Answer Key Grammar For Great Writing Level A

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Grammar for Great Writing, Book A, 1st Edition


What Do You Know?, page 3

In fact, the Republic of Maldives is the lowest country in the world. (This sentence is
missing the verb be.)

Tourism and fishing is are the main sources of income for the country. (Tourism and
fishing are two items, so the verb form should be plural.)

ACTIVITY 1, page 5
1. is
2. are
3. was
4. is
5. are
6. was
7. were
8. were

ACTIVITY 2, page 7
1. are
2. was
3. are
4. were no
5. is no
6. is
7. is
8. is not

ACTIVITY 3, Common Error 1.1, page 8

1. are
2. is
3. is
4. was
5. are
6. is
7. was
8. were
ACTIVITY 4, Common Error 1.1, pages 8–9
1. is; is
2. are; is; are; are
3. is; are; are
4. was; was; was; was; is

ACTIVITY 5, Common Error 1.2, pages 9–10

1. The lion is one of the fastest mammals in the world, but it is not as fast as the cheetah.
2. There are three main types of rocks: sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous.
3. The inland taipan is one of the world's most poisonous snakes, but it is not the most
4. More than 10,500 years ago, there were trees, plants, and plenty of water in the Sahara
5. Until 1997, Almaty was the capital of Kazakhstan, but now it is Astana.
6. In the past, there were billions of passenger pigeons on Earth, but the very last one,
Martha, died in a zoo over 100 year ago.
7. In the future, it is likely that humans will live on Mars.
8. The Empire State Building was the tallest building in the world, but now there are
many taller buildings.

ACTIVITY 6, Common Error 1.3, page 10

1. are
2. is
3. are
4. has
5. was
6. has
7. has
8. are

ACTIVITY 7, Vocabulary in Academic Writing, page 11

1. is necessary
2. are more likely
3. are different
4. is important
5. is essential
6. are available
7. is not always consistent
8. are similar
9. be useful
10. is willing

ACTIVITY 8, Review Quiz, page 12

1. c
2. d
3. a
4. b
5. c
6. There are many reasons for studying a second language, such as enjoying travel more
and being able to work in a foreign country. (Reason should be reasons. We know it is
plural because of the word many.)
7. Steinstra’s point is that social media is useful for helping people to practice
relationship management techniques in a low-stress environment. (Are should be is. The
subject, Steinstra’s point, is singular.)
8. In 2013, there were 30 million Internet users in Pakistan. Over 15 million of these
people used mobile devices to connect to the Internet. (There is missing.)

ACTIVITY 9, Building Greater Sentences, page 13

Answers may vary.
1. Death Valley is one of the hottest places on Earth because it is located below sea level
and is far from any sources of water.
2. Cats are the best pet you can own because cats are clean and independent / and they are
3. While riding the bus is good for the environment, it is not convenient for everyone
because it is hard for disabled and elderly people to go up and down the stairs.

ACTIVITY 10, Steps to Composing, page 14

Dictionaries tell us that plagiarism is the act of using the words, ideas, or other work
of another person as one's own or without identifying the original writer. Plagiarism is a
very serious problem at colleges and universities. In some cases, students are not
permitted to continue at the school. Sometimes students do not understand plagiarism.
However, according to Turnitin, which is a company that made software that can find
plagiarism, there are 10 (or ten) types of plagiarism. Two of these are especially common
among college students. With the first type, a student uses someone else's work. An
example of this is when a student pays someone to write an essay for a class. The second
most common type consists of a work that is not 100 percent original. Both types of
plagiarism are wrong, so the consequences are serious.

ACTIVITY 11, Original Writing, page 15

Answers will vary.


What Do You Know?, page 17

There have are similarities and differences in the Japanese and American systems of
government. (Use a form of be when describing what exists.)

The United States also have has two houses: the Senate and the House of
Representatives. (The United States is singular; therefore, has is the correct form.)

ACTIVITY 1, page 18
1. has
2. had
3. have
4. has
5. did not have
6. do not have
7. have
8. have

ACTIVITY 2, page 19
1. has
2. do not have
3. has
4. have
5. has
6. has
7. did not have
8. had

ACTIVITY 3, Common Error 2.1, page 20

1. have
2. has
3. have
4. has
5. has
6. have
7. has
8. have

ACTIVITY 4, Common Error 2.1, page 21

1. have; have; does not have
2. have; has; has; have
3. have; has; have
4. has; have; have; has; have; have

ACTIVITY 5, Common Error 2.2, page 22

1. has
2. has
3. are
4. was
5. had
6. are
7. were
8. had

ACTIVITY 6, Vocabulary in Academic Writing, page 23

1. have; difficulty
2. has; consequences
3. have; an opportunity
4. has; meaning
5. have; right
6. do not have; access
7. have; benefits
8. has; effect
9. have; time
10. have; control

ACTIVITY 7, Review Quiz, page 24

1. d
2. b
3. a
4. a
5. c
6. Countries in tropical areas are hot and rainy almost every day, while countries in dry
climates do not receive much rainfall. (Have is incorrect; use a form of be.)
7. The book version of To Kill a Mockingbird is similar to the movie version in that both
have the same main characters and the same plot. (Both is plural, so use have.)
8. Benjamin Franklin was 22 years old and was the owner of his own printing business
when he had his first child William. (Have is incorrect; use a form of be when describing

ACTIVITY 8, Building Greater Sentences, page 25

Answers may vary.
1. While wolves and coyotes have different physical features, they have similar hunting
styles and they both have the ability to solve problems.
2. Meso-American pyramids are different from Egyptian pyramids because they have a
flat top and steps up the sides.
3. Starting college at a community college is a good idea because they have a variety of
courses to explore and you can save money before you attend a four-year college.

ACTIVITY 9, Steps to Composing, pages 26–27

To the average person, bees and wasps appear to be similar, but they are
different in some ways. They have different diets and different ways of defending
themselves. Bees and wasps also have several different physical features. For
example/For instance, bees have hair on their bodies and legs, while wasps do not. In
addition, bees have flat, wide legs, while wasps have thinner, rounded legs. Bees make
honey, which is their food. In contrast, wasps are predators, which means they catch and
eat other insects. Finally, bees are generally less aggressive than wasps. Honeybees can
sting one time, and then they die. Other types of bees can sting more than once. However,
wasps are very aggressive, and they can sting several times. It is clear that bees and
wasps are different, even though they seem similar to most of us.

ACTIVITY 10, Original Writing, page 27

Answers will vary.


What Do You Know?, page 29

Research show shows that happy people have certain habits. (Research is noncount, so it
needs a singular verb form.)

According to experts, having specific plans for things to look forward to also contribute
contributes to happiness. (A gerund is always a singular subject, so it needs the singular
verb form, contributes.)

ACTIVITY 1, page 31
1. is
2. are
3. has
4. show
5. is not
6. does not guarantee
7. sometimes appear
8. is often

ACTIVITY 2, page 32
1. is
2. consists
3. controlled
4. occur
5. became
6. carries
7. lives
8. started

ACTIVITY 3, Common Error 3.1, page 33

1. has; are; rains; falls; are; has; drops; occurs; rise
2. is; begins; meets; is; learns; are; falls; comes; attacks; saves

ACTIVITY 4, Common Error 3.2, page 34

1. X; There are over 7 billion people on Earth today.
2. X; There are 1.01 men for every woman on Earth.
3. X; Pluto is 7.5 billion kilometers from Earth.
4. X; The most common language in the world is Mandarin.
5. C
6. C
7. X; Most users of social media in the United States are female.
8. A conservationist is someone who works to protect the environment.

ACTIVITY 5, Common Error 3.3, page 35

1. Cats often use body language to communicate with humans. / Often, cats use body
language to communicate with humans.
2. It is sometimes necessary to have an MBA to get a high-level job. / Sometimes, it is
necessary to have an MBA to get a high-level job. / To get a high-level job, it is
sometimes necessary to have an MBA. / Sometimes, to get a high-level job, it is
necessary to have an MBA.
3. People rarely tip for services in Japan. / In Japan, people rarely tip for services.
4. The leader of an elephant herd is usually the largest female in the group. / The largest
female in the group is usually the leader of an elephant herd. / Usually, the leader of an
elephant herd is the largest female in the group. / Usually, the largest female in the group
is the leader of an elephant herd.
5. The sun never sets above the Arctic Circle. / Above the Arctic Circle, the sun never
6. Glass containers are usually recyclable. / Usually, glass containers are recyclable.
7. Food service careers usually require a high school diploma. / Usually, food service
careers require a high school diploma.
8. International Women's Day always occurs on March 8.

ACTIVITY 6, Vocabulary in Academic Writing, page 36

1. makes
2. know
3. find
4. means
5. use / find
6. occur
7. gets
8. seems
9. feel
10. takes

ACTIVITY 7, Review Quiz, page 37

1. b
2. d
3. a
4. c
5. b
6. One problem many older people have is the lack of convenient public transportation.
(People is plural, so has should be have.)
7. In the book version of Twilight, the characters Victoria, James, and Laurent do not
appear until the end, but in the movie version, they appear earlier in the story. (When
talking about what happens in a book, use the simple present.)
8. It is never a good idea to study for a test at the last minute, and recent studies prove
this. (Word order is incorrect; put never after is.)

ACTIVITY 8, Building Greater Sentences, page 38

Answers may vary.
1. Children in Australia often wear hats to school when ultraviolet levels are high, but
they do not need them in the winter months when ultraviolet levels are usually low.
2. Roses grow well in Portland, Oregon, because it rains a lot in the area and because the
winters are usually mild and the summers are warm.
3. At the beginning of the story, Harry Potter lives unhappily with his uncle's family, but
one day he receives a letter inviting him to come to Hogwarts.

ACTIVITY 9, Steps to Composing, pages 38–39

In my opinion, digital books are better than print books for college students. First,
digital books are less expensive than printed textbooks. For example, the price of a
typical electronic version of a college psychology textbook is about 50 percent less than
the print version. Second, digital books are much more convenient than print books. For
example, although the average textbook weighs almost four pounds, an e-reader with
several textbooks on it weighs less than a half a pound. Finally, more learning takes place
with digital books than with print textbooks. This is because digital books can connect to
dictionaries and the Internet, so students can look up unknown words or get more
background information on the topic they’re reading about. It is clear from these facts
that, for college students, digital books are superior to print books. / It is clear from these
facts that digital books are superior to print books for college students.

ACTIVITY 10, Original Writing, page 39

Answers will vary.


What Do You Know?, page 41

Most commonly, cities are adding separate bike lanes along the main streets, and they
increase are increasing the number of bike racks in public spaces, such as city centers
and parks. (For a current trend or change, use the present progressive.)

These green areas are having have benches and water fountains where a bike rider can
stop to rest. (Nonactive (stative) verbs cannot be in progressive tenses.)

ACTIVITY 1, page 43
1. S
Computer programmers are creating new security software nowadays.
2. S
These days major U.S. banks are charging customers a fee for a savings account.
3. S
Even though the city created separate bike lanes, cyclists are still using the roads.
4. S
Recently, Americans are spending more and more money on pet supplies.
5. S
What is happening in our schools today?
6. S
Engineers are currently working on ways to prevent another nuclear accident.
7. S
People are concerned about what they eat, and today many consumers are demanding
better information about the food they purchase.
8. S
Many people are buying and selling gold coins as an investment these days.

ACTIVITY 2, page 45
1. are traveling
2. are buying
3. are talking about
4. is sending
5. are trying
6. are dying
7. is looking
8. are; finding
9. are gaining
10. are taking

ACTIVITY 3, Common Error 4.1, page 46

1. X; are experiencing
2. C
3. X; are still killing
4. X; are no longer building
5. C
6. X; are learning
7. X; is rapidly drying up
8. C

ACTIVITY 4, Common Error 4.2, page 47

1. are occurring
2. are continuing
3. are dying
4. are cutting
5. is making

ACTIVITY 5, Common Error 4.3, page 47

1. stay; are starting
2. buys; are buying
3. is increasing; is; give
4. return; come; are not finding

ACTIVITY 6, Common Error 4.4, page 48

1. loves; is creating
2. agree; looks
3. want; are thinking about
4. are disappearing; think
5. do not believe; is changing
6. know; belong
7. need; is increasing
8. are eating; tastes

ACTIVITY 7, Vocabulary in Academic Writing, page 49

1. are taking
2. are working
3. is beginning
4. is using
5. are trying or are working
6. are doing
7. are making
8. are becoming or are working

ACTIVITY 8, Review Quiz, page 50

1. b
2. d
3. b
4. c
5. d
6. According to the Association of Zoos, elephants only needing need an area the size of
nine parking spots, but conservationists agree that elephants require a larger area. (Use
simple present with need.)
7. In Southeast Asia, yellow snails is destroying are destroying wetlands plants and
causing millions of dollars in damage to rice crops. As a result, community members are
working together to remove the snails by hand. (Use the correct plural form of be.)
8. More and more people in China are eating in fast-food restaurants because of recent
lifestyle changes. People in China now are having have more money to spend, but
unfortunately they are working longer and longer hours to get it. (Use simple present for
a stative verb.)

ACTIVITY 9, Building Greater Sentences, page 51

Answers may vary.
1. These days, librarians are using technology to manage large amounts of data.
2. More and more, people are using their smart phones as computers and cameras.
3. Nowadays, home gardeners are saving seeds from their tomato plants more and more.

ACTIVITY 10, Steps to Composing, page 52–53

Many Americans are eating less meat. The number one reason people are making
this change is that they are worried about their health. People want to be healthier. They
want to live longer. Nowadays many people are concerned about high cholesterol, so they
are eating meat substitutes like veggie burgers. In addition, people are worried that
certain kinds of meat such as sausage might / can cause cancer. Besides health concerns,
Americans are buying less meat because the price of meat is rising. Finally, concern for
the environment is causing people to eat less meat. It takes more energy to produce beef
than grain. Whether it is for health, money, or the environment, a large number of
Americans are eating less meat.

ACTIVITY 11, Original Writing, page 53

Answers will vary.


What Do You Know?, page 55

However, instead of going home after Mecca, he continued his journey, and he did not
returned return to Morocco for many years. (Use the base verb form with negative past

Over his lifetime, Battuta traveled for 29 years and covers covered over 75,000 miles.
(Use regular verb form +ed.)

ACTIVITY 1, page 57
1. died
2. did not become
3. came
4. ended
5. began
6. did not help
7. did not have
8. occurred

ACTIVITY 2, page 58
1. introduced
2. became
3. moved; started
4. discovered; identified
5. occur
6. disappeared; dropped
7. represented; was
8. are

ACTIVITY 3, Common Error 5.1, page 59

1. traveled
2. need
3. rained
4. are
5. thought
6. is
7. grew up
8. immigrated
9. became
10. enjoy

ACTIVITY 4, Common Error 5.2, page 60

1. X; Henry Mill was invent invented the first typewriter in 1714.
2. C
3. X; thought
4. X; Europeans were come came to Brazil at the beginning of the sixteenth century.
5. X; The Zapotec people of Mexico were build built the city of Teotihuacán between
100 BC and AD 700.
6. C
7. X; During the Great Depression, some famous American authors were write wrote
books about American life for $20 a week.
8. C

ACTIVITY 5, Common Error 5.3, page 61

1. made; was; attended; did; was; decided; had; did not believe; did not want
2. was; did not allow; traveled; decided; included; were; appeared; passed

ACTIVITY 6, Common Error 5.4, page 62

1. did not have
2. did not vote
3. did not attend
4. did not use
5. did not include
6. did not make
7. did not wear
8. did not have

ACTIVITY 7, Vocabulary in Academic Writing, page 63

1. were
2. did not do
3. included
4. based
5. made
6. did not associate
7. reported
8. provided
9. did not have
10. said

ACTIVITY 8, Review Quiz, page 64

1. b
2. d
3. c
4. d
5. a
6. In the ancient Greek society of Sparta, male children slept outside and hunt hunted for
their own food. (Use the past tense.)
7. People did not thought think that the world was flat when Columbus sailed to the New
World. (Use did not + base form of verb for negative past.)
8. Many historians think that people played a an early version of chess in India between
A.D. 280 – 550. (Use the article an when a word starts with a vowel.)

ACTIVITY 9, Building Greater Sentences, page 65

Answers may vary.
1. About 65 million years ago, a giant asteroid crashed into Earth and changed the
planet's temperature.
2. After the Chinese-American author Ha Jin emigrated to the United States in 1986, he
earned a PhD from Brandeis University and wrote several novels.
3. In the Middle Ages, the bubonic plague killed over 25 million people because fleas
caught the disease and gave it to humans.

ACTIVITY 10, Steps to Composing, page 66

In my opinion, one of the most important people in the history of science was
Marie Curie. Madame Curie made significant discoveries at a time when it was difficult
for women to succeed in science. Marie Curie was born Maria Sklodowska in Poland in
1867. Her father was a secondary school teacher, and he introduced his daughter to
physics and chemistry. When Madame Curie was 24 years old, she went to Paris to study
at the Sorbonne, where she received degrees in physics and math. At the Sorbonne, she
met and married her husband Pierre Curie. Madame Curie conducted experiments with
radioactivity, and based on this work, she and her husband discovered two elements,
radium and polonium, in 1898. Both these elements became important medical therapies.
For example, radium is used today to treat cancer. In 1903, Curie became was the first
woman to receive the Nobel Prize in physics, and she won a second Nobel Prize in 1911
for chemistry.

ACTIVITY 11 Original Writing, page 67

Answers will vary.


What Do You Know?, page 69

While she was making prints at Taller de Gráfica Popular (People’s Graphics
Workshop), Yampolsky became interested in photography. (Use the past progressive for
something that was in progress in the past.)

While she was living in Mexico, Yampolsky took over 66,000 photographs. (Use was +
verb +ing for past progressive with she.)
ACTIVITY 1, page 70
1. was teaching
2. was living
3. were fighting
4. was working
5. were not hiring
6. was touring
7. were not selling
8. was attending

ACTIVITY 2, page 72
1. downloaded
2. were looking
3. were living
4. heard
5. stepped
6. were gathering
7. was digging
8. fell

ACTIVITY 3, Common Error 6.1, page 73

1. X; George Washington was planning on going back to farming when the Constitutional
Convention delegates asked him to run for president.
2. C
3. X; Some of the world's greatest scientists, such as Enrico Fermi and Robert
Oppenheimer, were doing atomic research during World War II.
4. X; For thousands of years, Native Americans were living on the Bering Land Bridge,
which connected Asia and North America.
5. C
6. X; Conservationist Gary Roberts was flying near the Cameroon border when he saw 15
to 20 dead elephants in the fields below.
7. C
8. X; While the students were reading, the researchers recorded their eye movements.
9. X; The Golden State Warriors basketball team was playing its first game of the playoff
series when Stephen Curry injured his ankle.
10. X; Even though Curry kept playing, it was clear to the crowd that he was feeling
some pain.

ACTIVITY 4, Common Error 6.2, page 74

1. were climbing; disappeared
2. was pretending; caught
3. formed; was living
4. were flying; flew
5. was studying; made
6. was visiting; learned
7. was flying; hit
8. was serving; wrote

ACTIVITY 5, Vocabulary in Academic Writing, page 75

1. was doing or was making
2. were using or were making
3. were learning or were reading
4. was working
5. was teaching or was working
6. was trying
7. was making
8. were taking
9. were attending
10. was not reading or was not using

ACTIVITY 6, Review Quiz, page 76

1. b
2. c
3. b
4. c
5. a
6. Before he came to the United States, Ha Jin was studying at Heilongjiang University
in China. (Was is missing. We use was + verb+ing to emphasize an action that was in
7. Most of the study participants were still working on the test when the researcher asked
them to stop. (Use the past tense of ask to show that this action interrupted what the
participants were doing.)
8. By 2014, most American adults were using cell phones. (Adult should be plural
because it is a general statement.)

ACTIVITY 7, Building Greater Sentences, page 77

Answers may vary.
1. Wildlife photographer Paul Nicklen was photographing a leopard seal when the seal
swam close to him, opened her mouth, and put Nicklen's camera into it.
2. While Steve Wozniak was attending the University of California in Berkeley, he met
Steve Jobs and they started working together.
3. The researcher played Mozart while the subjects were taking a test because she wanted
to show that listening to music helps people concentrate.

ACTIVITY 8, Steps to Composing, pages 78–79

On April 10, 1912, the RMS Titanic, the largest passenger ship ever built, left
England for the United States. The Titanic was so big and so safe that people called it
"unsinkable." The ship was carrying a total of 2,240 passengers, a combination of
wealthy people and immigrants on their way to America. At around 11:30 p.m. on the
fourth night of the trip, the Titanic was sailing in calm water under a clear sky and most
of the passengers were sleeping. The ship was moving at full speed when suddenly one of
the ship's crewmembers, Frederick Fleet, saw an iceberg. The ship was heading directly
toward it. Fleet rang a bell and called the captain. The captain tried to turn the ship to
avoid the iceberg, but it was too late. The Titanic hit the iceberg while it was turning, and
the ship began to sink. By 2 a.m. on April 15th, the Titanic was completely underwater.
More than 1,550 people died in the disaster, and close to 700 people survived. They are
all gone now, but the remains of the Titanic are still lying at the bottom of the ocean

ACTIVITY 9, Original Writing, page 79

Answers will vary.


What do you know?, page 81

Then they will to talk to their doctor about it online to receive a treatment plan. (Do not
use to after will.)

For some diseases, the doctor may assign them to a group where several patients with
the same illness will share information electronically, and the doctor will gives give them
individual or group advice. (Use the base verb after will.)

ACTIVITY 1, page 83
1. will explain
2. am going to explain
3. will be
4. are going to be
5. will replace
6. is going to manufacture
7. may replace
8. will not solve
9. is not going to solve
10. will be no

ACTIVITY 2, page 84
1. certain; will describe
2. possibility; may erupt
3. a plan; are going to use
4. certain; will not need
5. less certain; will probably return
6. a plan; is going to increase
7. possibility; may be
8. certain; will not stop

ACTIVITY 3, Common Error 7.1, page 85

1. X; According to the World Health Organization, eating processed meats may cause
2. C
3. X; Although building a new dam will create necessary electricity, it may eventually
hurt the fish population.
4. X; An electrical resistor is anything that will reduce the amount of electricity that
flows through it.
5. C
6. X; Tourists to Campeche, Mexico, will see beautiful tropical flowers, Spanish
architecture, and Mayan ruins.
7. C
8. C

ACTIVITY 4, Common Error 7.2, page 86

1. is going to begin; will be
2. may help; will help
3. may seem; will probably need
4. may not be able; will likely keep

ACTIVITY 5, Vocabulary in Academic Writing, page 87

1. may have
2. may result
3. may provide
4. may seem
5. may be
6. may find
7. may include
8. may lead
9. may help
10. may need

ACTIVITY 6, Review Quiz, page 88

1. a
2. d
3. c
4. a
5. b
6. Incorrect food storage may cause food poisoning. It is safer to divide hot leftover
food into several small containers in the refrigerator because it will take longer to cool
food in a large container. (Use the plural form of container. We know this because of the
word several.)
7. Dolphins usually work together to eat. First, they will find a school of fish. Next,
several of them will form a circle around the fish. Finally, one will swim into the circle to
eat. (Use the base form of the verb swim after will.)
8. At some point during your college education, an instructor is going to ask you to make
a speech. The most important thing to remember is that you will need a topic that will
interest the audience. (Use the correct form of be going to.)

ACTIVITY 7, Building Greater Sentences, page 89

Answers may vary.
1. Globally, forest fires will likely increase because of climate change.
2. Computer engineers will need to develop better security because more information
will be available in the future.
3. A high-speed railway is going to connect China and Singapore in a few years.

ACTIVITY 8, Steps to Composing, pages 90–91

Tons of plastic garbage floating in our oceans is a serious global problem that
affects marine life and beaches. First, injuries to marine life are far-reaching. Birds and
fish may think shiny pieces of broken plastic are small fish and eat them. The plastic may
cause them to become very sick or die. A turtle may swim into a plastic bag, and it may
not be able to free itself. Furthermore, dolphins or whales may get caught in nets and
drown. In addition to harming marine life, this plastic garbage spoils the beaches. It hurts
tourism because it is unattractive. Additionally, someone may get hurt by stepping on
something sharp. A recent study estimated that 8 million metric tons of plastic reaches
the world’s oceans every year, and this number will likely increase because of the
growing population. In conclusion, if we do nothing to stop this pollution, the problems
are only going to get worse.

ACTIVITY 9, Original Writing, page 91

Answers will vary.


What Do You Know?, page 93

When this happens, a land bridge that is 1.3 miles long appears between the two islands,
and this allows the residents to walk from one island to the other. (The subject, a land
bridge, is singular, so we use verb + -s.)

High tide soon covers the path, and all the people in the area look forward to the next
time that they can walk on the bottom of the sea. (The subject people is plural, so we use
the plural form of the verb.)

ACTIVITY 1, page 95
1. contains
2. have
3. are
4. revolve
5. needs
6. holds
7. replies
8. worry

ACTIVITY 2, page 97
1. export
2. increase
3. flows
4. is
5. can
6. has
7. is
8. have
9. helps
10. explains

ACTIVITY 3, Common Error 8.1, pages 98–99

1. were; there were
2. do not share; must cross; has
3. appear; there are; have; is; is
4. do not create; interprets; uses
5. believe; is; contains; can hold
6. must wear; do not wear
7. is; take
8. reaches, becomes, pour

ACTIVITY 4, Common Error 8.2, page 100

1. is
2. should meet
3. spend
4. receives
5. were
6. do not need
7. is
8. has

ACTIVITY 5, Vocabulary in Academic Writing, page 101

1. occur
2. varies
3. requires
4. functions
5. assume
6. indicate
7. involves
8. distribute
9. creates
10. estimate

ACTIVITY 6, Review Quiz, page 102

1. b
2. b
3. d
4. b
5. a
6. During a leap year, Western calendars add one day to February, but the traditional
Chinese calendar adds an entire month every three years. (Chinese calendar is singular,
so we need a singular verb.)
7. After a volunteer rescues each injured bird, he or she must clean the oil from the
bird’s entire body with a gentle soap and water mixture. (With a modal, use the base form
of the verb.)
8. There is no substitute for hard work and dedication when it comes to completing your
college career. (The subject, substitute, is singular, so we need a singular verb.)

ACTIVITY 7, Building Greater Sentences, page 103

Answers may vary.
1. Bats consume almost 3,000 insects in one night.
2. There are only five volcanoes in the world that contain lava lakes.
3. Both gymnastics and soccer are popular Olympic sports.

ACTIVITY 8, Steps to Composing, pages 104–105

Animals do not use words, but they can communicate. One way that an animal is able
to communicate is by making sounds. For example, a cat purrs when it is happy, but it
hisses to show anger. Many types of insects rub their wings or legs together to send
information. Other animals also use body language to communicate. Dogs use their tails
to transmit many messages. A tail wag can mean that the animal is happy, scared, or
angry. Finally, some animals communicate using odors. Bears will rub against a tree to
mark their personal areas, and a bee will release a body chemical to warn other bees
about danger. Although animals are unable to use words, they can most certainly express

ACTIVITY 9, Original Writing, page 105

Answers will vary.


What Do You Know?, page 107

According to news reports, he was worth more than $100 million at age 25. (According
to is a multiword preposition.)

On October 5, 2011, Steve Jobs died at the age of 56. (Use on with specific dates.)

ACTIVITY 1, page 109

1. Without vitamin C in one’s daily diet, it is difficult for a person to remain in good
health. (4)
2. Many of the patients who take aspirin every day for better heart health are not aware of
the possible health risks. (3)
3. Participating in team sports teaches children to depend on teammates for help. (3)
4. Due to a number of government fees and other costs, airlines have raised the price of
many tickets. (3)
5. For a variety of reasons, the first day at his new job was a disaster from the very
beginning until closing time. (5)
6. Traveling from countries in South America to Asia requires a change of planes in one
or more cities. (5)
7. Malay is an example of a language with no verb tenses, but it is also different from
English in several other important ways. (4)
8. Being in a car accident at age 15 changed how I think about many things. (3)

ACTIVITY 2, page 112

1. to; of
2. between; from
3. to; of; in
4. During / In; of
5. from; on; at
6. of; in; in; until
7. of; for; for
8. of; of; at / for / in / at
9. to; in; for; of
10. for; of

ACTIVITY 3, Common Error 9.1, page 113

1. In / During; in; in
2. in; to; in
3. for
4. to; from
5. for

ACTIVITY 4, Common Error 9.2, pages 113-114

1. are; buying
2. focusing; maintaining
3. living; ranges
4. excel; learning; presents
5. is; returning; speak
6. cover; removing

ACTIVITY 5, Common Error 9.3, page 114

1. When you are ready for to begin your data search, do a quick Internet search for the
top five sites for your topic.
2. For many beginning adult learners of Chinese, it is difficult for to learn
how to write.
3. Because there are thousands of different types of insects, it is almost impossible for
anyone for to list all of them in one document.
4. Words with multiple vowels are often too difficult for to spell correctly.
5. For the second time this month, the judge was very disappointed for to find out that the
jury was once again unable to reach a decision in this important case.
6. It is always recommended for to make an outline before you write an essay.

ACTIVITY 6, Vocabulary in Academic Writing, page 115

1. different from
2. involved in
3. related to
4. responsible for
5. aware of
6. concerned about
7. interested in
8. involved in
9. responsible for
10. similar to

ACTIVITY 7, Review Quiz, page 116

1. c
2. d
3. c
4. c
5. a
6. Not many travelers agree with Sky Airlines’ recent decision to charge more for
checked luggage. (Use simple present of agree because it is a general statement.)
7. Most people do not know who can lead us during this transition, but there is a definite
need for new leadership in our company. (Indefinite article a is needed: a definite need.)
8. Instead of paying the workers a higher salary, the company announced that it will
increase the number of paid vacation days for everyone. (The multiword preposition
instead of is followed by a gerund.)
ACTIVITY 8, Building Greater Sentences, page 117
Answers may vary.
1. This paper will focus on the devastating effects of the 2014 tsunami in Thailand,
Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and India.
2. Spanish is an example of a Romance language without phrasal verbs.
3. According to a recent newspaper report, many workers in Thailand are tired of making
low salaries, working long hours, and paying high taxes.

ACTIVITY 9, Steps to Composing, pages 118-119

William Shakespeare is very famous, but we know very little about his early life.
Shakespeare was born in the small town of Stratford-on-Avon in 1564. He grew up in a
large family with five siblings. In 1582, William Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway.
He was 18 years old, and / but she was 26. During his career, Shakespeare wrote at least
37 plays for an acting group. Many people came to see his plays, including Romeo and
Juliet, Hamlet, and Macbeth. Because of / Due to his success in the theater, Shakespeare
became a wealthy man. After a very productive career, Shakespeare died in 1616.

ACTIVITY 10, Original Writing, page 119

Answers will vary.


What do you know?, page 121

Second, they should selects select a location that is convenient for the members.
(Modals are followed by the base form of the verb.)
If organizers remember to follow these steps, their community garden must should be
successful. (Use should or will to express an expectation about the future.)

ACTIVITY 1, page 123

1. Most vegetables need full sun to grow well, but lettuce can grow in part shade.
2. Because water is important for life, we should not pollute our rivers and lakes.
3. A child with peanut allergies could have a serious reaction after eating a cookie.
4. For food safety reasons, refrigerator temperatures must be at or below 41 degrees
5. Although penguins are classified as birds, they cannot fly.
6. In order to find ancient jewelry, archaeologists have to look through the dirt very
7. Recent studies show that young adults should get seven to nine hours of sleep per
8. A glider pilot has to use air currents to keep the glider in the air.

ACTIVITY 2, page 126

1. future possibility; could attract
2. advice; should keep
3. no past ability; could not travel
4. requirement; have to break
5. present ability; can show
6. prohibition; must not open
7. law; must have
8. expectation; should be
9. possibility; may not adapt
10. impossibility; could not live

ACTIVITY 3, Common Error 10.1, page 127

1. X; Without proper training, marathon runners probably not could could not complete
the course.
2. X; Many older people could should benefit from a yoga exercise program.
3. C
4. X; For legal reasons, a coach have has to provide safety equipment to the athletes.
5. X; Because of their different chemistry, oil and water no can cannot be mixed.
6. X; For fog to form, cool air must moving move over warmer water.
7. C
8. X; The power of ocean waves can generates generate electricity.
9. X; The giant humpback whales can to dive to great depths in the ocean.
10. X; Research suggests that e-cigarettes maybe may be addictive.

ACTIVITY 4, Common Errors 10.2 and 10.3, page 128

1. could be; should think
2. could not speak; was; could speak
3. can lie; can watch
4. must not tip; should not tip; do not have to tip; can
5. can drive; have to pass
ACTIVITY 5, Vocabulary in Academic Writing, page 129
1. can make
2. can use
3. can lead
4. can do
5. can be
6. can take
7. can provide
8. can see
9. can help
10. can have

ACTIVITY 6, Review Quiz, page 130

1. c
2. b
3. c
4. a
5. b
6. Because there are is not enough research on the health effects of caffeine, children
should not drink caffeinated beverages. (For sentences that begin with there is or there
are, the subject follows the verb. Since the subject is plural (studies), the verb must be
7. In order to receive oxygen, the great white shark must to swim with its mouth open,
and it must not stop swimming or it will die. (Use the base verb without to after a modal.)
8. Because of space telescopes, scientists can see distant stars that Galileo could not saw
see 400 years ago. Additionally, astronomers can take photos of planets today, but
Galileo could only draw pictures with a pencil and paper. (Use the base verb after a
modal. The modal could shows the past time, not the verb.)

ACTIVITY 7, Building Greater Sentences, page 131

Answers may vary.
1. A volcano below Yellowstone National Park could / may erupt in the near future.
2. People must not send text messages while driving a car.
3. Kids should wear school uniforms to prevent bullying.

ACTIVITY 8, Steps to Composing, pages 132–133

Common cold and cough medicines can be life threatening to a baby. As a result,
parents should be very careful when giving any kind of medicine to a baby. One
common drugstore medicine for the aches and pains of a cold or fever is aspirin, but
aspirin can cause Reye’s syndrome, which in turn could lead to a baby’s death. Orange-
flavored children’s cold and cough medicines are also available at drugstores and some
grocery stores, but these attractive medicines are never for children under the age of two.
They can cause a baby’s heart rate to become very low and bring about unconsciousness.
Another danger can occur with honey. Even though honey is a food, many adults and
children use honey as a remedy for coughs, but parents should never give honey to a
baby. Honey can have bacteria that babies cannot digest. This can cause serious weakness
and breathing problems. For these reasons, parents should always get/obtain/seek a
doctor’s advice before giving any medicine to a baby.

ACTIVITY 9, Original Writing, page 133

Answers will vary.


What Do You Know?, page 135

They have been a part of human civilization for a long time. (Every sentence needs a

Today India is the largest producer, consumer, and exporter of red chilies. Use a comma
before and connecting the last item in a list of three or more items.)

ACTIVITY 1, page 137

1. In 1990, West Germany and East Germany became one country again.
2. According to many scholars, Ernest Hemingway’s works are definitely classics in
American literature.
3. On July 23, 2012, Sally Ride became the first American woman to travel into space.
4. The ukulele and the mandolin are both string instruments.
5. Jackson Pollock and Willem de Kooning were artists of the abstract expressionism
6. Writing a thank-you card does not take very much time and is not very difficult to do.
7. Unlike South Korea and Japan, Ecuador, Honduras, and the Philippines export
8. Nancy Love, Jacqueline Cochran, and Maggie Gee were female aviators and served
during World War II.

ACTIVITY 2, page 138

1. I; Of the world’s 17 types of penguins, the largest penguins live in very cold climates.
2. Q; What factors impact the migration of manatees?

3. R; Note the increase in oxygen flow in the next step of this experiment.
4. I; For a variety of health reasons, the government should pass laws about smoking in
public places.

5. R; At this point, let us consider the differences between face-to-face and online classes.
6. I; Without a doubt, physical exercise can greatly improve the health of young children.

7. R; Imagine living in a world without Internet.

8. Q; What roles will robots play in our future?

ACTIVITY 3, Common Error 11.1, page 139

1. According to the news report, Senegal Airlines Flight 442 departed from Dakar at
11:15 a.m.
2. Motion sickness affects many people and consists of feeling nauseated in a moving
car, bus, boat, or airplane.
3. Osteoporosis causes bones to become weak and fragile.
4. Pilatre de Rozier launched the first hot-air balloon in France in 1783.
5. The very best professional soccer players must practice for many years.
6. Many athletic people enjoy extreme sports such as skydiving, rock climbing, and
7. Before submitting essays, students should check their writing for errors.
8. People can view the aurora borealis in northern countries such as Canada and Iceland.

ACTIVITY 4, Common Error 11.2, page 140

1. The quarter is one of the most commonly used U.S. coins. It is worth 25 cents.
2. In 1867, the United States bought Alaska from Russia. At the time, this purchase was
not very popular.
3. For most beginners, Chinese writing symbols appear to be impossible to learn.
However, with enough practice, they are not so difficult.
4. Hot springs have many healing powers. They can improve skin quality and reduce
5. Netball is a sport similar to basketball. Exactly how are these two games similar?
6. Frybread is a type of bread. People can eat it alone or with jam.
7. Tigers are very big animals and can reach a body length of up to 11 feet (3.5 meters).
Today these beautiful animals live in China, South Korea, and Russia.
8. In 2009, a group of people discovered the largest cave in the world. It is located in
Vietnam near the border with Laos.

ACTIVITY 5, Common Error 11.3 , page 141

1. The most popular tourist destinations in the United States are New York, Chicago, San
Francisco, Las Vegas, and New Orleans.
2. Roses can grow in a variety of colors such as red, yellow, and white.
3. Two of the most popular picnic foods are fried chicken and potato salad. (no commas)
4. June, August, September, and October are the most common months to have a
5. Words such as swimming pool, chocolate cake, birthday gift, and bus stop are
examples of compound nouns.
6. Thailand shares a border with Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, and Malaysia.
7. More of the world’s flags are white, red, and blue than any other color combination.
8. Many typical Louisiana dishes include green onions and celery. (no commas)

ACTIVITY 6, Common Error 11.4, page 142

1. In October 1871, the weather in the Chicago area was extremely dry. From October 8th
to October 10th, a fire destroyed a large section of the city and killed 300 people.
2. Getting a college degree can certainly be expensive. For most people, it is difficult to
find a good job without one.
3. In both 2015 and 2016, the central part of the country received a record amount of
4. At the end of the competition, there was an award ceremony. The two players with the
highest scores received awards.
5. Now let’s consider the different qualities of each kind of rock. Between sedimentary
and igneous rocks, which of these is softer and therefore easier to damage?
6. To give their children the best education possible, some parents teach their children at
home. This practice is called home schooling and has become more and more popular

ACTIVITY 7, Vocabulary in Academic Writing, page 143

1. primary
2. complex
3. consequences
4. strategies
5. focus
6. affect
7. region
8. previous
9. design
10. categories

ACTIVITY 8, Review Quiz, page 144

1. b
2. c
3. a
4. d
5. b
6. Two similarities between Ecuador and Indonesia, are that both countries are on the
equator and produce a large amount of oil. (No comma is needed. This is not a
prepositional or introductory phrase.)
7. On December 24, 1814, the United States and Great Britain signed the Treaty of
Ghent. After two years and eight months, it ended the War of 1812 between the two
countries. (The subject is missing.)
8. Water freezes at 32 degrees on the Fahrenheit scale, and 0 degrees on the Celsius scale.
(No comma is needed for two items)

ACTIVITY 9, Building Greater Sentences, page 145

Answers may vary.
1. Hurricanes and tornadoes can be terrifying, powerful, and deadly.
2. The Australian Open, the French Open, Wimbledon, and the U.S. Open are major
tennis tournaments.
3. The famous Mexican author Carlos Fuentes was born in 1928 and died in 2012.

ACTIVITY 10, Steps to Composing, page 146

For this assignment, we conducted a survey of 100 students at Downtown
University. We wanted to know how many miles they commute to the university each
week. We selected participants at random from students entering the library on August
31, 2016. We asked them a single question about their commuting habits. The three
answer choices were under 20 miles (32 km) in a week, between 21 and 40 miles (34 and
64 km) in a week, and more than 40 miles in a week. Out of 100 responses, 86 selected
under 20 miles in a week. The results were surprising because we expected more people
to report a higher weekly commuting distance. The remaining answers were divided
equally/evenly between the other two categories. We believe this information could be
useful for future transportation planning at Downtown University.

ACTIVITY 11 Original Writing, page 147

Answers will vary.


What Do You Know?, page 149

One of the most popular attractions at any amusement park is a roller coaster, but very
few people understand the science that explains how roller coasters work. (You cannot
join two independent clauses with a comma alone. You need a coordinating conjunction.)

Most people do not know how a roller coaster works, but they enjoy it just the same.
(In academic writing, you should not begin a sentence with but. Use but to connect two
independent clauses with a comma before it.)

ACTIVITY 1, page 151

S 1. The tiny nation of Liechtenstein lies in central Europe and has no seacoast.
C 2. At many universities, a major in history requires 36 credits of coursework, but a
minor requires only 18 credits.
S 3. In the words string, French, and branch, all of the letters but one are consonants.
S 4. According to several Internet sources, the five most common surnames in England
are Smith, Jones, Williams, Taylor, and Brown.
C 5. Machu Picchu is a very popular tourist destination, so Peru receives millions of
tourists each year.
C 6. The word present has two prounications, but the meanings are very different.
C 7. Giraffes can eat up to 100 pounds of leaves per day, so they spend most of their day
C 8. Singapore has been an independent country for more than five decades, but it was
part of Malaysia.
ACTIVITY 2, page 152
Answers will vary but each answer needs a subject and a verb (a clause). Possible
answers include:
1. more people are buying new phones every day.
2. many people worry that we are spending too much time on our phones.
3. people are able to communicate with each other from all over the world.
4. often come with better food for passengers.
5. they are very expensive to buy.
6. many people choose to pay for first class.

ACTIVITY 3, Common Error 12.1, page 153

1. Brown rice and white rice are actually both rice, but brown rice may be a healthier
food choice.
2. Ten of the twelve South American countries have a coastline, but Bolivia and Paraguay
are landlocked.
3. The chemical symbol for silver is Ag, and its atomic number is 47.
4. Most pencils in the United States have an eraser on top, but most pencils in Europe
have no eraser.
5. An apple typically has about 95 calories, so it is a good choice for a healthy snack.
6. Bamboo is simply a kind of grass, but more than 600 million people earn an income
from bamboo.
7. Flying kites is a common children’s activity, but it is a serious sport in several
8. Three formats for vinyl records are 33, 45, and 78, but the 78 format record has always
been the least common.

ACTIVITY 4, Common Error 12.2 , page 154

1. The very best profesional soccer players must train for many years, but their time on
the field does not guarantee success.
2. According to the news report, Senegal Airlines Flight 442 departed from Dakar at
11:15 a.m., and it arrived in Paris six hours later.
3. Before submitting essays, students should check their writing for errors so readers
cannot easily find errors in it. (No comma with so for purpose.)
4. Motion sickness consists of feeling nauseated in a moving car, bus, boat, or airplane,
but it affects people in very different way.
5. People in northern countries such as Canada and Iceland can see the aurora borealis,
but it appears in the southern hemisphere at times.
6. Osteoporosis causes bones to become weak, so people should follow their doctor’s
advice about this serious condition.
7. Many athletic people play extreme sports such as skydiving, rock climbing, and
snowboarding, so they are obviously not afraid of injuries.
8. The first hot-air ballon flew in France, but it did not carry people.

ACTIVITY 5, Common Error 12.3, page 155

1. Montana is the third largest U.S. state, but it has a population of a little more than one
million people.
2. Travelers can often find the same hotel room for different prices on different web sites,
so it is wise to look at several sites before booking.
3. Butterflies are beautiful creatures, but their average lifespan is only one month.
4. Carrots are rich in vitamin A, but (or and) they are easy to prepare.
5. Color psychology is the study of the effect of color on human behavior, and (or so)
companies use research from color psychology to increase the sales of their products.

ACTIVITY 6, Common Error 12.4, page 156

1. N; The first passenger elevator started service in New York, and this invention
changed how cities could grow.
2. Y
3. N; There is less demand for oil at the current time, so the price of oil has dropped a
great deal.
4. N; The Academic Word List has 570 important words for university success, but a
good student will need to know much more vocabulary than just these 570 words.
5. N; In Alaska, people can obtain a driver’s license when they are 16½ years old, but in
most states, a person has to be 18 for a driver’s license.
6. Y

ACTIVITY 7, Vocabulary in Academic Writing, page 157

1. initial
2. outcomes
3. task
4. sufficient
5. removed
6. document
7. negative
8. instance
9. location
10. sequence

ACTIVITY 8, page 158

1. b
2. a
3. c
4. d
5. a
6. The 2022 FIFA World Cup championship will take place in Qatar, and the normal
competition month of June or July has been changed to November. (Do not use two
subject words for one thing. If you use normal month and it, you have two subject
7. According to a survey about pet ownership in Canada, about 35 percent of households
have a dog, but 38 percent have a cat. (Be sure to use a comma between two independent
clauses joined with a connector.)
8. Italy is the fourth largest economy in Europe, and its largest trading partners are
Germany, France, the United States, and Switzerland. (Do not use a comma between the
subject and a verb.)

ACTIVITY 9, Building Greater Sentences, page 159

Answers may vary.
1. Most jellyfish live less than a year, but some of the smallest, which are the size of a
pinhead, live only a few days.
2. The most common allergy for adults is to pollen, so spring is a very difficult time of
the year for those adults.
3. Celsius and Fahrenheit are temperature scales from the 1700s, but more countries use
Celsius now.

ACTIVITY 10, Steps to Composing, page 160

The FIFA World Cup is certainly one of the most popular soccer events. In fact,
many people would say it is the most important sports event in the world. For example,
the 2014 final game between Germany and Argentina had an audience of 695 million
viewers. The World Cup began in 1930, so it is less than 100 years old. The World Cup is
held every four years, but it is never held in the same year as the Olympics. Only eight
different teams have won this prestigious event. Brazil has won five times, Germany has
won four times, and Italy has won four times. The other countries with at least one win
are Uruguay, Argentina, England, France, and Spain.

ACTIVITY 11, Original Writing, page 161

Answers will vary.

What Do You Know?, page 163
I placed them in five locations very different very different locations. (The adjective
different must come before the noun.)

In other words, tomato plants in more bright brighter locations generally experience
more growth than those in conditions with less light. (If an adjective has one syllable, add
–er to form the comparative, not more.)

ACTIVITY 1, page 166

1. descriptive; descriptive; noun as adjective
2. noun as adjective; descriptive; descriptive
3. noun as adjective; descriptive
4. descriptive; descriptive
5. comparative; possessive; descriptive
6. quantity; noun as adjective; noun as adjective
7. descriptive; noun as adjective
8. possessive; descriptive; descriptive

ACTIVITY 2, page 167

1. more expensive
2. loudest
3. healthier
4. highest
5. heavier
6. longest
7. more dangerous
8. most popular

ACTIVITY 3, page 168

1. large; small
2. democratic
3. ideal; cold
4. similar; different
5. official
6. harder
7. favorite

ACTIVITY 4, Common Error 13.1, page 169

1. Brown rice may be a healthier food choice healthier than white rice.
2. Unfortunately, budget challenges budget will limit city growth city in the next two to
three years.
3. In my opinion, divorce is a social problem social that we need to discuss more openly.
4. Regional food can tell us about the history of one particular area particular. For
example, gumbo is a special dish special from the state of Louisiana.
5. The cell phone is an a modern invention modern.
6. Using a bilingual dictionary bilingual can be a successful method successful to learn
new words.
7. There are significant differences significant between British English British and
American English American.
8. There are many statistical methods for measuring customer satisfaction customer, but
two are especialy helpful for clothing stores clothing.

ACTIVITY 5, Common Error 13.2, pages 169–170

1. The other problems are also important.
2. These books are excellent.
3. They are huge environmental problems.
4. Old cars can be very expensive to maintain.
5. Many people/People like to attend cultural events.
6. Female lions do 90% or more of the hunting.

ACTIVITY 6, Common Error 13.3 , page 170

1. X; A few soccer players earn a more high higher salary than famous movie stars.
2. X; Some people think it is more good better to exercise in the morning than at night.
3. C
4. X; For an English speaker, French is more easy easier to learn than Chinese.
5. C
6. X; Most students would prefer to own a more light lighter laptop.
7. X; Japan has a much more old older written history than Canada.
8. C

ACTIVITY 7, Vocabulary in Academic Writing, page 171

1. different
2. political
3. important
4. new
5. social
6. high
7. significant
8. public
9. other / new
10. international

ACTIVITY 8, Review Quiz, page 172

1. b
2. a
3. c
4. c
5. d
6. According to police reports, the fight between the three men started when one person
became angry because the line ticket line was moving very slowly. (Ticket is used to
describe the line, and so must come before the noun.)
7. When you fill out the job application, be certain to use a blue or black pen and write in
larges large letters. (Adjectives do not have a plural form.)
8. As a gift special gift to say thanks to someone, roses seem to be a much more popular
flower than an orchid or tulips. (The adjective special must come before the noun.)

ACTIVITY 9, page 173

Answers may vary.
1. The average annual rainfall in Seattle is 38 inches.
2. An excellent flower shop is located near the new bank by the river. / An excellent
flower shop is located near the new bank that is by the river.
3. The lake water experiment requires special cotton gloves.

ACTIVITY 10, Steps to Composing, pages 174–175

Some/Many/Most people mistakenly believe that an alligator is the same as a
crocodile. In reality, these two reptiles are extremely different. One difference is location.
Alligators live in China and Florida. Crocodiles live in Central America, northern South
America, northern Australia, and Southeast Asian countries such as Burma, Thailand,
Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines. In other words, they are on almost every continent
except Europe and Antarctica. Also, crocodiles live in saltwater, but alligators do not. A
physical difference is the shape of their noses. An alligator’s nose is sort of round, but a
crocodile’s nose is shaped like the letter V. In addition, a crocodile’s fourth tooth is visible
when its mouth is closed. In contrast, an alligator’s teeth are hardly visible when its mouth is
closed. Another general difference is that many types of crocodiles are more aggressive than
most types of alligators. In sum, alligators and crocodiles / these two reptiles / these two
creatures may look similar, but they are certainly different.

ACTIVITY 11, page 175

Answers will vary.

What Do You Know?, page 177

Like emeralds or diamonds, pearls are gemstones for the jewelry. (Jewelry is a non-
count noun, and it is not specific jewelry in this sentence.)

Instead, a pearl comes from a an oyster, which is an animal that lives in a shell in the
sea. (Oyster is a count noun that begins with a vowel sound, so the correct article is an.)

ACTIVITY 1, page 179

1. a
2. An; a
3. an
4. a; an
5. Ø; an
6. A; a; Ø
7. an; Ø
8. Ø
9. Ø; Ø
10. Ø; a; a

ACTIVITY 2, page 181

1. the; a
2. the; Ø
3. Ø; Ø
4. the; the; Ø
5. an; the
6. The; the; Ø
7. the; the
8. Ø; Ø

ACTIVITY 3, Common Error 14.1 , page 182

1. X; On December 26, 2004, an earthquake in the Indian Ocean created giant tsunami
waves up to 100 feet (30.5 meters) high.
2. C
3. X; As part of an advertising campaign, some companies create a slogan, which is a
phrase like Nike’s “Just Do It.”
4. C
5. X; An Ironman Triathlon consists of a 2.4-mile (3.7 km) swim, an a 112-mile (180 km)
bike ride, and a 26.2-mile (42 km) run.
6. X; “The Gift of the Magi” is a story about a married couple without a money for
Christmas gifts.
7. X; Rather than giving birth to a baby in an a hospital, some women choose to have the
birth at home.
8. C

ACTIVITY 4, page 183

1. Most people use an ATM machine to withdraw a money from a bank.
2. The latest research shows an evidence that beetles pollinated plants millions of years
3. The data revealed a great deal of an information about droughts in the past.
4. In 2016, there was a 2.3 percent drop in sales of a jewelry in the United States.
5. The website provides an advice on how to set up your own small business web page,
including a free software.
6. To be effective, a homework should reinforce what students have learned in class.
7. For more than 15 years, crews on the International Space Station have provided a view
on a life in space.
8. A People from the local community have helped to plan a new park that will open in
the spring of next year.

ACTIVITY 5, Common Error 14.3, pages 183–184

1. X; Indonesia’s forests are being cut down to make room for an agriculture.
2. X; Some people believe that the music can help plants grow.
3. C
4. X; The theme of the song “Rolling in the Deep” by Adele is the heartbreak.
5. C
6. X; One problem with the technology is that some users fail to read the instructions.
7. X; Because overcrowding at a concert is a safety hazard, concert managers should
consider the risks of injury or even the death.
8. C

ACTIVITY 6, Common Errors 14.1, 14.2, and 14.3, page 184

1. This report will discuss a new type of phone technology that has many advantages over
the current system. Additionally, we present a new policy that will guarantee full support
of the new technology by the sales team.
2. Some people buy their food from Ø local farmers because of Ø personal health
concerns, but these purchases are also promoting the economic health of the local
3. Fibonacci numbers are 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and so on, where the next number is
the sum of the two numbers before it. Mathematicians can see Fibonacci numbers in
patterns that occur in Ø nature. For instance, this number pattern appears in the spirals of
a pineapple, the petals of a flower, and the flowers on an artichoke plant.

ACTIVITY 7, Vocabulary in Academic Writing, page 185

1. an explanation / an overview
2. an instrument
3. an attempt / an effort
4. an opportunity
5. an increase
6. an overview / an explanation / an examination
7. an object
8. an effort / an attempt
9. an examination
10. an element

ACTIVITY 8, Review Quiz, page 186

1. c
2. a
3. c
4. b
5. d
6. Sacajawea was a Native American woman who belonged to the Shoshone tribe. She
played a an important role in the success of the Lewis and Clark expedition across the
American interior in 1804. She acted as an interpreter and guide. (Use an before a vowel
7. A group of farmers held a brainstorming session to develop ideas for reducing soil
erosion in the Palouse River Basin. One of an the ideas was to change the way that the
farmers were putting seeds into the ground. (Before a specific plural noun (ideas), use
the. In this sentence, One of indicates the plural noun is specific.)
8. Meteorologists use satellite images to predict a the weather and advise the public. A
visible image shows clouds and their movements, and an infrared image shows
temperatures. (Weather is a non-count noun.)

ACTIVITY 9, Building Greater Sentences, page 187

Answers may vary.
1. Komodo Dragons are giant lizards from Indonesia that can grow to be 10 feet (3
meters) long and weigh 300 pounds (136 kilos).
2. A hurricane is a large storm that has continuous wind speeds of 75 to 200 miles per
hour (121 to 322 kilometers).
3. A tsunami is a large ocean wave that is caused by an earthquake on the ocean floor.
ACTIVITY 10, Steps to Composing, pages 188–189
Fish farming is a type of commerce that grows fish as food for humans. Instead of
catching fish from a boat, a fish farmer can raise fish in a pond that is man-made, in a
cage that is in the sea, or in a tank that is inside a building. The type of fish plays a role in
the size of the pond, cage, or tank. The type also determines the kind of food. For
example, tilapia can eat a plant-based food, but salmon need a fish-based food. The
method of farming establishes the number of ponds. The farmers can buy baby fish from
a supplier, or they can raise their own in a separate, smaller pond. When the babies are
large enough, usually 5 cm, the farmer moves them to a larger pond. After several
months, the fish will be ready to harvest and sell. Fish farming can be a very good
business because of the demand. Fish is a good source of protein, but the oceans are
overfished, and the human population is growing. For these reasons, fish farming is a
good alternative to ocean fishing.

ACTIVITY 11, Original Writing, page 189

Answers will vary.


What Do You Know?, page 191

Today he generously gives millions of dollars to charities, and he often reminds often
boys that they can be both strong and kind. (Adverbs never go between the verb and
object. The frequency adverb often needs to go before the verb.)

Perhaps Kevin learned this attitude from his first coach who guided him personal
personally while he was in high school. (Personal is an adjective form and incorrect in
this position. Personally is the adverb form needed to modify how he was guided.)

ACTIVITY 1, page 193

1. act; quickly
2. misses; completely
3. worked; hard
4. can work; efficiently
5. are operating; safely
6. assigns; alphabetically
7. cannot sleep; well
8. can distinguish; easily

ACTIVITY 2, page 196

1. must file annually: Frequency
2. nearly impossible: Degree; to drive fast: Manner
3. work very hard: Manner
4. often travels: Frequency
5. are usually: Frequency
6. mainly sleep: Degree; during the day: Time
7. likely died: Certainty
8. will only produce: Degree; every two years: Frequency

ACTIVITY 3, page 197

Answers will vary.
1. A giraffe is the tallest animal on our planet and can sometimes grow nearly
18 feet tall and weigh about 3,000 pounds.
2. Thunder and lightning may sometimes frighten people, but only lightning can actually
kill people.
3. Many people have never learned the difference between an alligator and a crocodile,
and some erroneously believe these two animals are the same.
4. Salmon is a food that many people can burn quite easily because it requires a
relatively short cooking time.
5. The word ICE stands for IN CASE of EMERGENCY, and it is
strongly recommended that people include at least one ICE entry in their phone directory.

ACTIVITY 4, Common Errors 15.1 and 15.2, page 198

1. The heat shield on the space shuttle Discovery was badly damaged during the rocket
lift off in 2005. Once the shuttle was safely in orbit, astronauts performed a spacewalk
and repaired the shuttle successfully.
2. At a young age, Victor Borge played classical piano excellently. He also had a very
good sense of humor. For his concerts, he would dress formally and sat properly at the
piano. He always played beautifully. However, in the middle of a song, he sometimes
stopped unexpectedly, and did something that caused the audience to laugh loudly. Victor
Borge performed this act repeatedly for years. He holds the world’s record for the longest
running one-man show on Broadway.

ACTIVITY 5, Common Error 15.3, page 199

1. X; We add an extra day every four years to the calendar every four years.
2. C; Some people believe that lightning never strikes in the same place twice.
3. X; People who try to predict the direction of tornadoes are wrong often wrong.
4. X; Always Tsunamis always begin with the water flowing away from shore.
5. X; Penguins often swim in freezing water, but their feathers rarely collect rarely ice.
6. X; Wind damage usually is usually a problem with hurricanes.
7. C; Snow avalanches are almost never a result of loud noises.
8. C; When an avalanche buries someone in snow, that person seldom survives.

ACTIVITY 6, Common Error 15.4, page 200

1. Many children spend too much time playing video games and not enough time
2. Professional basketball player Kevin Durant is very tall and has long arms. Opponents
can rarely stop his plays.
3. Scientists recently discovered a coral reef near the mouth of the Amazon River. The
water there is so muddy that hardly anyone can see the reef.
4. When the scientists looked at the results of the experiment, they realized the study was
completely wrong. They did not have a large enough sample.
5. The godwit birds of Alaska can fly very fast and reach New Zealand in nine days. In
order to do this, they rarely sleep or eat.
6. In police work, DNA evidence can certainly help in finding a criminal, but it is very
important that they have enough DNA samples.
7. Geologists know that it is nearly impossible to predict an earthquake.
8. A hippopotamus is so strong that it can kill an alligator.

ACTIVITY 7, Vocabulary in Academic Writing, page 201

1. recently
2. likely or clearly
3. carefully or closely
4. well or quickly
5. clearly
6. closely or carefully
7. quickly
8. far
9. often or clearly
10. slowly

ACTIVITY 8, Review Quiz, page 202

1. b
2. d
3. b
4. c
5. d
6. In the near future, better telescopes will allow scientists to observe some very
remarkably some very remarkable processes in space. For example, they will likely see
the earliest stages of galaxy formation. (Processes is a noun and should be modified by
an adjective, not an adverb.)
7. In the Gulf of Mexico, fishermen sometimes catch mantis shrimp up to 15 inches long.
These shrimp are very territorial and fight often often fight other mantis shrimp. They
live in the rocks and rarely come out. (Adverbs of frequency are placed in front of the
verb and never between the verb and its object.)
8. People see occasionally People occasionally see lightning without hearing thunder,
and sometimes they hear thunder without seeing lightning. However, thunder and
lightning always occur together. If the sound is not heard, it is because the lightning is too
far away. If the lightning is not seen, it is hiding inside a cloud. (Adverbs go before verbs.
They never go between the verb and its object.)

ACTIVITY 9, Building Greater Sentences, page 203

Answers may vary.
1. Last year, the baby elephant could not easily cross the river. / The baby elephant could
not easily cross the river last year.
2. On the night before a Colombian wedding, a groom usually serenades a bride with
music outside her house.
3. Emergency personnel worked quickly to find (the) earthquake survivors

ACTIVITY 10, Steps to Composing, pages 204-205

If you cannot find water, you can use basic science knowledge to create a water
collector with a few simple steps. First, find a container, such as a bowl or a pan, a sheet
of plastic at least four feet (122 cm) wide, and a few rocks. Next, find a place outside
where you can dig a hole in the ground that will be approximately one to two feet (30 to
60 cm) in diameter. Dig the hole to a depth that is nearly twice the height of the cup.
Make sure that the bottom of the hole is flat. Place the container in the center. Next, place
the sheet of plastic over the hole, and be careful not to knock any dirt into the container.
Put a few rocks on the plastic to hold it in place. In the center of the plastic, place a rock
that is about the size of an egg. The weight of the rock will make a cone shape in the
plastic directly above the container, but do not let the plastic touch the container. Keep
the plastic cone shape several inches above the container. This shape will allow drops of
water that form on the plastic to run down into the cup. Finally, close the top of the hole
by putting dirt around the edges of the plastic sheet. If the top is not closed tightly, the
water will evaporate. Leave the top closed until the next day. When you remove the
cover, there should be some water in the container. This process can be repeated until the
hole is dry, at which time you can dig a new hole.

ACTIVITY 11, Original Writing, page 205

Answers will vary.

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