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 Biomass is recognized as a potential energy resource to mitigate emission greenhouse
 Co-combustion with fossil fuels promotes the use of biomass and provides one
alternative to achieve emission reductions. Co-combustion is the lowest risk, least
expensive and most efficient
 Co-combustion of biomass with fossil fuels provides means to reduce SO2, and it also
may reduce NOx emissions
 The combustion of gaseous fuels in fluidized beds is characterized by acoustic effects
and explosion risk

Metode yang akan digunakan dan parameter

 The novel fluidized-bed configuration, namely the jetting-fountain configuration,

developed by Okasha
 The jetting-fountain configuration
1. enables gaseous fuels to burn smoothly
2. avoiding acoustic effects and explosions risk.
3. enables a rapid and reliable method for initial heating of fluidized-bed reactor
4. reduces considerably the power consumed in feeding gases to the combustor.
 Applying the jetting-fountain to co-combustion of rice straw and natural gas
 The post combustion and overheating in the freeboard have been examined at
different conditions by measuring the axial temperature distributions.
 Influence of fuels blending ratio on thermal characteristics
 Effect of bed temperature

B. Eksperimen
 bubbling fluidized-bed combustor that has been modified to adopt the jetting-fountain
Perbedaan konvesional dan jetting-fountain
 In conventional operation, all air is pre-mixed with natural gas and delivered through
the gas distributor.
 In the jetting-fountain configuration, on the other hand, only the air required for rice
straw combustion passes through the gas distributor

 Natural gas premixed with sufficient air proceeds through the jet pipe to create a
jetting-fountain zone.

 The combustor is equipped with a continuous over-bed fuel feeding system using a
calibrated paddle shaft driven by a variable speed electric motor.
 paddle shaft, a screw feeder is used to drive the rice-straw pellets through an
inclined pipe flanged with the combustor
 PTD are used to measure the pressure drop from the plenum to the freeboard
 PTJ, are used to measure the pressure drop between the jet pipe entrance and the
 Temperatures have been measured in the bed using various thermocouples of type K
at heights of 50, 150, 300, 400, 500, 650, 800, 1100, 1500, 1900, 2400, and 2900 mm
above the distributor plate.
 thermocouples are used to measure in environments with high temperature, two main
errors, namely, conduction and radiation,
o The conduction along the thermocouple; however, may be negligible
o Radiation losses represent the major source of uncertainty in the temperature

C. Material dan parameter

 Silica sand of (0.5–0.8 mm) range size and (2650 kg/m3) density has been used as bed
material. The static bed height is chosen to be 30 cm for all tests
 The pellets are of a 12 mm diameter and 10–15 mm lengths. The average bulk
density of the pellets is about 0.76 g/cm3
o Tabel 2 menunjukkan proximate dan ultimate analisis dari rice straw
o Tabel 3 menunjukkan analisis kima dari natural gas yang digunakan
 In these experiments the excess air percent is fixed at about 20%.
o Tabel 4 dan 5 menunjukkan fluidazation velocity dan jet velocity
o The different mass flow rates of air, natural gas and biomass are reported in
Table 5.
o Table 5 reports also the positions of jet pipe orifice with respect to the surface
of the bed at static conditions.
 Orifice dari jet pipe ditaruh lebih dekat ke bed stati surface ketika kontribusi dari
natural gas kecil sejak jet velocity rendah sedangkan fluidization velocity tinggi.
o Tinggi fluidization menyebabkan ekspansi yang besar pada bed height
melampaui static level

D. Hasil dan diskusi

 Ada dua jenis eksperimen
1. comparison between the jetting-fountain fluidized bed and the conventional
operation. In conventional operation all air, the natural gas are fed through the gas
 jetting fountain fluidized bed, only air required for burning rice straw is fed through
the distributor.
 natural gas premixed with the air required for its combustion is fed via the jet pipe
creating a large fountain zone in the freeboard.
 the blending ratio of the rice straw and natural gas is 50%:50% based on the thermal

 Eksperimen ke 2 adalah : study the influence of fuels blending ratio on the

combustion performance.

 temperature distributions have been measured in the axial direction along the
combustor height.
 the amount of heat absorbed by bed materials from gases is estimated by measuring
the inlet and outlet cooling-water temperatures.

1) Jetting-fountain configuration vs convensional operation

 The conventional operation of the combustor is characterized, as normal, with
relatively high acoustic effects due to burning bubbles explosion
 A relatively rigorous vibration of the combustor diketahui
 Post-combustion in the freeboard is observed
 the jetting-fountain configuration is characterized by smooth combustion, less
 A jet-fountain-flame zone was also observed.

 Figs. 3–6 show a comparison between the axial temperature distributions for the
jetting-fountain configuration with the conventional operation at different bed
temperatures, 700 C, 800 C, 850 C, and 900 C,
o horizontal and vertical dashed lines represent the static bed heights and the
nominal bed temperatures
 Fig 3 shows that operation with the conventional configuration at relatively lower bed
temperature (700 C) causes high overheating in the freeboard (about 168 C).
o natural gas burns mainly in the freeboard while a great part of biomass
volatiles escapes the bed to burn in the freeboard
o Delivering natural gas premixed with air via the jet pipe creates a large
fountain of particles that obviously absorb a great part of combustion heat
released in the freeboard and recover it back to the bed.
 Figs. 4 and 5 for bed temperatures of 800 C and 850C
o the freeboard overheating becomes smaller. This may be due to the relatively
greater part of gaseous fuel that burns inside the bed with increasing its
 Fig. 6 shows that at bed temperature of 900 C the overheating of the freeboard is
almost the same for the two configurations.
 Tabel 4 Hydrodynamic factors such as the fluidization velocity
o In the conventional operation, all air required for combustion in addition to
natural gas are fed through the gas distributor
o Fluidization velocity is higher resulting in larger bubbles while the residence
time of gases within the bed becomes smaller.
 velocity is higher resulting in larger bubbles while the residence time of gases within
the bed becomes smaller.
 the jetting-fountain configuration, only the air required for rice-straw combustion is fed
through the gas distributor that results in lower fluidization velocity yielding smaller and
slower bubbles.
 Fig 7 The maximum freeboard overheating of the jetting-fountain configuration in
comparison with the conventional operation as a function of bed temperature
o The results confirm that the jetting-fountain configuration considerably dampens
the overheating in the freeboard at lower bed temperatures in particular
o the overheating reduces with increasing the bed temperature.
 Fig. 8 represents the in-bed cooling load as a function of bed temperature for both jetting-
fountain and conventional configurations.
o The jetting-fountain configuration exhibits greater amount of cooling load
especially at lower bed temperatures.
o In the case of conventional operation, in-bed cooling load increases with bed
temperature as the combustion zone moves from the freeboard into the bed.

2) Fuel Blending Ratio

 Tabel 5 Increasing natural gas contribution multiplies the amount of gases delivered via
the jet pipe creating a larger jet fountain zone. the amount of air delivered through the gas
distributor decreases and in turn reduces the fluidization velocity and bubbles sizes,
 Fig 9 The axial temperature distributions for the jetting-fountain configuration for
different fuels blending ratio at 700 C bed temperature
o operation with only rice straw results in the highest overheating in the freeboard#
o the greatest amount of air is delivered though the gas distributor resulting in
highest fluidization velocity, largest bubble sizes and shortest gas residence time.
o natural gas contributes with 25% of the thermal load, the overheating in the
freeboard considerably reduces.
o Furthermore, with decreasing the biomass contribution, the amount of air that is
delivered through the gas distributor reduces.
o The fluidization velocity and bubbles size, in turn, become smaller while the gas
residence time becomes longer.
o Increasing the contribution of natural gas to 50% leads to another reduction in the
freeboard overheating as the fountain becomes larger and fluidization velocity
becomes lower. A further reduction in the freeboard overheating attains with
increasing natural gas contribution to 75%.
 Figs. 10–12 show the influence of fuels blending ratio at 800, 850 and 900 C bed
 Fig 9

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