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Suzzane Ryle R Dy

Humss 11-03
Journal Entry: Sept 9, 2019
Title: The Black Cats Origin

Out of the midst of nowhere, A black cat with a fiercy eyes appeared before me.
“You will meet me where the moon reflects the reflection of the night at the end of this day,
Disobey me once, then you shall receive eternal misfortune”

A loud banging of a door is enough to wake me up in my slumber. Worried by the nagging of

my brother early in the morning. I find myself feel uneasy and stood up, only to find out about
this nonsense.
“ Oi!!, It is true that you throw rock to the black cat near our neighbourhood” He said with a
arguing tone.
“ Well, it is blocking my way, know, it’s really pisses me off.”

“ Don’t you know that black cats are known as ‘gods’.” He shouted again. “ You just insulted a
‘god’, you just commit a sin!! Apologize to it!!” He added.

“ Oh Shut up!!, You expect me to bow down in a cat. Don’t me.” I just finally snapped. I stood
up and pull him outside the door and slammed it with all my might. It is just 3: 45 am and I still
have classes today. Give me a break!! I turn off the lights and try to sleep again.

Out of the midst of nowhere, A black cat with a fiercy eyes appeared before me.
“You will meet me where the moon reflects the reflection of the night at the end of this day,
Disobey me once, then you shall receive eternal misfortune.”

“Ryle get down here!! You’re already late.” My mother’s voice can be heard through the depths
of the house. I stood up even though I am still sleepy. It is already 5:30 pm. I am already late!!
Well, this doesn’t surprised me anymore. I am always late.

I just feel uneasy about this day. Maybe it is because of my dreams. Well, it is my brother’s
fault that I got up into this. I can’t believe I dreamed of a talking cat in my sleep. It is really sound
so absurd. That is what I thought at first, I never realized that this day will be my worst

Arriving at the school, I know, I already expect what should be expected. I’m late and I need to
hide. I know that our adviser is not always here. I know that I will be safe or so I thought.
Standing at the front of the classroom I saw my teacher. She is clearly present in front of me. I got
my third offense and going to be put in a parent’s conference. This scenario is always happening
to me normally every year. But it is doesn’t mean it is not depressing. Well it turns out it didn’t
end just like that.

The day continues and so is my nightmare; I failed at the radio play, I got a love letter in our
math subject or in other words my second parent’s conference in this day, and lastly; I also failed
in reporting in my science subject after volunteering.

The day end and the night appear. The clouds covered the stars and tears falls instead. Looks like
the sky truly know how I feel. I sit down on the staircase at the front of the lobby at the School.
“I feel like the floor is about to pull me beneath it. I failed two of my subject and have also two
letters to show my family. What a perfect day. Oh no!!, what excuses should I make this time. I
can’t even face my mother like this. What should I do? What should I do?” I whispered to myself.
“This totally not normal, I must have been punished”

I hate to admit this but I remember my dream that appeared to me. About the black cat, I know I
said that it sounded absurd but it’s looks like I got no choice. This day seems to weird and uneasy.
I should have knew that this is happening. But I don’t want to admit it. The black cats were
considered as a ‘god’. They are so lower than my knees to be a ‘god’.

Complaining won’t get me anywhere. I need to find that meaning of that context…

“You will meet me where the moon reflects the reflection of the night at the end of this day,
Disobey me once, then you shall receive eternal misfortune.”

And it is so easy to find one. I mean duhh… if you’re going to find one at school then it is
certainly the center of the school. It is one of the things that makes this school attractive. The big
tree inside the school. It is perfect for night-seeing if you ask me. Unfortunately, it is raining.
How am I supposed to see a moon. You’re not expecting me to come back tomorrow. I will never
experience this nightmare ever again and forget all about it. Who knows what bound to happen
next time. I stay at the school even though it is already late. My parents might be worried about

I sat there for about two hours. I didn’t realized that I already slept in. When I opened my eyes, I
never thought to be this late. It is already 12:00 am. How do you expect to find a moon in this
rainy day. I failed? Or maybe this dream weren’t true at all.

“You failed” a unfamiliar voice can be heard through the lobby. It is unexpected for someone to
be at school at this time. I don’t want to turn around but I have to.

It is really nerve-wracking but I turned my head slowly to where I heard the voice.
Unfortunately, my guess was correct. It is definitely the talking cat. The black cat is here. What
should I do? Should I beg? Definitely a no-no. I can’t do it.

“You have failed to obey me.”

“Wait, I know that I failed to obey the rules but how do you expect me to find a moon in this
rainy day!!” I protested.

“You’re not really gonna find it. You are so arrogant that it has become cloudy for you to see. I
given you time to reflect but looks like the light of the night was consumed by the darkness of
your sin. You are going to be punished like us.”

“Us?!! What do you mean?”

“You are right. We the black cats are not ‘gods’. We are punished for taking granted of the
blessings that God above the heaven has given to us. We are being set unto a great cursed by
being the beginning of unfortunate. We give misfortune to those who use their blessings in the
wrong way. That is the true meaning behind this appearance and tonight you are going to be one
of us.”
“AAAaaaaaaahhhh!!” The light seeped into me. The next thing I found out, I became the cat
that I really despised. I should have done it right. The misfortune one turned out to be the caused
of the misfortunate. I really wished that I could wake up in this endless nightmare.

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