Nda 2018 Ga 2 English Part 28

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Directions: Each item in this section has a sentence with three underlined parts labeled (a),(b)
and (c). “Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in any underlined part and
indicate your response in the answer sheet against the corresounding letter , i.e. (a),(b) or (c).
If you find no error, your response should be indicate as (d).

1. He appears to be a honest man No error

(a) (b) (c) (d)
2. One of the members expressed doubt if the minister was an atheist. No error
(a) (b) (c) (d)
3. This view has been taken by one of the ablest persons who has written on this subject
(a) (b) (c)
No error
4. Slow and steady owns the race, as the wise would say No error
(a) (b) (c) (d)
5. We often hear people say that most human beings have not evolved
(a) (b)
or grow up enough to stick to truth or non-violence. No error
(c) (d)

Directions: Each item in this section consists of a sentence with an underlined word followed by
four words or groups of words. Select the word or group of words that is nearest in meaning to
the underlined word and mark your response in your response in your answer sheet accordingly.

6. The Industrial Revolution saw a massive A. courageous B. shy

rise in the population of Europe C. clever D. dull
A. Enormous B. erroneous 9. My friend is as stubborn as a mule
C. hazardous D. perilous A. observant B. obnoxious
7. I had some deepest convictions reflected in C. obstinate D. corpulent
my work 10. His behavior was deliberately provocative.
A. ideas and opinions A. exciting desire
B. firm beliefs B. infuriating
C. prejudices C. pitiable
D. biases D. creating frustration
8. This boy is very timid.

Directions: Each item in this section consists of a sentence with an underlined word followed by
four words or group of words. Select the word or group of words that is opposite in meaning to
the underlined word and mark your response in your answer sheet accordingly.

11. Too many cooks spoil the broth 13. It is easy to be an orthodox.
A. tarnish B. wreck A. idolatrous B. intelligent
C. embellish D. upset C. malignant D. heterodox
12. He is biased against the students from 14. Permit me to present you with a book.
cities. A. allow B. enclose
A. open B. prejudiced C. prohibit D. presuade
C. liked D. impartial 15. None but the brave deserves the fair.
A. ugly person B. coward C. jealous person D. weak person

Directions : In this section, you have two short passages. After each passage, you will find
some items based on the passage. First, read a passage and answer the items based on it and
mark your response on the answer sheet accordingly. You are required to select your answers
based on the contents of the passage and opinion of the author only.

“Now, ladies and gentlemen, ’said the conjuror, ‘having shown your that the cloth is absolutely
empty, I will proceed to take from it a bowl of goldfish. Presto !”

All around the hall people were saying, “Oh, how wonderful ! How does he do it?”

But the quick man on the front seat said in a big whisper to the people near him. “He-Had-it-up-

Then the people nodded brightly at the Quick man and said, “oh, of course”; and everybody
whispered round the hall, “He-Had-it-up-his-sleeve.”

“My next trick,” said the conjuror, “is the famous Hindostanee rings. You will notice that the rings
are apparently separate; at a blow they all join (clang, clang, clang)—Presto !”

There was a general buzz of stupefaction till the Quick man was heard to whisper, “He-must-

Again everybody nodded and whispered, “The-sings-were-up-his-sleeve.”

The brow of the conjuror was clouded with a gathering frown

“I, will now, “he continued, “show you a most amusing trick by which I am enabled to take any
number of eggs from a hat. Will some gentleman kindly lend me his hat? Ah, thank you—presto!

He extracted seventeen eggs, and for thirty-five seconds the audience began to think that he
was wonderful. Then the quick man whispered along the front bench. “ He-has –a-hen-up-his-
sleeve, ”and all the people whispered it on. “He-has-a-lot-of-hens-up-his-sleeve.”

The egg trick was ruined.

It went on like that all through. It transpired from the whispers of the Quick Man that the
conjuror must have concealed up his sleeve, in addition to the rings, hens, and fish, several
packs of cards, a leaf of bread, a doll’s cradle, a live guinen pag, a fifty-cent piece and a rocking

16. ”The brow of the conjuror was clouded with B. produced things with the magic he
a gathering frown. “The sentence means knew
that the conjuror C. had things in the large sleeves of his
A. was very pleased coat
B. was very sad D. created an illusion of things with his
C. was rather angry magic
D. was very afraid 19. The author believes that the Quick Man
17. “The egg trick was ruined.” This means that was really
A. eggs were all broken A. foolish B. clever
B. people were unconvinced C. wrong D. right
C. conjuror was disappointed 20. The conjuror extracted seventeen eggs
D. the trick could not be performed from the hat of
18. According to the Quick Man, the conjuror A. The Quick Man
A. Had everything bought for production B. his own
C. One gentleman from the audience
D. none of the above
Magda: Good Morning, Mrs Smiles. Its wet, isn’t it?
Mrs. Smiles : yes, it is, isn’t it? How are you today? All right? You haven’t been studying too
hard, have you ? you look a bit pale.
Magda : I don’t , do I? well, I haven’t been out much lately. I don’t like this weather a bit. Why,
we haven’t had a dry day for weeks, have we?
Mrs. Smiles : No, I don’t think we have. Lets see, you’ll be going back home next month, wont
Magda : Oh no, I’m not going back yet. My sisters coming over first.
Mrs. Smiles : Oh, is she ? you are looking forward to that. I expect. How long is it since you saw
Magda : Nearly a year ago. Yes, I am Looking forward to it very much.
Mrs. Smiles : She’s coming over here to study?
Magda : Yes, that’s right. I shan’t go back home until she’s settled down. I don’t think I ought to,
ought I?
Mrs. Smiles : Well, no, she’s younger than you are, is she?
Magda : Yes, she’s only eighteen

21. Magda had not been out much lately A. expecting with pleasure
because B. preparing hard for
A. she had not been keeping well C. thinking greatly about
B. she was busy with her studies D. watching with joy
C. the weather had been unpleasant 24. Magda’s sister was coming to
D. her sister had come over to stay A. visit her sister
22. Magda was not going back home yet B. help Mrs. Smiles
because C. settle down in England
A. it had been raining heavily D. pursue her studies
B. her sister was coming over 25. Mrs. Smiles and Magda are
C. her studies were not completed A. Classmates B. School friends
D. she was not feeling well C. Neighbours D. Sisters-in-law
23. Mrs. Smiles says, “you’re looking forward
to that.” This means, Magda was_______
her sister’s arrival.


Directions : Each of the following sentences in this section has a blank space and four words or
groups of words given after the sentence. Select whichever word or group of words you consider
most appropriate for the blank space and indicate your response on the answer sheet

26. We fail to understand your reasons for C. residence D. inheritance

________ the college without completing 29. The football match has to be ____ because
the degree. of the weather.
A. Attending B. joining A. called off B. continued
C. leaving D. refusing C. put off D. turned off
27. She _________ her energy and started 30. If I were rich, _______ a lot.
shouting only when she heard the noise of A. I’ll travel B. I can travel
bulldozers and cranes. C. I would travel D. I travelled
A. checked B. conserved 31. They apologized ________ me for what
C. maintained D. controlled happened.
28. The British _______ all over Africa and A. to B. at
Asia collapsed in the first half of the C. for D. with
twentieth century. 32. If you are tired of swimming, just ____ for
A. hegemony B. domicile a while.
A. struggle B. stroke A. of B. to
C. float D. streak C. by D. with
33. He had ________ spoken for two minutes 35. The soldiers waiting to go into battle for
when there was a commotion in the crowd. the first time were full of _______
A. even B. hardly A. apprehension B. consideration
C. often D. little C. anticipation D. frivolity
34. I would not commit myself _______ that
course of action


Directions : Given below are some idioms/phrases followed by four alternative meanings to
each. Choose the response (a), (b), (c) or (d) which is the most appropriate meaning and mark
your response on the answer sheet accordingly.

36. A red-letter day C. to act very carefully

A. a trivial day D. to invite danger
B. a very important or significant day 39. To be in a fix
C. a day of bloodshed and violence A. to receive strong criticism
D. a mourning day B. to support oneself
37. The gift of the gab C. to fix problems
A. ability to speak easily and confidently D. to be in a difficult situation
B. ability to spoil something 40. To fish in troubled waters
C. ability to sell things A. to borrow money
D. gift from a sacred institution B. to steal belongings of
38. Walk a tightrope C. to get benefit in bad situation
A. to be forced to leave your job D. to extend a helping hand
B. to be ready to fall


Directions : each of the following in this section consists of a sentence the parts of which have
been jumbled. These parts have been labelled P, Q, R and S, below each sentence are four
sequences namely (a),(b),(c) and (d). You are required to rearrange jumbled parts of the
sentence and mark your response on the answer sheet accordingly

41. Domestic fires in Indian villages. P. due to the gravitational pull

P. as the heat is dispersed Q. of the earth
Q. an unhealthy smoke accumulates in R. the apple falls
unventilated houses S. on the ground
R. are wasteful The correct sequence should be
S. lit in chulhas A. QPRS B. RSPQ
The correct sequence should be C. QSPR D. SQRP
A. PQSR B. PQRS 44. The knocking
C. SPQR D. SRPQ P. were still in the house
42. Bold rocks near at hand Q. for some time
P. makes a fine forest for the imagination R. although the echoes of it
Q. than distant Alps S. ceased
R. are more inspiring The correct sequence should be
S. and the thick fern upon a health A. SRPQ B. SQRP
The correct sequence should be C. PQSR D. RSPQ
A. QRSP B. RSQP 45. The history of mankind is
C. RQSP D. SRQP P. and steady progress
43. Newton discovered that Q. continuous change
R. the history of A. PQRS B. RQPS
S. from barbarism to refinement C. QSPR D. SQRP
The correct sequence should be

Directions : in the following passage there are some blank spaces with four words or groups of
words given. Select whichever word or group of words you consider most appropriate for the
blank space and indicate your response on the answer sheet accordingly.

the honeybee is a very unusual kind of insect____ 46. A. Unlike other insects which live
B. similar to
C. With
D. Like
alone, the honeybee lives as a/an _____ 47. A. group of a community. These bees live
B. individual
C. member
D. troop
together in what is known as a bee ____ 48. A. house. The head of the bees is called the
B. home
C. army
D. colony
Queen bee, She is ____ 49. A. heaviest than the rest of the bees. Her main task
B. heavier
C. largest
D. larger
Is to ___ 50. A. lay
B. hatch
C. make
D. bear

Directions: The following six (6) items consist of The loudness of the sound wave depends
two statements. Statement I and statement II. upon its amplitude
Examine these two statements carefully and 52. Statement I :
select the correct answer using the code given Sound wave cannot propagate in vaccum.
below. Statement II :
Code: Sound waves are elastic waves and require
A. Both the statements are individually a medium to propagate
true and statement II is the correct 53. Statement I :
explanation of statement I The Government of India Act, 1935
B. Both the statements are individually introduced Dyarchy at the Centre.
true but Statement II is not the correct Statement II :
explanation of Statement I
The provincial autonomy was granted to
C. Statement I is true Statement II is the provinces.
54. Statement I :
D. Statement I is false but statement II is
Mughal painting reached its climax during
the reign of Jahangir.
Statement II :
51. Statement I :
Aurangzeb’s Court was adorned by some of
The pitch of the sound wave depends upon the best known artists of the Mughal
its frequency School of Painting.
Statement II : 55. Statement I :
Phytoplankton produce most of the organic A. 17.5 u B. 17 u
carbon in the ocean C. 16 u D. 16.5 u
Statement II : 64. Which one of the following is a
Algae are produced in the cold water biome heterogeneous mixture?
56. Statement I : A. Hydrochloric acid
Geostrophic wind blows above a height of B. Vinegar
600 meters, parallel to the isobars C. Milk
Statement II : D. Soda water
Geostrophic wind is the horizontal wind 65. What is the formula mass of anhydrous
velocity, in which the coriolis force balances sodium carbonate? (Given that the atomic
the horizontal pressure force. masses of sodium, carbon and oxygen are
57. Which one of the following groups of 23 u, 12 u and 16 u respectively)
cellular organelles contains DNA? A. 286 u B. 106 u
A. Mitochondria, nucleus, chloroplast C. 83 u D. 53 u
B. Mitochondria, Golgi bodies, nucleus 66. Which one of the following is called
C. Mitochondria, plasma membrane, ‘syngas’?
nucleus A. C(s) + H2O(g) B. CO(g) + H2O(g)
D. Chloroplast, nucleus, ribosomes C. CO(g) + H2(g) D. NO2(g) + H2(g)
58. One of the additional functions of Smooth 67. The frequency of ultrasound waves is
Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER) is A. less than 20 Hz
A. protein synthesis B. between 20 Hz and 2 kHz
B. lipid synthesis C. between 2 kHz and 20 kHz
C. storage of biomolecules D. greater than 20 kHz
D. detoxification of toxic substances 68. The magnetic field strength of a current
59. Damage to the apical meristem of a carrying wire at a particular distance from
growing young plant will affect the the axis of the wire
A. length of the plant A. depends upon the current in the wire
B. colour of the flower B. depends upon the radius of the wire
C. colour of the leaves C. depends upon the temperature of the
D. taste of the fruits surroundings
60. Which of the following kingdoms has/have D. None of the above
only unicellular organisms? 69. A stainless steel chamber contains Ar gas
A. Monera only at a temperature T and press P. The total
B. Protista only number of Ar atoms in the chamber is n.
C. Monera and Protista both Now Ar gas in the chamber is replaced by
D. Protista and fungi both CO2 gas and the total number of CO2
61. Which one of the following is a waterborne moleucules in the chamber is n/2 at the
disease? same temperature T. The pressure in the
chamber now is P’. Which one of the
A. Jaundice B. Tuberculosis
following relations holds true? (Both the
C. Rabica D. Arthritis
gases behave as ideal gases)
62. The atomic number of an element is 8.
A. P’ = P B. P’ = 2P
How many electrons will it gain to form a
C. P’ = 2P D. P’ = P/4
compound with sodium?
70. Which one of the following is the correct
A. One B. Two
relation between A and nm?
C. Three D. Four
A. 1 nm = 10-1 A B. 1 nm = 10 A
63. A sample of oxygen contains two isotopes
C. 1 nm = 1 A D. 1 nm = 10-2 A
of oxygen with masses 16 u and 18 u
respectively. The proportion of these 71. The full form of LED is
isotopes in the sample is 3 : 1. What will A. Light Emitting Diode
be the average atomic mass of oxygen in B. Light Emitting Devise
this sample? C. Light Enhancing Devise
D. Light Enhancing Diode A. Treatment with washing soda
72. If a free electron moves through a potential B. Calgon’s method
difference of 1kV, then the energy gained C. Boiling
by the electron is given by D. Ion exchange method
A. 1.6 × 10-19 J B. 1.6 × 10-16 J 79. Which one of the following reactions will
C. 1 × 10 J -19
D. 1 × 10-16 J give NO (nitric oxide) gas as one of the
73. Consider the following places of India : products?
1. Itanagar A. 3Cu + 8HNO3 (dilute) →
2. Imphal B. Cu + 4HNO3 (Conc.) →
3. Agartala C. 4Zn + 10HNO3 (dilute) →
4. Aizawl D. Zn + 4HNO3 (conc) →
Which one of the following is the correct 80. Which one of the following is a tribasic
chronological order of the above places in acid?
terms of sunrise time? A. Hydrochloric acid
A. 3-2-1-4 B. 2-1-4-3 B. Nitric acid
C. 1-4-3-2 D. 4-3-2-1 C. Sulphuric acid
74. Which one of the following is known as D. Phosphoric acid
uplands of delta region? 81. Which one of the following statements is
A. Bef B. Bils not correct?
C. Peh D. chars A. All carbons in diamond are linked by
75. Consider the following Wildlife Sanctuaries carbon-carbon single bond.
of India : B. Graphite is layered structure in which
1. Shikari Devi layers are held together by weak van
2. Bhadra der waals forces.
3. Simlipal C. Graphite layers are formed by
4. Pachmarhi hexagonal rings of carbon atoms.
Which one of the following is the correct D. Graphite layers are held together by
order of the above Wildlife Sanctuaries carbon-carbon single bond.
in terms of their location from south to 82. Which one of the following is called dry ice?
north? A. Solid carbon dioxide
A. 1-2-3-4 B. 2-4-3-1 B. Liquid carbon dioxide
C. 2-3-4-1 D. 3-1-2-4 C. Liquid nitrogen
76. Which one of the following statements D. Liquid ammonia
about temperature is correct? 83. The acidic semidigested food coming out of
A. Temperature decreases with height in the stomach is neutralized by
the stratosphere A. pancreatic juice
B. Temperature is constant at different B. duodenal secretion
heights in the stratosphere C. large intestine secretion
C. Temperature increases with height in D. bile juice
the troposphere at an average rate of 84. The oxygenated blood from the lungs is
6.5 C per kilometer received by the
D. Temperature decreases with height in A. left article B. left ventricle
the troposphere at an average rate of C. right auricle D. right ventricle
6.4 C per kilometer.
85. The oxygen evolved during photosynthesis
77. Which one of the following is known as a comes from splitting of
zone of sharp salinity change in the vertical
A. water B. carbon dioxide
section of ocean?
C. oxygen D. light
A. Thermocline B. Halocline
86. Which one of the following depicts the
C. photic zone D. Pycnocline
correct circuit of a reflex are?
78. Permanent hardness of water cannot be
A. Effector-sensory neuron-spinal cord-
removed by which one of the following
motor neuron –receptor
B. Receptor-sensory neuron-spinal cord- C. 4T D. T/2
motor neuron – effector 92. The connecting cable of electrical
C. Receptor-sensory neuron-brain-motor appliances like electric iron, water heater
neuron-effector or contains three insulated copper wires of
D. Sensory neuron-receptor-brain- three different colours- red, green and
effector-motor neuron black. Which one of the following is the
87. If one set of chromosomes for a given plant correct colour code?
is represented as N; in case of double A. Red-live wire, Green –neutral wire,
fertilization, the zygote and the endo- Black –ground wire
sperm nucleus of a diploid plant would B. Red-neutral wire, Green-ground wire,
have how many sets of chromosomes Black-live wire
respectively? C. Red-live wire, Green-ground wire,
A. N and 2N B. 2N and 2N Black-neutral wire
C. N and 3N D. 2N and 3N D. Red-ground wire, Green-live wire,
88. Consider the following circuit : Black-neutral wire
93. The graphs between current (I) and
voltage (V) for three linear resistors 1,2
and 3 are given below :

Which one of the following is the value of

the resistance between points A and B in
the circuit given above?
2 3
A. 5 B. 5
3 If R1, R2 and R3 are the resistances of these
R resistors, then which one of the following is
C. 2 D. 4 R correct?
89. The absolute zero temperature is o kelvin. A. R1 > R2 > R3 B. R1 > R3 > R2
In C unit, which one of the following is the
C. R3 > R1 > R2 D. R3 > R2 > R1
absolute zero temperature?
94. Consider the following statements about a
A. 0 oC B. -100 oC
microscope and a telescope :
C. -273.15 C o
D. -173.15 oC
1. Both the eyepiece and the objective of
90. Consider the following statements about a microscope are convex lenses.
visible light, UV light and x-rays :
2. The focal length of the objective of a
1. The wavelength of visible light is more telescope is larger than the focal length
than that of X-rays of its eyepiece
2. The energy of X-rays photons is higher 3. The magnification of a telescope
than that of UV light photons. increases with the increase in focal
3. The energy of UV light photons is less length of its objective.
than that of visible light photons. Which of the statements given above are
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
correct? A. 1 and 3 only B. 1 and 4
A. 1, 2 and 3 B. 1 and 2 only C. 2, 3 and 4 D. 1, 2 and 3
C. 2 and 3 only D. 1 only 95. A planet has a mass M1 and radius R1. The
91. The time period of oscillation of a simple value of acceleration due to gravity on its
pendulum having length L and mass of the surface is g1. There is another planet 2,
bob m is given as T. If the length of the whose mass and radius both are two times
pendulum is increased to 4L and the mass that of the first planet. Which one of the
of the bob is increased to 2m, then which following is the acceleration due to gravity
one of the following is the new time period on the surface of planet 2?
of oscillation? A. g1 B. 2g1
A. T B. 2T C. g1/2 D. g1/4
96. Match List-I with List-II and select the B. Mormugao 2. In the delta
correct answer using the code given below region
the Lists : C. Visakhapatnam 3. On the riverside
List I List II D. Paradip 4. On the
(River Basin) (Town) entrance
A. Bhagirathi 1. Landdowne of the estuary
B. Alaknanda 2. Narendra Nagar Code :
C. Nayar 3. Uttarkashi A B C D
D. Ganga 4. Pauri (a) 3 1 4 2
Code : (b) 3 4 1 2
A B C D (c) 2 4 1 3
(a) 3 1 4 2 (d) 2 1 4 3
(b) 3 4 1 2 102. Which one of the following is not an agent
(c) 2 4 1 3 of metamorphism?
(d) 2 1 4 3 A. Heat B. Compression
97. Match List-I with List-II and select the C. Decomposition D. Solution
correct answer using the code given below 103. The solution of which one of the following
the Lists : will have pH less than 7?
List I List II A. NaOH B. KCI
(River Basin) (Town) C. FecI3 D. NaCI
A. Bhagirathi 1. Landdowne 104. Which one of the following is an oxidation
B. Alaknanda 2. Narendra Nagar reduction reaction?
C. Nayar 3. Uttarkashi A. NaOH + HCI → NaCI + H2O
D. Ganga 4. Pauri B. CaO + H2O → Ca(OH)
Code : C. 2Mg + O2 → 2MgO
A B C D D. Na2SO4 + BaCl2 → BaSO4 + 2NaCl
(a) 3 1 4 2 105. Which one of the following is not used as
3 4 1 2 fertilizer?
2 4 1 3 A. Ammonium nitrate
2 1 4 3 B. Ammonium sulphide
98. ‘Majuli’ the river island, is located in which C. Ammonium phosphate
one of the following rivers? D. Ammonium sulphate
A. Jamuna B. Padma 106. Which one of the following is the chemical
C. Ganga D. Brahmaputra formula of gypsum?
99. Which one of the following Indian states A. CaSO4 .2H2O B. Ca2SiO4
has recorded negative growth of population C. 2CaSO4 .H2O D. CaSO4
as per Census 2011? 107. Which one of the following statements
A. Manipur B. Mizoram about the law of conservation of mass is
C. Tripura D. Nagaland correct?
100. Which one of the following types of cloud is A. A given compound always contains
characterized by continuous precipitation? exactly same proportion of elements.
A. Cirrocumulus B. Cumulus B. When gases combine in a reaction,
C. Nimbostratus D. Cumulonimbus they do so in a simple ratio by volume,
101. Match List-I and List-II and select the provided all gases are at room
correct answer using the code given below temperature
the Lists : C. Matter can neither be created nor
List-I List-II D. Equal volumes of all gases at same
(major port) (location) temperature and pressure contain
equal number of molecules.
A. Kolkata 1. Landlocked
area 108. The wavelength of X-rays is of the order of
A. 1 A B. 1 μm 114. Which one of the following greenhouse
C. 1 mm D. 1 cm gases is in largest concentration in the
109. Consider the following velocity and time atmosphere?
graph : A. Chlorofluorocarbon
B. Nitrous oxide
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Methane
115. Match List-I with List-II and select the
correct answer using the code given below
the Lists :
Which one of the following is the value of List-I List-II
average acceleration from 8s to 12s? (Kppen’s Climatic type) (Letter Code)
A. 8 m/s2 B. 12 m/s2 A. Tropical wet 1. Af
C. 2 m/s2 D. -1 m/s2 B. Mid- latitude desert 2. Cs
110. If the focal length of a convex lens is C. Mediterranean 3. Df
50cm, which one of the following is its D. Humid continental 4. BWk
power? Code :
A. +2 dioptre B. +0.02 dioptre A B C D
C. -0.5 dioptre D. +0.5 dioptre 1 4 2 3
111. A ball is released from rest and rolls down 1 2 4 3
an inclined plane, as shown in the following 3 2 4 1
figure, requiring 4 s to cover a distance of 3 4 2 1
100 cm along the plane :
116. Match List-I with List-II and select the
correct answer using the code given below
the lists:
List-I List-II
(railway Zone) (Headquaters)
A. West central 1. Jabalpur
Which one of the following is the correct B. South East Central 2. Gorakhpur
value of angle θ that the plane makes with
C. East Central 3. Bilaspur
the horizontal? (g = 1000 cm/s2)
D. North Easters 4. Hajipur
A. θ = sin-1 (1/9.8)
Code :
B. θ = sin-1 (1/20)
C. θ = sin-1 (1/80)
2 3 4 1
D. θ = sin-1 (1/100)
1 4 3 2
112. The coefficient of areal expansion of a
2 4 3 1
material is 1.6 × 10-5 K-1. which one of the
1 3 4 2
following gives the value of coefficient of
volume expansion of this material? 117. Which one of the followings the correct
decending order of Indian states in terms
A. 0.8 × 10-5 K-1 B. 2.4 × 10-5 K-1
of sex ratio as per Census 2011?
C. 3.2 × 10-5 K-1 D. 4.8 × 10-5 K-1
A. Mizora,-Manipur- Tripura-Meghalaya
113. The refractive indices of two media are
B. Tripura-Manipur- Meghalaya-Mizoram
denoted by n1 and n2, and the velocities of
light in these two media are respectively v1 C. Meghalaya-Manipur- Mizoram-Tripura
and v2. If n2/n1 is 1.5, which one of the D. Manipur-Meghalaya-Tripura-Mizoram
following statements is correct? 118. Steppe (temperature continental) climate is
A. v1 is 1.5 times v2 not experienced in which one of the
B. v2 is 1.5 times v1 following places?
C. v1 is equal to v2 A. Pretoria B. Saskatchewan
D. v1 is 3 times v2 C. Perth D. Buenos Aires
119. Which one of the following is not a process
of chemical weathering?
A. Solution B. Carbonation 2. Manigraman merchant guild was
C. Oxidation D. Exfoliation subordinated to the Anjuvannam
120. Which one of the following statements is merchant guild in the 13th century.
correct for a plane mirror? Which of the statements given above is/are
A. Its focal length is zero correct?
B. The size of the image of an object A. 1 only B. 2 only
placed in front of the mirror is slightly C. Both 1 and 2 D. Neither 1 nor 2
less than that of the object. 126. Which one of the following pairs is correctly
C. The image is virtual, erect and laterally matched?
inverted Bhakti Saint Philosophy
D. Its focal length is 200 cm A. Shankara : Avadhuta
121. An object is placed in front of a convex B. Ramananda : Kevaladvaita
mirror. Which one of the following C. Ramanuja : Vishishtadvaita
statements is correct? D. Chaitanya : Advaita
A. It will never form an inverted image 127. When did the Stamp Act Congress
B. The image moved towards the focus consisting of delegates from 9 of the 13
when the object moves towards the colonies of America meet in New York City?
mirror. A. 1763 B. 1764
C. Depending on the position of the object C. 1765 D. 1766
with respect to the mirror, the image 128. Who among the following travellers was
can be inverted and real from Italy and visited Vijayanagar Kingdom
D. The size of the image becomes larger in the fifteenth century?
than that of the object when the object A. Nikitin B. Fa-Hien
is placed at a distance equal to half the C. Bernier D. Nicolo Conti
focal length
129. Where Did the French East India Company
122. A circular coil of radius R having N number first established its factory in India?
of turns carries a steady current I. The
A. Calicut B. Surat
magnetic induction at the centre of the coil
C. Pondicherry D. Masulipatnam
is 0.1 tesla. If the number of turns is
130. The central Vigilance Commission was
doubled and the radius is halved, which
established on the recommendation of
one of the following will be the correct
which one of the following Committees?
value for the magnetic induction at the
centre of the coil? A. Santhanam Committee
A. 0.05 tesla B. 0.2 tesla B. Dinesh Goswami Committee
C. 0.4 tesla D. 0.8 tesla C. Tarkunde Committee
123. Which one among the following is not a D. Narasimham Committee
Fundamental Right is not a Fundamental 131. Match List-I with List-II and select the
Right under the Constitution of India? correct answer using the code given below
A. Right to equality the Lists :
B. Right to freedom List-I List-II
C. Right to citizenship (Author) (Book)
D. Right against exploitation A. Bal gangadhar 1. The artic
124. Which one of the following crops was
introduced by the Portuguese in India? tilak in the Vedas
A. Opium B. Coffee B. Dadabhai Naoroji 2. Hind Swaraj
C. Betel leaf D. Chili C. Mahatma Gandhi 3. The
125. Consider the following statements about
merchant guilds of South India : of India
1. Ayyavole merchant guild was originally D. Jawaharlal Nehru 4. Poverty and
established in Aihole. un-British rule
in India
Code :
A B C D D. Seventh Five-Year plan
3 4 2 1 140. Which one of the following is not a part of
3 2 4 1 the Directive Principles of State Policy as
1 2 4 3 enshrined in the Constitution of India?
1 2 4 3 A. Equal justice and free legal aid
132. Which one of the following is the official B. Protection of monuments and places
mascot of the FIFA World cup, 2018? and objects of national importance
A. Fuleco B. Zakumi C. Protection of personal law
C. Pille D. Zabivaka D. Separation of Judiciary from Executive
133. The Headquaters of the proposed National 141. The word ‘socialist’ was inserted into the
Sports University (as per the National Preamble to the Constitution of India
Sports University Oridinance, 2018) will be through which one of the following
set up in Amendment Acts?
A. Chhattisgarh B. Manipur A. 41st Amendment Act
C. Kerala D. West Bengal B. 42nd Amendment Act
134. Sentosa island, which was in news recently, C. 43rd Amendment Act
is located in D. 44th Amendment Act
A. Singapore B. China 142. The place of English East India Company
C. Australia D. Sri Lanka settlement in Madras was known as
135. India, in June 2018, asserted that any A. Fort William
mega connectivity project must respect B. Fort St. George
sovereignty and territorial integrity of C. Elphinstone Circle
the countries. The project referred to D. Marble Palace
above is 143. Which one of the following Indian States
A. North-South Corridor Project (other than Himalayan or NE States)
B. Belt and Road Initiative ranked first in the Composite Water
C. Chabahar Port Management Index as per the report
D. Panama Canal Expansion issued by the NITI aayog in june 2018?
136. Who among The following is not a member A. Madhya Pradesh
of G7? B. Karnataka
A. France B. Germany C. Gujarat
C. Russia D. Japan D. Maharashtra
137. Who among the following leaders started 144. Who among the following is the ex officio
the Indian Home Rule League? Chairman of the North Eastern Council?
A. Gopal Krishna Gokhale A. The President of India
B. Mahatma Gandhi B. The Prime Minister of India
C. Bal Gangadhar Tilak C. The union Home Minister
D. J. B. Kripalani D. The union Minister of State
138. Every Judge of the Supreme Court of India (Independent Charge), Ministry of
is appointed by Development of North Eastern Region
A. the Supreme Court Collegium 145. Which one of the following is the theme of
B. the Cabinet the World Blood Donor Day, 2018?
C. the President of India A. Blood connects us all
D. the Lok sabha B. Be there for someone else. Give blood.
139. The Nehru-Mahalanobis Strategy of Share life
Development was implemented for the first C. Give blood. Give now. Give often
time by which one of the following Five- D. Thank you for saving my life
Year plans? 146. ‘Seva Bhoj Yojana; a scheme of the
A. First Five-Year Plan Government of India That seeks to
B. Second Five-Year Plan reimburse Central share of CGST and IGST
C. Third Five-Year Plan on Food/Prasad/Langar/Bhandara offered
by religious institutions, is introduced
recently by which one of the following B. failure of constitutional machinery in
Ministries? States
A. The Ministry of Culture C. Suspension of the enforcement of
B. The ministry of Home Affairs rights conferred in part III of the
C. The Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food constitution
and Public Distribution D. general Emergency
D. The Ministry of Social Justice and 149. The Theosophical Society was led by
Empowerment A. A. O. Hume B. Arthur Griffith
147. Dr. Bindeshwar pathak, who was awarded C. Annie Besant D. Lord Dufferin
Nikkei Asia Prize, 2018 for culture and 150. Which one of the following Statements
community, is the founder of about Bipin Chandra Pal is correct?
A. Bachpan Bachao Andolan A. He was a member of the moderate
B. PRS Legislative Research group of Congress
C. Sulabh Sanitation and Social Reform B. He was a member of the extremist
Movement group of Congress
D. Smile Foundation C. He was the Minister of Defence in the
148. Article 352 of the Constitution of India first Government of independent India
contains provisions related to D. He was the chief Minister of West
A. financial emergency Bengal

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