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Greetings of peace!

I am a 1st year student from CCSPC(Cotabato City State

Polytechnic College) Graduate College taking MSIT (Masteral of Science in Information
Technology). As of our requirements I came up with the title proposal (Computerized
Enrolment System for Farasan Insitute of Technology Inc.) in line with our major
subjects. Thus, I need to conduct a study and evaluation in your prestige Institution to
identify the needed information for the betterment. Particularly, the system transactions,
the problems, scope of operation and any additional information that will help me
provide a working system that is efficient, friendly user, fast with low cost.

With that, I am humbly asking for your help to attain this needed information by
answering a few questions pertaining to your institute.

Part1. Give the suitable answer according your current (manual/computerized) systems’

1. What kind of system are you currently using?

2. Do you experience file lost? How and why?
3. Can you describe the inquiry of files and how much time would it take?
4. What is the status of your current files? Does it take more space as time goes
5. Do you find any difficulties in tracking void transactions?
6. How do you handle if there is anything lost in the files?

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