Sumit Resume Edited1

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NAME:-Sumit sharma


FATHOR NAME:-Rajesh sharma

MOTHER NAME:-Sunita sharma

PARMANENT ADDRESS:-v/p:-Semarthaly,tah.:-ChhotiSadri,Dis.:-Pratapgarh,Rajasthan

MOBILE NO.:- +91-8949667336



LANGUAGES KNOWN:- Hindi, English, Mewari (Rrajasthani)


1.Secondary School (2009). Rajasthan board
78%. Vidhya Nniketan Sschool, Chhoti Sadri (Raj.)

2.senior secondary school. Rajasthan board

60%.(science) G.P.S. Ppublic Sschool, Kota (Raj.,) (3rd year walkout):-

Projects I have been a part of:-

Swaraj University:- (July 2016 to September 2018)

Swaraj University is a 2-year Self-Designed learning program that provides a platform for youth to
reclaiming their learning and life, this includes understanding self and bigger self, community living and
building perspectives on development, ecology and lifestyle.perspective building so A Khoji or a learner
at SU (student is known as khoji in SU) takes their own path in life rather than mindlessly being trapped
in a rat race of this modern times. khoji We design their our own project in the area opf their our
interest with help of mentor and facilitator and work on them.

Few of my projects and mentorships during Swaraj universitythe program are:.

1.The Roadless Travel:- A hitchhiking pProject initiated by me and my a friend. I believe that biggest
learnings of our life happen when we came out of our comfort zone., Kkeeping this intention in our
heart me and my friendthe two of us with a couple of2 more social young changemaker started this
project, which is 1 a month long hitchhike journey from Udaipur to Himachal Ppardesh. This journey
hasThe objective of the journey was:
1. To learn from the world through the most ancient method of learning i.e. tTraveling.
2. To understand and build new perspective around the environment, education, sustainability, rural
development, localization, local culture and art.and art and culture.
3. To understand self in a moving community environment. Also Understanding the challenges of
moving community and dealing with them on a daily basis. This will helped us identify our behaviour
4. To meet, experience and get inspired from change makers throughout the journey while hearing
their beautiful stories.
5. To use our enhanced understanding of the world for taking our respective areas of social work to
the next level.
Below is the IKIGAI we developed to explain the soul intention and the outcome of the journey.

2.Project Potential (Bihar):-An ngo NGO that worked in the rural areas of Bbihar in many
areas likefocusing on eEducation,sustainable living through organic farming, eco -
arcitacturearchitecture, promote entrprnuership entrepreneurship in tribal villages . I was their
there for 2 month, and designig and facilitate facilitating 3 month education programs for village
kids which combined morden school education and life skill. and I also host many workshop like
Tree of life, understandig self image, Drum circle and,designing a learnig journey. for the kids.

3.Kaushal bhav skill solustion (p) Ltd.:-Kbss is a jaipur based compny which works in skill
traning prgrams partnering with Rrajasthan Ggovrment The specialised in special in heritage
sector like traning heritage mistri and craftsman for the heritage and tourism department. I was
servedtheir as a counsler and life skill trainer for 2 month.

Few Facilitation and Hosting Experience:

1.Tree of life/River of life workshop:-workshop for knowing our life journey through self
2.Deep listening/bBudhaa listening:-creating a sacrat sacred and varlnable vulnerable space
for the particepent participants so they can share their deepest emotion and ,thought honestly
without any fear of being judgement.
3.Understanding self image:-we all have our ‘self image’ in our mind and we called it ‘i but I
think it just a Our image of us is which made by variouis beliefs and values. so for
understanding To understand this ‘self’ and ouir belef system I host a 1 to 3 hour session which
takes participants particepent deeper in themselves.
4.kalakumbh:-Sevan 7-days art residancial residency festival consisting of artists from all walks
of life. planing and hosting by me and my batchmate at swaraj university
5.Drum circle:- with djembe(south african drum) hosting a musical circle for harmny harmony
and syncronigation coordination in the group with djembe (south african drum) and other
percussion instruments.

Other explorations and engagments:-

1.Particepeted in jJeevan vidhya workshop:- 7- days residencial work on understnading of
self and life,and talk about how to live our life.
2.Attand 10- days vipshyna vipassana meditation camp:- 10 days meditation camp for
knowingh deepest inner self.
3.Particepeted in sSelf mennagment management leadership work shop:- Workshop for
doveloped leadership quality in us through various tools.
4.Particepated in NVC(Non voilent communication) workshop:-NVC is always talk about
need,philosophy is that every time we communicat we have some need when we identifiy this
need communicat accorfing to this need weWorkshop on communication techniques to have
less confliect with self and other.
5.Knowing our emotion with Kkiran Ggulrjani:-3- days workshop for understanding our
emotions and ,beliefs by one of the my favrate favourite mentor. kiran

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