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Lesson Week Scoring Guides

Language Arts

By completing a graphic organizer, TSW describe how the character responds to major events in
the text, by recalling information from the read aloud.

The formative assessment that was used to determine student understanding was a graphic
organizer. The graphic organizer showed the students ability to identify character response to
major events in a story after a read aloud of Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon by Patty Lovell. The
second-grade students were able to understand the expectation of the graphic organizer after the
teacher candidate explained it. The students first had to identify the major event, then write the
characters response to the event. The students were expected to respond by explaining how the
character felt, said, thought, or did in response to the major event. The formative assessment
proved that the students were beginning to understand character response, but some students
would need more practice. The data was collected by a rubric to identifying the major events and
character response. A differentiated scoring guide was not used for this assessment, as all
students were expected to complete the same graphic organizer. Student 1 was given sentence
starters to help him succeed in the writing activity. Student 2 was expected to write complete
Name: _____________________ Date: ____________________

Rubric for Character Response Name: ________________________ Date: _________________

“Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon” by Patty Lovell

Character Response

Major Event #1

I need more I am starting to I get it! _________________________________________________________________________

practice. understand it. _________________________________________________________________________

I can 1.
How did Molly Lou Melon respond?
Identify the
major _________________________________________________________________________

events in _________________________________________________________________________
the story 2.
after Major Event #2

How did Molly Lou Melon respond?

I can 1. _________________________________________________________________________
how the
responds 2. Major Event #3
to the _________________________________________________________________________
major _________________________________________________________________________
events. 3.
How did Molly Lou Melon respond?


Comments: _________________________________________________________________________
Social Studies

Given the read aloud of Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon and the personal accountability chart, TSW
examine how the elements of personal accountability are shown in Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon,
by having a discussion with their small groups.

The formative assessment that was used for social studies was discussion-based. The students
were expected to have a discussion within their small groups to provide examples of personal
accountability in the text Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon by Patty Lovell. With the personal
accountability chart visible to students, they could provide an example of respecting others,
taking responsibility for personal actions, or making responsible choices. The teacher candidate
visited each group to hear their conversation, then used the checklist to find if the students were
able to identify personal accountability from the book. A differentiated scoring guide was not
used since it was based on student discussion. Student 1 was placed in a group with higher level
students to promote conversation and adequate examples of discussion-based speech. Student 2
was placed in a group with higher leveled learners as well, to help her provide more advanced
conversation about personal accountability in the text.

Personal Accountability Checklist

I can provide I can provide I can provide
examples of examples of examples of
responsible responsibility for respecting others
Name: choices to the personal actions to to the text.
text. the text.

1. Seth

2. Devin B.

3. Trey

4. Adrianna

5. Dawuan

6. Devin H.

7. Carson

8. Lacie

9. Lexie

10. Jayden

11. Harlie

12. Damian

13. Marissa

14. Sebastian

15. James

16. Gio

17. Olivia

18. Aaron

By working collaboratively with their group, TSW examine the changes made by a living thing,
by writing in their journals.

The formative assessment that was used for science was a journal entry. The students worked
collaboratively to determine how the living thing changes its environment. The groups selected a
living to examine by watching a teacher selected video. The teacher candidate used a checklist as
the scoring guide for the formative assessment. The students worked collaboratively in groups to
complete this journal entry, therefore, there isn’t a differentiated scoring guide for this
assessment. The 2 students worked in groups to complete this assessment. By discussing the
video with classmates, the students were able to determine how the living thing changes the
environment from the informative video.

Living Things Checklist

Describes how a Explains if the Works
Name living thing change is good collaboratively with
causes changes. or bad. group members.

1. Seth Name: __________________________ Date: ___________________

Name of Living Thing: ___________________

2. Devin B.
1. Draw a picture of the living thing.

3. Trey

4. Adrianna

5. Dawuan

6. Devin H.

7. Carson
2. Describe how the living thing makes changes to the environment.
8. Lacie _____________________________________________________________________________________

9. Lexie _____________________________________________________________________________________

10. Jayden

11. Harlie 3. Do you think that it is a good change or a bad change? Why?
12. Damian

13. Marissa

14. Sebastian _____________________________________________________________________________________

15. James

16. Gio

17. Olivia

18. Aaron

Given an exit slip, TSW correctly demonstrate the nearest five minutes by writing the time and
drawing the hands on a clock on 3 out of 4 trials.

The formative assessment was given in a form of an exit slip. Before this, students worked with
clock manipulatives to tell time to the nearest five minutes by moving the hour and minutes
hands to the correct placement. The exit slip showed in students were able to identify the time on
an analog clock, by writing the digital time. Next, the students had to use the digital clock to
draw the hour and minute hands in the correct placement for the given time. The scoring guide
was a rubric to determine student understanding. A differentiated scoring guide was not used for
this assessment, as all students completed the same exit slip. The teacher candidate used this to
determine if students require more practice to tell time to the nearest five minutes. The 2 students
were able to take what they learned from the lesson and hands-on manipulative activity to guide
them to understanding the difference between the minute and hour hands.

Name: _____________________ Date: ____________________

Rubric for Clock Understanding Check

Name: _____________________ Date: ___________________

Clock Understanding Check

I need more I am starting to I get it! 1. Write the time for the digital clock.
practice. understand it.

I can write the

time on a
digital clock to = :
the nearest
five minutes.

I can draw the

hands on the
analog clock = :
to the nearest
five minutes.
2. Draw the minute hand and hour hand on the analog clock.

I can identify
the placement
of the minute
hand. 4:15 =
I can identify
the placement
of the hour

12:30 =

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