Provide 50mm thick rock-wool insulation against the steel-backing panel. The insulation density shall be
50kg/m3. Provide on the longitudinal sides with PVC fixed-in profiles to increase the overall stability of the panel
and to avoid detachment of the supports from the insulation during handling, or thermal expansion.Air
imperviousness must be achieved.

3. Provide one layer of gypsum board against the insulation and sealed with a sill capping. The gypsum fire stop
structure must guarantee a vertical compartmentalization separation between two storeys and shall have a fire
resistance rating of not less than 2 hours. Solid fire stop in-fill must guarantee protection against fire-flashover.

E. Single Glazed Reflective Glass :

Tinted safety glass: 12mm thick

Refshine high performance reflective glass subject
to SO’s approval of sample
Body / Coating Clear
Visible Light:
Transmittance (%) 25.2
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SECTION 08900 Rev. A
Reflectance (%) - out 9.1
Reflectance (%) – in 24
Solar Radiation:
Transmittance (%) 18.4
Reflectance (%) 6.7
Absorption (%) 75
U Value (Kcal/m2hC) - summer 5.99
Shading coefficient 0.44

F. Reflective Coating:

Where reflective coating is used, the reflective coating shall have an abrasion resistance
generally accepted in the industry as suitable for monolithic glazing and shall comply with local
code of practice. The suppliers shall propose the thickness of the coating and submit calculations
to verify that the thickness is adequate. The reflective coatings used shall be as approved by the

G. Powder Coating Systems:

1. Unless otherwise specified all visible aluminium shall be powder coated.

2. Colour for visible aluminium surfaces of the glazed aluminium curtain wall systems
shall be to the Architects selection and submitted for the SO approval..

3. Aluminium surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned and pre-treated to comply with

Aluminium Association Standard designated to remove organic and inorganic surface
soils and remove residual oxides.

4. Powder Coatings on aluminium extrusions shall have a minimum thickness 40 microns

and an average thickness of 60 – 80 microns (Premium Grade) on most surfaces.

6. Gloss level = Matt (30 plus or minus 5%).

7. The approval type of powder is Intercom D manufactured and supplied by Courtaulds


8. All exposed surfaces of aluminium extrusions or sheets after powder coating shall be
sealed and adequacy of sealing shall be determined by method as specified in BS 1665
Clause 8 –“Sealing”.

9. The aluminium finish shall be free from alloy defects, die-marks, scratches, streaks and
other surface blemishes. Coloured samples of powder coating work showing variation
of “upper and lower limit” expected on finished work must be submitted to the SO for
approval. Variation in colour shall be kept within the approved range for the entire

10. All other surfaces not visible from external façade shall be in the same finish.

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SECTION 08900 Rev. A

A. The Contractor shall be responsible for the preparation and submission of the design
calculations and all other information as may be required for submission and in obtaining
approval from the relevant Authorities.

The Contractor shall prepare and obtain Professional Engineer’s certificates, calculations,
drawings, etc, and submit to the Authorities for approval. The documents required are to be
prepared and endorsed by a qualified engineer to obtain the necessary approvals and permits to
commence work.

The glazed aluminium curtain wall installation shall comply with the latest editions of the
relevant Singapore, British or American Standards.


A. Materials:

1. S 148 / 89 Building Control Act

2. SS 212 Aluminum Alloy Windows
3. SS 341: 1989 Safety Glazing Materials For Use In
(Human Impact Considerations)
4. BS 476 Fire Test on Building Materials and
5. BS 952 Glass for Glazing
6. BS 1471 Wrought Aluminum & Aluminum
7. BS 1474 Alloys for General Engineering Purpose
8. BS 1615 Anodic Oxidation Coatings on Aluminum
9. BS 4255 Performance Rubber Gasket for Weather
Exclusion From Buildings
10. BS 4315 Methods of Test for Resistance to Air and
Water Penetration
11. BS 5051 Security Glazing

B. Workmanship:

1. BS 5357 Code of Practice for the Installation of

Security Glazing
2. BS 5516 Specification for Patent Glazing
3. BS 6262 Glazing for Buildings
4. CP 153 Windows and Roof lights
Part 1: Cleaning and Safety
Part 2: Durability and Maintenance
Part 2: Durability and Maintenance
Part 3: Sound Insulation
Part 4: Fire Hazards Associated with
Glazing in Buildings

C. American Standards:

1. ANSI/ASTM E283 Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior

Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors.

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SECTION 08900 Rev. A
2. ANSI/ASTM E330 Structural Performance of Exterior Windows,
Curtain Walls, and Doors by Uniform Static
Air Pressure Difference
3. ANSI/ASTM E33 Test Method for Water Penetration of
Exterior, Windows, Curtain Walls, and
Doors by Uniform Static Air Pressure
4. ASTM E413 Classification for Determination of Sound
Transmission Class
5. ANSI/ASTM B209 Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Sheet and
6. ANSI/ASTM B221 Aluminum Alloy Extruded Bar, Rod, Wire,
Shape, and Tube
7. ANSI Z97.1 Performance Specifications and Methods of
Test for Safety Glazing Material Used in
8. ANSI/ASTM A36 Structural Steel
9. ANSI/ASTM A386 Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Assembled Steel
10. ANSI/ASTM A446 Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the
Hot-Dip Process, Structural (Physical)

D. National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers (NAAMM) Standards:

1. TM-1-68 T Method of Test for Metal Curtain Walls

2. FC-1-69 Field Check for Water Leakage of Metal
3. G-1-70 Specifications for Dense Rubber Like
Compression Gasket Materials

E. General Services Administration (GSA) Standards:

1. DD-G-451C Specification for Glass

2. DD-G-1403B Specification for Heat Strengthened and
3. TT-P-645 Specification for Prime Paint

F. Architectural Aluminum Manufacturers Association (AAMA) Standards:

1. AAMA Aluminum Curtain Wall Design Guide

2. AAMA T1R-A1 Sound Control for Aluminum Curtain Walls
3. AAMA FC-1 Field Check of Metal Curtain Walls for
4. AAMA 501 Methods of Test for Metal Curtain Walls

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SECTION 08900 Rev. A
5. AAMA 603.8 Performance Requirements and Test
Procedures for Pigmented Organic Coatings
on Extruded aluminium
6. AAMA 605.2 Specifications for High Performance
Organic Coatings on Architectural
Extrusions and Panels
7. AAMA 606.1 Specifications and Inspection Methods for
Integral Color Anodic Finishes for
Architectural Aluminum
8. AAMA 607.1 Specifications and Inspection Methods for
Clear Anodic Finishes for Architectural
9. AAMA 608.1 Specifications and Inspection Methods for
Electrolytically Deposited Color Anodic
Finishes For Architectural Aluminum
10. AAMA Series No.11 – Design Wind Loads for
Buildings and Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel



A. Verify site conditions.

B. Verify site dimensions, tolerances, and method of attachment with other work, are as
indicated on the shop drawings.

C. Verify wall openings and adjoining air and vapour seal materials are ready to receive work
of this Section.

D. Beginning of installation means acceptance of existing conditions.


A. Coordinate setting out drawings, templates, instructions and directions for installation of
anchors, which are to be embedded in, or attached to, concrete, masonry or steel construction.


A. General

1. The Contractor shall be wholly responsible for the erection of the elements within the Contract programme.

2. In order to provide the best quality installation, the Contractor shall provide a qualified team both in the off-site
fabrication and the in-situ installation. The Contractor will be required to provide a full list of operational
personnel for the fabrication and installation of units. All of the proposed personnel shall have substantial
experience in the fabrication and erection of similar curtain walling systems. The Contractor shall submit CV’s for
all of the above for approval by the SO.

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SECTION 08900 Rev. A
B. Erection

1. The installation shall be erected in accordance with the approved shop drawings. The Contractor
shall provide labour, materials, booms, hoists, erection equipment accessories and supervision
necessary to erect the complete system to the highest standards.

2. The Contractor shall set and install the units plumb, square and level, and shall fasten securely in
correct vertical and horizontal alignment.

3. During the installation the Contractor shall submit to the SO on a regular basis (at each site
meeting) a full report on the progress of the works.

4. The Contractor shall supply a high level of temporary task lighting for all works to be carried
out at night or in areas of low daylight levels.

5. The Contractor shall supply suitable tools to enable the installation to proceed safely and to the
highest standards. Tools to be on lanyards. The use of tools, materials or procedures which may
cause damage to the installation (either in appearance or function) will not be sanctioned and the
SO reserves the right to reject any work which is not installed in accordance with good practice.

6. The Contractor shall ensure that existing works are kept clean at all times and be responsible for
the cleaning of any soiled surface caused by installation and glazing work.

7. The installation and support system shall withstand an overload of 1.5 times design load at
which no failure shall occur in the works at the adjoining structure to which the curtain walling
and installation and support system is attached.

8. Provide thermal isolation where components penetrate or disrupt building insulation.

9. Install sill and other flashings.

10. Install fire stop insulation at each floor slab edge.

11. Coordinate attachment and seal of perimeter materials.

12. Maintain continuity of thermal barrier, by packing fibrous insulation in shim spaces at perimeter
of assembly, or by other suitable method.

13. All joints between metal and masonry or concrete shall be fully caulked with an approved
non-staining, permanently elastic and waterproof caulking compound and pointed with an
approved mastic.

14. Sufficient allowance shall be provided for thermal movement of all aluminum units and where
necessary or required suitable and adequate expansion joints must be provided, all to the
approval of the SO.

C. Tolerances

1. Attach to structure to permit sufficient adjustment to accommodate construction tolerances and other

2. Provide 3-way alignment attachments to permanently fasten system to building structure.

3. Align assembly plumb and level, free of warp or twist. Maintain assembly dimensional tolerances,
aligning with adjacent work.

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SECTION 08900 Rev. A
4. All parts of the installation, when completed, shall be correctly aligned within the following limitations:

a) Deviation from true horizontal, vertical design pitch and design location in plan must not exceed 1mm
per meter, to a maximum of 4mm for any component, nor shall any expansion joints between or among members
vary in excess of 1mm per meter of joint length, to a maximum of 4mm

b) Maximum offset from true alignment between two (2) consecutive members placed end to end must not
exceed 1.0mm edge to edge.

c) Maximum offset between glass framing members at corners of glazing pocket must not exceed 1mm.

1. The Contractor shall provide accurate bench marks for use in the erection.

2. The Contractor shall submit regular survey records to the SO, which shall include mark checks, vertical
and horizontal alignment, anchorage levels, etc.

D. Anchorage

1. Anchor component parts securely in place by bolting, welding or other permanent mechanical attachment
system which will comply with performance requirements and permit movements which are intended or necessary.
Install slip pads between moving parts.

2. All anchor bolts installed shall be tested mechanically or otherwise to 1.5 times design load.

3. Provide a separator at contact surface of dissimilar materials wherever there is a possibility of corrosive
or electrolytic action.

4. Remove weld slag and apply prime paint over welds. Also paint exposed portions of inserts. Touch up
shop applied paint that is damaged by welding or other causes.

E. Protection

1. The Contractor is to ensure that the highest possible standards of materials protection are maintained both
in the fabrication and installation of the curtain walling.

2. The Contractor is to ensure that all materials and completed units are delivered without damage and that
all components are fully protected. In this respect, a method statement will be required describing the protection
measures to be adopted when transporting material to site and hoisting it onto the floors for final installation.

3. The Contractor is to confirm the allocation of on site storage areas with the SO and these areas shall be
clearly defined.

4. Units awaiting installation are to be stacked on pallets to a height to be approved by the Structural

5. All materials stored on site are to be protected in such manner as to prevent damage from falling objects,
dust, water and dirt. The material must also be safe from mishandling or damage by other contractors or their
personnel in the pursuit of their own works.

6. During installation the Contractor shall provide protection to the units to prevent the ingress of water
from either rain or site which may become trapped in the fabric. This protection shall be strong enough to
withstand adverse wind conditions and shall provide complete protection at the top level of the installation
necessary to prevent the ingress of water into or behind the units.

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SECTION 08900 Rev. A
7. The installation shall be screened from weld splatter, spray-on-fireproofing, concrete alkaline masonry
washes, paint and other deleterious substances. Any such soiling shall be promptly and completely removed.

8. Aluminium, and other metalwork finished with powder coating, shall be protected by a temporary coating,
consisting of a strippable polyethylene, which is applied to the finished surfaces before installation. All installed
members shall be covered in plastic corrugated board to prevent possible damage from impact at the external side.
Provide non-staining protective film to all components at the internal side. Remove all protection upon completion
of the Works.

9. The Contractor shall protect all metalwork and glazed units from mechanical damage by forming up
around with timber, supported clear of the metalwork. In particular, protect all metalwork at entry points for
workmen, materials and equipment.

10. Where aluminium surfaces would otherwise be permanently in contact with cement and lime products,
stone, brick or timber and dissimilar metal, it should be coated with an insulating lacquer paint, or tape, etc, to
ensure the electric chemical corrosion is avoided.


A. The Contractor shall ensure that all actions are taken during installation to eliminate the
effects of corrosive substances on the finishes of the installation.

B. The Contractor shall clean both internal and external surfaces to remove corrosive
substances, dust or cement / mortar droppings during the installation as may be directed and instructed by the SO.

C. The Contractor shall provide written verification that cleaning agents are compatible with
aluminium, stainless steel, glass coatings, glazing materials and sealants. In no case shall alkaline or abrasive
agent be used to clean the surface. Care shall be taken to avoid scratching of the surface by grit particles.

D. Prior to arranging inspection the Contractor shall carry out a thorough cleaning of all glass
and aluminium.

E. The Contractor shall also make good any physical damage to the installation including
scratches, dents, abrasions, pitting, etc, to the satisfaction of the SO.

F. Manufacturer’s delivery or job markings on glass and adhesive for manufacturer’s labels
shall be a neutral material. In no case shall such material be alkaline. Any staining of glass by alkaline material
will result in rejection of the glass.

G. After the installation of each pane of glass all markings and labels shall be carefully and
completely removed from the panes. Thereafter, no markings or labels of any sort shall be placed on the glass.

H. Glazed openings shall be identified by suitable warning tapes or flags attached with non-
staining adhesive or other suitable means to the framing of the opening. Tapes or flags shall not be in contact with

I. The Contractor shall carry out regular inspection of the glass and installation to monitor
the effectiveness of the protection and to determine necessary remedial action.

J. Clean is defined as being free of any substance that cannot be removed by normal washing
with a mild detergent and water.


Chea Residence Project

16 / 16 February 2017
SECTION 08900 Rev. A

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