Alexis Nagrampa - Why It Matters Opportunity Costs

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Why It Matters: Opportunity Costs

Read the article titled ​Why It Matters: Opportunity Costs​, then answer the questions below in
complete sentences.

1. What is the key to making the right decision?

a. The key to making the right decision is knowing what is right and wrong. For an
example is ( someone is lactose intolerant knowing they can’t have dairy they sill
go to the ice cream place to get three scoops of chocolate ice cream. That is not a
right decision)
2. Define trade-off
a. You give something up for something else. An example is ( I will give my nap time
after school to come to after school help)
3. When you make the college choice what is your trade-off?
a. If you go to college, you will lose what could have been purchased or saved with
the money spent on tuitions, housing, books for four years.
4. In at least 5 sentences, answer the following: what do you think is the key to making the
“right” college/work decision for yourself? Explain what that decision is and the support
for why it is the best decision.
a. I believe that the right decision is up to you to make when it comes to college and
your personal life. The way I would decision is will it make an impact on my life
for the future. For the right college decision, I don’t know yet but I do know
whatever I do pick and choose will be for the long run for me in the future.

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