Cashiering - SOP

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Cashiering SOP:

- The reason for cashiering at the end of every shift is to ensure we take ownership for
our closed checks and are able to match up every payment.

Shift closures take place at the following times in our outlets:

 Breakfast 05:00-10:59
 Lunch 11:00-16:29
 Dinner 1630-close shift
 Breakfast 0600-1159
 Lunch 1200-close shift
 Breakfast 0400-1059
 Lunch 1100-1629
 Dinner 1630-Close shift
 Lunch 0600-1659
 Dinner 1700-close shift

- We require 3 reports, Revenue Centre report, Service period report and the credit card
terminal, close shift report
- Once you have these 3 reports, you need to ensure that your credit card payments
match as well as your cash. You will find these figures on the service period report.
- If your credit card payments do not match, you will need to go through your closed
checks and locate where the wrong payment has been made. This is usually when a
check is closed off with the wrong type of card, example being Visa is pressed, however,
the check was closed with Mater Card
- Once you can confirm credit cards are accurate, you will need to count the cash of what
has been received for the day. The float should then be the pre-arranged float for your
- Next task is to put all your receipts, Accor vouchers and the above reports together with
your cash that you have received for the day. Please ensure you have someone to count
it for you a second time to ensure it is correct, they will become your witness.
- Now take a white cash drop envelope. You will need to write in all the information it
requests from you to ensure it is filled out correctly.
- Place all money and receipts/printouts inside the envelope. Seal it, and then have your
witness sign across the seal to ensure no further tampering can take place.
- You will now need to take this white envelope to front office where you will find on top
of the safe a book. You will need to fill out on the correct day the outlet, cash money, if
you are under or over, your name and signature and then another witness who has seen
the amounts match from the book and the white envelope.
- Now you can drop the white envelope inside the large green safe. Please ensure you
open the draw a second time to ensure the money has dropped down.

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