Vocabulary Online - Report: No Your Answer Correct Answer

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Vocabulary Online | Report

No Question Your Answer Correct Answer

1 Are you..... than him? smarter  smarter
2 ...... in our body come from muscle imbalances. Pain  Pain
3 Our body speaks to us through ... in our physic. signal  signal
4 Keep your muscles,bones,and joints... supple  supple
5 After comprehending the text, please ..... to your friends about it. Redo  Retell
6 Your body can go for periods of time without food but not without... . Water  Water
7 Find time for some fun and play in your ...! Life  Life
8 Stretching ...... be the best answer for every situation. Might not  Might not
9 ....you have pain only one side, you should always stretch both sides. If   If
10 Your body is ..... of around 75% water. comprised  comprised
11 You should ..... a mixture of olive oil and vinegar. Put on  Put on
12 Don't .... warning signs, aches and pains. ask  ignore
13 Reading a book or listening to subtle music often helps your body .... wind down  wind down
14 Good flexibility ...... you to perform tasks better. allows  allows
15 At least 6-8 hours good ...... sleep each night. quantity  quality
16 Maintaining some kind of ...exercise at least 3 times a week. formal  formal
17 Choose activities that ... your heart rate and lung capacity . raise  raise
18 Exercise is .... of the best ways to stay healthy. one  one
19 You can ..... an outstanding song on the stage if you practice everyday. carry out  perform
20 Very often ...... and illnesses manifest themselves through a lack of care injuries  injuries
for your body.
21 I asked him to take out the trash but he ..... do it. won't  won't
22 I'm.......... going to watch TV. probably  probably
23 Where ......... the conversation take place? does  does
24 We are getting ready to set off the .......... in New Year's Eve tonight. stove  fireworks
25 Let's ... in traditional clothes. dress up  dress up
26 The .... is unpredictable -one minute it's so hot, then it's suddenly heavy Weather  Weather
27 Computer screen is also called a ..... Monitor  Monitor
28 And you can play ......., right? games online  games online
29 I've just bought a....... cell phone. new  new
30 Excuse me, is this the platform to an express .....? train  train
31 ........ has had a breaktime for one hour. The class  The class
32 We have had no problem with our television ..... so far. channel  channel
33 The ..... cabinet can't be opened. files  filing
34 Why don't you give your mother a bouquet of ...... for her birthday? flowers  flowers
35 He's played some songs with this ....... instrument. music  music
36 He recently accessed a social network ..... on his own browser. site  site
37 .......... or negative effects of TV actually can be avoided if the parents The advantages  The
properly guide their chi disadvantages
38 They have the ability and ...... to cheat when there are no teacher opportunity  opportunity
guarding the exam.
39 The opportunity to ...... new languages is one of the advantages when learn  learn
you join this class.
40 My favorite ..... is my own smartphone. gadget  gadget
41 They should not pay less attention to their ....... at school, especially if lessons   lessons
they want to get good g
No Question Your Answer Correct Answer
42 The....... that are kept in that mobile phones can be easily used when documents  documents
43 With ........... in hand, students are encouraged to study independently. cell phones  cell phones
44 The most ..... thing of mobile phones is when students can access their happiness  advantageous
e-book anywhere and anytime.
45 This computer needs the updated ........, so it won't crashed. software   software
46 He likes to play a computer....... that involves detective investigation. game  game
47 It is more practical to stream TV channels on a .... tablet  tablet
48 We have finally uploaded a video to the ...... chair  internet
49 It is not difficult to access ..... on a cloud storage. data  data
50 Someone has taken...... from the filing cabinet. the files  the files
51 She forgot to take the.... man's picture  man's picture
52 Let's have ........ at a nearby restaurant. lunch  lunch
53 Excuse me, can i have the ......, please? We have finished our meal. Bill  Bill
54 The star ..... have just arrived at the gala event. guests  guests
55 l usually take..... when I go to school. the bus  the bus
56 Did Suzanne study business or ... at college? economist  economics
57 The.....is scratched, although the CPU performs well. Screen  Screen
58 How many channels does your ... have ? TV  TV
59 The ..... comes with twelve megapixel lens and super zoom. camera  camera
60 It takes only a few seconds to download a ..... faksimile  movie
61 Hey, you're ....! I've been waiting for half an hour. late  late
62 A software program that you use to find pages on the internet is .... a web browser  a web browser
63 You can keep information and data on your computer, through... hard disk  hard disk
64 Modern.... is about supercomputer, high-speed internet connection, and technology  technology
sophisticated gadgets.
65 Each student must write a ..... on their book using the words in the box. sentence  sentence
66 Teacher must ..... the students into two groups. Divide  Divide
67 Anyway, tonight I'm going to take the..... to Switzerland. train  train
68 People are more sociable than in other......... I've been to. countries  countries
69 The Weather is a bit cooler up here ... the mountains. under  in
70 I'm in the north, near the ...... with Switzerland. border  border
71 Hi. I'm Ana-Maria. I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina, I'm traveling around blog  blog
Europe. Welcome to my...
72 We cannot go there as we like because it is too ..... away. far  far
73 She might win an ....... because of her inventions. award  award
74 Which does she............., living on or off campus? prefer  prefer
75 Well my new motorcycle needs more ....... water  petrol
76 Sam is a terrible .......... - he's the worst player in the team. footballer  footballer
77 Jl. Thamrin is ....... street in Jakarta the most the most
crowded  crowded
78 The ..... downtown doesn't have many customers these days. They Shop  Shop
prefer going to the new mall.
79 Cianjur is the ..... village in West Java coldest  coldest
80 The cafeteria is not as..... as usual crowded  crowded
81 He's a........... plumber  plumber
82 l ............ on Madison Street alive  live
83 She's going to be the ......... of this company. marketing marketing
director  director
No Question Your Answer Correct Answer
84 I never went to ......, I had to stay at home. college  college
85 You should study harder! Your exam is not a ....... joke  joke
86 We're having a dorm ....., and you are invited to come. party  party
87 I have less free time now, and the ...... are more difficult. classes  classes
88 I love antique ............., although we cannot actually ride them. motorcycle  motorcycle
89 The speech of the ......... is broadcasted live on TV. Door  Prime Minister
90 Yes, they .... now waiting in the lobby. is  are
91 Hi, Mom. Sorry, I've been ..... There are just too many works to do. busy  busy
92 You haven't called for a ....... What happened? while  while
93 The term '......' describes a person who becomes angry and annoyed Bad tempered  Bad tempered
easily .
94 Which ..... do you prefer to be your assistant? more  one
95 Do you think you're a good .....? Student  Student
96 Anger might not be the best answer for every ........... conflict  conflict
97 If you have .... on only one side, you should always stretch both sides. pain  pain
98 Many aches and pains in our body come from muscle ............... imbalances  imbalances
99 Listening to your body means that you are able to ...... when you aren't recognize  recognize
feeling well.
100 Sometimes you can get so ...... in daily life that you actually forget to do caught up  caught up
things you enjoy.
101 ..... like chamomile (or teas with a calming effect) are also beneficial. Herbal medicine  Herbal medicine
102 She sleeps like a ....., that no one can possibly wake her up. baby  baby
103 ....... improves your cardiovascular fitness, your muscle tone, and keeps Holiday  Exercise
your joint supple.
104 Your ..... can go for periods of time without food but not without water. body  body
105 Consult your ....... or physical therapist prior to implementing a new Physician  Physician
106 Move ..... into each stretch as possible before reaching a point of deeply  deeply
107 ......... is a key component to any exercise and training routine you do. Stretching  Stretching
108 Getting the right nutrition is the .... way of getting fit and healthy. best   best
109 Sometimes you need .... to deal with problems in your life -you are not help   help
110 If I were you, I wouldn't be so ...... The poor guy just wanted to say hi to survive  rude
111 ....... is actually a great way of staying active daily. walking  walking
112 I'm currently looking ... a new car because my old car is seriously after  for
113 This machine will work well for you, .... on how you treat it. depending  depending
114 Don't get .... with your problems. Trust me, everything is going to be stressed out  stressed out
115 Your body is much .... a machine, so you have to take good care of it. notice  like
116 It is .... how she passed the exam without even studying. I must admit I amazing  amazing
was surprised.
117 Have you ... any exercise lately? done  done
118 Where does .... conversation take place? this  this
119 Some people have problems ...., they even take medicine to handle it. wonderful  sleeping
120 I have an English ... tomorrow, i need to study tonight. dictionary  exam
121 Should I tell her the..... or should I lie? truth   truth
122 You are ......, you should go on a diet. lossweight  overweight
No Question Your Answer Correct Answer
123 I shouldn't have ... to him like that. spoken  spoken
124 I never have ..... money, the living cost in this city is always going up. enough  enough
125 Alice always ... very long hours. works   works
126 You look tired. I think you should take ... off. few days  few days
127 After the meeting, i ... to go home. suppose  plan
128 My father is over ..., helping the victims who were still trapped in the bus. there  there
129 I like ..... cars because they look mysterious and cool. most black  most black
130 Drink ..... water to stay dehydrate. many  a lot of
131 Last weekend I .... in bed all day. staying  Stayed
132 I hope you get better ..... soon  soon
133 Yes, I think I'll do what you suggested. Thanks for the .... advice  advice
134 You don't look very well. ....? What's wrong  What's wrong
135 The lecturer is not here today. There's a note on the bulletin board that waiting  canceled
the class is ...!
136 ........, back to the topic. What's so important about American history? Anyway  Anyway
137 ..... a minute. Do you mean the class is postponed? Wait  Wait
138 I don't ... very well today. follow  feel
139 Why can't Amber .... the history class? left  leave
140 You shouldn't go to the ..... not wearing uniform like that. fasten  class
141 Well, maybe you ... go home now because it's already late. You have a should   should
class tomorrow morning, don't
142 Hey, what's up? You look .... follow   terrible
143 ....is to rub and press someone's body with regular movements, in order surgery  Massage
to make them feel relaxed.
144 "A long narrow piece of cloth which is tied around an injury or a part of, Bandage  Bandage
called with...."
145 She got a.... Ankle, but she said that it doesn't hurt. Sprained   Sprained
146 He suffers from broken... head  arm
147 What ... she feel? does  does
148 Certain .... might need special treatments. head  illness
149 ... we finished our dinner, we decided to go home. Since  After
150 Do you think you are a ... person? healthy  healthy
151 Rina told me about your grandmother. I'm sorry to ... hear that  hear that
152 I usually .... good score in English, but I still need to study for the exam gotten  get
153 There .... many sellers who sold many kinds of souvenirs. were   were
154 Are you ....... ok? feeling  feeling
155 I played for ... hours until I felt tired much  some
156 The trip was really .... exciting  exciting
157 ..... did it take from the center of Jogja to Siung beach? How long   How long
158 I saw some people ..... rock climbing there. practicing  practicing
159 Sahid raya was a ... hotel in Jogjakarta deserve  famous
160 We looked ... in that zoo. outside  around
161 We took some....there. photos  photos
162 Last week, my family and I ..... Jogyakarta went to  went to
163 Stay .... and bendy! flexible  flexible
164 Prambanan temple was a ...... temple. beautiful  beautiful
165 It would be awesome for us to visit any ..... country. foreign  foreign
No Question Your Answer Correct Answer
166 We have always been excited to try an ...... sport. adventurous  adventurous
167 She won a ...... last year. competion  competion
168 I have written some ..... books. fiction  fiction
169 The woman is heading .... with a cab. to the Airport  to the Airport
170 What's his occupation? He is a .... waiter  waiter
171 We have .... together in a party. danced   danced
172 Andy has not ...... since yesterday. sleeped  slept
173 He has written a ..... letter  letter
174 You're going to Bali this weekend?! Now that ...... fun. sounds  sounds
175 I like going to the .... I can go sunbathing and surfing there. beach   beach
176 No, she just took a couple of .... because she had a headache, then she aspirins  aspirins
went to bed.
177 My auntie has some personal healthcare team. Dr. Douglas is ........... us  her
regular physician.
178 I like all ................. of music. kinds  kinds
179 That's ......... funny. very  very
180 No, I'm .... serious about the news! passively  completely
181 .................. been everywhere with Mike! You've  You've
182 It's a ............... forecast. delicious  good
183 I don't......... going to that place again. mind  mind
184 We have to decide where to go now! What ...... Paris? about  about
185 Well ....., I've been there, too, like you. I went there last summer. really  actually
186 Well, ......... we can go to Egypt. maybe  maybe
187 We took a helicopter ride ............. Manhattan. but  over
188 Oh, ..............? Who did you go with? really   really
189 I went there............ two years ago  two years ago
190 It'll be our first vacation together ......... we got married. every  since
191 Yes, I spent two weeks at the beach. It was really _________ relaxing  relaxing
192 Where do you ......... to go this summer? want   want
193 My brother hasn't ............... to me for months. written  written
194 That's very _____ . Is he all right? exciting  worrying
195 What did you think of the ............... movie? amount  horror
196 Yes, but I can't understand ............. I will ask the teacher to repeat. the instructions  the instructions
197 .......... you been to Bunaken? Are  have
198 Tim has ............. his driving test again. failed  failed
199 He likes ................ biking. sky  mountain
200 Horseback ............... is fun, especially when it is done in a wide farm catching  riding
201 The laptop is broken; .... needs to be repaired. it  it
202 Where should I put .............. glasses? them  these
203 Do you ......... your first vacation when you were still little kid? remember  remember
204 I .... you that there will not be anymore problems ahead. ensure  ensure
205 Have you ever .......... there ? being  been
206 Write about ................. in certain public places. regulation  regulation
207 What ........... the passengers obey? must  must
208 Make sure your checked-baggage .......... and locked perfectly. sealed  sealed
209 Keep your .................. goods inside, so they are safe. precious  precious
210 Several flights to a domestic or international ............ are postponed street  route
No Question Your Answer Correct Answer
due to bad weather.
211 Any liquid substantial over than 100 ml are prohibited to .............. into carry  carry
the aircraft's cabin.
212 Always check and .......... about the airlines maximum limitation. make sure  make sure
213 Do not carry a sharp or a ........ object which could harm other impress  blunt
214 You can buy some ............. at a post office. stamps  stamps
215 We are to an advertising ....... right now. agent  agency
216 He is currently .................. postcards to his friends and ,family. writing  writing
217 Move to a more ................... office if you dislike the atmosphere there. comfortable   comfortable
218 What does the woman suggest .......... the man do? which  that
219 She just............... jobs recently. changing  changed
220 The visitors are .............. for information to the security guard. helping  asking
221 The man is trying to ........... a product to the mall guests. sell   sell
222 Who ...... to pay all the bills? has  has
223 Why can't we eat.............? Because it will distract you from finishing your at work  at work
job fast.
224 She finally .......... his final exams this semester. graduate  passed
225 The lecturer is never late to ........... her classes. present  attend
226 Play ............ music during the exam period is strictly forbidden. loud  loud
227 You can't enter the departure lounge .............. your boarding card. without  without
228 You ................ show your passport to enter the gate. have to  have to
229 It's .......... on the third floor. go straight  down
230 Where did you buy those earring? ................ shop on State Street At market   At a Jewelry
231 You need to ......... some money before shopping in another country. exchange  exchange
232 ....... physics and chemistry hard for Sam? are  are
233 My parents ...... for my vacation because I did well on my exams. paid  paid
234 Do you want to .................. to a party on Saturday night? come  come
235 But the exams .......... ages ago. finish  finished
236 You missed the train?! Oh, that's too.... rely  bad
237 I can't go .......... this weekend because I have work to do. anywhere  anywhere
238 Before you land, you may need to..... an imigration form. fill out  fill out
239 You may also want to ask a friend or neighbor to ...your home while take care of  take care of
you're away.
240 So we set up a surprise party at her apartment, right? I think it's a idea  idea
good ..........
241 What ......... I do ? should  should
242 How many ........... of water do you drink everyday ? plate  glasses
243 What do you usually have for ............. ? breakfast  breakfast
244 l'll ......... them on my credit card. put  put
245 I don't think she ............. decided yet. were  has
246 Sure. How much sugar do you ...........? want  want
247 Salad is a mixture of............ vegetables. cooks  uncooked
248 Sushi is a type of.......... food with small pieces of other food. Japanese  Japanese
249 We will need ............ of lettuce a head  a head
250 I bought ..... of milk, fruit, juice, ice-cream, eggs from the grocery store. a carton  a carton
251 I'd like to have .......... of pizza, cheesecake, bread please. a slice  a slice
252 I'd like to have .... of cheesecake for dessert, please. a piece  a piece
No Question Your Answer Correct Answer
253 Well. I hope you ............... your meal. enjoy  enjoy
254 No, thank you, ........... I'm already full. of course   That's Fine
255 How ......... potatoes do you want? much  many
256 And I also need .............. peas, please. some  some
257 .........., Here you are madam. certainly  certainly
258 How much beef.............., madam? would you like  would you like
259 This steak is great. It........... delicious. likes  likes
260 .............. your order, Madam. Them  Here's
261 What do you............. buy there? ever  usually
262 Do you ............... go to traditional market? often  often
263 What are the people ......... in the field? doing  doing
264 The ..... process of delicious Peking duck takes few hours. the cooking  the cooking
265 I usually have .......... piece of meat for dinner. some  a little
266 Do you eat ......... Fish? obviousness   much
267 Pasola is a ............ ceremony to the ancestral spirit of people from West thanksgiving  thanksgiving
268 The war is undoubtedly ........., and it can be considered a crime to comfort  dengerous
269 ...........your wallet in your bag as it is dangerous here. Keep  Keep
270 In ......... beliefs, the spilled blood is believed to fertilize the land. sumbanese  sumbanese
271 "now it ........... other communities to come and join the group." attracts  attracts
272 What is the party ........? held for  held for
273 .............., a Hindu festival, celebrated every spring. Few aspects have regularly  originally
changed nowadays.
274 Light ............ because the light's out! dream  candles
275 All Hallows' Eve is .......... in many countries. celebrity  celebrated
276 She said that she had ........ to a seminar on positive thinking about a gone   gone
month ago.
277 I heard an .................... story about this house. interesting  interesting
278 What was she ...............? doing  doing
279 It ... great views and a lovely pool. hasn't  has
280 The staffs are ................, they greeted us nicely as we entered the lobby. fastly  friendly
281 We stayed in mid-range hotels that cost around $55 to $100 a instead  including
night, ............... breakfast.
282 Our budget for the trip was .............. per day, but we sometimes went more  US$150
over that.
283 I traveled with my husband and ................. ages 6 and 12. two sons  two sons
284 Thanks to all of you ...................... helped. are  who
285 I ........... back from a 14-day trip that included 8 days in Bali and 6 in am  am
286 I'd .................... to go on a cruise. be  like
287 l'll be .................... from August 12 to August 21. go  gone
288 The mayor ................... arrive tomorrow. will  will
289 He ........ beautiful pictures last week. drawn  drew
290 Where ......... Ricky go to celebrate last night ? do  did
291 Ricky ........... proud of his hula hoop victory, that he got last week. was  was
292 Mary O'Donnell asked some very good .................... interview  questions
293 The last stop is ........................ Tokyo Station  Tokyo Station
294 The lectures are very ....................... I get some good insights from them. childish  helpful
No Question Your Answer Correct Answer
295 We ........................... yesterday evening. sleep  arrived
296 He collected ..... of celebrities and politicians. Trip a broad  Autograph
297 The term of being known and recognized by many people is ...... Concert  Famous
298 I usually .................. an evening class in Mandarin. Catch  Take
299 No, I didn't. But the judges loved me. They said I was disappoint  unforgettable
absolutely ....................
300 I ......... around eight years ago, when I was in elementary school. started  started
301 I entered A Star is Born! It's a singing ..................... Do you know about it? competition  competition
302 Did you have a good .....................? Where did you go? see  weekend
303 With .................. did you go to the zoo? whom  whom
304 I know what you ........ last week. do  did
305 You are.................. and friendly. You always know what to say. polite  polite
306 this is ....... I don't think the chef knows how to cook. obviously   terrible
307 Keep quiet and try to enjoy ......... The fighting scene is about to start. the photo  the movie
308 Open the window and turn the TV volume ...... I'm trying to focus here. down  down
309 Their meetings usually end .................... slow  early
310 She can get ...... aluminium for the man's company. flower  recycled
311 She likes going to a ....................... instead of watching it on TV. Sporting event  Sporting event
312 Eating at a ..................... is better, I think. I'm not in the mood of cooking restaurant  restaurant
right now.
313 Every morning my father likes to read ..... from his tablet. a newspaper  a newspaper
314 Natalia is a ...... assistant. library  library
315 Do you mind ............. the window please? closing  closing
316 You've forgotten your wallet? Don't worry. I ............ lend you some should  will
money if you like.
317 His plane already............. few hours ago. took off  took off
318 The mayor will arrive ................ yesterday  tomorrow
319 l have over fifty varieties of........... in my garden. plants  plants
320 I'm .... to visit my grandma next long weekend. gone  going
321 Put on your ...... now, or we are going to be late. friends  clothes
322 You must ............... the piano everyday to win the competition. practice  practice
323 Could you ______ what time the next train is, please? turn up  Find out
324 These flowers are for me? That's very ............... of you. doctor  kind
325 Please ........... on your way home. I'd love to see you. stop by  stop by
326 Who is................... the bed? finding out  making up
327 I'm .......................... to some music on my iPod. listening  listening
328 ............................... if I practice now? Could you  Do you mind
329 And could you move these .............? This is my desk. come  books
330 The radio noise is somehow disturbing. Can you ..........., please? turn it off  turn it off
331 This room is a ........... We had better clean it up before mom gets here. mess  mess
332 ....................... do me a favor? Yes, sure. Could you  Could you
333 Would you mind ..... some of your clothes outside? Hanging up  Hanging up
334 The phone is ................. so loud. ringing  ringing
335 Oh, no! I ........ to buy it. forgot  forgot
336 I've ......... a new book. bought  bought
337 I am so ........... I need some rest. tired  tired
338 Would you like coffee .... tea ? or  or
339 This movie is very .................. . Let's choose another one. frightening  frightening
No Question Your Answer Correct Answer
340 ...... you busy this evening? Are  Are
341 The weather report says it ..... going to rain tomorrow. is  is
342 I've tried for hours, but my car ...... start. won't  won't
343 I think it will rain ................. so take an umbrella with you. yesterday  tomorrow
344 I don't ...... well. I think I'm going to throw up. play  feel
345 I'm ...... , I think I will buy a drink. Hungry  Thirsty
346 They............... to win after all of those practices. are going  are going
347 I'll be ..................... to go in a few minutes. ready  ready
348 His office is........................ from here. It takes him an hour to get to the far  far
349 This apartment is ........... for rent. not  not
350 She ....... late this morning. wasn't  wasn't

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