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Guevarra, Angelika, C.

Mendoza, Lan Megan, M.


Health is a resource for life and that many things – education, housing, social
status, gender, access to health services, our sense of being included or excluded from
society, employment, etc. – impact on our health. Health isn’t just about not being sick,
it is about being able to make choices and live into them. It’s about having a voice in our
community. It’s about being able to hope and to help your kids hope.

The biggest enemy of health in the developing world is poverty. Poverty creates
ill- health because it forces people to live in environments that make them sick, without
decent shelter, clean water or adequate sanitation. Poverty creates hunger, which in
turn leaves people vulnerable to disease. Poverty denies people access to reliable
health services and affordable medicines, and causes children to miss out on routine
vaccinations. Poverty creates illiteracy, leaving people poorly informed about health
risks and forced into dangerous jobs that harm their health.

To lessen the barriers to health care for economically disadvantaged individuals,

the We Care, a non-profit organization, will construct a health dispensary for the local
people to have access to basic health services. The organization envisions to be one of
the leading primary health providers. The organization is committed to providing an
accessible clinic facility that renders totally free health care and medications and
supplying patient education and counseling. The organization will provide a respectful,
safe, trusted, innovative environment in which people explore health issues and improve
their well-being through interaction with the staffs and others from the community and
will also provide health care in places throughout the community to meet specific needs
of groups of people. Moreover, the organization will contribute to the community by
being a leading health education center. It will provide classes based on the most
current information available. Since the organization is a catalyst for positive change in
the community, it will adapt well to emerging trends in health care. It will anticipate the
challenges tomorrow may bring and develop new and innovative ways to inspire
healthier communities.

We Care ensures that through the community clinic construction project, the
overall well-being of the economically disadvantaged individuals will probably become
better. The project will also contribute to the local economy by keeping people healthy
enough to work. We Care encourages everyone to join the organization and help in
making a real difference in people’s lives. The organization is always ready and willing
to extend a helping hand to serve the least, the lonely, and the lost, just as what the
bible states.
The Project manager of We Care used the Project Evaluation and Review
Technique to plan the scheduling of individual activities for the community clinic
construction project. The Project Manager has identified 11 activities labeled A to K and
their precedence relationships necessary to successfully complete the project. Each
activity has three time estimates: the optimistic time estimate (To), the most likely
estimate (Tm), and the pessimistic time estimate (Tp). The expected time (Te) is
computed using the formula (To + 4Tm + Tp) ÷ 6.

Activity Description Predecessor To Tm Tp Te

A Selection of medical staff - 1 2 4 2

Selection of site and do site
B - 3 4 5 4
C Selection of equipment A 2 3 4 3
Preparation of final
D B 3 4 6 4
construction plans and layout
E Bring utilities to the site B 1 2 3 2
Interview applicants and fill
positions in nursing support
F A 2 3 4 3
staff, maintenance and
Purchase and take delivery of
G C 3 5 6 5
H Construction of the clinic D 20 22 24 22
Development of information
I A 12 13 14 13
J Installation of equipment E, G, H 4 5 6 5
Training of nurses and support
K F , I, J 4 5 7 5

The Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and Critical Path
Method are used to schedule, organize, and coordinate tasks within the community
clinic construction project. The results of the method used are summarized in the table,
these includes the earliest start time, earliest finish time, latest start time, latest finish
time and slack time for each activity.

Activity Duration Earliest Earliest Latest Latest Slack

Start Finish Start Finish
A 2 0 2 20 22 20
B 4 0 4 0 4 0
C 3 2 5 22 25 20
D 4 4 8 4 8 0
E 2 4 6 28 30 24
F 3 2 5 32 35 30
G 5 5 10 25 30 18
H 22 8 30 8 30 0
I 13 2 15 22 35 20
J 5 30 35 30 35 0
K 5 35 40 35 40 0

Just like on any project schedule, a critical path has been identified. The critical path
B-D-H-J-K is the series of tasks that dictates the finish date of the project. If one task on
the critical path moves, the end date of the project will move as well. For the We Care
Community Clinic construction project to have an earlier finish date, the manager must
bring in the dates of the critical path tasks. This may be done by shortening the duration
or work on a task on the critical path, by revising task dependencies to enable more
scheduling flexibility or by breaking a critical task into smaller tasks that can be worked
on at the same time. So if no delay will occur, the project will be successfully completed
in the scheduled time of 40 weeks.

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