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Advocacy Project Requirements

Directions​: Choose from one of the options below for your advocacy
project. Be sure to choose an option that makes the most sense for the
injustice or inequity of opportunities that you are completing your project
about, not just what seems easiest. Complete all necessary research and
refer to the rubric for more information on grading.

● Social Media Campaign​- Create a post on Twitter, Instagram, or
Facebook that spreads awareness about the injustice or inequity of
opportunities selected. Demonstrate that your post went viral at some
level by submitting evidence of people viewing, interacting by liking or
commenting, and reposting your post.
● Blog​- Create a blog that shares your research and thoughts about
the issue with others. Be sure to include images and make it visually
appealing as well as rich in content.

● Letters to Politician/ Authority​- Write a letter to an authority about
the injustice or inequity of opportunities you selected in proper
business letter format. Submit your letter in an unsealed, stamped,
and addressed envelope so that it can be sent to the person it was
written to as well.

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