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Employment Application

Position: Copywriter dan Social Media Officer Biopro Cipta Solusi,

Date: 2019-09-16 10:05:23

Diva Mosaik
Tahun kelahiran: 1996
Jenis Kelamin: Perempuan
Status Pernikahan: Belum Menikah
Telepon: 085937068449

Perumahan Bendul Merisi Permai G.5

As I graduated from Airlangga University, with an undergrad degree in

Ringkasan Profile Communication Science, I wish my knowledge is sufficient enough to
develop myself as a part of the team in your place. I am currently
working as a Journalist of Nyata & KOKI Plus Tabloid. As a journalist, I
am mainly interested in creative writing related to lifestyle, media, and
culture as a part of my social life. I wrote articles about beauty trend,
and healthy lifestyle. Also, I have a good ability of English both written
and spoken.

In addition to my above qualification, I am a hard worker, willing to

learn new things, a good team worker, and able to interact with people
from different layers. During my college years, I have several
organizational experiences that I believe will be beneficial for my
future career.

Ilmu Komunikasi
Riwayat Pendidikan

As a journalist, I am mainly interested in creative writing related to

Keahlian lifestyle, media, and culture as a part of my social life. I wrote articles
about beauty trend, and healthy lifestyle. Also, I have a good ability of
English both written and spoken. In addition to my above qualification,
I am a hard worker, willing to learn new things, a good team worker,
and able to interact with people from different layers. During my
college years, I have several organizational experiences that I believe
will be beneficial for my future career.

Pengalaman Bekerja 1-2 Tahun

(Journalist at Nyata & Koki Tabloid)
Pengalaman Bekerja
I am currently working as a Journalist of Nyata & KOKI Plus Tabloid.
As a journalist, I am mainly interested in creative writing related to
lifestyle, media, and culture as a part of my social life. I wrote articles
about beauty trend, and healthy lifestyle.

(Announcer at Rosco Radio Surabaya)

As an announcer, I was not only leading a radio program, but also

managing content, producing, and contributing in some of music

Pendidikan Terakhir Sarjana / S1

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