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Structural Analysis and

by : Suhariyanto

• Mengetahui probabilitas terjadinya beban abnormal

• Mengetahui perilaku struktur TH crusher existing akibat beban abnormal
• Mengetahui kemungkinan collapse yang terjadi akibat beban abnormal
Design Load

Based on the review of the document "Design Criteria of Steel Structure of Belt Conveyor
for Paiton Private Power Project Phase, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd, 1998", it can be
discovered the following things:
A. Type of Loads
It is known that the steel structure of belt conveyor has been designed to the following loads:
1. Dead load (G) (fixed parts)
2. Live load : (Weight of coal material (P1), Walkway load (P2), Floor of transfer house
(P3), Roof load (P4)
3. Earthquake load (E)
4. Wind load (W) : Operating wind (WL), Storm wind (WS)
5. Belt tension load (F)
6. Friction force (Fr)
7. Trolley and hoist beam (TL) : Load, Impact, Lateral thrust, Longitudinal thrust
8. Impact for drive floor
9. Expansion force (T) resulting from temperature: Sliding supports,Fixed support
10. Chute jammed load (J)
11. Erection load (Er)
Structural Analysis and Modelling Due To Design Load
b. Load Combination

Allowable stress level Case No Assumed Condition

Long term 1 Operating G+P1a+P2+F2+Fr


Short term 2 Storm G+P1a+P2+Ws+F2


3 Earthquake G+P1a+P2+E+F2

4 Conveyor starting G+P1a+P2+F3


5 Over load G+P1b+P2+F2


6 Expansion G+P1b+P2+F2

7 Chute jammed (G+P1a+P3+P4+F2+1D+J)

8 Erection Based on erection procedure

Modelling, Displacement, dan Normal Stress
for Long Term Condition (Dead Load+Live Load)
Modelling, Displacement, dan Normal Stress
for Long Term Condition (Dead Load+Live Load+Wind Load)
Modelling, Displacement, dan Normal Stress
for Long Term Condition (Dead Load+Live Load+Earthquake)
Abnormal Load
1. Pressure loads
• Internal gas explosions
• Blast Security system di POMI sangat ketat,
• Wind over pressure probabilitas terjadinya???
• Extreme value of environmental loads • Internal gas explosions
2. Impact loads • Blast
• Aircraft impact • Aircraft impact
• Vehicular collision
• Earthquake
• Overload due to occupant overuse
Analysis and Modelling
• Metode “member removal analysis cases”.
• Akibat beban abnormal, diasumsikan pada beberapa kolom
mengalami failure (kolom diremove)
• Akibat kolom diremove selanjutnya dilakukan analisis kemungkinan
collapse yang terjadi
Member Removal Analysis

Progressive Collapse Structure Displacement

Column Remove
(Member Failure after Column Remove) After Column Remove
Hazard Risk of TH Crusher Collapse
No Load Condition Probability of Load Collapse Possibility
1 Pressure loads
a Internal gas explosions The bottom column of the front side NA Progressive collapse
of TH Crusher is failure
b Blast The bottom column of the front side NA Progressive collapse
of TH Crusher is failure
c Wind over pressure (wind with velocity The bottom column of the front side 1/50 = 2% Progressive collapse
> 120 km/jam) of TH Crusher is failure
d Extreme value of environmental loads The bottom column of the front side NA Progressive collapse
of TH Crusher is failure

2 Impact loads
a Aircraft impact The bottom column of the front side NA Progressive collapse
of TH Crusher is failure
b Vehicular collision NA Local collapse
c Earthquake (return period 500 years) The bottom column of the front side 10%
of TH Crusher is failure
d Overload due to occupant overuse NA Local collapse
The possible direction of TH Crusher Collapse

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