Humza Adham - Mini-Research Activity

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Post-Apocalyptic Theories 

Scenario 1: ​Supervolcano Theory (Yellowstone)

Of the 500 active volcanoes in the world currently, there are four
known supervolcanoes (volcanoes with an eruption radius greater than 240
cubic miles), Yellowstone in the U.S, Lake Toba in Indonesia, Taupo in New
Zealand, and Aira Caldera in Japan. With an explosivity index of 8, these
supervolcanoes sit as most dangerous. ​According to recent predictions made
by geologists, Yellowstone is the most likely supervolcano to erupt next, as it
has been acting doubtful, with earthquake swarms, ground deformation and heat and gas
emissions. Earthquakes are the primary indicator that a volcano is about to erupt. The
Yellowstone volcano has about 1500 earthquakes a year. The last eruption of Yellowstone was
640,000 years ago. If it erupts again, half of the USA will be wiped out, and major fluctuations in
the global climate for many years will happen. Volcanic ash in the atmosphere would result in
the destruction of agriculture, severe disruption in food supplies and mass starvation.
Yellowstone could emit 2,000 million tons of sulphuric acid, when the dust and wreckage from
the fallout of a nuclear war block out sunlight for several years, causing worldwide famines.
Scenario 2: ​Solar Storms

Every 11 years, variations in space bring an increase in

sunspots, solar flares, and coronal mass ejections. As a result,
particles of the sun are flung towards the earth. A solar storm is the
burst of various charged particles from the sun. When a solar storm
hits, it wouldn’t cause an apocalypse itself, it will create a domino
effect, and sit at the beginning of the track. It would first hit power
grids - no electricity. People will then lose access to their heat, air conditioning, refrigeration,
GPS, and phone service. Next would be drinking water. The ​“Faraday Cage” protecting the
satellite’s internal equipment from external electrical charges, is very strong, but constant hits of
electricity will eventually cause to break down too.
Scenario 3: ​Robot Apocalypse

Slowly, but surely, artificial technology aka robots are taking

over human jobs. It won’t be long when robots will rule. Even though
robots ​help maximize productivity and the worries of full-scale robot
replacement are unfounded, valid concerns still exist. What if one day a robot is hacked and it
leaks all the private information of a company? Or if a robot betrays its owner and goes bad?
People will be ruined. Author Isaac Asimov “fear that intelligent machines will rise up and
destroy their human overlords.” If made properly, technology can be our best friends, otherwise,
even one mistake can cause a fortune - even death when it comes to an actual physical robot.
According to Global Challenges Report, “an intelligence of such power could easily combat
most other risks in this report, making extremely intelligent AI into a tool of great potential.”
Works Cited

Lombino, R. (2012). What if there was a Robot Apocalypse? Retrieved November 19, 2019,
from ​​.

Roberts, S. (2014, June 17). 10 Controversial Apocalyptic Theories. Retrieved November 19,
2019, from ​​.

Robinson, R., & McSweeney, K. (2018, April 9). The intersection of technology, innovation &
creativity. Retrieved November 19, 2019, from​.

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