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Nama : Bryan Natanael

NIM : E511811006

English Lesson

 Simple Present Tense

Before I go to campus, everyday I always bring my sister and brother to
they school. After drop off them, I directly take a bath and get breakfast, and
then go to the campus. My activity at campus start at 7.30 AM untill 12.00.
And then, break untill 1.30 AM . Then, back again to class and start studying
again. My courses end at 5.00 PM.
If all done, I usually come to my friend’s boarding house and take a coffee,
playing game together or do a homework. In boarding house I usualy buy
dinner if I feel hungry.
Then I come home at 8.00 PM. When I arrive at home, I change my
clothes, take a bath, have a dinner, and take a rest. After that, I usually sleep at
11.00 PM.

For love,
Thank u.

 Simple Past Tense

Before I went to campus, i always brought my sister and brother to they
school. After drop off them, I directed take a bath and got breakfast, and then
went to the campus. My activity at campus started at 7.30 AM untul 12.00
AM. And then, broke untull 1.30 AM. Then, back again to class and started
studying. My coursed end at 5.00 PM.
If all done, I usually came to my friend’s boarding house and taken an
coffee, played game together, or done a homework. In boarding house I
usually bought dinner if I felt hungry.
Then I came home at 8.00 PM. When I arrived at home, I changed my
clothes, taken a bath, has a dinner, and taken a rest. After that, I usually slept
at 11.00 PM.

For Love,
Thank u.

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