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How to deliver Master Of Ceremony Here are some common expressions or phrases
used in handling English meeting:
Assalamu ‘alaikum Wr Wb.
1. atttention, please : perhatian-perhatian
Good Afternoon everybody, 2. come on, hurry up : ayolah, cepat…
3. don’t be shy : jangan malu-malu
First of all ,let’s express our thanks to the Almighty
Allah SWT because of His mercy and Blessing ,we 4. time is yours : kami persilahkan (waktu milik
are able to come here ,to join this English Anda)
Meeting .Secondly,may peace be upon to our 5 we’re going to conduct : kita akan
prophet Muhammad SAW ,Who has guided us into mengadakan
the right ways of life.Ladies and gentleman We,as 6. we’re going to carry on : kita akan
the committee of this club,would like to say many melaksanakan/melanjutkan
thanks to all of you who have come here to 7. keep talking : teruslah/terus saja berbicara
join,participate,and share together in improving our 8. keep it up : pertahankan
English ability.We hope this English Meeting will 9. well done : bagus / hasil yang baik
give us an advantage in developing our language
competence,especially speaking skill.Brother and 10. have a nice discussion : selamat berdiskusi
sister,before we run this English Meeting, personally 11. I invite you to give… : saya mengundang
I would like to say I’m sorry if there are mistakes Anda untuk memberikan...
during the program. 12. in my point of views : menurut pandangan
Ladies and Gentlemen, Brothers and Sisters; saya
And now, let us open our meeting by saying 13. according to : menurut
“Bismillahirrahmanirrahim” 14. I don’t think so : saya tidak berpendapat
To short our time,let’s move to The first item demikian (tidak setuju)
namely….. 15. I’m with you / I agree : saya setuju dengan
The first one is Opening Speech by……….
16. could you please tell us : bisakah Anda
The Second Item is Self Introduction by New menceritakan pada kami
Comers 17. we come to the 3rd session : kita tiba pada
sesi ke-tiga
Now I would like to invite Mr,Ms ….so and so…..
18. next turn : giliran berikutnya
His/her name is,,,,,, 19. your turn : giliran anda
20. coming up : selanjutnya (berikutnya)
He comes from,,,,,,,
21. if any : jika ada
His hobby is,,,,,,,, 22. please, come forward : tolong maju ke
The Third Session is Games by Mr,Umar
23. have a seat : silahkan duduk
The Next item is Grammar Correction by The 24. that’s a presentation by…. : itulah
Instructor presentasi dari…
The Last item is Closing Speech by……. 25. that’s all : demikianlah

26. Please come forward:Silahkan maju kedepan I’m…..years old

I study /work at………….
27.The time is yours:waktunya untuk kamu My hobby is
I want to be a…….
28.Clap hands for him /her:Tepuk tangan untuk dia I think that’s all,thank you
29.The woman in the( right/left corner)::cewek yg
disebelah kiri Thanks to the MC who has given me a good chance
to deliver closing speech.Ladies and
30.The man who is wearing a blue trousers,a
gentleman,brother and sister,let’s thank to Allah
hat:cewek yg pakai celana biru,bertopi
SWT because of Him we have done our meeting
30.Raise your voice:keraskan suaramu successfully

31.Mention your name before speaking:sebutkan And also thanks for your all attention,I hope we can
nama sebelum bicara get many benefit from this meeting today,may Allah
SWT give us a long life,so that we can join our
32.Don’t be noisy:jangan ribut English Meeting for next week,Thank you.

33.Back to your seat:kembali ketempat dudukmu Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

34.Ok ,let’s move to next item namely…..:ayo kita How to give Question
lanjut ke acara berikutnya
Thanks to the MC for the chance given to me……
35.Any question so far?:sampai sejauh ada
pertanyaan? Hi, Mia…Nice to meet you,Well my question for
36.Any more question?:masih ada lagi pertanyaan?
What is your hobby ?
37.No more question?:tidak ada lagi pertanyaan? How many brothers and sisters do you have ?
What is your father’s name ?
HOW TO DELIVER OPENING SPEECH Do you like watching movie ?
Do you like listening to music ?
Thanks to the MC who has given me a good chance What is your favorite film ?
to deliver opening speech Who is the BROTHER in IBS you admire ?
Why do you like her ?
First of all,let us express our thanks to The Almighty Where do you live ?
Allah SWT who has given us mercy,blessing and Where do you come from ?
direction so we are able to come to this place to Are you happy in Al Hikmah BS ?........Why ?
join our meeting today.Also I don’t forget to say
many thanks for your coming here.I hope you can
join this English Meeting from the beginning until
the end,Thank you


Thanks to the MC who has given me a good chance

to introduce my self,well…..

My name is….
I come from/I’m from………

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